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29 mai 2013 3 29 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
photo Lockheed Martin

photo Lockheed Martin

May 29, 2013 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


The Lockheed Martin Skunk Works® facility in Palmdale, Calif., performed maintenance on one of just two C-5C Galaxy aircraft in the world in May 2013.  The C-5C features more cargo capacity than A & and B models due to removal of the entire passenger compartment. Each of the two C-5C aircraft is assigned to Travis Air Force Base, Calif., and will eventually be modernized to become the C-5M Super Galaxy.

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29 mai 2013 3 29 /05 /mai /2013 07:55
Le FED des voisins

28.01.2013 Par Frédéric Lert (FOB)


Demain et après-demain se tiendra à Versailles Satory la 13ème édition du Forum Entreprises Défense (FED). Un salon professionnel discret mais essentiel, né d’un partenariat fructueux entre la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de région Paris Ile-de-France et la SIMMT (Structure Intégrée du Maintien en condition opérationnelle des Matériels Terrestres). En réunissant dans un même lieu fournisseurs et acheteurs de la Défense, y compris la Direction Générale de l’Armement, le Forum Entreprise et Défense favorise les échanges entre partenaires de longue date et clients potentiels. FOB est fier d’être partenaire de ce forum qui rassemble un nombre croissant d’intervenants du secteur de la défense, grands groupes mais aussi, en majorité, PME et PMI. Tous trouvent avec FED l’opportunité de présenter et de promouvoir leurs technologies et leurs savoir-faire.


à télécharger : le premier numéro de FED Mag.

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29 mai 2013 3 29 /05 /mai /2013 07:50
Nuclear submarine HMS Vanguard [Picture UK MoD]

Nuclear submarine HMS Vanguard [Picture UK MoD]

28 May 2013 Ministry of Defence


The contract to maintain the eyes and ears of the Navy's ships and submarines will sustain 530 defence jobs across the UK.


The £600 million Sensor Support Optimisation Project will provide a decade of maintenance and repair for 17 different systems across the Royal Navy fleet, including the Astute, Trafalgar and Vanguard Classes of submarines as well as the Type 45 warships, Type 23 frigates and the Hunt and Sandown Classes of minehunting vessels.


The contract will secure 230 Thales jobs at sites in Glasgow, Manchester, Somerset and Crawley in West Sussex. A further 300 jobs will be secured through the UK supply chain.


Under this new contractual arrangement, MOD will make an estimated saving of around £140 million over the 10-year period.


Philip Dunne, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, signed the contract during a visit to Thales headquarters in Crawley today, 28 May. He said:

This contract is good news for the Ministry of Defence and UK industry. Not only will it secure over 500 jobs across the UK, whilst delivering savings of £140 million to the taxpayer, but it will also provide essential support for the combat equipment that helps give the Royal Navy’s fleet of ships and submarines a vital technological edge wherever they are based in the world.

Vice Admiral Sir Andrew Mathews, Chief of Materiel Fleet for MOD’s Defence Equipment and Support organisation, said:

Securing support for this combat equipment, the electronic eyes and ears of our fleet of submarines and surface warships, is key to ensuring that the Royal Navy will continue to be able to protect the UK’s interests wherever they may be.

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29 mai 2013 3 29 /05 /mai /2013 07:30
Jordan In Talks Over MIM-104 Patriots Purchase

28/05/2013 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


Jordan is engaged in discussions with "friendly nations" concerning the acquisition and deployment of MIM-104 Patriot missiles on home ground, after Turkey recently did the same thing.


As was reported earlier this month, Turkey has acquired four Patriot missile batteries to try and secure its borders as it faces the prospect of violence spilling over from Syria, which lies to the south. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan also shares a border with Syria so it, too, is concerned about what might happen if the latter's disturbances expand beyond its territory. Since Syria's civil war erupted, close to half a million people have fled it and settled in Jordan.


"We wish and we demand Patriot missiles", Abdullah Nsur - the Prime Minister of Jordan - stated in comments recently quoted by newspaper Al-Sharq. "We always talk about this because we want to protect ourselves."


Jordanian Patriot Talks


This statement was updated on 26 May by Mohammed Momani, Jordan's Information Minister. "Jordan wishes to deploy Patriot missile batteries in order to boost its defense capabilities and help protect the country", he explained to journalists, adding: "We are currently at the stage of talks with friendly states."


The MIM-104 Patriot SAM (surface-to-air) missile is a modern military icon. First designed in the late 1960s, it went into series production in 1976 and, to date, more than 10,000 missiles have been manufactured. Nations currently equipped with Patriot missile systems include the United States, Taiwan, Germany, Egypt, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Spain and the UAE.


MIM-104 Patriots Purchase


The Turkish MIM-104 Patriots purchase was NATO-approved in December 2012, for the specific purpose of providing protection against missiles fired from inside Syria.


The Royal Jordanian Army's current air defence inventory is dominated by Soviet and Russian designs, such as the Pantsir-S1E and ZSU-23-4 Shilka, but also includes 85 US-origin M163 Vulcan Air Defense Systems.


In related news, last month, MIM-104 manufacturer Raytheon announced that the world's Patriots had at least another 15 years' service left in them. It reached this verdict after carrying out a three-year study, funded by the US Government and other sources.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 22:50
MTIP2 Turret Warrior

MTIP2 Turret Warrior

May 28, 2013 by Think Defence


With FRES Specialist Vehicle news rather thing on the ground a recent visit to the CTA International factory in France from the Chief of the General Staff, General Sir Peter Wall will have to do.


As we know, the CTA 40mm cased telescopic cannon is the preferred option for both the FRES and Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme, in addition to a number of French programmes.


After awarding the FRES Specialist Vehicle contract to General Dynamics, the MoD entered discussions only with Lockheed Martin for the Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme. The idea of course being to maximise commonality between both vehicles as Lockheed Martin are under contract to General Dynamics for the FRES Scout turret.


