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10 décembre 2015 4 10 /12 /décembre /2015 12:20
Support: New Training Against New Threats


December 8, 2015: Strategy Page


Based on experience in Iraq and Afghanistan the U.S. Department of Defense set up JIDA (Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization) in September 2015 and proceeded to establish thirteen training centers where troops (mainly soldiers and marines) could receive instruction (and realistic practice) on the types of hand-held detectors available to detect bombs and mines. The training also includes imparting useful techniques learned in over a decade of dealing with these weapons.


At the top end of the devices the troops would use there is Minehound, which is a four (or more) kg (8.8 pounds) hand held device typical of those used for over half a century to detect mines. Troops hold it like a vacuum cleaner sweeping the circular sensor over the ground in front of them to detect mines and bombs, even those that do not contain metal. The high-end Minehound (costing over $40,000) incorporates a ground penetrating radar which can detect non-metallic mines or bombs.


Usually combat engineers are in charge of mine sweeping and removal, but since World War II most troops were trained in primitive, but often effective, techniques to detect mines. This often involved probing with a bayonet. With cheap (a few hundred dollars each) “beach comber” type metal detectors troops can clear a lot more ground more quickly but only if the mines are metallic. Devices like Minehound can handle just about anything out there, including the growing number of non-metallic devices, but requires more training. This includes some actual experience with different types of devices in different types of soil. A hundred or so hours of instruction at these training centers can make troops much more effective with any kind of detector.


JIDA exists because landmines and IEDs (Improvised Explosive devices) caused over 65 percent of troop casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan and remain a favorite weapon with irregular forces, especially Islamic terrorists. American troops have had to deal with IEDs before 2001 but not to the extent encountered in since then IEDs became much more common. In Vietnam IEDs only accounted for 14 percent of casualties and in previous wars that was even less. In response to the resurgence of IED use the U.S. established JIEDDO (Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization) in 2006 and spent $25 billion developing ways to minimize the impact of IEDs. It was JIEDDO, now smaller because most troops were gone from Iraq and Afghanistan, that was turned into JIDA in 2015.

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9 septembre 2015 3 09 /09 /septembre /2015 12:20
Support: JIEDDO Becomes JIDA


September 5, 2015: Strategy Page


The Future of IEDs:  Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) caused over 65 percent of coalition casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan and are likely to remain the bad guy weapon of choice in the near future.  Using such devices is a great way to fight the high-tech U.S. when you are a technological and material underdog. Despite the success insurgents have had using IEDs, there is intense professional discussion in the U.S. military over how much energy and resources, including valuable training time, to exert in dealing with them.  


Since September 11, 2001 two-thirds of the Americans killed in combat were the victims of roadside bombs and (much less often) mines. This was a big shift from the American experience in Vietnam, where 14 percent of American deaths were from bombs and mines. While that meant twice as many Americans killed by bombs and mines during Vietnam (55,000 dead) compared to Iraq and Afghanistan (6,700 dead), the IEDs (improvised explosive devices) became the most successful weapon the enemy had against American troops. In response the U.S. formed JIEDDO (Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization), a $25 billion dollar effort to deal with roadside bombs. Because of the fear that IEDs will continue to be a major threat (because all the other battlefield dangers have been made so much less dangerous) the U.S. is keeping JIEDDO going, although cutting staff and funding by about two-thirds.


