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17 mars 2015 2 17 /03 /mars /2015 16:30
Credits : IISS

Credits : IISS


17 mars 2015 Romandie.com(AFP)


Téhéran - L'Iran et les Etats-Unis ont trouvé un accord sur 90% des questions techniques dans leurs négociations bilatérales sur le programme nucléaire controversé de Téhéran, a affirmé mardi un responsable iranien présent à Lausanne (Suisse).


Nous sommes parvenus à un accord sur 90% des questions techniques lors des discussions avec le secrétaire américain à l'Energie Ernest Moniz, a affirmé Ali Akbar Salehi, le chef de l'Organisation iranienne de l'énergie atomique, cité par le site internet de la télévision d'Etat.


Nous avons des divergences sur une seule question majeure, que nous allons tenter de combler lors d'une nouvelle réunion prévue mardi soir à laquelle doivent participer les chefs de diplomatie iranien Mohammad Javad Zarif et américain John Kerry, a ajouté M. Salehi, sans préciser la nature du contentieux.


Ses déclarations contrastent avec celles, plus mesurées, d'un haut responsable américain selon qui il restait mardi matin des sujets difficiles dans les discussions.


Après une première journée de négociations tous azimuts lundi -- entre Américains et Iraniens à Lausanne et entre Téhéran et les Européens à Bruxelles -- MM. Kerry et Zarif se sont revus pendant deux heures mardi dans un palace de la ville suisse, accompagnés d'Ernest Moniz et d'Ali Akbar Salehi.


Mais depuis lundi soir, les parties expriment plus ou moins clairement leur scepticisme sur les chances de conclure un accord dans les jours qui viennent.


Après 12 ans de tensions entre l'Iran et les Occidentaux et 18 mois de pourparlers intenses, la République islamique et les grandes puissances du groupe 5+1 (Etats-Unis, Chine, Russie, Royaume-Uni, France, et Allemagne) se sont donné jusqu'au 31 mars pour sceller un règlement politique qui garantirait que l'Iran n'aura jamais la bombe atomique, en échange d'une levée des sanctions.

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17 mars 2015 2 17 /03 /mars /2015 13:55
Les IRT créent l’association French Institutes of Technology


Mars 16, 2015 electronique-eci.com


Les IRT créent l’association French Institutes of Technology Créés il y a trois ans, les huit Instituts de Recherche Technologique (IRT) ont gagné leur premier pari, celui d'être déjà des outils d'excellence pleinement opérationnels et des acteurs agiles du renouveau industriel français comme de la révolution de l'économie, de la société et des usages. Aujourd’hui, ils vont plus loin en créant l’association French Institutes of Technology.


Les 300 partenaires industriels et académiques des IRT travaillent au sein de plus de 120 projets qui permettent d'aller plus vite et plus loin pour produire des connaissances, des procédés, des briques technologiques ou des solutions prêtes à l'emploi. Un seul enjeu, innover pour créer de la valeur pour les industriels, grands groupes comme ETI, PME et Start-up qui sont membres, partenaires ou clients, avec le concours des acteurs académiques et le support de l'Etat, des collectivités territoriales.


Les huit IRT partagent également l'ambition commune d'être le fer de lance de la Recherche Technologique française au niveau international, tout en irriguant l'ensemble des écosystèmes locaux de Recherche et d'Innovation français. Dès leur création, ils se sont régulièrement réunis pour partager leurs bonnes pratiques et trouver des solutions très souvent collectives aux questions posées.


Désormais, ces IRT s’étendent en créant l'Association des IRT "French Institutes of Technology" (FIT) avec quatre objectifs :

- renforcer l'attractivité, et promouvoir le modèle des IRT, dans leur diversité structurelle et organisationnelle, tant sur un plan national qu'international.

- être l'interlocuteur de la Commission Européenne pour que les IRT trouvent toute leur place au sein des différents programmes de Recherche et d'Innovation et notamment les programmes H2020.

- promouvoir les échanges entre ses membres et la coordination de leurs actions pour optimiser leur efficacité de fonctionnement, leur développement et leur pérennisation.

- développer la cohérence entre les différents objets du Programme «Investissements d'Avenir», notamment en renforçant les liens entre les mondes académiques et industriels. Cette cohérence pourra également s'illustrer entre les IRT par l'identification d'axes communs thématiques de coopération scientifique.


"La création de cette association va dans le bon sens. Elle donne davantage de visibilité en Europe et à l'international à la recherche technologique de notre pays. L'association sera un interlocuteur précieux pour le CGI dans la préparation du PIA 3," se réjouit Louis Schweitzer, Commissaire Général à l'Investissement.


French Institutes of Technology a élu ce jour Vincent Marcatté, Président de b<>com, comme Président de l’association, et Gilbert Casamatta, Président de l'IRT Saint Exupéry, comme Vice-Président. Ils bénéficieront de la contribution active de l'ensemble des autres Présidents des IRT et du soutien d'un Comité Opérationnel composé des Directeurs Généraux au sein duquel ont été élus Stéphane Cassereau, Jules Verne, Secrétaire Général, et Pascale Boissel, Bioaster, Trésorière.


Pour Vincent Marcatté : "La création de French Institutes of Technology va nous permettre d'inscrire les IRT de manière visible et durable dans le paysage national et international et de faciliter notre développement en harmonie avec les autres acteurs de la Recherche et de l'Innovation. Je remercie au nom de l'ensemble des IRT tout particulièrement le Commissariat Général à l'Investissement qui a encouragé la création de notre Association et tous ceux qui depuis le début soutiennent notre action."

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17 mars 2015 2 17 /03 /mars /2015 12:50
EC175 Winter Campaign - photo Airbus HC

EC175 Winter Campaign - photo Airbus HC

17 mars 2015 Airbus Helicopters


40 degrees below zero

Last year, Airbus Helicopters performed cold tests to certify its aircraft for operation in freezing temperatures.

Relive the event and follow a team as they go as low as minus 40 degrees Celsius.

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17 mars 2015 2 17 /03 /mars /2015 08:20
Boeing Updates NATO AWACS with 21st Century Flight Deck, Avionics


Mar 12, 2015 ASDNews Source : The Boeing Company


    Improving capability, efficiency, situational awareness for operators


Boeing [NYSE: BA] recently completed the first flight of a NATO Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft with modern flight deck and avionics systems that replace 1970s-era analog systems.

