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30 juillet 2015 4 30 /07 /juillet /2015 11:40
Corvette Steregushchiy (photo  Almaz)

Corvette Steregushchiy (photo Almaz)


23 juil. 2015 par Rostec


La nouvelle corvette pour la Flotte de Russie est mise en place sur les chantiers navals d’Amour. Elle complétera les forces en surface de la Flotte du Pacifique. Ce bateau avec des missiles guidés est la corvette du projet 20380. Elles sont toutes équipées de systèmes de lutte radio-électronique élaborés par une entreprise du KRET.


Le nouveau bateau est baptisé du nom du héros de Russie Aldar Tsydenjapov qui au prix de sa vie a stoppé l’expansion d’un incendie sur le contre-torpilleur « Bystry » en 2010 et ainsi sauvé son équipage.


Ce bateau sera déjà la troisième corvette du projet 20380 qui est construite sur les chantiers d’Amour pour la Flotte du Pacifique (TOF). Comme l’a fait remarquer le chef du service de presse de la TOF Roman Martov, il sera mis en place sur le chantier la prochaine corvette du projet 20380 avant la fin de cette année.


Il y a déjà quatre bateaux de ce projet au sein des Forces Maritimes de Russie : « Steregoushi », « Soobrazitelnyi », « Boïki » et « Stoïki », tous au sein de la Flotte de la Baltique. Il y a deux mois la corvette « Sovremennyi » a été mise à l’eau. On installe actuellement l’équipement sur le bateau. Après la fin des tests, le bateau sera intégré au sein de la Flotte du Pacifique. Les nouvelles corvettes doivent devenir la base des Forces Maritimes de la Russie dans la zone maritime proche.


Les corvettes du projet 20380 sont prévues pour lutter contre les bateaux de surface et les sous-marins ennemis, ainsi que pour le soutien de débarquement au cours d’opérations. Ils ont un tirant d’eau d’environ deux mille tonnes, une longueur de plus de 100 mètres, elles développent une vitesse de jusqu’à 27 nœuds et ont une autonomie de navigation qui atteint 4000 milles.


Les bateaux ont un corpus de pont en acier lisse et une superstructure réalisée en matériaux composites de plusieurs couches tenant compte des exigences de la technologie « Stels ».

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18 décembre 2014 4 18 /12 /décembre /2014 12:40
MiG-31BM photo RIA Novosti. Vladislav Belogrud

MiG-31BM photo RIA Novosti. Vladislav Belogrud


16/12/2014 par Emmanuel Huberdeau – Air& Cosmos


La société russe KRET (Radio-Electronic Technologies) a annoncé la signature d'un contrat avec UAC (United Aircraft Corporation ) pour la modernisation de 50 chasseurs Mig-31 russes. Les appareils vont être équipés du radar Zaslon-M. Ces Mig-31 vont ainsi être portés au standard Mig-31MB d'ici 2018. Ce standard dispose de capacité air-air accrue avec l'emport du missile K-77-1 (70 km de portée) et du missile R-73 (AA-11 Archer). Selon KRET, la portée du radar Zaslon-M est de 320 km contre des cibles de la taille d'un chasseur. Les systèmes embarqués du Mig-31MB peuvent suivre simultanément 10 pistes.


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12 août 2014 2 12 /08 /août /2014 16:40
KRET Photo Marina Lystseva

KRET Photo Marina Lystseva


12 Aug 2014 by Rostec

During the 3rd International Forum “Engineering Technologies-2014”, and the 2nd International Exhibition of Weapons, Technology, and Innovations “Oboronexpo-2014”, KRET will for the first time present various systems for the on-board avionics equipment to be used in drone models.


KRET will present a universal on-board system that can be used for both military and civilian unmanned airplanes and helicopters. The concern will also present recent innovations from fifteen of its subsidiaries for unmanned aircraft operating systems, including flight control and navigation systems, fuel systems, computer systems, and more.

