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16 octobre 2013 3 16 /10 /octobre /2013 07:20
Liquidmetal Missile Canard Targeted for Future LM EAPS Test Flight


Oct 15, 2013 ASDNews Source : Liquidmetal Technologies


Liquidmetal® Technologies, Inc. (OTCQB: LQMT), the leading developer of amorphous alloys, has delivered missile canards that are being fitted for a future test of Lockheed Martin’s [NYSE: LMT] EAPS (Extended Area Protection and Survivability) missile.


The EAPS missile is an advanced performance, highly affordable hit-to-kill missile interceptor designed to defeat Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (RAM) targets with significantly reduced probabilities for collateral damage. Working in collaboration with Lockheed Martin’s advanced design team, Liquidmetal’s unique alloy and processing methods are yielding parts with remarkable dimensional consistency and precision at an unmatched level of affordability in comparison to any other precision fabrication method.


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