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30 octobre 2015 5 30 /10 /octobre /2015 08:30
photo Rafael

photo Rafael


October 26, 2015: Strategy Page


Israel has recently made available a lightweight (200 kg/440 pound) version of its Trophy APS (Active Protection System) called Trophy LV. This is intended for MRAPs (heavily armored trucks), IFVs (Infantry Fighting Vehicles) and other heavy vehicles that are lighter than tanks. The regular Trophy weighs about a ton and is one of several APS models on the market but it is also the one with the most impressive combat record.


By 2012 Israel was convinced sufficiently to equip all the Merkava tanks in an armor brigade with the Trophy APS. In 2010 the first battalion of Merkavas was so equipped. Then in 2011 Trophy defeated incoming missiles and rockets in combat for the first time. This included ATGMs (Anti-Tank Guided Missile), possibly a modern Russian system like the Kornet E. This is a laser guided missile with a range of 5,000 meters. The launcher has a thermal sight for use at night or in fog. The missile's warhead can penetrate enough modern tank armor to render the side armor of the Israeli Merkava tank vulnerable. The Kornet E missile weighs 8.2 kg (18 pounds) and the launcher 19 kg (42 pounds). The system was introduced in 1994, and has been sold to Syria (who apparently passed them on to Hezbollah and Hamas). A few weeks before the ATGM intercept Trophy defeated an RPG warhead (an unguided rocket propelled grenade fired from a metal tube balanced on the shoulder). All this came a year after first equipping Merkava tanks with APS. As it was designed to do, Trophy operated automatically and the crew didn't realize the incoming RPG warhead or missile had been stopped until after it was over. That is how APS is supposed to work and Trophy has proved to be the most reliable and effective APS out there.


This first combat use is a big deal because APS has been around for nearly three decades but demand and sales have been slow. The main purpose of APS is to stop ATGMs but on less heavily armored vehicles, stopping RPG type warheads is important as well. This is the main reason for developing Trophy LV.


The Israeli Trophy APS uses better, more reliable, and more expensive technology than the original Russian Drozd (or its successors, like Arena) APS. This includes an electronic jammer that will defeat some types of ATGMs. For about $300,000 per system, Trophy will protect a vehicle from ATGMs as well as RPGs (which are much more common in combat zones). Israel is the first Western nation to have a lot of their tanks shot up by modern ATGMs and apparently fears the situation will only get worse. Trophy protected several Israeli tanks from ATGM and RPG attacks during the 50 Day War with Hamas in mid-2014. The Israeli manufacturer of Trophy also partners with American firms to manufacture Trophy and Trophy LV for the U.S. market.


Israel first encountered ATGMs, on a large scale, in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. But these were the clumsy, first generation missiles that turned out to be more smoke than fire. More recent ATGM designs have proved more reliable and effective but no nation, except Israel, has yet made a major commitment to APS. That may now change, simply because effective APS like Trophy are available and RPG and ATGM losses are growing.


Most APS consist of a radar to detect incoming missiles and small rockets to rush out and disable the incoming threat. A complete system weighs about a ton. There is also a Trophy Light (weighing half a ton) for lighter, often unarmored, vehicles and now the even lighter Trophy LV for vehicles as small as a hummer.


Russia pioneered the development of these anti-missile systems. The first one, the Drozd, entered active service in 1983, mainly for defense against American ATGMs. These the Russians feared a great deal, as American troops had a lot of them, and the Russians knew these missiles (like TOW) worked. Russia went on to improve their anti-missile systems but was never able to export many of them. This was largely because these systems were expensive (over $100,000 per vehicle), no one trusted Russian hi-tech that much and new tanks, like the American M-1, were seen as a bigger threat than ATGMs.

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29 octobre 2015 4 29 /10 /octobre /2015 12:30
photo IAF

photo IAF


27.10.2015 Tal Giladi, Zohar Boneh, Nadav Shaham & Eliyah Levitan - IAF


The threat of UAV’s became substantial in Operation “Protective Edge". The Air Control Division, responsible for discovering the threat and the “Patriot” Division responsible for its interception are preparing for the new threat

The "Patriot" SAM Division, a part of the Air Defense Division, responsible for protecting Israel's airspace from hostile aircraft. During Operation "Protective Edge", the "Patriot" batteries successfully intercepted two hostile UAVs that penetrated Israeli airspace.

"Following the operation, the division's focus was turned to the UAV threat", said Lieutenant Roy Dgani, "Patriot" Division Officer. "The "Patriot" system is very efficient when dealing with UAV penetration".

Following the Operation in the passing summer, the division's yearly training program was remodeled, as were the qualifications. "Specific UAV discovery training was added to the division's combat soldiers qualification", mentioned Lieutenant Dgani, "The cadets will learn how to differentiate between a friendly UAV and a hostile one, with the help of a specific system and other criteria".

When it comes to training exercises, in the past year since the division's interceptions they have doubled in number. Moreover, the cooperation with various squadrons, mostly combat squadrons has strengthened significantly and is considered an integral part of the soldiers training exercises.

"The batteries routine has changed, we have changed the procedures in order to suit the current situation and to cope with the modern threats", shared Lieutenant Dgani about the perceptual change in the division.


photo IAF

photo IAF

Discovery Abilities will also Improve

The Air Control Division, which is responsible for the supervision of all air traffic and specifically the supervision of aerial forces in operational activity, the management of the aerial space and assistance in its protection, is improving its readiness to cope with the changing arena.

The division has began the examination of the procurement of a new radar for the regional control units, that will be suited to face the future challenges that the Air Force will face in the next few years, with the most relevant being the UAV threat.

"The new radar will be a strategic asset to the state of Israel", declared Major Ronen, The Head of the Radar Department.

The radar will contain improved and more precise recognition and classification abilities than its predecessor (it can better differentiate civil aircraft and hostile UAVs). The ability to correct malfunctions will improve and by utilizing modern networks the efficiency of data transfer between the radars and the regional control units will improve.

"When designing the new radar, we are considering the next 20 years" said Major Ronen.

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28 octobre 2015 3 28 /10 /octobre /2015 08:30
A counter-measure to small drones has been developed by Elta Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries.

A counter-measure to small drones has been developed by Elta Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries.


Oct. 23, 2015 By Richard Tomkins (UPI


BEN GURION INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT , Israel, Oct. 23) -- A counter-measure system that detects, identifies and disrupts small drones has been debuted by Israel Aerospace Industries.


Drone Guard, displayed at an aeropace exhibition in South Korea this week, combines adapted 3-D radars, electro-optical sensors and dedicated electronic attack jamming systems and comes from IAI subsidiary Elta Systems Ltd.