During the two-hour flight on Dec. 31 testers evaluated five full-color glass displays with customizable engine, navigation and radar data. The systems performed better than expected and the program will now enter an extensive flight test qualification phase. Fourteen NATO AWACS in total will receive the flight deck modernization, delivery of the first upgraded aircraft is scheduled for January 2016.


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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 18:50
photo Lockheed Martin

photo Lockheed Martin


Mar 12, 2015 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


History was achieved today when the first Italian F-35A Lightning II rolled out of the Cameri Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility, marking the first F-35A assembled internationally and the first of eight aircraft currently being assembled. The aircraft, designated as AL-1, will now proceed to additional check-out activities before its anticipated first flight later this year.


The rollout exhibits the ongoing strong partnership between the Italian Ministry of Defense, industry partner Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi, and Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT]. The Italian FACO is owned by the Italian Ministry of Defense and is operated by Alenia Aermacchi in conjunction with Lockheed Martin with a current workforce of more than 750 skilled personnel engaged in F-35 aircraft and wing production.


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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 17:20
Photo US Air Force

Photo US Air Force


March 16, 2015 Dave Majumdar - nationalinterest.org


America has an opportunity to export its expertise.


Last month, the U.S. State Department unveiled new export guidelines for commercial and military unmanned aircraft—colloquially known as drones. While ostensibly holding firm to the U.S. government’s adherence to the voluntary Missile Control Technology Regime, the new policy would allow the export of drones with ranges greater than 300 kilometers and a payload of more than 500 kilograms on “rare occasions.”

The new policy formalizes the de facto arrangement that already existed, which allows the U.S. government to currently export machines like the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper and the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk. But perhaps more significantly, it sets up a standard for the export of commercial drones—imposing restrictions on the sale of those machines.

With the door more or less open to a wide range of sales to foreign operators—here are five countries that might benefit from U.S. drone technology.


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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 12:35
photo Airbus DS

photo Airbus DS


10/3/2015 Airbus DS


Aircraft is first to be delivered to export customer.


Airbus Defence and Space has formally delivered the first of four Airbus A400M military transport ordered by the Royal Malaysian Air Force. The handover also marks the first delivery of an A400M to an export customer outside the original launch nations.


The aircraft was accepted at the A400M Final Assembly Line in Seville, Spain on 9 March by Chief of Malaysian Defence Force General Tan Sri Dr. Zulkifeli, witnessed by Datuk Nozirah, Deputy Secretary General of Ministry of Finance, and Dato Dr. Rothiah, Deputy Secretary General of Ministry of Defence, who signed the Transfer ot Title on behalf of the Ministry of Defence. Chief of RMAF, General Dato' Sri Roslan Bin Saad, said: “The A400M will give the RMAF the most advanced heavy transport capability in the region and enable us to undertake an extraordinary range of military and humanitarian operations.”


Bernhard Gerwert, CEO Airbus Defence and Space, said: “We are extremely proud to deliver the first A400M to our first export customer - Malaysia. These aircraft will transform Malaysia’s air mobility force thanks to the A400M´s unique combination of strategic and tactical capabilities. Today sends a clear message that the A400M is not just a specialised aircraft designed and developed for Europe’s air forces, but is truly the new reference in tactical and strategic transport market globally – fulfilling both roles in a single machine.”


After arrival in Malaysia, the A400M will star in the LIMA airshow at Langkawi, 17-21 March.


Check out the First Engine run, First Taxi, Painting and First Flight of the aircraft for the Malaysian Air Force.

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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 12:30
Canon Caesar (Nexter Systems) - VBL Mistral (RTD - MBDA)

Canon Caesar (Nexter Systems) - VBL Mistral (RTD - MBDA)


16/03/2015 lorientlejour.com


Le ministre français de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, est attendu le 22 avril à Beyrouth pour une visite officielle qui s'inscrit dans le cadre de la concrétisation du plan des trois milliards de dollars conclu entre la France, le Liban et l'Arabie saoudite et visant à moderniser les forces armées, selon des sources citées par l'agence al-Markaziya.

Ce plan devra démarrer au début du mois d'avril, avec au menu de la première livraison « des armes sophistiquées, dont certaines disponibles dans les entrepôts des entreprises françaises, et réhabilitées de manière à satisfaire les besoins de l'armée, conformément à une liste établie par le commandement et remise aux responsables français ». D'autres armes ont été spécialement fabriquées pour le Liban.

La première livraison comportera ainsi des hélicoptères de combat, des roquettes, des batteries d'artillerie lourde, des vedettes de surveillance maritime et des équipements de communication sophistiqués « susceptibles de renforcer la capacité de l'armée à lutter contre les terroristes, principalement dans les régions montagneuses à la frontière est du pays ».

La livraison des armements et du matériel se poursuivra progressivement sur une durée de trois ans, du fait de l'absence de stocks dans les entrepôts des entreprises qui vont les fournir.

Selon ces sources, une délégation militaire française est également attendue au Liban pour entraîner l'armée libanaise. Parallèlement, des officiers et des militaires libanais recevront une formation en France.

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16 mars 2015 1 16 /03 /mars /2015 08:35
Pékin dépasse l'Allemagne et la France comme 3e exportateur d'armes


16.03.2015 Romandie.com (ats)


La Chine est devenue le troisième exportateur mondial d'armes, selon des statistiques publiées lundi par l'Institut international de recherche sur la paix de Stockholm (Sipri). Elle a dépassé l'Allemagne et la France.

Les chiffres, qui portent sur une période de cinq ans (2010-2014) afin de faire apparaître les grandes tendances, indiquent que sur le marché de l'armement "les Etats-Unis ont nettement pris la tête" (31% des exportations) devant la Russie (27%).

Les trois suivants arrivent loin derrière, avec quelque 5% des exportations chacun. Selon le Sipri, "la France aurait été troisième" si elle avait livré fin 2014 un navire Mistral que la Russie n'a pas obtenu du fait du conflit en Ukraine.


Pays asiatiques gourmands

Trois pays asiatiques rassemblent plus des deux tiers des livraisons à l'étranger d'armement chinois: le Pakistan (41% à lui tout seul), le Bangladesh et la Birmanie. Pékin a aussi commercé avec 18 pays africains sur la période.

