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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 12:45
An A-Darter missile and Badger armoured vehicle

An A-Darter missile and Badger armoured vehicle


10 November 2015 by defenceWeb


The Public Enterprises Minister has given Denel a clean bill of health and the announcement of major multi-million Rand contracts adds further credibility but at least some suppliers of goods and services maintain they have not been paid.


According to one supplier, his company’s account with the State-owned defence industry conglomerate is currently 90 days in arrears.


“We also have no commitment as to when the outstanding amount of more than R10 million will be paid,” the disgruntled contractor said, adding there are “at least 20 other suppliers to Denel Dynamics” who find themselves in similar positions.


Last month Public Enterprises Minister Lynne Brown said, in reply to a Parliamentary question, that the acquisition of BAE Systems Land Systems South Africa had not exhausted Denel’s cash reserves.


Natasha Mazzone, opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) party shadow public enterprises minister, who first asked questions about Denel’s liquidity, said: “It appears the extent of the problem is greater than what has been reported and I have written to Minister Brown requesting her to urgently appear before the Parliamentary Public Enterprises Committee to respond to the Denel crisis”.


Among the other 20 companies who still await payment for goods and services are some that have incurred penalties on export contracts.


The newest addition to the Denel stable, now renamed Denel Vehicle Systems (DVS), this week confirmed a R900 million plus contract with NIMR in the United Arab Emirates for the development and supply of N35 (formerly RG35) mine protected vehicles.


The contract, according to a Denel statement, is one of the largest received by the now DVS and previously BAE Land Systems Land Systems South Africa in recent years and will provide work for two of the company’s major divisions for the next 24 months.


“It is one of several contracts awarded to DVS since it became part of Denel earlier this year and further confirms Denel’s leadership role in landward mobility and mine protected vehicles,” Zwelakhe Ntshepe, Denel Group Executive Business Development, said.


Other contracts Denel landward defence has recently concluded include 24 RG-31 mobile mortar platform (MMP) vehicles, assembly of driveline components for NIMR, maintenance and supply of spares for combat and military support vehicles and for components in the new Transnet electric locomotives.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 12:35
Vietnam-Brésil : De nombreux potentiels de coopération dans la défense

Le général de corps d'armée Nguyên Chi Vinh (droite), vice-ministre vietnamien de la Défense, et l'ambassadeur brésilien Marco Brandao, le 11 novembre à Hanoi. Photo : Hông Pha/VNA/CVN


12/11/2015 Le Courrier du Vietnam


Le général de corps d'armée Nguyên Chi Vinh, vice-ministre vietnamien de la Défense, a reçu le 11 novembre à Hanoi l'ambassadeur brésilien Marco Brandao.


Les deux parties ont estimé que les relations entre les deux pays, notamment dans la défense, n’avaient cessé de se développer avec la multiplication d'échanges de délégations de tous échelons, le partage d'expériences et l'entraide en matière d’opérations des forces de maintien de la paix de l'ONU, d'industrie de la défense...


Nguyên Chi Vinh et Marco Brandao ont affirmé que la prochaine visite au Vietnam de la présidente brésilienne Dilma Rousseff était une bonne opportunité pour les deux ministères de la Défense de signer un Protocole d'accord sur la coopération bilatérale en la matière.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:50
Leclerc-VBCI (Nexter- photo G. Belan) - LEOPARD 2 A5 (KMW)

Leclerc-VBCI (Nexter- photo G. Belan) - LEOPARD 2 A5 (KMW)


11/11 Thibaut Madelin et Dominique Seux - lesechos.fr


La menace du terrorisme renforce les projets d’armement franco-allemands, dont le rapprochement de Nexter et KMW.


Philippe Burtin en est convaincu. « Nous sommes face à une seule et même menace, qui est le terrorisme », a déclaré mardi le PDG de Nexter au forum économique franco-allemand organisé par « Les Echos » et « Handelsblatt » à Berlin. « Aucune nation, ni la France, ni l’Allemagne, n’est en mesure de surmonter seule cette menace », a ajouté Frank Haun, le patron du groupe allemand Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW). Leur analyse les conforte dans leur projet de rapprochement. Ensemble, Nexter et KMW veulent créer le numéro deux européen de la défense avec un chiffre d’affaires de près de 2 milliards d’euros et plus de 6.000 salariés. Après la signature de leur alliance, ils attendent d’ici à la fin de l’année les dernières autorisations, y compris celle du ministère allemand de l’Economie, sensible aux exportations d’armes. Sur le principe, le gouvernement allemand soutient l’opération, qui s’inscrit dans la continuité de la stratégie de sécurité et de défense européenne. « Une armée européenne : c’est cela le vrai but », a jugé Hans-Peter Bartels, médiateur parlementaire auprès des armées. Idem sur l’armement. « Nous avons besoin d’une réduction des programmes » nationaux, a-t-il ajouté.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:45
Airbus provided satellite imagery for Exercise Oxide


11 November 2015 by Guy Martin - defenceWeb


Airbus Defence and Space supplied geo-intelligence maritime security support to the South African Maritime Safety Agency (Samsa) for Exercise Oxide between the French and South African navies earlier this year.


The reports were generated from the multiple satellites operated by Airbus Defence and Space. These satellites are the optical satellites SPOT 6 and SPOT 7 complimented by the very high resolution satellites Pléiades 1A and 1B. The radar satellites are known as TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X and will soon to be complimented by a third named PAZ.


The satellite imagery was acquired on 22 and 23 September to generate a vessel detection report the same day. This allowed for the detection and identification of military vessels and civilian vessels within the open water zone during the search and rescue portion of the exercise.


Thomas Lutz, Director Sales East & Southern Africa at Airbus Defence & and Space, said the geointelligence data was provided by the Maritime Application department within GEO-Intelligence based in Toulouse, France. For the maritime environment, Airbus Defence and Space offers an Information Fusion Centre that integrates various satellite, AIS (Automatic Identification System), VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) and satellite imagery solutions for its customers.


Satellite imagery is one of the assets that Airbus Defence and Space is offering to the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). In March 2012 Cassidian (as a predecessor of Airbus Defence and Space) demonstrated its Spexer 2000 radar to the SANDF on the border with Mozambique. Lutz said the radar was hugely successful as the operators were able to monitor the border on a 24/7 basis. It was also showcased in Cape Town and at Coega in Port Elizabeth, for harbour monitoring and for monitoring ships at anchor. Cassidian demonstrated the radar to the Institute for Maritime Technology (IMT), which performs defence research for the South African Ministry of Defence. The IMT did trials in False Bay.


