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24 février 2015 2 24 /02 /février /2015 12:55
photo Daher-Socata

photo Daher-Socata

18 février Aerobuzz.fr


Daher-Socata a mis en place un site internet spécifique dédié aux diverses applications utilitaires du TBM regroupées sous l’appellation TBM-MMA (Multi-Mission Aircraft). Le site s’adresse plus particulièrement aux agences gouvernementales, aux opérateurs parapublics et professionnels, aux forces armées. Il couvre les missions DRI (Détection, Reconnaissance, Identification), le sanitaire, le fret, le transport de personnel. Il présente le support client, un des atouts de l’avionneur français.

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24 février 2015 2 24 /02 /février /2015 12:50
A330 MRTT The Benchmark


24 févr. 2015 Airbus DS


The A330 MRTT is the most capable Tanker/ Transporter currently available. It carries more passengers and more freight than any competitor whilst concurrently performing its refueling mission. Also, its tank capacity is sufficient to supply the required fuel quantities without the need for any additional reservoirs.

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24 février 2015 2 24 /02 /février /2015 12:35
L’EC145 T2 est motorisé avec l’Arriel 2E de Turbomeca photo Airbus HC

L’EC145 T2 est motorisé avec l’Arriel 2E de Turbomeca photo Airbus HC


23 février Aerobuzz.fr


L’Armée royale thaïlandaise six hélicoptères légers EC145 T2, la dernière évolution en date du bimoteur EC145 et aussi la plus puissantes (masse maximale au décollage de 3,65 tonnes). L’EC145 T2 est équipé d’un cockpit numérique et d’un pilote automatique 4 axes. Les EC145 T2 thaïlandais seront aménagés en version VIP, et destinés au transport de personnalités. Les livraisons débuteront en 2016.


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24 février 2015 2 24 /02 /février /2015 11:50
Un A400M ravitaillant deux F/A-18 photo Airbus DS

Un A400M ravitaillant deux F/A-18 photo Airbus DS


jeudi 19 février 2015 par Aerobuzz.fr


Dans un contexte tendu, Airbus Military a tenu à démontrer les capacités opérationnelles de son A400M en version ravitailleur en réalisant une série d’essais concluants avec deux F/A-18 des forces aériennes espagnoles. Au cours de quatre vols, 74 contacts ont été réalisés et 27,2 tonnes de carburant à des altitudes comprises entre 20 et 30.000 ft, et à des vitesses comprises entre 180 et 300 kts. Au cours d’une mission classique de ravitaillement, l’A400M peut opérer pendant deux heures dans un rayon de 500 NM (930 km) de sa base et transférer jusqu’à 34 tonnes. Reste que pour l’heure,l’A400M n’est toujours pas capable de ravitailler des hélicoptères.

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22 février 2015 7 22 /02 /février /2015 17:25
Two J-10 fighters at the Zhuhai Airshow on Nov. 5, 2008. (Photo Xinhua)

Two J-10 fighters at the Zhuhai Airshow on Nov. 5, 2008. (Photo Xinhua)


February 22, 2015 By Wendell Minnick – Defense News


TAIPEI — London's successful blocking of the Gripen fighter sale to Argentina appears to have done little to stop Buenos Aires' determination to replace its aging attack and fighter fleet. Nor has it halted its threats to use force to "liberate" the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands from British control.


In October, Argentina's Defense Minister Agustin Rossi announced plans to procure 14 Saab Gripen fighters to replace its single-engine Dassault Mirage III/5, which saw combat during the 1982 Falklands War.


However, London quickly killed the deal. When that was nixed, Argentine's President Cristina Kirchner traveled to Beijing, Feb. 2-5, and announced Argentina and China were creating a working group to facilitate the transfer of a variety of military equipment, including fighters. To further sweeten the pot, China takes Argentina's position on the Falkland Islands and has compared the dispute to China's sovereignty claims over disputed islands in the East and South China Seas.


Two types of Chinese fighters are candidates: The FC-1/JF-17 and the J-10, both built by Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC).


The JF-17 is the Pakistan-built variant of the FC-1. Both fighters have their advantages and disadvantages, said Doug Barrie, the senior air analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. The Chengdu FC-1 represents the cheaper and less-capable combat aircraft, he said. Argentina could purchase significantly more FC-1s, "although in capability terms this would not represent as great an increment in overall performance compared to the J-10," he said.


The Argentinean Air Force could face difficulties acclimating to non-Western equipment, but "we should understand that such a sale will have a special political importance for the Chinese. It brings prestige and opens doors to new combat aircraft sales to the region," said Vasily Kashin, a China military specialist at Moscow's Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies. "They will likely provide good financing conditions and will probably pay special attention to subsequent maintenance and training work."


Logistics and follow-on support is still a question, and China's reputation with past fighter exports is dubious, said Roger Cliff, nonresident senior fellow, Asia Security Initiative, Atlantic Council. He said Argentina might have no choice in the matter since London will no doubt block any Western fighter sale. Russia could also be a contender, but also has a poor history in fighter support, Cliff said.


However, China's JF-17 fighter program in Pakistan has proven a reasonably successful test bed for joint fighter production programs. The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and CAC developed the JF-17 and CAC's FC-1 in a joint program begun in 1995. Like Argentina, the Pakistan JF-17 replaced its Mirage III/5 fighters.


Richard Fisher, a senior fellow with the US-based International Assessment and Strategy Center, said that in 2013 CAC was in discussions with the Argentine aerospace company Fabrica Argentina de Aviones to co-build the FC-1 in a similar fashion as the CAC/PAC deal. Fabrica did not respond to requests for information on the issue.


China has been working hard to placate Buenos Aires. In 2011, Fabrica and the Aviation Industry Corp. of China (AVIC) signed a co-production deal for the CZ-11 single-engine light multi-purpose helicopter.


