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9 octobre 2015 5 09 /10 /octobre /2015 11:30
Un chef des Gardiens de la révolution iraniens tué en Syrie


09 octobre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Téhéran - Un haut commandant des Gardiens de la révolution iraniens a été tué jeudi en Syrie, lors d'une mission de conseil dans la région d'Alep (nord), selon un communiqué de cette armée d'élite du régime islamique publié vendredi.


Le général Hossein Hamedani a été tué par les terroristes de Daech, un acronyme en arabe de l'organisation jihadiste Etat islamique (EI), affirme le texte publié sur le site des Gardiens de la révolution, sans préciser exactement dans quelles circonstances.


Selon le communiqué, le général Hamedani a joué un rôle important pour (...) renforcer le front de la résistance islamique dans la guerre contre les terroristes.


Sans intervenir ouvertement comme la Russie le fait en Syrie, Téhéran soutient également activement le régime du président Bachar al-Assad depuis le début en 2011 de la révolte qui a dégénéré en guerre civile, faisant plus de 240.000 morts.


L'Iran lui fournit une assistance financière et militaire, y compris des conseillers sur le terrain. Des membres des Gardiens de la révolution sont notamment présents aux côtés des combattants de la milice chiite du Hezbollah libanais, alliée de Téhéran.


Le général Ghassem Souleimani, chef de la force al-Qods, chargée des opérations extérieures des Gardiens, se rend régulièrement en Syrie, mais également en Irak.

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8 octobre 2015 4 08 /10 /octobre /2015 07:30
Iran unveils new super Hi-Tech torpedo


04/10/2015 azeridefence.com


The Iran for the first time displayed to the public its recently developed super torpedo, “Hout”, which enjoys the state-of-the-art technologies and is capable of hitting targets in and outside water. The torpedo was unveiled in an exhibition in Tehran on Saturday on the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy’s latest achievements, said Fars news agency.


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24 mars 2014 1 24 /03 /mars /2014 19:30
Iran's 2 Navies Bring Mixture of Threats



Mar. 24, 2014 - By AWAD MUSTAFA – Defense News


DUBAI — Despite limited capabilities and lacking in modernization, Iran has always been seen as the major naval threat in the Arabian Gulf region.

Experts agree this is due to its ability for irregular warfare and to threaten, intimidate and conduct asymmetrical operations and wars of attrition.

According to the January “Gulf Military Balance” report by Anthony Cordesman, with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Iran is sometimes described as the “Hegemon of the Gulf.” But it is a comparatively weak conventional military power with limited modernization since the Iran-Iraq War.

“It depends heavily on weapons acquired by the shah. Most key equipment in its Army, Navy and Air Force are obsolete or relatively low-quality imports,” he wrote.

Cordesman, however, highlighted that Iran is proficient at irregular warfare.

“It has built up a powerful mix of capabilities for both regular and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps [IRGC] forces to defend territory, intimidate neighbors, threaten the flow of oil and shipping through the gulf, and attack gulf targets,” he wrote.

“It has a dedicated force to train and equip non-state actors like Hezbollah, Hamas and Shiite extremists in Iraq — potential proxies that give Iran leverage over other states.”

Matthew Hedges, a military analyst based here with the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis, added that the Iranian support of non-state actors such as Hezbollah and the Houthi rebels in Yemen are some of the leading threats in the region.

“The Iranian Revolutionary Guards [Corps] threaten every state in the region,” he said. “The IRGC possess mini-subs and are a constant menace to not only the UAE Navy, but to all naval trade passing through the Strait of Hormuz as they are particularly hard to trace. There have been numerous unconfirmed reports that Iranian midget subs have been spotted within a number of the regional ports, something which is particularly worrying for the entire [Gulf Cooperation Council] region.”

In November, gulf naval commanders stated that the IRGC mini-subs are a major danger in the gulf’s littorals.

“Anti-submarine operations are causing a real challenge to our units in the Arabian Gulf waters due to the small subs that are being used in shallow waters, which creates a challenge for sonar systems to detect them,” UAE Navy Chief Rear Adm. Ibrahim Musharrakh told the Gulf Naval Commanders Conference on Nov. 6.

“Furthermore, the merchant traffic creates clutter and noise that diminishes the capability of submersible devices to spot and helps the mini-subs to operate without being spotted,” he said.

The Iranian Navy and Revolutionary Guard Corps have launched three classes of submarines, two of which are small subs, since 2007. The programs, however, have been secretive, and limited information has been released by the Iranian naval command.

According to the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a nonprofit nuclear watchdog, three Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines were commissioned from 1992 to 1996. They are called Tareq-class subs in Iran.

