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28 octobre 2015 3 28 /10 /octobre /2015 08:50
Douze ans après l’invasion de l’Irak, Blair reconnaît une certaine responsabilité dans la montée de l’EI

source globalresearch.ca

25.10.2015 45e Nord.ca (AFP)

L’ancien premier ministre travailliste Tony Blair a réitéré dimanche des excuses partielles pour la guerre en Irak, tout en reconnaissant une certaine responsabilité dans la montée de l’organisation de l’État islamique (EI), dans une interview sur CNN.


«Je peux dire que je présente des excuses pour le fait que les informations données par les services secrets étaient fausses», a déclaré Tony Blair à CNN, selon le site internet de la chaîne de télévision américaine.

Mais «je trouve difficile de s’excuser d’avoir démis Saddam. Encore aujourd’hui en 2015, je trouve que c’est mieux qu’il ne soit plus là», a soutenu l’ex-premier ministre britannique.

«Je m’excuse aussi pour certaines erreurs dans la planification et nos erreurs dans notre compréhension de ce qui se passerait une fois le régime tombé», a-t-il ajouté, reconnaissant des «éléments de vérité» dans l’idée que l’invasion de l’Irak en 2003 est la principale cause de la montée de l’EI.

«Bien-sûr, il n’est pas possible que dire que ceux qui ont déposé Saddam en 2003 ne portent aucune responsabilité dans la situation en 2015», a-t-il reconnu, tout en soulignant également l’impact du Printemps arabe et le fait que l’EI a démarré depuis la Syrie et non l’Irak.

«Il a déjà dit tout ça», a réagi un porte-parole de l’ancien premier ministre. «Tony Blair a toujours présenté ses excuses pour les informations des services secrets et pour des erreurs dans la planification».

Ces déclarations interviennent alors que la commission Chilcot, qui enquête sur l’engagement controversé du Royaume-Uni dans cette guerre, doit annoncer d’ici début novembre un calendrier de publication.

Mise en place en 2009 par le premier ministre travailliste de l’époque Gordon Brown, elle n’a toujours pas rendu ses conclusions alors qu’elle était initialement censée les produire dans un délai d’un an.

Le Royaume-Uni s’est engagé dans l’invasion puis la guerre en Irak en 2003 sous le gouvernement travailliste de Tony Blair. Cette décision a été très impopulaire à l’époque et l’ex-premier ministre est accusé d’avoir trompé la population sur la présence jamais avérée d’armes de destruction massive en Irak.

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15 septembre 2015 2 15 /09 /septembre /2015 16:45
Morocco says breaks up another ISIS militant cell


15 September 2015 defenceWeb (Reuters)


Morocco has broken up another Islamic State terrorist cell.Moroccan authorities said on Monday they had dismantled a militant cell planning to create an Islamic State affiliate, seizing weapons and bomb-making materials in raids on their hideouts. The cell is the latest in a series of radical groups Morocco says it has uncovered. The group was operating in the southern city of Essaouira and the central town of Sidi Allal Al-Bahraoui. At the offices of the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation (BCIJ), reporters were shown weapons, ammunition, tasers, swords and bomb materials seized from hideouts. BCIJ is the judicial part of the Moroccan domestic intelligence service.


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13 août 2015 4 13 /08 /août /2015 12:30
Credits ISW

Credits ISW

Aug 13, 2015 - by ISW


Since the publication of ISW's last ISIS Sanctuary Map on June 19, 2015, ISIS has escalated attacks to fix opponents in order to protect its core terrain in Iraq and Syria. ISIS launched a failed offensive on Hasaka City to divert Syrian Kurdish forces after the Kurds seized terrain north of ISIS's stronghold of Raqqa. ISIS also escalated attacks against Syrian rebels north of Aleppo, likely in order to disrupt potential efforts by Turkey to establish an "ISIS-free" zone in the area. In Iraq, the Iraqi Security forces and Shi'a militias experienced limited success between Ramadi and Fallujah, as part of an operation to clear ISIS from Anbar announced on July 13. ISIS is now attempting to draw Shia forces away from Anbar by launching spectacular attacks in Baghdad and Diyala. This map features an updated representation of ISIS's control of populated areas along the northern Baghdad-Mosul highway and near Hawija, which has remained constant since June 2014. 


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22 mars 2015 7 22 /03 /mars /2015 13:50
L'Otan qualifie de manoeuvre de diversion les menaces de l'EI


Bruxelles, 22 mars 2015 Marine & Océans (AFP)


Le commandant des troupes de l'Otan en Europe, Philip Breedlove, a estimé dimanche que la publication d'une liste de 100 militaires américains à abattre par un groupe se réclamant de l'Etat islamique (EI) était une tentative de diversion de la part d'un "califat mis sous pression" sur le champ de bataille.


