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1 décembre 2014 1 01 /12 /décembre /2014 12:35
INS Vikrant (1984) - photo Admiral Arun Prakash (retd)

INS Vikrant (1984) - photo Admiral Arun Prakash (retd)


November 23, 2014 Livefist


Twenty seconds of heartbreak. A dozer yanks the ski jump head off of INS Vikrant as her scrapping begins in Mumbai (Vikrant was fitted with a ski jump in the late 1980s to ease Sea Harrier operations). Truly sad to see her go. Sure, some would argue that its best to let old relics fade away. Somehow, the Vikrant wasn't just an old relic. It was India's first aircraft carrier. It was involved in an unforgettable cat and mouse hunt during the 1971 war. And most of all, it was going to be possible to keep her alive as a privately funded museum with almost no public expense.
The British Majestic-class aircraft carrier, was transferred to the Indian Navy in 1961, serving 36 years before being decommissioned in 1997. Languishing as a half-hearted, mostly out-of-bounds relic at the Mumbai naval dockyard for nearly two decades, she was finally towed to a south Mumbai shipbreaking yard, where they began ripping her up late last week.
When I went on board Vikrant in 2011, she had just been cleaned up and renovated in preparation for a possible private buyout for conversion into a museum-cum-event venue. None of that worked out. 
So, over the next eight months, a ship steeped in history, will be cold rolled into those twisted steel bars for building construction work.
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12 avril 2014 6 12 /04 /avril /2014 11:35
INS Vikrant aircraft carrier museum ship

INS Vikrant aircraft carrier museum ship


09 Avril 2014 Par Marine & Océans


L'Inde a vendu son premier porte-avions, l'INS Vikrant, à un courtier maritime pour 10 millions de dollars américains, dans une vente aux enchères, ont rapporté des sources mercredi. L'INS Vikrant, acheté à la Grande-Bretagne sous le nom de HMS Hercules en 1957, a joué un rôle clé dans le blocus maritime sur le Pakistan oriental (devenu le Bangladesh) au cours de la guerre indo-pakistanaise de 1971. "Le navire de la marine indienne a été vendu à une compagnie nommée I.B. Commercial Pvt Ltd. La compagnie a 30 jours pour payer et remorquer le navire", ont indiqué les sources. Le navire était entré en service en 1961 en tant que premier porte-avions de la marine indienne. Après avoir servi avec distinction, il avait été désarmé en janvier 1997 et transformé en musée maritime à Cuffe Parade, à Bombay, jusqu'à sa fermeture en 2012 en raison de problèmes de sécurité. Après que le gouvernement de l'Etat indien du Maharashtra (ouest) ait fait part de son incapacité à maintenir le navire-musée et que la Haute Cour de Bombay ait également refusé de le vendre aux enchères, le navire a finalement été vendu.

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4 décembre 2013 3 04 /12 /décembre /2013 17:35
Ten reasons why India should preserve INS Vikrant


December 4, 2013 Shiv Aroor - indiatoday.intoday.in


New Delhi - The Indian Navy is used to irony -- it remains the smallest of India's armed forces, despite having in sheer quantity, the largest area of responsibility, including an enormous coastline. But the fact that the Maharashtra government has chosen the run up to Navy Week, that begins today, to announce its decision to abandon the INS Vikrant aircraft carrier museum ship, scores spectacularly on the irony sweepstakes: today, Navy Day, is a commemoration of the Indian Navy's blistering assault on the Karachi harbour as part of Operation Trident, and the 1971 war in general, one in which INS Vikrant brought to bear formidable firepower in East Pakistan with its floating fleet of strike aircraft.


But if the formidable sweep of history hasn't convinced the government to preserve the INS Vikrant in a nation that so easily forgets its military history, here's a list of 10 good reasons that should:


1. INS Vikrant was the Indian Navy's first aircraft carrier. Once HMS Hercules in the Royal Navy, she was sold to India and commissioned into the Indian Navy in 1961. In this day, with several aircraft carriers prowling the world's oceans, it is impossible to fully capture just how momentous it was for a young country like India to own such a capability.


