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12 octobre 2015 1 12 /10 /octobre /2015 08:35
Afghanistan: 5 membres de l'Otan tués dans un accident d'hélicoptère


12 octobre 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Kaboul - Cinq membres de l'Otan, dont deux soldats de l'armée de l'air britannique, sont morts dimanche dans l'accident de leur hélicoptère à Kaboul, peu après qu'un convoi britannique eut été visé par un attentat suicide dans la capitale afghane.


Les autorité ont annoncé lundi que l'hélicoptère s'était écrasé dimanche après-midi lors de son atterrissage au quartier général de la coalition de l'Otan, qui apporte un soutien aérien à l'armée afghane.


L'accident a provoqué la mort de cinq membres de (l'opération) Soutien résolu et en a blessé cinq autres, selon un communiqué.


Une enquête a été ouverte mais nous pouvons confirmer qu'il s'agit d'un accident et non du résultat d'une attaque d'insurgés, a souligné auparavant le ministère britannique de la Défense.


Le décès de deux soldats britanniques porte à 456 le nombre des Britanniques morts en Afghanistan depuis que la Grande-Bretagne a participé à l'invasion de l'Afghanistan lancée par les Etats-Unis en octobre 2001.


Ces deux soldats appartenaient aux 230 Squadron et 33 Squadron de la Royal Air Force.


Les nationalités des autres victimes n'ont pas été révélées.


Cet accident intervient peu après une attaque ayant visé dimanche un convoi britannique dans le centre de Kaboul, signe de l'instabilité persistante en Afghanistan, deux semaines après la prise spectaculaire de Kunduz (nord) à par les talibans.


Cet attentat suicide, commis par un kamikaze taliban à une heure de pointe dans le centre de la capitale, a blessé trois civils, dont un enfant.


Les talibans ont renforcé leurs attaques contre les forces gouvernementales afghanes depuis que l'Otan a achevé en décembre sa mission de combat en Afghanistan.


Les insurgés talibans étaient parvenus le 28 septembre à s'emparer en quelques heures seulement de la ville stratégique de Kunduz.


Cette prise de contrôle, même si elle n'a duré que quelques jours, avait signé leur plus grande victoire depuis 2001, constituant un grave revers pour le président Ashraf Ghani, au pouvoir depuis un an.


Les forces de sécurité afghanes ne leur avaient opposé qu'une faible résistance, symptomatique des énormes difficultés qu'elles rencontrent pour contenir les combattants islamistes.


Les talibans ont affirmé dimanche que leur attentat suicide à Kaboul contre les forces de l'Otan avait été perpétré en représailles aux bombardements barbares de Kunduz.


Des bombardements aériens américains, en soutien aux forces afghanes et de l'Otan sur le terrain à Kunduz, avaient atteint un hôpital de Médecins sans frontières (MSF) faisant au moins 22 morts, dont 12 employés de l'ONG.


Le président Barack Obama avait présenté ses excuses à l'ONG qui demande une enquête internationale impartiale sur cette tragédie.

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29 juin 2015 1 29 /06 /juin /2015 16:35
Resolute Support - Train Advise Assist in Kabul

29 juin 2015 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr  06/2015 15E18801


Seit Anfang 2015 läuft in Afghanistan die ISAF-Folgemission Resolute Support: eine Ausbildungs- und Beratungsmission anstelle eines Kampfeinsatzes. Deutschland trägt dabei eine ganz besondere Verantwortung und ist einer der größten Truppensteller mit Personal für das Hauptquartier des TAAC North und das Hauptquartier von Resolute Support in Kabul. Was dort konkret geleistet wird, zeigen wir am Beispiel eines Advisors im Einsatz.

Musik: Final Outcome von Kallins & Skinner (Universal Music)

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26 mars 2015 4 26 /03 /mars /2015 13:35
A Royal Air Force Chinook helicopter operating over Afghanistan - photo RAF

A Royal Air Force Chinook helicopter operating over Afghanistan - photo RAF


26 March 2015 by Flt Lt Henderson – Royal Air Force


After thirteen years supporting operations in Afghanistan, the first of the three remaining Royal Air Force Chinooks left Kabul this morning to begin the journey home.


Since the end of combat operations in Afghanistan in October 2014, three RAF Chinooks were retained in the country to assist British troops in non-combat roles but they are now on their way home.


In the early hours of Wednesday 25th March, the first of the heavy lift support helicopter from RAF Odiham in Hampshire was loaded on to the C17, marking the end of the UK Chinook Force’s contribution to operations in Afghanistan.


Synonymous with operations in Afghanistan over the last thirteen years, the Chinook Force has flown over 41,000 hours, extracted 13,000 casualties and its crews have been awarded numerous gallantry awards, including twenty three distinguished flying crosses for bravery in the air.