Future cooperation could cover co-production with China's Norinco for 100 eight-wheeled VN1 eight-wheeled armored personnel carriers, and joint development with China's Shipbuilding Corp. for five corvettes modeled after the P18 (to be dubbed the Malvinas-class after the Falklands dispute).


These agreements could complicate London's ability to protect the Falklands from another invasion.


Fisher said that with aerial refueling, which will be available from Argentina's new Embraer KC390s, "the FC-1 is able to carry two CM400AKG-derived hypersonic anti-ship missiles out to a reasonable strike range." With the element of surprise and a minimum of 20 fighters, "there is the potential they could launch up to 40 of these missiles at the likely single aircraft carrier that Britain would send to defend the Falklands from a second attack."


London does not have an aircraft carrier that can operate fixed-wing aircraft. The famed AV-8 Harrier jump jetss that made their name during the Falklands War were retired in 2010. However, two 70,000-ton Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers are under construction, with the first to be completed in 2017 with an air wing operational in 2020, Cliff said. The carriers will be equipped with short take-off and vertical landing F-35B joint strike fighters. "So the UK might be especially vulnerable at the moment, but that situation will not last long."


Fisher said the issue is more complicated today than it was during the war.


The other new element is that Argentina and China are now partners in space cooperation. China is building a strategic Southern Hemisphere tracking and control facility, and Argentina could get access to China's growing surveillance satellite network.


The scenarios Fisher paints are dark. "What if Venezuela gave Argentine aircraft base access to mount an early strike against a British task force? This could become a realistic option with Chinese ISR. This Chinese-Argentine military relationship is just beginning to blossom. Anti-ship ballistic missiles, over-the-horizon radar, and submarines could quickly join the list of possible Chinese exports.


"Look, there does not have to be a second war," Fisher continued. "If China sells Argentina enough weapons, a future British government could opt for a lengthy face-saving Hong Kong-like transfer. But in Latin America, such a 'surrender' would be viewed as much a Chinese as an Argentine victory."


The political and economic consequences for Argentina of making another grab for the Falklands would be severe, and even threatening to do so would not be in the country's interest. But that does not mean it could not happen, "as people in the country are still passionate about the issue", Cliff said.


"Argentina made things pretty dicey for the UK back in 1982 and probably could do so again, especially if they prepared carefully for it."

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18 février 2015 3 18 /02 /février /2015 12:55
L’esplanade du musée de l’air et de l’espace de Paris-Le Bourget photo X. Deregel - MAE

L’esplanade du musée de l’air et de l’espace de Paris-Le Bourget photo X. Deregel - MAE


16 février 2015 par Aerobuzz.fr


Le Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace du Bourget se prépare pour une grande mutation. Objectif 2024. Sous l’impulsion de sa directrice, Catherine Maunoury, un vaste chantier de rénovation du bâtiment est en cours de réalisation. Les premiers effets seront visibles dès juin 2015.


Au musée de l’air et de l’espace de Paris, la première phase de travaux doit se terminer peu de temps avant le prochain salon du Bourget, en juin 2015. Elle comprend notamment la rénovation de la façade Est du musée (côté route nationale et parking voiture) et celle de la salle des Cocardes qui est consacrée aux premiers avions de combat à réaction. Les travaux intérieurs ont commencé en septembre dernier avec par exemple l’enlèvement de tous les velums qui tapissaient les murs et masquaient la structure du bâtiment. Le hall gagne ainsi du volume et de la clarté dans cette opération qui est une très belle réussite.


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18 février 2015 3 18 /02 /février /2015 12:35
IAF To Induct 1st Indo-Brazilian AEW&C Jet In Sept

15.02.2015 by Livefist

The Indo-Brazilian EMB-145i AEW&C platform, that made its first public appearance at AeroIndia 2013, returns to the show this year. But unlike two years ago, when the jet was steeped in a busy and extended period of systems trials, including sorties in the Eastern sector and over the Arabian Sea, the Indian Air Force gets all set to receive its first aircraft in seven months.


The team is looking to wrap up development flight & systems trials by the end of March (a Centre for Airborne Systems, CABS, officer tells me the aircraft at AeroIndia will still be notching up test points at the show too). With two aircraft in flight test, the Defence R&D Organisation (DRDO) has enough to meet its March 2015 deadline to complete development tests. But choosing to deploy one of the two jets at the Bangalore show wasn't a difficult decision, given the remarkable level of interest in the platform. CABS sources say at least two countries could sign MoUs declaring their interest in getting more information about the platform to support potential acquisitions. A confidential list of nations that have asked for briefings on the platform includes Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Oman, and UAE. Embraer has taken it upon itself to (a) look at consolidating the EMB-145i into a standard marketable product that the two countries can jointly pitch in the global market, and (b) handle South American operations by itself.


Director of the Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS), lead integrator on the programme, Dr Christopher says, "Currently though the system is customised for the Indian Air force, the AEW&C India can fine tuned to any specific user‐oriented early warning product through appropriate programming/software which can be defined by the user. Many countries are evincing keen interest in the AEW&C system and discussions are in progress for export of this system."


But exports are in the future. The more immediate good news for the programme is what the Indian Air Force thinks of the EMB-145i. In the words of a senior officer associated with the programme, and one who will be part of 4-6 month user evaluation trials aimed for April, the IAF is 'impressed and satisfied'. Those are important words from a customer that hasn't had much faith in the past in long-gestation systems, especially critically needed platforms like early warning jets.


But September, the Indian Air Force hopes to be ready to induct the first of three EMB-145i. A third platform arrives from Brazil by the end of June or early July. The second EMB-145i will also likely enter service by the end of the year.