“KRET is proactively developing advanced avionics systems for both military and civilian unmanned aerial vehicles,” said Andrey Tyulin, KRET Deputy CEO for strategic planning and state defense orders. “We will present more than twenty innovations for the first time, including piloting, fuel, and cable systems for unmanned aerial vehicles of any type.”

KRET will also demonstrate a unique digital multifunction radar system developed by Phazotron. The radar can detect and track air, ground, and surface targets; issue targeting information to other drone systems; adjust navigation tasks; and generate surface radar images at a specified resolution.

We will present more than twenty innovations for the first time, including piloting, fuel, and cable systems for unmanned aerial vehicles of any type.

Andrey Tyulin, KRET Deputy CEO for Strategic Planning and State Defense Orders.

The exhibition will also feature an integrated control system developed by the Design Bureau of Industrial Automation for unmanned helicopters, as well as test flight information registers and cockpit displays. Another innovation to be presented is a model of the VVS-V3-2 flight information calculator. Designed by the Ulyanovsk Instrument Design Bureau, it transmits information about the altitude and speed of the aircraft necessary for flight control to the drone’s navigation and piloting system.

KRET will also present a gimbal-free inertia system made by the Moscow Institute of Electromechanics and Automation. The system can determine the location of the aircraft as well as collect, process, and deliver complex navigation and flight information. The KRET enterprise Avia-Automation named for V. V. Tarasov will also present a weapons control system.

The drone technology exhibit will occupy its own space in KRET’s multimedia pavilion, which takes up 1,800 square feet. KRET’s open displays will occupy 660 square meters. For the first time new innovations in the field of electronic intelligence and warfare will also be presented. A total of 41 enterprises will be represented at the KRET exhibit. In order to review background information about KRET and learn about the exhibition’s features, a special app can be downloaded to a smartphone. Guests can also use the multi-touch smart display at the KRET exhibit.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 11:40
KRET Photo Marina Lystseva

KRET Photo Marina Lystseva

August 07, 2014 by Rostec

KRET has for the first time entered the international ranking, companied by the authoritative American weekly Defense News. The company took 52nd place among the top 100 defense companies in the world.

In compiling the rankings, international experts took into account not only brand awareness, quality, reliability, and popularity of the companies, but also a detailed investigation into their financial performance and growth dynamics over the past few years in regard to weapons production.

Between 2011 and 2013, KRET increased its total revenue by almost one and a half, from RUB 45 billion ($1.3 billion) to RUB 77.3 billion ($2.4 billion). During this time, the value of state defense orders fulfilled by KRET increased six-fold, from RUB 6.4 billion ($179 million) to RUB 40 billion ($1.1 billion). KRET was simultaneously able to optimize fully financial flows, improving transparency and the effectiveness of enterprise expenditures. By the end of 2013, KRET had earned RUB 64.2 billion ($1.8 billion) in revenue from sales of military products, a 12.3% increase from 2012. Military products made up 76% of the concern’s total revenue for 2013.

“Today, KRET is Russia’s largest developer and supplier of integrated systems of modern electronic equipment, electronic warfare systems and equipment, and civil and military avionics. Joining the group of the top 100 defense companies in the world affirms the competitiveness of Russian electronics and demonstrates the effectiveness of the model used by Rostec Corporation to integrate leading companies of the industry under the single brand of KRET,” said KRET CEO Nikolay Kolesov.

According to Kolesov, the concern is not going to rest easy and has already started updating its development strategy. New business models will fully meet the modern requirements and changes happening in the international market. The concern is placing primary emphasis on the diversification of production, strengthening the production of civil goods, integrating scientific and technical potential and attracting world-class, qualified personnel to the concern’s businesses.

KRET has operated as a single brand  and an independent member of the international aerospace and defense markets since 2014. KRET’s products can be found in more than 30 countries around the world. Innovative developments in radar stations (RLS) developed by KRET have already been installed in 70% of all Russian fighter jets and will also be used in next-generation helicopter and airplane technologies.

