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30 mai 2013 4 30 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
Israel Offers India Hybrid Maritime Surveillance

May 30, 2013 defense-unmanned.com

(Source: Israel Homeland Security; posted May 25, 2013)


Joint Israeli Solution for Indian Maritime Security Problems


Elbit Systems Ltd. has teamed with Windward to offer integrated maritime solutions for the Indian authorities. The joint solution combines Windward’s innovative satellite-based maritime analytics system, MarInt, with Elbit Systems’ wide range of solutions for maritime domain awareness, including Hermes 900 maritime patrol Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).


The cooperation between the two companies addresses the specific needs of India and its vast and complex maritime arena.


The cooperation makes available a unique system adapted for very large maritime area monitoring, providing authorities with powerful means to control India’s waters.


MarInt, Windward’s proprietary satellite-based maritime analytics system, maps the global maritime activity in unprecedented details, based on data collected from various sources, such as commercial satellites, open-source databases and other sensors. Covering any area of interest, regardless of the distance from shore, MarInt delivers maritime domain awareness over littoral or blue water areas, for Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) monitoring, fishery control, regional traffic analysis or port traffic management. After the routine maritime patterns are observed and learned, the system performs deep behavior analysis on every vessel spotted in the designated area of interest, in order to detect anomalous and suspicious behavior.


The Maritime Hermes 900 is a new configuration of Elbit Systems’ largest UAS, adapted for maritime operations, carrying selectable mission payload of up to 350 kg., including maritime surveillance radar, Automatic Identification System (AIS), an electro-optical multi-sensor payload and electronic surveillance systems. It has the endurance to cover vast ocean areas, redundant line-of-sight and satellite communications links and radio relay, enabling operators to talk to local vessels while flying patrols over remote sea areas at extended ranges from shore.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 17:35
IAF’s Israeli drones of not much use in Naxal-hit Chhattisgarh

May 28, 2013 idrw.org (IBN7)


The deadly Naxal attack on the Congress leaders in Jagdalpur could have been prevented had the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) not been lying idle in faraway Hyderabad. According to intelligence sources, since every drone takes off from Hyderabad, they can’t spend sufficient number of hours hovering over the Naxal-affected regions in Chhattisgarh to gather intelligence. The Indian Air Force (IAF) never agreed to operate these UAVs from Jagdalpur, considering the region unfit for the stay its officials, the sources said.


The 12 Heron drones, bought from Israel in 2009, have failed to scan the Darbha forests or Sukma region as they never fly over these interior regions, the intelligence sources said. This is the reason why more than 500 Maoists gathered in these forests without being noticed by anyone. After the massacre, the killers were able to easily flee, putting a big question mark on the utility of such high-tech devices.


These drones are operated from the Begumpet airbase near Hyderabad. After flying for almost three hours to reach the Naxal-affected regions in the state, these machines are forced to return as they run out of fuel and have already reached their maximum range.


The IAF was requested to fly these drones to Jagdalpur last year from a DRDO’s air strip near it. But the IAF, citing lifestyle reasons of its officers, did not agree to do so. Meanwhile, the IAF had assured of shifting the Hyderabad UAV base to Bhilai and operate it from the airstipr of Bhilai Steel Plant but even after one year, the drones are being operated from Hyderabad.


The modus operandi of the intelligence agencies has also raised eyebrows, the sources said. The IAF sends the information gathered by the drones to National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO) for analysis. Shockingly, NTRO does not have access to the intelligence reports. Thus, due to lack of coordination, the whole intelligence analysis work goes in vain, sources said.


The ability of the Israeli drones is under question as the electro-optical thermal radar censors mounted atop Heron-1 drones cannot penetrate the thick jungle cover and are unable to differentiate between Naxals and local villagers. However, the DRDO is taking the help of a Swedish firm to make these Israeli drones more accurate.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 16:30
Royal Thai Air Force Visits Israel

27.05.2013 Lilach Gonen - iaf.org.il


The Royal Thai Air Force has a strong bond with the IAF: six months ago, two IAF pilots flew to Thailand for a training visit to the royal force's bases. Last week, aerial Thai air crew members arrived in Israel for a visit to IAF bases


The IAF has developed many strong bonds with allies across the seas: one of the important relationships is with the Royal Thai Air Force. Accordingly, ten Thai air crew members arrived in Israel last week for a special visit around the country and IAF bases. "We came here to observe the IAF's activities, their air crew qualification process, and the technological advancements", said Colonel Napaj Dofatmia, commander of the delegation and deputy commander of the operational formation of the Royal Thai Air Force. "Regardless, this is our first visit to Israel and it completely changed my entire perception of the country. I imagined Israel in a very different way".


Once every two years, two IAF air crew members of the combat formation are sent for a visit to Thailand, in order to conduct various seminars for small groups of Thai air crew members. Their arrival in Israel is a reciprocal visit. Members of the Thai delegation visited Hatzerim and Nevatim airbases and were impressed by the IAF's Aviation Academy. "This visit is a chance for us to see things we have never seen before", added commander of the delegacy, "There are many cultural differences between both forces, yet many things to learn from one another".

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 12:30
S-300 antiaircraft missile system source israel-defence

S-300 antiaircraft missile system source israel-defence

28 mai 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


JERUSALEM - Israël saura quoi faire si la Russie livre des systèmes de défense anti-aériens de type S-300 à la Syrie, a prévenu mardi le ministre israélien de la Défense Moshé Yaalon.


Les livraisons n'ont pas eu lieu, et j'espère qu'elles n'auront pas lieu. Mais, si par malheur, ils (les S-300) arrivent en Syrie, nous saurons quoi faire, a affirmé M. Yaalon à l'issue d'une réunion de la commission de la Défense et des Affaires étrangères du Parlement.


Selon la radio militaire, M. Yaalon faisait allusion à de nouveaux raids aériens que pourrait lancer Israël, comme il l'a déjà fait au début du mois près de Damas. Ces attaques visaient, selon des responsables israéliens, à empêcher des transferts d'armes au Hezbollah chiite libanais.


Moscou a défendu mardi la livraison à Damas de S-300, des systèmes sol-air sophistiqués capables d'intercepter en vol des avions ou des missiles téléguidés, comme un facteur de dissuasion contre une intervention extérieure en Syrie.


Nous considérons cette livraison comme un facteur de stabilisation, a déclaré le vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Riabkov.


Des mesures de cette sorte dissuadent en grande partie certains esprits échauffés d'envisager des scénarios dans lesquels le conflit prendrait un tour international avec la participation de forces étrangères, a-t-il ajouté, au lendemain de la levée par l'Union européenne de l'embargo sur les livraisons d'armes aux rebelles syriens. Cette décision a été critiquée par Moscou, au moment où les efforts portent sur l'organisation d'une conférence internationale.