"Sur l'affaire de la publication par l'Isis (l'une des appellations de l'organisation Etat islamique, ndlr) de ces informations, ma question est: pourquoi devrions-nous nous attendre à moins, ou à quelque chose de différent?", a déclaré le général américain lors d'un débat organisé à Bruxelles par l'institut américain German Marshall Fund.


"Il s'agit juste d'un moyen sensationnaliste de plus. Nous avons vu ces derniers mois que, chaque fois qu'ils enregistrent une défaite sur le champ de bataille, ou qu'ils sont mis sous pression sur le champ de bataille, ils sortent un gros truc pour faire sensation", a-t-il ajouté.


"Ce califat est, je pense, mis sous une grande pression et donc ils essaient d'éloigner l'attention de ce qui se passe sur le champ de bataille en ayant recours à l'un de ces gros trucs", a poursuivi le général Breedlove.


"Je pense que nous sommes tous inquiets de lire ces informations", a toutefois estimé, lors du même débat, l'ancienne sous-secrétaire à la politique de Défense américaine Michèle Flournoy.


"Je pense que cela montre quels types de tactiques ils utiliseront et que nous devons nous y préparer, tant en termes de protection de nos personnels, mais aussi en faisant le travail très important avec les communautés dans nos pays pour faire en sorte que le processus de radicalisation ait moins de chances de réussir", a ajouté l'ex-numéro 3 du Pentagone, qui dirige à présent un centre d'études, le "Center for a New American Security".


A Washington, le commandement des Marines américains a appelé dimanche ses personnels à la "vigilance" après la publication de cette liste comprenant les noms et adresses supposés ainsi que des photos de 100 militaires américains, selon le centre américain de surveillance des sites islamistes (SITE).


Le groupe à l'origine de cette publication se présente comme la "Division des hackers de l'Etat islamique" et affirme avoir piraté ces informations sur des serveurs, bases de données et emails du gouvernement. Selon le groupe, les 100 militaires ciblés ont participé à la guerre contre l'EI en Syrie, en Irak et au Yémen.

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6 novembre 2014 4 06 /11 /novembre /2014 12:30
The web is a terrorist’s command-and-control network of choice


04 Nov 2014 source GCHQ



Robert Hannigan, Director GCHQ, wrote the following article, which was published in the Financial Times today:
"The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) is the first terrorist group whose members have grown up on the internet. They are exploiting the power of the web to create a jihadi threat with near-global reach. The challenge to governments and their intelligence agencies is huge – and it can only be met with greater co-operation from technology companies.
"Terrorists have long made use of the internet. But Isis’s approach is different in two important areas. Where al-Qaeda and its affiliates saw the internet as a place to disseminate material anonymously or meet in “dark spaces”, Isis has embraced the web as a noisy channel in which to promote itself, intimidate people, and radicalise new recruits.
"The extremists of Isis use messaging and social media services such as Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp, and a language their peers understand. The videos they post of themselves attacking towns, firing weapons or detonating explosives have a self-conscious online gaming quality. Their use of the World Cup and Ebola hashtags to insert the Isis message into a wider news feed, and their ability to send 40,000 tweets a day during the advance on Mosul without triggering spam controls, illustrates their ease with new media. There is no need for today’s would-be jihadis to seek out restricted websites with secret passwords: they can follow other young people posting their adventures in Syria as they would anywhere else.
"The Isis leadership understands the power this gives them with a new generation. The grotesque videos of beheadings were remarkable not just for their merciless brutality, which we have seen before from al-Qaeda in Iraq, but for what Isis has learnt from that experience. This time the “production values” were high and the videos stopped short of showing the actual beheading. They have realised that too much graphic violence can be counter-productive in their target audience and that by self-censoring they can stay just the right side of the rules of social media sites, capitalising on western freedom of expression.
"Isis also differs from its predecessors in the security of its communications. This presents an even greater challenge to agencies such as GCHQ. Terrorists have always found ways of hiding their operations. But today mobile technology and smartphones have increased the options available exponentially. Techniques for encrypting messages or making them anonymous which were once the preserve of the most sophisticated criminals or nation states now come as standard. These are supplemented by freely available programs and apps adding extra layers of security, many of them proudly advertising that they are “Snowden approved”. There is no doubt that young foreign fighters have learnt and benefited from the leaks of the past two years.
"GCHQ and its sister agencies, MI5 and the Secret Intelligence Service, cannot tackle these challenges at scale without greater support from the private sector, including the largest US technology companies which dominate the web. I understand why they have an uneasy relationship with governments. They aspire to be neutral conduits of data and to sit outside or above politics. But increasingly their services not only host the material of violent extremism or child exploitation, but are the routes for the facilitation of crime and terrorism. However much they may dislike it, they have become the command-and-control networks of choice for terrorists and criminals, who find their services as transformational as the rest of us. If they are to meet this challenge, it means coming up with better arrangements for facilitating lawful investigation by security and law enforcement agencies than we have now.
"For our part, intelligence agencies such as GCHQ need to enter the public debate about privacy. I think we have a good story to tell. We need to show how we are accountable for the data we use to protect people, just as the private sector is increasingly under pressure to show how it filters and sells its customers’ data. GCHQ is happy to be part of a mature debate on privacy in the digital age. But privacy has never been an absolute right and the debate about this should not become a reason for postponing urgent and difficult decisions.
"To those of us who have to tackle the depressing end of human behaviour on the internet, it can seem that some technology companies are in denial about its misuse. I suspect most ordinary users of the internet are ahead of them: they have strong views on the ethics of companies, whether on taxation, child protection or privacy; they do not want the media platforms they use with their friends and families to facilitate murder or child abuse. They know the internet grew out of the values of western democracy, not vice versa. I think those customers would be comfortable with a better, more sustainable relationship between the agencies and the technology companies. As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the spectacular creation that is the world wide web, we need a new deal between democratic governments and the technology companies in the area of protecting our citizens. It should be a deal rooted in the democratic values we share. That means addressing some uncomfortable truths. Better to do it now than in the aftermath of greater violence."