Lutz said that feedback from the system, which was also equipped with electro-optical sensors and a laser rangefinder, was fantastic. He said a radar like the Spexer would be highly useful for border surveillance, counter-poaching and peacekeeping operations. He suggested that the SANDF could start off with some sensor towers at hotspot locations (or mobile sensor reconnaissance vehicles), and connect these with a command and control centre. As funds became available, this system could be expanded over time


Airbus is marketing the radar elsewhere in Africa and the system is operational in the Middle East on a big border security project.


The Spexer forms part of Airbus’s larger border security portfolio. The company has sold its border security services to three African countries in West and North Africa and is in discussions with a number of oil producing countries in this regard, with several acquisition projects underway. Airbus officials told defenceWeb that there is demand for border protection due to migration, terrorism, and smuggling. The migrant crisis in Europe has in particular raised the issue of border security in nations like Libya, Egypt and Algeria.


Airbus Defence and Space has executed major border security contracts in places like Romania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and France. For instance in Saudi Arabia it has executed the largest fully integrated border security solution, covering 6 500 km of land border and 2 500 km of maritime border.


Qatar’s sea and land borders are protected by cameras and radar towers while France integrates radars, AIS, mobile platforms and other sensors to monitor its borders in Europe and overseas territories, according to Dr Thomas Jacob: Integrated Systems and VP Border Security at Airbus Defence and Space.


Jacob said that sensor-based systems require less people in the field, who are reduced to checking, intercepting threats and maintaining equipment. Sensors are able to operate in all weathers, 24 hours a day and maintain a continuous presence.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:30
Riyad achèterait pour 10 mds USD d'armes russes


11.11.2015 sputniknews.com


La Russie pourrait notamment livrer à l'Arabie saoudite des systèmes de missiles tactiques Iskander (code Otan: SS-26 Stone).


Plusieurs contrats pour la livraison d'armes russes à Riyad sont en cours de préparation en vue d'une possible visite du roi saoudien Salmane Ben Abdelaziz Al Saoud en Russie, rapporte le journal russe Vedomosti.


Auparavant, le porte-parole du Kremlin Dmitri Peskov a annoncé aux journalistes que la visite du monarque saoudien en Russie était en train d'être préparée par des diplomates des deux pays.


Selon le quotidien Vedomosti, qui cite des sources au sein du holding russe de hautes technologies Rostec et de l'agence d'exportation d'armements Rosoboronexport, le roi pourrait se rendre en Russie fin novembre.


Par le passé, le directeur général du Rosoboronexport Anatoli Issaїkine a déclaré que son agence considérait les pays du golfe Persique en tant qu'éventuels partenaires dans le domaine de la coopération militaro-technique.


Iskander est un système russe de missiles balistiques courte portée ou moyenne portée de nouvelle génération. Pour le moment, les systèmes Iskander n'ont jamais été vendus à l'étranger.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:30
An airborne view of the Terra test site, where integration testing of the IAI Elta TERRA dual-band multi-radar system is taking place. Photo: IAI

An airborne view of the Terra test site, where integration testing of the IAI Elta TERRA dual-band multi-radar system is taking place. Photo: IAI


11.11.2015 IsraelValley Desk


Un nouveau système de radar d’Israël appelé “Terra” est conçu pour identifier chaque missile, satellite ou avion ennemi à une distance de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres.


Le système se compose de deux types de radar qui se complètent mutuellement: le premier est le radar à courte portée « Ultra » qui peut fournir la première identification d’un missile ou d’un avion lancé et commencer à le suivre tout en recueillant des statistiques sur sa destination prévue. C’est là que le radar « Spectra » joue son rôle et fonctionne à une résolution plus élevée lors de la collecte de données précises sur le missile: type, poids, vitesse de vol, cible estimée.


Les deux radars « Terra » offrent une gamme combinée de 320 degrés et peuvent fonctionner l’un à côté de l’autre ou éloignés. En effet, le radar « Spectra », le plus petit des deux, peut être monté et utilisé de façon portable.


Le coût du système atteint des centaines de millions de dollars. Le radar plus petit, le « Spectra », pèse 130 tonnes et mesure 15 mètres de large et neuf mètres de haut. Le «Ultra» pèse 280 tonnes et mesure 30 mètres de large et 10 mètres de haut. Les deux sont plus grands que le radar américain Aegis.


Le système a été conçu par l’Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) et sa filiale Elta, où sont conçus la plupart des systèmes de radar en Israël. Il n’est pas actuellement vendu en Israël, mais a déjà été utilisé pendant près de deux ans par des armées étrangères.


Le développement a duré trois ans, un record international pour la quantité de temps nécessaire pour développer un tel système. Quatre cents personnes ont travaillé sur son développement, y compris des ingénieurs et techniciens dans les usines IAI à travers Israël.


« Les pays du Moyen Orient avaient déjà des missiles balistiques rapides il y a dix ans, qui ont depuis été améliorés, et qui aujourd’hui peuvent atteindre des cibles, en moyenne deux à trois fois plus vite », explique une source de haut rang de l’industrie aérospatiale. « Le système est capable d’identifier et de recueillir des données fiables sur un grand nombre de cibles différentes en même temps – des missiles à longue portée, des satellites et différents types d’avions, y compris des drones », ajoute-t-il.


Chacun des deux radars du système est composé de centaines de petits radars qui, ensemble, peuvent se connecter à d’autres systèmes de pistage, donnant ainsi une image complète du ciel.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:30
Lebanese AF Selects A-29 Super Tucano for Close Air Support Role


Nov 9, 2015 ASDNews  Source : Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A


The Republic of Lebanon today confirmed the acquisition of six A-29 Super Tucano turboprop aircraft from Embraer Defense & Security and Sierra Nevada Corporation. The contract includes logistics support for aircraft operation as well as a complete training system for Lebanese Air Force pilots and mechanics. The sale was approved in June by the U.S. State Department. The aircraft sale is part of a larger, more comprehensive package, including infrastructure improvements, that will be fulfilled by other parties not involved in the Embraer/SNC partnership. The planes, which are currently in operation with 10 Air Forces around the world, will be built in the Jacksonville, Florida.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:20
MC-130J Commando II aircraft assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command -  photo Lockheed Martin

MC-130J Commando II aircraft assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command - photo Lockheed Martin


November 10, 2015: Strategy Page


In late 2015 U.S. SOCOM (Special Operations Command) two more MC-130J all-weather transports. SOCOM has already received most of the 37 on order and deliveries are supposed to be complete by 2017. This is part of a major program to upgrade and expand the SOCOM fleet of specialized aircraft. Despite cuts in the American defense budget since 2010 SOCOM gets money for its aircraft program because SOCOM personnel are still in big demand worldwide.