"We have begun demonstrating these novel capabilities to potential customers, in response to this new threat (from small drones)," said Nissim Hadas, IAI executive vice president and president of Elta Systems. "We believe that in the near future every critical asset and public site will require these safety measures for protection against hostile drones."


Drone Guard uses 3D radars -- including Elta's ELM-2026D, ELM-2026B and ELM-2026BF -- for short, medium and long-range detection of drones, coupled with special detection and tracking algorithms. EO sensors for visual identification of the target are also used.


The systems' jamming systems, which can be used as a standalone system, disrupts the drone's flight and can either cause the drone to return to its point of origin or shut down and crash, IAI said.

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27 octobre 2015 2 27 /10 /octobre /2015 08:30
photo EMA / Armée de Terre

photo EMA / Armée de Terre


21/10/2015 Sources : Etat-major des armées


Le 16 octobre 2015, les militaires français de l’opération Daman ont reçu à l’état-major de la Force intérimaire des Nations Unies au Liban (FINUL) basé à Naqoura,la visite de monsieur Emmanuel Bonne, ambassadeur de France au Liban. En poste depuis le 14 août 2015, celui-ci rendait visite pour la 1re fois au contingent français. Il a été accueilli par le général Grintchenko, chef d’état-major de la FINUL et le colonel Hardy, chef de corps de la Force Commander Reserve (FCR) de la FINUL.


Parallèlement à leur mission qui vise à constituer une réserve d’intervention opérationnelle au profit de la FINUL, les casques bleus français de la FCR agissent comme des vecteurs de coopération au Liban. Celle-ci s’appuie sur deux piliers complémentaires : opérationnel et structurel. Que ce soit par leurs interactions quotidiennes avec les militaires libanais ou par leur participation à des actions civilo-militaires au contact des populations, les militaires français contribuent à entretenir et à développer la coopération militaire bilatérale avec ce pays. Ils participent également au volet structurel de cette coopération en appuyant les projets culturels, techniques ou encore économiques mis en œuvre par l’ambassade.

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16 octobre 2015 5 16 /10 /octobre /2015 06:30
Israel receives upgraded C-130 transport

Israel is modernizing its C-130H fleet, Photo: Israeli Air Force.


TEL AVIV, Israel, Oct. 14 By Richard Tomkins (UPI)


A C-130 aircraft modernize by Elbit Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries has been delivered to the Israeli Air Force.


The Israeli Air Force reports that it has received its first C-130H Hercules transport it had modernized by Elbit Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. The aircraft has new radar, digital screens, advanced systems and a new main wing. The IAF said the upgrades will help keep the plane flying for decades.

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15 octobre 2015 4 15 /10 /octobre /2015 14:30
photo Russia MoD

photo Russia MoD


15 octobre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Moscou - Une ligne directe a été installée entre Moscou et Tel Aviv pour éviter tout incident entre leurs aviations dans l'espace aérien syrien, a annoncé jeudi le ministère russe de la Défense.


Le partage mutuel d'informations sur les opérations de nos forces aériennes a été établi par le biais d'une ligne directe entre le quartier-général russe de la base aérienne Hmeimin, dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie, et celui de l'aviation militaire israélienne, a déclaré le ministère.


Des entraînements se sont déroulés pour que les états-majors des deux aviations se familiarisent avec cette ligne directe, a-t-il ajouté, précisant que l'un d'eux se déroulait jeudi.


Lors de sa rencontre en septembre à Moscou avec le président russe Vladimir Poutine, le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu avait indiqué que les deux pays s'étaient mis d'accord pour établir un mécanisme visant à coordonner leur action militaire en Syrie afin d'éviter malentendus et confrontations.


Avec le début des frappes russes en Syrie le 30 septembre, l'espace aérien est de plus en plus encombré, avec des risques croissants d'incidents, même si les chasseurs russes opèrent surtout dans le nord et dans l'ouest de la Syrie.


Les Russes cherchent également à finaliser un accord avec l'armée américaine pour éviter tout incident avec ses avions de chasse qui visent le groupe jihadiste Etat islamique.


Un accord pourrait être signé dans les prochains jours, a déclaré mercredi à Washington un responsable américain de la Défense à l'issue de la troisième séance de discussions par vidéo-conférence depuis le début de l'intervention russe en Syrie.


Selon des sources concordantes, Israël a effectué plus d'une dizaine d'attaques aériennes en Syrie depuis 2013. La plupart de ses frappes visaient des transports d'armes destinées au Hezbollah libanais.

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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:30
La question de l’eau au Moyen-Orient : paradoxes et enjeux

Géopolitique de l’eau dans le Golfe Crédits Philippe Rekacewicz (2002)


11.10.2015 ANAJ-IHEDN

Région aride par excellence, le Moyen-Orient connaît en plusieurs endroits une situation de stress hydrique qui place l’eau au cœur de nombreux enjeux : accès, contrôle, partage mais aussi enjeux de développement et d’intégration régionale. Pourtant, la question de l’eau est paradoxalement souvent noyée dans le flot d’actualités concernant cette région – terrorisme, printemps arabes ou conflit israélo-palestinien–. Elle ne semble devoir revenir sur le devant de la scène qu’en l’absence d’autres nouvelles alors même qu’elle est inextricablement liée aux évènements régionaux.


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La question de l’eau au Moyen-Orient : paradoxes et enjeux

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9 octobre 2015 5 09 /10 /octobre /2015 06:55
Concorde 001 en période d’essais

Concorde 001 en période d’essais

9.10.2015 source SHD

9 octobre 1882 : mort du LCL Froidevaux (Paris). Commandant les secours des sapeur-pompiers de Paris qui interviennent sur un incendie gigantesque rue de Charonne, le lieutenant-colonel F-X Froidevaux (officier saint-cyrien et commandant en second du régiment de sapeur-pompiers) est écrasé par une poutre alors qu’il mène une reconnaissance du sinistre. Il a droit à des obsèques solennelles et un tableau est même commandé au peintre Emile Renard par le gouvernement pour marquer sa « mort au feu ».


9 octobre 1934 : attentat contre Louis Barthou et le roi de Yougoslavie (Marseille). La vendetta que se livrent Serbes et Croates, coute la vie à Alexandre Ier. Il est abattu par un tueur macédonien à la solde des Oustachis d'Ante Pavelic. Le ministre français des Affaires Étrangères venu l'accueillir à son débarquement à Marseille reçoit une balle mortelle, tirée malencontreusement par un policier français lors des échanges de tirs. Ce concours de circonstances tragique met fin à l'énergique politique d'isolement de l'Allemagne qu'avait entamée Barthou, sentant bien qu'il fallait couper les Nazis de soutiens européens, italien notamment. L'assassin est tué par le LCL Jules Piollet (141ème RIA) d'un coup de sabre alors qu'il escortait le convoi sur la Cannebière. A noter aussi : le général Georges, chef énergique et concurrent du général Gamelin est grièvement blessé lors de l’attentat.

