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16 octobre 2015 5 16 /10 /octobre /2015 06:50
photo Ireland MoD

photo Ireland MoD


Oct 14, 2015 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Ireland Ministry of Defence; issued Oct 13, 2015)


Minister Coveney today announced the allocation of €904m in Defence funding for 2016. With an increased allocation for 2016, this represents a new very significant commitment to Defence and will allow Defence to deliver on the commitments outlined in the recently published White Paper on Defence.

Minister Coveney stated: “Today’s Budget announcement marks a new chapter in spending and commitment for the Defence Forces. For the past number of years it has been necessary to stabilise the economy and put the national finances on a sound footing but now Defence expenditure, linked to the White Paper on Defence, is increasing again.

“The White Paper on Defence sets out the roles that Government have assigned to the Defence Forces and looks at associated capability requirements. The allocation of over €900 million to Defence will enable the Defence Forces to undertake these roles with professionalism and dedication. It will also facilitate the implementation of the White Paper proposals, including the replacement of major equipment platforms and other priorities for the Army, Air Corps and Naval Service.”

Minister Coveney emphasised the significance of the Capital allocation of €66m in 2016 and €437m over the period of the ‘Building on Recovery: Infrastructure and Capital Investment 2016-2021 Plan’. This will allow Defence to prioritise and plan for significant capital investment programmes over the coming years.

Minister Coveney stated: “We have had a very good outcome from the capital plan announced recently, where, over the next six years, we will see an increase in capital expenditure for Defence to a total of €437m over the life of the Capital Investment Plan.

The 2016 budgetary allocation will allow Ireland to continue to deliver on all roles prescribed for the Defence Forces, both domestically and overseas and Minister Coveney highlighted, in particular, the role played by the Naval Service in their deployment to the Mediterranean this year, as he stated: The people of Ireland can truly be proud of the work the Naval Service has done and is continuing to do and I wish them every continued success with their work. This is in addition to the ongoing high standard of performance by the Defence Forces on other overseas missions and in their various security roles at home.

Financial Overview:

The gross allocation provided to the Defence Sector in 2016 is €904m: comprising of some €680m for Defence (Vote 36) and €224m for Army Pensions (Vote 35). Some €498m of the Defence Vote provides for the pay and allowances, of over 10,500 public service employees. This pay provision will allow for ongoing recruitment and the Minister has re-affirmed his commitment to maintain the strength of the Permanent Defence Force at a level of 9,500.

The non-pay allocation of €182m (including €66m in capital) provides mainly for essential and ongoing Defence Forces standing and operational costs together with the necessary procurement and upgrading of defensive equipment. The Naval Vessel Replacement Programme continued in 2015 with the addition to the fleet of the LÉ James Joyce and the third ship purchased under the programme, the future LÉ William Butler Years, is scheduled for delivery in July 2016. This programme was advanced without recourse to additional funding and was financed through careful management of financial resources.

The Defence Vote also includes funding for the Reserve Defence Force, Civil Defence and a grant to the Irish Red Cross Society.

As regards the Army Pensions Vote, there are over 12,100 military pensioners paid by the Department of Defence. Army Pensions expenditure is largely non-discretionary and demand-driven.

The launch of the White Paper on Defence has established the strategic parameters within which Defence will operate over the next decade and Defence policy will need to be responsive to any emergent changes in the domestic and international peace and security environment.

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28 janvier 2015 3 28 /01 /janvier /2015 19:50
Un bol d’Eire !


28 Janvier 2015 Source : Marine nationale


Du 24 au 27 janvier 2015, le Bâtiment de Commandement et de Ravitaillement (BCR) Somme  a fait escale à Dublin. L’occasion pour la France de renforcer sa coopération militaire et diplomatique avec l’Irlande, et de remettre la Légion d’Honneur à M. Michael d’Alton, vétéran irlandais du débarquement de juin 1944.