At the international airshow Farnborough 2014, held last July, KRET products were praised by the world’s leading experts. The Russian manufacturer introduced some of its most advanced products in avionics systems, electronic warfare systems, and friend-or-foe identification systems. KRET demonstrated that it is competent and prepared for long-term cooperation in creating new, integrated solutions for the radio-electronics industry.

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9 août 2014 6 09 /08 /août /2014 16:40
Rostec Corporation holding companies recognized as leaders of the defense industry


August 08, 2014 by Rostec


The list of top 100 defense manufacturers as compiled by the American periodical Defense News included Russian Helicopters, United Engine Corporation, and KRET


Several subsidiaries of Rostec Corporation were included in the prestigious rating of the world’s top defense companies published by the American weekly Defense News.

The holding company Russian Helicopters took 25th place, the United Engine Corporation came in 34th place, and KRET ranked in the list for the first time in the list in 52nd place.

The rankings depend not only on brand awareness, quality, reliability, and popularity of the company, but also a detailed investigation into financial performance and growth dynamics over the past few years in regard to weapons production.

For example, in 2013, the United Engine Corporation made $4.8 billion in revenue. KRET made $2.4 billion, while Russian Helicopters made $4.2 billion.

A total of eight Russian companies were included in the rankings, including Concern Almaz-Antei (12th place), Sukhoi (46th place), Irkut (56th place), MiG (71st place), and RTI (78th place). Defense News has compiled the ranking of top 100 companies since 1991.

Rostec Corporation was founded in Russia in 2007 to promote the development, production, and export of high-tech industrial products for civilian and military purposes. Rostec has 663 subsidiaries organized into 9 defense industry holding companies and 5 civil industry holding companies. Rostec Corporation enterprises are located in 60 regions of the Russian Federation and deliver products to markets in more than 70 countries. In 2013, Rostec revenue amounted to RUB 1.04 trillion, with a net profit of RUB 40 billion.

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8 août 2014 5 08 /08 /août /2014 12:40
photo Rostec

photo Rostec


02.07.2014 by Rostec


Les militaires recevront des senseurs individuels d’identification


En 2017 les militaires russes doivent recevoir des senseurs individuels «ami-ennemi». L’échange de signaux spéciaux permettra de distinguer les représentants de son camp sur le champ de bataille indépendamment de l’équipement, des moyens de camouflage, etc. Les experts notent que la propagation de ces systèmes au niveau de l’échelon tactique aidera à diminuer les pertes militaires.


La fabrication de systèmes d’identification pour le personnel est entrée dans le projet de création d’un cluster de recherche et de production à Kazan sous l’égide du consortium «Technologies radio-électroniques» (KRET) (КРЭТ). Le projet, après avoir reçu l’accord du vice premier ministre Dimitri Rogozine et du ministre de l’industrie et du commerce Denis Mantourov, suppose la coopération de six entreprises dont deux d’entre elles sont situées dans la capitale du Tatarstan. C’est justement là qu’il sera fabriqué l’équipement, l’étude sera réalisée dans d’autres villes.


Le consortium dépensera 10,6 milliards de roubles pour la coopération de six de ses entreprises et pour leur rééquipement jusqu’en 2017. Outre les senseurs pour l’infanterie et la nouvelle génération de systèmes «ami-ennemi» pour l’aviation et la flotte, le cluster fabriquera également des complexes de lutte radio-électronique et des systèmes de navigation de proximité pour les avions et les hélicoptères.


L’adjoint du directeur général du KRET pour la planification stratégique et la réalisation des commandes d’Etat de la défense Andreï Tiouline a parlé des plans de fabrication de nouveaux systèmes pour l’armée russe.  Selon lui, le système «ami-ennemi» pour les soldats sera réalisé sous la forme d’une application – senseur installé sur le vêtement du militaire. Il sera programmé en fonction des tâches fixées. Le Ministère de la Défense est déjà très intéressé par cette élaboration.