9 octobre 1945 : création de l’École Nationale d'Administration (ENA). Ordonnance n° 45-2283 du 09/10/1945 relative à la formation, au recrutement et au statut de certaines catégories de fonctionnaires et instituant une direction de la fonction publique et un conseil permanent de l'administration civile.

9 octobre 1967 : mort de Ché Guevara (Bolivie). Médecin argentin converti au marxisme révolutionnaire, il aide Fidel Castro à renverser Baptista à Cuba (janvier 1959). Véritable globe-trotteur de la révolution armée, il représente Castro très fréquemment à l'étranger. Voulant accélérer la révolution mondiale, il entre à nouveau dans la clandestinité pour combattre en Afrique puis en Bolivie. Il est capturé par l'armée bolivienne le 7 octobre et exécuté sommairement le 9.

9 octobre 1973 : bataille navale de Damiette (Egypte). Durant la guerre du Kippour, la marine israélienne coule 3 vedettes égyptiennes. Deux jours plus tôt au large de Lattaquié, les vedettes israéliennes ont détruit 5 navires syriens. A part quelques coups de canons, les combats opposant matériel soviétique et américain ont consisté principalement en des tirs de missiles mer/mer.


9 octobre 1975 : le Concorde reçoit son certificat de navigabilité.


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7 octobre 2015 3 07 /10 /octobre /2015 12:30
Les femmes du Mossad


05.10.2015 israelvalley.com (i24News)


Surprise! 40% des membres du Mossad sont des femmes. 24% ont de hautes responsabilités.


Lors de l’anniversaire du Mossad, Netanyahou a rendu hommage au rôle “essentiel et irremplaçable” des services secrets israéliens. Le Premier ministre israélien Benyamin Netanyahou a participé récemment à une cérémonie marquant le 65ème anniversaire de la création de l’Institut pour les renseignements et les affaires spéciales, le Mossad (“L’institut”, en français). Outre Netanyahou, le ministre du Renseignement Yisrael Katz et le directeur du Mossad Tamir Pardo étaient présents.


Evoquant la difficulté des missions qui se profilent pour le Mossad, Netanyahou a déclaré “Nous ne pouvons pas résoudre les problèmes fondamentaux du Moyen-Orient qui sont apparus dernièrement, et aujourd’hui, nous avons deux ennemis : le radicalisme de islam chiite conduit par l’Iran et ses alliés, et le radicalisme de l’islam sunnite, actuellement dirigé par l’État islamique”, a déclaré le Premier ministre israélien..


Netanyahou a par ailleurs souligné l’importance du travail du Mossad en rappelant qu’il existe “une règle claire: personne ne pacte avec le faible.” “La vraie défense de notre pays depuis ses débuts et 65 ans que le Mossad existe, est ce pouvoir de l’Etat d’Israël. C’est cette puissance que nous cultivons”, a-t-il dit..


“Face à ce monde en mutation, Israël doit être une superpuissance. Pas seulement une puissance régionale, mais pour certaines régions; une puissance mondiale. Cela ne peut que renforcer notre capacité à tirer parti de nos relations avec les responsables dans la région et avec les acteurs en dehors de la région”, a-t-il ajouté.


Netanyahou a par ailleurs insisté sur le rôle “essentiel et irremplaçable” du Mossad dans la capacité d’Israël à maintenir sa position de puissance régionale et mondiale, soulignant que c’est cette position qui est finalement, “la garantie de notre existence.”


Le Premier ministre israélien a également remercié les nombreux agents du Mossad, mais aussi leurs familles pour le soutien qu’ils apportent à l’organisme. “Je vous demande de remercier aussi vos familles qui portent aussi une lourde charge et vous demandent de leur dire au nom du peuple d’Israël et de l’Etat d’Israël : Je vous remercie et puissiez-vous être inscrit dans le livre de vie”, a-t-il ajouté.


Au cours de la cérémonie, les employés du Mossad ont reçu en cadeau un timbre spécialement conçu à l’effigie du service de renseignement. Le directeur du Mossad Tamir Pardo a souligné que, en dépit des technologies sophistiquées sur lesquelles reposent de nombreuses actions de l’agence, “aucune de ses réalisations n’aurait été possible sans ses agents”.


Au fil des ans, le Mossad a subi de grands changements, et aujourd’hui, 40% des employés de l’agence sont des femmes, 24% d’entre elles occupent des postes à hautes responsabilités. Le Mossad a été créé le 13 décembre 1949, sur la recommandation du Premier ministre de l’époque, David Ben Gourion et a été l’auteur de nombreuses missions légendaires dans le monde entier.

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6 octobre 2015 2 06 /10 /octobre /2015 12:55
Mig-29 over volga river (photo RSK Mig)

Mig-29 over volga river (photo RSK Mig)


06.10.2015 source SHD


6 octobre 1860 : sac du palais d’été (Pékin – Chine). Les vainqueurs franco-britanniques de la bataille de Palikao (21 septembre) pillent le palais d’été. L’ordre de l’incendier vient de Lord Elgin. Victor Hugo, alors en exile à Guernesey et donc en délicatesse avec Napoléon III, traitera les Européens de bandits dans une lettre rendue publique.


6 octobre 1918 : entrée à Beyrouth (actuel Liban). Une flotte franco-britannique entre dans le port de Beyrouth évacué par les Turcs. Deux contre-torpilleurs français de l’escadre de Syrie (l’Arbalète et le Coutelas) précèdent les troupes du général Franchet d’Esperey en Palestine.


6 octobre 1949 : loi américaine d’ « aide militaire pour la défense mutuelle ». Signée par Truman, cette loi porte uniquement sur l’aide militaire afin de ne pas donner raison à la propagande soviétique qui présente le plan Marshall (1947-1951) comme une machine de guerre américaine offerte aux Européens. La France a reçu environ 20  % des 10 milliards de dollars d’aide américaine.


6 octobre 1973 : début de la guerre du Kippour (Israël). L'Egypte et la Syrie, appuyées par une coalition arabe, attaquent par surprise Israël qui finit par l'emporter.


6 octobre 1977 : premier vol du Mig 29. Chasseur russe bi-supersonique baptisé Fulcrum par les américains. Grande maniabilité en vol et rusticité d’emploi. Toujours en service dans une dizaine de pays.


6 octobre 1981 : assassinat du président Sadate (Le Caire). Lors d'un défilé militaire, un groupe d'officiers proches des frères musulmans tire sur le président égyptien et le tue ainsi que 6 autres dignitaires présents dans les tribunes.