Le lundi 26 janvier, M. Michael D’Alton, vétéran irlandais de la seconde guerre mondiale, s’est vu remettre l’insigne de Chevalier de l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur par Monsieur Jean-Pierre Thebault, ambassadeur de France en Irlande, lors d’une cérémonie donnée à bord du BCR Somme, alors en escale à Dublin.


Près de 70 ans après la fin du conflit mondial, la France a rendu hommage au courage et au dévouement d’un homme qui s’est battu pour défendre les valeurs de la liberté et œuvrer à la libération de l’Europe sur le sol français. C’est en présence de ses proches et de nombreux vétérans et membres réservistes de l’Irish Navy Association, venus saluer son courage, que Michael d’Alton, l’un des derniers survivants du D-Day, a été décoré. Les représentants de nombreux pays étrangers et des forces armées irlandaises sont venus, en nombre, lui rendre hommage, et entretenir le souvenir commun.


Un bol d’Eire !

Aujourd’hui âgé de 93 ans, Michael D’Alton a 18 ans lorsqu’il s’engage au sein de la Royal Navy pour combattre l’Allemagne nazie. Commandant en second d’un engin de débarquement, il est missionné pour faire débarquer les tanks Sherman vers le secteur américain d’Omaha Beach le 6 juin 1944. Une partie de son équipage se noiera après que l’embarcation a sauté sur une mine allemande. M. d’Alton a tenu à dédier sa décoration aux nombreux frères d’armes qui ont débarqué à ses côtés sur les plages de Normandie en Juin 1944, ainsi qu’à tous les vétérans encore en vie plus de 70 ans après le D-Day.


Discret et fortement marqué par les combats dont il parlera très peu à ses proches après la guerre,  la participation de M. d’Alton au débarquement de Normandie serait restée méconnue sans les travaux de recherche sur les vétérans conduits par les archives militaires américaines. Michael d’Alton a affirmé que cette remise de décoration était un appel à se faire connaître, lancé à tous les vétérans irlandais s’étant battus en France pendant la seconde guerre mondiale.

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20 janvier 2015 2 20 /01 /janvier /2015 11:50
UK and Ireland sign historic defence agreement

Michael Fallon and Simon Coveney signing a Memorandum of Understanding – photo UK MoD


19 January 2015 Ministry of Defence and The Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP


A Memorandum of Understanding between the UK and the Republic of Ireland has been signed to ensure greater defence collaboration in the future.


UK Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, and his Irish counterpart, Simon Coveney, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the UK and the Republic of Ireland to ensure greater defence collaboration in the future.

The visit marked a historic moment for both countries, with Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, being the first UK Defence Minister ever to make an official visit to Ireland.

The signing of the MoU represents a major step forward in the process of formalising the already broad and strong relationship the UK and Ireland have, recognising the 2 countries’ shared interests, values and responsibilities.

The MoU will provide both the UK and Ireland with a means for developing and furthering their already excellent defence and security relations and will help to enhance cooperation in exercises, training as well as peacekeeping and crisis management operations.

Examples of the UK and Irish Armed Forces already working together include during peacekeeping missions in Mali during 2013, and more recently, alongside each other in Sierra Leone, where the UK is leading international efforts to halt the spread of the Ebola Virus.

Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, said:

I welcome today’s opportunity to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with Ireland.
It very much reaffirms our resolve to build on and strengthen the existing strong links between the Armed Forces of Ireland and the UK.
Looking to the future, this agreement will importantly help us both to improve our defence and security cooperation, including conflict prevention and crisis management.

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8 septembre 2014 1 08 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
Improvised Explosive Devices Disposal Exercise Kicks Off in Vienna


Vienna - 05 September, 2014 European Defence Agency


The first multinational European exercise  focusing on manual neutralisation of explosive devices, European Guardian 2014,  started this week in Vienna, Austria.


The exercise, which runs from 1- 12 September, brings together explosive disposal experts from five countries, the lead nation Austria, Germany, Italy, Ireland, and Sweden.


Improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, present a challenge to Explosive Ordnance Disposal operators. This is particularly true when there is little time to render the  device safe or when the circumstances make it impossible to use different means but the operator’s skills to safely defuse the device.


In order to tackle these highly dangerous situations, and to deal with complex devices, operators need to have a high level of experience and training. European Guardian 2014 is designed to provide the specialist training that experts from EDA Member States require.


European Guardian is part of the EDA’s Manual Neutralisation Training Courses & Exercise (MNT C&E) Programme. MNT C&E is designed to provide exercises and training courses to experienced Improvised  Explosives Devises Disposal (IEDD) operators in order to accomplish proper threat assessments and course action planning as well to analyse complex IED’s in different circumstances.

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3 juillet 2014 4 03 /07 /juillet /2014 10:50
Law Enforcement and Military Combine Efforts at the First European Homemade Explosives Course


Brussels - 02 July, 2014 European Defence Agency

Experts from the civilian law enforcement and the military have taken part in the first European Homemade Explosives Training course which took place between 2 and 6 June in the Curragh Camp at the IE Department of Defence Ordnance School.


The course, run jointly by the European Defence Agency and Europol, brought together 28 experts from 16 different countries.  The participants took part in highly realistic training scenarios involving homemade explosives, in order to improve skills and to share best practices. The training consisted of identifying, processing, and disposing of different types of  homemade explosives that can be found in improvised laboratories, such as those of criminals and/or terrorists.

The cooperation between EDA and Europol reflects the need for a combined civil-military approach to the threat not only of homemade explosives but the whole C-IED spectrum. This approach helps to ensure that there are clear lines of communication between the two and the need to share skills and experiences among military and civilian law enforcement agencies.


EU-US Cooperation

The course also showed the increasingly close ties between EU and US actors in the field of explosives security and safety issues with participation and support from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

The course received very positive feedback from participants, with organisers looking at the possibility of arranging a second course to meet the high level of demand. 

The course forms part of EDA’s comprehensive approach to tackling improvised explosive devices (IEDs). These efforts include areas such as  the counter-IED Technical exploitation lab Level 2 Multinational Technical Exploitation Laboratory, MNTEL (D) which  has been stationed in Afghanistan since 2011, a Manual Neutralisation Techniques Category B programme, for which the first exercise will be held in September in Vienna (1 to 12 September), the Joint Deployable Exploitation Analysis laboratory (JDEAL) initiative, which its operational life is intended to start in November 2014 as well as another ongoing C IED related activities and projects.


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12 juin 2014 4 12 /06 /juin /2014 16:50
Saab Signs Contract with Ireland for RBS 70 Upgrade


Jun 11, 2014 ASDNews Source : Saab AB


Defence and security company Saab has signed a contract with the Irish Defence Forces to provide upgrades to Ireland’s RBS 70 air defence missile systems. The order has a value of approximately SEK 40 million and includes deliveries of improved firing units, new simulators, night vision equipment and associated weapons support.


Ireland has requested updates to its RBS 70 systems. This recently-signed contract provides for new operator training simulators, upgraded fire units to support the BORC night-capable sight and the latest Bolide missile, new external power supplies plus a four-year support agreement. The Irish order underlines the continuous enhancement of RBS 70 system capabilities.


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13 janvier 2014 1 13 /01 /janvier /2014 08:50
KONGSBERG to deliver PROTECTOR RWS to the Irish Defence Forces


11.01.2014 KONGSBERG army-guide.com


KONGSBERG has signed a contract for the delivery of PROTECTOR Remote Weapon Stations (RWS) for the Piranha III upgrade program in Ireland.


The Irish Defence Force is expected to upgrade its entire Piranha III fleet with PROTECTOR M151 systems over the next five years. This contract supports the first set of these upgrade and deliveries of the PROTECTOR are planned in September 2014.