User trials with the IAF will include the deployment of the aircraft in a special live exercise to be jointly held by the Western and Central Commands, and involve operational situations for the AEW&C. A team from CABS will, of course, be embedded through this phase. Most importantly, there's a rare confidence in the systems and platform.


The IAF officer quoted above says, "These are impressive timelines. Our team has been satisfied with the performance. There are still some ends to tie up in the process of matching requirements with performance, but all major requirements have been demonstrated, including intercept control, battle management, Electronic Support Measure (ESM) and Communication Support Measure (CSM), data handling and the crucial SATCOM links. This could be one of the most trouble-free developments we have had so far."


The official literature on the platform, to be released at Aero India this year, says, "The AEW&C India has managed to pack in several sub-systems namely a highly versatile active array  Radar system, Identification friend or foe system, ELINT, COMINT systems, along with multiple combination of ‘C’-Band& SATCOM ‘Ku’-Band voice and Data Links, UHF/VHF/HF communications, & Self Protection Systems - in order to enhance mission capabilities, add redundancies to foolproof operations, and implant self‐protection against missile attacks from ground as compared with its contemporaries on same Embraer aircraft elsewhere in the world."


Speaking of the primary sensor, the heart of the platform, and India's contribution to the system, the Director of CABS Dr S. Christopher says, "While India has caught up with the rest of the world in adopting the Active Electronically Steering Array (AESA) Antenna for its radar; the two building-block components of the radar, the Transmit-Receive Multi-Module (TRMM) and the teflon-clad ultra light Antenna Panel are notable Indian innovations in the radar sub-system. These are developed by CABS and with a joint patent along with M/s Astra Microwave, Hyderabad for TRMM. The most important outcome of the efforts is the realisation of a system that is both operation-efficient and cost-effective."


The reloaded Indian AWACS programme, first revealed here on Livefist, is also gathering speed, with the DRDO expected to move forwarded in choosing an aircraft platform for the project this year.

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17 février 2015 2 17 /02 /février /2015 12:50
Rome devrait maintenir sa commande de 90 avions de chasse F-35


16/02/2015 zonebourse.com


Le gouvernement italien va résister aux pressions politiques émanant de son propre camp et maintenir sa commande de 90 avions de chasse F-35 fabriqués par l'américain Lockheed Martin, a-t-on appris de sources à Rome et aux Etats-Unis.


Cette décision est motivée par deux facteurs: le gros contrat d'entretien obtenu par la compagnie publique de défense Finmeccanica pour ces F-35 et la nécessité de renouveler la flotte de chasseurs.


"Le nombre approprié (de chasseurs) pour que l'Italie joue le rôle industriel auquel elle aspire est 90", a dit à Reuters une source italienne proche du dossier. "Respecter le programme est conforme aux différentes résolutions parlementaires et 90 est le nombre qui nous permet de couvrir les besoins du pays en terme de défense."


Cette opinion est partagée à Washington.


"La participation industrielle est proportionnelle au nombre d'avions que vous commandez. S'ils réduisent leur commande, le travail qu'ils auront à faire sur le site (d'assemblage et de vérification) et l'entretien diminueront", dit-on aux Etats-Unis.


L'achat de F-35 permettra à l'Italie de renouveler une flotte de plus en plus obsolète, alors que les tensions géopolitiques sont vives en Europe et dans son environnement, en raison de la crise en Ukraine et de l'islamisme radical.


Des élus du Parti démocrate, la formation du président du Conseil Matteo Renzi, ont réclamé en mai dernier de diviser par deux la somme consacrée à ce programme, estimé à 12 milliards d'euros. Certaines formations d'opposition réclament même l'abandon pur et simple du projet.


Matteo Renzi a lui-même évoqué l'an dernier une réduction de ce programme pour financer des baisses d'impôts pour les revenus les plus modestes.

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17 février 2015 2 17 /02 /février /2015 11:50
L’armée allemande possède 28 NH90TTH photo NHIndustries

L’armée allemande possède 28 NH90TTH photo NHIndustries


11 février 2015 par Gil Roy – Aerobuzz.fr


La Bundeswehr décide de suspendre provisoirement sa flotte de NH90, suite à un incident survenu à l’un de ses hélicoptères en Afghanistan, en juin 2014. Pour les militaires allemands, les vols reprendront quand NHIndustries aura remédié à un défaut de conception du circuit électrique. Les causes sont identifiées, une solution est déjà à l’étude.


Alors qu’il entre progressivement en service, sous les cocardes des pays partenaires du programme, et qu’il est engagé avec succès sur plusieurs théâtres d’opération, le NH9O est confronté à d’inévitables défauts de jeunesse que s’emploie à corriger, au fur et à mesure qu’ils apparaissent, le consortium NHIndustries. Le dernier événement en date est la décision de l’armée allemande de suspendre temporairement sa flotte de NH90 TTH, soit 28 appareils. Une mesure radicale en réponse à un problème qualifié de sérieux par les militaires allemands.


Les faits remontent à juin 2014. A cette époque, l’Allemagne mettait en œuvre quatre NH90 en mission d’évacuation médicale en Afghanistan. Lors d’une de ces interventions, un équipage a été victime d’une explosion en vol d’un des moteurs RTM322. Dans le feu de l’action, les pilotes ont activé la commande des extincteurs. Cette action a entrainé un court-circuit dans le panneau de commande supérieur du cockpit. L’équipage a, alors, recherché le terrain le plus proche pour s’y poser en toute sécurité, en l’occurrence, la plateforme de Termez, en Ouzbékistan.