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3 novembre 2014 1 03 /11 /novembre /2014 12:30
USS Carl Vinson Continues Airstrikes Against ISIS in Syria


30 oct. 2014 US Navy


ARABIAN SEA (Oct 27, 2014) Sailors aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) conduct flight operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility (AOR) supporting Operation Inherent Resolve. The Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group is deployed to the area conducting maritime security operations in Iraq and Syria as directed, and theater security cooperation efforts. (U.S. Navy video by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Samuel LeCain/Released)

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23 octobre 2014 4 23 /10 /octobre /2014 00:30
US weapons end up in ISIS’s hands



10/22/14 By Martin Matishak and Kristina Wong


The Pentagon admitted Wednesday that Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) fighters seized an airdropped pallet of weapons and supplies intended for Kurdish fighters in Kobani. U.S. aircraft dropped 28 bundles filled with grenades, mortar rounds and other supplies for Kurds battling ISIS in the Syrian border town earlier this week. 


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video A3maq News - @aamaq_twitt

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4 octobre 2014 6 04 /10 /octobre /2014 20:50
ISIS' Threat: Chemical and Biological


28/9/2014 Ronen Solomon – Israel Defence


Intelligence researcher Ronen Solomon analyzes the reports of ISIS' threats to commit attacks in the subway in Paris and New York. What really drives the West to act against the Islamic State organization?


The real threat ISIS poses is mass attacks in aerial transportation and subways using chemical and biological weapons.This is the real concern that brings the Western intelligence services to act firmly against ISIS, not just the horror videos.


The emerging concern is that ISIS activists holding western nationalities will be able to lay their hands on unconventional weapons (chemicals and biological toxins) from Syrian stockpiles and possibly smuggle them into Europe in order to carry out attacks in subways, similar to the use of sarin gas (organophosphorus compound) in March 1995, in which thousands of people were injured on the subway in Tokyo.


This assessment is now also joined by an announcement by the Iraqi prime minister, who said Thursday that the intelligence of his country has revealed a plan by ISIS to conduct a terror attack in subways in the United States and Paris.


Syria has one of the world's largest stockpile of sarin, and Israeli intelligence sources estimate that, in spite of the disarmamentagreement signed with the West, some of these stockpiles are still in hiding in Syria.


On September 18, "Reuters" revealed Israel believes that Syria has maintained its chemical weapons caches ready for use – despite the fact Assad's regime previously gave away the raw materials used to manufacture such weapons. "Reuters" was basing on the words of a senior Israeli defense official, who expressed concern that the fighters of the Islamic State in Syria will try to put their hands on chemical weapons. The source revealed that Israel knows that the Syrians kept for themselves combat warheads, air-to-ground bombs and anti-tank missiles containing toxic gases such as sarin.


The same source estimated that ISIS can get grenades or missiles armed with sarin gas, and that Israel has already operated to prevent such scenarios when these kind of concerns were raised. Western diplomats have expressed concern that along with chemical threat Syria also has research and development facilities designed to produce the poison ricin.


Nightmare Scenario


In the morning of March 20, 1995, during rush hour in the subway in Tokyo, when thousands of people were on their way to work, terrorists of the Japanese religious cult "Aum Shinrikyo" released sarin compound on five train cars in three different lines at the same time.


Members of the cult, known to be extremists, had previously committed acts such as murder, kidnapping, torture, and other acts of terrorism.


The release of the sarin gas was timed so that it would happen as the trains meet under the government offices.


12 infusion bags containing approximately 300-500 cc of sarin each were hidden in lunch boxes and drink containers. At the designated time, the terrorists punctured the bags with a sharp tool and the sarin began spreading in the train cars and stations. 16 stations were contaminated, causing the deaths of 12 and 5,500 casualties with various degrees of injury who were evacuated to 50 different hospitals throughout Tokyo.