La Russie fournit pour sa part en premier lieu l'Inde, premier importateur mondial, dont 70% des importations d'armes sont russes. Les Etats-Unis ont la clientèle la plus diversifiée: le premier importateur d'armes américaines, la Corée du Sud, ne représente que 9% du total.

Quant à la France, elle vend d'abord au Maroc (18%) et à la Chine (14%). Le Sipri a relevé que ses "efforts pour augmenter ses exportations d'armes" avait été couronnés par le contrat passé avec l'Egypte en février (24 avions Rafale et une frégate multi-missions).


Marché en hausse

Parmi les dix premiers exportateurs mondiaux, la Chine (+143% ces cinq dernières années par rapport aux cinq précédentes), l'Ukraine et la Russie sont ceux qui ont connu la plus forte croissance, tandis que les livraisons de l'Allemagne et la France ont reculé.

Du côté des importations, l'Inde, avec 15% du marché, est loin devant les numéros deux et trois, l'Arabie saoudite et la Chine (5% chacune).

Le Sipri a noté que le volume du commerce mondial d'armes avait augmenté de 16% ces cinq dernières par rapport à la période 2005-2009. Reparti à la hausse depuis une dizaine d'années, le volume d'armement échangé dans le monde reste encore d'un tiers inférieur à son pic de l'après-guerre, atteint au début des années 1980.


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15 mars 2015 7 15 /03 /mars /2015 12:25
photo INVAP

photo INVAP


March 11, 2015 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Buenos Aires - Argentina will manufacture locally designed military drones, according to an announcement Tuesday in the official government gazette.


Argentina plans to use the drones, expected to fly as long as 12-20 hours, on its ships in searches at sea.


The program has an initial investment of 238 million dollars, the gazette said. The government contract is with state-owned INVAP, which makes complex technological products, and is owned by Rio Negro province.


INVAP designed Argentina's first communications satellite which was launched in October.


Dubbed ARSAT-1, it was Latin America's first to be built with homegrown technology.

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15 mars 2015 7 15 /03 /mars /2015 12:20
Navy Lays Keel on Future Littoral Combat Ship Omaha


Mar 12, 2015 ASDNews Source : US Navy


Austal USA shipyard held a keel laying ceremony for the sixth Independence variant littoral combat ship, the future USS Omaha (LCS 12), Feb. 18.

With Austal USA as the shipbuilder, teamed with General Dynamics as the combat systems provider, the future USS Omaha will be approximately 420 feet in length and have a waterline beam of greater than 100 feet.


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14 mars 2015 6 14 /03 /mars /2015 12:30
Air Weapons: The Arab Smart Bomb


March 13, 2015: Strategy Page


The UAE (United Arab Emirates) recently confirmed a 2013 order for half a billion dollars’ worth of Al Tariq smart bombs from a UAE company (Tawazun Dynamics). There is more to this than meets the eye. The UAE has been working for over a decade on creating weapons manufacturers in Arabia. While the Tawazun Dynamics Al Tariq GPS guided bombs (similar to the U.S. JDAM) deal sounds like a success, it is something quite different. The Al Tariq smart bombs are actually the Umbani series of smart bombs developed and produced by South African firm Denel. The Al Tariq include wings that allow a dumb bomb to glide up to 100 kilometers. It’s got a good reputation, but costs more than JDAM. But for some customers the fact that is “Made In Arabia” makes it more attractive than the cheaper brands.


Tawazun Dynamics is the invention of a UAE investment company (UAE) which is seeking to create an industrial capability for the UAE. While Tawazun has plenty of cash and skilled UAE investment managers, there are few UAE engineers and skilled production workers to actually run such companies in the UAE. Instead, Tawazun hires foreigners and makes deals with foreign firms to handle the actual development and manufacturing of weapons and military equipment. When possible, actual production is given to companies in the region, usually in countries that have no oil. This is because few UAE citizens want to work as engineers or production workers. The UAE has foreigners occupying 99 percent of the non-government jobs. The unemployment rate is over 20 percent but only a tenth of those are actually looking for a job. Surveys indicate that most of the unemployed are idle by choice. Kuwait is more entrepreneurial, with only 80 percent of the non-government jobs taken by foreigners. The other Gulf Arab states (which have less oil) have a similar situation.


The UAE employment situation is not unique. In Saudi Arabia the official government attitude is that most (over 80 percent) of the jobs done by the eight million foreign workers in the country are not suitable for Saudis. This includes many sanitation and personal service jobs. But that’s six million jobs and expatriates, especially those from the West, commented (among themselves, not to Saudis) that most of these jobs were done, in the West, by Westerners. Some of the expats noted that Westerners doing their own dirty work were usually well paid for it but in some countries legal or illegal migrants were let in to do the unpleasant jobs for lower wages. This is what the oil rich Gulf Arabs do, and they then take some of the money saved to pay for the generous unemployment benefits for citizens who cannot find suitable work. The resulting high unemployment rate worries government officials, especially in the case of the foreigners doing highly technical jobs in the oil industry, defense, or handling finances.


For the last 30 years this has led to programs aimed at getting rid of many foreigners and making jobs available for locals. This effort has had little success for several reasons. First, businesses are allowed to pay foreigners less than what Saudis will work for and don’t want the hassle of paying more for difficult to handle Saudi employees. Second, there are a lot of “dirty” jobs that Saudis will not or cannot (because they are women) take. Third, not a lot of Saudis are qualified for the high-skill jobs where the government is particularly anxious to have locals replace foreigners.


The lack of skills has to do with the education system, which is largely controlled by Islamic conservatives, especially in Saudi Arabia where technical subjects are downplayed and religious studies emphasized. Young Saudis are encouraged to concentrate in religious studies in college. Many students go along with this, in part because it’s a lot easier than majoring in science or engineering. While the wealthy oil states produce a lot of doctors, scientists, and highly trained professionals, they don’t do so at the rate of Western countries and, more importantly, produce even fewer skilled workers to actually produce things and support the high-end professionals.


Then there’s the work ethic, which is not nearly as good as seen in the foreign workers. This is in part a self-inflicted problem. Since all of the oil states in Arabia are monarchies, the rulers quickly found that the most effective way to remain in power was to keep their subjects pampered and happy. In other words, spread the oil money around and pay attention to public opinion. Most of the public backs the use of foreigners and the continued use of oil money to make life easy for the locals.