The PROTECTOR RWS is designed for small and medium caliber weapons and can be installed on any type of platform. It is a fully stabilized and is a combat proven system qualified for global operations. The PROTECTOR RWS protects military troops by allowing the vehicle's weapons to be operated from a protected position inside the vehicle. As of 2013 the PROTECTOR has been chosen by 17 nations and KONGSBERG continues to be the world’s leading provider of Remote Weapon Stations.

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9 octobre 2013 3 09 /10 /octobre /2013 11:50
C-IED Manual Neutralisation Techniques Courses and Exercises
Brussels | Oct 08, 2013 European Defence Agency

Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Sweden signed today a Letter of Intent expressing their interest in pooling resources and expertise for the setting up of a shared C-IED Manual Neutralisation Techniques courses and exercises capacity. Improvised Explosive Devices continue to pose significant threat to military and civilian personnel. In some cases complex explosive devices have to be neutralised manually.

Member States (MS) earlier this year expressed their wish to increase efforts on Manual Neutralisation Techniques (MNT) due to an urgent but limited requirement which does not justify separate, national training programmes in this cost-intensive area. Austria as lead nation proposed and developed a four year MNT project under the umbrella of the Pooling & Sharing Countering IED Training initiative with the intention to conduct one MNT course and exercise a year. The training of Manual Neutralisers is highly cost-intensive due to equipment and specialist’s advisory role. The role of Manual Neutralisers is life saving and is a priority for participating Member States.


With today’s letter of intent, the signatory countries express their interest to cooperate in the development of a project arrangement and to participate in the project. 


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20 juin 2013 4 20 /06 /juin /2013 16:50
Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency

Claude-France Arnould, Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency

Brussels | Jun 20, 2013 European Defence Agency

In view of the recent publication of the Cyber Security Strategy for the European Union, the Irish Presidency, in association with the Estonian Ministry of Defence and the European Defence Agency, organised a high-level EU Cyber Security conference in Brussels on 20 June.

The conference aimed to advance the debate on European Union Member States’ preparedness to face cyber threats at national level and across the EU as a whole. The growth of cyber attacks on critical private, government and defence networks requires a coordinated response at the EU level and across Member States. To successfully counter this emerging cyber threat, cooperation between national security, defence, law enforcement and technical incident response organisations within and between Member States needs to be encouraged to identify and exploit synergies. The conference brought together key policy-makers across the EU cyber community to highlight preventative measures, the need for cooperation and crisis response procedures to the mounting cyber security challenge.

After keynote speeches delivered by Mr Alan Shatter, Ireland’s Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence and Mr Jaak Aaviksoo, Estonia’s Minister for Education and Research, as well as Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, the first panel concentrated on a strategic view as to how the EU can protect itself against cyber threats. Mr Maciej Popowski (EEAS), Amb Gabor Iklody (NATO), Mme Claude-France Arnould (EDA) and Amb Jean-François Blarel (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs) discussed how to develop increased information sharing, early warning, and crisis response as well as closer cooperation between EU and NATO. While the second panel looked at crisis response systems, the third panel discussed cyber resilience in the EU with a view to public and private cooperation. Looking ahead to the European Council in December including defence topics, the final session of the conference dealt with requirements and capability development in cyber security and cyber defence. Topics discussed were cyber defence requirements for CSDP operations, synergies between civil R&D and military R&T as well as cyber security/defence “Dual-Use” capabilities.

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11 février 2013 1 11 /02 /février /2013 12:50
Door is open for Ireland to join Nato, says military alliance's chief

February 11, 2013 Suzanne LYNCH, European Correspondent - The Irish Times


The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) would welcome any application by Ireland to join the organisation, its secretary general has said, although he stressed that the decision to seek membership was a matter for each individual country.


In an interview with The Irish Times ahead of the first visit to Ireland by a Nato secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Nato had an “open-door policy” towards membership of the organisation.


“Our door remains open for European countries, European democracies that fulfil the necessary criteria and can contribute to Euro-Atlantic security, but of course it’s for individual partners to decide how they want to develop their relationship and partnership with Nato.”