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4 octobre 2014 6 04 /10 /octobre /2014 20:30
Arab Leaders Attack IS With Intel, Theological Challenge

A US Navy F-18E Super Hornet receives fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker over northern Iraq after conducting air strikes in Syria. (Staff Sgt. Shawn Nickel/US Air Force)


Oct. 4, 2014 - By AWAD MUSTAFA – Defense News


DUBAI — As the international coalition’s military operations against Islamic State (IS) militants have ramped up, Arab leaders also have begun waging an intellectual war while providing intelligence to guide airstrikes.

According to retired Maj. Gen. Anwar Eshki, an adviser to the joint military council of Saudi Arabia, the coalition operations will continue for some time because it is being structured as a NATO-style force.

“It will either be an extension of NATO or a NATO-style coalition because the US wants this coalition to include the Middle East joining Eastern Europe,” he said. “It will continue for many years to destabilize terrorism in the region and weaken it,” he added.

In addition, Saudi Arabia will be training Syrian rebel forces and has received its first 5,000 recruits, he said, with an expectation to train a total of 15,000 soldiers.

Increased Intelligence Cooperation

Intelligence operations, according to military officials, are heavily dependent on satellites, drones and surveillance flights to pinpoint targets and assess damage.

Intelligence networks developed by coalition governments inside Syria and the Iraqi government’s intelligence corps also are providing aid.

“Jordan has significant human intelligence assets in Syria,” a Jordanian security official said.

The official said the airstrikes carried out by the Arab coalition and the US were based partly on the intelligence collected on the ground by Jordanians.

Jordanian armed forces have also used a network of surveillance and monitoring radar systems placed in the Ajloun mountain in the north to collect intel and track movements, he said.

In Iraq, coalition forces rely on the Iraqi military and intelligence services, although insight into Islamic State-controlled territory is limited. However, according to Eshki, efforts by the Iraqi government to collect support from Sunni groups formerly backing the IS militants have been successful.

Upscaled Information Warfare

Leaders of the gulf states increased their information warfare operations against IS. In his first-ever interview as the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani defended his country against allegations of funding terrorism and pledged support to fight IS for the long haul.

“We don’t fund extremists,” the emir told CNN during the United Nations General Assembly. “If you talk about certain movements, especially in Syria and Iraq, we all consider them terrorist movement.

“I know that in America and some countries they look at some movements as terrorist movements. ... But there are differences. Some countries and some people [believe] that any group which comes from Islamic background are terrorists. And we don’t accept that.”

Despite the Qatari government long being criticized for hosting and financing Islamic extremists, the rich gulf nation has become a key opponent of the Islamic State in Syria, contributing two Mirage 2000 jet fighters during the first raids in Syria, according to a Pentagon official’s statements to US press.

The country also hosts one of the largest American military bases in the Middle East, al-Udeid airbase, where operations are being coordinated.

Mohammed Bin Rashid al-Maktoum, UAE vice president, prime minister and ruler of Dubai, released an op-ed to major newspapers around the world stating that an intellectual fight has to be fought against Islamic extremists.

“We must acknowledge that we cannot extinguish the fires of fanaticism by force alone. The world must unite behind a holistic drive to discredit the ideology that gives extremists their power, and to restore hope and dignity to those whom they would recruit,” he wrote.

But military containment is only a partial solution.

“Lasting peace requires three other ingredients: winning the battle of ideas, upgrading weak governance and supporting grassroots human development,” he wrote.

Former Saudi Arabian ambassador to the US, Prince Turki al-Faisal, appearing on US television, stated that Saudi Arabia would commit ground troops in Syria to defeat the Islamic State and even remove President Bashar al-Assad. He told CBS that he hopes the airstrikes, which include Saudi planes, are the first step in ultimately removing Assad.

“You can’t simply deal with ISIS and not deal with Assad,” Faisal said. “We do not consider ISIS to be Muslim because they brought more harm to Islam,” he added.

Adding weight to the operations, 120 Muslim scholars, including the Grand Mufti of Egypt, the dean of Sharia and Law at al-Azhar University, director of the Fiqh Council in the US, and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem published an open letter to IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi decrying his state’s un-Islamic behavior in three languages: Arabic, English and German.

“This work is a savvy counterpunch that demonstrates an intellectual call to arms from the Sunni world is now underway,” said Dubai-based information warfare operations analyst Stephen Fallon. “In the accompanying 24-point analyses using recent sermons given by Baghdadi, the writers critique him on numerous errors in a paper that is theologically detailed.

“Charges leveled against Baghdadi as caliph include: purposeful de-contextualizing of Koranic exegesis and legal theory; misunderstanding/misappropriation of nuanced theological Arabic terms; over-simplification and cherry picking of religious texts; killing of innocents; killing of emissaries, in this case journalists; illegitimate jihad; mistreating people of the Book,” he said.

“Non-Muslim states should share this document and distribute it widely letting it speak for itself,” he said.