Après plusieurs mois d’enquête par des spécialistes militaires, industriels et indépendants, l’incident a été qualifié de sérieux mais pas de nature à nécessiter l’arrêt des vols des NH90. Comme d’habitude en aéronautique, les situations délicates sont souvent la résultante de plusieurs actions erronées. Le cas de Termez ne fait pas exception. L’enquête a, en effet, déterminé que l’équipage n’avait pas, respecté la procédure de démarrage « à chaud » des moteurs, qui prévoit de ventiler les turbines pendant deux minutes avant de lancer la séquence de démarrage des moteurs Turbomeca RTM322. De plus, suite à l’explosion, l’équipage malgré, l’absence d’incendie, a déclenché les extincteurs, en appuyant plus de trois secondes sur le bouton d’activation. Cette action prolongée et inattendue, a entrainé un court-circuit.


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17 février 2015 2 17 /02 /février /2015 08:55
Rétrospective 2014 : les équipements

15/02/2015 Armée de Terre


Des hélicoptères aux véhicules blindés, des équipements félins aux drones et aux engins du génie, les principaux matériels engagés dans les opérations en 2014 sont présentés en images

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17 février 2015 2 17 /02 /février /2015 08:35
Photo F. Robineau, Dassault Aviation

Photo F. Robineau, Dassault Aviation


February 17, 2015 Rediff.com (Business Standard)


Air force brass is ignoring a project to develop a fifth-generation fighter for fear it will take attention away from buying the Rafale. Ajai Shukla reports


The priceless Indo-Russian project to co-develop the eponymous Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft is dying of neglect. With the Indian Air Force brass focused single-mindedly on procuring 126 Rafale fighters, the air marshals fear that an FGFA on the horizon would undermine their argument that the Rafale is essential. With the costly Rafale procurement imploding in slow motion, the FGFA is becoming collateral damage.


In October 2012, then IAF boss, Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne, announced the IAF would buy only 144 FGFAs instead of the 214 that were originally planned. Having cut down the numbers, the IAF is now undermining the FGFA project itself.


After the apex Indo-Russian Inter-Governmental Commission for Military Technical Cooperation met on January 22 to discuss military cooperation, IAF officers whispered to a gullible media that the FGFA was dead. It was reported that Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had told his Russian counterpart that joint research and development was a waste of time. This was factually incorrect. What is true is that the IAF -- for reasons that can only be guessed at -- is scuttling a project to develop a fighter that would rank alongside the world's best.


Why is the FGFA important, more so than the Rafale? It is a fifth-generation fighter, which makes it operationally more capable than contemporary fourth-generation fighters like the Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon. Gen-5 fighters are designed to be stealthy, which means enemy radar cannot detect them until it is too late. They "supercruise", i.e. fly at supersonic speeds without lighting engine afterburners (the Rafale can do this too); and Gen-5 aircraft have futuristic avionics and missiles. In a war with China, stealthy Gen-5 aircraft would be ideal for missions deep into Tibet, evading China's radar network, to destroy the Qinghai-Tibet railway and roads leading to the Indian border -- to prevent China from quickly switching troops around on its superior border infrastructure.


So vital was the FGFA considered to India's aerospace capabilities that, in October 2007, New Delhi and Moscow signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement to co-develop the fighter, which placed the project above defence ministry procurement rules. The IGA states that Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd would partner Rosoboronexport, Russia's defence exports agency, in co-developing the fighter. Furthermore, Indian engineers say the expertise gained from the FGFA would be valuable in building the planned indigenous Gen-5 fighter, designated the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft.


Following the IGA, New Delhi and Moscow signed a General Contract in December 2008, stipulating general principles of cooperation such as the share of work and cost, and the sale of the FGFA to third countries. In December 2010, a preliminary design contract was signed in which both sides contributed $295 million towards finalising the fighter's basic configuration, systems and equipment. With that completed in June 2013, the central R&D Contract is now being negotiated. This will govern the bulk of the work - the actual design and development of the FGFA.


Even as the IAF stonewalls the R&D contract negotiations, the need for India to come on board grows ever more pressing. Russia has already designed, built and flown the first prototypes of a Gen-5 fighter they call the PAK-FA (Perspektivny Aviatsionny Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsii, or "Prospective Airborne Complex of Frontline Aviation"). The PAK-FA, built to Russian Air Force specifications, has already completed 650 test-flights. India's work share will lie in adapting this fighter to the IAF's requirements -- which include advanced capabilities like all-round radar that can detect threats in a 360-degree envelope, and voice recognition software that allows the pilot to call out commands. In all, the IAF has specified some 40-45 improvements that they want over the PAK-FA. Indian designers, who will have to integrate these improved capabilities with the existing PAK-FA, are losing out by not participating in the on-going design and test flying in Russia.


How Rafale is killing the (Indian) air force's future

Gen-5 fighters are designed to be stealthy, which means enemy radar cannot detect them until it is too late.


The IAF's objections to the FGFA are (a) The Russians are reluctant to share critical design information; (b) The fighter's current AL-41F1 engines are inadequate, being mere upgrades of the Sukhoi-30MKI's AL-31 engines; and (c) It is so expensive that "a large percentage of IAF's capital budget will be locked up." It is ironical that an air force that is eager to spend an estimated $20 billion on the entirely foreign, Gen-4 Rafale is baulking at spending a fraction of that on co-developing and indigenously manufacturing a Gen-5 fighter, which can be maintained and upgraded cheaply for decades to come.


An entire mythology has come up around the cost with even senior air marshals incorrectly stating that India will spend $11 billion on the FGFA. Even this inflated figure would be modest compared to the $40 billion that America spent in the 1980s and 1990s to develop the Gen-5 F-22 Raptor. Yet, in fact, this $11 billion figure was a defence ministry estimation in 2010, which included numerous items that have nothing to do with R&D. Firstly, the amount included both Russian and Indian expenditure; second, it included several options that India may not require, e.g. $1.5 billion for developing a twin-seat FGFA (which the IAF now says it does not want), and $1.5 billion for a new engine. Third, this included the cost of infrastructure that India must establish to manufacture the aircraft in large numbers for the IAF.