Since 2009 SOCOM  has been devoting the largest chunk of its procurement budget to aircraft and most of that is going for one type of aircraft; the C-130J. SOCOM wants to buy about a hundred C-130Js and use them as commando transports (MC-130J) or gunships (AC-130J). In addition several hundred million dollars is being spent on sensors and weapons that can be quickly installed in MC-130Js to turn them into temporary gunships.


All this spending on aircraft is because the SOCOM air force has been worked hard since September 11, 2001 and has been constantly short of aircraft and qualified pilots. Back in 2009 SOCOM looked at their air force (some 300 MC-130s MH-53s AC-130s MH-6s MH-60s CV-22s and a few other types) and drew up a plan to shrink and update this overworked and aging collection of transports and helicopters. Having fewer, but more capable aircraft was seen as the only way out of the chronic shortages of aircraft and pilots. There was also the problem of aircraft worn out from heavy use and combat damage. So in addition to replacing the elderly C-130s SOCOM also sought to take the 31 MH-47Ds and E helicopters  (which have additional navigation gear) and upgraded them to MH-47F standards while the fleet was expanded to 61 helicopters. Most other SOCOM aircraft were also to be upgraded or refurbished.


Meanwhile the expansion and refurbishment program could not keep up with the demand in Afghanistan. Worse, there was never been enough logistics support to service all the jobs SOCOM is called on to do. In response, SOCOM improvised as much as they could. They borrowed aircraft and logistics support from other units. SOCOM is a high priority outfit, and can often get some of what they need. When SOCOM is providing specialized support for the combat units they borrow resources from they don't have a problem.


However when it's a pure SOCOM mission the army and air force are not as eager to part with scarce resources. What it means is that troops are operating at less than peak efficiency because they don't have all the tools they need to get the job done. Missions get cancelled, and opportunities are lost. SOCOM is a flexible outfit, and adaptations are often made. More commando operations were carried out using ground transportation. More troops, and equipment, were parachuted in. SOCOM is even obtained UAVs that can carry supplies. SOCOM is all about innovation, and a helicopter shortage is just seen as another opportunity to be creative. But there was always an ultimate solution for a lot of the air transportation and it was the new C-130J.


Back in 2011 SOCOM received its first MC-130J. This was part of a larger U.S. Air Force effort to replace 200 worn out C-130Es. The C-130J transport proved to be more than just another model in the fifty year old C-130 design. This is mainly because it's cheaper and easier to use. Like most new commercial transports, the C-130J emphasizes saving money. The new engines generate 29 percent more thrust while using 15 percent less fuel. Increased automation reduced crew size from four to three. The rear ramp door can now be opened in flight when the aircraft is going as fast as 450 kilometers an hour, versus the current 270 kilometers an hour.


The SOCOM MC-130s are all-weather aircraft used for everything from moving SOCOM personnel and equipment around the combat zone, to parachuting supplies, refueling helicopters in the air, dropping bombs and propaganda leaflets, or loading a pallet or two of electronic gear for special reconnaissance or psychological warfare missions. MC-130s are particularly useful because they have terrain following radar that enables them to fly at low altitude, especially at night or during bad weather. MC-130s have several additional navigation and communication systems, which allow them to fly in all weather, especially low enough to avoid radar detection.


C-130Js have cost nearly twenty percent less per hour than previous models. The most common version of the C-130 still in service is the C-130H. It has a range of 8,368 kilometers, a top speed of 601 kilometers per hour, and can carry up to 18 tons of cargo, 92 troops, or 64 paratroopers. The latest version, the C-130J, has a top speed of 644 kilometers, 40 percent more range than the C-130H, and can carry 20 tons of cargo. The stretched C-130J-30 can carry more bulky cargo, and goes for about $100 million each. The C-130J has a top speed of 644 kilometers, 40 percent more range than the C130H. The C-130 has been in service for over half a century, and has been flying for over 50 countries.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:20
Photo: U.S. Northern Command

Photo: U.S. Northern Command


November 11, 2015: Strategy Page


On October 28th a JLENS (Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor) blimp undergoing testing at a U.S. Army base in Maryland (north of Washington DC) broke loose and drifted for nearly four hours and 240 kilometers until the deflation device (for such emergencies) activated and brought the blimp down. Because the blimp was dragging about 2,200 meters of tether (the cable that keeps the blimp in one place) some 26,000 civilians in its path (rural Maryland and Pennsylvania) lost electrical power for hours as the tether shorted out power lines. There were no injuries but all the damage and disruption is going to cost the army nearly $200 million. It is also likely to get the JLENS program shut down. While there have been JLENS type systems suffering runaway blimps in Afghanistan and Iraq, these did not make the news and were recovered and soon back in service. But a runaway blimp not far from the American capital is another matter. There were originally supposed to be 16 JLENS systems built by now but for a number of reasons there are only two and the other is in storage. JLENS technology has been useful even as JLENS itself has had many problems. The latest wandering blimp incident may prove fatal for JLENS.


Since the 1990s the U.S. Department of Defense has spent nearly $3 billion to develop JLENS a system that used tethered blimps to carry radars that could spot low-flying aircraft like helicopters, small planes and cruise missiles so that these targets could be attacked using missiles or autocannon, fired from the ground or the air, to destroy these hard to detect (using normal radars) targets. Even before the runaway JELENS there was a lot of political pressure to cancel JLENS because of failure to perform. Naturally it’s more complicated than that. While JLENS technology has proved very useful since September 11, 2001, there is concern that JLENS itself never achieved a high level of effectiveness and reliability in performing the task it was originally designed for. The manufacturer insists these accusations are baseless but it is true that JLENS has had several recent embarrassments when the system was not ready when needed or it was operational but did not spot the low flying threat or did spot it but could not tell if it was hostile.


One of the original uses JLENS was developed for was to help defend offshore oil facilities from attack by terrorist speedboats. This it was able to do after 2003 in Iraq. But in more crowded environments (like urban areas) JLENS spotted too many low flying objects but could not tell which ones were a threat and which were not. This has now become an issue because JLENS type systems are no longer in Iraq.


The JLENS system uses two 75 meter (233 foot) long, helium filled, unmanned blimp equipped with radar and other sensors. A JLENS blimp is about 2.5 times the size as the more familiar advertising blimp. Actually, the JLENS blimp is an aerostat, a blimp like vehicle designed to always turn into the wind and stay in the same place. The JLENS blimp is unpowered and secured by a cable (tether) that can keep the aerostat in position at its maximum altitude of 5,000 meters (15,000 feet). At that altitude the JLENS aerostat can carry a two ton payload. The cable also supplies power, which means the blimp can stay up for about 30 days at a time before it has to be brought down for maintenance on its radars. Two radars are carried in each aerostat. One is a surveillance radar, the other is a precision track and illumination radar (PTIR). The surveillance radar provides long-range coverage (over 300 kilometers, exact range is secret), while the PTIR, which is a steerable system capable of tracking multiple targets, can focus in on items of interest. Thus each JLENS can cover a huge area and can pass target data to airborne or ground based missile systems for interception.