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29 septembre 2014 1 29 /09 /septembre /2014 05:30
September 28, 2014 Think Defence

A collection of images and videos from Operation SHADER, the UK operation against ISIS, in Iraq


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25 septembre 2014 4 25 /09 /septembre /2014 15:30
Erster Flug mit Waffen und Ausrüstung in den Nordirak


25 sept. 2014 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 9/2014 14E28101


Am Donnerstagmorgen startete vom Flughafen Leipzig/Halle aus der erste Flug mit Militärgütern in den Nordirak. Die Bundeswehr unterstützt damit die Peschmerga im Kampf gegen die Terrorgruppe ISIS. 600 Tonnen Waffen und Ausrüstungsgegenstände werden bis Anfang Oktober geliefert.


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25 septembre 2014 4 25 /09 /septembre /2014 09:50
ISIS security threat to be discussed with EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator today - SEDE


24-09-2014 SEDE


The threat represented by the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) requires “more integrated approach” by the EU and the international community “than any other threat before”, Gilles de Kerchove, EU counter-terrorism coordinator, told Foreign Affairs and Security and Defence MEPs on Wednesday.


Military action, support for the new Iraqi government, its army and Peshmergas, putting an end to flows of arms and material, but also communication efforts and a joint approach to the Syrian conflict are all needed to put ISIS down, he stressed.


Mr de Kerchove estimated that over 3000 Europeans “were, are or are willing to go to Syria” as foreign fighters. Their return to Europe is “worrying, because they will get military training, indoctrination, will develop networks with comrades from around the world” and their level of sensitivity to violence will diminish, he said and stressed that getting to Syria is easy, especially via Turkey.


He also called for maximising the cooperation at the EU level and of the group of nine EU member states, led by Belgium and France, in exchange of information on the foreign fighters, but also called for a better use of existing Europol and Eurojust structures. Mr de Kerchove asked the MEPs to support the passenger name record (PNR) legislation, “one of the rare resources we have” in the field of prevention.


Florence Gaub from the EU Institute for Security Studies stressed that the degree of violence had been high in the region even before the arrival of ISIS. “Our level of sensitivity is not the same as on the spot,” she said and argued that ISIS “is the consequence, not the cause of what has been happening in Syria and Iraq. Iraq is where it was born and also where it will die.”


The need to isolate ISIS, namely by cutting it off from its resources, especially from the illegal oil smuggling but also from getting fuel for its fighters, to avoid any perception that the current conflict would be a one between the West and the Muslim world, and to assist Turkey to do more, in spite of its difficult situation, were among other issues raised by the MEPs during the debate.


N.B.: This is an informal message intended to help journalists covering the work of the European Parliament. It is neither an official press release nor a comprehensive record of proceedings.

REF. : 20140922IPR67207
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21 septembre 2014 7 21 /09 /septembre /2014 11:30
India’s Blind Spot on ISIS


September 21, 2014 By Kabir Taneja - TheDiplomat


So far, few Indians have joined the extremists, but gaps in New Delhi’s ability to track them are worrying.


The terrorist group Islamic State of Syria and the Levant (ISIS) or, as it likes to call itself, the “Islamic State,” has managed to attract Islamist fighters not just from the Middle East but all across the world.

According to data released by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR), a London-based think tank, would-be jihadists from countries as far away as Australia and Norway have joined the ranks of the ISIS, which recently announced that the territory it controls, greater than the landmass of the United Kingdom, is now a “caliphate” led by the group’s elusive leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

According to ICSR, most of the overseas fighters populating the ranks of the ISIS have come from Tunisia (3,000 plus), Saudi Arabia (2,500 plus), and other regional Gulf members. However, the organization also notes that Western countries are also rapidly adding to the ISIS numbers, with France (around 700) and Britain (around 500) leading the pack. Even China has figured prominently, with more than 100 jihadists of Chinese origin thought to have fought with ISIS. According to latest estimates by America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the terror group may have up to 30,000 personnel under its command across Iraq, Syria, and possibly even beyond that.


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18 septembre 2014 4 18 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
Draft agenda SEDE Meeting - 24 September 2014 - Brussels


source SEDE


24 September 2014, 9.00 – 12.30

1.        Adoption of agenda

2.        Chair’s announcements

With the Council and Commission and EEAS

3.        Exchange of views with General Patrick de Rousiers, Chairman of the EU Military Committee

4.        European territorial reassurance measures to address the current security situation?
Exchange of views with:
- Timo S. Koster, Director Defence Policy and Capabilities Directorate, NATO
- a representative of the EEAS (tbc)


24 September 2014, 15.00 – 18.30

5.        The international security threat posed by ISIS in Iraq/Syria and beyond
Exchange of views with:
- Gilles de Kerchove, EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator
- a representative of the EEAS (tbc)
- Florence Gaub, Senior Analyst at EUISS (EU Institute for Security Studies)

6.        Any other business

7.        Next meetings

· 13 October 2014, 15.00 – 18.30 (Brussels)

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16 septembre 2014 2 16 /09 /septembre /2014 12:30
L'EI abat un avion militaire syrien au-dessus de Raqa


16 septembre 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Beyrouth - Les jihadistes de l'Etat islamique ont abattu mardi un avion militaire syrien au dessus de Raqa, leur bastion en Syrie, selon une ONG.