Il est question d'une livraison d'armes défensives au gouvernement du pays, pour la défense des infrastructures et des armées contre le recours à des moyens dont, pour autant que je sache, les rebelles et les forces d'opposition ne disposent pas, a souligné M. Riabkov, en allusion à une intervention étrangère.


L'installation d'un tel système compliquerait toute nouvelle frappe israélienne en Syrie, et tout projet des États-Unis ou de leurs alliés d'établir une zone d'exclusion aérienne au-dessus de la Syrie ou d'intervenir pour sécuriser ou démanteler des armes chimiques.


Le 14 mai, le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu avait tenté de convaincre le président Vladimir Poutine lors d'une rencontre en Russie de ne pas livrer ces équipements.


M. Netanyahu a également évoqué la possibilité que ces S-300 tombent dans les mains du Hezbollah chiite liibanais, ce qui pourrait remettre en cause la liberté de manoeuvre de l'aviation israélienne dans l'espace aérien libanais.


Le président Poutine avait pour sa part mis en garde M. Netanyahu contre tout acte qui déstabiliserait davantage la situation en Syrie.


La Syrie avait réagi aux raids aériens israéliens en avertissant qu'elle répliquerait immédiatement et de façon douloureuse à toute nouvelle attaque d'Israël contre son territoire.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 07:30
Heron Down

May 27, 2013: Strategy Page


On May 11th Israel crashed a Heron UAV with engine trouble into the sea, before it could crash in a populated area. The next day all Heron 1s were grounded until it could be determined what the problem was and if it was common to all Heron 1s. About a hundred Heron 1s are in service or on order. The largest user is India, followed by Israel. The 1.2 ton Heron UAV can stay in the air for 30 hours or more, and has a payload of 250 kg (550 pounds). It is similar to the U.S. Predator, and entered service (in 1994) before the Predator. The Israeli Air Force uses Hermes 450 and Heron UAVs heavily to keep an eye on the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and Syria. Grounding all of an aircraft type after an accident is not unusual.


Last year a larger Heron TP (also known as Eitan or Heron 2) crashed, and all Israeli Air Force Heron TPs were grounded. It was seven months before these UAV were cleared to fly again. The investigation concluded that the crash was due to a manufacturing not a design flaw. For a while there were doubts about the durability and reliability of the Heron TP. During the investigation some government officials called for selling off the few Heron TPs the air force had because the aircraft was too expensive to buy and operate. Israel has less expensive UAVs (like the Heron 1) that get the work done at a lower cost. But the accident investigation made it clear that the Heron TP was a capable aircraft that could benefit from some more manufacturing quality control.



The Heron TP entered squadron service in the Israeli Air Force (with 210 Squadron) four years ago. The UAV's first combat service was three years ago, when it was used off the coast of Gaza, keeping an eye on ships seeking to run the blockade. For that kind of work the aircraft was well suited. But so are smaller and cheaper UAVs.


Development of the Heron TP was largely completed six years ago, mainly for the export market, and the Israeli military was in no rush to buy it. There have been some export sales and the Israeli air force eventually realized that this was an ideal UAV for long range operations or for maritime patrol. But it turned out there were few missions like that.


Equipped with a powerful (1,200 horsepower) turboprop engine, the 4.6 ton Heron TP can operate at 14,500 meters (45,000 feet, 50 percent higher than Heron 1). That is, above commercial air traffic, and all the air-traffic-control regulations that discourage, and often forbid, UAVs fly at the same altitude as commercial aircraft. The Heron TP has a one ton payload, enabling it to carry sensors that can give a detailed view of what's on the ground, even from that high up. The endurance of 36 hours makes the Heron TP a competitor for the U.S. five ton MQ-9 Reaper. The big difference between the two is that Reaper is designed to be a combat aircraft, operating at a lower altitude, with less endurance, and able to carry a ton of smart bombs or missiles. Heron TP is meant mainly for reconnaissance and surveillance, and Israel wants to keep a closer, and more persistent, eye on Syria and southern Lebanon. But the Heron TP has since been rigged to carry a wide variety of missiles and smart bombs.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
FA-50 lightweight fighter (KAI photo)

FA-50 lightweight fighter (KAI photo)

May 25, 2013: Strategy Page


South Korea has ordered another 40 of the locally made FA-50 fighter-bombers for $25.5 million each. Two years ago the South Korean Air Force ordered the first twenty (for $30 million each), and the first of these is to arrive in three months with the last of that first order arriving within three years.


The FA-50 will be equipped with South Korean, American, and Israeli electronics. The single engine, single seat aircraft is intended to eventually replace South Korea's aging fleet of 150 F-5 fighters. But first, the initial FA-50s will have to show what they can do in active service. That process will begin later this year.


The FA-50 is the combat version of the South Korean designed and manufactured T-50 jet trainer. This aircraft was developed over the last decade, at a cost of over two billion dollars. The first test flight of the T-50 took place in 2002. The 18 ton aircraft is actually a light fighter and can fly at supersonic speeds. The T-50 is an “advanced trainer” meant to prepare trainee pilots with the skills needed to handle jet fighters. With some added equipment (radars and fire control), the T-50 becomes the FA-50, a combat aircraft. This version carries a 20mm auto-cannon and up to 4.5 tons of smart bombs and missiles. The T-50 can stay in the air about four hours per sortie and has a service life of 8,000 hours in the air.


At $20 million each, the T-50 is one of the more competitive jet trainers on the market. About 100-150 trainers are bought each year by the world's air forces. But it is a tough market, and so far the only export customer for the T-50 has been 16 sold to Indonesia. Nearly a hundred T-50 type aircraft have been produced or are on order. In addition to the FA-50 variant, there is a light bomber variant (the TA-50) that costs $25 million each.

TA-50 breaking formation photo KAI

TA-50 breaking formation photo KAI

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 07:30
 Guardium - (IDF photo)

Guardium - (IDF photo)

23/5/2013 IsraelDefense


The Israeli Ministry of Defense presents robotic systems in the field of unmanned land vehicles for the first time, some already operational and in IDF service, and some currently undergoing various tests


The Israeli Ministry of Defense's Administration for R&D of weapons and technological infrastructure (MAFAT) has invested considerably in the development of land robotic tools throughout the past decade for the purpose of increasing operational efficiency, expanding the operational capabilities of the IDF Ground Forces and reducing the risk to infantry units. Now, MAFAT has revealed the next generation of unmanned vehicles expected to revolutionize the battlefield for the first time.


The video released shows a G-Nius unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) that has been operational in IDF service for the past four years along the border with the Gaza Strip. The UGV brought a fundamental change in perception with regards to protecting security barriers, and the Israeli defense establishment is expected to expand its use in the following years.