A major JLENS success was using JLENS technology for similar systems defending bases in Iraq and Afghanistan from ground attack. While larger UAVs are popular, mainly for their persistence (the ability to stay in the air, over a particular area, for a long time) and some (Predator, Reaper and Global Hawk) can stay in the air for over 24 hours at a time, they still have to land regularly to be refueled or undergo maintenance. In Iraq the military found that "stationary UAVs" (helium filled aerostats or tall towers) not only do the job just as well but do it a lot cheaper (under $1000 an hour, mostly for maintenance, repairs, and personnel to monitor the sensors). Compare this to Predator, which costs $5,000 an hour to operate, and Global Hawk, which costs $25,000 an hour. Global Hawk is so expensive partly because of the high end sensors used. Not everyone needs the high flying Global Hawk or even a Predator. They just need a way to keep an eye on a large area (like a chunk of the Syrian, Iranian, or Pakistani border) 24/7. JLENS and its ground defense variant (RAID) are a much cheaper alternative and have become popular alternatives to mobile UAVs.


In 2004 the U.S. Army sent 22 blimps (aerostats, actually) to Iraq and Afghanistan to operate as part of RAID (Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment) systems. These systems were based on JLENS. The blimps float at about 320 meters (a thousand feet) up, tethered by a cable that provides power and communications to the day and night cameras up there. The big problem is ground fire from rifles and machine-guns. Iraqis, in particular, like using the RAID blimps as targets. Rifle fire won't destroy the blimps but does cause them to be brought down more frequently for repairs. Bullet-hole repairs often have some of them coming down every few days. There are surveillance systems similar to RAID but mounted on tall steel towers. These also suffer gunfire damage, but rarely any that damage the equipment.


The first army blimp sent to Iraq in early 2004 was one of its JLENS systems. JLENS equipment was also modified to be mounted on a tower even though it was most effective when operating from the aerostat. JLENS sensors can not only detect and track low flying aircraft and missiles but also small boats and ground vehicles. Off the coast of Iraq it could detect hostile boats making a run for Iraqi oil facilities. JLENS has been used in Afghanistan as well. JLENS was still in development in 2002 but much of the tech was soon approved for mass production. In addition to providing 24/7 coverage for approaching cruise missiles JLENS can also provide a communications relay for other radars and weapons systems (anti-aircraft missiles and warplanes) to coordinate detection and destruction of cruise missiles.


The RAID systems (used on aerostats as well as towers) are much cheaper than JLENS, less than five million dollars each, and the army has bought over a hundred of them. When RAID aerostats operate at an altitude of a 320 meters their cameras can see out to about sixty kilometers. The smaller towers shorten that range quite a bit. The ten meter (30 foot) tower can see out to eleven kilometers, the 20 meter (60 foot) tower out to 16 kilometers, and the 27 meter (84 foot) tower out to 20 kilometers. The ten meter tower is adequate for most situations, which usually involve guarding a base. The JLENS and RAID systems are operated by air defense troops, often from the reserves or National Guard.


One of the two JLENS built is used for development. This included testing new capabilities being added to JLENS. In 2013 the army and air force successfully tested a new air defense capability by using its JLENS system to detect an anti-ship cruise missile and automatically pass the target data to an F-15 via its digital data link (Link 16), and enabling the pilot to launch an AMRAAM missile to intercept the incoming cruise missile. This is a major reason for the huge cost of JLENS; adding new capabilities and costs. This is a problem with most peacetime weapons development programs and JLENS is a good example of this bad habit.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 08:20
Persistent Close Air Support (PCAS)

Persistent Close Air Support (PCAS)


Nov 8, 2015 ASDNews Source : Raytheon


Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) has successfully completed the flight test phase of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)'s Persistent Close Air Support (PCAS) program.


PCAS is a package of technologies designed to speed close air support to soldiers on the battlefield, enabling ground troops, Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs) and combat aircrews to share real-time situational awareness and weapons systems data. Executed in three phases, the four-and-a-half year program included flight testing during the first six months of 2015.


"The PCAS program was able to reduce close air support response times from nearly one hour to less than six minutes," said Tom Bussing , Raytheon vice president of Advanced Missile Systems. "By speeding critical information to decision makers, PCAS could save lives in the battlespace."


During the U.S. Marine Corps' Talon Reach V exercise in March, the program demonstrated end-to-end, fully digital weapons release of a Griffin missile from a modified MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. In May, an A-10C Thunderbolt II attack aircraft and a joint terminal attack controller (JTAC) on the ground, both using PCAS' real-time digital communications and situational awareness capabilities, successfully employed 10 GPS- and laser-guided weapons in a second series of flight tests.


The PCAS system is designed to be platform-, digital radio-, sensor-, and weapons-class agnostic, and to be portable from platform to platform. The two main parts of the system are PCAS-Air, which consists of smart launcher electronics and a pilot tablet, and PCAS-Ground, which comprises the equipment used by the JTAC.


Raytheon is the systems integrator for PCAS. The company leads an industry team comprised of Rockwell Collins, General Electric, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman and 5-D Systems. Raytheon brings its expertise in overall systems integration, weapons, aircraft integration and unmanned aircraft system ground control stations to PCAS.


As part of its conclusion of the program, DARPA is now focusing on transitioning PCAS technology demonstrated on both the A-10C and the MV-22 to different military platforms. DARPA is also working with the Army on other PCAS transition activity relevant to ground forces and manned and unmanned aircraft.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 07:30
Royal Saudi Air Force F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft

Royal Saudi Air Force F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft


Nov 9, 2015 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin


Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) received a $262.8 million contract from the U.S. Air Force for sustainment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s F-15 sensor suite. The sensor suite includes Sniper ® Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP), LANTIRN Extended Range (ER) navigation pods and Infrared Search and Track (IRST) systems. Under the contract, Lockheed Martin will collaborate with Advanced Electronics Company (AEC) to perform Sniper ATP and LANTIRN ER sustainment services as well as LANTIRN ER pod upgrades at the Sniper Expanded Repair Capability facility in Saudi Arabia. Lockheed Martin will support IRST sustainment at its IRST depot in Orlando, Florida.

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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 07:20
DynCorp fait la "une" avec ses pertes: deux tués en Jordanie et des résultats trimestriels dans le rouge

10.11.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense

Les deux contractors US tués lors de la fusillade de Jordanie appartiennent à la firme DynCorp. Le porte-parole du DoS (State Dept) l'a confirmé hier soir.