6 octobre 1986 : le K219 coule au large des Bermudes. Le sous-marin nucléaire soviétique K219 est victime d'un incendie qui l'oblige à faire surface. 4 hommes d'équipage périssent pour stopper le réacteur nucléaire menaçant d'entrer en fusion, avant que le bâtiment ne sombre par 5000 mètres de fond avec 32 missiles nucléaires à son bord.

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3 octobre 2015 6 03 /10 /octobre /2015 11:30
Reconnaissance faciale, logiciel israélien développé par SkaKash LLC


30.09.2015 IsraelValley Desk - Défense


Après le massacre de l’église de Charleston aux USA, de nombreux lieux de culte se sont tournés vers Churchix, un logiciel israélien développé par SkaKash qui permet de scan­ner des centaines de visa­ges entrant dans un lieu et de signaler la présence de personnes à risque répertoriées dans leur base de données.


Mis au point par Moshe Greenspan, Churchix a été dérivé d’un autre produit de reconnaissance faciale du nom de Face-Six mais lorsque qu’une grande église américaine lui a demandé de l’adapter à son usage, il a compris qu’il y avait là une niche importante puisque les portes des églises aux USA sont toujours ouvertes pendant les offices pour accueillir les fidèles. (Israel Magazine)


A SAVOIR. La reconnaissance de visage est un domaine de la vision par ordinateur consistant à reconnaitre automatiquement une personne à partir d’une image de son visage. C’est un sujet particulièrement étudié en vision par ordinateur, avec de très nombreuses publications et brevets, et des conférences spécialisées. La reconnaissance de visage a de nombreuses applications en vidéo-surveillance, biométrie, robotique, indexation d’images et de vidéos, recherche d’images par le contenu, etc.


La reconnaissance de visage consiste à déterminer l’identité d’une personne à partir d’une image de son visage. Pour cela, il est nécessaire que l’identité de la personne soit connue au préalable, au moyen d’une ou plusieurs images de son visage, ou d’un modèle 3D de son visage.


On distingue deux types de tâches:

L’identification, appelée aussi one-to-many (1:N), consiste à déterminer l’identité d’un individu parmi N identités connues, présentes dans une base.

La vérification, appelée aussi one-to-one (1:1), consiste à vérifier que l’identité prétendue est bien la bonne.

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30 septembre 2015 3 30 /09 /septembre /2015 12:20
photo Roboteam

photo Roboteam


September 30, 2015: Strategy Page


An Israeli firm has managed to sell some of its small battlefield robots to the American military, which is a first for an Israeli firm. The U.S. Air Force has ordered over 200 Israeli MTGR (Micro Tactical Ground Robot) for their bomb disposal teams. This came after MTGR demonstrated its capabilities during the 2014 war with Hamas in Gaza. This was particularly true with the large number of Hamas tunnels discovered. These proved more complex and dangerous than any previously encountered and a new robot was needed to deal with the situation. Within days a specification was provided to Israeli robot manufacturers and by the end of July 2014 a new robot design had been accepted, in production, delivered and in action. This was the MTGR and while it was not a major breakthrough, it was simply a better application of design elements that had been developed since the 1990s and suited current Israeli needs. The Israelis have ordered over a hundred MTGRs for delivery ASAP. Based on its success in Gaza MTGR is being offered to other armed forces and police departments around the world.


MTGR is a 7.3 kg (16 pound) tracked (or wheeled version weighing 9 kg) robot. Tracks are preferred for climbing stairs and getting over obstacles. MTGR can carry up to 9 kg of accessories. The basic MTGR comes with five cameras, a microphone, and can carry additional sensors. The cameras have day/night capability, 360 degree views and x10 zoom. One of the more useful accessories is a robotic arm for clearing debris or searching. Another useful item are bright LED lights when you need illumination. MTGR uses GPS and can carry a laser rangefinder to measure dimensions of where it is. The battery lasts 2-4 hours depending how onboard equipment is used. Top speed is 50 meters a minute and max range for the operator is 500 meters.


MTGR is designed to be carried in a backpack and an operator can use the handheld control unit to operate several MTGRs at once. The MTGR was a lifesaver for exploring Hamas tunnels, which are often filled with booby traps and other nasty surprises for advancing Israeli troops. Often an MTGR was simply sent down, take a lot of measurements and pictures and then withdraw after which explosives will be lowered down and the tunnel collapsed. If MTGR detects documents or electronic devices like laptops, tablets or cell phones, MTGR will carefully survey the area and troops will go down to recover the valuable intel often found on such devices. If MTGR can reach cell phones or small tablets it can pick them up and carry them away.


What made MTGR special was the firm that provided it demonstrated that it was able to take existing technologies and quickly adapt them to new situations. The small firm that developed MTGR it had an existing design modified and readied for production in less than a month. In wartime this is a very valuable capability. This has now been demonstrated under combat conditions and the rest of the military robot industry has to adapt.


The U.S. Army has been using robots like the MTGR since the 1990s. American designs went through rapid refinement after September 11, 2001 because thousands of these robots were bought and used by American troops in combat. The culmination of all that was expressed in the XM1216 SUGV (Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle). SUGV was designed to be the definitive next generation infantry droid, replacing existing droids like the similar but larger PackBot. Not surprisingly MTGR is based on the same experience but more refined and using some newer technology.  This design was not ready for action until most of the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan was over. Thus by 2012 only about 200 of these combat robots were in service or on order. It was only in 2011, after more than six years of development, that the army bought its first production model SUGV. Many in the U.S. Army were not satisfied with how long it took to get SUGV to the troops and MTGR is proof that it could have been done faster.


Before September 11, 2001, the army didn't expect to have robots like PackBot or SUGV until 2013. But the technology was already there, and the war created a major demand. The robots expected in 2013 were to be part of a new generation of gear called FCS (Future Combat Systems). SUGV is still waiting for some of the high tech FCS communications and sensor equipment (which MTGR used), and appeared in 2011 using off-the-shelf stuff in the meantime. The troops don't care, as long as it worked. These small robots have been quite rugged, having a 90 percent availability rate.


The overly ambitious, expensive and much delayed FCS program was cancelled in 2009 but successful bits, like SUGV, were allowed to keep moving. This was a big deal for SUGV, because demand for these small droids collapsed when the Islamic terror offensive in Iraq did in 2008. There were plenty of droids left over for service in Afghanistan, where the Taliban provided a much lower workload for the little bots than did Iraq.