Since India urgently needs to start participating in the flight-test programme, of which the PAK-FA has already completed some 20 per cent, Sukhoi would have to build another prototype for India. That cost too is included in the estimation, along with the ground support equipment and training needed for a full-fledged Indian flight-test programme. With all of this factored in, officials closely involved in the negotiations say that India's share in the project could be about $3.5 to 4 billion.


Both sides have already talked around the R&D contract in such detail that it can be concluded in one sitting, provided Indian negotiators are given the green light from a clear-minded political leadership. The FGFA perfectly fits the "Make in India" idea; the strategy of being ready for a two-front conflict; and the IAF force structure of the future. From the standpoint of negotiation strategy, the timing is perfect. The rouble has plummeted more than 60 per cent against the dollar and the rupee in the last five months after the Ukraine crisis. The Russians will agree to the lower dollar rate that New Delhi has been proposing. The time to strike is now.

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16 février 2015 1 16 /02 /février /2015 15:55
Tir d'un missile de moyenne portée (MMP) à DGA Techniques terrestres le 2 février 2015

Tir d'un missile de moyenne portée (MMP) à DGA Techniques terrestres le 2 février 2015


16/02/2015 DGA


La direction générale de l’armement (DGA) a réalisé avec succès le premier tir du missile de combat terrestre (missile de moyenne portée - MMP) le 2 février 2015, successeur du système d’arme Milan.


Effectué sur le site de DGA Techniques terrestres à Bourges, ce tir de mise au point vient confirmer l’excellente précision de la poursuite du MMP après un accrochage en vol sur une cible à plus de 4 000 mètres, masquée au départ du coup. Cette réussite est le fruit d’un travail coordonné d’acteurs étatiques (DGA et armée de terre) et industriels (MBDA France).


Le MMP est un missile de nouvelle génération à haute technologie. Il constitue l’un des nouveaux programmes du ministère de la Défense destinés à la modernisation de l’armée de terre au titre de la loi de programmation militaire 2014-2019.


Ce missile polyvalent, conçu par la société MBDA France, est en phase de développement. Le contrat de développement a été notifié par la DGA le 3 décembre 2013. Il permettra aux forces de neutraliser les différents types de cibles rencontrés sur l’ensemble des théâtres d’opérations avec une grande précision, tout en maîtrisant les dommages collatéraux et en réduisant leur vulnérabilité pendant le tir. La date de livraison de ce système dans les forces est prévue en 2017.


D’autres campagnes d’essais du MMP sont d’ores et déjà programmées à DGA Techniques terrestres au cours du premier trimestre 2015.

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14 février 2015 6 14 /02 /février /2015 12:40
Armor: Russia Bets On Armata


February 9, 2015:  Strategy Page


Russia has been trying to develop a radical new tank design since the 1960s. This effort already resulted in the T-64, T-72 and T-80. The only design that showed promise was the T-72, but it was not radically new, just a refinement of designs that appeared early in World War II and quickly replaced all competing designs and became the basis for all modern tanks (T-72, M-1, Leopard and so on). When it was clear (by the 1980s) that the T-72 was the best they had, several new versions appeared, not all of them Russian. But it was obvious (especially after several wars) that the T-72 was inferior to Western designs


Russia then sought to create another breakthrough design and after several false starts they believe they finally have a winner in their new “universal combat platform” called the Armata system. The first prototypes of this vehicle began testing in 2013 and the Armata platform is currently being used for the construction of  the new T-14 tank prototypes. This vehicle uses the engine and tracks as well as the heavily armored crew capsule of the Armata system. Added to this is an automated 125mm gun (and 32 shells and missiles) in a turret. There is also a RWS (remote weapons station) for a 30mm autocannon and another for a 12.7mm machine-gun. In addition to the weapons the crew of three would operate several sensor systems (thermal, vidcams and AESA radar) and an automatic defense system for protection against missiles and weapons like RPGs (shaped charge rockets used by the infantry). All this would be in a 55 ton vehicle that would require the services of additional maintenance personnel nearby (behind the fighting) who would help fix problems and assist the crew in maintaining all this complex equipment. Prototypes of the T-14 are supposed to be available for field testing in 2015 or shortly thereafter.


There is already another Armata vehicle. In 2014 Russia began testing the newly built prototypes of its new Kurganets 25 IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle). This is based on the Armata chassis and will eventually replace all the existing BMP and BMD IFVs. Kurganets 25 is very similar to the American M-2 Bradley IFV as it has a turret equipped with a 25mm autocannon and two ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missiles) mounted on either side. The turret also has computerized fire control, thermal sensors and a 7.62mm machine-gun. The 25 ton Kurganets 25 will have a front mounted engine, a crew of three and carry six or seven infantry.


As impressive as the Kurganets 25 seems to be, the Russians may have missed the fact that after 2007 the U.S. Army stopped using the M-2 in combat. By then it was clear to the U.S. that the enemy was intent on using mines and roadside bombs in a big way and the M-1 tank, Stryker, and MRAP vehicles were much better able to handle these blast weapons than the M-2.


The Kurganets 25 is only one of several armored vehicles that use the same basic chassis and systems as the T-14, support vehicles and self-propelled artillery. It is rumored that prototypes of some Armata vehicles will be shown in military parades during late 2015.