In the earlier Warrior upgrade programme contest BAE had proposed a new turret with the CTA 40 called MTIP2, Lockheed Martin proposed an ATK Mk 44 Bushmaster 30mm in the same Warrior turret and Finmeccanica with the Hitfist turret, also mounting a 30mm weapon. The Bushmaster is the same as that used by the Royal Navy in its DSM30 ASCG systems.


The Capability Sustainment Programme has 4 main components that are planned to see Warrior out to 2040;


    WFLIP (Warrior Fightability Lethality Improvement Programme)

    WMPS (Warrior Modular Protection System)

    WEEA (Warrior Enhanced Electronic Architecture)

    ABSV (Armoured Battlefield Support Vehicle)


Not much news around on the last one but the WFLIP will involve upgrading the turrets with the 40mm CTA, amongst other improvements. When you consider the £500m price tag for just the development phase of Recce Block 1 (not all of them by a long way) the £1b cost of around 350-400 upgraded Warriors seems like money well spent.

Defense Industry Daily has a concise summary of the Warrior upgrade programmes, click here to read and RUSI also have a good summary, click here


Production is scheduled for 2016 with initial operating capability a couple of years later.

The history of the CTA 40mm goes way back to the TRACER programme and started with the creation of CTA International in 1994, a joint venture between BAE Systems and Nexter, although when first created it was Giat and Royal Ordnance. It has been continued to be developed since then, despite TRACER being cancelled, integrated onto a US Bradley (click here for an evaluation report) in 1999 and the various changes in both FRES and the French EBRC and VBCI programmes.

If the 2016 production target is met, it will have taken nearly a quarter of a century to get the CTA 40 into service with the British Army.

The CT40 - by Think Defence

Read more at the CTA website


Joining the unproven, expensive and technically risky CTA 40 will be the existing L94A1 7.62mm chain gun, apparently the Army’s most unloved weapon and putting it into an existing turret design will be a company that has never designed a turret, sub contracting to another company that is not the design authority for the vehicle.


When in service we will have zero logistics commonality on joint operations with anyone but the French, the other nations will of course be enjoying those commonality advantages and also have the advantage of drawing ammunition natures from a wider and thus less expensive development pool


What could possibly go wrong?


Meanwhile, the British Army will be using a Recce vehicle that has pretty much the same size, weight and general characteristics as a Warrior and we still haven’t decided what the lighter end of the recce vehicle will be, unless that is an open topped jackal, which it actually seems to be.


Our new Best Friends Forever, the French, have taken the spirit of commonality one step further by developing yet another 2 man turret for the CT40 called the Nexter T40

Tourelle 40CTA Nexter (photo Guillaume Belan)

Tourelle 40CTA Nexter (photo Guillaume Belan)

The T40 is shown in the video below fitted to an AMX10RCR and being climbed over and in by General Sir Peter Wall.

There was also some talk of a CT40 equipped Leclerc a few years ago, called the Leclerc T40, proposed for the  Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance à Chenille (EBRC) programme. Nexter are in competition with Panhard and their Sphinx vehicle, fitted with yet another turret for the CT40 that has drawn on expertise from Lockheed Martin UK.

Sphinx de Panhard (photo Guillaume Belan)

Sphinx de Panhard (photo Guillaume Belan)

Will be interesting to see where all this goes

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:55
Une nouvelle peinture pour la frégate de surveillance Ventôse

28/05/2013  Marine Nationale


Depuis le 18 mars 2013, la frégate de surveillance Ventôse basée aux Antilles vit un arrêt technique majeur (ATM). Cet arrêt lui permettra de redonner du potentiel à ses installations et voir ses capacités opérationnelles élargies par l’ajout de nouveaux systèmes. La mise en œuvre d’une peinture à base de silicone sur la carène n’est pas passée inaperçue.


Le Ventôse est la seconde frégate de surveillance, après le Nivôse, à disposer d’une peinture à base de silicone, plus respectueuse de l’environnement que les peintures de coque traditionnelles. Cette nouvelle peinture, testée actuellement sur plusieurs frégates de la Marine, présente de nombreux avantages tels que l’absence d’impact sur la faune et la flore, une résistance plus longue aux salissures liée à la texture très lisse de la silicone et une optimisation de la consommation de carburant, l’eau s’écoulant mieux le long de la coque.

Une nouvelle peinture pour la frégate de surveillance Ventôse

Cette opération est une première en Martinique, accomplie par l’entreprise martiniquaise Dry Dock Peinture et supervisée par un expert de la société «International Paint».


L’arrêt technique du Ventôse s’inscrit dans le cadre du marché d’entretien des frégates de surveillance. Il est programmé tous les trois ans. Sous la maîtrise d’œuvre conjointe de STX et de DCNS, il se poursuivra jusqu’au 12 juillet 2013.

Une nouvelle peinture pour la frégate de surveillance Ventôse

Il est réalisé avec l’équipage qui effectue la maintenance de son niveau et contribue avec l’antenne Antilles-Guyane du service de soutien de la flotte (SSF) à la surveillance et à la réception des travaux, ainsi qu’à la prévention des risques professionnels. Le personnel de la base navale de Fort-de-France contribue également aux travaux d’entretien.

Une nouvelle peinture pour la frégate de surveillance Ventôse

Outre la mise en œuvre d’une peinture silicone sur la carène, les principaux travaux significatifs de cet arrêt technique comprennent des travaux de chaudronnerie sur la coque et les structures, le visite de la ligne propulsive, du propulseur d’étrave et de la stabilisation, la modernisation des réseaux de communication (programme RIFAN2) et le remplacement de la conduite de tir infrarouge (opération SYMFIR).

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 18:35
US To Buy 20 Fighter Planes For Afghan Air Force: Isaf

28 May 2013 by Abdul Wali Arian - tolonews.com


The United Sates has committed that it will buy 20 fighter jets for the Afghan Air Force, the International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) Spokesman, Brigadier General Gunter Katz told TOLOnews on Tuesday.