The Guardium (developed with G-Nius) is a prototype for an autonomous UGV for maneuvering missions. Compared to the first generation, which travels along axes that were fed in advance to the system, the Guardium can travel all of the paths marked on a map autonomously, by providing all of the axis systems for a certain area to the vehicle in advance. The operator can point to a specific point on the map, and the vehicle will reach it on its own, while dealing with and bypassing obstacles encountered along the way. The autonomous capability developed on the basis of this vehicle can be implemented in additional platforms. In the future, it will be possible to send autonomous vehicles ahead of any convoy, sent in order to open an axis before any main force.


In addition, the first unmanned APC can be seen in a field test in Israel: an example of the implementation of advanced robotic technologies onboard AFCs for complex operational missions that require navigability. Another is an autonomous robotic tool for engineering missions being developed by Israel Aerospace Industries - an all-terrain vehicle developed to deal with explosive charge arenas. The advanced vehicle integrates autonomous motion capabilities with the autonomous ability to handle explosive charges - exposing charges planted in the ground, digging and bringing them to safe locations.


Watch the clip:

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24 mai 2013 5 24 /05 /mai /2013 16:30
Elbit Hermes 450 UAV – photo Elbit Systems

Elbit Hermes 450 UAV – photo Elbit Systems

20/05/2013 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


According to newly-published data, Israel has been the world's number one UAVs exporter since the mid-2000s.


Released by business consultants Frost & Sullivan, the study notes that, among Israel's arms exports over the past eight years, UAVs constitute almost ten per cent. In 2008 alone, the country supplied $150m worth of drones to foreign customers while, in the following year, no less than $650m worth were delivered overseas. Then, in 2010, Israeli UAV exports reached an all-time high of $979 million.


Since then, they've decreased to reach last year's $260 million total but that doesn't account for upgrade contracts, like that signed with India in 2012. Incorporating upgrades into the mix would boost Israel's annual UAV export figures by approximately $100m, the Frost & Sullivan study suggests.


Israel's UAV Exports


Between 2005 and 2012, Israel's UAV exports were strongly regional in nature. Approximately 50 per cent of them went to customers in Europe, while a further third went to customers in the Asia-Pacific region. Of the remainder, South American customers accounted for circa 11 per cent, while the United States' Israeli UAV imports made up less than four per cent of the exports total.


Thanks to continued foreign interest and some major deals-in-waiting, Israel's UAV exports are forecast to grow in years ahead, Frost & Sullivan's researchers conclude.


Some of the best-known Israeli UAV designs are the Hermes 450 and the huge Eitan. Manufactured by Elbit Systems, the Hermes 450 was introduced in 1998 and can carry out reconnaissance and surveillance missions lasting some 20 hours. It's in service with many armed forces including the Brazilian Air Force, the Mexican Air Force and the British Army. Meantime, the Israeli Air Force has taken the Hermes 450's role further, adding a pair of missiles to convert it into an armed unmanned weapon.


Israel Aerospace Industries' Eitan MALE (medium-altitude, long-endurance) UAV is as big as a commercial airliner, weighs around a tonne and also has about a 20 hour endurance. Developed from the IAI Heron, the Eitan first flew in 2004 and was formally commissioned into Israeli Air Force service in 2010.

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22 mai 2013 3 22 /05 /mai /2013 12:30
Israeli sensors search for the S-300 in Syria

May 21, 2013 idrw.org (source FG)


Israel may act to stop any attempt to transfer Russian-made S-300 surface-to-air missiles from Syria to Lebanon. Such a scenario is possible if the Assad regime in Syria feels it is losing control of the country in a future phase of its civil war.


According to reliable sources, at least one shipment of Russian-made S-300 missiles has been transferred to Syria.


Israeli sources say this act is a “game-changer” – especially as Syria is the middle of a bloody civil war.


Israeli sources said the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) may have to act on “developing” circumstances in Syria. The S-300 missiles would pose an immediate threat to Israeli air force (IAF) aircraft flying in the area.


The sources confirm that at present there are two possible scenarios – an attempt to hit an IAF aircraft flying over Lebanon, and the transfer of some of the S-300s to the Hezbollah terror organisation in Lebanon.


Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said on 16 May that his country plans to go ahead with its shipment of S-300 missiles to Syria.


He added that  the deal had been sealed before recent air strikes on Syria reportedly carried out by Israel.


Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu travelled to Moscow last week to urge Russian president Vladimir Putin not to sell the state-of-the-art anti-aircraft missiles to Syria.


However, the long effort that culminated in the meeting of the two leaders failed.? The missile – one of the most advanced types used by the Russian army – can neutralise aircraft at a long distance with high precision, thanks to a sophisticated radar system combined with special sensors on the missile itself.


The S-300 missile, according to experts, is capable of overcoming part of the defence systems installed at present on board the IAF’s aircraft.


The system can simultaneously handle several targets, and launch missiles according to the perceived level of threat from each target.


The S-300 missile is 7 metres long and weighs 1.5t. It’s armed with a warhead weighing more than 70kg. The missile is effective at ranges up to 150km, at an altitude of up to 30km.


Foreign sources say the IAF is familiar with the capabilities of the S-300 – this after Israeli pilots flew simulated missions against batteries of the type, that are in use by some unidentified country.


One thing is clear – In addition to an unprecedented effort to get real-time intelligence about Syria’s chemical weapons, now Israeli sensors are pointing at the S-300s already in the country.

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22 mai 2013 3 22 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
photo  Rafael

photo Rafael

21 mai 2013. Guysen News International


La Corée du Sud a déployé des dizaines de lance-missiles antichars israéliens de type Spike, (dits missiles Tamouz en Israël) achetés à la compagnie sécuritaire Rafael, à la frontière nord-coréenne, indique un responsable militaire sud-coréen officiel cité par l’agence Yonhap. Ces missiles chargés de protéger la frontière, ont été déployés dans les îles de Baengnyeong et de Yeonpyeong. Ils peuvent toucher l’artillerie du littoral nord-coréen. « Des dizaines de missiles peuvent détruire les infrastructures souterraines de Pyongyang et toucher des cibles mobiles », a ajouté ce responsable militaire.

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22 mai 2013 3 22 /05 /mai /2013 11:35
Israeli Spike missiles deployed

2013-05-19 By Jun Ji-hye - koreatimes.co.kr


South Korea has deployed Israeli-built anti-tank missiles able to incapacitate North Korean coastal artillery near the western sea border, a military official said Sunday.


"We recently have placed dozens of Spike missiles and their launchers on Baengnyeong and Yeonpyeong islands," an official of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said. “They can destroy the enemy’s underground facilities in the case of an attack. They are also capable of seeking and striking moving targets.”


The warhead is equipped with a camera so soldiers using the launchers can monitor video images while aiming; or they can input coordinates in advance, according to the official.


The satellite-guided Spike missile has a range of 20 kilometers ㅡ Yeonpyeong is located just 11 kilometers from North Korea.