The greatly reduced level of US ground forces in Iraq and Afghanistan has occasioned a serious debate within the U.S. Army and Marine Corps on the future status of Counter-IED skills, equipment and training.  army and marine leaders worry about the loss of legacy skills, examples of which are combined arms operations at the battalion and brigade level and a generation of marines who are unfamiliar with operating from on board ship.  One of the touch points of the associated professional debate was the future of JIEDDO.  The debate is now over and in July 2015 JIEDDO become the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization now known as JIDA.  This re-designation creates a permanent organization and the change in scope is obvious.  American military thinkers acknowledge IEDs were a surprising tactic, with strategic implications, for which the military had no immediate solution.  No one wants to repeat the spectacle of U.S. troops putting improvised armor on their hummers and trucks happened in 2004.   It took until mid-2005 to up armor all hunners.   While JIDA is still focused on IEDs the additional scope against all improvised threats is designed to anticipate and avoid the kind of battlefield surprise encountered in insurgent use of IEDs.  Some criticized the old JIEDDO as wasting too much money.  However it comes down to the classic efficiency versus effectiveness argument.  When you are running a business you need to maximize efficiency, when you are trying to keep soldiers and marines alive you care more about effectiveness.  The critics’ comments are misplaced.     IED “found and cleared” rates for example went up from 49 percent at the beginning of the 2010 Afghanistan “surge” to 65 percent two years later.  While JIEDDO’s own analysis suggested multiple causes for the improvement the JIEDDO pushed effort to employ hand held detection devices, and the training for them, as well as other initiatives were key factors.  During the same Afghan surge with 30,000 additional U.S. forces going into often untouched Taliban territory IED attacks of course increased, by 25 percent, yet effective attacks decreased 3.1 percent.  The bottom line is U.S. enemies have found a useful tool in the IED and know better than to try and fight the U.S. symmetrically with a peer ground force.  Hence the need for an organization that is focused on anticipating asymmetric threats like the IED.  Look to see JIDA moving into other areas than Counter-IED in the future. --- Colonel Rod Coffey, USA (Ret)

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1 juillet 2015 3 01 /07 /juillet /2015 16:20
Histoire d'applis: de la lutte américaine contre Daesh au concept français de "smart base"

27.06.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense

Lu dans DefenseOne.com (voir ici) cet article sur le projet de recourir à des applis civiles "militarisées". Ces applications nouvelles développées par la JIEDDO (à l'image de Skype et FaceTime) permettraient à des mentors US de suivre virtuellement les soldats irakiens ou kurdes qu'ils ont formés lorsque ces derniers sont en opération et de les conseiller en direct.

La Joint IED Defeat Organization teste déjà ces applis en Afghanistan dans le cadre de la lutte contre les IED (lutte pilotée par cette Joint IED Defeat Organization).

Puisque l'on parle d'applis, j'en profite pour parler des commandos Air de la base d'Evreux qui vont tester une application développée par un lieutenant de l’armée de terre. Son projet baptisé Auxylium a reçu le prix de l’innovation participative en 2010.

L'application associe "localisation du combattant, technique de communication moderne, transmission de données protégées sur des terminaux du type smartphones durcis, le tout dans un contexte de combat débarqué en utilisant principalement des technologies sur étagère, à coûts réduits", ainsi que l'a expliqué le général Joël Rode dans sa présentation du projet Smart Base qui sera inauguré lundi à Evreux.

A Evreux, profitant de la présence du Groupement Tactique des Systèmes d’Information et de Communication Aéronautiques (GT SIC Aéro 10.805), devrait aussi être testée une appli baptisée "Aviactor" conçue à l’image des systèmes déployés dans les smart Cities.

Après avoir téléchargé et installé sur leur smartphone l’application Aviactor, le personnel de la base aura accès à tout un environnement interactif lui permettant de consulter un ensemble d’informations utiles sur sa vie quotidienne sur le site. De plus, il est en mesure d’enrichir lui-même ce contenu quelle que soit sa position géographique, comme signaler immédiatement un évènement non-conforme sur le site (intrusion par exemple).

Enfin, toujours lundi, à Evreux, aura lieu l'installation d'une pépinière numérique colocalisée auprès du GT SIC Aéro. Cetincubateur de start-up dédiées aux nouvelles technologies et aux environnements connectés pourra bénéficier des savoir-faire, de l’expérience et des conseils des militaires spécialistes du GT SIC Aéro. En contrepartie, le GT SIC Aéro pourra bénéficier de la capacité d’innovation et de veille technologique que proposent les start-up.

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14 octobre 2014 2 14 /10 /octobre /2014 16:20
JIEDDO hosts competition to identify future IED detection technologies


10/09/2014 Defence IQ Press


The Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) has partnered with the Army Research Lab and the Maneuver Battle Lab at the Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia, to host a "Culvert Denial Challenge," where 20 defence contractors are competing to provide the latest technologies to defeat IEDs.


There are two challenges with ten contractors focusing on one each – there’s a surveillance challenge and an inspection challenge.

The objective of the competition is to “find some technology that will either improve upon current systems or can be added or provide new capability to culvert IED problems," said Matthew Way, a JIEDDO programme integrator.