The Isaf spokesman said that all Isaf member countries including the US are trying hard to equip and empower the Afghan Air Force.


The Afghan Government is also putting extra effort to own an equipped and powerful air and land forces in order to provide security for the country. The Afghan forces are currently facing lot of challenges and shortfalls.


"We know that the Afghan people are concerned about the equipment for the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). And yes indeed, we already provided lot of equipments for the ANSF. But we have to acknowledge that there are still some shortfalls and we always said that individual nations sit together, discuss with representatives from the Government and the army how to overcome those shortfalls. And one example of those negotiations is the recent announcement of the US Air Force that declared that they are willing to buy 20 fighter air planes for the Afghan Air force," Isaf Spokesman, Brigadier General Gunter Katz told TOLOnews.


It is said that the Afghan security forces are facing lot of challenges even in the transportation section and it will take some more time, when the Afghan Air Force will independently lead air operations.


But, the Afghan Ministry of Defence (MoD) believes that some of the challenges will be dealt with when the Afghan forces receive these fighter planes.


"The US has committed that 20 fighter planes will be given in the current year (2013). The fighter planes will be used for two operations: bombardment missions and discovery missions," MoD Spokesman, General Zahir Azimi told TOLOnews.


The shortfalls and inabilities of the Afghan security forces have cost them heavily. Because of the shortfalls it hasn't been able to carry out air operations independently. The MoD also accepted the shortfalls.


"Isaf in coordination with us is carrying out several operations within Afghanistan and we hope to become competent soon," General Zahir Azimi told TOLOnews.


MoD expects that Afghan military forces will be equipped with fighter planes, transport planes and drones within few years.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 17:50
Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 source Flight Global

Korea Aerospace Industries T-50 source Flight Global

May. 28, 2013 By Bartosz Glowacki – FG


Warsaw - Lockheed Martin UK has unveiled some details of an offer submitted for the Polish air force's advanced jet trainer (AJT) system competition tender for the Polish air force.


The company on 23 May said its offer of the Korea Aerospace Industries/Lockheed T-50 "would provide significant operational synergies with the current Polish air force [Lockheed] F-16 fleet". According to John Neilson, Lockheed Martin UK's director of communications for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, "the aircraft which will be included in the proposal for Poland would be built outside Poland. This is to be expected for the number now required to meet Poland's need".


"When selecting the best training platform to accompany our bid, fleet commonality and the ability to meet Poland's evolving pilot training requirements for the next 20 to 30 years were key considerations," says Tim James, who is part of the Lockheed Martin UK team in Poland.


If the bid is successful, it is believed maintenance of Polish air force T-50s would be performed at the WZL-2 Military Aviation Works in Bydgoszcz. Lockheed already has a strong relationship with the organisation through the F-16 programme, and recently opened a new paint stripping facility at the site. However, Neilson notes: "We may also be in discussion with other partners too."


Another element of the Lockheed proposal would be to establish a state-of-the-art training centre at the Polish air force academy in Deblin. This would be based on the Ascent Flight Training facility at RAF Valley in the UK, which is operated by a Lockheed Martin UK and Babcock International joint venture.


Warsaw should select a winner for its eight-aircraft requirement before the end of 2013. Other candidates are the Aero Vodochody L-159T1, Alenia Aermacchi M-346 and BAE Systems Hawk AJT.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 17:50
BAE, Polish Defense Holding Team on Vehicle Competition

May. 28, 2013 - By ANDREW CHUTER – Defense News


LONDON — BAE Systems has struck a teaming deal with state-owned Polish Defense Holding to compete for the Central European country’s upcoming tracked fighting vehicle program.


The companies are expected to formally join forces Wednesday, when the deal is to be officially signed to offer a family of 25-ton-plus tracked fighting vehicles to meet the Polish military’s Universal Tracked Platform requirement.


With an eventual requirement for more than 600 vehicles, the competition for heavy tracked machines is set to be Europe’s biggest upcoming export competition in the sector.


Poland is one of the few European nations still increasing defense spending. It has a number of significant capability improvements in its defense spending plans, including implementation of a national armor program that encompasses the heavy requirement being addressed by BAE and Polish Defense Holding and a light armored vehicle requirement.


No mention is made of the platform to be offered by the new team but it almost certainly will draw on BAE’s CV-90 vehicle technology, particularly the chassis.


Technology from the unsuccessful Anders armored vehicle program previously developed by Polish Defense Holding will also likely find its way onto the machine.


Polish Defense Holding was formerly known as the Bumar Group.


With the first production vehicle required for delivery to the Polish Army in 2018, the winning contender likely will be largely an off-the-shelf solution.


Requirements for the multibillion zloty program are expected to be released by the Polish Defense Ministry later this year. The program is scheduled for completion by 2022.


“Polish Defense Holding’s experience as an in-country prime contractor will be instrumental in developing solutions for this new family of armored fighting vehicles that will meet the military’s requirements and facilitate production in Poland,” said Erwin Bieber, president of BAE’s Land & Armaments sector.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 17:35
IAF’s Israeli drones of not much use in Naxal-hit Chhattisgarh

May 28, 2013 idrw.org (IBN7)


The deadly Naxal attack on the Congress leaders in Jagdalpur could have been prevented had the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) not been lying idle in faraway Hyderabad. According to intelligence sources, since every drone takes off from Hyderabad, they can’t spend sufficient number of hours hovering over the Naxal-affected regions in Chhattisgarh to gather intelligence. The Indian Air Force (IAF) never agreed to operate these UAVs from Jagdalpur, considering the region unfit for the stay its officials, the sources said.