For example, foreign workers are brought in to handle most jobs (like training pilots and maintaining weapons) that require high skill levels, a lot of effort, and lots of experience. This importation of foreign experts for piloting warplanes and maintaining them is very common in the Arab oil nations because the locals tend to avoid heavy physical or mental labor. While many Arab men see being a fighter pilot as glamorous and worthy of some effort, the training required discourages most who attempt it. Some Gulf Arab states insist that Arabs occupy those fighter plane cockpits no matter what so the foreign trainers and maintainers are ordered to do what has to be done to keep the pilots alive and the planes in one piece. Pilot skill and capability has a lower priority.


It’s not just the Gulf Arab states that are having these problems. In late 2011, in the wake of the rebellion that overthrew the Kaddafi dictatorship, a lot of Libyans found themselves out of work. The unemployment rate was believed to be about 30 percent. Yet there are over a million foreign workers in Libya at the start of the fighting and a million government employees. The foreigners comprise 20 percent of the population and nearly half the workforce. Most of the foreigners fled during the fighting and, despite the high unemployment caused by the fighting, the government was unable to find qualified locals to replace most of the foreign workers (who were invited to return). There were plenty of jobs for Libyans but most of the jobs require work most Libyans will not do. As a result, most of the jobs are held by foreigners, often illegal immigrants from Egypt and other African nations to the south. The revolution is unlikely to change this.


This is not an unusual situation in the Arab oil states. In Saudi Arabia the unemployment rate is 12 percent but many of those men are unemployed by choice. Arabs tend to have a very high opinion of themselves and most jobs available to poorly educated young men do not satisfy. Thus most Saudis, and Libyans, prefer a government job where the work is easy, the pay is good, the title is flattering, and life is boring. In the non-government sector of the economy 90 percent of the Saudi jobs are taken by foreigners. These foreigners comprise 27 percent of the Saudi population, mostly to staff all the non-government jobs. This means most young Saudi men have few challenges. One might say that many of them are desperate for some test of their worth and a job in the competitive civilian economy does not do it. Thus al Qaeda and ISIL appealed to this by urging Saudi men to come to Iraq or Syria and fight for Islam. Since few of the volunteers have any fighting skills, most arrived and were talked into being suicide bombers.


This problem is recognized by Arabian leaders, who realize that the oil will eventually run out and if there are no other economic activities providing jobs, it will be a social and political disaster. The governments are trying to change attitudes and change education policy but are running into a lot of resistance from Islamic conservatives and indolent young people who do not want to give up the good life for hard work and responsibility. Many women would like to take some of those job opportunities but most Arab states abide by relatively recent customs that prohibit women from working outside the home. Before the oil wealth became a factor 60 years ago, women were very active in the economy. Even the early growth of Islam was financed by a wealthy female merchant, who was also the wife of the prophet Mohammed. Despite all that, the conservative clergy insist that the women stay home. It’s a mess that is proving very resistant to a cure.

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14 mars 2015 6 14 /03 /mars /2015 08:55
Et une nouvelle jeunesse pour le char Leclerc !


12/03/2015 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


Le ministère de la Défense a lancé la modernisation du char de combat Leclerc (Nexter). Une opération d'un montant de 330 millions d'euros environ.


La Direction générale de l'armement (DGA) a notifié à Nexter le marché de rénovation du char Leclerc. D'un montant d'environ 330 millions d'euros, le contrat prévoit la livraison à partir de 2020 de 200 chars "Leclerc Rénové" et de 18 dépanneurs de char "DCL Rénové". Cette commande constitue la troisième opération lancée par le ministère de la Défense dans le cadre du programme Scorpion destiné à moderniser les équipements de l'armée de terre. L'opération de rénovation lancée vise à maintenir cette capacité au-delà de 2040.

"Les travaux de rénovation prévus permettront au Leclerc d'exploiter au mieux sa puissance de feu et sa mobilité au sein des futurs Groupements tactiques interarmes (GTIA) de type Scorpion", a expliqué la DGA. Grâce au développement d'interfaces spécifiques pour le nouveau système de radio tactique Contact (Thales) et le Système d'information et de commandement Scorpion (Sics), développé par Atos, le char pourra "collaborer efficacement en réseau avec toutes les composantes des futurs GTIA Scorpion".


Le Leclerc, un char de 3ème génération

La mise à niveau de sa protection à travers le développement de kits de blindage spécifiques permettra au char Leclerc de mieux faire face à l'évolution des menaces, en particulier de types engins explosifs improvisés. Char de troisième génération d'un haut degré d'automatisation et d'aide au diagnostic, "le Leclerc confère actuellement aux forces terrestres françaises la capacité "d'entrée en premier" dans le cadre d'une coalition internationale", a rappelé la DGA. Ainsi, la France va déployer en Pologne des chars Leclerc avec des véhicules blindés VBCI pendant deux mois et participera à un certain nombre d'exercices de l'OTAN surplace.

Ce contrat de la DGA va en outre donner une bouffée d'oxygène à Roanne, le principal site de Nexter, qui attend depuis des mois et de mois une première commande export pour le Véhicule blindé de combat d'infanterie (VBCI) pour faire la soudure entre la fin imminente - en fin de mois - de la production des VBCI pour l'armée de terre française et le lancement de la production des futurs VBMR (véhicule blindé multi-rôles), baptisé Griffon, en 2018. Fin 2014, il y avait 2.715 salariés au sein du groupe Nexter.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 17:40
Chirok aircraft serves as prototype for the new machine - photo Rostec

Chirok aircraft serves as prototype for the new machine - photo Rostec


10 March 2015 by Rostec


Russian experts will create a 2-ton multi-purpose aircraft with air-cushion support. The 750-kilogram Chirok drone designed by the United Engineering Corporation is used as a prototype for the new machine.


As of now, theoretical study of elements and nodes of the machine weighing more than two tons, which was designed on the basis of the existing 750-kilogram Chirok drone, was implemented. It uses the same technology, but the large apparatus must surpass its "little" counterpart with regards to a number of characteristics. According to TASS, the development initiative project is ready to be implemented, and it is quite possible that the prototype will be manufactured.


