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28 janvier 2015 3 28 /01 /janvier /2015 13:20
photo USAF

photo USAF

23.01.2015 par Edouard Maire - Info-Aviation

Un général de l’US Air Force a rappelé la nécessité de développer rapidement un nouveau bombardier stratégique lors d’un colloque organisé par l’Air Force Association le 20 janvier.


Le bombardier à long rayon d’action (Long Range Strike Bomber / LRS-B) de l’US Air Force est crucial pour maintenir une force de dissuasion stratégique efficace pour les États-Unis. Il fait parti des trois vecteurs de dissuasion nucléaire aux cotés des missiles balistiques intercontinentaux (ICBM), et des sous-marins, a rappelé le général Garrett Harencak, responsable de la dissuasion nucléaire stratégique à l’USAF, lors d’un petit-déjeuner organisé par l’Air Force Association à Arlington, en Virginie. le 20 janvier.

« Nous n’avons pas modernisé notre arsenal nucléaire depuis un certain temps, » a t-il déclaré,  « Je pense que beaucoup de gens se rendent compte que nous avons pris du retard au cours des 20-25 dernières années. D’autres pays ont progressé pendant ce temps. »

La Russie développe en effet un nouveau bombardier PAK-DA prévu pour 2019.


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18 septembre 2014 4 18 /09 /septembre /2014 16:20
Air Force Plans Major Step in Long Range Strike Bomber Program


September 15, 2014 by Kris Osborn - defensetech.org

The Air Force plans to award a contract to build its new bomber to a single vendor by next spring or summer as part of its ongoing effort to engineer a stealthy long range bomber that can evade advanced air defenses, service leaders said Sept. 15 at the Air Force Association Air and Space Conference at National Harbor, Maryland.

“We’re about ready to enter into the next phase of the bomber. We’ve spent the last couple of years refining the requirements and maturing the technology. Within the next year we will down-select to one contractor and then start the heavy lifting of building the first bomber and testing,” Lt. Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski, military deputy for Air Force acquisition, told Military​.com in an interview.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
Air Force leaders insist new tanker is key to airpower


April 4th, 2014 By Air Force News Agency - defencetalk.com


The top three acquisition priorities for the Air Force are the KC-46A aerial tanker, the F-35A Joint Strike Fighter and the Long Range Strike Bomber, officials told members of Congress during a hearing of House Armed Services Committee’s subcommittee on seapower and projections forces, April 2.

“On any given day, the Air Force’s mobility aircraft deliver critical personnel and cargo, and provide airdrop of time-sensitive supplies, food and ammunition on a global scale,” said Dr. William LaPlante, the assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition.

LaPlante was joined by Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans and Requirements Maj. Gen. James Jones and Air Force Program Executive Officer for Tankers Maj. Gen. John Thompson.

“The KC-46 remains essential to overall strategy,” Jones said. “Our air refueling fleet is critical to operations for all services, and our coalition partners.”

LaPlante explained the new tanker is essential to replacing an aging tanker fleet, and ushering air mobility and sustainment into the future.

“The backbone of rapid U.S. global operations is our tanker fleet,” LaPlante said. “Based on the budget submitted, we expect to see about 54 KC-46 deliveries across the Future Years Defense Plan, as part of the tanker fleet recapitalization.”

The first delivery of Low Rate Initial Production aircraft will be in Fiscal Year 2016, with an estimated program completion date of 2028.

“Tankers are the lifeblood of our joint force’s ability to respond to crisis and contingencies, and are essential to keeping our Air Force viable as a global force,” LaPlante added.

The Air Force is also investing in the sustainment of the current bomber and cargo fleets, and will make upgrades to various systems to keep these airframes practical in the future of the force, he explained.

Overall, Air Force officials said they are optimistic about the future of the air mobility and bomber fleets, and are confident in the continued capabilities to support the warfighter.

“In the midst of the challenges ahead, we will aim to keep these programs on track and deliver these systems both as vital capabilities to our forces, but also as the best value to our taxpayer,” LaPlante said. “These systems will provide the future capabilities necessary to operate effectively in the national security environment of tomorrow.”

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