The military initially planned to station the GPS-guided missile during the second half of 2012, but experienced a six-month delay because test-firing conducted in Israel from October last year to January this year saw malfunctions.


It made the deployment decision in March after all three successful tests. 


On Saturday, Pyongyang launched three short-range guided missiles into the sea off the east coast ㅡ two in the morning and one in the afternoon.


In November 2010, when the North shelled Yeonpyeong, killing four South Koreans, the military failed to hit the enemy artillery precisely because it was mostly hidden in tunnels or caves.


The missile is produced by Israel’s Rafael Advance Defense System and capable of neutralizing enemy strongholds, and is expected to prevent the recurrence of such an incident.

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21 mai 2013 2 21 /05 /mai /2013 06:30
L'armée israélienne réplique après avoir été la cible de tirs en provenance de Syrie sur le Golan

21 mai 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


JERUSALEM - Des soldats israéliens ont ouvert le feu dans la nuit de lundi à mardi après avoir été pris pour cible par des tirs en provenance de Syrie, a indiqué l'armée dans un communiqué.


Au cours de la nuit, une patrouille de Tsahal a été la cible de tirs près de la frontière syrienne dans le plateau du Golan. Aucun blessé n'est à déplorer. Le véhicule a été endommagé. Les soldats de Tsahal ont répondu en ouvrant le feu avec précision et ont atteint la source des tirs, peut-on lire dans le communiqué.


Tsahal s'inquiète des récents incidents dans le nord du pays et a déposé une plainte auprès des forces des Nations-Unies en fonction dans la région, ajoute le texte.


Un incident du même type s'était déjà produit dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi lorsque des tirs en provenance de Syrie avaient touché un secteur du Golan occupé par Israël.


Selon les médias locaux, le point d'impact des tirs avait été à proximité d'une patrouille militaire israélienne.


L'armée israélienne, qui n'avait pas confirmé l'information, n'avait pas répliqué. A la suite de l'incident, Israël avait saisi la force d'observation des Nations Unies déployée dans la zone depuis 1974.


Depuis le début du conflit en Syrie, la situation s'est tendue sur le Golan, mais les incidents sont restés jusqu'à présent relativement limités, l'armée israélienne ayant pour consigne de riposter en visant l'origine du tir.


La semaine passée, des projectiles tirés de Syrie ont touché le mont Hermon, point culminant du Golan occupé par Israël, entraînant la fermeture aux visiteurs de ce site touristique habituellement fréquenté.


Israël, officiellement en état de guerre avec la Syrie, occupe depuis la guerre de 1967 quelque 1.200 km2 du plateau du Golan, qu'il a annexés, une décision que n'a jamais reconnue la communauté internationale

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16 mai 2013 4 16 /05 /mai /2013 12:30
Moscou pousse son avantage sur le dossier syrien

14/05/2013 Par Isabelle Lasserre – LeFigaro.fr


L'intransigeance de Vladimir Poutine, qui envisage de fournir des missiles sol-air à Damas, en fait un acteur clé de la crise.



Après l'Américain John Kerry et le Britannique David Cameron, le premier ministre israélien a fait le voyage à Moscou mardi pour tenter d'infléchir la politique russe vis-à-vis de la Syrie. Au président Vladimir Poutine, qui l'a reçu dans sa datcha de Sotchi, Benyamin Nétanyahou était venu demander qu'il renonce à livrer des missiles sol-air S-300 au régime de Bachar el-Assad. Ces armes sophistiquées, d'une portée de 200 kilomètres, sorte d'équivalent russe du Patriot américain, sont capables d'intercepter en vol des missiles téléguidés ou des avions. Elles ont fait l'objet d'un contrat de 900 millions de dollars signé en 2010 entre Moscou et Damas.


Leur installation en Syrie aurait un impact sur le rapport de forces entre le régime et les rebelles, en privant Israël de sa supériorité aérienne dans la région. Elle contrecarrerait les velléités des Américains et de leurs alliés de mener des frappes aériennes contre les forces du régime s'ils le décidaient, aussi bien que d'instaurer une zone d'exclusion aérienne au-dessus de la Syrie ou d'intervenir pour sécuriser ou démanteler les stocks d'armes chimiques. Ce sont sans doute toutes les raisons pour lesquelles le Kremlin, qui a dégainé plusieurs fois son veto pour empêcher l'adoption de résolutions contraignantes du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU sur la Syrie, pousse la livraison des missiles.


L'inaction des États-Unis


Les S-300, outre qu'ils rapportent de l'argent à l'État, sont un moyen pour les dirigeants russes de s'opposer aux États-Unis et de revenir sur la scène internationale. Un levier dont ils ont déjà usé par le passé, en menaçant un temps d'équiper Téhéran de missiles sol-air pour contraindre Washington à abandonner son projet de bouclier antimissile en Europe.


En protégeant Bachar el-Assad depuis le début de la guerre, Vladimir Poutine a contraint les puissances qui cherchent à rétablir la paix en Syrie à visiter Moscou. Washington, Londres, Tel-Aviv… Même le secrétaire général de l'ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a programmé son voyage dans la capitale russe. En moins de deux ans, en s'opposant aux tentatives occidentales d'imposer une action unie pour stopper la guerre, Moscou s'est imposé comme une étape incontournable sur les grands dossiers d'actualité. Le Kremlin s'est même associé à la Maison-Blanche pour proposer, la semaine dernière, l'organisation d'une conférence internationale sur la Syrie.


L'inaction des États-Unis vis-à-vis d'une guerre civile qui a fait 80.000 morts en deux ans a entraîné un vide politique sur le dossier. Celui-ci a été prestement rempli par Vladimir Poutine et son ministre des Affaires Étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, qui ont ainsi gagné en prestige sur la scène politique intérieure. Les experts russes doutent cependant que Moscou ait une réelle influence sur le régime syrien. «Le Kremlin prend ses désirs pour des réalités», commente l'un d'entre eux dans le journal Kommersant.


Si Moscou ne renonce pas, Israël sera tentée de détruire les missiles


Vladimir Poutine et Benyamin Nétanyahou n'ont pas rendu public le résultat de leurs discussions concernant les S-300. Le président russe s'est contenté d'affirmer qu'il fallait «éviter tout acte pouvant déstabiliser la situation». À Moscou, le secrétaire d'État américain, John Kerry, avait estimé que les livraisons de missiles étaient «potentiellement déstabilisatrices» pour la région. Nul doute que, vues du Kremlin, les récentes frappes aériennes israéliennes visant à empêcher le transfert d'armes sophistiquées au Hezbollah libanais allié du régime de Bachar l'étaient tout autant. Elles pourraient cependant se reproduire. Si Moscou ne renonce pas à fournir les quatre batteries de missiles S-300, l'aviation israélienne sera tentée de les détruire avant qu'elles ne soient installées. Comme souvent, les ballets diplomatiques et les bras de fer entre puissances se jouent très loin des intérêts des Syriens…

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8 mai 2013 3 08 /05 /mai /2013 16:30
Syrie: Israël ne compte pas intervenir (ministre)

TEL AVIV, 8 mai - RIA Novosti

Israël n'envisage pas d'intervenir dans le conflit syrien mais reste prêt à utiliser la force pour empêcher le transfert d'armes aux extrémistes, a déclaré mercredi le ministre israélien de la Défense Moshé Yaalon.