Interestingly, the new machine will be able to operate in both unmanned and manned modes. In particular, it will be capable of transporting people to hard-to-reach areas.


According to TASS, the prototype is designed using foreign engines, but in the future, they can be replaced by the domestic counterparts. The prototype will be designed following the flight testing of the "little" Chirok, if the project receives the necessary financial support.


So far, the first full-size Chirok model weighing 750 kilograms was built. It will be presented at the MAKS air show in 2015.   The same year, Chirok aircraft with air-cushion support will make its first flight.


Chirok was designed by the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering. It can take off without a runway, almost from any surface, including sand, loose snow, or soil. The drone is designed to monitor the ground or water surface, as well as for transportation of various cargo.


The drone can go up to 6 thousand meters in the air, and the range of its flight is 2,500 km. After the necessary modifications, Chirok will be capable of carrying bombs, missiles and precision-guided missiles. It is planned that the military will be able to use the drone for reconnaissance and attacks.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
GD Land Systems and Thales Australia Announce Agreement to Team for LAND 400


Mar 10, 2015 ASDNews Source : General Dynamics


General Dynamics Land Systems and Thales Australia have signed a teaming memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the intention to submit a bid in response to the Land 400 Phase 2 - Mounted Combat Reconnaissance Capability Request For Tender.


General Dynamics and Thales have a proven track record of working together across a broad range of vehicle programs.  These include Canada's LAV III Upgrade, the UK Foxhound and Scout SV Programs, Switzerland's Piranha CBRN Program, and in Australia the ASLAV Program for Crew Procedural Trainer and electro-optics. 


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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 17:20
Standard Missile-3 Block IB

Standard Missile-3 Block IB


Mar 11, 2015 ASDNews Source : Raytheon


    Updates Make SM-3 More Lethal Against Advanced Threats


For the first time ever, Raytheon has begun enhancing Standard Missile-3 Block IBs with 'threat upgrade' software, giving the weapon's kill vehicle the ability to hunt down more complicated, more lethal targets.


Though exact details are classified, the ability to make improvements through software upgrades means combatant commanders can get increased ballistic missile defense capabilities without the time and expense associated with traditional disassembly or hardware replacement.


"We're proving it's possible to significantly improve the SM-3 Block IB's capability without having to go through the process of breaking apart the missile and then rebuilding again," Dr. Mitch Stevison, Standard Missile-3 senior program director. "Software updates are inherently less risky and extremely cost effective."


The Missile Defense Agency and the U.S. Navy plan to test an SM-3 Block IB enhanced with the new software in 2015.


The SM-3 Block IB's software updates were performed in Raytheon's Tucson, Ariz., Space Factory. Final assembly of the SM-3 takes place at Raytheon's Redstone Missile Integration Facility in Huntsville, Ala.


About the Standard Missile-3

SM-3s destroy incoming ballistic missile threats in space using nothing more than sheer impact, which is equivalent to a 10-ton truck traveling at 600 mph. The next-generation SM-3 Block IB incorporates an enhanced two-color infrared seeker and the Throttleable Divert and Attitude Control System, a mechanism that propels the missile toward incoming targets.

    More than 200 SM-3s have been delivered to the U.S. and Japan to date.

    SM-3 Block IB will be deployed ashore in 2015 in Romania.

    SM-3 Block IIA, co-developed with Japan, will have larger rocket motors and a bigger, more capable kinetic warhead. It's on track for deployment at sea and ashore in 2018.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 13:35
photo Ambassade de France au Japon

photo Ambassade de France au Japon


13 mars 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Tokyo - France et Japon ont fait un pas de plus vendredi dans leur partenariat d'exception en signant à Tokyo un accord de développement conjoint d'équipements de défense, un volet militaire qui s'ajoute à un renforcement de leur coopération politico-diplomatique, notamment en matière de lutte contre le terrorisme.


Ces avancées ont eu lieu lors d'une réunion dite 2+2 dans la capitale nippone, rencontre au cours de laquelle le ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius, et son homologue japonais, Fumio Kishida, ainsi que leurs collègues de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian et Gen Nakatani, ont validé plusieurs angles de collaboration.


C'est le seul pays asiatique avec lequel nous avons cette formule, a précisé M. Fabius lors d'un entretien avec l'AFP.


Un des points-clefs de la rencontre a été la signature d'un accord intergouvernemental sur le transfert des équipements et technologies de défense.


Le Japon a déjà paraphé ce type d'entente avec trois autres nations (Etats-Unis, Grande-Bretagne, Australie) après avoir levé les restrictions qu'il s'était précédemment imposées.


Cela fixera le cadre de notre collaboration avec un certain nombre de perspectives, a précisé M. Fabius, citant des projets dans les systèmes de drones, les hélicoptères ou l'espace notamment, tandis que M. Le Drian a souligné une avancée considérable.


Tokyo a aussi à coeur de prouver le bien-fondé de son action dite de pacifisme actif cher au Premier ministre conservateur Shinzo Abe, que M. Fabius a aussi rencontré vendredi.


Nous soutenons la volonté du Japon de s'engager plus fortement dans le monde et cela rend possible des coopérations nouvelles entre nos deux pays comme stabilisateurs de paix, a déclaré M. Fabius au début de ce dialogue 2+2.


Le Japon et la France ont ainsi décidé de mieux partager leurs connaissances et pratiques pour faire face à la menace que représentent des groupes terroristes dont les ministres ont condamné avec les mots les plus forts les actes lâches qui ont frappé les deux pays en ce début d'année.


Et les échanges de porter aussi sur les multiples crises internationales (Irak, Syrie, Iran), les quatre hommes rappelant notamment l'importance du règlement de la question ukrainienne dans le respect de la souveraineté et l'intégrité du territoire de ce pays.


Je veux rappeler la solidarité de la France avec le Japon sur le dossier nord-coréen, a aussi souligné M. Fabius, les deux pays s'inquiétant du programme nucléaire de Pyongyang.


Tokyo et Paris souhaitent en outre une intensification des échanges d'informations relatifs à l'Afrique, continent que les Japonais veulent mieux appréhender grâce aux Français, a souligné un fonctionnaire nippon.