The 12 Heron drones, bought from Israel in 2009, have failed to scan the Darbha forests or Sukma region as they never fly over these interior regions, the intelligence sources said. This is the reason why more than 500 Maoists gathered in these forests without being noticed by anyone. After the massacre, the killers were able to easily flee, putting a big question mark on the utility of such high-tech devices.


These drones are operated from the Begumpet airbase near Hyderabad. After flying for almost three hours to reach the Naxal-affected regions in the state, these machines are forced to return as they run out of fuel and have already reached their maximum range.


The IAF was requested to fly these drones to Jagdalpur last year from a DRDO’s air strip near it. But the IAF, citing lifestyle reasons of its officers, did not agree to do so. Meanwhile, the IAF had assured of shifting the Hyderabad UAV base to Bhilai and operate it from the airstipr of Bhilai Steel Plant but even after one year, the drones are being operated from Hyderabad.


The modus operandi of the intelligence agencies has also raised eyebrows, the sources said. The IAF sends the information gathered by the drones to National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) for analysis. Shockingly, NTRO does not have access to the intelligence reports. Thus, due to lack of coordination, the whole intelligence analysis work goes in vain, sources said.


The ability of the Israeli drones is under question as the electro-optical thermal radar censors mounted atop Heron-1 drones cannot penetrate the thick jungle cover and are unable to differentiate between Naxals and local villagers. However, the DRDO is taking the help of a Swedish firm to make these Israeli drones more accurate.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:55
Second Airbus Military A400M for French Air Force runs engines

Second Airbus Military A400M for French Air Force runs engines (c) Airbus Military


Madrid,  24 May 2013 EADS group


The second production Airbus Military A400M has successfully completed its first engine runs as it begins final preparation for its maiden flight later this month. The aircraft, known as MSN8, is now undergoing taxying trials outside the A400M Final Assembly Line in Seville, Spain.


Airbus Military expects to complete four A400M aircraft in 2013 and will deliver MSN8 to the French Air Force in the third quarter of the year.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:35


28 May 2013 naval-technology.com


The Republic of Korea (ROK) Navy has received approval from the country's joint chiefs of staff to procure maritime patrol aircraft, to boost surveillance capabilities.


An unnamed military source told Yonhap News Agency that the navy is considering purchasing a total of 20 maritime patrol aircraft to strengthen its surveillance capabilities against North Korea near the guarded western sea.


The aircraft will complement the ageing squadron of 16 Lockheed Martin-built P-3C anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft.


The state arms procurement agency Defense Acquisition Program Administration is currently working on the plan, which is likely to cost approximately $889m.


Potential bidders for the acquisition programme include Airbus Military's C295 multirole maritime patrol aircraft (MPA), Boeing's P-8 Poseidon aircraft, and Lockheed Martin's SC-130J Sea Hercules.


Meanwhile, the South Korean Navy has placed orders with L-3 Mission Integration and Korean Air team to upgrade its eight P-3C Orion aircraft to Lot 2 standards by 2016, according to Flightglobal.


Upgrades to the P-3C aircraft include installation of multipurpose radar to enable detection of fixed and moving targets, high-definition electro-optical/infrared cameras, digital acoustic analysis equipment and a magnetic anomaly detector, according to Defense News.


L-3 Mission Integration surveillance systems senior director Brent Billingslea said that the aircraft would be equipped with mission system to enhance capabilities, while being completely compatible and interoperable with existing P-3 fleet for the navy.


Under the contract, L-3 will be responsible for the design and development of upgrades, while Korean Air will integrate the equipment on to the aircraft.


Armed with Harpoon Block II air-to-ground missiles, the P-3C aircraft is equipped with four Allison T56-A-14 turboprop engines, as well as tactical information system interoperable with the KF-16 fighter jet.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
AGNI-V LAUNCH (5)-794585 Photo DPR Defence DRDO

AGNI-V LAUNCH (5)-794585 Photo DPR Defence DRDO

HYDERABAD, May 28, 2013 Y. Mallikarjun - thehindu.com


Weapon system to be fitted with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicles


The configuration of Agni-V, India’s long-range nuclear weapons capable ballistic missile, is set to be changed to make the 5,000-km weapon system deadlier and capable of attacking multiple targets.


The modification is to enable fitting Agni-V with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicles (MIRVs), V.K. Saraswat, Director-General of the Defence Research and Development Organisation and Scientific Advisor to the Defence Minister, told The Hindu . Another test in the present configuration of the three-stage missile would be conducted later this year.


Besides imparting canister-launch capability, Agni-V would be equipped with MIRVs. “Work on that is going on and it is at design stage.”


The resounding success of the maiden flight test of Agni-V in April 2012 catapulted India into a select league of nations having the technological prowess to develop Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, he said.


The Agni series will form the bulwark of land version of India’s nuclear deterrence triad.


Meanwhile, the reactor on board the indigenously-built nuclear powered submarine, INS Arihant, is expected to go critical in a few weeks. The powering of the system should happen in a week or two, Dr. Saraswat said.


(Once that happens, the 80-MWt (thermal) reactor would be in a position to deliver power to the platform and sea trials of Arihant would begin subsequently when the submarine is expected to move at the designed speed, go to the diving depth, attain maximum speed and perform all safety and emergency operations).


New interceptor missile


Referring to the home-grown Ballistic Missile Defence programme, he said the next interceptor missile test to be conducted at a higher altitude of 100-150 km in July would be the most important one. “We have developed a new interceptor missile for it.”


Another crucial DRDO missile test this year would be a “repeat launch” of ‘Nirbhay’. During the maiden trial of the subsonic cruise missile, the flight had to be terminated midway after it strayed from its trajectory. Dr. Saraswat attributed the problem to a manufacturing defect in the navigation sensor. Flight tests of air-to-air Astra and anti-tank Nag missiles would be also conducted.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:20
US Navy to name next two Arleigh Burke-class ships


28 May 2013 naval-technology.com


The US Navy will name its next Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers (DDGs) USS Paul Ignatius (DDG 117) and USS Daniel Inouye (DDG 118), navy secretary Ray Mabus has announced.