DynCorp et quatre autres sociétés américaines: Justice Services International, MPRI qui appartient à L3C, PAE Government Services, Civilian Police International ont été retenues en 2011 par le Département d'Etat dans le cadre de l'ex-programme CIVPOL devenu le "Criminal Justice Program Support" (CJPS). Voir l'avis d'attribution de 2011 ici.

DynCorp déploie actuellement du personnel dans le cadre du "Palestine Task Order" d'une valeur annuelle de 10 millions de dollars. La firme US recrutait encore, il y a quelques jours, des agents pour ses "mobile training teams" (voir ici) qui ont la responsabilité du programme de formation des Palestiniens.

Par ailleurs, DynCorp a dévoilé hier ses résultats trimestriels (voir ici). Du mieux mais pas fameux... Pour le 3e quarter 2015, le CA a été de 479,8 millions de dollars (540,3 pour la même période en 2014) et les pertes de 15,7 millions (71,5 millions pour la même période en 2014).

Ces résultats laissent espérer un CA annuel de l'ordre de "1,89 à 1,93 milliards de dollars" selon Lou Von Thaer, le CEO de DynCorp. On se souviendra que le CA de 2014 était de 2,3 milliards et celui de 2013 de 3,3 milliards.

Les revenus de DynLogistics dégringolent toujours; seul DynAviation retrouvent des couleurs, son CA pour le 3e quarter étant de 313 millions (contre 293, il y a un an).

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11 novembre 2015 3 11 /11 /novembre /2015 17:50
Rheinmetall Wins New Order for Tank Ammunition Worth Around EUR20 M


10.11.2015 Rheinmetall


An international customer has awarded Rheinmetall a contract to supply it with practice tank ammunition. Now official, the order is worth around €20 million.


The DM78A1 and DM78A3 subcalibre practice ammunition will be delivered in two lots between 2016 and 2018.


The 120mm x 570 DM78 round is based on an innovative acceleration and replacement techology that enables an especially economical design. In addition, the DM78 is safe to fire in all the same climatic zones as the DM63 KE service round. The DM78’s very low pressure level results in negligible erosion, fostering extremely long barrel life. Moreover, the round can be used at any tank firing range that meets the safety standards required for its predecessors, the DM38 family and the DM48.


This new order underscores once again Rheinmetall’s clear technological lead in the field of large-calibre weapon systems and ammunition.

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11 novembre 2015 3 11 /11 /novembre /2015 17:50
First Storm Shadwow release from Eurofighter Typhoon

9 nov. 2015 BAE Systems


BAE Systems’ Chief Test Pilot Steve Formoso describes how ongoing work on the integration of the weapons as part of Phase 2 Enhancements and beyond further enhances the Eurofighter Typhoon’s potent multi-role and swing-role capabilities.

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11 novembre 2015 3 11 /11 /novembre /2015 17:45
New Contracts To Boost Denel's Armoured Vehicle Business


10.11.2015 army-guide.com


Denel Vehicle Systems has concluded a contract of more than R900-million with NIMR in the United Arab Emirates for the development and supply of advanced mine-protected vehicles.


This contract for N35 is one of the largest received by Denel Vehicle Systems (DVS) in recent years and will provide work for two of the company’s major divisions for the next 24 months.


Zwelakhe Ntshepe, Group Executive Business Development says the new contract confirms Denel’s leadership role in landward mobility and mine-protected vehicles. It is one of several contracts awarded to DVS since it joined the Denel Group earlier this year.


“We are delighted to work with NIMR, one of world’s leading manufacturers of wheeled armoured vehicles,” says Ntshepe. “There is a strong synergy between our companies and products and we are confident that we can, together, develop and improve the N35 to be among the best in its class.”


The N35 – formerly known as the RG-35 – is an armoured vehicle with superior mine protection and combat capabilities and can be used in command, ambulance and recovery roles.


Ntshepe says the contract with NIMR follows on the awarding of several other contracts to Denel’s landward defence business in recent months amounting to over R1 500m in total. These are

- The OMC division, within Denel Vehicle Systems specialises in wheeled armoured and mine-protected vehicles, received a development contract for the N35 from NIMR.

- A production contract for 24 RG-31 mobile mortar platform (MMP) vehicles.. The contract includes vehicle manufacture and technical support and will be delivered in the next 12 months.

- Contracts from Armscor for maintenance of - and the supply of spares for both combat and support vehicles.

- The Gear Ratio division, within Denel Vehicle Systems is working on a contract from NIMR for the assembly of driveline components.

- A contract was also concluded with Steloy Castings for components used in the new Transnet electric locomotives.

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11 novembre 2015 3 11 /11 /novembre /2015 17:30
Saab Receives Order For New Advanced Airborne Surveillance Systems From UAE



Defence and security company Saab has signed a contract with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to expand and enhance the Emirates’ airborne surveillance capabilities. Saab will deliver a new airborne Swing Role Surveillance System (SRSS) incorporating a new version of the Saab Erieye radar system. The order value amounts to approximately USD1.27 billion.

The new SRSS for the UAE uses the Global 6000 aircraft from Bombardier as a platform. The Swing Role Surveillance System is capable of simultaneous detection and tracking of multiple targets in the air, on land and at sea. It is the latest evolution of the Erieye system that incorporates Saab’s many decades of radar capabilities across all domains.

“The new version of Erieye is without a doubt the most capable airborne early warning and control system on the market. Saab’s capability to develop high technology solutions for customers shows that our focus on research and development is the right way to ensure continued competitiveness on the defence market,” says Håkan Buskhe, President and CEO of Saab.

"Saab understands the vital importance of advanced airborne surveillance and we have a family of products that play a key role in defence and civil security. The UAE’s selection of Saab’s solution confirms our strong position regarding airborne surveillance and systems integration,” says Micael Johansson, head of Saab Business Area Electronic Defence Systems. 

The work will be carried out at Saab's facilities in Gothenburg, Linköping, Järfälla, Arboga, Luleå and Centurion (South Africa).

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11 novembre 2015 3 11 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
L-ATV vehicle Photo Oshkosh Corporation

L-ATV vehicle Photo Oshkosh Corporation


10.11.2015 Oshkosh


For the first time in company history, Oshkosh Defense, LLC, an Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE: OSK) company, will be exhibiting at the Dubai Airshow, November 8 – 12, 2015, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Oshkosh offers a full range of leading-edge military, security and airport fire fighting vehicles to serve customers throughout the Middle East Region, including the highly transportable Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle (L-ATV), which was recently selected by the U.S. Army and Marine Corps to replace aging up-armored HMMWVs.