Nous avons déjà des actions communes en Afrique et dans le Pacifique Sud mais nous pouvons et nous voulons aller plus loin, a insisté M. Fabius.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 12:45
Denel, Airbus Unit Team for Electronic Warfare


Mar 13, 2015 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Denel; issued March 10, 2015)


New Alliance to Boost South Africa’s Electronic Warfare Capabilities


Denel has joined forces with local specialist company, GEW Technologies, owned by Airbus, to collaborate on future electronic warfare programmes.


The new alliance will significantly strengthen South Africa’s capabilities in an area that has become a primary feature of modern defence systems, says the Group CEO of Denel, Riaz Saloojee. “We are combining the experience, reputation and resources of Denel with the specialist technology and expertise offered by GEW Technologies to create an alliance that will best serve the strategic interests of South Africa.”


Electronic warfare technology has been singled out in the 2014 Defence Review as a “key technology domain” and a “sovereign capability” which must be under the control of local South African companies.


Mr Carel van der Merwe, the CEO of GEW Technologies says the company has more than 40 years of experience in the design and production of sophisticated communication monitoring, countermeasures and integrated security systems. “We are looking forward to work with Denel in an alliance that heralds a new era in electronic warfare programmes in South Africa,” he says.


The company’s ties with Airbus Defence and Space will add the international experience and expertise of Europe’s leading manufacturer of defence technology. Denel already has a strong working relationship with Airbus through its role as a top tier supplier of aerostructures for the A400M, the world’s most advanced military airlifter.


“This agreement confirms the trust that Airbus has in the capabilities of both Denel and GEW Technologies and will strengthen the relationship between our companies,” said Mr Andreas Huelle, the Head of Electronic Warfare at Airbus Defence and Space.


The recently established Denel Integrated Systems and Management will manage the implementation of the agreement and drive the projects and programmes that will form the core of its activities.


The CEO, Ismail Dockrat, says Denel ISM was primarily created to be a partner of the defence and security sectors in the design, management, integration and through-life support of complex systems.


“Electronic warfare will be a primary future area of focus for the SANDF to rapidly expand its current capabilities and implement counter-measures to combat potential threats to the security of the country.


This partnership between Denel ISM and GEW Technologies will play a leadership role to coordinate different initiatives in the field, advise decision-makers on the acquisition of the most appropriate systems, ensure that the end-users are adequately trained and provide on-going support, maintenance and upgrading of the systems,” says Dockrat.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 12:35
Airbus Hands Over Malaysia’s First A400M - photo Airbus DS

Airbus Hands Over Malaysia’s First A400M - photo Airbus DS


Mar 13, 2015 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Airbus Group; issued March 10, 2015)


A400M Centrepiece At LIMA 2015


The Airbus Group will have a major presence at the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) with its technologically-advanced airlifter, the A400M, making its debut at the Show which will be held from March 17-22, 2015.


On display will be the A400M, designated MSN22, the first of four A400M which was delivered to the Royal Malaysian Air Force on 9th of March. The A400M will be performing a special fly-past on the opening day and will, thereafter, be on static display.


“Malaysia is a key market and partner for the Airbus Group in Asia Pacific. In addition to being a long-standing customer base for our various businesses, we have also significantly increased our industrial presence in the country over the past 10 years with our smart partnerships. We have initiated cooperation programmes that are contributing to the advancement of the local aerospace industry while providing the best of our expertise, products and services,” said Pierre Jaffre, President, Asia Pacific, Airbus Group.


Airbus Group will present a wide range of cutting-edge products and technologies at LIMA 2015 from commercial and military aircraft to helicopters and radars. It will also highlight its strong and extensive industrial and services footprint in Malaysia and its support of the Malaysian Government’s Aerospace Industry Blueprint.


At the Group’s exhibition booth, Stand N° B620, Hall B, various scale models will be on display. Among them are the all-new widebody A350 XWB, the C295 Maritime Patrol Aircraft, civil helicopter H175 and military helicopters H225M and Tiger. Also at the stand will be models of the TANAN unmanned aircraft system and the MEASAT-3b, the largest and most powerful telecommunications satellite ordered by MEASAT.


Information on the Group’s border security solutions, maritime satellite services and GEO Intelligence Imagery & Net management system will be available at the stand.


Airbus Group is a global leader in aeronautics, space and related services. In 2014, the Group – comprising Airbus, Airbus Defence and Space and Airbus Helicopters –

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 12:20
Raytheon Awarded $122 M US Navy Contract for Tomahawk Block IV Missiles


Mar 10, 2015 ASDNews Source : Raytheon Corporation


Raytheon received a contract modification for $122,443,911 to a previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-14-C-0075) for the procurement of 114 Tomahawk Block IV All Up Round missiles for the U.S. Navy. This completes the Navy's planned purchase of 214 Tomahawk Block IV missiles for fiscal year 2015 and continues to build the inventory to support warfighting requirements.


"Employed in every recent conflict, submarine and surface-launched Tomahawk missiles continue to be our nation's weapon of choice to defeat high value threats," said Dave Adams, Raytheon Tomahawk senior program director. "Raytheon continues an acute focus on maintaining affordability and enhancing the impressive capabilities of this sophisticated weapon system."


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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Italy Produces First F-35 Outside US

The first F-35A aircraft built in Italy, AL-1, which will also be the first of the jets operated by the Italian Air Force, prepares for its roll out from the Cameri, Italy, final assembly and check out facility.(Photo: Larry Bramblett/Lockheed Martin)


March 12, 2015 By Tom Kington - Defense News


ROME — The first joint strike fighter assembled outside the US rolled off an assembly line in Italy on Thursday, Lockheed Martin said in a statement.


The aircraft, designated AL-1, was the first of eight aircraft being assembled at the final assembly and check out (FACO) facility at Cameri Air Base in northern Italy. AL-1 is due to fly for the first time later this year, Lockheed Martin said.


Italy is assembling its F-35s at Cameri, currently an order of 90 aircraft, and will assemble Dutch aircraft as well. The facility is also being used to build wing sets under contract to Lockheed Martin. The first wing section has been completed and is due to be shipped to Lockheed's Fort Worth, Texas, F-35 production line for final assembly.


Owned by the Italian Ministry of Defense, Cameri is operated by Italian firm Alenia Aermacchi and Lockheed Martin, with 750 staff now based at the 101-acre facility, which includes 22 buildings and over a million square feet of covered workspace.