Le système antérieur « ami-ennemi » a été créé pour les pays du Pacte de Varsovie et il a été prévu pour l’identification des chars, des avions, des bateaux mais pas des personnes. «Maintenant les conflits ont souvent un caractère local et l’armement utilisé par les différentes parties est souvent produit dans un même pays. Les systèmes d’identification ne fonctionnent pas dans cette situation. Les militaires sont arrivés à la conclusion qu’il faut les compléter rapidement avec une application modifiée. Nous passons de la défense de l’objet à la défense de l’homme», – a dit Andreï Tiouline.


Les nouveaux senseurs peuvent entrer dans la composition de l’équipement «Ratnik» ou «Barmitsa».


On pourra distinguer un soldat «ami» d’un soldat «ennemi» avec le même équipement en regardant l'écran du dispositif spécial semblable à un téléphone mobile. Il affiche l’emplacement actuel du soldat sur une carte électronique et l’emplacement des forces amies.


Les exportateurs russes n’ont pas d’information sur la présence d’un tel système dans les troupes de l’OTAN. Les experts militaires pensent que le nombre de cas de «feu ami» dans le cadre d’opération de maintien de la paix permet de parler de son absence.

Il est prévu dans le cadre du cluster de réunir des entreprises de Kazan : le groupe de recherche et de production «Radioélectronika» V.I. Chimko et l’usine «Radiopribor». En plus, encore quatre entreprises du KRET participeront à la corporation : Institut radiotechnique de recherche scientifique de Kalouga, usine de Samara « Ecran », usine de radio Jigoulevski et groupe de production de construction d’appareils d’Oufa. Le cluster est créé comme une production d’usage mixte (civil et militaire).


«La recette totale attendue du cluster avant 2020 est de 18 milliards de roubles, un cinquième de cette somme provient de la part de l'identification. Ces systèmes apportent un how-Know pour le développement de la production civile – systèmes d’identification et de limitation d’accès pour le transport, le secteur de l’énergie. Six entreprises participent actuellement au projet mais nous voulons ouvrir au business privé un accès à l'équipement pour qu'il travaille en trois – huit et baisser le coût de revient de la production», - a noté Andreï Tiouline.


Selon le premier adjoint du président du comité pour l’industrie de la Douma d’Etat Vladimir Goutenev, il faut un strict contrôle des fuites d’information dans une entreprise où il cohabite une production militaire secrète et civile high-tech.

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8 avril 2014 2 08 /04 /avril /2014 16:40
KRET is the new face of Radio-Electronic Technologies

08.04.2014 by Rostec

The state corporation Rostec has unveiled a new brand for the concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET). The rebranding will improve capitalization and allow the concern to implement its strategy for international expansion, including integration into world markets and the introduction of an IPO.


The KRET Brand

The rebranding allows the concern to be identified by the same abbreviation of KRET in both Russian and English. This policy coincides with the strategy of its parent company Rostec, who implemented its own name change in late 2012. Given that 75% of its production has military purposes, KRET has become the leader of Russia’s military-industrial complex. The concern has also adopted a policy of increased transparency in communicating with partners, investors, and the media. The new brand gives KRET an image of strength and severity, along with openness and readiness to pursue mutual beneficial partnerships.

As KRET CEO Nikolai Kolesov noted, the rebranding will allow the concern to increase its capitalization in the long term. “An international brand and dual-language site are designed to help implement KRET’s strategy of international expansion, including integration into the world markets and the introduction of an IPO,” he said.


The new brand and dual-language site are designed to help implement KRET’s strategy for international expansion and the introduction of an IPO

Nikolai Kolesov, KRET CEO



KRET’s new logo consists of its abbreviated name graphic design, a stylized image of a pixel grid on which three symmetrical diamonds are visible. This symbolism is the essence of most of the concern’s technology: the transformation of real objects into a digital model.
“Competition in the global market is not possible without a strong, recognizable brand. Yet due to specifics of the dual-purpose enterprise, this resource is insufficiently used in Russia. Still, effective communication with the outside world is a competitive factor in the global market,” noted Vasily Brovko, Rostec communications director. “The rebranding aims to create a modern image of the concern as an innovative company with the strategic resources and objectives to develop unique, high-performance military and civilian technologies of the future that can also reach a new level of business.”