"Nous avons défini les "lignes rouges" auxquelles nous ne renonçons pas. Nous ne nous ingérons pas dans la guerre civile syrienne, mais nous avons bien exprimé nos intérêts", a indiqué le ministre israélien.

Parmi ces "lignes rouges" M.Yaalon a cité le transfert d'armes aux groupes radicaux, ainsi que toute tentative de "porter atteinte à la souveraineté israélienne".

Le ministre a également mis en garde les Syriens contre de nouveaux tirs sur le territoire l'Etat hébreu, évoquant une éventuelle riposte militaire du Tsahal. Lundi et mardi dernier, trois obus de mortier tirés à partir du territoire syrien ont explosé dans la partie du plateau du Golan occupée par Israël, sans faire de victime ni dégât.

La semaine dernière, les médias ont fait état de raids de l'aviation israélienne visant des cibles sur le territoire syrien, dont un dépôt de missiles iraniens destinés au groupe libanais Hezbollah ainsi qu'un convoi transportant des missiles du même type. L'agence syrienne officielle Sana a pour sa part accusé Israël d'avoir attaqué un centre de recherches situé près de Damas. Le premier ministre Yaalon a quant à lui refusé de commenter ces informations.

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8 mai 2013 3 08 /05 /mai /2013 16:25
A maritime version of the Hermes 450 is already on offer from Elbit Systems

A maritime version of the Hermes 450 is already on offer from Elbit Systems

26 Apr 2013 By Arie Egozi - FG


Tel Aviv - The Brazilian navy has begun to evaluate unmanned air systems for its missions. The two current options are the Elbit Systems Hermes 450 and Israel Aerospace Industries Heron 1, both of which are already in service in Brazil in other configurations.


Elbit and IAI have already developed maritime versions of these two types equipped with a maritime search radar and electro-optical/infrared sensors, and Brazil's navy now wants to field its own maritime configuration.


The Brazilian air force's Horus squadron is operating its first two Hermes 450 systems from Santa Maria air base in Rio Grande do Sul, while the nation's federal police flies the Heron 1 from the Parana district. The type is mainly performing missions as part of an effort to fight drug trafficking.


According to the Brazilian police, four bases will be equipped with UAS by 2014.


Meanwhile, in preparations for Brazil hosting the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics, the nation's defence ministry has dispatched 7,500 troops to its northwestern borders with Peru and Bolivia in an effort to stop cross-border crime.

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8 mai 2013 3 08 /05 /mai /2013 12:50
Maritime Heron UAV  photo Israel Aerospace Industries

Maritime Heron UAV photo Israel Aerospace Industries

2 May 2013 By Arie Egozi – FG


Tel Aviv - A European project intended to prove the feasibility of using satellite communications to enable unmanned air system operations in non-segregated airspace completed a 6h flight from San Javier air base in Spain on 24 April.


Performed using a maritime surveillance variant of the Israel Aerospace Industries Heron, the demonstration involved the beyond line of sight control of the air vehicle, with satellite communications maintained between an operator in its ground control station and air traffic controllers.


Funded by the European Defence Agency (EDA) and European Space Agency, the Desire programme test was conducted by an international consortium led by Spain's Indra, and also included AT-One, CIRA, SES ASTRA and Thales Alenia Space.


The Heron's satellite data link was engaged after take-off, while the aircraft was still in segregated airspace, before it entered class-C airspace at 20,000ft (6,100m) under the supervision of Spanish air navigation service provider Aena.


During the trial, a manned aircraft from the Spanish air force academy approached the UAS, simulating frontal and 90˚ collision trajectories. "The pilots of the two aircraft followed the separation instructions issued by the air traffic controllers, demonstrating the safe operation of remotely-piloted aircraft, even in an emergency situation," the EDA, ESA and Indra say in a joint statement.


Land and maritime surveillance information was also relayed to the ground control station during the mission.


"All the information collected in these tests will be analysed and compared with the safety requirements being established by the European Aviation Safety Agency and the operational requirements being set by Eurocontrol," the programme partners say.

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8 mai 2013 3 08 /05 /mai /2013 12:30
Photo by Eliahu Hershkovitz

Photo by Eliahu Hershkovitz

May 8, 2013: Strategy Page


Israel says it does not want to get involved in the Syrian rebellion and only launched two recent air strikes on Syria to prevent Iranian weapons from being moved to southern Lebanon, where Hezbollah could use them against Israel. The Syrian rebels have been asking NATO, or anyone, to provide them with air support. So far NATO is not willing and pro-rebel Arab states believe they are not able.


The two weapons involved here were Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft systems and Fateh-110 long range rockets. The Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft system missiles would make it more difficult (but not impossible) for Israeli aircraft and helicopters to operate over Hezbollah controlled territory. These Russian systems, which are mounted on an 8x8 truck, were bought by Syria with Iranian money and some were shipped to Iran. Each Pantsir-S1 vehicle carries radar, two 30mm cannon, and twelve Tunguska missiles. The 90 kg (198 pound) Tunguska has a twenty kilometer range while the Pantsir-S1 radar has a 30 kilometer range. The missile can hit targets at up to 8,400 meters (26,000 feet) high. The 30mm cannon are effective up to 3,200 meters (10,000 feet). The vehicles used to carry all the Pantsir-S1 can vary, but the most common one used weighs 20 tons and has a crew of three.


The longer ranged Fateh-110 rockets are also a serious matter. Three years ago Israel told Syria that if Hezbollah used the new Fateh-110 missiles that they were receiving from Syria Israel would bomb Syria. The three ton, solid fuel, ballistic missiles have a range of 250 kilometers and carries a half ton warhead. These longer range missiles, that can reach all of Israel’s major cities, are a primary target for Israeli forces in any future war with Hezbollah.


Syria responded to these Israeli attacks by threatening retaliation, but there’s not much Syria can do at this point except make threats. Meanwhile Israeli troops are increasingly seen training near the Lebanese and Syrian borders. Israel believes Iran might order Hezbollah to attack Israel in order to help the beleaguered Assad government in Syria. This would be a desperation measure, but the Israelis are preparing for the worst.