Last December, the site was chosen by the DoD as Europe's F-35 airframe maintenance, repair, overhaul and upgrade center, which should guarantee work for Cameri after Italy's jets have been assembled.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
UK Submarine Industry to Benefit from GBP285M Investment in Successor Programme


Mar 11, 2015 ASDNews Source : Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom)


    The Uk's Submarine Industry Will Benefit from GBP285 M of Investment to Continue Design Work for the Royal Navy's Next Generation of Nuclear Deterrent Submarines.


The release of funding for the design work is within the existing Successor programme’s £3.3 billion Assessment Phase. The funding forms part of the MoD’s commitment to spending £163 billion on equipment and equipment support over the next 10 years to keep Britain safe. That includes new strike fighters; more surveillance aircraft; hunter killer submarines; two aircraft carriers; and the most advanced armoured vehicles.


The Successor programme currently employs around 2,200 people in the UK, working for BAE Systems, Babcock and Rolls-Royce. For BAE Systems alone, the funding will sustain over 1,400 jobs on a programme that has already engaged with more than 240 suppliers.


The work is largely based at the home of the UK’s submarine manufacturing industry in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria but also across the UK including sites in Raynesway in Derby and Bristol.


Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said:

''The UK has been committed to a continuous at-sea deterrent for more than 45 years. This is because it is the responsibility of the British Government to protect its citizens and provide this vital line of defence. It is therefore crucial that we continue to invest in the Successor programme to be ready for a final decision on renewal next year.''

''It is thanks to our long-term economic plan that we are able to invest in this latest wave of design funding, which will help to secure the jobs of hundreds of people working across the MOD’s three main industrial partners working on the Successor programme. This underlines how important this work is to the British economy as well as the future security of the UK.''


As a result of today’s announcement, BAE Systems will proceed with an additional £257 million worth of design work, with a further £22 million at Babcock and £6 million at Rolls-Royce.


The Successor submarine is designed to be one of the most stealthy submarines in the world. It will also be the largest, safest and most technically advanced submarine ever built in the UK.


Under current plans, four Vanguard submarines – which currently maintain the UK’s nuclear deterrent - will be replaced from 2028.


Tony Johns, the Managing Director at BAE Systems’ Submarines, said:

''Designing a new, nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine is one of the most challenging engineering projects in the world today. The Successor programme is the largest and most complex project we have ever faced. This funding will now allow us to mature the design over the next 12 months to enable us to start construction in 2016.''


Chief of Materiel (Fleet) Vice Admiral Simon Lister said:

''Today’s announcement on the third phase of design funding is another step forward in the programme to deliver the Successor submarine.''

''Over the next year, work on the design of the submarine will draw on cutting edge capabilities in innovation, design and engineering available in the UK to ensure we are able to meet the future defence needs of the UK.''


All Royal Navy submarines will be based at Faslane by 2020, including the Astute and Trafalgar class attack submarines.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Guide d'utilisation des drones en Europe


12.03.2015 Romandie.com (ats)


L'agence européenne de sécurité aérienne (AESA) a annoncé jeudi travailler sur l'élaboration d'une nouvelle réglementation pour l'utilisation des drones civils. Elle tiendra compte de leur catégorie, de leur usage et donc des risques qu'ils peuvent engendrer.

"Baptisé 'Concept of operation' (concept d'utilisation opérationnelle), cette nouvelle approche prévoit une réglementation graduée afin d'intégrer les engins volants pilotés à distance dans l'espace aérien européen", a indiqué l'AESA dans un communiqué.


Sites sensibles

Trois catégories seront définies, la dernière étant relative aux drones de loisirs. Ces derniers ne feront pas l'objet de réglementation particulière, à l'exception de l'interdiction de survol de certaines zones comme les villes ou les sites sensibles.

"Les législations sont très variables d'un pays à l'autre en Europe. Dans certains cas, elles peuvent être relativement restrictives (licences individuelles, autorisation obligatoire pour certaines utilisations), dans d'autres, elles sont quasiment inexistantes", a expliqué un porte-parole de l'AESA. Il y a donc urgence à harmoniser la législation à mesure que l'usage des drones se popularise.


Utilisateurs entendus

Des propositions concrètes seront présentées à la Commission européenne en décembre pour les drones de loisirs, a ajouté le porte-parole. Il a précisé qu'il n'y avait en revanche pas de calendrier précis pour les autres types de drones, compte tenu des nombreuses parties prenantes à la réflexion.

"Ce concept est le premier résultat tangible de la nouvelle approche au sein de l'AESA qui consiste à écouter en premier lieu les utilisateurs avant d'élaborer les réglementations en fonction des risques encourus", a commenté Patrick Ky, directeur de l'AESA.

En France par exemple, l'usage des drones est d'ores et déjà réglementé depuis 2012. Ils doivent voler à moins de 150 mètres d'altitude pour ne pas faire courir de risque au trafic aérien. Le cadre réglementaire définit en outre quatre scénarios et autorisations éventuelles requises, suivant le poids du drone, le rayon d'action, l'altitude, le vol à vue ou hors vue du pilote, la zone survolée, notamment.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 08:45
Pakistan Ordnance Factory (POF) weapons

Pakistan Ordnance Factory (POF) weapons


12 March 2015 by Oscar Nkala - defenceWeb


The Ugandan parliament has turned down a request from the Ugandan People's Defence Force (UPDF) to borrow $170 million for the acquisition of new military equipment, saying the military needs to account for previous emergency defence budgets.


The UPDF request came as a high level Ugandan government delegation led by Foreign Affairs and Regional Co-operation minister Asuman Kiyingi visited Pakistan and toured the Pakistan Ordnance Factory (POF), whose products include assault rifles, machineguns, mortars, artillery pieces and ammunition. The POF also produces tanks and anti-tank ammunition, bombs and grenades and has exported its products to more than 40 countries around the world.


According to Ugandan media reports, the UPDF's request for emergency funding was presented by its commander General Katumba Wamala and defence minister General Jeje Ondongo. The two generals told parliament that the army needs new equipment to deal with a 'volatile' national security situation and regional instability caused by militia activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Al Shabaab militants.