Today’s conflicts demand military vehicles with the protection, mobility and transportability to serve a full range of missions and unpredictable environments. The Oshkosh L-ATV combines proven automotive technologies, Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP)-level protection and extreme mobility in a light-weight, highly-transportable profile. The L-ATV offers armed forces around the globe next-generation capabilities that no other vehicle can match.


In August 2015, after extensive U.S. Government testing and evaluation, the U.S. Army and Marine Corps selected the Oshkosh L-ATV as the winner of its Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program. Under the JLTV contract, Oshkosh will produce and deliver up to 17,000 JLTVs for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. The JLTV program is scheduled to achieve full rate production within three years.


“As future battlefields generate new, asymmetrical threats, troops will require a scalable, protected all-terrain vehicle to perform their missions – wherever they may be,” said Bill Mooney, regional vice president of Middle East and North Africa for Oshkosh Defense. “The Oshkosh L-ATV provides an entirely new generation of light vehicles with unprecedented levels of off-road mobility, transportability and survivability. The extensive testing and evaluation proves, without a doubt, that it’s the world’s most capable tactical wheeled vehicle.”


Roughly one-third lighter than the Oshkosh MRAP All-Terrain Vehicle (M-ATV), at the same protection level, the L-ATV weighs less than 6,350 kg at curb weight. The Oshkosh L-ATV has the latest in automotive technologies as well as the Oshkosh Core1080™ crew protection system, which is an occupant-centric, comprehensive systems engineering approach that considers every inch of the vehicle with respect to crew protection during blast events.


The L-ATV is equipped with the TAK-4i™ intelligent independent suspension system; the next-generation of Oshkosh’s advanced TAK-4® independent suspension system. The TAK-4i allows the L-ATV to deliver superior ride quality at speeds 70 percent faster than today’s top-performing tactical wheeled vehicles. Additionally, the TAK-4i can be raised and lowered using interior operator controls to meet sea, air and land transportability requirements. The L-ATV can be air transported internally by a C-130, C-5, C-17 or externally by CH-47 and CH-53.


Oshkosh has produced and sustained more than 150,000 tactical wheeled vehicles for the United States and its allies. Oshkosh serves armed forces around the globe by offering a full portfolio of heavy, medium, MRAP, airport rescue fire fighting (ARFF), and light vehicles. Oshkosh provides the full spectrum of vehicle life-cycle sustainment capabilities through its Global Integrated Product Support (GIPS) services.


Oshkosh has been supporting militaries in the Middle East for nearly 30 years and has a well-established presence with program offices in the United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Countries throughout the region, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq and Oman, rely on Oshkosh vehicles every day for tactical and logistical operations.

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11 novembre 2015 3 11 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System - photo Lockheed Martin

HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System - photo Lockheed Martin


DALLAS, Nov. 9, 2015 – Lockheed Martin


Lockheed Martin’s (NYSE: LMT) Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) and Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) Unitary munitions recently underwent successful stockpile reliability tests. All rockets were launched from a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.


The tests included eight GMLRS rockets that were conditioned at hot and ambient temperatures. The ATACMS Unitary missile, which is the current production configuration, was conditioned hot for the test. The HIMARS launcher can fire ATACMS and GMLRS munitions ranging between 15km and 300km.


The flight tests, which were part of the U.S. Army’s tactical munitions reliability program, were conducted using simulated targets. Soldiers were inside the HIMARS’ Improved Armored Cab, where they initiated the launches.


“Lockheed Martin’s HIMARS, ATACMS and GMLRS precision fire solutions provide critical, quick-strike capabilities to U.S. and allied forces worldwide,” said Ken Musculus, vice president of tactical missiles at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control.


In service since 2005, HIMARS brings MLRS firepower to a wheeled chassis. It carries a single six-pack of rockets or one ATACMS missile, and can launch the entire MLRS family of munitions. It is C-130-transportable and can be deployed into areas previously inaccessible to heavier launchers.


For additional information, visit our website


About Lockheed Martin

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that – with the addition of Sikorsky – employs approximately 126,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services.

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10 novembre 2015 2 10 /11 /novembre /2015 13:55
Une patrouille Rafale et Mirage utlisant les équipements de Rafaut (Crédits : Rafaut)

Une patrouille Rafale et Mirage utlisant les équipements de Rafaut (Crédits : Rafaut)


10/11/2015 Par Michel Cabirol - LaTribune.fr


La Tribune vous propose une série hebdomadaire de cinq success-stories dans le monde de l'aéronautique civile et militaire. Deuxième volet de cette série, Rafaut. A la tête depuis plus de 50 ans de petite PME francilienne, Jacques Rafaut, est en train d'organiser avec réussite sa succession. Ce qui permettra de pérenniser l'entreprise sur le long terme.


Chez Rafaut, il y aura bien un après Jacques Rafaut, l'emblématique mais discret PDG de la PME éponyme qu'il dirige depuis plus de 50 ans. Après avoir repris à 20 ans au pied levé en 1960 la PME de petite mécanique francilienne créée en 1940 par son père décédé brutalement, Jacques Rafaut a entrepris depuis quatre ans déjà et de façon progressive de pérenniser l'avenir de sa société. Ce qui n'est jamais naturel et facile en France pour ce type de chef d'entreprise autodidacte de passer la main au bon moment et dans de bonnes conditions. Jacques Rafaut est quant à lui en train de réussir ce passage de témoin en douceur pour le bien de sa société.

Il a d'abord recruté en 2011 un directeur général en attirant Bruno Berthet, alors directeur adjoint du développement international à la DGA (direction générale de l'armement). Puis, Jacques Rafaut a ouvert en juin dernier le capital de son entreprise à ACE Management. Cette société de gestions de portefeuille spécialisée dans l'aéronautique et la défense va prendre une participation de 30 % dans la PME, basée à Villeneuve-la-Garenne. "Il a considéré qu'il n'y avait pas de solution de transmission familiale, explique Bruno Berthet. L'arrivée d'ACE Management "va faciliter la transmission et pérenniser la société". "Il vont mettre des moyens pour développer l'entreprise, en faisant de la croissance externe", précise-t-il.

"Je suis heureux d'accueillir au capital de Rafaut l'investisseur ACE Management, spécialiste de l'aéronautique civile et militaire. Je sais qu'il sera capable d'accompagner notre stratégie dans la durée. Nous avons trouvé un véritable partenaire, en mesure d'apporter un soutien de poids à Bruno Berthet dans ses fonctions de président, alors même que le Rafale trouve de premiers débouchés significatifs à l'export", avait expliqué Jacques Rafaut en juin dernier.

