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23 mars 2014 7 23 /03 /mars /2014 12:20
Phantom Swift photo Boeing

Phantom Swift photo Boeing


20.03.2014 Romain Guillot journal-aviation.com



La DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) a finalement sélectionné quatre finalistes pour la phase 1 du programme VTOL-X. Après Sikorsky en décembre et Aurora Flight Science le mois dernier, l’agence de recherche américaine pour les programmes de défense a annoncé que Boeing et Karem Aircraft participeraient également au programme.


Boeing proposera évidemment son Phantom Swift, dont un modèle réduit conçu en à peine un mois a déjà volé dans un hangar de Philadelphie en septembre 2013. Karem Aircraft mise quant à lui sur un appareil avec propulseurs basculables.


Les différents acteurs ont maintenant 22 mois pour finaliser leur projet, le gagnant qui sera retenu par la DARPA devant pouvoir tester son concept en vol entre 2017 et 2018.


Rappelons que l’objectif final du programme VTOL-X est de concevoir (phase 2) et faire voler (phase 3) un démonstrateur capable de décoller et atterrir verticalement, tout en permettant des vitesses en palier comprises entre 300 et 400 nœuds. Le démonstrateur devra aussi être capable d’emporter une charge représentant au moins 40% de sa masse maximale, comprise entre 4,5 et 5,4 tonnes.


La phase 1 est partiellement financée par la DARPA, à la différence des phases 2 et 3 complètement contractualisées. La totalité du programme VTOL-X représente une enveloppe de 130 millions de dollars.

VTOL-X concept Karem Aircraft

VTOL-X concept Karem Aircraft

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 08:20
VTOL X-Plane Program Takes Off



March 20th, 2014 By US Department of Defense  - defencetalk.com


For generations, new designs for vertical takeoff and landing aircraft have remained unable to increase top speed without sacrificing range, efficiency or the ability to do useful work. DARPA’s VTOL Experimental Plane (VTOL X-Plane) program seeks to overcome these challenges through innovative cross-pollination between the fixed-wing and rotary-wing worlds, to enable radical improvements in vertical and cruise flight capabilities.


In an important step toward that goal, DARPA has awarded prime contracts for Phase 1 of VTOL X-Plane to four companies: Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation; The Boeing Company; Karem Aircraft, Inc; Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation.


“We were looking for different approaches to solve this extremely challenging problem, and we got them,” said Ashish Bagai, DARPA program manager.


“The proposals we’ve chosen aim to create new technologies and incorporate existing ones that VTOL designs so far have not succeeded in developing. We’re eager to see if the performers can integrate their ideas into designs that could potentially achieve the performance goals we’ve set.”


VTOL X-Plane seeks to develop a technology demonstrator that could:

    Achieve a top sustained flight speed of 300 kt-400 kt

    Raise aircraft hover efficiency from 60 percent to at least 75 percent

    Present a more favorable cruise lift-to-drag ratio of at least 10, up from 5-6

    Carry a useful load of at least 40 percent of the vehicle’s projected gross weight of 10,000-12,000 pounds


All four winning companies proposed designs for unmanned vehicles, but the technologies that VTOL X-Plane intends to develop could apply equally well to manned aircraft. Another common element among the designs is that they all incorporate multipurpose technologies to varying degrees.


Multipurpose technologies decrease the number of systems in a vehicle and its overall mechanical complexity. Multipurpose technologies also use space and weight more efficiently to improve performance and enable new and improved capabilities.


The next major milestone for VTOL X-Plane is scheduled for late 2015, when the four performers are required to submit preliminary designs. At that point, DARPA plans to review the designs to decide which to build as a technology demonstrator, with the goal of performing flight tests in the 2017-18 timeframe.

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