SUGV is a 13 kg (29 pound) robot, similar to the slightly older and larger Packbot. SUGV can carry 3 kg (6.6 pounds) of gear, and seven different "mission packages" are available. These include various types of sensors and double jointed arms (for grabbing things.) SUGV is waterproof and shock resistant. It fits into the standard army backpack, and is meant to operate in a harsh environment. The battery powered SUGV is operated wirelessly, or via a fiber optic cable, using a controller that looks like a video game controller with a video screen built in. SUGV can also use an XBox 360 controller, with the right drivers. Like the earlier PackBot and later MTGR, SUGV can climb stairs, maneuver over rubble and other nasty terrain.


The SUGV design is based largely on feedback from combat troops. For example, it is rugged enough to be quickly thrown into a room, tunnel or cave, activated and begin sending video, as well as audio, of what is in there. This feature makes it very popular with the troops, who want droids with the ability to see, hear and smell were more acutely. No one likes being the first one going into dark, potentially dangerous, places. Throwing a grenade in first doesn't always work, because sometimes frightened civilians are in there. Despite all these fine qualities, the current generation of robots is not fast enough, agile enough or sensitive enough to compete with human troops doing this kind of work. Sometimes, however, the robots are an adequate, and life-saving, substitute. SUGV is supposed to be better at this sort of thing.


SUGV can also perform outpost and listening post work. These are two dangerous jobs the infantry are glad to hand off to a robot. Outposts are, as the name implies, one or two troops dug in a hundred meters or so in front of the main position, to give early warning of an enemy attack. A listening post is similar, but the friendly troops are often much deeper into enemy territory. The SUGV battery enables it to just sit in one place, listening and watching, for eight hours or more. After that, you send out another SUGV with a fresh battery, and have the other one come back for a recharge. No risk of troops getting shot at while doing the same things, and the troops really appreciate that. Again, the problem with this is that the robot sensors are just not there yet. The sensors are getting close, but not close enough for troops to trust their lives to this thing.


Other dangerous jobs for the SUGV are placing explosives by a door (to blow it open for the troops), or placing a smoke grenade where it will prevent the enemy from seeing the troops move. Since 2006 users of the older PackBot UGVs filled military message boards with interesting uses they have found for these robots, and new features they could make use of. SUGV and MTGR are the products of all that chatter.

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30 septembre 2015 3 30 /09 /septembre /2015 11:35
Indo-Israeli LRSAM Range Extended By A Third


25.09.2015 by Livefist

The Indo-Israeli LRSAM/Barak-8 began its first hot trials with the Israeli Navy in May this year. In what could be the single most significant development in the weapon system's long-drawn journey, the Indian Navy has confirmed to Livefist that the LRSAM will sport an operational range a third higher than initially agreed upon. In effect, the LRSAM's range now moves from 70-km to in excess of 90-km or higher. Range upgrade discussions took place in November last year following a land test in Israel.


IAI and India's DRDO missile cluster (led by the DRDL) that have jointly developed the missile system, designated the Barak 8 for Israel and yet to be officially named in India, have begun work on boosting weapon range.


With preliminary integration activity already on, Livefist can also confirm that the LRSAM is all set to undergo its first test firing from Indian Navy destroyer INS Kolkata in November-December this year in the Arabian Sea. The weapon system is intended for a host of frontline surface combatants, including all future fighting ships of the Indian Navy.


Top Navy tell Livefist that while the 2nd Kolkata-class destroyer Kochi set to enter service on September 30, like the first ship of its class, sports a BEL-built HUMSA NG bow mounted sonar, the contracted active towed array sonar will be integrated within the next 16-18 months.

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30 septembre 2015 3 30 /09 /septembre /2015 07:30
Image ISIS source dailymail.co.uk

Image ISIS source dailymail.co.uk


September 16, 2015: Strategy Page


For intelligence experts cell phones and social networks are the best of assets and the also something of a curse. This was seen recently as more Russian troops and heavy weapons began showing up in Syria. At first the Russians tried to deny it, but they were done in by their own troops posting (on Russian social networks) photos of their presence in (and travel to) Syria. The Russian censors got most of those posts removed but not before they were seen by Western media and intelligence agencies and filed away. All this was good news for the Western intel people and bad news for their Russian counterparts. This sort of thing has been going on for over a decade and despite increasingly strenuous efforts to get the troops to be discreet there are always enough who disobey to give the real or potential enemy what they are looking for.


All this is yet another side effect of cellphone cameras, which have become a major source of military intelligence and this is especially true with counter-terrorism operations. For example in mid-2015 the United States revealed how a picture an Islamic terrorist took of himself with his cellphone (a selfie) revealed the location of an ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) headquarters, which was promptly bombed. Such incidents are more common with poorly trained irregulars, but even well trained troops have problems with “cellphone discipline”. This problem is a 21st century one and it has been getting worse.


Incorporating cameras into cell phones first showed up in 2000 and the practice quickly spread. This proved to be very popular and as such phones became cheaper, and their cameras more capable military intelligence agencies warned that troops were taking a lot of pictures, especially when in combat zones and making those photos public. This was leading to a lot of pictures going public that could reveal military secrets. Efforts to ban troop use of cellphones in combat zones or inside classified areas had some success, but that only reduced the flood of useful (to intelligence experts) cellphone photos. It has proved nearly impossible to eliminate the problem. This became a major problem because of improved technology. Thus because cellphone networks entered the 3rd generation (3G) about the same time cellphone cameras were introduced it became very easy to quickly distribute pictures. The 3G networks enabled cellphone users to take photos and immediately send them to someone else, or post them to a website. By 2010 social networks were growing in popularity and cellphone users competed to take and post photos of all sorts of things, often getting newsworthy photos into circulation well before the traditional media. Cellphones with 3G capabilities became so cheap that even many Islamic terrorists and most military personnel had them.


No country is immune to the problem. Israel, with the highest proportion of Internet savvy people in the world continues to have the problem because so many of their troops on active duty are actually reservists called up for the normal (but infrequent) bit of active duty. Changing cell phone and social network habits isn’t easy, despite the risk of getting caught and punished (often spending a week or two in jail, plus the bad publicity). China tried to ban all cell phones for troops on active duty outside their base. It worked for a bit and then it didn’t. Some troops knew better but found ways to post photos anonymously. Even the revelations that troops have been killed because of posting certain pictures to the web has not reduced the number of military people doing it.

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16 septembre 2015 3 16 /09 /septembre /2015 07:30
Counter-Terrorism: Jordan Gets By With A Little Help From Its Friends


September 13, 2015: Strategy Page


Jordan recently revealed more details of the Israeli assistance it was receiving for the fight against Islamic terrorism. Israel has supplied Jordan with a dozen lightweight Slylark UAVs and the services of one or more larger Heron TP UAVs. Israel has also provided special electronics and software so that Jordan can more effectively track its own troops and possible Islamic terrorist activity. There appears to be some cooperation in the area of special operations (command0) troops. Both nations have a good track record in this area but Jordan can more easily put their commandos into Iraq or Syria than can Israel.