Iran reportedly paid US $600 million for each boat, and they are based at Bandar Abbas in the Strait of Hormuz. Two of the Kilo-class submarines are operational at any one time and are occasionally deployed in the eastern mouth of the strait, the Gulf of Oman or the Arabian Sea.

However, the real threat is from the smaller submarines deployed in 2007. According to the NTI, that’s when a wave of deployments began of small Ghadir-class and Nahang-class midget submarines for use in shallow coastal waters.

NTI reports that the number of operating Ghadir-class submarines ranges from 10 to 19.

The Ghadir class also is referred to as a subclass of the Yono class, suggesting that the submarines may be based on North Korean technology, although the level of North Korean involvement is unknown, the organization said.

The midget subs are operated by both the Iranian Navy and Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN). Their operational capabilities include firing torpedoes (both the Ghadir and the Nahang class have two, 533mm tubes), laying mines for anti-shipping operations, as well as insertion of special forces into enemy territory.

Iran also is experimenting with wet submersibles. The Sabehat-15 GPS-equipped two-seat submersible swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV), designed by the Esfahan Underwater Research Center, has undergone testing with both the Iranian Navy and the IRGCN.

NTI’s report on “Iranian Submarine Capabilities,” released in July, states the SDVs, due to their limited endurance and payload, are primarily used for mining, reconnaissance and special operations, and are restricted to operating in coastal waters.

Col. Yousif al-Mannaei, deputy commander of the Bahrain Naval Operations Center, explained the need for more intelligence collection.

“As we all know that the sea is very vital for our well-being and the world economy, the air supremacy and surface supremacy has been achieved,” he said. “However, we have no subsurface superiority in the Arabian Gulf waters.

“It is a real threat, and the [Gulf Cooperation Council] really understands that and are pursuing ways to counter that,” he said. “At this point, the exchange of information and intelligence sharing, as well as the formation of a database, is vital.”

According to Michael Connell, director of Iranian Studies at the Center for Naval Analyses, Iran has two independent naval forces with parallel chains of command.

“The two navies have overlapping functions and areas of responsibility, but they are distinct in terms of how they are trained and equipped — and more importantly, also in how they fight,” he wrote in an article for the United States Institute of Peace. “The backbone of the regular Navy’s inventory consists of larger surface ships, including frigates and corvettes and submarines.”

The Islamic Republic of Iran Navy is generally considered to be a conventional “green water” Navy, he wrote, operating at a regional level, mainly in the Gulf of Oman but also as far out as the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

“The Revolutionary Guard’s naval force has a large inventory of small fast-attack craft, and specializes in asymmetrical, hit-and-run tactics; it is more akin to a guerrilla force at sea,” Connell wrote. “Both navies maintain large arsenals of coastal defense and anti-ship cruise missiles and mines.”

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8 janvier 2012 7 08 /01 /janvier /2012 01:14



Iran's navy conducting the Velayat-90 naval war games in the strait of Hormuz on New Year's Day.

Photograph: Mohsen Shandiz/Corbis

6 January 2012     Julian Borger, diplomatic editor - guardian.co.uk

Surge in military activity in the region comes amid threat of EU embargo on Iranian oil and possible closure of strait of Hormuz

Tensions on the oil shipping lanes in the Gulf have escalated with the announcement of new naval exercises by Iran's Revolutionary Guards and news that Israel and the US are planning to carry out extensive joint manoeuvres in the region.

The naval commander for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, said the drill in February would be "different compared to previous exercises held by the IRGC". The Iranian navy finished 10 days of exercises in the Gulf on Monday, during which it tested a range of new missiles. It warned that Iran could close the strait of Hormuz, the narrowest point in the Gulf, through which a fifth of the world's traded oil passes.

On the same day, the Israeli military said it was preparing for joint exercises with the US to rehearse missile defence and co-operation between the forces. The manoeuvres involve thousands of troops, have been planned for some time and were hailed by Israeli and US officials as their biggest joint drill.

Associated Press quoted an unnamed Israel official as saying the drill would test multiple Israeli and US air defence systems against incoming missiles and rockets in the next few weeks. Israel has developed the Arrow anti-ballistic system, which is designed to intercept Iranian missiles in the stratosphere, with the US.

The military activity in the region comes at a time of high tension. At the end of this month, EU foreign ministers are expected to agree to impose an embargo on Iranian oil imports, after a report in November by the UN's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), confirmed western allegations that Iran had worked on nuclear weapon design.

Iranian officials have made clear they would view an oil embargo as an act of aggression, and could respond by closing the strait. The US and UK have said they would act to keep the shipping lanes open. Philip Hammond, the British defence secretary, said during a visit to Washington: "Disruption to the flow of oil through the strait of Hormuz would threaten regional and global economic growth. Any attempt by Iran to close the strait would be illegal and unsuccessful."

