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16 avril 2014 3 16 /04 /avril /2014 11:20
Possible Deployment of Canadian Troops Into Eastern Europe Part of Harper Government Plans To Counter Russia?


April 16, 2014. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


Lee Berthiaume of Postmedia has this article today:


OTTAWA — The possible deployment of Canadian military forces into Eastern Europe will be top of mind Wednesday when senior NATO officials present alliance members with options for dealing with the crisis in Ukraine.

The so-called “re-assurance package” to be presented to NATO members was drawn up amid concerns from Poland, Latvia and other Eastern European NATO members about Russia’s larger intentions in the region.

While the package hasn’t yet been presented, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said it will focus on three areas: reinforced defence plans; enhanced training exercises; and “appropriate deployments” of NATO forces into the region.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, who will tour Eastern Europe later this week, has said the government is waiting for the package of recommendations before determining any future military involvement in the region.

Canada has taken a hard line with Russia over its actions in Ukraine, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper this week describing the Russian government as “clearly aggressive, militaristic and imperialistic,” and “a significant threat to peace and stability in the world.”

Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced Tuesday that Canada will not attend Arctic Council meetings set to take place in Moscow this week, the latest in a string of measures aimed at isolating Russia.

Canada has also voiced its strong support for Eastern European NATO members, who joined the alliance after the fall of the Soviet Union to escape Russia’s influence. Harper spoke to Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma on Tuesday, with the conversation largely focused on the situation in Ukraine.

It’s unclear to what degree Canada and other governments are willing to contribute militarily to help bolster Eastern Europe in the face of Russian aggression. Canada has previously helped train forces and bolster capabilities in surrounding countries during crises in Mali and Syria, and has provided non-lethal equipment to militaries in Central America. Similar high-level efforts in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia would likely be inexpensive and involve little risk.

However, the deployment of CF-18 fighter jets, naval ships or troops on the ground would be a much larger and much more politically sensitive contribution.

Canada pulled the last of its troops from Afghanistan only last month, and the Defence Department is facing deep budget cuts as the Harper government tries to balance the books for next year’s federal election.

But the government also has not come down on whether it thinks NATO should boost its presence in Eastern Europe in the first place.

Fellow NATO members are sharply divided: While the United States and Eastern European countries strongly favour such a move, Western European members fear it will prompt retaliation from Russia, a nuclear power.

The divisions are not only geographic, but also based on how much each alliance member’s economy relies on Russia.

The U.S. has already deployed 18 additional fighter jets as well as several warships to the region since the crisis erupted in February, and has indicated its willingness to post more forces, including hundreds of troops, on a rotational basis.


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7 avril 2014 1 07 /04 /avril /2014 19:20
European Nations Reluctant To Follow Harper And Baird’s Calls for Tougher Sanctions Against Russia Over Crimea


April 7, 2014. David Pugliese Defence Watch

My colleague, Esprit de Corps publisher Scott Taylor, notes in today’s Chronicle Herald that Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird are among the most strident of all world leaders in condemning Russia for its actions in Ukraine.

Here is more of what he writes:


Denouncing Russian President Vladimir Putin as another Hitler, Harper and Baird walked the streets of Kyiv to express their solidarity with the unelected interim government of Ukraine. For all the tough talk from Canada’s dynamic duo, any informed observer would be well aware that, outside of a Ukrainian-Canadian diaspora of some 1.2 million potential voters, Canada has no real stake whatsoever in the Crimea crisis.

While Harper and Baird shout for tougher sanctions and more military sabre rattling, none of the European NATO nations are echoing those sentiments.


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25 mars 2014 2 25 /03 /mars /2014 19:20
Entente de coopération Canada-Israël dans la lutte contre le terrorisme nucléaire


25 mars 2014 par Jacques N. Godbout – 45eNord.ca


Le ministre des Affaires étrangères John Baird a annoncé aujourd’hui que le Canada et Israël travailleront en partenariat dans le cadre d’un projet visant à contrer la menace du terrorisme nucléaire et les menaces à la sécurité nucléaire dans le monde. Cette annonce a été faite durant son entretien avec le ministre israélien du Renseignement, M. Youval Steinitz, en marge du Sommet sur la sécurité nucléaire qui se déroule à La Haye, dans les Pays-Bas.

«À l’heure actuelle, la menace du terrorisme nucléaire demeure l’une des plus graves et des plus importantes pour la sécurité mondiale, a déclaré le ministre Baird. Notre partenariat avec Israël dans le cadre de cette initiative en criminalistique aidera les États du Moyen-Orient et d’ailleurs à poursuivre en justice les dangereux criminels qui mènent des activités nucléaires illicites.»

Le projet sera réalisé sous l’égide de l’Initiative mondiale de lutte contre le terrorisme nucléaire, un forum technique multilatéral dont sont membres le Canada et Israël, et qui est axé sur le renforcement des interventions opérationnelles liées aux menaces de terrorisme nucléaire et radiologique. Le Canada financera le projet par l’entremise du Programme canadien de partenariat mondial.

Par l’intermédiaire de son Programme de partenariat mondial, le Canada versera 150 000 $ aux fins de cette initiative, pour

  • financer une série d’exercices internationaux de renforcement des capacités techniques dans le but de définir les meilleures méthodes et techniques de soutien à la poursuite en justice des responsables d’activités criminelles utilisant du matériel nucléaire ou radiologique;
  • et pour l’établissement de processus scientifiques pour appuyer les analyses criminalistiques traditionnelles (comme l’analyse génétique et d’empreintes digitales) réalisées sur des éléments de preuve radioactifs.

Le projet sera réalisé sous l’égide de l’Initiative mondiale de lutte contre le terrorisme nucléaire (IMLTN), un forum technique multilatéral axé sur le renforcement des interventions opérationnelles liées aux menaces de terrorisme nucléaire et radiologique.

Mis sur pied en 2006 par les États-Unis et la Russie, l’IMLTN regroupe maintenant 85 pays dont l’objectif est de renforcer la coopération sur le plan opérationnel pour lutter contre le terrorisme mondial. L’Agence internationale de l’énergie atomique, l’Union européenne, l’Organisation internationale de police criminelle et l’Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime y participent aussi à titre d’observateurs et jouent un rôle important en fournissant de l’expertise et des ressources techniques.

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