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9 mars 2015 1 09 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
INS Sindhuratna - photo Indian Navy

INS Sindhuratna - photo Indian Navy


9 mars 2015. Portail des Sous-Marins


Le gouvernement indien a retenu 2 chantiers navals — Larsen & Toubro (L&T) et Pipavav Defence & Offshore Engineering Company — pour l’attribution d’un contrat de construction de 6 sous-marins classiques dans le cadre de son projet 75i.


Selon des sources haut-placées, un comité de haut-niveau présidé par le vice-amiral Subhedar, a inspecté à la fois des chantiers navals privés et publics en vue de sélectionner les chantiers pouvant postuler à l’attribution du contrat. Dans sa présentation au ministère de la défense la semaine dernière, le comité a retenu les 2 chantiers navals du secteur privé : le chantier Katupalli de L&T et Pipavav.


Le contrat sera du type “achat et construction en Inde”. Cela implique que le ou les chantiers devront conclure des accords avec des sociétés étrangères.


Le chantier Pipavav a déjà conclu de tels accords, avec DCNS par exemple. L’objectif du chantier est de se diversifier sur le marché des sous-marins. Il a aussi la capacité de construire plusieurs sous-marins en même temps.


Le Projet 75i prévoit la construction de 6 sous-marins classiques à propulsion anaérobie. La livraison doit intervenir en 2022.


Référence : Financial Express (Inde)

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2 décembre 2014 2 02 /12 /décembre /2014 17:35
L’Inde lance la compétition pour des canons automoteurs

02.12.2014 par Guillaume Belan (FOB)

Le Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) indien vient (enfin!) de décider, le 25 novembre dernier, de lancer la procédure d’acquisition pour 814 canons d’artillerie autopropulsés de 155 mm 52 calibre, pour un montant de 2,5 milliards de dollars. Le RfP (Request for Proposal) serait imminent. Ce programme d’acquisition remonte aux années 80. Las, un scandale de corruption avait alors annulé la procédure. L’armée de terre indienne a lancé plusieurs compétitions pour remplacer ses 2000 canons de 105 mm : canons tractés, embarqués sur camions ou chenillés de différents calibres, pour un marché total estimé à plus de 5 milliards d’euros.

Pour la compétition canons autopropulsés, le français Nexter s’est allié à Larsen & Toubro et propose une version locale du Caesar (relier ici l’article de FOB). Les 100 premiers systèmes doivent être achetés sur étagère et les 714 suivant produits localement.

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23 juin 2014 1 23 /06 /juin /2014 11:35
photo Defense Update

photo Defense Update


June 20, 2014 sd-magazine.com


Nexter Systems, Larsen & Toubro Limited (L&T) and Ashok Leyland Defence Systems have signed a consortium agreement to collaborate for the Mounted Gun System (MGS) artillery programme of the Indian Army.


The artillery system proposed for the MGS programme by the consortium led by L&T acting as prime contractor is a version of the well-known CAESAR® artillery system fitted onto a 6x6 Super Stallion chassis from Ashok Leyland. Unveiled for the first time at the DEFEXPO show in New Delhi in February 2014, the Indian version of the CAESAR® is also on display at the Nexter stand at Eurosatory 2014.


The partnership among the three companies is based on delivering the best solution and value to the Indian Army. The customization of the systems to fulfill specific Indian requirements will be done in cooperation between the three companies.


Nexter and L&T are already teaming for the Towed Gun System programme of the Indian ministry of defence, by proposing the TRAJAN® which is under evaluation in India.

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26 avril 2013 5 26 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
Domestic Firms Allowed in India Gun Contest


Apr. 25, 2013 - By VIVEK RAGHUVANSHI  - Defense News


NEW DELHI — For the first time, domestic private sector defense companies will be allowed to compete alongside foreign companies in the forthcoming 155mm/52-caliber mounted gun tender, expected to be floated in the next two to three months.


Before, only overseas original equipment manufacturers could participate in the tender, according to the categorization of the program.


The Defence Ministry allowed the participation of domestic defense firms after those companies demanded that the ministry change the categorization of the competition from “Buy and Make Global” to “Buy Global.” The designation allows domestic companies to compete.


Under “Buy and Make Global,” only overseas companies can participate, with the requirement that those companies transfer technology to the state-owned Ordnance Factories Board.


The Indian Army will now issue a global tender for 814 mounted guns, to include domestic companies Tata Power SED, Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and Bharat Forge. Overseas companies include Nexter of France, Rosoboronexport of Russia, Israel Aerospace Industries, BAE Systems of the UK and General Dynamics of the US.


An executive at Tata Power SED said they have not been told of the decision yet by the MoD, but added that his firm can manufacture all 814 in Bangalore .


In January, the private domestic companies demanded to be considered for future 155mm gun projects, estimated to be worth more than US $3 billion.


Domestic private sector companies will also be allowed to compete for the upgrade of Russian-made 130mm M-46 field artillery guns into 155mm guns, an MoD source said.


Late last year, Tata Power SED claimed that it had developed a 155mm/52-caliber mounted gun with 52 percent indigenous elements.


“Overseas Content of the gun is 48 percent and comprises technology taken for the barrel, breech and muzzle brake,” a company executive told Defense News. The indigenous content includes the 8x8 truck, platform, outrigger assembly, complete hydraulic system, fire control system, system integration and testing.


Private sector majors L&T and Bharat Forge have tied up with overseas defense companies to make the 155mm/52-caliber gun in India. State-owned Defense Research and Development Organisation is also developing its homegrown towed Howitzer gun.


A senior L&T executive said the company had tied up with Samsung for the wheeled artillery guns and with Nexter for making mounted and towed artillery guns in India

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