Bilateral programme


While Ireland is not a member of Nato, it has ties with the organisation through the Partnership for Peace Programme (PFP), a bilateral programme that allows for Irish forces to be used for peacekeeping and crisis management where there is a UN mandate and parliamentary approval.


Mr Rasmussen travels to Dublin tomorrow for an informal meeting of EU defence ministers at Dublin Castle.


He will also deliver a speech at the Institute of European Affairs tomorrow evening at which he is expected to call for further co-operation between Ireland and Nato, particularly in the area of military training and capability.


Highlighting the participation of Irish defence forces in UN-led operations over the last 50 years, including in Afghanistan, Mr Rasmussen is expected to outline how Ireland has benefited from its relationship with Nato, arguing that the PFP has allowed Ireland to contribute to international missions, something it would be unable to do on its own.


Mr Rasmussen said he would “absolutely” welcome any decision by Ireland to seek membership of the organisation, although he said “it is for Ireland to decide its relationship with Nato or any other organisation . . . We have a very well functioning partnership between Ireland and Nato, a partnership that fully respects Ireland’s policy of neutrality,” he said.


Mr Rasmussen also said Nato had “no intention” of intervening in north Africa. “I don’t see a role for Nato in Mali, because the UN Security Council has adopted a resolution according to which an African-led stabilisation security force should take over in Mali.”


However, he welcomed the EU’s decision to send a training mission to the North African country, adding that the best international response to crises was “a question of a smart division of labour, so that we do not compete with each other, but complement each other”.


Crisis in Syria


Mr Rasmussen defended Nato’s approach to Syria. “Very often I am asked, ‘Why is it that you could collect a successful operation in Libya and why not in Syria?’ and the answer is, there is a clear difference.


“In Libya we had a United Nations mandate, we had support from countries in the region, but in Syria these conditions are not fulfilled. Even the opposition in Syria doesn’t request a foreign military intervention. You have to make decisions case by case. Each and every time you have to ask yourself whether a military intervention will lead in the right direction, and in Syria, obviously, we need a political solution.”


Nato currently has 28 member states.


Nato: What it's for


The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was founded in April 1949 in the aftermath of the second World War, as the cold war between the capitalist West and communist East was tightening its grip on international relations.


Nato is headquartered in Brussels and has 28 member states and 22 associated nations, one of which is Ireland, participating in the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme.


PfP is a voluntary association for – mainly but not exclusively – military co-operation and planning, civil emergency planning and disaster relief.


The organisation was opposed by the Warsaw Pact, a military alliance between the Soviet Union and eastern European communist states founded in 1955, after the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) was inducted into Nato.


Critics charge that the pact was essentially an instrument of Russian domination of eastern Europe following the second World War.


In 1956, Russian troops invaded Hungary and ousted a liberalising government there; in 1968, pact troops invaded Czechoslovakia for the same purpose.


The pact fell apart following the collapse of communism and ceased existence in 1991. Nato member states were expected to be democracies.


The founding member states of Nato were: the United States, Britain, France, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal. They were joined in 1952 by Greece and Turkey, in 1955 by Germany, 1982 by Spain, 1999 by the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, by Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Finally, in 2009, Albania and Croatia joined.


In essence, the alliance is a mutual defence organisation whose essential fundamental principle, Article 5 of the establishing treaty, is that an attack on one member state is an attack on all. The 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US is the only occasion in which Article 5 has been invoked, leading ultimately to the deployment of the Nato-led, United Nations-mandated ISAF, the interim stabilisation force in Afghanistan.


Nato is governed day to day by the North Atlantic Council in Brussels drawn from member states’ permanent representative delegations in Brussels.


The alliance also has a parliamentary tier, the Nato Parliamentary Assembly of 257 delegates from the 28 Nato member countries, and meets twice a year. It sets the broad strategic goals of the alliance.


Nato remains the world’s largest military alliance and accounts for about half of all defence spending.* - PETER MURTAGH


*This article was edited on February 11th 2013 to correct a factual error

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