Rafaut a réalisé en 2015 un chiffre d'affaires proche de 30 millions (exercice du 1er septembre au 31 août), dont 40% dans le militaire, (contre 28 millions d'euros en 2014). Elle compte 115 salariés sur ses deux sites de Villeneuve-la-Garenne et Salbris (Loir-et-Cher), où la société s'est installé en 2003 quand Matra Défense (devenu MBDA) a quitté le site. La société dispose également de son propre bureau d'études orienté plutôt vers le militaire, qui essaime ensuite vers le civil. Enfin, Rafaut a une capacité de production intégrée.


Rafaut de plus en plus à l'international

Depuis son arrivée à la direction générale de Rafaut, Bruno Berthet prospecte de façon très régulière à l'international pour trouver de nouveaux marchés. Il était tout récemment au salon de défense de Séoul (ADEX), où Rafaut est intéressé de participer au programme d'hélicoptère civil (LCH) et militaire (LAH) codéveloppé et coproduit par Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) et Airbus Helicopters. Bruno Berthet propose des pylônes pour accrocher les missiles de la version militaire du LAH (Light Armed Helicopter).

En début d'année, il était au salon Aero India (18-22 février) à Bangalore pour proposer le pylône universel (lance-missiles et emport de carburant sous voilure) et un adaptateur tri-bombes) développés par Rafaut aux Indiens dans le cadre du marché Rafale en Inde. Au salon du Bourget en juin, la PME francilienne a d'ailleurs signé un accord en vue de créer une société commune avec le groupe indien OIS Aerospace dans le cadre de la politique indienne "Make in India" préconisée par le Premier ministre indien, Narendra Modi.


Une PME devenue incontournable pour Dassault

En plus de 50 ans, Rafaut est devenu, notamment au moment des "30 glorieuses", un acteur incontournable en matière de conception et de fabrication de systèmes d'emport et de largage d'armements, essentiellement dédiés à la famille d'avions de combat Dassault. Car très vite, Jacques Rafaut a lancé en 1961 son entreprise dans la sous-traitance de pièces pour l'aéronautique civile. D'abord en tant que sous-traitant puis il décide de réaliser ses propres produits. Rafaut réalise aujourd'hui entre autre des commandes de vol, dont notamment pour les A320, et des équipements mécaniques spéciaux pour avions civils et hélicoptères (dont des kits de bombardier d'eau).

Puis à partir de 1970, il réussit à entrer dans le cercle de l'aéronautique militaire en se faisant par le ministère de la Défense. Rafaut réalise d'abord pour le compte du ministère un système de sécurité pour bombes (SL F2), qui a progressivement équipé toutes les bombes produites en France, notamment les SAMP de 250 kg et de 400 kg. La PME se frotte alors sur ce marché à Alkan avec qui la compétition est rude. "Puis Rafaut est monté dans la chaine de valeur dans le domaine de l'armement", explique Bruno Berthet.

Rafaut et Alkan ont notamment inventé des systèmes de pompage de crochets des déclencheurs et des éjecteurs. Ce qui permet un calage aussi précis et répétitif des charges qu'auparavant mais beaucoup plus rapide. Rafaut développe des éjecteurs télescopiques pour les avions d'entrainement Alpha Jet et un système de hissage des bombes entièrement nouveau. En 2003, Rafaut met au point pour le Rafale, un pylône universel (lance-missiles et emport de carburant sous voilure) et un adaptateur tri-bombes (AT-730). Il est capable d'éjecter 3 munitions de 250 kg, ou 2 munitions de 500 kg.

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 17:40
AK-47 assault rifle. © Vitaly Ankov / RIA Novosti

AK-47 assault rifle. © Vitaly Ankov / RIA Novosti


9 Nov, 2015 RT.com


Russian gun maker Kalashnikov Group is in discussions with Indian firms about starting weapons production in the country, according to Kalashnikov CEO Alexei Krivoruchko.


“We are in talks with both public as well as private companies in India. But it is a bit early to offer any specific names, as we are still at negotiations," Krivoruchko told the Press Trust of India news agency (PTI) on Monday.


Discussions started in early 2015, although some Indian companies have shown an interest in producing Kalashnikov rifles since 2008, he added. He also said India’s Defense Ministry is not involved in the talks.


Around $100 million will be needed to begin production, according to the CEO. That excludes the cost of utilities and manufacturing facilities.


"Initially we are expecting production of at least 50,000 units per year with a potential of scaling up production in the future," Krivoruchko said, specifying that India is primarily interested in the 5.56mm and the 7.62mm automatic weapons.


The Kalashnikov Group was created in 2013 with the merger of two gun makers, Izhmash and Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. The firm exports to 27 countries, including the USA, UK, Germany and Italy. The AK-47 assault rifle is one of the most popular and widely used assault rifles in the world.

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
Patriot radar array (photo Raytheon)

Patriot radar array (photo Raytheon)


TEWKSBURY, Mass., Nov. 9, 2015 /PRNewswire


The United States Army is acquiring upgrade kits to make the combat-proven Patriot Integrated Air and Missile Defense system better at detecting and destroying threats, cost less to operate, and run even more reliably than it already does. The U.S. Army recently awarded Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) a contract modification to an existing contract for radar digital processor (RDP) upgrade kits, not to exceed the amount of $86.2 million.

The contract modification, previously announced on Sept 30th, will enable the U.S. Army to finish upgrading their entire inventory of Patriots.  The U.S. Army began phasing the upgrade kits into its Patriot fleet in 2013.

The U.S. and members of the 13-nation strong Patriot partnership funded development of the RDP. Patriot batteries upgraded with the RDP will:

  • Better detect and identify targets, and have enhanced surveillance.
  • Cost less to operate and maintain. The legacy processor has more than 700 components, while the RDP just has fewer than 100.
  • Have a 40% higher reliability rate than systems with the legacy component.

"When one country develops an upgrade or improvement to Patriot, that capability is made available to the entire 13-nation Partnership," said Ralph Acaba, Raytheon vice president of Integrated Air and Missile Defense. "With more than 220 Patriot fire units owned by 13 countries, countries whose industrial bases participate in manufacturing Patriot have a very large potential export market."

The RDP and other Patriot upgrades leverage the lessons learned from Patriot's more than 190 combat employments, 700 flight tests and 2,500-plus ground tests.


About Global Patriot Solutions

Raytheon's Global Patriot Solutions is the most advanced portfolio of air and missile defense technologies in the world, providing comprehensive protection against a full range of advanced threats including aircraft, tactical ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. Continually upgraded and enhanced to leverage the latest technology, thirteen nations depend on Patriot as the foundation for their defense. 


About Raytheon

Raytheon Company, with 2014 sales of $23 billion and 61,000 employees worldwide, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, civil government and cybersecurity markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 93 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems, as well as cybersecurity and a broad range of mission support services. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass. For more about Raytheon, visit us at www.raytheon.com and follow us on Twitter @Raytheon.