KRET now has a new, multimedia website at www.kret.com. The site advances the concern’s new brand, presenting a multimedia portal for interaction with the outside world. KRET intends to adopt a policy of maximum openness with its partners, investors, and the media, which a new internet forum for feedback will help promote. To make communication with foreign colleagues as efficient as possible, information on the new site will be published in two languages, Russian and English. To increase visibility, the site will also provide videos, photos, and text about all aspects of KRET.

The strategic communications center Apostle, in partnership with SomeOneElse, one of the top creative agencies in the UK, developed the website. This team has also worked on projects for HSBC, Land Rover, BBC, Yota, Universal, and Rolling Stones. Warren Hutchinson, founder and design director of SomeOneElse led the project, which began in 2013 and took more than a year to complete.


This project sets a high standard for companies in the international market for radio-electronic technologies

Steve Haggarty, Apostle art director


“The developers were able to convey in their unique graphic language the product reliability of KRET and the stability of the company, along with its openness to cooperation, innovation, and investment. This project sets a high standard for companies in the international market for radio-electronic technologies,” said Steve Haggarty, art director for Apostle.

As part of its rebranding, the concern will use all digital communication channels, including video blogs and social networks. KRET already has official accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VKontakte, and official channel in YouTube.



KRET has adopted a range of initiatives for building effective communication in an effort to implement its development strategy by 2020. The concern’s priorities include creating new products for civil and military purposes, improving the competitiveness of its avionics systems, modernizing its production facilities on a large-scale, and transitioning to a complex supplier model. According to the strategy, KRET’s net profit will grow 4.5 times to 20 billion rubles in 2020, with revenue increasing more than 3 times to 204 billion rubles. By 2020, the projected capitalization of the concern is expected to exceed 237 billion rubles.


The concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) is Russia’s largest holding company in the radio-electronics industry. Founded in 2009, it is now a part of the state corporation Rostec. KRET specializes in the development and manufacture of avionics systems for civil and military aviation, air-based radar, state identification systems, radio warfare complexes, multipurpose measuring instrumentation, electrical connectors and cable systems. Additionally, the concern’s enterprises produce various household appliances, medical equipment, and control systems for energy, transportation, and engineering industries. KRET, which includes 97 enterprises, design bureaus, and production plants located in 28 constituent territories of the Russian Federation, employs more than 66,000 people.

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5 avril 2014 6 05 /04 /avril /2014 11:40
KRET to create avionics for a new high-speed helicopter


05.04.2014 by Rostec


The concern will present its best developments at HeliRussia-2014


The concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) will present their best developments in the field of helicopter avionics at HeliRussia-2014, an international exhibition for the helicopter industry. The event is to take place May 22-24 at the Crocus Expo exhibition center in Moscow. The most important development KRET will present at the exhibition will be an avionics system for a new high-speed helicopter.


20 enterprises of KRET will participate in HeliRussia-2014, presenting their latest developments in helicopter avionics.


The main showpiece will be an avionics system for a new high-speed helicopter (KBO PSV) that is currently being developed in Russia. It is based on the principles of integrated modular avionics and features an open, adaptive architecture of the onboard computer system. Specialists worked on its design at the Ulyanovsk Engineering Design Bureau, which is part of KRET.

The onboard equipment is based on the principles of a glass cockpit, with dashboard indicators appearing on a high-resolution widescreen. This modern system informs pilots about the helicopter’s surroundings and issues critical flight warnings.

GPS and GLONASS systems help to determine the helicopter’s coordinates and support automatic and manual correction. The new system also provides visual surveillance of either the helicopter’s cargo compartment or passenger cabin.