"For decades to come, the future USS Paul Ignatius and USS Daniel Inouye will represent the United States and enable the building of partnerships and projection of power around the world," Mabus said.


USS Paul Ignatius will be named to honour Paul Ignatius, who served as secretary of the navy from 1967 to 1969 and as assistant secretary of defence under US President Lyndon Johnson, while USS Daniel Inouye will be named to honour former senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii.


As part of the US Navy's DDG 51-class programme continuation ships, the 509ft-long DDG 117 and DDG 118 ships will support a variety of missions ranging from peacetime presence and crisis management to sea control and power projection.


Capable of conducting air, surface and subsurface battles simultaneously, the vessels will be armed with weapon control systems, including Mk99 mod 3 missile fire control systems, GWS34 mod 0 gun fire control system and Mk116 mod 7 fire control system for anti-submarine systems.


The ships, powered by four GE LM 2500 gas turbines, will have a beam of 59ft and feature Aegis combat system, which combines the ship's sensors and weapons systems to engage anti-ship missile threats, as well as a SPY-1D multi-function phased array radar.



The ships will also be armed with Raytheon Tomahawk cruise missiles, evolved Sea Sparrow missile (ESSM), Boeing Harpoon surface-to-surface missiles, and Lockheed Martin ASROC vertical launch anti-submarine systems.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:20
X-47B Carrier Suitability Testing Spring 2013 - video

Northrop Grumman's X-47B completing carrier suitability testing at NAS Patuxent River in Spring, 2013.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:20
robopocalypse-image source technewsdaily.com

robopocalypse-image source technewsdaily.com

May 28, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: United Nations Human Rights Council; issued April 28, 2013)


Report of the Special Rapporteur On Extrajudicial, Summary Or Arbitrary Executions, Christof Heyns

Lethal autonomous robotics (LARs) are weapon systems that, once activated, can select and engage targets without further human intervention. They raise far-reaching concerns about the protection of life during war and peace. This includes the question of the extent to which they can be programmed to comply with the requirements of international humanitarian law and the standards protecting life under international human rights law.

Beyond this, their deployment may be unacceptable because no adequate system of legal accountability can be devised, and because robots should not have the power of life and death over human beings. The Special Rapporteur recommends that States establish national moratoria on aspects of LARs, and calls for the establishment of a high level panel on LARs to articulate a policy for the international community on the issue.

Click here to read the report (22 PDF pages) on the OHCHR website.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: This report will be discussed at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on May 29, 2013.)

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 15:50
Nexter 155/52-calibre wheeled CAmion Equipé d'un Système d'ARtillerie (CAESAR) - photo ECPAD

Nexter 155/52-calibre wheeled CAmion Equipé d'un Système d'ARtillerie (CAESAR) - photo ECPAD

28 May 2013 army-technology.com


A request for information (RFI) has been issued by the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) seeking a new 155mm self-propelled gun for replacement of the national army's ageing M109A3 155mm self-propelled howitzer fleet.


Primarily aimed at replacing the army's remaining 32 M109A3 howitzers, the RFI is seeking 15 new weapons that can either be wheeled or tracked, and should support installation of a self-defence weapon, as reported by Shephard.


Capable of carrying a crew of five, the weapons should be able to achieve a range of at least 40km firing extended range ammunition, and a burst rate of six rounds per minute.


The RFI seeks submission of bids for between nine and 21 systems by 17 June, while evaluation of the responses resulting in selection of three or four manufacturers is scheduled to take place throughout July.


Short-listed candidates will proceed to a comprehensive evaluation programme that will complete in late 2013 or early 2014, followed by the signing of the procurement contract in the middle of the same year.


The contract will also feature a ten-year support, spare parts and maintenance package.


Likely contenders include BAE Systems Bofors' 155/52calibre wheeled Archer, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann-built 155/52calibre tracked Panzerhaubitze 2000 (PzH 2000), and Nexter 155/52-calibre wheeled CAmion Equipé d'un Système d'ARtillerie (CAESAR), amongst others.


DALO reportedly discussed the production and acquisition of Archer with Norway and Sweden, but withdrew in 2007 before signing a co-operation agreement.


Around 48 Archer systems, including 24 units each for Sweden and Norway, are currently being manufactured by BAE Systems Bofors.


The Danish Artillery Regiment features one artillery battalion and an ISTAR battalion, which is also responsible for training recuits.


In addition, the regiment deployed M/10 120mm towed mortars in support of the Danish troops serving with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 12:50
Thales awarded milestone Royal Navy services contract

28 May 2013 Thales UK


Thales UK has today signed a 10-year contract with the Ministry of Defence (MOD), worth up to £600M, for the in-service support of the Royal Navy’s major sensor systems.


The new Sensors Support Optimisation Project (SSOP) builds on the proven success of Thales’s Contractor Logistics Support contract, originally signed in 2003, which has provided support to the Royal Navy’s sonar and electronic warfare systems for the past 10 years.


Under the terms of SSOP, the in-service support contract has now been extended to include all of the Royal Navy’s submarine visual systems, including periscopes for the Vanguard and Trafalgar Class submarines and the non-hull-penetrating optronic masts for the Astute Class submarines, previously supported under separate contract arrangements with Thales UK’s optronics business in Glasgow.


This means Thales is now providing significant in-service support to the ‘eyes and ears’ of the submarine fleet, as well as across the major surface sonar and electronic warfare systems.


The contract will be run through the Equipment Support Delivery Team, which is a joint MOD/Thales UK team based in Abbey Wood, Bristol. This team is augmented by several Thales and J+S Ltd waterfront engineers in the Royal Navy’s three naval bases (Portsmouth, Plymouth and Faslane), who together ensure that specialist technical advice and support is delivered whenever it is needed to ensure the continued availability of the sensor systems, both at home and overseas.