Group Captain Richard Maddison, RAF Odiham’s Station Commander, said, “The sight of a Chinook in Afghanistan will be iconic to many that have served there, or have witnessed the events from afar. The commitment of the personnel from the Chinook Force – whether in Afghanistan or supporting from the UK and other overseas locations – has been first rate.”


“We return with enormous pride at our contribution over this very testing period and wish those of the Puma Force the very best success as they continue to provide helicopter support in the country”.


Squadron Leader Paul Butler, Officer Commanding Operation TORAL Aviation Detachment said, “It is an honour and privilege to be the last Commanding Officer of the last Chinook detachment in Afghanistan.”


“I have been humbled by the dedication and steadfast work-ethic of the men and women working on the Chinook Force.”


“I am extremely proud of the contribution made by the Chinook Force during combat operations in this country, whether that be providing essential air mobility, moving coalition troops and equipment around theatre or undertaking lifesaving medical evacuation for injured troops.”


“Our role in Afghanistan has changed significantly since the end of Operation HERRICK, our mission on Operation TORAL, whilst different, is no less important. Providing aviation support to coalition troops working to ensure the institutional development of the Afghan government is a fitting end to our time in Afghanistan.”


A RAF Chinook helicopter is loaded into a C17 Globemaster for the long journey back to the UK from Afghanistan. - photo RAF

A RAF Chinook helicopter is loaded into a C17 Globemaster for the long journey back to the UK from Afghanistan. - photo RAF

The return of the Chinooks from Afghanistan also coincides with Defence Secretary Michael Fallon’s announcement to send two Chinooks to the Falkland Islands as part of measures designed to ensure defence resilience. He said:


"These measures will include the return of military support helicopters which were removed in 2006 to support operations in Afghanistan. On current plans this will involve the deployment of two Chinooks, which will be operational by the middle of next year.


"This is a significant capability which will provide reactive 24/7 tactical mobility in order to allow a swift and decisive response to any emerging incidents. The helicopters will also bring a heavy lift capability and will enhance the training opportunities available to the resident infantry company.”


The Chinook aviation detachment in Kabul will handover to the RAF Puma 2 Force from RAF Benson, on the 1st April 2015, the Puma 2 crews will remain in Afghanistan until the mission is complete.

A Royal Air Force Chinook helicopter operating over  Afghanistan

A Royal Air Force Chinook helicopter operating over Afghanistan

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25 mars 2015 3 25 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
Kabul's Security Advisor

24 mars 2015 NATO


Around twelve thousand foreign troops will remain in Afghanistan this year to continue to support the Afghan forces. Kabul’s security advisor Col John Graham shows us what NATO’s new Afghan mission Resolute Support looks like in action.

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3 mars 2015 2 03 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
A spotlight on security in Kabul

3 mars 2015 by NATO


General Rahimi is put to the test in his first few months as police chief of Kabul, having to secure a fast growing city with high crime rates and insurgency threats.

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18 février 2015 3 18 /02 /février /2015 12:35
Training Afghan Army Officers (NATO and Afghanistan)

17 févr. 2015 NATO


The next generation of Afghan army officers is being forged in a rigorous training camp near Kabul, which aims to produce men and women of the highest calibre to lead their country in the fight against the insurgency. We speak to 2 young officers cadets currently in training at the Afghan National Army Officer Academy in Kabul.

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16 janvier 2015 5 16 /01 /janvier /2015 12:35
ISAF flag returns to NATO Headquarters from Kabul


15 Jan. 2015 NATO


The flag of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission has been brought back from Kabul (Afghanistan) to NATO headquarters in Brussels (Belgium), on Thursday (15 January 2015).


“A flag is far more than a piece of cloth. It is a symbol. A nation’s flag is a symbol of unity, of history, of the sacrifices made by its people; and of the values for which it stands. And for the military, the flag is a symbol of pride,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a ceremony held today at NATO Headquarters. “For over a decade, NATO Allies and partner nations from across the world have served under the ISAF flag.  They have stood shoulder to shoulder with Afghanistan in the largest operation in the history of the Alliance. This flag is the symbol of that mission.  Of what we achieved.  And of the hard work and the sacrifices. It will be displayed here, inside our headquarters, visible to all , as a lasting memory and a enduring symbol of our ISAF mission in Afghanistan,” the Secretary General added.