It’s no secret that since the late 1960s Israel and Jordan have been on good terms. This is mutually beneficial because both nations have large numbers of Palestinians to deal with and these Palestinians tend to be a source of disloyalty for both the Jewish dominated democracy of Israel and the Bedouin (Arab) monarchy of Jordan. Since the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 Jordan has had to deal with lots of refugees and, for a while, more Islamic terror attacks. Jordan continues to keep Islamic terrorists from reaching Israel via Jordan and provides valuable intel on what is going on in Syria and Iraq and the Arab world in general. As it has done for decades, Israel also passes on any useful intel to Jordan, especially if it involves attacks against the royal family.


Jordan is poor and does not have a lot of money for new equipment. Thus the arrival of the Israeli Skylark UAVs was much appreciated. This UAV has been around since 2008, has an impressive combat record and a new version (Skylard 1LE) recently showed up. This is a 7.5 kg (16.5 pound) aircraft with a 1.1 kg (2.4 pound) payload. This is sufficient to carry Israeli designed vidcam, laser designator and communications gear that can work with the American Rover ground terminals (designed to let commanders on the ground see what UAVs are seeing). Max endurance is three hours, max altitude is 4,700 meters (15,000 feet). Max distance from the operator is 40 kilometers.


The Heron TP has been in service since 2009 and is similar to the 4.5 ton American Reaper. Equipped with a powerful (1,200 horsepower) turboprop engine, the 4.6 ton Heron TP can operate at 14,500 meters (45,000 feet). That is above commercial air traffic and all the air-traffic-control regulations that discourage, and often forbid, UAVs fly at the same altitude as commercial aircraft. The Heron TP has a one ton payload, enabling it to carry sensors that can give a detailed view of what's on the ground, even from that high up. The endurance of 36 hours makes the Heron TP a competitor for the U.S. five ton MQ-9 Reaper. The big difference between the two is that Reaper is designed to be a combat aircraft, operating at a lower altitude, with less endurance, and able to carry a ton of smart bombs or missiles. Heron TP is meant mainly for reconnaissance and surveillance, and Israel wants to keep a closer, and more persistent, eye on Syria, southern Lebanon and now parts of Jordan threatened by ISIL. The Heron TP has also been rigged to carry a wide variety of missiles and smart bombs.


In the 1967 war with Israel, the Jordanians caused the Israelis more trouble than any other Arab army. Since then, the Israelis and Jordanians have maintained good relations, partly because of the realization that war between the two nations would be particularly bloody. Jordan also became a good ally of the United States, and American Special Forces have worked with their Jordanian counterparts for decades. Another thing that keeps the Jordanian troops on their toes is the fact that most Jordanians are non-Bedouin Palestinians, a population that has produced a lot of terrorists and disloyal Jordanians. The royal family of Jordan, from an ancient Bedouin family, takes very good care of the largely Bedouin armed forces, which provides security for the royal family.

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16 septembre 2015 3 16 /09 /septembre /2015 07:30
UVision's Hero to tackle maritime targets


14 September, 2015 BY: Arie Egozi - FG


Tel Aviv - Israel's UVision will use the DSEi exhibition in London to detail the maritime capabilities of its Hero loitering munition system, which was unveiled at the Paris air show in June. UVision will exhibit a new naval platform launcher for the Hero range of weapons during the 15-18 September event, in addition to a system which enables their deployment from land vehicles.


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16 septembre 2015 3 16 /09 /septembre /2015 07:20
photo Elbit Systems of America

photo Elbit Systems of America


14 September, 2015 BY: James Drew – FG


Washington DC  - The US Navy has placed its third order with Rockwell Collins and Elbit Systems of America (ESA) for a night vision cueing and display system that allows pilots to fly and fight as if it were daytime.


The system lets pilots using Elbit’s four-lens panoramic night vision goggle visually cue weapons and sensors and see head-up displaysymbology in the dark, giving them the ability to engage in high off-boresight air-to-air shots and air-to-surface strikes as they would visually during the day. Under a$21 million ceiling contract awarded by the navy last month, theRockwell Collins-ESA Vision Systemsjoint venture will produce120 Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) Night Vision Cueing and Display (NVCD) systems, and 30 helmet-mounted display test sets.


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15 septembre 2015 2 15 /09 /septembre /2015 07:50
Swiss parliament approves Hermes 900 deal


08 September, 2015 BY: Arie Egozi - FG


The Swiss parliament on 7 September voted in favour of an armed forces plan to buy six Elbit Systems Hermes 900 unmanned air vehicles, in a deal valued at $256 million.


Last year, the Hermes 900 was selected by the Swiss armed forces, but the signing of a contract was delayed until the receipt of political approval. A deal should now be signed within the next few weeks. The Hermes 900 UAVs to be supplied to Switzerland will be in an upgraded version that will improve performance in some parameters. One of the enhancements is the provision of a heavy fuel engine, which will enable the aircraft to achieve a higher rate of climb after take-off – a key requirement because of the country's mountainous terrain.


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12 septembre 2015 6 12 /09 /septembre /2015 16:35
New Delhi Nods +$400 Million Israeli Mega Drone Procurement


Sep 12, 2015 defense-update.com


The IAF has been seeking an unmanned, precision attack capability as a matter of high priority. These new drones will be operated by the Indian Air Force (IAF), which already has a large fleet of Searcher and Heron I reconnaissance drones. Both are produced by Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI).


The Indian government recently approved a plan to procure ten new missile-armed drones from Israel. “The $400-million proposal for buying armed Heron TP drones from Israel was cleared last week,” The Economic Times reported.

These new drones will be operated by the Indian Air Force (IAF), which already has a large fleet of Searcher and Heron I reconnaissance drones. Both are produced by Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI). The IAF also has a fleet of Harpy UAVs from Israel – designed as loitering radar-supression weapons. In addition,India operates the HAROP, a spin-off variant of the loitering weapon, designed to attack other surface targets. (Both Harpy and Harop are also made by IAI).

The proposed sale of the Heron TP to India had been on the table since 2012, but, only after the election of the new Modi government, did it receive the necessary political backing.


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7 septembre 2015 1 07 /09 /septembre /2015 11:50
Hermes 900 HFE photo Armasuisse

Hermes 900 HFE photo Armasuisse


07.09.2015  Communication DDPS, Marco Zwahlen


Après le Conseil national, le Conseil des Etats s’est prononcé à son tour en faveur du programme d’armement 2015 à hauteur de 542 millions de francs. Ce dernier prévoit le remplacement de trois systèmes qui arrivent à la fin de leur durée d’utilisation. Il est prévu d’acquérir six nouveaux drones de reconnaissance, des nouveaux simulateurs de tir pour fusil d’assaut 90 et 879 véhicules légers tout-terrain pour systèmes techniques.