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14 février 2015 6 14 /02 /février /2015 12:30
Armor: Israel Creates A Two-In-One


February 7, 2015: Strategy Page


The mid-2014 war in Gaza gave Israel the opportunity to aww how many new weapons performed under combat conditions. This included ammunition. Israel introduced its 120mm APAM-MP-T (M329) multi-mission tank shell in 2011 but was not able to test it in heavy combat until the mid-2014 50 Day War with Hamas. The M329 is an anti-personnel and anti-materiel (vehicles or structures) round that has a programmable fuze that allows for air bursts and detonation when close to a moving target (like helicopters). The M329 acts like a high explosive round when fired at buildings or bunkers. The tank gunner can select how the fuze will operate before firing a shell. Thus the M329 fuze can be set to penetrate a wall and then explode inside, or detonate in the air over troops in trenches.  This makes the M329 useful for destroying buildings or just killing or wounding enemy troops. Max range of the M329 is 5,000 meters and it is very accurate.


Israel developed the M329 because similar American multi-mission 120mm rounds had appeared earlier and Israel has used some of them in combat. Suggestions from Israeli troops led Israel to design their own multi-mission ammo like the M329. Multi-mission tank rounds began appearing in the 1990s and since then there have been several generations of such tank gun ammunition. Some of these American rounds proved very useful in Iraq and Israel a decade ago. These new shells were better at killing infantry, and destroying bunkers and buildings, rather than destroying tanks. With the end of the Cold War, there has not been a lot of tank-versus-tank combat, and existing anti-tank shells were more than adequate for that. But for post-Cold War combat new and improved shells would be useful.


Not surprisingly in the 1990s new shells were developed for these new conditions. In some cases older shells were recycled with new features. Thus 19,000 American M830A1 multipurpose 120mm tank gun rounds were modified to become M908 shells. This made them more lethal against bunkers, buildings and unarmored vehicles. In addition, there was the M1028, which is a 120mm shotgun shell (containing 1100 10mm tungsten balls, that can kill or wound at up to 700 meters from the tank), that began production in 2002. This shell, and the M908, were what American M-1 tanks use nearly all the time in Iraq.


Israel had pioneered both types of “irregular combat” tank ammunition and used their versions heavily in Palestinian areas after Israeli troops withdrew from Gaza and that are became a Islamic terrorists sanctuary. The M908 and M1028 shells make tanks much more useful in urban fighting. Hostile gunmen often take cover in buildings, or trees and crops. The M908 can knock down buildings, and the M1028 can clear out anyone sniping at you from lighter structures or vegetation. The M329 provides even more flexibility for when tanks are not fighting other tanks and replaces the capabilities of both the M908 and M1028. Now, like those two older designs, the M329 has plenty of combat experience to demonstrate what worked and how well.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 17:35
Russia 'stole' Chinese Zubr contract from Ukraine


13 February 2015 Pacific Sentinel


An agreement is thought to have been reached between Russia and China under which the former will construct Zubr-class air-cushioned landing craft (LCAC) in China. This much is assumed from a piece entitled "Russia Steals an International Defense Contract from Ukraine" on Russian online news site Vzglyad.


The contract was originally signed by China and Ukraine. The ships were to be constructed at Feodosiya Shipyard in Ukraine under an agreement with the state-owned Ukrainian Defense Industry, according to a Russian shipbuilding industry source cited in the article. Now, it seems, Russia's state-run Rosoboronexport will be responsible for the project.


Ukraine does not have exclusive rights to build and sell the air-cushioned craft, as the technology belongs to Russia, according to the online paper. In order to prevent protests from Russia, Ukraine made slight adjustments to the landing craft and renamed it the Project 958 Zubr LCAC from its previous designation of Project 1232.2. Under the terms of the contract, last spring Ukraine delivered two of the craft to China.


Read the full story at Want China Times

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 12:20
Lockeed Martin's Legion Pod Takes Flight


ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 12, 2015 Lockheed Martin


Lockheed Martin introduced Legion Pod – a multi-function sensor system that supports collaborative targeting operations between multiple aircraft in radar-denied environments.

Combining Lockheed Martin’s IRST21™ infrared sensor with advanced networking and data processing technology, Legion Pod provides high-fidelity detection and tracking of airborne targets. Designed for flexibility, Legion Pod also accommodates additional sensors within its current structure to address diverse mission requirements across a variety of platforms.

“Legion Pod fills a critical need for today’s warfighters, providing unique detection and tracking data for joint targeting operations,” said Ken Fuhr, director of fixed wing programs at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “As a flexible, production-ready system, Legion Pod can be quickly procured and integrated to meet current and emerging customer requirements.”

Legion Pod is available to support the current F-15C infrared search and track program of record, which requires long-range detection and tracking in a wide field of view. Due to its flexible design, Legion Pod also supports the emerging Multi-Domain Adaptable Processing System and offers advanced capability for a variety of platforms, including non-fighter aircraft.

Lockheed Martin developed Legion Pod through internal investment, and pod components have completed limited qualification. Initial flight tests will occur this year, with additional flight tests planned for 2016.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 112,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s net sales for 2014 were $45.6 billion.

Legion Pod infographic – Source Lockheed Martin

Legion Pod infographic – Source Lockheed Martin

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:54
Le 2e Étranger a pris livraison de ses premiers VBCI

Le 31 janvier, le 2e régiment étranger d’infanterie (2e REI) de Nîmes a reçu ses premiers véhicules blindés de combat d’infanterie (VBCI)


12 février, 2015 par Nathan Gain (FOB)


Le 2e Régiment Étranger d’Infanterie de l’Armée Française a récemment prouvé à nouveau qu’il pouvait à la fois approcher de sa 174e année d’existence, compter dans ses rangs un authentique mulet, nommé Tapanar, et disposer d’un matériel militaire de pointe.


C’est en suivant cette philosophie que le 2e REI a pris livraison, le 31 janvier 2015, de 17 Véhicules Blindés de Combat d’Infanterie (VBCI) flambants neufs. Fort de 1230 hommes, le 2e REI devient ainsi le huitième et dernier régiment français à être équipé de ce type de matériel.