Egypt has condemned Israeli air strikes in Syria but has otherwise sought to keep things quiet on the Israeli border and especially in Gaza. Egypt is still concerned about anti-Egyptian Islamic terrorists in Sinai, and the sanctuary some of those terrorists seem to still enjoy in Gaza. Egypt also revealed that in the last two years it has discovered 276 smuggling tunnels from Gaza and destroyed 56 percent of them. This is an improvement on the Mubarak government that was deposed two years ago. Now the Egyptians are making more efforts to halt the smuggling of weapons and terrorists in and out of Gaza via the tunnels.


Responding to Israeli pressure, Hamas has shifted more of its security forces to shutting down the smaller and more radical Islamic terrorist groups and suppressing popular demonstrations against Hamas rule in Gaza.  Israeli officials revealed that they have been quietly holding regular meetings with Hamas to discuss security matters and coordinate efforts against groups that continue to launch rocket and mortar attacks on Israel.


May 7, 2013: In Sinai police arrested a man suspected of being an informant for Israel. This is the sixth such arrest in the last month.


In Syria, near the Israeli border, four UN peacekeepers were seized by Islamic radical rebels in the area. The rebels said they did this to prevent nearby Syrian soldiers from harming the peacekeepers. This appears to be another attempt to intimidate the peacekeepers, who are supposed to keep an eye on what’s going on near the Israeli border (which the UN watches as part of the peace deal with Syria after the 1973 war.)


May 5, 2013: Israeli warplanes destroyed several targets in Syria. One was a weapons development compound outside Damascus and this triggered much larger explosions indicating that the Israeli missile had set off weapons (perhaps Fateh-110 rockets and their warheads) being stored there.


May 3, 2013: Israeli warplanes destroyed several targets in Syria.


May 2, 2013: In Gaza Islamic terrorists fired two rockets at Israel, at the same time Hamas was arresting more Islamic terrorists believed responsible for ceasefire violations. Near the Gaza border Egyptian police seized 40 new BMW automobiles on trailers that were apparently about to be smuggled into Gaza (via bribes). Police received a tip that a major Egyptian businessman, heavily involved with smuggling goods into Gaza, was going to sneak the cars into Gaza (where there is a growing market for luxury goods. All that foreign aid doesn’t just go for food and medicine.)


April 30, 2013:  An Israeli air strike in Gaza killed an Islamic terrorist (Haitham Ziyad al Mishal) who was apparently behind the firing of two rockets at the southern Israel city Eilat on April 17th. Mishal was known as an expert on building and firing rockets as well as organizing rocket attacks. Mishal was one of the guys Hamas was trying to calm down and not keep breaking the Hamas ceasefire with Israel. Hamas did not express much happiness at the death of Mishal. This air attack was technically in response to a mortar shell being fired into Israel from Gaza yesterday but was a single missile fired at Mishal as he was on a motorcycle in sparsely populated northern Gaza.

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7 mai 2013 2 07 /05 /mai /2013 17:30
photo Rafael

photo Rafael

May. 6, 2013 By BARBARA OPALL-ROME – Defense news


Adapts Older 1,000-lb. SPICE for JSF


TEL AVIV — Israel’s state-owned Rafael is expanding its SPICE family of autonomous, jam-resistant, surgical standoff weapons with a new 250-pound missile against fixed and moving targets.


Now in advanced development, the newest version of the company’s Smart, Precision Impact, Cost-Effective (SPICE) weapon — known here as SPICE250 — features the same day-night electro-optical seeker and advanced scene-matching algorithms that allow 1,000-pound and 2,000-pound SPICE missiles to autonomously home in on preplanned targets some 100 kilometers away.


Like the much larger, combat-proven SPICE weapons, the downsized SPICE250 is designed for “one-shot, one-kill” without having to rely on satellite guidance or target coordinates, industry sources here said. The new SPICE250 features advanced data link communications, a multieffect warhead and inherent bomb damage assessment capabilities that optimize the standoff system for strikes against moving targets.


“We believe SPICE250 will be a compelling extension of the SPICE family. It’s a versatile system relevant for all target sets, with the ability to engage a single pixel and nothing else,” said Yuval Miller, Rafael’s director for air-to-surface systems.


Miller said the SPICE250 has the potential to answer operational needs now supported by a combination of munitions, including laser- and GPS-guided standoff penetration weapons.


“It could very well change the way air forces organize their inventory and build their force,” he said.


Miller said the firm already is under contract to supply SPICE250 to the Israel Air Force and is working to expand its portfolio of international customers.


The Rafael executive said the new weapon could be integrated on a variety of platforms, with initial plans focused on F-16Is.


In an interview following the November 2012 Pillar of Defense campaign in Gaza, an Israeli Air Force (IAF) brigadier general said the service aims to enhance its air-to-ground strike arsenal with systems offering greater precision and multimission flexibility.


The officer, head of the air branch on the IAF staff, said the service employed nearly 100 percent precision-guided munitions against 1,400 separate targets during the eight-day Pillar of Defense operation, with success rates “in significant excess of 90 percent.”


The IAF general did not mention SPICE or other specific weapons slated for multiyear funding, but credited local industry for its “intimate knowledge of our cur­rent and future operational requirements.”


The Rafael SPICE, particularly the 2,000-pound version, was proven in Israel’s 2006 war in Lebanon; the December 2008-January 2009 Cast Lead operation in Gaza; and most recently in the Pillar of Defense anti-rocket war in Gaza.


Israeli defense and industry sources said the SPICE250 would provide a locally made option to requirements now answered by the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) by Chicago-based Boeing or the new SDB II by Waltham, Mass.-based Raytheon.


Israel has procured hundreds of the Boeing SDBs for launch against fixed targets from F-15Is.


The Raytheon SDB II is slated for low-rate production later this year and has not yet been offered to foreign customers. In addition to its planned use against moving targets by a broad range of manned fighters and bombers in the U.S. inventory, SDB II has been proposed for launch by the MQ-9 Reaper UAV.


SPICE1000 for JSF


In parallel, Rafael plans to integrate its 1,000-pound SPICE on Israel’s planned fleet of F-35I Joint Strike Fighters (JSF).


The US government has not yet authorized Israel to integrate its own weapons into the F-35’s internal bays, but a defense source in Washington said permission is likely to be codified in negotiations toward a follow-on contract for remaining aircraft.


“There are understandings that could be implemented in follow-on agreements,” a US defense source said. “We understand Israel’s desire to integrate unique weaponry and subsystems [into the F-35] and they understand our concerns, especially regarding the risks involved in making changes to such a highly integrated fifth generation fighter.”


He added that that prospective US permission would likely be limited to JSFs destined for Israel, and probably would preclude Israeli exports of internally carried JSF weaponry and subsystems.


“Our intention is to have the 1,000-pound version actually integrated into the bay,” Miller said. “It will take time, but there is a specific intention by our IAF customers to do this.”