En juin dernier, le Conseil national avait adopté le programme d’armement 2015 par 130 voix contre 55 et une abstention. Le Conseil des Etats lui emboîte maintenant le pas, par 31 voix contre 9 et 5 abstentions. La proposition de la gauche parlementaire de renoncer à l’acquisition de nouveaux drones de reconnaissance a été clairement rejetée. La minorité motivait sa demande en invoquant les trop nombreuses incertitudes d’ordre éthique, politique et pratique. Le ministre de la défense Ueli Maurer a argumenté qu’une acquisition en Israël ne va pas à l’encontre du droit international public, bien que le pays soit impliqué dans un conflit armé. Il a ajouté que la sécurité est un élément primordial pour un pays. Ces drones de reconnaissance nous permettent de combler une lacune qui existe depuis un certain temps. Cela sert la protection de la population suisse.



Le système de drones de reconnaissance 95 de type Ranger est en service depuis une vingtaine d’années. Il est dépassé et les pièces de rechange ne peuvent plus être achetées. Une évaluation approfondie préconise l’acquisition du système de drones de reconnaissance non armés Hermes 900 HFE construit par Elbit Systems. Quant au simulateur de tir pour fusil d’assaut 90, il est en service depuis 1993. Les coûts d’entretien augmentent et les pièces de rechange ne peuvent également plus être achetées. Il est prévu de le remplacer par un simulateur de tir de nouvelle technologie. Par ailleurs, le Conseil fédéral entend remplacer l’actuel véhicule pour systèmes Steyr-Daimler-Puch 230 GE par le véhicule léger tout-terrain pour systèmes techniques, développé à partir du châssis du Mercedes-Benz G 300 CDI 4x4. Les coûts de maintenance et de réparation de ces véhicules, acquis il y a 25 ans, dépassent en effet les limites économiquement admissibles.

Programme d'armement 2015

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29 juillet 2015 3 29 /07 /juillet /2015 12:30
Défense : 4 compagnies israéliennes dans le Top 100

28.07.2015 israpresse.net

Le dernier classement des 100 meilleures entreprises de défense du monde, publié mardi par le magazine américain Defense News comprend quatre compagnies israéliennes.

La société israélienne la mieux placée dans le prestigieux classement est Elbit Systems. L’entreprise a d’ailleurs progressé d’une place et arrive en 29e position, avec des recettes de 2,95 milliards de dollars en produits de défense sur l’année 2014.

Les Industries aérospatiales israéliennes (IAI), dirigées par Joseph Weiss, arrivent non loin derrière en 32e position (contre la 35e position en 2014), avec des recettes de 2,785 milliards de dollars.

Vient ensuite la compagnie Rafael Advanced Systems, dirigée par Yedidia Yaari, qui passe de la 48e à la 45e place, avec 1,965 milliard de recettes.

Enfin, les Industries militaires israéliennes (IMI), dirigées par Avi Felder, ont en revanche régressé de cinq places et arrivent en avant-dernière position du Top 100.

Les deux compagnies qui se trouvent en tête du classement sont les entreprises américaines Lockheed Martin (40,128 milliards de recettes dans le secteur de la défense) et Boeing (29 milliards, alors que les recettes de défense ne constituent que 32 % des revenus du fabricant).

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29 juillet 2015 3 29 /07 /juillet /2015 11:50
G550 CAEW aircraft Photo Elta Systems, a subsidiary of IAI

G550 CAEW aircraft Photo Elta Systems, a subsidiary of IAI


July 27, 2015: Strategy Page


Italy is renewing its lease on its only SIGINT (signals intelligence) aircraft, mainly because of the continuing and growing problem with people smugglers operating out of Libya and trying to bring several hundred thousand illegal migrants to Italy. SIGINT aircraft are equipped to monitor all sorts of wireless communications and are a key tool in keeping track of what the smuggling gangs are up to. The SIGINT aircraft was built by an American firm, using a modified Gulfstream III business jet. This 30 ton twin-jet aircraft normally carries a crew of two and up to 19 passengers. Outfitted for SIGNINT most of the internal space is taken up by electronics, monitored by about four system operators while the two pilots keep the aircraft in the air for up to eight hours per sortie. Italy began leasing the Gulfstream III SIGINT aircraft in 2012 because the air force could not afford to buy it. The Italian deal involved paying for hours (in the air) used and was a lot cheaper than buying.


These are not the only militarized business jets Italy uses. In 2012 Italy bought two Israeli AWACS (Airborne Early Warning Aircraft) for $375 million each. Italy didn’t have a choice in this case as this was part of the offset for the recent Israeli purchase of $993 million worth of Italian jet trainers. Israel also calls this aircraft CAEW (Conformal Airborne Early Warning).


In 2008 Israel introduced this new AWACS design which used a long range business jet (the 40 ton Gulfstream G550) fitted out with Israeli made radar and electronics. The Israeli Air Force bought the CAEW AWACs in 2006 and the first two entered service in 2008. Israel had already sold the AWACS electronics to India, for installation in four Russian Il-50/76 aircraft. Singapore later bought four CAEWs.


The CAEW AWACS carries a Phalcon conformal (it is built into the lower fuselage) phased array radar, SIGINT equipment (to capture and analyze enemy electronic transmissions), and a communications system that can handle satellite signals as well as a wide array of other transmissions. There are six personnel on board to handle all this gear, plus the flight crew. The Gulfstream G550 used for this can stay in the air for over ten hours per sortie and can fly at up to 13,200 meters (41,000 feet).


The G550 is a larger version of the Gulfstream G400, which the U.S. Army uses as the C-20H transport. The U.S. Coast Guard, Air Force, and Navy also use militarized Gulfstreams (usually as C-37Vs). The 30 meter (96 foot) long aircraft has two engines and was built for long flights (over 11,000 kilometers). Current Gulfstream G550s cost about $40 million each.


The Phalcon radar is, in some respects, superior to the one used in the American AWACS. For example, Phalcon uses a phased array radar (thousands of small radar transmitters are fitted underneath the aircraft). The phased array radar, in combination with the latest, most powerful computers and other antennas for picking up a variety of signals, enables Phalcon to be more aware of what electronic equipment (airborne or on the ground) is operating up to 400 kilometers away. The phased array radar allows positions of aircraft on operator screens to be updated every 2-4 seconds, rather than every 20-40 seconds as is the case on the United States AWACS (which uses a rotating radar in a radome atop the aircraft). The first Phalcon system was fitted on a Boeing 707, although somewhat limited versions could be put onto a C-130. On a larger aircraft you can have more computers, and other electronics, as well as more human operators. But the major advantage of the Phalcon is that it is a more modern design. The U.S. AWACS is over twenty years old and has undergone upgrades to the original equipment. The Israeli air force operates six Phalcon aircraft (using Boeing 707 airframes).