2. In the 1965 and 1971 wars, the INS Vikrant became an obsession for the Pakistan Navy, which even suggested that it had sunk her in the 1965 operations even while the Vikrant was coolly in refit at the Mumbai naval dockyard.


3. In the 1971 war, after she successfully evaded Pak submarine PNS Ghazi in the Bay of Bengal, INS Vikrant unleashed furious air power on Chittagong, Khulna and Cox's Bazar, destroying masses of East Pakistani assets and vessels, completely decimating any defensive capability there. After six days of unrelenting attacks, the Vikrant's Sea Hawk's ensured East Pakistan was fully contained from the sea.


4. INS Vikrant's performance in the 1971 war cannot be understated. With severe mechanical problems, including a failed boiler that potentially crippled flight operations and cruising speed, she still managed to bring a formidable fight to the enemy, earning her crew 2 Maha Vir Chakra and 12 Vir Chakra gallantry decorations.


5. During the 1962 war with China, there was a brief possibility that INS Vikrant's deck aircraft would be sent on emergency detachment to shore airfields in the North-East for strike operations -- something that never happened, adding to the overall folly of deciding not to use aircraft in offensive operations against the Chinese. Vikrant sat out the war, as did all other airborne strike assets in the country.


6. INS Vikrant's vintage goes back to World War II. Her build, her construction is a throw-back to the inimitably brilliant construction philosophies of the age. She remains the only British-vintage World War II aircraft carrier currently still in visitable condition. To military historians, that alone is good reason to keep her in ship shape.


7. After INS Vikrant was decommissioned in 1997, she has been laid up at the Mumbai naval dockyard, open to the public for painfully brief intervals during the year, but mostly invisible to the Indian public, despite enormous interest in vintage warships across the world.


8. She was India's first and only aircraft carrier to use a steam catapult launch system for its aircraft. The Vikrant itself was modified with a ski-jump in the late 1970s to accommodate the country's new Sea Harrier jump jets. However, with the Indian Navy now mulling the possibility of returning to catapult launch dynamics for future aircraft carriers, a preserved Vikrant will be a living example of history coming full circle.


9. Several veteran navymen and aviators earned their wings training on the INS Vikrant. Former navy chief Admiral RH Tahiliani was among the first Indians to land an aircraft on the ship's deck.


10. Finally, it is hard to describe the emotions, ghosts, wisdom, laughter and spirit that would perish if the INS Vikrant were broken up and sold for scrap. For a country that has been resolutely sea blind for decades, preserving the Vikrant wouldn't just be a symbol of respect for all that the ship has done, but that history cannot simply be sunk.

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18 novembre 2013 1 18 /11 /novembre /2013 20:40
Vikramaditya Done, Russia Wants To Help With New Vikrant


November 17, 2013 by Shiv Aroor - Livefist


SEVERODVINSK: The INS Vikramaditya will sail to India later this month with a 183-member Russian 'guarantee team' on board, that will remain in Karwar for a period of one year to smoothen the induction process and help the ship and crew settle into operating from home base.


"The guarantee specialists will be in India for one year. We are currently negotiating contract obligations for the post-guarantee period," Igor Ponomarev, vice president of Russia's United Shipbuilding Corporation said yesterday at a press conference here in Severodvinsk. Ponomarev is the balding man whose hand appears to be touching the green microphone.


"Russia is committed to being involved through the 40 year life of the Vikramaditya. We will provide design support as well," says Sergey Vlasov, DG Nevskoye Design Bureau, and personally one of the original designers of the Admiral Gorshkov. He's the man looking down with a smile.