The Ryazan State Instrument Plant (GRPZ), another enterprise of KRET, will present a modern system of intelligent video processing for optoelectronic observation and a sighting system for the Ka-52 strike helicopter. One of the main exhibits of the factory will be an indicator and targeting helmet. Lightweight, weighing than 2 kg, the helmet will be the most advanced and without equal in Russia.


The corporation Fazotron-NIIP will present the Crossbow (FH-01) multifunctional radar system for the Ka-52 military helicopter. The Saratov Design Bureau of Industrial Automation (KBPA), which specializes in the design and manufacture of helicopter control systems, will present a remote control navigation computer, which solves navigational issues and provides control of the helicopter in both automatic and manual modes.

A laser system for optical-electronic suppression, part of the President-S electronic warfare system created by experts at the Ekran Samara Research Institute, will have a distinct place at the exhibition. The laser system will provide individual protection against guided missiles with infrared homing devices from the Mi-28NE (Night Hunter) helicopter.


The concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) is the Russia’s largest center for defense and civilian instrumentation industries. Founded in 2009, KRET is part of the state corporation Rostec. It develops technology in the industries of electronic warfare (EW), avionics (electronic systems for aircraft), state identification systems, multipurpose instrumentation, electrical connectors and cable systems, various household appliances, and medical instruments. KRET, which includes 97 enterprises located in 28 constituent territories of the Russian Federation, employs more than 60,000 people. Its products can be found in more than 60 countries.

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22 mars 2014 6 22 /03 /mars /2014 12:40
KRET to invest RUB 58 billion in development


21.03.2014 by Rostec


In the next two years the Concern's companies will implement 192 new projects


Between 2014-2016 KRET enterprises will implement 192 new projects. This allows to raise the output of innovative products by more than 75% during three years.


Under this program of action in 2014 KRET will invest a total of RUB 20.9 billion in the modernization of the Concern's enterprises as well as into research and development. In 2015 another RUB 16.8 billion will be invested and in 2016 - RUB 20.3 billion.

According to Concern’s CEO Nikolay Kolesov, KRET's program of action for 2014-2016 is oriented at the large-scale renovation of production facilities. Nikolay Kolesov reported, "We will implement innovations not only at the production stage, but also in the new product development stage.  This will allow us to offer systems and equipment to our partners that are able to compete effectively with foreign counterparts."

According to him, this will help to boost sales and increase market share in priority market segments on both the domestic Russian market and abroad.

The Concern will earmark most investments for the development of avionics and related electronics for military and civil aviation applications as well as for the development and production of radio-electronic warfare systems. More than 75% of all the Concern's investments will be allocated to the development of these product lines.

A total of RUB 27.3 billion is planned to be invested in research and development over three years. During this period the Concern will offer the Russian army a number of new developments in Identification Fried or Foe (IFF) systems, electronic warfare systems, as well as promising avionics equipment prototypes for military and transport aircraft.

The Concern's companies will continue to actively participate in federal target programs for the development of companies in the actual sector. Total investments under the FTP will be RUB 8.5 billion in 2014, and they will be increased to RUB 17.7 billion in 2016.

The implementation of the investment program will allow the Concern to preserve its leading position as the main Russian developer and producer of avionics and related electronics, IFF transponders, electronic warfare equipment and airborne radar as well as to increase its sales proceeds from RUB 99.7 billion in 2014 to RUB 146 billion in 2016.

KRET also plans to increase the number of innovative products of its own manufacturing by more than 75%, from RUB 28.9 billion in 2014 to RUB 48.2 billion in 2016.

It also plans to increase the number of civilian products that it produces. KRET companies produce a wide range of products, from complex systems for metering electricity and controlling the operation of various systems for hydroelectric power stations to high-tech medical devices, instrumentation and modern household appliances.