Les combattants de l'EI ont tiré sur un avion militaire syrien qui s'est écrasé. Il s'agit du premier appareil abattu depuis le début des raids du régime contre eux en juillet et depuis l'instauration du califat fin juin, a indiqué à l'AFP l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'homme (OSDH).


Selon son directeur Rami Abdel Rahmane, l'appareil s'est écrasé sur une maison de Raqa, causant des morts et des blessés.


Des comptes jihadistes sur Twitter ont félicité les lions de l'Etat islamique. Allah Akbar, Merci à Dieu, c'est confirmé qu'un avion militaire a été abattu au dessus de la ville de Raqa, écrit l'un d'eux. Un autre compte montre la photo de la carcasse calcinée qui est, selon l'EI, celle de l'avion.


Cette opération intervient au moment où les Etats-Unis ont annoncé qu'ils pourraient frapper des positions de jihadistes en Syrie dans le cadre de leur nouvelle stratégie visant à la destruction de l'Etat islamique en Irak et en Syrie.

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15 septembre 2014 1 15 /09 /septembre /2014 11:30
Cameron déterminé à des nouvelles mesures non spécifiées contre l'EI


14 septembre 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Londres - Le Premier ministre britannique David Cameron a affirmé dimanche sa détermination à prendre toutes nouvelles mesures nécessaires contre les jihadistes de l'État islamique (EI) responsables du meurtre du travailleur humanitaire David Haines.


Le visage grave, le chef du gouvernement qui venait de présider une réunion interministérielle de crise n'a pas précisé dans son allocation relayée par les chaînes d'information en continu la nature des nouvelles mesures envisagées.


Il s'est notamment gardé de lever les incertitudes concernant l'association éventuelle de son pays aux frappes aériennes américaines en Irak et en Syrie.


Nous traquerons les responsables et les traînerons en justice, quel que soit le temps nécessaire. Les Etats-Unis mènent une action militaire directe. Nous les soutenons. Des (avions) Tornados britanniques et des appareils de reconnaissance ont apporté leur concours. Mais il n'est pas question de déployer des forces combattantes au sol, a ajouté M. Cameron.


Ce ne sont pas des musulmans mais des monstres, a dit M. Cameron. Pas à pas, nous devons repousser, démanteler et finalement détruire l'Etat Islamique et ce qu'il représente, a-t-il martelé.


Nous agirons de manière calme, résolue, mais avec une détermination inflexible. Nous n'agirons pas isolément, nous travaillerons en proximité avec nos alliés, pas seulement aux Etats-Unis et en Europe, mais aussi dans la région, a-t-il poursuivi.


Son gouvernement a envoyé des signaux discordants la semaine dernière. Le ministre des affaires étrangères Philip Hammond a ainsi fermé la porte à toutes frappes militaires conjointes avec les Américains, avant d'être démenti par le 10 Downing street, qui a au contraire annoncé ne rien exclure.


La réunion de crise (Cobra) convoquée en milieu de matinée s'est déroulée en présence de hauts responsables militaires et des services de renseignement.


La réaction de Londres est d'autant plus vive qu'un second otage britannique est menacé de mort par l'EI dans sa vidéo sur la décapitation de David Haines, qualifié de héros britannique par M. Cameron.


Dans l'enregistrement de 2 minutes 27 secondes, intitulé Un message aux alliés de l'Amérique, le bourreau au visage masqué reproche au chef du gouvernement britannique d'avoir rejoint les États-Unis, qui mènent des frappes aériennes contre l'EI.


Vous êtes volontairement entrés dans une coalition avec les États-Unis contre l'État islamique, comme votre prédécesseur Tony Blair l'a fait avant vous, suivant une tendance parmi nos Premiers ministres britanniques qui ne peuvent pas trouver le courage de dire non aux Américains, dit-il.


L'inconnu à l'accent britannique pourrait être le même homme que celui apparaissant dans les vidéos des exécutions de deux journalistes américains James Foley et Steven Sotloff, selon les experts.


Londres a annoncé cette semaine l'envoi pour 2 millions d'euros de mitrailleuses lourdes et de munitions aux forces kurdes d'Irak pour lutter contre les jihadistes. Avant cette annonce, le Royaume-Uni avait envoyé de l'aide humanitaire et des armes provenant de pays tiers en Irak.