Vlasov is a genial sort of guy: smiling and gracious. I had a chance to chat with him about the entire experience. While Sevmash refurbished the ship, it was Vlasov's Nevskoye Bureau that inputted on how the entire refurbishment process was to be carried out. Without Nevskoye (Russia's oldest design bureau for surface ships), Sevmash was dead in the water.


"This has been the most complicated and unusual project ever for us. Vikramaditya isn't a repaired ship. Everything except her hull is new," he told me, repeating the one thing everyone in the city tells you about the ship.


Asked about challenges working with the Indian government and navy, Vlasov smiles. "When we were preparing documentation, the Indians would approach us every six months with queries. We were not contractually bound to share a lot of data demanded, but we did so because of the open and friendly relations between us."


He also points out he hopes the Russian Navy will take cues on crew comfort on what the Indian Navy asked for in the Vikramaditya. "The Indian Navy asked for modifications that paid great attention to crew comfort. I hope the Russian Navy will learn some lessons from this!"


I asked Vlasov about the Vikramaditya's conspicuous lack of air defence weapons. He shook his head and said, "The Indian Navy hasn't gotten back to us with a decision on this. It is not standard for a ship of this size and class to have no air defence weapons. But such ships don't travel alone. We have been verbally asked about integration of Israeli weapons with the systems on the Vikramaditya, but we've received no formal request. I anticipate some problems in the integration of Israeli weapons, but nothing we cannot resolve." Vlasov indicates that the integration of Kashtan and AKA 630 missile/gun systems can be integrated quickly if the Indian Navy takes a call.


Ponomarev of USC was candid on the Vikramaditya programme: "We underestimated the initial scope of work. There were difficult and serious discussions, in one case, six rounds in a single year. We should have been more careful and specific in identifying the scope of work. But it happens all over the world. It's a normal occurance in shipbuilding."


Chief commissioning officer for Sevmash on the Vikramaditya, Igor Leonov, the guy who knows perhaps more about what the ship can do now than anyone else, fends off blame. "After 2004, a huge number of systems were asked for by the Indian side, which had to be accommodated. Many more modifications were demanded over what was contracted."


The USC is rendering assistance on the Project 71 indigenous aircraft carrier Vikrant, being built at the Cochin Shipyard. "We are providing some help, and are ready to render any further assistance or technical help necessary, but a decision will need to be taken by India. I doubt the US or EU would share as much technology as we have and would."


Ponomarev reveals that Russia has offered India three more improved Talwar-class frigates, an offer currently under study by the Indian Navy. A 10-year life extension of the Kilo-class submarines is also on the table by the Zvezdochka Shipyard here in Severodvinsk.


Also had a brief chat with Igor Vilnit, DG of Rubin Design Bureau, the prestigious design house that has created Russia's formidable submarines. A man of few words, he said, "The Amur 1650 is on offer to India (for the Project 75I competition). I hope India will choose it."

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:35
Indian Navy Launches INS Vikrant


Nov 8, 2013 ASDNews Source : GE Marine


    LM2500s to Power CountryaEUR(tm)s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier

    Gas Turbine Modules Produced by HAL in India


GE Marine announces that four GE LM2500 gas turbines will soon power the Indian Navy’s INS Vikrant, providing 80 megawatts for the country’s first indigenous aircraft carrier.


Similar to the INS Vikrant itself, the ship’s propulsion plant -- four LM2500 gas turbine modules -- were manufactured in India by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.’s (HAL) Industrial & Marine Gas Turbine (IMGT) Division. Through its license with GE, HAL assembled, inspected and tested the LM2500 gas turbines and module enclosures for INS Vikrant. The IMGT Division’s Bangalore facility provides comprehensive support including inspection, spare parts, maintenance, equipment overhauls and assembly for industrial and marine gas turbines under license.


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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
La Russie aidera l'Inde à construire le porte-avions Vikrant

COCHIN (Inde), 25 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie aidera l'Inde à achever la construction de son premier porte-avions de fabrication nationale, l'INS Vikrant, a annoncé mercredi à Cochin Victor Komardine, directeur général adjoint de l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport).