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 16:55
photo B-Temia, Inc

photo B-Temia, Inc


Québec and Boulogne-Billancourt, November 9, 2015  B-Temia


Canadian company B-Temia, Inc. and French company Sagem (Safran) today announced the signature of a technological and business development agreement concerning a new-generation of exoskeletons for industrial and military applications.


Exoskeletons are bio-mechanical and electronic structures worn on the body to assist and enhance people's movements, or to restore mobility.


According to the terms of this agreement, Sagem and B-Temia will jointly develop and market new-generation exoskeletons. Sagem will contribute its long experience in the integration of complex systems, its innovative actuators and stabilization technologies.  B-Temia, an exoskeleton technology leader, will contribute its experience in human robotics and artificial intelligence, based on its proprietary "Dermoskeleton™" technology, already in production for the healthcare sector.


"B-Temia is very proud of this partnership with Sagem, focused on the development and production of our dermoskeleton products. This agreement confirms our company's technology leadership business value, and the credibility of our work addressing increased human mobility needs in both industrial and defense applications," said Stéphane Bédard, President and CEO of B-Temia.


Martin Sion, Chief Executive Officer of Sagem, added, "Our collaboration with B-Temia will enable us to sustain new R&D work on exoskeletons. For Sagem, this is a very promising technology for industrial and military applications. In particular, our collaboration spotlights the dynamic mindset that Sagem seeks to deploy in the application of innovative dual technologies in conjunction with both startups and major corporations."


* * *


B-Temia Inc. is a private medical technology company that develops and markets products in the growing market for human augmentation systems. B-Temia has two wholly-owned subsidiaries, B-Temia Health Inc. and B-Temia Military Inc. B-Temia has developed a proprietary technology called aDermoskeleton™, giving users a motorized mechanical support to restore, maintain or augment mobility.


Sagem, a Safran high-tech company, holds world leadership positions in optronics, avionics, electronics and critical software for both civil and military markets. Sagem is the # 1 company in Europe and # 3 worldwide for inertial navigation systems (INS) used in air, land and naval applications. It is also the world leader in helicopter flight controls and the European leader in optronics and tactical UAV systems. Operating across the globe through the Safran international network, Sagem and its subsidiaries employ 7,600 people in Europe, Asia-Pacific, North America and South America.


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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
Approval of EMAR M


Soesterberg - 03 November, 2015 European Defence Agency


The 12th October 2015 saw the Military Airworthiness Authorities (MAWA) Forum meet a major milestone with the approval for publication of EMAR M on Continuing Airworthiness Management. This document was the final EMAR to be drafted, and its approval means that the full suite of European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) are now available on the EDA website.


The approval of EMAR M marks a significant achievement for the MAWA Forum following the Defence Ministers’ Political Declaration in November 2009 “...for the timely development and early implementation of the harmonised European Military Airworthiness Requirements (EMARs) into national regulations.” 

With the full suite of EMARs approved (EMAR 21, EMAR 145, EMAR 66, EMAR 147 and now EMAR M),  pMS are able to implement these harmonised requirements into their national airworthiness regulations. 

The harmonised EMARs are the key to unlocking the potential benefits available to pMS in a wide range of aviation related initiatives in pooling and sharing activities including collaboration on multi-national projects, the use of common spares pools, rationalised base maintenance and common type training.


More information:

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
VAT Exemption: New Incentive for Defence Cooperation


Brussels - 04 November, 2015 European Defence Agency


Member States can as of now profit from VAT exemption for projects run by the European Defence Agency (EDA). The recently adopted revised Council Decision defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the EDA includes the clause that cooperative defence projects and programmes are exempt from VAT as long as the Agency adds value to the initiative. 


The VAT exemption is a strong incentive to European defence cooperation: it generates an attractive business case for cooperative projects and programmes in the framework of the EDA. We will soon propose roadmaps for potential future cooperative programmes for which Member States will be able to benefit from the VAT exemption and thus achieve considerable savings”, comments Jorge Domecq, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency.

With the entering into force of the revised Council Decision on 13 October, the new provision can be applied immediately for any new EDA initiative meeting the Decision’s conditions. VAT exemption is not linked to the nature of the activity. It can thus be applied to any project and programme where the Agency adds value ranging from technical expertise, pooling demand, building a multinational capability or synergies with EU wider policies, promoting interoperability to full administrative and contractual management of a cooperative initiative. Member States are and remain the end-users of the capability. 


Concrete savings

While the VAT exemption should not be the driver for defence cooperation, tight defence budgets limit investment in research, innovation and capabilities. Any breathing space is appreciated. By incentivising defence cooperation financially, we will be able to do more and better together”, says Jorge Domecq.

One of the projects the VAT exemption will be immediately applied to is the EU SatCom Market, an EDA project where the Agency provides for satellite communication services for currently eleven Member States and the Athena mechanism. The EDA is responsible for procurement and contract tasks, manages orders as well as payments and provides technical advice as needed and thus adds clear technical and administrative value to the project. As a consequence, each order – which comes from Member States individually or by groups – benefits from VAT exemption. 

One Member State has for example recently submitted an order of about 1.3 million Euros for one year of services. Due to the VAT exemption, this Member State will not have to pay VAT for a corresponding value of 273 thousand Euros which represents about three months of free services.


Legal basis

The Council Decision defining the statute, seat and operational rules of the EDA (Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/1835) was adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council on 12 October 2015. It foresees that VAT exemption applies to activities where the role of the Agency in administering projects or programmes in support of Member States brings an added value. 

The legal basis for VAT exemption are Protocol No 7 of the EU Treaties on the privileges and immunities of the European Union and Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax.

The VAT exemption is compliant with EU law; and is not market distorting.



The European Defence Agency was set-up in 2004 to support the Council and the Member States in their effort to improve the European Union’s defence capabilities for the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). This means running and supporting cooperative European defence projects; supporting research and technology development; boosting the European defence technological and industrial base; and working on wider EU policies.


More information:

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
EDA Defence Procurement Gateway: User Experience Survey


source IHS Global Ltd. (On behalf of EDA)


The European Defence Agency invites all users of its Procurement Gateway to participate in a user experience survey. The gateway features defence related business opportunities and information. It aims at providing easy access to defence related information for European government officials, as well as industry representatives and researchers.

The survey will allow the Agency to better understand the needs and expectations of gateway users. It only takes a couple of minutes to be completed and all data shared will be of course treated with complete confidentiality and anonymity.

Share you user feedback, help us improve!


Submit your response


For any questions regarding the study, please contact EDA stakeholders and / or Aman Pannu (Aman.Pannu@ihs.com) and Daniel Smith (Daniel.Smith@ihs.com).


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