With its 100-kilometer precision standoff capabilities and 1,000-pound warhead, Miller said SPICE1000 offers added value not yet planned for the F-35.


“The IAF is convinced of its added value and is working with the relevant Israeli and US authorities to make it happen,” he said.


According to the website of JSF prime contractor Lockheed Martin, internally carried strike systems now include: 500-, 1,000- and 2,000-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions; GBU-12 Paveway IIs, the AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW), SDBs; and SDB IIs.

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7 mai 2013 2 07 /05 /mai /2013 17:30
Northern Israeli Airspace Closed

6/5/2013 Or Heller - israeldefense.com


IDF instructs northern Israeli airspace be closed until May 9th. The last time the airspace was closed was during the Second Lebanon War


Due to the tension involving Syria, the IDF has instructed that the Israeli northern airspace be closed until Thursday, May 9, in order to prevent disruptions to the activity of IAF aircraft.


The last time that the northern Israeli airspace was closed was during the Second Lebanon War. As a result of the closure, the Israeli airline Arkia has cancelled its internal flights between the cities of Haifa and Eilat.

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6 mai 2013 1 06 /05 /mai /2013 16:30
Syrie: au moins quinze soldats tués dans le raid israélien

06 mai 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


BEYROUTH - Au moins 15 soldats syriens ont été tués et le sort de dizaines d'autres est inconnu après le raid israélien mené dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche contre trois positions militaires au nord de Damas, a rapporté une ONG.


Au moins 15 soldats ont été tués et le sort de dizaines d'autres est inconnu à la suite du raid israélien. Ces trois sites comptent 150 hommes mais on ignore si tous s'y trouvaient lors du raid, a expliqué à l'AFP Rami Abdel Rahmane, directeur de l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'Homme (OSDH).


Les autorités syriennes n'ont pas donné jusqu'à présent de bilan officiel, mais les Affaires Étrangères dans une lettre dimanche à l'ONU avaient affirmé que cette agression avait causé des morts et des blessés et des destructions graves dans ces positions et dans des régions civiles proches.


Le ministère avait précisé que vers 01H40 (samedi 22H40 GMT), des avions militaires israéliens qui se trouvaient au-dessus des territoires occupés et du Liban-Sud ont mené une agression aérienne en tirant des missiles contre trois positions des forces armées de la République arabe syrienne au nord-est de Jamraya, à Mayssaloun et à l'aéroport de plaisance d'al-Dimas.


Par ailleurs, selon l'OSDH, l'aviation syrienne a mené des raids à Damas sur les quartiers de Qaboun (nord-est) et de Jobar (est), ainsi que sur la ville rebelle de Qousseir, dans le centre du pays, encerclée par l'armée et le mouvement chiite libanais Hezbollah.


Des combats avaient lieu autour de l'aéroport militaire d'Abou Dhrour, dans la province septentrionale d'Idleb, alors que les combats continuaient dans l'aéroport militaire de Mennegh, à une quarantaine de kilomètres au nord d'Alep. Les rebelles syriens se sont emparés d'une grande partie de cet aéroport mais l'aviation les bombardait.


L'armée a pris plusieurs villages dans le sud de la province d'Alep (nord), et huit militaires, dont deux officiers, ont été tués lorsque les rebelles ont abattu un hélicoptère dans la province orientale de Deir Ezzor.


Dimanche, 137 personnes --49 civils, 47 rebelles et 41 soldats dont 15 lors de l'attaque israélienne-- ont été tuées, selon l'OSDH.


Face à ces violences ininterrompues, le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) a appelé les parties en conflit à épargner les civils et à permettre l'évacuation sans délai des blessés et la remise des corps des personnes tuées, contrairement à ce qui se passe aujourd'hui.

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6 mai 2013 1 06 /05 /mai /2013 11:30
Des soldats se préparent à lancer le Skylark.

Des soldats se préparent à lancer le Skylark.


février 4, 2013 tsahal.fr


Des yeux d’aigle, un maximum d’efficacité pour un minimum de risques : découvrez en images le drone Skylark de Tsahal.


Craignant de perdre des pilotes en territoire ennemi, les États-Unis et Israël sont à l’origine du développement des drones. Éléments essentiels qui accompagnent les pilotes d’avions de chasse et d’hélicoptères de l’Armée de l’Air Israélienne, les drones, avions sans pilote, jouent un rôle essentiel pour la sécurité du pays.


Le «Skylark I-LE» est petit et léger. Il peut être porté par une seule personne et être prêt à voler en moins de huit minutes, comme en témoignent ces images.

Le drone Skylark est conçu pour recueillir des renseignements.

Le drone Skylark est conçu pour recueillir des renseignements.

Un soldat se prépare à lancer un "Skylark".

Un soldat se prépare à lancer un "Skylark".

Le «Skylark I-LE», il peut être porté par une seule personne et être prêt à voler en moins de huit minutes.

Le «Skylark I-LE», il peut être porté par une seule personne et être prêt à voler en moins de huit minutes.

Il dispose de trois heures d’autonomie de vol et d’une caméra vidéo intégrée qui filme de jour comme de nuit, et ce quelles que soient les conditions météorologiques. Le «Skylark» semble calme, mais possède les yeux d’un aigle. Il est rapidement déployé et rapidement rapatrié à la base.


Les drones Skylark sont en service dans Tsahal et dans d’autres armées étrangères. Ils ont déjà été utilisés sur le champ de bataille dans de nombreuses zones de guerre, y compris en Irak et en Afghanistan.


Il est conçu pour recueillir des renseignements dans des missions “au-delà de la colline”, c’est-à-dire des missions pour lesquelles la cible est située à une courte distance. Le drone est exceptionnellement silencieux et possède d’excellentes capacités d’observation aussi bien de jour que de nuit.

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6 mai 2013 1 06 /05 /mai /2013 07:30
Syrie: nouveau raid israélien, Damas garde toutes les options ouvertes


06/05/2013 Par LEXPRESS.fr (AFP)


Un officiel israélien a reconnu les frappes effectuées par son pays contre des positions militaires en Syrie, pour empêcher des livraisons d'armes au Hezbollah libanais.


Israël a bien mené deux raids en Syrie en 48 heures: c'est ce qu'a finalement reconnu un officiel israélien dimanche, affirmant vouloir empêcher un transfert d'armes au Hezbollah libanais. Pour Damas, ces attaques ouvrent la porte à toutes les options et rend la situation dans la région plus "dangereuse".


Alors que le conflit en Syrie a déjà fait 7000 morts en plus de deux ans, elles pourraient marquer un tournant, avec une implication ouverte d'Israël. Ainsi, l'Iran, son ennemi juré, s'est-il dit prêt à "entraîner" l'armée syrienne, avec laquelle le Hezbollah a reconnu combattre.