"Nous réalisons une dizaine de projets conjoints avec l'Inde, y compris celui du Vikrant", a indiqué M.Komardine lors du premier Salon naval international NAMEXPO-2013.


Les spécialistes russes sont responsables des équipements aériens du porte-avions INS Vikrant. "Il s'agit notamment des brins d'arrêt, des ascenseurs et des hangars", a précisé M.Komardine.


Destiné à devenir le navire-amiral de la Flotte occidentale de la Marine indienne, l'INS Vikrant sera remis à l'armée en 2018. Le navire a un déplacement de 37.400 tonnes. Il sera équipé de missiles mer-air et de canons à tir rapide, de chasseurs embarqués de fabrication russe MiG-29K/KUB et d'hélicoptères. L'Inde pourrait également y déployer des chasseurs de fabrication nationale HAL Tejas, si elle arrive à créer rapidement une version embarquée de cet avion.


Avec 256 mètres de long et 56 mètres de large, le Vikrant possède un tirant d'eau de 12 mètres. Sa vitesse de croisière étant de 28 nœuds, le navire a une autonomie de 7.500 milles à une vitesse de 18 nœuds. Son équipage comptera 1.400 matelots et 160 officiers.


Selon la Marine indienne, près de 50% des éléments du propulseur du porte-avions et environ 30% des armements du Vikrant ont été conçus en Inde.


Avec ce porte-avions, l'Inde complétera la liste des pays capables de construire ce type de navires. Ces technologies ne sont pour le moment maîtrisées que par la Russie, les Etats-Unis, la France et la Grande-Bretagne.

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2 juin 2013 7 02 /06 /juin /2013 07:35
Vikrant-class aircraft carrier. Photo: courtesy of Cochin Shipyard

Vikrant-class aircraft carrier. Photo: courtesy of Cochin Shipyard

30 May 2013 naval-technology.com


The Indian Navy is planning to equip its second domestically built Vikrant-class aircraft carrier, INS Vishal, with General Atomics' (GA) new-generation catapult, Electro-Magnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS).


Currently, the Indian Navy is evaluating the EMALS programme for its 65,000t INS Vishal, which is still only a concept, while General Atomics recently briefed on the EMALS to the navy admirals.


A senior Indian Naval planner was quoted by Business Standard as saying that the INS Vishal may also feature a catapult assisted takeoff but arrested recovery (CATOBAR) system to support larger and diverse aircraft launch and recover missions.


The first ship of the class, INS Vikrant, currently under construction, features a short takeoff but arrested recovery (STOBAR) system.


During the meeting, General Atomics stated that the EMALS ships can support launch operations even in still conditions, while STOBAR aircraft carriers should maintain a speed of 20k-30k to generate wind-over-deck to support the mission.


An admiral said that the CATOBAR offers more options such as supporting operations of heavier fighters, AEW aircraft and, crucially, unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs), when compared with STOBAR systems.

"We could greatly expand our mission envelope with UCAVs, using the pilotless aircraft for high-risk reconnaissance and suppression of enemy air defences."


A naval planner said: "We could greatly expand our mission envelope with UCAVs, using the pilotless aircraft for high-risk reconnaissance and SEAD (suppression of enemy air defences)."


Equipped with six major subsystems. including prime power interface, launch motor, power conversion electronics, launch control, energy storage and energy distribution system, EMALS is also a choice for the US Navy's new aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R Ford (CVN 78).


In addition, EMALS provides reduced manning workload, reduced thermal signature, increased launch availability, reduced topside weight, reduced installed volume and launch capability for unmanned aerial vehicles.


Armed with close-in weapon system and OTO Melera 76mm Super Rapid guns, INS Vikrant and INS Vishal are expected to be delivered to the navy by 2017 and early 2020s respectively.

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