For the surveillance challenge, vendors make use of unmanned systems, micro-radar technologies, seismic sensors, and hyperspectral imaging. They are monitoring a culvert for an eight-hour period that encompasses day, evening and night hours.

"Once we've secured a culvert, we wanted technology that can maintain security over that area," Way said. "The competition really focuses on their ability to distinguish, per the solicitation, between nefarious activity and something that is benign -- just regular patterns of life."

Vendors in the inspection challenge are demonstrating potential solutions using quadcopters, ground robots, canines, and electromagnetic sensors. They are tasked with various scenarios such as difficult terrain, night inspection, and a long culvert that challenges communication links.

"We are really measuring how quickly they can get into a culvert area and tell me if it's clear or not clear," he said. "The second component that we are scoring them on is, once they've done that, how accurately can they identify particular items that may be threats in the region."

Companies competing include EFW (Elbit), L-3 Communications, Niitek, Primal Innovation, QinetiQ, iRobot, K2 Solutions, Lockheed Martin, and Pearson Engineering.

Bringing together senior international military, police forces and defence industry, from Europe, North America, the Middle East and Africa, EOD & CIED 2014 will offer high level discussion on the key challenges facing the CIED/EOD community and engage in debate on the strategies and new technologies available for future force development. Find out more by following the link below.


  EOD & C-IED 2014
View the conference agenda here.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 17:20
DoD to Shrink JIEDDO, Realign ISR Task Force

Sep. 24, 2013  MARCUS WEISGERBER - c4isrnet.com


WASHINGTON — The Pentagon plans to shrink its organization tasked with defeating roadside bombs and reorganize other quick-reaction task forces born out of more than a decade of counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.


The decision by senior U.S. Defense Department officials to truncate the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) and realign the Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Task Force comes after a year of debate over how to institutionalize these entities.


The reorganizations were set in motion by Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter in a memo earlier this month.


DoD officials had been contemplating three options for JIEDDO’s future: Eliminate the organization; break up its duties among the military services through a process called disaggregation; or restructure JIEDDO into a smaller office within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD).


JIEDDO’s mission will continue to evolve, a defense official said. The organization’s “evolution will continue to support DoD efforts to retain a flexible and an agile force and also the ability to respond to urgent warfighter needs as they may arise.”


Defense officials are still determining the specifics of the downsizing, and the final path forward is still to be determined and pending the budget review process.


Senior JIEDDO officials, during a recent visit to Afghanistan, said the organization will be smaller but should maintain some of its most important capabilities, according to a DoD press article.


“If you look at the mission statement for JIEDDO, it’s to defeat the IED as a weapon of strategic influence,” Maj. Gen. Patrick Higgins, JIEDDO’s deputy director, said in the article. “Now I’m not ready to come out yet and say ‘mission accomplished,’ but if you look at the work over the last decade of war, what we have done in Iraq and what we are in the process of doing here, that is demonstratively proven.”


JIEDDO officials must submit a drawdown plan to OSD in the their 2015 budget proposal. JIEDDO should reach its lower staff level in 2017.


As for the ISR Task Force, Michael Vickers, the undersecretary for intelligence, must submit a plan to align the organization as a “permanent entity” within his directorate.


“The transitioned organization will be staffed appropriately to enable rapid fielding of new ISR capabilities in support of global warfighter requirement,” Carter wrote in a memo.


In addition, Pentagon Comptroller Robert Hale and the head of the Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell have been tasked with institutionalizing the funding process for urgent battlefield needs.

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10 juillet 2013 3 10 /07 /juillet /2013 07:20
What does the future hold for JIEDDO? Three options on the table...

07/08/2013  Andrew Elwell - defenceiq.com


One of the big questions relating to the reorganisation of the Armed Forces following the withdrawal from Afghanistan relates to the future of Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO). Will it still be an operational necessity or is the argument for its continued economic outlay too fragile?


The unit was formed in 2006 after a spate of deadly incidents involving the roadside bombs forced the US government to act. JIEDDO has been central to informing opinion on IEDs for a decade but senior US defence officials are now discussing its future. There are three options being considered: maintain JIEDDO’s capabilities but split its duties between the military forces; scale down its operations and house it within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD); or shut it down.


Colonel Gareth Bex, Head of Army EOD & Search at the UK MoD, is a man who would have an opinion on JIEDDO’s future effectiveness. He spoke at the Counter-IED conference in London last month and insisted that “the genie is out of the bottle [for insurgents and their effective use of IEDs], and there’s no way it’s going back in.”