THE RADIO-ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY GROUP (KRET)   was founded by Rostec in 2009. It is the largest Russian holding in the radio-electronics industry. KRET unites 97 research institutes, design bureaus and production plants that are located in 28 federal entities across Russia. More than 66,000 people work at the Concern's

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 12:40
KRET to double its income

March 19, 2014, Rostec

KRET has embraced a program of action for 2014-2016. The concern plans to increase sales proceeds up to 146 billion in two years and to move on from the production of separate components to the supply of integrated electronic complexes for  military and civil purposes.


The 2020 development strategy was embraced by the KRET last year. The concern has set an ambitious goal – to become the leader in the Russian and CIS market of airborne electronic avionics.

“The three-year action program is a sort of a «road map», which makes more specific the tasks and describes the actions of all divisions and services of the concern. Its realization is to allow us to increase the sale proceeds in 2016 by almost two times compared to 2013 and ensure the growth of KRET’s profitability from 6.3 to 11.7 billion rubles during the same time period”, said Nikolay Kolesov, CEO of the KRET.

One of the key KRET’s development areas is to become a transfer from supplying of separate components and systems to sales of the integrated airborne avionics complexes (AA). According to the concern’s plans a share of the complex decisions up to 2016 must exceed 30% of all AA supplies.

KRET plans to continue its cooperations with the leading Russian civil and military aerotechnics manufacturers - United Aircraft and Russian Helicopters. In August 2013, at the International Aviation and Space Show in Zhukovski, the concern has signed new agreements for partnerships with these companies. According to these agreements, KRET has taken responsibility for the whole life cycle of the available United Aircraft equipment, starting from the development of the visual and up to the post-sales service of the end products. Furthermore, KRET is conducting a development of new AA prototypes for the perspective helicopters in terms of agreement with Russian Helicopters.

As a result of the program’s implementation, the sale proceeds of KRET are to grow from 99.7 to 146 billion rubles with a net income of 11.7 billion rubles for the same period.

The  Radioelectronic Technologies group (KRET), a largest Russian holding of the radioelectronic sector, was founded in 2009. It specializes in production of the radioelectronic warfare and complexes, struggle, aircraft equipment for the air vessels, and metering instruments. The group’s enterprises produce also household and medical equipment, control systems and equipment for the FEC, transportation, and machine industry. KRET is a division of the Rostec  state corporations.

Source: Press Release

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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 07:40
High-Precision, Safe Landing Systems

Oct. 15, 2013 Rostec


KRET has developed a multispectral aircraft landing system that greatly reduces the risk of emergencies


Landing an aircraft is one of the most difficult aspects of piloting. A majority of accidents happens during this stage. KRET experts are developing special landing systems that will greatly reduce the risks associated with landing.

The multispectral landing system developed by KRET specialists provides an extremely accurate and reliable method for landing both manned and unmanned aircraft. The system is able to guide the aircraft to the ground and direct movement, braking, taxiing, and other maneuvers.

In developing the system, the Ryazan Instrument Factory has drawn on its extensive scientific and technological experience and manufacturing potential. Premier domestic aircraft, such as MiG-29, Su-27, and Su-30, all use products from the Ryazan factory. 

To increase landing safety, the system relies on two primary components. First, the electronic component–the relative coordinate positioning system (SOOK)–uses satellite technology to determine the flight parameters of the aircraft and the location of the landing site.

Aircraft coordinates and speed are determined using information from GLONASS and GPS satellites. The two parts of the landing system, one of which is on the aircraft, and the other which is at the intended landing site, directly communicate with each other. The standard deviation of the system in determining coordinates is no more than .6 meters and no more than .1 meters per second for determining speeds.

The second component is an optoelectronic landing system that uses different spectral channels and functions for image processing.

The system, which is onboard the aircraft, measures distances and calculates location, as well as approach and descent speed. The video monitor displays the aircraft as it lands. The range of error for aircraft up to 10 kilometers away is minimal, with a relative angular deviation of no more than 60” and a distance deviation of no more than a meter.

The presence of the two components, which have fundamentally different ways of determining aspects of movement, greatly increases the survivability of the system, and thus the probability of a safe landing.

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