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8 novembre 2015 7 08 /11 /novembre /2015 12:20
Flying Launch and Recovery System or FLARES – photo Insitu

Flying Launch and Recovery System or FLARES – photo Insitu


November 6, 2015 Robert Beckhusen – War is Boring


Say goodbye to the ScanEagle's 4,000-pound ground catapult


Here’s one way to find a new use for an old drone — stick it underneath another drone which serves as a flying mothership. Insitu, a Boeing-owned company which manufactures the tiny ScanEagle surveillance drone, recently showed off a video of a quadcopter carrying the ScanEagle into the air and launching it … like a flying aircraft carrier. The ScanEagle then heads back to its quadcopter and snags a retrieval line. The whole system, known as the Flying Launch and Recovery System or FLARES, is a drone-carrier drone.

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30 septembre 2015 3 30 /09 /septembre /2015 11:45
photo Insitu Inc.

photo Insitu Inc.


20.09.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense


Lus dans la dernière livraison des avis de marchés du Pentagone, ces deux avis concernant des FMS (Foreign Military Sales) au Kenya et au Cameroun, dans le cadre de la lutte anti-terrorisme:


Insitu Inc., Bingen, Washington, is being awarded $9,858,274 for firm-fixed-price delivery order 0010 against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N68335-11-G-0009) for the procurement of one ScanEagle unmanned aircraft system consisting of analog medium wave infra-red ScanEagle unmanned air vehicles, launch and recovery equipment, ground control stations, Insitu video exploitation systems and ground support equipment for the government of Kenya under the Foreign Military Sales program. It will also procure one Mark 4 Launcher, two full mission training devices and spares kits. Work will be performed in Bingen, Washington (50 percent); and Nanyuki, Kenya (50 percent), and is expected to be completed in September 2016. Foreign military sales funds in the amount of $9,858,274 are being obligated at time of award, all of which will expire at the end of the fiscal year. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, New Jersey, is the contracting activity.


Insitu Inc., Bingen, Washington, is being awarded $9,396,512 for firm-fixed-price delivery order 0009 against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N68335-11-G-0009) for the procurement of one ScanEagle unmanned aircraft system for the government of Cameroon under the Foreign Military Sales program. The system consists of analog medium wave infra-red ScanEagle unmanned air vehicles, launch and recovery equipment, ground control stations, Insitu video exploitation systems and ground support equipment. Work will be performed in Bingen, Washington (50 percent); and Doula, Cameroon (50 percent), and is expected to be completed in September 2016. Foreign military sales funds in the amount of $9,396,512 are being obligated at time of award, all of which will expire at the end of the fiscal year. The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, Lakehurst, New Jersey, is the contracting activity.


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26 février 2015 4 26 /02 /février /2015 17:35
A ScanEagle is recovered at sea aboard the destroyer USS Oscar Austin - photo US Navy

A ScanEagle is recovered at sea aboard the destroyer USS Oscar Austin - photo US Navy


February 20, 2015 by Shiv Aroor - Livefist


It's a programme the Indian Navy wants quick movement on, exasperated in many ways by how no single effort over years to give its ships a tactical deck-launched/recovered unmanned surveillance capability have delivered a result. The navy now has a stated requirement of at least 50 such UAS. And the field is open -- the navy doesn't say what kind of launch of recovery it is looking for, leaving all such details to interested contenders.


Boeing firm Insitu, which has had preliminary conversations about the ScanEagle with India for a few years now, continues with the pitch. Insitu's business development manager for Asia-Pacific, Kevil Giles made the following presentation at a round-table that Livefist was invited to, information presumably shared with the Indian Navy over the months as well (post continues after the PDF):



A prospective competition could include the Airbus Tanan and Textron Aerosonde as well. The Indian Navy tested the Schiebel S-100 Camcopter from the deck of patrol vessel INS Sujata in 2007, though the effort didn't yield an acquisition.


According to the Indian Navy's request for information from global vendors, it needs the new UAVs for "Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), sea-lanes of communication monitoring and coastal/ EEZ surveillance, anti-¬piracy and anti¬terrorism, assistance in search and rescue and assistance in maritime domain awareness."

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25 juin 2013 2 25 /06 /juin /2013 11:50
ScanEagle UAV on its launcher in preparation for an autonomous take off from a UK warship

ScanEagle UAV on its launcher in preparation for an autonomous take off from a UK warship

24.06.2013 Helen Chachaty - journal-aviation.com


Certains bâtiments de la Royal Navy seront bientôt équipés de drones ScanEagle, spécialement conçus pour les opérations en milieu maritime. Cette acquisition résulte d’un contrat signé récemment entre le MOD et Boeing Defence UK.


Les UAV fabriqués par l’industriel Insitu sont destinés aux missions de surveillance, de reconnaissance et de renseignement. Capables de rester dans les airs entre 15 et 18 heures, ces drones de trois mètres d’envergure et de 22 kilogrammes sont lancés à partir d’une catapulte pneumatique. Dotés d’une caméra infrarouge, les drones transmettent les images recueillies par le biais d’une liaison satellite.

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