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12 septembre 2014 5 12 /09 /septembre /2014 07:30
L'EI compte de 20'000 à 31'500 combattants en Irak et Syrie (CIA)


12.09.2014 Romandie.com (ats )


L'Etat islamique (EI) compte "entre 20'000 et 31'500" combattants dans ses rangs en Syrie et en Irak, selon la nouvelle estimation de l'agence américaine du renseignement (CIA). L'évaluation précédente de la CIA évoquait le chiffre de 10'000 insurgés ultraradicaux.


L'agence attribue cette hausse à "un recrutement plus vigoureux depuis le mois de juin, après des victoires sur le terrain et la proclamation du califat, une activité plus intense dans les combats et de nouvelles sources de renseignements", a expliqué Ryan Trapani, un porte-parole de l'agence.


L'Etat islamique a proclamé un "califat" à la fin juin avec à sa tête son leader, l'Irakien Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi. Ce "califat" s'étend sur de larges zones d'Irak et de Syrie conquises par ses combattants.


Le président Barack Obama a promis d'"éradiquer" l'Etat islamique en s'attaquant à lui en Irak, mais aussi en Syrie, où l'EI se bat contre le régime de Bachar al-Assad et d'autres groupes rebelles.


Les Etats-Unis ont obtenu jeudi le soutien de dix pays arabes à la campagne lancée par le président américain, mais le régime syrien, appuyé par la Russie, a mis en garde Washington contre le lancement de frappes sur son territoire sans son accord.


Hollande en Irak

Le président français François Hollande est arrivé vendredi à Bagdad où il entend témoigner du soutien de la France au nouveau gouvernement irakien. Il doit aussi préparer avec son homologue irakien Fouad Massoum une stratégie de lutte contre l'EI.


L'avion transportant le chef de l'Etat français, qui est accompagné de ses ministres des Affaires étrangères et de la Défense, Laurent Fabius et Jean-Yves Le Drian, s'est posé à Bagdad en début de matinée. Il transporte 15 tonnes d'aide humanitaire devant être livrées à Erbil, dans le nord de l'Irak, ou il se rendra plus tard dans la journée. Cette aide est composée notamment de tentes et de matériel sanitaire.


François Hollande entend par cette visite en Irak apporter en premier lieu un soutien politique au nouveau gouvernement du Premier ministre chiite Haïdar al-Abadi adoubé par le parlement irakien lundi dernier.

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12 septembre 2014 5 12 /09 /septembre /2014 07:30
Frappes contre l'EI: il y aura bien des troupes au sol

Le porte-avions américain USS Carl Vinson a appareillé depuis son port d'attache de San Diego (Californie) à destination du Moyen-Orient. (DoD photo by Glenn Fawcett)


11-09-2014 à 23:37 Par Olivier Fourt - RFI


Barack Obama a dévoilé sa stratégie militaire pour lutter en Irak contre l'organisation Etat islamique. Les frappes aériennes vont s'intensifier, et le Pentagone va envoyer de nouveaux conseillers. Des troupes aux sol, certes, mais le stricte nécessaire afin de mener à bien une guerre qui ne dit pas son nom. On est bien loin des quelque 145 000 hommes déployés durant la guerre de 2003 en Irak. Les troupes au sol devraient avant tout servir à coordonner et guider les frappes.


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12 septembre 2014 5 12 /09 /septembre /2014 07:30
Irak: des avions militaires américains vont mener des frappes depuis Erbil


11 septembre 2014 Romandie.com (AFP)


Washington - Les Etats-Unis vont commencer à baser une partie de leurs avions militaires à Erbil, au Kurdistan irakien, pour mener des frappes plus offensives contre l'Etat islamique, ont indiqué des responsables du Pentagone jeudi.


Au lendemain du discours de Barack Obama, dans lequel le président américain a annoncé l'extension des frappes contre les jihadistes en Irak, le Pentagone a dit vouloir apporter un soutien aérien plus offensif aux forces de sécurité irakiennes, selon les termes du contre-amiral John Kirby, porte-parole du ministère américain de la Défense.


Dans le cadre de l'intensification de cette campagne aérienne entamée le 8 août, les Etats-Unis vont faire décoller certains de leurs avions d'Erbil, la capitale du Kurdistan irakien, que Washington défend contre les insurgés islamistes, a ajouté le porte-parole.


Un autre responsable du Pentagone, qui s'exprimait lui sous le couvert de l'anonymat, a expliqué à l'AFP qu'il s'agirait d'avions de chasse, dont l'autonomie en l'air est moindre que celle de bombardiers.


Depuis début août, les forces aériennes américaines ont mené plus de 150 raids contre l'Etat islamique, la plupart pour protéger le barrage stratégique de Mossoul, au nord de l'Irak, à environ 130 kilomètres à l'ouest d'Erbil.


Mais cette campagne aérienne est aussi accompagnée par l'envoi de plusieurs centaines de conseillers militaires américains censés épauler leurs homologues irakiens.


Les 475 conseillers supplémentaires dont M. Obama a annoncé l'envoi mercredi soir devraient commencer à arriver sans doute dans le courant de la semaine prochaine en Irak, selon le contre-amiral Kirby.