The defence officials also cited the recent discovery of oil in the country saying this was also likely to attract new national security threats. A member of parliament who spoke to the media on condition of anonymity said the request was turned down because the defence officials refused to provide details of the equipment requirements.


“They told us that they must secure the country and the equipment they have does not match modern technology. They are asking for $170 million to acquire modern equipment because of the volatile situation within the country and the region, especially in Congo and Somalia.


"They refused to disclose the type of equipment they want to purchase under the guise of classified expenditure, but some of us said no to this classified expenditure because under the current fiscal year, we passed a lot of classified expenditure but they have not given us the status report on how they used it,” the MP said.


Gen Wamala reportedly told parliament that the army could not disclose the types and quantities weapons sought because doing so could compromise national security. However, Pakistani media reports said the Ugandan delegation which visited the POF demonstration lounges and armaments factory units showed 'keen interest' in acquiring several weapons for the UPDF.


The delegation was taken around the POF complex by chairman Lieutenant General Muhammad Ahsan Mahmood, who is also the company director of exports. “I was very much impressed by the capacity and capabilities developed by the government of Pakistan in the armament industry. Uganda should collaborate and cooperate more with Pakistan so that we can tap into each others potentialities," Kiyingi said.


In a statement released after the Ugandan tour, the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the two countries agreed to further strengthen co-operation with Uganda in fields of defence and security among others.


"During the official talks both sides emphasized the need for high-level political contacts and enhancing cooperation in the fields of agriculture, industry, defence and security. It was agreed to conclude, at an early date, a new MoU on bilateral political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of Pakistan and Uganda," the statement said.


The Ugandan delegation's tour will be reciprocated with a visit to Pakistan by President Yoweri Museveni in the second half of this year. Both countries will be seeking to expand relations based on the existing bi-lateral Technical Assistance Programme, through which 21 Ugandan diplomats have been trained at the Foreign Service Academy of Pakistan.


Early this year, the United Nations Security Council's Panel of Experts (PoE) monitoring the implementation of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said there are indications the Uganda wants to acquire 'non-lethal' military equipment from the reclusive communist state following the visit of a high-level military delegation to Kampala in October last year.


North Korean instructors have over the past few years trained the Ugandan Police Special Force, Police Construction Unit, Criminal and Forensic Investigation Unit in specialised martial arts, marine policing and sharp shooting.


Ongoing programmes include the training of a special paramilitary police unit known as the Field Force Unit on the use of AK-47s and pistols. It also remains unclear if the UPDF's equipment needs include provision for regional ally South Sudan.


In October last year, the two countries signed a military procurement agreement in terms of which Uganda will buy weapons on behalf of its neighbour which has come under a UN arms embargo following the outbreak of the ongoing civil war in December 2013.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 08:35
India Tejas Light Combat Aircraft PV-1 (KH2003) in flight.

India Tejas Light Combat Aircraft PV-1 (KH2003) in flight.


Mar 13, 2015 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Indian Ministry of Defence; issued March 10, 2015)


Delay In Tejas LCA Project

The First Series Production Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas has been handed over to Chief of Air Staff by Raksha Mantri on 17th January 2015.

The following are some of the reasons for delay in completion of LCA project:
-- Ab-initio development of the state-of-the-art technologies.
-- Non-availability of trained / skilled manpower in the country.
-- Non-availability of infrastructure / test facilities in the country.
-- Unanticipated technical / technological complexities faced in structural design.
-- Non-availability of critical components / equipment / materials and denial of technologies by the technologically advanced countries.
-- Enhanced User’s requirements or change in specifications during development.
-- Increase in the scope of work.
-- Inadequate production facility at HAL

The initial cost of Full Scale Engineering Development (FSED) Programme Phase-II of LCA Tejas was Rs. 3301.78 crore. Based on modifications required in the aircraft, an additional sanction of Rs. 2475.78 crore was granted, which increased the total sanctioned cost of Phase-II Programme to Rs. 5777.56 crore.

From the open sources, it is seen that the contemporary aircraft of LCA developed in other countries are JAS-39 by Sweden, FA-50 by South Korea and JF-17 by Pakistan / China.

The engines installed in these aircraft (except that of JF-17) are GE-404 series engines. LCA parameters, such as empty weight, all-up weight (except that of JAS-39), thrust, speed (except that of JAS-39) are better than those of the other aircrafts.

Similarly, development / unit cost of LCA are less than those of JAS-39 and FA-50 but more than that of JF-17. However, LCA’s Ferry Range is less than those of other aircrafts.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri Manohar Parrikar in a written reply to Shri Palvai Govardhan Reddy in Rajya Sabha today.

Under Water Vehicles Developed By DRDO
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) as technology demonstrator. A project has been taken up to demonstrate certain enhanced critical parameters of the AUV.

DRDO has undertaken a feasibility study for the development of different types of AUV platforms that could be used for a variety of roles, like surveillance and mine counter measures etc.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri Manohar Parrikar in a written reply to Shri Aayanur Manjunatha and Shri Mohd. Ali Khan in Rajya Sabha today.

100 Per Cent FDI In Defence Sector
The Government vide Press Note 7 of 2014 Series dated 26.8.2014 has notified revised FDI Policy in defence sector, according to which FDI upto 49% is allowed in the sector through FIPB route and above 49% through approval of Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) on case to case basis, wherever it is likely to result in access to modern and state-of-the-art technology in the country.

After opening up of the defence industry sector for FDI in 2001, 33 FDI proposals / Joint Ventures have been approved in defence sector for manufacture of various defence equipment to Indian companies.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri Manohar Parrikar in a written reply to Shri P Bhattacharya in Rajya Sabha today.

JV In Defence Sector
After launching of “Make in India” campaign, the ‘Acceptance of Necessity (AoN)’ have been accorded for 40 projects with Indian as well as Foreign manufacturers, with an amount of approximately Rs. 1,01,264 crore. Further, project-wise details cannot be divulged in the interest of National Security.

The Government vide Press Note 3 of 2015 Series dated 26.6.2014 has notified defence products list for the purpose of issuing Industrial License for manufacturing in the private sector which includes items like electronic warfare, radar etc. apart from other licensable items designed or modified for military purpose.

This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singh in a written reply to Dr. T Subbarami Reddy in Rajya Sabha today.

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