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10 septembre 2014 3 10 /09 /septembre /2014 11:35
SAFT équipera en batterie les T-50/A-50 de KAI.


9 septembre Aerobuzz.fr


Saft annonce avoir reçu une nouvelle importante commande pour la fourniture de systèmes de batterie de pointe de Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd (KAI). Suite à ce contrat, Saft équipera de ses batteries à base de nickel et sans maintenance, la nouvelle génération d’avions d’entrainement léger T-50/A-50 de KAI.


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26 juin 2014 4 26 /06 /juin /2014 11:35
Le commandant du 7e corps de l'armée de l'air américaine volera sur un T-50


SEOUL, 26 juin (Yonhap)


Le lieutenant-général Jan-Marc Jouas, le commandant du 7e corps de l'armée de l'air américaine, effectuera ce jeudi un vol expérimental sur un avion d'entraînement supersonique T-50 construit par Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), à la base aérienne de Gwangju, à 330 kilomètres au sud de Séoul. Il sera donc le premier commandant du 7e corps de l'armée de l'air américaine à voler sur un T-50.


«Ce vol a été organisé pour mieux comprendre l'excellence des avions d'entraînement supersoniques et du système d'entraînement des forces aériennes sud-coréennes en tant que commandant du 7e corps de l'armée de l'air», a fait savoir un responsable de l'armée de l'air. «Le lieutenant-général Jan-Marc Jouas sera sur le siège arrière de l'avion.»


Jan-Marc Jouas, pilote de F-16 et F-15, a à son compteur plus de 3.100 heures de vol.

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7 avril 2014 1 07 /04 /avril /2014 11:35
Philippines DND will be Acquiring a Multi-Role Fighter by 2018

After F/A-50 contract has signed, DND announced that it will be acquiring a multi-role fighter by 2018.


07 April 2014 Defense Studies

PHL to get MRF by 2018

MANILA, (PNA) — With the country now on its way to acquire its first-ever supersonic jet aircraft in 34 years, the Department of National Defense (DND) announced that it will be acquiring a "multi-role fighter" (MRF) by 2018.

This was revealed by DND undersecretary for finance, modernization, installations, and munitions Fernando Manalo

2018 is the second phase of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program.

During this period, the defense and military establishment will determine whether to acquire additional units of the South Korean F/A-50 "Fighting Eagle" or go full stream with the acquisition of the MRFs to enhance the country's external defense capabilities.

Studies are now underway to determine the best MRF designs for the Philippines.

The Philippines and Korea Aerospace Industries, Ltd (KAI) signed the P18.9 billion deal for 12 units of the F/A-50 last Friday. Manalo said that the first two F/A-50 jet aircraft will be delivered 18 months after the opening of the letter of credit, the next two will be delivered 12 months later and the remaining eight jet planes to be delivered in staggered basis within eight months.


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29 mars 2014 6 29 /03 /mars /2014 21:35
La Corée vend 12 chasseurs FA-50 aux Philippines



SEOUL, 28 mars (Yonhap)


Le gouvernement sud-coréen a signé ce vendredi un contrat de 420 millions de dollars pour l’exportation vers les Philippines de 12 avions de chasse légers FA-50 construits par Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), a annoncé ce vendredi l’Administration du programme d’acquisition de défense (DAPA). Le FA-50 est un dérivé de l’avion d’entraînement supersonique T-50 Golden Eagle que KAI a développé conjointement avec l’américain Lockheed Martin.


Ont participé à la cérémonie de signature à Manille le ministre de la Défense philippin, Voltaire Gazmin, le commissaire de la DAPA, Lee Yong-geol, et le PDG de KAI, Ha Sung-yong. Selon les termes de l’accord de gouvernement à gouvernement, KAI livrera les appareils au cours des 38 prochains mois.


Le contrat a été conclu après que la présidente sud-coréenne Park Geun-hye et le président philippin Benigno Aquino III ont signé en octobre de l’année dernière un protocole d’entente pour l’expansion de la coopération dans le domaine de la défense.

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20 décembre 2013 5 20 /12 /décembre /2013 12:35
KAI livrera 60 hélicoptères Surion à l'armée de terre d'ici 2017



SEOUL, 19 déc. (Yonhap)


Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) a déclaré ce jeudi avoir signé un contrat de 1.700 milliards de wons (1,6 milliard de dollars) pour la livraison de 60 hélicoptères Surion à l’armée de terre d’ici 2017.


Ce contrat, le deuxième du genre, a été conclu avec l’Administration du programme d’acquisition de défense (DAPA) après le premier accord signé en 2010 pour la vente de 20 hélicoptères.


KAI a consacré 1.300 milliards de wons depuis 2006 au développement de cet hélicoptère bimoteur qui rivalisera avec l’UH-60 et l’AW-149. Les appareils ont subi des tests de vol pendant plus de 2.700 heures et passé 7.600 évaluations avant d’être certifiés pour leur mise en service.


L’entreprise a prévu que pas moins de 400 Surion, ou hélicoptère utilitaire coréen (KUH), pourraient être vendus dans le pays dans les années à venir et 300 unités à l'étranger.


La demande locale inclut les hélicoptères pour le corps des Marines, la police ainsi que pour d’autres agences gouvernementales.