ISAF flag returns to NATO Headquarters from Kabul


The ISAF mission was completed at the end of 2014, when the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces (ANDSF) assumed full security responsibility throughout Afghanistan. The relationship between NATO and Afghanistan is evolving and the scope of NATO’s support to Afghanistan has changed. A new, NATO-led mission (called Resolute Support) to train, advise and assist the ANDSF was launched on 1 January 2015. Also,  NATO Allies and partners are contributing to the financing of the ANDSF and are deepening their political dialogue and practical cooperation with Afghanistan, within the framework of the NATO-Afghanistan Enduring Partnership.

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19 décembre 2014 5 19 /12 /décembre /2014 17:35
The departure of 30 Albanian commandos on “Resolute Support” mission in Kabul, Afghanistan


19 December 2014 mod.gov.al


Minister Kodheli:You, Albanian commandos should commit yourself in the framework of the “Resolute Support”, alongside our allies and partners for a safer world for us and our children.


It was held today at the Air Force Command in Rinas the departure ceremony of contingent of Land Forces, to Kabul, Afghanistan, Commando Battalion who will act in the framework of the “Resolute Support”.


Defence Minister Mrs. Mimi Kodheli, Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Jeronim Bazo, Land Force Commander, Major General Zyber Dushku, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Tirana, Mr. Hidayet Bayraktar, senior militaries of the Ministry of Defence, General Staff of the Armed Forces, family members and relatives of soldiers attended at the departure ceremony of 30 commando troops in this mission were.

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14 novembre 2014 5 14 /11 /novembre /2014 17:35
Close Protection Team: Kabul

14 nov. 2014 Quelle: Redaktion der Bundeswehr 11/2014 14E20205


Die Personenschützer der Bundeswehr - im Einsatz gehören sie zu ständigen Begleitern ihrer Schutzperson. Sie stellen das Leben ihrer Schutzperson über das eigenen. In flexibel zusammengestellten Close Protection Teams (CPTs) organisieren sie den Transport und Schutz von Personen, die diesen Schutz benötigen.

Wir begleiten ein CPT auf den Straßen Kabuls und erfahren mehr über das Fahren im hektischen Straßenverkehr der afghanischen Hauptstadt.

Musik: Grand Prix Race von Florian Müller & Frank Fellermeier (Universal Music)

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11 novembre 2014 2 11 /11 /novembre /2014 12:50
NATO Secretary General tours Afghanistan


10 nov. 2014 NATO


Jens Stoltenberg pays a visit to Afghanistan for the first time as head of NATO. The Secretary General met with President Ashraf Ghani and went to Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-e Sharif and the Afghan commando base in Kabul, to pay tribute to those who had been injured or lost their lives.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 18:35
Philip Hammond joins Afghan president at military academy opening


11 November 2013 Ministry of Defence and Foreign & Commonwealth Office


The UK Defence Secretary has joined President Hamid Karzai at the formal opening of the Afghan National Army Officer Academy in Kabul.


The formal opening marks a significant step in Britain’s long-term commitment to a stable future for the country.

Having paid his respects at a remembrance service in Camp Bastion yesterday, Mr Hammond flew from Helmand province this morning to join President Karzai at Qargha, west of Kabul. There, at the Afghan National Army Officer Academy (ANAOA), he saw teaching rooms, living spaces and training areas where hundreds of officer cadets have recently started training, before addressing more than 1,000 members of the Afghan National Army (ANA) at the official launch of the academy.

There are 265 recruits in the first intake, narrowed down from more than 10,000 initial applications. Candidates will progress through a 42-week course designed to give them essential leadership skills to take into battle. It is inspired by the British Army’s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst model, and adapted to include courses that are Afghanistan-focused.

Following the launch Mr Hammond attended an Armistice Day service at the International Security Assistance Force headquarters in Kabul.

The Defence Secretary lays a wreath during the remembrance service held at Camp Bastion
The Defence Secretary lays a wreath during the remembrance service held at Camp Bastion [Picture: Corporal Ross Fernie, Crown copyright]

Mr Hammond said:

It was a pleasure being here to witness the official opening of the Afghan National Army Officer Academy. The efforts that have brought the academy to this point have been significant.

Modelled on the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, this academy will provide world-class training. It will teach the importance of leadership, of self-reliance, of personal discipline, of dedication and of service to fellow soldiers.

This will help ensure the Afghan officers and those training them will be of the highest quality, helping sustain the progress made in building a capable and professional force.

Warrant Officer Class 1 Peter Witkowski, 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, is the ANAOA sergeant major mentor. He said:

It’s fantastic here. It’s a great opportunity, particularly with the drawdown within Afghanistan, to be able to provide more support and assistance, particularly mentoring support for the ANA beyond 2014 here in Qargha.

The recruits who leave here will be posted to combat units around Afghanistan and will have a really important job. They will be leading young soldiers on operations and will work hard to improve stability in their country.

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