Dans la matinée du 31 janvier, les 17 VBCI ont été déchargés par les légionnaires sur la plateforme de débarquement de la zone industrielle de Grezan. Des éléments du 503e régiment du train ont ensuite escorté le convoi jusqu’aux quartiers du 2e Étranger, situés à Nîmes, pour une mise en condition opérationnelle dans l’après-midi.  Ces VBCI viennent désormais compléter un parc régimentaire déjà composé, entre autres, des célèbres VAB HOT et VBL Milan.


Dédié au transport, à la protection et à l’appui feu des unités d’infanteries, le VBCI a d’ores et déjà prouvé sa valeur au sein des nombreuses opérations extérieures menées par l’Armée Française. Depuis son incorporation au sein de l’armée française en septembre 2008, le VBCI a été engagé avec succès en Afghanistan, au Liban, au Mali et, plus récemment, en République Centrafricaine.


Fruit de la collaboration de Nexter Systems et de Renault Trucks Defense, le VBCI, en version VCI (Véhicule de Combat d’Infanterie), peut transporter un groupe de combat de huit hommes et est armé d’un tourelle Tarask équipée d’un canon de calibre 25 mm et d’une mitrailleuse de calibre 7,62 mm.


Gageons que ce nouveau matériel saura parfaitement servir la devise du 2e Étranger, « Être prêt ».

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:50
General Dynamics European Land Systems and Excalibur Army collaborate to market, sell and service the Pandur II 8×8

06.02.2015 Defense Global

General Dynamics European Land Systems-Steyr GmbH, and the Czech Republic company Excalibur Army entered into a collaboration that allows Excalibur Army to exclusively market, sell and service the Pandur II 8×8 wheeled armoured vehicle family in Czech Republic and other selected markets in Eastern Europe and Asia.


The vehicles will be manufactured under license at Excalibur Army sites in Czech Republic and Slovakia. General Dynamics European Land Systems-Steyr will support Excalibur Army’s activities with design services and delivery of components.

The two companies will bring the benefits of this partnership to compete for the Czech Ministry of Defence program to build and supply 20 Pandur II 8×8 command and communication vehicles.

The Czech Republic currently field 107 Pandur II vehicles, with several of them locally produced by VOP CZ.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:35
Bird-Eye 400 photo IAI

Bird-Eye 400 photo IAI


Feb 11, 2015 Defence-Update


The agreement covers local production of IAI's Bird-Eye 400 and Bird-Eye 650 mini UAS as well as other mini-unmanned aerial systems


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and India’s Alpha Design Technologies have signed a teaming agreement for the production and marketing of mini-Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in India to accommodate the operational needs of Indian customers. Potential customers in India include security agencies and all defense organizations including police forces, coastguard and Border Security Forces (BSF).


According to Shaul Shahar, IAI VP and General Manager of the Military Aircraft Group, the agreement with Alpha follows India’s policy for ‘Buy and make India’. “The important vision of ‘Make in India’ is being made fully effective by this joint effort. Alpha will meet the huge market in India and will examine further, later exports by Alpha, through IAI to various countries”. Col. H. S. Shankar, Chairman & Managing Director, Alpha Design Technologies Private Limited, added.


The agreement covers local production of IAI’s Bird-Eye 400 and Bird-Eye 650 mini UAS as well as other mini-unmanned aerial systems. Production of the systems will take place in India, while the marketing will be a joint effort of the two companies. Alpha Alpha will also provide integration of the systems in India, with IAI’s support.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:35
Minsk a Kiev class aviation cruiser

Minsk a Kiev class aviation cruiser


13 February 2015 by Pacific Sentinel


China's ability to modify its two decommissioned Soviet era Kiev-class aircraft carriers which now serve as hotel-theme parks in Tianjian and Shenzhen has been discussed in a recent article on Beijing-based website Sina Military Network on Feb. 10.


The Kiev and the Minsk were the first two vessels of four Kiev-class aircraft carriers built for the Soviet navy back in the 1970s. Also known as aviation cruisers, the 45,000-ton vessels can be equipped with 80 to 200 surface-to-air missiles, two dual-purpose guns, eight close-in weapons systems and 10 torpedo tubes. The ships have a speed of 32 knots and are capable of carrying between 12 and 13 Yak-38 fighters with vertical take-off and landing capability. The ships can also carry 14 to 17 Ka-25 or Ka-27/29 helicopters.


Read the full story at Want China Times

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:35
France, India Disagree Over Key Rafale Contract Issue


Feb 12, 2015 by Jay Menon, Caroline Bruneau and Amy Svitak - Aviation Week & Space Technology


France will not warranty Indian-built aircraft

After months of seeing Dassault Aviation being browbeaten in the Indian press, French arms procurement agency DGA defended its contractor, asserting that a 2012 agreement to provide India with Rafale fighter jets never committed the company to guarantee aircraft manufactured in India at state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL). However, a recent senior adviser to HAL’s management tells Aviation Week that guaranteeing HAL’s work is not the issue, but that the French are being “rigid” and refusing to stand behind the integrity of the design.

“Dassault will not be responsible for the whole contract. It is a co-management setup,” says French defense procurement chief Laurent Collet-Billon, who was clear that France will not assume full liability for HAL-built Rafales. “It cannot be a problem, because it was not in the request for proposals [RFP].”

Speaking to reporters during an annual media address Feb. 9, France’s arms procurement chief said the €10.2 billion ($12 billion) agreement—which has been under negotiation for more than three years—calls for the first 18 of 126 Rafale jets to be built in France. After that, HAL would take over production of the remaining 108 aircraft.