Philip Dunne, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, signed the contract during a visit to Thales’s facility in Crawley today.  He said: “This contract is good news for the Ministry of Defence and UK industry. Not only will it secure a number of jobs across the UK whilst delivering savings but will also provide essential support for the combat equipment that helps give the Royal Navy’s fleet of ships and submarines a vital technological edge wherever they are based in the world.”


Victor Chavez, CEO of Thales UK, said: “This contract recognises the value that can be achieved and the savings that can be delivered through a long-term services agreement. It also reflects the successful way in which Thales UK has delivered the required outputs over the past ten years. This project refines that approach to optimise performance over the next ten years, and reinforces our positive well-established relationship with the Royal Navy.”


During the previous support contract, the levels of equipment availability have improved significantly and substantial overall savings in the cost of support have been achieved. The new SSOP contract builds on this experience and success, from the outset delivering further savings to the MOD whilst continuing to deliver high levels of available and serviceable equipment.


The new contract secures employment for 230 Thales employees and a further 300 people within the extended supply chain across the UK.


Major suppliers to Thales include J+S Ltd (Barnstaple, Devon), MacTaggart Scott (Loanhead, Scotland), Atlas Elektronik UK (Newport, South Wales and Winfrith, Dorset), Parkburn Ltd (Telford, Shropshire), AB Precision (Poole) Ltd (Dorset), and Defence Support Group (Sealand, Flintshire).


Thales UK will support the project from its sites in Templecombe, Cheadle Heath, Glasgow and Crawley, where ongoing development of these important systems will enable yet further improvements to be made in the levels of capability and availability.

HMS Trafalgar, pictured during Tomahawk missile trials - photo US DoD

HMS Trafalgar, pictured during Tomahawk missile trials - photo US DoD

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 12:20
U.S. Marines with 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, storm ashore in an amphibious assault vehicle during Exercise Cobra Gold 2011 in Thailand. The Marine Corps is moving forward with plans to replace the aging AAVs with the Amphibious Combat Vehicle now under development. (Staff Sgt. Leo Salinas / U.S. Marine Corps)

U.S. Marines with 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, storm ashore in an amphibious assault vehicle during Exercise Cobra Gold 2011 in Thailand. The Marine Corps is moving forward with plans to replace the aging AAVs with the Amphibious Combat Vehicle now under development. (Staff Sgt. Leo Salinas / U.S. Marine Corps)


May 28, 2013: Strategy Page


In April 2013 DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) awarded a million dollar prize to a three man design team (Team Ground Systems) for proposing the most promising concept for the new Marine Corps Amphibious Combat vehicle (ACV).  The winner beat out a thousand other proposals. DARPA is offering another million dollar prize for the best drive train (propulsion system) design and then a two million dollar prize for a complete vehicle design. This approach may sound either very innovative or very desperate and in reality it is both. In part because the marines recently blew three billion dollars in an unsuccessful attempt to design and develop a high-speed ACV and partly because that failure made it clear that some original thinking was required.  


For over a decade now DARPA has used this competitive (or “crowdsourcing”) approach, especially in several competitions to develop UGVs (unmanned ground vehicles.) DARPA has been using this crowdsourcing approach successfully so the marines saw it as a possible solution to their ACV problem. The basic problem is that the marines insist that the new ACV be able move towards shore at twice the speed of the older AAV7. The inability of the previous EFV design to accomplish that cost the marines three billion dollars and over a decade of development effort.

American Marines Seeking New Ideas

Two years ago the marines cancelled their EFV (Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle) and have been hustling to come up with a replacement ACV design. Meanwhile they must extend the life of their current 1,057 AAV7 amphibious armored vehicles. These entered service three decades ago and are falling apart. Moreover, some two thirds of the AAV7s saw service in Iraq, where they got as much use in two months as they normally did in two years of peacetime operations. Most AAV7s are already scheduled for refurbishing, so they can still be used until the end of the decade, or whenever a permanent replacement can be found.


The marines how have two replacement vehicle projects going. The MPC (Marine Personnel Carrier) is a $4.5 million wheeled, amphibious armored vehicle. This would be similar to the Stryker, but a bit larger and modified for amphibious operations. This project is proceeding because it is low-risk (in the technology department) and the marines need some kind of armored vehicle to replace AAV7s that are dying of old age. The $12 million ACV is the EFV without most of the expensive stuff that didn't work. In effect, the ACV will be a 21st century version of the AAV7, optimized to pass all its development tests and get into service as quickly as possible. The marines do not want to be reminded of the EFV.

AAV7s Come Ashore Somalia

AAV7s Come Ashore Somalia

The cancelled EFV ended up costing over ten times as much as the $2.5 million AAV7 (taking inflation into account). The marines apparently felt they could get by with half as many amphibious armored vehicles because future wars are likely to be more dependent on delivering troops by air, or moving them around in armored hummers. While there was some thought of dispensing entirely with vehicles like this, which were first used in 1943, more traditionalist minds prevailed. That may change, especially since the cheaper MPC is more likely to survive the budget battles than the ACV.


The EFV had been threatened with cancellation for several years, mainly because the vehicle was too expensive and didn't work. Well, parts of it worked. Three years ago, tests revealed that the EFV had similar survivability characteristics to MRAPs, when hit with roadside bombs or anti-vehicle mines. The EFV needed all the good news it could get, but marines were already using MRAPs in Afghanistan, and are quite happy with them.


The EFV was previously called the AAAV (Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle). Weighing nearly 36 tons, the EFV was 3.4 meters (10.5 feet) tall, 3.9 meters (12 feet) wide and just under 10 meters (30 feet) long. It was armed with a 30mm automatic cannon (MK34 Bushmaster) and a 7.62 mm co-axial machine gun. The EFV also had better armor protection and electronics than the AAV7. The EFV was about 25 percent heavier than the AAV7, and somewhat larger.