Col Bex went on to say that the UK failed to continue the investment it made in this area after Northern Ireland and lost the mainstay of its C-IED capabilities as a result. When protection against IEDs and mine blasts wasn't top of the agenda anymore it was easy for that investment to be directed into other avenues. Bex wonders if the same may happen again post-Afghanistan, especially considering the current economic climate. But it mustn't. The lessons learned from Afghanistan must not be allowed to be forgotten like they were after Northern Ireland - the only way to do that is maintain investment in the area and continue to take the threat seriously.


“IEDs are certainly an enduring global threat,” said Col Bex.


With that in mind, how can the US justify the elimination of JIEDDO? It would be imprudent, and short-sighted.


While breaking up the organisation and spreading it out through the military services – a process known as disaggregation – is a viable option, the best, and perhaps most likely option for the JIEDDO may be to roll it into the OSD.


JIEDDO has spent in the region of $20 billion since 2006, including the largest and most ambitious UOR programme ever for the design and acquisition of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) family of vehicles.

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8 mai 2013 3 08 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
Delegation of US Army's JIEDDO visits Pakistan Army GHQ

May 8, 2013 terminalx.org


Rawalpindi - May 7, 2013: US delegation headed by Director Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), Lieutenant General Michael D Barbero visited General Headquarters on 6th May 2013 to discuss Counter Improvised Explosive Device (IED) cooperation framework between Pakistan Army’s Counter IED Organization (CIEDO) and JIEDDO.


Lieutenant General Barbero called on Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Rashad Mehmood and discussed matters related to IEDs and measures required to minimize the effects of this menace. Thereafter, Director JIEDDO held bilateral talks with Director General Military Operations and Chairman CIEDO. Bilateral talks were focused on Counter IED efforts of both militaries, further collaboration at regional level and ways to improve the existing cooperation aspects.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 07:30
CACI Awarded Prime Position on $900 M Multiple-Award Contract to Support JIEDDO

May 22, 2012 ASDNews Source : CACI International Inc.


The Wexford Group International, a wholly owned company of CACI International Inc (NYSE: CACI), announced today that it has been selected by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM) as one of five prime contractors to support the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization's (JIEDDO) Operations Support (OPS) Services contract. With a ceiling value of $900 million, this five-year (two base years plus three one-year options) indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity contract positions CACI to accelerate its growth in integrated security solutions. This contract was awarded in the second quarter of CACI's 2012 fiscal year which ended December 31, 2011.


JIEDDO leads the Department of Defense's global efforts to counter improvised explosive devices (IEDs) as weapons of strategic influence. IEDs have become the weapon of choice for an overlapping consortium of illicit networks spanning the entire threat continuum, from criminal gangs to terrorists with global reach. The OPS contract provides operational support services to address the counter-IED requirements of combat commanders and troops, delivering rapid, effective solutions designed to disrupt the enemy's effectiveness.


CACI's JIEDDO awards demonstrate its position as a premier, global counter-IED company. The Wexford Group, acquired by CACI in 2007, has worked with JIEDDO and its predecessor organizations since 2003. In addition to the OPS award, CACI supports JIEDDO through multiple task orders on the $494 million Comprehensive Support Services contract, awarded in August 2009.


Dan Allen, CACI President of U.S. Operations, said, "We have a long and successful history of directly supporting our nation's troops through the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization. With the Operations Support Services contract, CACI will continue to leverage our cross-discipline expertise in integrated security solutions to aid JIEDDO in its vital strategy to defeat IEDs."


Paul Cofoni, CACI President and Chief Executive Officer, said, "Countering IEDs is a key component of the Department of Defense's counter-terrorism and irregular warfare mission. Through JIEDDO's OPS contract, CACI demonstrates our continued commitment to providing leading-edge solutions that directly align with our nation's highest priorities for military support."

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29 février 2012 3 29 /02 /février /2012 13:55
2012-2016 JIEDDO Counter-IED Strategic Plan

2012-2016 JIEDDO Counter-IED Strategic Plan


28.02.2012 par Frédéric Lert (FOB)


La question de la lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés (IED) est au cœur des préoccupation des états-majors, à tel point que la déclaration commune franco britannique sur la sécurité et la défense s’en est fait l’écho : « Nous reconnaissons l’intérêt que nos deux pays portent au renforcement de notre coopération bilatérale en matière de lutte contre les engins explosifs improvisés. (…) Un plan d’action conjoint, élaboré en 2012, couvrira les possibilités de coopération dans les domaines des opérations, des capacités, de la recherche et des technologies » explique la déclaration commune.