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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:30
Volvo Group Government Sales (VGGS) at IDEX 2015

11.02.2015 Defesa Global

Volvo Group Government Sales (VGGS), through its operations Renault Trucks Defense, ACMAT Defense, Pangard Defense, Volvo Defense and Mack Defense), will display several vehicles at IDEX 2015 exhibition and conference event to be held in Abu Dhabi, UAE 22-26 February.


The display will comprise Renault Trucks Defense VAB MK III 6×6 infantry fighting vehicle; ACMAT Defense Bastion PATSAS HM 4×4 special forces vehicle; Panhard Defense VBL Mk II 4×4 reconnaissance vehicle; ACMAT Defense Dagger APC (also known as PVP) command and liaison vehicle; Renault Trucks Defense Sherpa APC XL: 4×4 armored fighting vehicle; Renault Trucks Defense Higuard Police 6×6 medium armored fighting vehicle; Mack Defense Hawkeye Sherpa Carrier 4×4 vehicle with a Mandus Group Hawkeye 105mm mobile mortar system; and Volvo Defense FMX truck.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:25
L’Embraer KC-390 fait son premier vol (video)

L’avion de transport brésilien KC-390 a effectué son premier vol avec succès le 3 février à São José dos Campos (source : Embraer).


4 février 2015 par Edouard Maire – Info Aviation


L’avion a volé durant 1 heure et 25 minutes piloté par Mozart Louzada et Marcos de Oliveira Lima Salgado. L’équipage comprenait également les ingénieurs d’essais Raphaël Lima et Roberto Becker pour l’évaluation des qualités et performances de vol.


« Le KC-390 est le résultat d’une coopération étroite avec la Force aérienne brésilienne et nos partenaires internationaux. Il représente ce qui est probablement le plus grand défi technologique que la société n’ait jamais rencontré dans son histoire. Nous sommes profondément émus d’avoir atteint cette étape », a déclaré Frederico Fleury Curado, président d’Embraer.


« Le KC-390 sera l’épine dorsale de l’aviation de transport pour l’armée de l’air brésilienne. De l’Amazonie à l’Antarctique, la flotte de 28 avions jouera un rôle clé dans la diversité des projets de l’État brésilien, dans la recherche scientifique pour le maintien de la souveraineté « , a déclaré le général Nivaldo Luiz Rossato, commandant de la Force aérienne du Brésil.


Durant ce premier vol, l’équipage du KC-390 a effectué des manoeuvres pour évaluer ses caractéristiques de vol et a mené une série de tests des systèmes après plusieurs simulations au sol.


« Le KC-390 s’est comporté de façon réactive et prévisible », a déclaré le capitaine Louzada. « Le système de contrôle fly-by-wire et l’avionique de dernière génération facilite considérablement le vol. »

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 08:20
Predator XP drone embarks on 40+ hour long-endurance flight


Feb 12, 2015 by defense-update.com

During the flight, the Predator XP RPA validated its long-endurance capability by flying at 10,000 feet for greater than 40 hours. Predator XP is currently in production, with the first production aircraft to be delivered in 2016. The UAE, considered to be one of the lead customers for this model is planning to buy 10 such aircraft.


General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA‑ASI), has recently completed the longest mission of a Predator Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA). The flight performed by a company built launched on February 6 and landed on February 8, 2015 during a 40-plus hour flight conducted at GA-ASI’s Castle Dome Flight Operations Facility located at Yuma Proving Grounds, Ariz.

“This flight truly demonstrated the long- endurance capability of our latest RPA

During the flight, the Predator XP RPA validated its long-endurance capability by flying at 10,000 feet for greater than 40 hours. The RPA that flew the mission is a production representation aircraft designed and built on Internal Research and Development (IRAD) funds. Predator XP is currently in production, with the first production aircraft to be delivered in 2016. The UAE, considered to be one of the lead customers for this model is planning to buy 10 such aircraft.

“This flight was a landmark event for Predator XP in that it truly demonstrated the long- endurance capability of our latest RPA,” said Frank W. Pace, president, Aircraft Systems, GA-ASI. “In addition, it was a new company record for our aircraft.” Predator XP, an advanced derivative of the mission-proven MQ-1 Predator RPA that has accumulated over two million flight hours since 1994.

Predator XP is an updated version of the company’s flagship Predator RPA that has been licensed by the U.S. Government for sale to a broader customer base to include countries in the Middle East, North Africa, South America, and Asia. In October 2014  the U.S. Government has granted GA-ASI a ‘DSP-5′ export license allowing the company to offer Predator XP to the Government of India. The company is also discussing the potential sale with local industry.

Beyond its long endurance, the aircraft’s distinctive features include wingtip winglets and enhanced payload assembly under the nose. Advanced capabilities include a Satellite Communications (SATCOM) data link; Automatic Takeoff and Landing System (ATLS); a full-motion video camera (optical and infrared); GA-ASI’s Lynx   Multi-mode Radar with ground imaging (Synthetic Aperture Radar/ SAR), maritime surface search, and Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) modes; an Automatic Identification System (AIS) for maritime patrol; and triple-redundant avionics. Following the export restrictions imposed by the US government, unlike the Predator models used by the CIA and Air Force, or Gray Eagle used by the U.S. Army, Predator XP is not designed to carry weapons.

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13 février 2015 5 13 /02 /février /2015 07:40
Russia claims it's in the early stages of developing an aircraft carrier that can hold 100 planes


Feb. 10, 2015, Jeremy Bender - uk.businessinsider.com


Russia's government-owned Krylov State Research Center is on its way towards developing Russia's latest aircraft carrier, according to Russian media. 

The aircraft carrier is in a very rudimentary stage of its development. It's still under conceptual testing in Krylov's laboratory.

But if the tests prove successful and the carrier's design is deemed plausible, the research center will follow through with a 1:1 scale metal mock-up of the carrier (China may have just constructed its own mock-up of a new carrier). 

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