American Marines Seeking New Ideas

The EFV had been in development for over a decade and delays were mostly because of a complex water-jet propulsion system which, when it worked, allowed it to travel at 60 kilometers an hour while in the water. This capability was specified to reduce the danger (from enemy fire) when the EFVs were moving from their transports to shore, a distance of 30-50 kilometers. The additional gear required for the water jet system made the vehicle less robust and reliable, and fixing those problems took too much time. Otherwise, the EFV was basically a truly amphibious Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV), similar to the army's smaller M-2 Bradley. The EFV had a crew of three, and carried 18 passengers.


In retrospect, the marines could have just built the ACV, using mature technologies and staying away from the high speed (and high tech) water jet system that provided a capability that was not really critical. But that's hindsight. Lesson, hopefully, learned. But with much tighter budgets looming, the marines may run out of money, not patience, this time around. The proposed ACV is also very expensive, and the MPC is not as capable (for amphibious operations) as the current AAV7. All they may end up with is some refurbished AAV7s, and maybe not many of those either. The budget situation is grim, leaving the usually unstoppable Marine Corps running into an immovable object.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 11:55
Amiral François Dupont  photo DCI

Amiral François Dupont photo DCI

28 Mai 2013 Par Marine & Océans


Selon nos informations, l'Amiral François Dupont remplacerait Jean-Louis Rotrubin, dont le mandat arrive à son terme le 27 juin, à la tête de Défense conseil international (DCI). Conformément aux recommandations du nouveau Livre blanc sur la Défense et la Sécurité nationale, la première mission de l'Amiral Dupont serait de poursuivre la mise en place d'une division Cyberdéfense au sein de DCI, démarche initiée par son prédécesseur en décembre dernier dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec la société CLAVYS, société de conseil spécialisée en protection de l'information fondée par le Général (2S) Yves Mathian, ancien directeur technique de la D.G.S.E.


L'amiral Dupont est actuellement le patron de NAVFCO, la composante navale de DCI, qui a pour mission principale de transmettre le savoir-faire de la Marine nationale française aux marines étrangères amies. L'étendue de ses domaines de compétence permet à DCI-NAVFCO d'intervenir à tous les stades d'un programme naval ou aéronaval, soit dans le cadre de la vente d'équipements soit pour la fourniture de prestations de formations opérationnelles spécifiques.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 18:50
SEDE hearing on European defence industry strategy - 27 May 2013
The SEDE subcommittee will hold a public hearing on the European defence industry strategy with CEOs of key European defence companies and other experts.
Further information
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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 18:50
Spain’s New S-80 Sub Too Heavy to Surface

May 27, 2013 defense-aerospace.com


(Source: Daily Telegraph; published May 22, 2013)


£2 Billion Spanish Navy Submarine Will Sink to Bottom of Sea (excerpt)


A new submarine commissioned by the Spanish navy at a cost of 2.2 billion euros has been discovered to contain a serious design flaw – it is too heavy and will sink like a stone.

Miscalculations at the engineering stage have been blamed for a two-year delay in delivery of the first of four submarines commissioned from Spain's state-owned shipbuilder Navantia.

Last month it emerged that the Isaac Peral sub – part of the new S-80 series and named in honour of the Spanish man credited by some as the inventor of the underwater vessel – was at least 75 tons overweight, an excess that could compromise its ability to surface after submerging.

Navantia admitted the existence of "deviations related to the balance of weight" in the vessel and estimated it would take up to two years more to correct the problem.

The 233ft vessel may have to be lengthened to compensate for the excess weight, a redesign that comes with an estimated cost of 7.5 million euros per extra metre.

The shipbuilders based in Cartagena, southern Spain, are now seeking "technical experts from abroad" to advise in the redesign of what was billed as the "most modern conventional submarine". (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the Daily Telegraph website.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 18:20
NATO’s Global Hawks Unaffected by EuroHawk

May 24, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Deutsche Welle German radio; published May 24, 2013)


NATO Drone Project Set to Continue


Pulling the plug on Germany's Euro Hawk project won't have consequences for NATO's surveillance program using "Global Hawk" models. But critics argue a joint European drone project would have been better.


The canceled German Euro Hawk drone project will most likely not have consequences on a similar project by NATO. The alliance plans to use five drones of the Global Hawk Block 40 type for its "Alliance Ground Surveillance" (AGS) system.


According to NATO, plans will not be affected by the German decision. The Global Hawk drone built by US company Northrop Grumman is basically the version the system's based on - the Euro Hawk drone Germany ordered is a modified version of the Global Hawk 20 model, an earlier version of the Global Hawk 40 which NATO now plans to use.


Exact images from far away


At the May 2012 summit in Chicago, the allies had agreed on aquiring unarmed surveillance drones. They are scheduled to be used by 2017 and to be stationed in Sicily. Estimates put the cost for the five drones at around 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion).


Fourteen NATO states are involved: Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and the US. The Global Hawk drone could fly as high as 20 kilometers (12 miles) and is able to take clear pictures of the ground even from such heights - precise enough to still spot individuals.


No European project?


The NATO project is going to continue despite the German decision to halt its program. But the situation in Germany has been met with criticism in Brussels. Michael Gahler, security spokesman of the conservative European People's Party (EPP) in the EU parliament, told DW that Germany should rather have pushed for a European solution than trying to go it alone.


After all, European countries were facing the same security threats, and every state had too little money to develop a system on its own.


"Such projects are very good examples of how such things can be done in a joint effort - especially when something new is being developed. I hope that everybody will learn from that mistake," he said.


Gahler believes a European project would have made more sense from an economic perspective as well.


"You can't see this simply as a military issue. Those drones are first and foremost not a means of fighting." In about 90 percent of the cases, they would "be used in a civilian manner for surveillance," for instance in agriculture or forestry in order to spot pollution or fires. With that many areas of use, "it really makes sense to bundle civilian and military resources."