Business jets have proven very popular for the latest generation of electronic support aircraft, mainly because the business jets have gotten larger and the electronics smaller and lighter. Altogether it is a cheaper and more affordable package. The next generation of these support aircraft will probably be unmanned UAVs.

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29 juillet 2015 3 29 /07 /juillet /2015 11:20
ELM-2084 MMR Radar - photo IAI

ELM-2084 MMR Radar - photo IAI


Jul 28, 2015 source IAI


Rheinmetall-Canada and ELTA Systems, an IAI subsidiary and group, have been awarded the significant Medium Range Radar (MRR) program by the Canadian Department of National Defense (DND). The radar to be supplied for the multi-mission role is the ELTA ELM-2084 MMR "Iron Dome" radar which includes C-RAM (Counter Rockets, Artillery and Mortars) and air-surveillance capabilities, and will be produced locally in cooperation with Rheinmetall-Canada.


Following an extensive competition process and demanding demonstrations which also included live fire testing, the ELM-2084 MMR radar was selected due to its superior performance and outstanding capabilities.


The ELM-2084 MMR is an advanced three-dimensional, S-Band radar, incorporating modular and scalable architecture, and is the world-leading multi-mission system. The solid-state, electronically-steered active array system incorporates Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology and offers exceptional detection and accuracy performance. The MMR is a highly mobile system, designed for fast deployment with a minimal crew.


Designed to simultaneously perform hostile weapon locating, friendly-fire ranging and air surveillance, the ELM-2084 MMR radar is able to detect rockets, artillery and mortars at long ranges, and can simultaneously engage a large number of targets. Deployed in a C-RAM role, the MMR can provide fire control when integrated with a weapons system.

Because of its superior tracking capabilities MMR delivers a reliable and improved air situation picture as well as reliable, uninterrupted tracking of any manoeuvring aircraft. Furthermore, it can detect and track low radar cross-section (RCS) targets.

Advanced signal processing enables effective operation even in conditions of heavy clutter as well as in noisy and dense environments, with assured classification and identification of targets and superior low-altitude operation. The radar system also includes advanced Electronic Counter-Counter Measure (ECCM) capabilities.


The two companies will implement a technology transfer program in full conformity with the intent of Canada's recently announced Defence Procurement Strategy to create local jobs and capabilities and help spur economic growth.


"This partnership with ELTA Systems is of strategic importance to Rheinmetall Canada," said Rheinmetall Canada's President and CEO, Dr. Andreas Knackstedt. "ELTA was considered the partner of choice due to the program's demanding requirements. The award of the MRR contract to the Rheinmetall/ELTA team is a testimony of Elta's leading-edge technology and know-how for which it is recognized worldwide."


"We are honoured to have been selected by the Canadian Army," said Mr. Nissim Hadas, IAI Executive VP & ELTA President. "Together, with our partners in Rheinmetall-Canada, we will provide the most sophisticated C-RAM,air-surveillance and radar available, with a significant portion of the production to be performed locally in Canada."

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15 juillet 2015 3 15 /07 /juillet /2015 07:55
Chronique culturelle du 15 Juillet 2015 - SHD

Première cérémonie de remise de la Légion d'honneur dans l'église des Invalides le 15 juillet 1804 par Jean-Baptiste Debret. Musée national de la Légion d'Honneur - Paris

15.07.2015 source SHD

15 juillet 1099 : prise de Jérusalem. Objectif principal de la première croisade dont le lancement remonte à l'appel du pape Urbain II lors du concile de Clermont (15 août 1096), la Ville Sainte est prise par les croisés conduits par Raymond de Saint-Gilles et Godefroy de Bouillon. Ce dernier parvient à s'approcher de la muraille au moyen d'une tour d'assaut protégée des flammes par une couverture de peaux d'animaux fraichement dépecés. Selon les us et coutumes de l'époque, les vainqueurs massacrent une bonne partie de la population juive et musulmane. Cette précaution aussi sauvage qu'inutile sera lourde de conséquences dans les futures relations entre les différentes communautés qui se disputeront le contrôle des Lieux Saints.


15 juillet 1410 : bataille de Tannenberg ou Grunwald (Pologne actuelle). Les chevaliers Teutoniques sont écrasés par une coalition de Polonais et de Lituaniens en Prusse orientale.


15 juillet 1804 : première remise de la Légion d’honneur (Invalides – Paris). Bonaparte préside la première remise de croix de la Légion d'Honneur, ordre qu’il a créé 2 ans plus tôt.


15 juillet 1916 : fin de crise politico-militaire française. « Crise qui dure depuis plusieurs jours entre le ministre de la Guerre et le général en chef :le ministre sera désormais toujours accompagné par Joffre ou son adjoint lorsqu’il se rendra dans la zone des armées. » LCL Rémy Porte (EMAT).


15 juillet 1974 : coup d’Etat militaire à Chypre. La Turquie envahit la partie Nord de l’ile craignant une union de l’ile avec la Grèce.


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7 juillet 2015 2 07 /07 /juillet /2015 11:30
IAI and Thales have integrated a new datalink capability on Heron


Jul 7, 2015 source IAI


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Thales have conducted, in Israel, risk reduction flight tests for the integration of Thales and Elisra's NATO STANAG 7085 data link on board the Heron Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (MALE UAV).


Through a joint effort between IAI and Thales, Thales's data link terminal, the TMA 6000, together with Elisra Radio Frequency Modules and antennas, have been integrated on board the Heron system and successfully demonstrated in flight. During the flight test, both infrared and daylight videos were transmitted in real time to the ground control station, and the sensors were controlled in real time from the ground.


The TMA 6000 complies with NATO STANdard Agreement (STANAG) 7085: the waveform standard for real time transmission of videos, images and other Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR) data from on-board sensors to dedicated ISR stations. This compliance ensures NATO interoperability and guaranties radio frequency authorisation in full alignment with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) regulation, as well as high resistance to jamming and interception. The TMA 6000 offers exceptional radio performances with a throughput capability up to 137 Mb/s.


The Heron is a MALE UAV developed by Israel Aerospace Industries. It is capable of operations of up to 45 hours in duration at up to 30,000 ft. The different variants of Heron are operated by more than 15 nations worldwide including: Israel, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and more.

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