The sabre-rattling over the strait drove the price of crude to more than $100 a barrel. Meanwhile, there is continual speculation that Israel might attack Iran's nuclear programme, which Tehran says is for peaceful purposes, and which the west and Israel allege is a front for acquiring nuclear weapons, or at least a capacity to make them. Observers say all sides are flexing their muscles to deter their adversaries from taking aggressive action, but warn that heightened activity will increase the chances of an unplanned clash.

Mark Fitzpatrick, a former US state department official now at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, said: "I'm not predicting there is going to be a skirmish, but in the absence of established communications, the tensions and the activity raises the possibility of an unintended exchange of fire."

The USS John Stennis, a US aircraft carrier deployed to the region, is outside the Gulf and an Iranian navy commander has warned Washington not to bring it back. The US navy said it would continue to patrol the Gulf as normal.

Fitzpatrick said he did not think Iran would attack shipping through the strait of Hormuz "as it would be an invitation to the US to take wider action and attack its nuclear sites".

Another flashpoint could come in June, when US sanctions on the trade in Iranian oil come into effect. Gary Sick, an Iran expert and former White House policy adviser now at Columbia University, said such measures were "the equivalent of a military blockade of Iran's oil ports, arguably an act of war".

"The main reason why Iran's putative threat to close the strait of Hormuz was dismissed is because Iran also relies on the strait to export its own oil," Sick wrote in his blog. "But if Iran's oil revenue – 50% of its budget – is cut off, they would have little to lose by striking out at those they hold responsible, including passage through the strait of Hormuz.

"Iran cannot defeat the US navy, but the swarms of cruise missiles they could fire, both from shore and from their fleet of speedboats, could create havoc, as could the flood of mines they could put into the fast-moving waters of the strait."

Fitzpatrick said even under sanctions, Iran would still have "multiple markets for its oil", and would therefore still have a lot to lose by closing the strait.

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12 novembre 2011 6 12 /11 /novembre /2011 17:30
L'explosion a été entendue jusque dans le centre de la capitale iranienne.- photo AP

L'explosion a été entendue jusque dans le centre de la capitale iranienne.- photo AP


12/11/2011 Par lefigaro.fr


Au moins 17 personnes ont été tuées dans l'explosion apparemment accidentelle d'un dépôt de munitions situé sur une base des Gardiens de la révolution proche de Téhéran.

L'explosion apparemment accidentelle d'un dépôt de munitions situé dans une base des Gardiens de la révolution proche de Téhéran samedi a fait au moins 17 morts et 23 blessés, dont certains graves.

Dix-sept membres des Gardiens de la révolution ont été tués dans l'explosion, a annoncé le porte-parole de cette force idéologique d'élite de la République islamique, le commandant Ramezan Sharif, cité par la télévision d'Etat. Ce dernier avait dans un premier temps fait état de 27 morts, avant de revoir ce bilan à la baisse à «17 martyrs», précisant avoir été induit en erreur par un fax «illisible».

L'explosion a eu lieu peu après 13H00 (10h30 en France) sur la base militaire Amir el-Momenin de Bidgen, une localité proche des agglomérations de Malard et de Shahryar, à une vingtaine de kilomètres au sud-ouest de la capitale. «Selon les premières investigations, l'explosion est intervenue lors d'un déplacement des munitions», a indiqué le commandant Sharif. «Cet accident n'est pas lié à un acte politique ou de sabotage», a affirmé de son côté le député de la région où est située la base, Hossein Garousi, à l'issue d'une visite sur place. «Une grande quantité de munitions a sauté», a-t-il ajouté.

Des pressions contre le programme nucléaire iranien

De nombreuses ambulances, un hélicoptère médicalisé et des équipes de secours cynophiles ont été envoyés sur place immédiatement après l'explosion, qui a entraîné un énorme incendie encore visible deux heures plus tard, selon les médias iraniens citant leurs reporters sur place. L'explosion a été si violente qu'elle a été ressentie dans les quartiers ouest de Téhéran, où elle a secoué portes et fenêtres. Elle a été entendue jusque dans le centre de la capitale iranienne.

Les forces armées iraniennes disposent de nombreuses bases à la périphérie de Téhéran. En octobre 2010, l'explosion accidentelle d'un dépôt de munition dans une base de Gardiens de la révolution avait fait une vingtaine de morts à Khorramabad (ouest du pays), selon les autorités.

Cette explosion intervient alors que des pressions se font de plus en plus pressantes contre le programme nucléaire iranien. L'AIEA a indiqué cette semaine que l'Iran a bien cherché à se doter d'une arme nucléaire. Israël multiplie depuis plusieurs jours les menaces de frappes contre des installations iraniennes jugées douteuses.

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