Northrop Grumman dismisses criticism


The US company producing the drones has come forward to defend itself against German complaints. Berlin had criticized an allegedly missing feature to avoid collisions and lacking documentation needed for getting the drones approved for European airspace.



A Northrop Grumman spokesperson told German weekly "Die Zeit" that Germany had in fact never specified what kind of papers were needed for approval and that it was only a prototype that operated without collision protection. That feature would have been implemented in the four other drones Germany had ordered, the company said.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 17:50
Euro Hawk décollage de la BA De de Manching 11.01.2013 photo EADS - CAssidian

Euro Hawk décollage de la BA De de Manching 11.01.2013 photo EADS - CAssidian

May 27, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Deutsche Welle German radio; published May 25, 2013)


De Maiziere's Euro Hawk Problems Drone On


Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere says there were clear grounds for Germany to cancel orders for the Euro Hawk drones. But as questions mount, some say the minister's arguments don't hold up.



What did German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere know about the Euro Hawk problems? And why did he choose to stop the project? As the debate on Germany's decision to cancel its drone program drags on, more and more questions are coming to the fore.


The minister initially stated he would not make a public statement before June 5 when the Defense Ministry's report was due to be published. But now, in an interview with German public broadcaster Deutschlandfunk, he said he - as the minister in charge - was responsible for what went wrong despite the fact that he hadn't been informed of all the details concerning the project.


"With dimensions like this, it's impossible," he said. "You have to keep in mind that we spend more than 5 billion euros ($6.5 billion) on planned purchases each year."


He also dismissed criticism as to why he didn't put on the brakes on the Euro Hawk project sooner saying, "If we were to pull the plug on every complicated purchase every time there is a problem we wouldn't have any defense projects at all."


Will the defense minister's arguments hold?


According to Michael Brzoska, professor at the University of Hamburg's Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, de Maiziere's claims are hardly convincing. It was nothing new that a drone of Euro Hawk size would require approval to be used in German airspace.


"It would have been reasonable to check this more thoroughly," Brzoska told DW. "Apparently authorities had simply hoped for the best - and then failed."


The defense minister's own defense was also problematic when it comes to addressing the issue that ultimately led to axing the project. The argumentation seemed to make sense at first: The drone lacked a collision protection system it would require for approval to operate in German airspace. Costs would have skyrocketed if this feature would have been added on so the entire project was stopped.


However, Global Hawk manufacturer Northrop Grumman has dismissed such claims - the US company went on to say that it had not yet officially been told that the German government had cancelled its order. The only source of information was media reports, company spokesman Tim Painter said.


"The reports we've read in the media are in fact baseless claims," he said. In principle, all Hawk models had been equipped with the necessary technology, but the models that had been delivered to Germany so far did not include that bit of hardware - as explicitly requested by German officials.


However, all necessary slots are there which makes it quite easy to expand the drones. "It would be as easy as plugging a CD changer into the trunk of your car if your car was prewired for a CD changer," Painter explained.


The German Defense Ministry has claimed additional costs of 500 million euros ($647 million) would have been necessary to upgrade the drones. That figure is by far too high, according to Northrop Grumman, but the company refused to give an estimate based on its own calculations.


Missing features and data


As the German Defense Ministry's reasons for canceling the Euro Hawk project don't make sense for the US manufacturer - are they simply excuses? Brzoska said that might be the case since there are Euro Hawk models that do possess this collision protection system. And it would not be difficult to add this feature to models that have been operating without it so far.


"But you'll need data that the US manufacturer doesn't like to share since it affects the drone's control system - that's very likely the problematic issue here," Brzoska said. "From a US standpoint, it's considered a secret. That's why it wasn't so easy to combine this collision protection system with transforming [the Global Hawk] into the Euro Hawk."


But the missing anti-collision system is only one of many problems in regards to the drone. Even if one were to find a solution, Brzoska said he doubts the Euro Hawk will get approved to operate in shared airspace frequented by normal air carriers in Germany.


"Other issues concern secure data transmission: Can you control the drone over a long period of time, or isn't there the danger of losing them," Brzoska added. "That could be a risk not only for civilian aviation, but also for [people on the ground] if they were to crash."


No easy feat for German defense ministers


It's no surprise to Brzoska that the defense minister's bright career has been tarnished. Some of his predecessor had to deal with troubled defense projects as well.


"Such projects are always very complex and come with several problems," Brzoska said. "And then it's the minister of course who has to take responsibility, even if he might not have been informed in depth."

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 17:20
USS George H.W. Bush Completes Historic Underway

May 27, 2013 ASDNews Source : US Navy


The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) returned to its homeport of Norfolk after a successful completion of new defense testing during a two-week underway period, May 24.


The ship tested a new torpedo self defense system, completed more than 115 launches and landings in assessing a precision landing system, all while launching the first carrier based unmanned aircraft in naval aviation history.

USS George H.W. Bush Completes Historic Underway

The X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstrator (UCAS-D) was launched from the ship in conjuction with the Navy/Northrop Grumman team, May 14. The unmanned aircraft flew over Maryland's Eastern Shore before landing safely at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md.


"We saw a small, but significant pixel in the future picture of our Navy as we begin integration of unmanned systems into arguably the most complex warfighting environment that exists today: the flight deck of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier," said Vice Adm. David Buss, commander, Naval Air Forces.


The X-47B returned to the ship three days later to conduct its first touch-and-go landing on an aircraft carrier. Capt. Jaime Engdahl, the Unmanned Combat Air Systems program manager, took time to thank the crew during an all-hands call May 23, the night before the ship arrived into port.


"I hope all of you are proud of where you're standing," said Engdahl. "It's a changed world now. We launched a few naval aviation firsts and you were all there."


USS George H.W. Bush is in port conducting training operations in preparation for the upcoming underway schedule.

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