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29 janvier 2014 3 29 /01 /janvier /2014 18:20
Kratos to supply MH-60 aircrew training devices to US Navy

two MH-60 Seahawk helicopters fly in formation in the Pacific Northwest. Photo US Navy.


29 January 2014 naval-technology.com


Kratos Defense & Security Solutions has been awarded a contract to deliver MH-60R Naval Aircrew Training Systems (NATS) and MH-60S Aircrew Virtual Environment Trainer (AVET) devices.


Under the contract, valued at over $35m, Kratos will supply four MH-60R NATS and four MH-60S AVET devices for the US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR).


Kratos will partner with the prime contractor, BSC Partners for the contract which has five years of period of performance.


Kratos Training Solutions senior vice-president Jose Diaz said the company, as a principle provider of air crew training, will provide the AVET and NATS devices to enhance the training and survivability of aircrew members for the MH-60 platforms.


"We are pleased to continue the advancement of highly-critical aircrew training requirements with the latest deployment of these high-fidelity, immersive training devices," Diaz said.


In addition to providing a blend of virtual and physical environments for MH-60 platform aircrew training, the NATS and AVET training devices will also support the aircrew training in coordination, gunnery training, sonar, hoist, search and rescue, and vertical replenishment to include external operations.

"We are pleased to continue the advancement of highly-critical aircrew training requirements."


The multimission Sikorsky MH-60S Seahawk helicopter can perform vertical replenishment (VERTREP), combat search and rescue (CSAR), special warfare support and airborne mine countermeasures (AMCM) missions, as well as anti-surface warfare (ASUW) in armed configuration.


Powered by two General Electric T700-GE-401C turboshaft engines, the Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk helicopter has been designed to support range of missions including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, search and rescue, naval gunfire support, surveillance, communications relay, logistics support and personnel transfer and vertical replenishment.


Earlier, the company also received a contract for development and delivery of the UH-60 Black Hawk medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) air crew training systems to the US Army.

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20 janvier 2014 1 20 /01 /janvier /2014 12:35
RESCO avec un  Caracal de l’armée de l’air et un hélicoptère américain MH60

19.01.2014 Crédit : EMA / Marine nationale


Le 31 décembre 2013, au nord de l’océan Indien, un hélicoptère Caracal de l’armée de l’air embarqué à bord du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle a effectué un exercice de recherche et de secours au combat (RESCO) en liaison avec un hélicoptère américain MH60 embarqué à bord du porte-avions Harry S. Truman. La RESCO consiste à aller récupérer un équipage d’aéronef qui s’est éjecté en territoire hostile ou en mer.
Le groupe aéronaval constitué autour du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle a débuté une période de coopération bilatérale avec le groupe aéronaval Harry S. Truman fin décembre 2013 dans le but de développer l’interopérabilité en matière d’opérations aéromaritimes et participer à la sécurisation d’une région stratégique.


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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 11:20
An MH-60S Knighthawk approaches the flight deck of the USS Kearsarge in this Feb. 2013 photo. Tamara Vaughn U.S. Navy

An MH-60S Knighthawk approaches the flight deck of the USS Kearsarge in this Feb. 2013 photo. Tamara Vaughn U.S. Navy

WASHINGTON, 22 sept 2013 marine-oceans.com  (AFP)


Un hélicoptère MH-60, qui avait décollé d'un destroyer d'escorte du porte-avions USS Nimitz déployé en mer Rouge en prévision d'éventuelles frappes contre la Syrie, s'est abîmé dimanche en mer, a annoncé la Marine américaine.


Trois des cinq membres d'équipage ont été récupérés et étaient dans un état stable tandis que les recherches se poursuivaient pour les deux autres, a précisé le commandement de la Ve flotte américaine basé à Bahreïn.


Cinq navires, des hélicoptères et des avions du groupe aéronaval du Nimitz participaient aux recherches, ainsi que des embarcations légères.


Les circonstances de l'accident n'ont pas été précisées, l'US Navy assurant toutefois qu'il n'était "pas dû à une quelconque activité hostile".


Le MH-60 Knighthawk, version marine du célèbre Blackhawk, avait décollé du destroyer William-Lawrence, l'un quatre navires d'escorte du porte-avions Nimitz.


Le Nimitz, qui emporte près de 80 avions et hélicoptères, et son escorte venaient de terminer un déploiement de plusieurs mois dans la région du Golfe et amorçaient leur retour vers la côte ouest américaine quand il ont été redéployés fin août en mer Rouge en raison de la crise syrienne.


Les trois destroyers et le croiseur d'escorte du Nimitz emportent chacun des dizaines de missiles de croisière Tomahawk, susceptibles d'être utilisés en cas de frappes contre le régime de Bachar al-Assad.

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26 juillet 2013 5 26 /07 /juillet /2013 07:20


July 25, 2013. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


News release from Sikorsky:


Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX), has delivered the 400th MH-60 SEAHAWK helicopter to the U.S. Navy. The milestone consists of 166 MH-60R anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopters, and 234 MH-60S utility/armed helicopters. The Navy took possession of the 400th, an MH-60R aircraft, on June 24.


“MH-60 multi-mission aircraft are among the most reliable and sophisticated maritime helicopters in the world,” said Capt. James Glass, Navy Program Manager, H-60 Programs. “The Navy intends to continue flying these helicopters well into the 2030s.”


MH-60S (“Sierra”) helicopters carry supplies and sailors between ships, and protect U.S. ships from surface threats in an armed configuration. Sierra aircraft are expected to take on an airborne mine countermeasures role starting in 2014.




MH-60R (“Romeo”) helicopters employ radar, acoustic sonar, communications links, torpedoes and air-to-surface missiles for the anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare roles.


Sierra aircraft, which entered U.S. Navy service in 2002, will remain in full rate production through 2015 as part of a currently planned production run of 275 aircraft. Romeo helicopters, operational since 2006, are currently scheduled to remain in production through 2017 to meet the Navy’s 291 intended aircraft buy. The two aircraft models have accumulated a combined 660,000 flight hours to date.


“Mission success in the harsh maritime environment is a testament to the men and women of the U.S. Navy who fly and maintain these SEAHAWK aircraft,” said Dave Zack, Sikorsky Maritime Programs Director. “The skilled workforce at Sikorsky, and our supplier teammates, remains committed to building and supporting the world’s most reliable, durable and operationally effective maritime helicopter.”


All but two of the 400 MH-60 SEAHAWK aircraft delivered to date are operated by the U.S. Navy. In 2011, the Royal Thai Navy took delivery of two MH-60S helicopters via the U.S. Government’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program.


The U.S. Navy has acquired all MH-60 SEAHAWK aircraft since 2002 via five-year contracts. The current 2012-2017 contract funds 193 MH-60R/S SEAHAWK helicopters, plus another 24 Romeo helicopters for the Royal Australian Navy. Actual production quantities will be determined year-by-year over the life of the program based on funding allocations set by Congress and Pentagon acquisition priorities.


Sikorsky will deliver the first four RAN aircraft (before mission systems integration) during 2013. Additionally, Sikorsky will deliver the first two (of nine) Romeo aircraft for the Royal Danish Navy during 2014.


Sikorsky produces the MH-60R/S SEAHAWK aircraft models on separate production lines at its final assembly facility in Stratford, Conn. Avionics prime contractor Lockheed Martin performs all mission systems integration for Romeo aircraft at its Mission Systems and Training facility in Owego, N.Y., and also produces the digital cockpit common to both Romeo and Sierra models.

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