Derrière cette louable volonté se cache un enjeu technique autant qu’économique, comme en témoigne particulièrement bien l’exemple américain. Un récent rapport du GAO (Government Accountability Office, la cour des comptes locale) rappelle qu’en un peu plus de cinq ans, le Pentagone a dépensé plus de 18 milliards de dollars dans la lutte contre les IED. Cette somme correspond en fait au budget cumulé de l’organisme chargé de coordonner la lutte contre les IED, la JIEDDO (Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization), depuis sa création en 2006. Trois milliards de dollars par an dépensés à la mode américaine (ce budget sera réduit à 2,4 Mds de dollars sur le prochain budget), c’est à dire en se lançant dans des études tous azimuts pour tenter de trouver la bonne solution contre les pièges explosifs. Le GAO reproche à la JIEDDO une organisation opaque et une gestion des programmes laissant à désirer. L’organisation ne serait pas même capable, dit le GAO, de suivre tous les efforts réalisés dans une multitude d’officines financées par le pentagone. Avec parfois à la clef de belles duplications des efforts.


Le GAO pointe notamment du doigt le financement simultané de six techniques différentes d’armes à énergie dirigées pour détruire les IED. Ces armes exploitant principalement des lasers de fortes puissances font fantasmer à l’unisson et depuis plusieurs décennies maintenant Hollywood et le Pentagone… Mais après quelques milliards de dollars dépensés en recherche, la Navy n’est toujours pas prête d’embarquer un canon laser sur ses navires. Après seize années de développement, l’Air Force vient quant à elle de jeter le gant en retirant du service son Boeing 747 anti-missile équipé d’une tourelle laser dans le nez. Reste l’US Army, qui est la seule à avoir déployé une « arme laser » sur un théâtre d’opération, et justement dans la lutte contre les IED. Le développement d’un prototype dès 1999 avait débouché quatre ans plus tard sur l’envoi en Afghanistan du système HLONS (HMMWV Laser Ordnance Neutralization System) embarqué sur un Humvee. Selon l’Army, le HLONS participa à la neutralisation de 210 « munitions non explosées » autour de la base de Bagram en six mois de présence. Pour certains, des sommes considérables avaient été dépensées pour faire un simple travail de destruction à distance, largement à portée d’une banale mitrailleuse de 12,7mm…

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16 février 2012 4 16 /02 /février /2012 08:30
Pentagon Releases Counter-IED Strategic Plan

February 14, 2012 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: U.S Department of Defense; issued February 14, 2012)


2012-2016 JIEDDO Counter-IED Strategic Plan Released


The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) released its 2012-2016 counter-improvised explosive device (IED) strategic plan intended to provide the framework to coordinate the Defense Department’s counter-IED efforts.

The JIEDDO is tasked to lead DoD’s actions to rapidly provide counter-IED capabilities in support of the combatant commanders and to enable the defeat of the IED as a weapon of strategic influence.

The strategy, looking at the next five years, attempts to capture the lessons learned during the previous ten years since operations began in Afghanistan and Iraq. The plan outlines five principal goals: rapidly identify, validate and prioritize immediate and future counter-IED requirements; provide operations and intelligence fusion; rapidly seek, develop and acquire counter-IED solutions; lead DoD counter-IED training; and build a joint, interagency, intergovernmental and international community of action.

At its core, the plan highlights five enduring capabilities needed to ensure DoD stays ahead of the ever-evolving IED threat. Those enduring capabilities include rapid acquisition and fielding, operations-intelligence-formation fusion, training, weapons technical intelligence and a whole-of-government approach to the IED threat.

Additionally, the strategy also identifies future research and development capability gaps for 2012: pre-detonation, counter threat network, detection, counter-device, homemade explosives, information integration and visualization, and weapons technical intelligence. These identified areas are designed to accelerate the most promising counter-IED solutions to combat the IED challenge.

Click here for the full document (24 pages in PDF format) on the JIEDDO website.

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