Il n'est pas question de les impliquer dans des combats, a-t-il encore martelé.


Des 475 annoncés par le président Obama, 125 soldats seront affectés aux missions aériennes menées depuis Erbil, selon le porte-parole du Pentagone.


Ces renforts porteront à 1.600 le nombre de soldats américains présents en Irak.

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7 septembre 2014 7 07 /09 /septembre /2014 20:30
Irak: les Etats-Unis étendent leurs raids


07.09.2014 Romandie.com (ats)


Les avions de combat américains ont étendu pour la première fois à l'ouest de l'Irak leur zone de frappes contre les combattants de l'Etat islamique (EI). Le président Barack Obama s'apprête à révéler mercredi sa stratégie anti-jihadiste longtemps attendue.

Mettant ces frappes à profit, les forces irakiennes appuyées par des tribus sunnites ont lancé une vaste offensive contre les jihadistes de l'EI dans la région de Haditha, près d'un barrage vital sur l'Euphrate, dans la province à majorité sunnite d'Al-Anbar.

Les forces nationales ont par ailleurs réussi à reprendre aux jihadistes la ville de Barwana, à l'est de Haditha.

L'extension des frappes témoigne de la détermination des Etats-Unis à combattre l'EI, moins de trois ans après le départ des dernières troupes américaines du pays. Outre ces raids, Washington a envoyé des armes aux forces kurdes et plus de 800 conseillers militaires et soldats pour aider l'armée et défendre le personnel américain.


"Plan d'action" mercredi


Mais c'est surtout la décapitation par l'EI de deux journalistes américains enlevés en Syrie et la menace de tuer un otage britannique qui ont poussé la communauté internationale à agir plus rapidement.

M. Obama a annoncé qu'il présenterait mercredi son "plan d'action", martelant qu'il ne prévoyait pas l'envoi de troupes au sol. "Nous allons faire partie d'une coalition internationale en menant des frappes aériennes en soutien au travail sur le terrain par les troupes irakiennes et kurdes", a-t-il dit.

Dimanche, le patron de la Ligue arabe Nabil Al-Arabi a de son côté appelé, lors d'une réunion ministérielle de l'organisation au Caire, les Etats arabes à faire face "militairement et politiquement" à l'EI. Il a souligné la nécessité de prendre "des décisions courageuses".

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4 février 2012 6 04 /02 /février /2012 17:50
Israel Says Iran Seeking U.S.-range Missile



Feb 2, 2012 By Jeffrey Heller/Reuters - AviationWeek.com


JERUSALEM - Israel said Feb. 2 that Iran had been working on developing a missile capable of striking the U.S. at a military base rocked by a deadly explosion three months ago.


The blast on Nov. 12 killed 17 Iranian troops, including an officer regarded as the architect of Iran’s missile defenses. Iran said at the time the explosion at the facility, 45 km (28 miles) from Tehran, was an accident and occurred during research on weapons that could strike Israel.


Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon, addressing Israel’s annual Herzliya security conference, challenged the Iranian account that the weapons project was focused on targeting Israel, and implied Iran was seeking to extend its strike range fourfold.


He said the base was a research and development facility where Iran “was preparing to produce or develop a missile with a range of 10,000 km (6,000 miles) … aimed at the ‘Great Satan’, the United States of America, and not us”.


Yaalon, who is also minister of strategic affairs, gave no other details nor related his remarks to the cause of the explosion.


Analysts currently estimate the longest range of an Iranian missile to be about 2,400 km, capable of reaching Israel and Europe. Israeli leaders are keen to persuade any allies who do not share their assessment of the risk posed by Iran that a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic would also threaten the West.


Israel has made little comment on accusations by Tehran that its agents along with those of its Western allies are waging a covert war against Iran’s nuclear program.


Iran denies Israeli and Western allegations that it is seeking to build atomic weapons, saying it is enriching uranium to generate electricity and for other peaceful purposes.




In a Nov. 28 report on the explosion at the Iranian base, the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), said it had learned the blast occurred “as Iran had achieved a major milestone in the development of a new missile”. The Washington-based ISIS, founded by nuclear expert David Albright, said Iran was apparently performing a volatile procedure involving a missile engine when the explosion took place.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pressing for stronger international sanctions against Tehran, has said repeatedly that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose a threat not only to Israel but to the United States and Europe as well.


Israel is widely believed to be the Middle East’s only nuclear power and to have developed missiles capable of striking Iran. It has said all military options are open in preventing a nuclear-armed Iran.


In his address, Yaalon, a former chief of staff of the Israeli military, was dismissive of arguments that underground Iranian nuclear sites may be invulnerable to so-called “bunker-buster” bombs.


Speaking in general terms, he said: “From my military experience, human beings will know how to penetrate any installation protected by other human beings. Ultimately all the facilities can be hit.”

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