Le secrétaire général de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon s'est déclaré "très préoccupé" et a appelé au calme.


Selon la Syrie, l'État hébreu a frappé dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche trois positions militaires au nord-ouest de Damas avec des missiles tirés par des avions venus d'Israël via le Liban.


"Cette agression a causé des morts et des blessés et des destructions graves", assure le ministère syrien des Affaires étrangères dans une lettre au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU.


Ce raid aurait visé un centre de recherches scientifiques à Jamraya, déjà visé fin janvier par une attaque israélienne, ainsi que deux objectifs militaires - un important dépôt de munitions et une unité de la défense anti-aérienne.


La télévision syrienne a annoncé en soirée que "les missiles étaient prêts pour frapper des cibles précises en cas de violation", sans plus de précisions.


En Israël, deux batteries anti-missiles ont été déployées dans le nord du pays. L'armée israélienne a également ordonné la fermeture de l'espace aérien dans le nord du pays jusqu'au 9 mai.


Le Premier ministre israélien a présidé une réunion d'urgence de son cabinet de sécurité sur la Syrie, avant de partir pour une visite officielle en Chine.


En Syrie, des habitants du nord-ouest de Damas, à quelques kilomètres de Jamraya, ont décrit l'attaque israélienne comme "un tremblement de terre", évoquant "un ciel où se mêlaient de manière terrifiante le rouge et le jaune". Une vidéo postée par des militants, qui n'a pu être authentifiée, montre dans la nuit d'immenses flammes et des explosions.


"Situation plus dangereuse"


Pour Damas, ce raid prouve que les rebelles sont "les outils d'Israël à l'intérieur" du pays. Et "la communauté internationale doit savoir que la situation dans la région est devenue plus dangereuse après l'agression", a menacé le ministre de l'Information Omrane al-Zohbi.


Dans la lettre à l'ONU, Damas a accusé l'État hébreu d'appuyer les rebelles, notamment le Front Al-Nosra, branche syrienne d'Al-Qaïda.


De son côté, l'Armée syrienne libre (ASL, rebelles) a estimé que ses opérations n'étaient "pas liées aux raids israéliens ou à autre chose". La Coalition de l'opposition a condamné le raid israélien mais accusé le régime d'être responsable de l'affaiblissement de l'armée qu'il utilise "contre la population".

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 15:48
Un drone venant du Liban abattu dans le nord d'Israël


25 avril 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


JERUSALEM - Un drone entré dans l'espace aérien israélien en provenance du Liban a été abattu au large du nord d'Israël, a annoncé jeudi l'armée israélienne, soulignant qu'il s'agissait de la deuxième fois depuis l'envoi d'un drone en octobre par le Hezbollah chiite libanais.


Un avion sans pilote repéré alors qu'il approchait de la côte israélienne a été intercepté par l'aviation israélienne à cinq milles nautiques au large de Haïfa, affirme un communiqué militaire qui précise que l'appareil a été abattu vers 14H00 (11H00 GMT).


C'est la deuxième fois qu'un avion sans pilote est intercepté dans l'espace aérien israélien en sept mois, selon le texte.


Je considère avec une extrême gravité cette tentative de violer notre frontière. Nous continuerons à faire tout le nécessaire pour protéger la sécurité des citoyens israéliens, a réagi le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu dans un bref communiqué.


M. Netanyahu se rendait vers le nord pour assister à une cérémonie au moment où le drone a été repéré et son hélicoptère s'est posé jusqu'à l'interception sur ordre des services de sécurité, a rapporté la radio publique.


Le 6 octobre, un drone envoyé par le Hezbollah avait survolé la Méditerranée avant d'entrer dans le ciel israélien à proximité de la bande de Gaza, pour être finalement abattu par un avion de combat israélien au-dessus du désert du Néguev, où se trouvent les installations nucléaires israéliennes.


Le drone se déplaçant du nord au sud le long de la côte libanaise a été repéré peu après 13H00 (10H00 GMT), a précisé dans un briefing téléphonique le porte-parole de l'armée israélienne, le lieutenant-colonel Peter Lerner.


Nous ne savons pas d'où venait l'appareil ni où il allait, a-t-il indiqué, faisant état d'une enquête et de recherches en cours des débris.

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 15:30
Un drone venant du Liban abattu dans le nord d'Israël


25 avril 2013 Romandie.com (AFP)


JERUSALEM - Un drone entré dans l'espace aérien israélien en provenance du Liban a été abattu au large des côtes du nord d'Israël, a annoncé jeudi l'armée israélienne.


Un avion sans pilote repéré alors qu'il approchait de la côte israélienne a été intercepté par l'aviation israélienne à cinq milles nautiques au large de Haïfa, selon un communiqué militaire qui précise que l'interception a eu lieu vers 14H00 (11H00 GMT).


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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
India's MoD Says No to Joint Heron Development With Israel


Apr. 24, 2013 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI  - Defense News


NEW DELHI — India has shot down an Israeli proposal to jointly develop an advanced version of the Heron UAV in India, a rarity for projects between the two nations.


This month, India’s Ministry of Defence rejected the codevelopment and coproduction proposal by India’s Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), MoD sources said.


During a meeting this month, senior MoD officials said DRDO should concentrate more on the Indo-Israeli Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile (MRSAM) program, which is behind schedule and has technical problems.


IAI executives here were not available for comment.


This rejection illustrates the new thinking among India’s MoD, which is concentrating more on sustaining existing DRDO programs than on paying for new projects, the source said. In 2009, India and Israel agreed to jointly develop the MRSAM for use by both militaries. One prototype failed in December, the source said.


DRDO signed the codevelopment contract with IAI after the MoD failed in its efforts to procure the MRSAM through competition. No vendor was prepared to transfer technology for the system.


The Indian Air Force’s requirement is for 18 MRSAMs, estimated to cost around US $1.2 billion. The MRSAM would be a low- and medium-level, quick-reaction missile system capable of moving with mechanized forces. The system would be able to engage manned and unmanned aircraft, missiles and all types of airborne targets.


The MRSAM will have a range of more than 50 kilometers, and its warhead will have self-destruct capabilities to avoid unwanted collateral damage on the ground. The system will have an active seeker with the option of a passive seeker and an electro-optical system will be provided, which would enable the system to track targets in hostile electronic countermeasures environments.


As for the Heron, the Indian MoD has around 60 and requires more, although it hasn’t said how many.


In its proposal for the joint development of Herons, DRDO claimed it has developed a broad spectrum of knowledge on UAV subsystem technologies, including aerodynamic design, composite materials, telemetry and propulsion. The advanced Heron would have featured greater range and endurance.


The Indian Army plans to procure a variety of UAVs, including micro and nano UAVs. The Army also plans to acquire weaponized UAVs, which can be armed with precision missiles.

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