KAI a par ailleurs annoncé que, outre ce dernier contrat, l’entreprise a décroché des nouvelles commandes d’une valeur globale de 6.100 milliards de wons en 2013. La société a précisé que le montant des contrats liés aux pièces détachées dépasserait largement la barre des 6,2 milliards de wons, l’objectif qui a été fixé pour cette année.

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26 juillet 2013 5 26 /07 /juillet /2013 11:35
KAI Publishes Small KF-X Concept

26 July 2013 By Bradley Perrett, Bill Sweetman – Pacific Sentinel


Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has published a drawing of a moderately stealthy fighter concept based on its T-50 series of supersonic trainers and light-attack aircraft. The concept aircraft is far smaller and less ambitious than the all-new, twin-engine KF-X designs promoted by the Agency for Defense Development, the leading proponent of building an indigenous South Korea fighter.
Some South Korean industry officials doubt that the country has the technical resources to build the KF-X, especially if major civil aerospace programs go ahead at the same time; a 90-seat turboprop airliner is also proposed. But a KF-X derived from a current type would demand less engineering and may benefit from stronger pricing by avoiding competition with the Lockheed Martin F-35, although Saab is already in the market for advanced but moderately sized fighters with its Gripen E/F.
The T-50 and its FA-50 light fighter derivative are themselves based on the F-16 and were developed with help from Lockheed Martin, but the stealthy concept, called KF-X-E, departs from the F-16 planform used for the earlier aircraft. Some wing and fuselage edges are parallel, and the trailing edges of the main and tail planes are swept forward. The fuselage sides have chines. Nose volume of the KF-X-E appears to be small, limiting the size of the radar antenna, but the airframe seems to have more volume overall than the T-50, offering more space for internal fuel and thereby minimizing the need for external tanks and their radar reflections.
Read the full story at Aviation Week
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7 mai 2013 2 07 /05 /mai /2013 16:35
FA-50 lightweight fighter (KAI photo)

FA-50 lightweight fighter (KAI photo)

Korea Aerospace has won a second Korean air force production order worth about $1 billion for an unspecified number of FA-50 lightweight fighters. (KAI photo)

May 7, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Korea Aerospace Industries; issued May 7, 2013)


KAI Contract for Mass Producing the FA-50


KAI announced on May 6th that the company concluded the contract for mass producing the FA-50, amounting to approximately 1.1 trillion won with The Defense Acquisition Program Administration ("DAPA"). In accordance with the contract, subsequent to the first mass production contract which was signed on 2011, KAI plans to deploy the aircraft (first production portion) for preparing for the actual battle beginning in August and seek its entire force integration until 2016.


The FA-50 is a light combat aircraft which was developed based on the T-50, a supersonic advanced trainer in order to replace the military's superannuated fighters, like the F-5E/Fs and A-37s. The FA-50 combat aircraft is able to load up to 4.5 tons of weapons including the basic weapons like air-to-air/air-to-surface missiles and machine guns as well as precision guidance bombers such as JDAMs, or joint direct attack munitions and multi-purpose precision guidance CBUs (or cluster bomb units). Also, the FA-50 fighter, complete with a night vision apparatus, has a mission capability both in the daytime and in the night time and boasts its improved self-protection ability for the aircraft itself.


“The FA-50 aircraft is excellent in performance compared with the price. Through the operation of the home-grown airplane which is high in terms of operation ratio and is low in terms of maintenance cost, the Korean military's self-reliance defense potential will be doubled," an official at the military said. KAI won the order for the FA-50 PBL, or Performance Based Logistics project in November last year and is in charge of the development and production, stepping forward the subsequent support of the airplane.


KAI told, "Through the Korean military's operation ability for the actual battle and KAI's thorough logistics support, the confidence in the performance, safety and follow-up ability of the aircraft are further enhanced, which will accelerate the exports of the home-grown airplanes including the FA-50."


In October last year, the FA-50 airplane was verified in terms of a flight safety test of about 1,300 items and acquired the Korea's Type Certification for the first time in the Korea's fighter-class aircraft, securing a bridgehead for exports. KAI, which set a goal for exporting more than 1,000 T-50 series airplanes forecasts positively the exports of the FA-50 and makes effort to export the T-50 series airplanes to other nations, like the Philippines, Iraq and Chile.


Thanks to the fact which the worldwide replacement demand for the old and superannuated F-5 and A-37 airplanes is on the increase more and more but the light attack aircraft which is able to substitute those planes is only the FA-50 model or something like it, KAI makes a positive evaluation on exporting the FA-50. The air forces of the nations in the world operate both the high-intensity mission fighters and low-intensity mission fighters at the same time, depending on their operation purpose.


In the meanwhile, KAI has won the orders for the FA-50, amounting to approximately 3 trillion won, including the contract thus far and is sailing smoothly to achieve the goal of 6.2 trillion won which the company set this year. "Thanks to the successful large-scale export contracts in the first half of this year, including the order amounting to 1.2 trillion won with Boeing in April in succession to the deal for fuselage parts worthy of approximately 460 billion won with Airbus in March, KAI predicts that its goal set for 2013 will be achieved without difficulty," told KAI.

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