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16 juillet 2015 4 16 /07 /juillet /2015 10:20
MH-60R photo Royal Australian Navy

MH-60R photo Royal Australian Navy


7 juillet 2015 MONTRÉAL, CANADA-(Marketwired)


- Dispositifs d'entraînement à la maintenance et de l'équipage arrière MH-60R pour la Royal Australian Navy

- Deux dispositifs d'entraînement au vol UH-72A Lakota pour l'armée américaine

- Deux simulateurs de missions pour un client dont l'identité demeure confidentielle


CAE a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'elle a remporté des contrats militaires d'une valeur de plus de 150 millions $CA pour fournir des produits de simulation et des services de formation à des clients militaires du monde entier.

Les principaux contrats comprennent la fourniture de dispositifs de formation MH-60R additionnels pour la Royal Australian Navy, des dispositifs de formation au vol UH-72A Lakota additionnels pour l'armée américaine, et deux simulateurs de missions pour un client dont l'identité demeure confidentielle dans la région de l'Europe/Moyen-Orient/Afrique.

Les contrats annoncés aujourd'hui sont inclus dans les prises de commandes du groupe Défense et sécurité de CAE au premier trimestre. De plus, la valeur de cette annonce inclut une commande de deux dispositifs d'entraînement au vol opérationnel P-8A pour la marine américaine. Cette annonce avait été communiquée à la presse spécialisée le 29 juin dernier.

« Notre engagement à agir en tant qu'intégrateur de systèmes de formation nous a permis de faire de bons progrès au niveau de la mise en œuvre de notre stratégie au premier trimestre, ce qui inclut le contrat concurrentiel que nous avons remporté pour fournir des services de formation à long terme sur appareils à voilure fixe à l'armée américaine », a déclaré Gene Colabatistto, président de groupe, Défense et sécurité à CAE. « Les contrats additionnels que nous annonçons aujourd'hui sont tous liés à l'utilisation accrue de la formation fondée sur la simulation dans le cadre de ces programmes, ce qui démontre encore plus que les forces armées du monde entier adoptent de plus en plus la formation synthétique pour répondre davantage à leurs besoins en matière de formation. »


Marine américaine/Royal Australian Navy

CAE a remporté un contrat portant sur le développement d'un simulateur de maintenance mixte (CMT) MH-60R ainsi que la fourniture d'un dispositif d'entraînement de l'équipage arrière (RCT) MH-60R pour la Royal Australian Navy (RAN) en vertu du programme américain de vente de matériel militaire à l'étranger.

CAE USA sera le maître d'œuvre responsable de la conception et du développement du dispositif CMT MH-60R qui sera livré en 2017 à la base HMAS Albatross, située près de Nowra en Nouvelle-Galles-du-Sud. CAE USA fournira également un RCT MH-60R disponible sur le marché à partir de systèmes de simulation virtuelle australiens et sera responsable de le livrer et de l'installer à la base HMAS Albatross. CAE a déjà livré un dispositif d'entraînement au vol tactique et opérationnel (TOFT) MH-60R ainsi qu'un dispositif d'entraînement à la maintenance de l'avionique et au chargement des armes MH-60R à la RAN, et livrera un deuxième TOFT MH-60R en 2016.

Le CMT MH-60R sera un hélicoptère MH-60R modifié spécialement conçu pour fournir la formation sur les systèmes mécaniques, électriques et hydrauliques au personnel de maintenance de l'hélicoptère MH-60R de la RAN. Le CMT MH-60R inclura une série de défaillances contrôlées par l'instructeur, ce qui facilitera la formation en localisation des pannes et en retrait/remplacement des composants d'aéronef.

Le RCT MH-60R sera une reproduction modifiée de l'hélicoptère équipée d'un module pour la formation aux opérations de chargement à l'aide de treuils ainsi que deux modules d'armement pour la formation aux opérations de tir au canon sur le MH-60R.


UH-72A Lakota de l'armée américaine

CAE a remporté un contrat octroyé par Airbus Airbus Defense and Space, Inc. pour construire deux dispositifs d'entraînement au vol (FTD) UH-72A Lakota additionnels. Ces FTD UH-72A, les septième et huitième que CAE produit pour l'armée américaine, seront livrés à Fort Rucker, en Alabama, au printemps 2016. Ces dispositifs d'entraînement, qui peuvent être qualifiés au niveau 6 par la Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)et qui sont dotés d'un poste de pilotage propre à l'hélicoptère avec la fidélité et la performance d'un simulateur de vol sans le système de mouvement, appuieront l'entraînement des pilotes sur appareils à voilure tournante à l'Aviation Center of Excellence (USAACE) de l'armée américaine.

Le FTD UH-72A, construit par CAE, est doté d'une plateforme vibrante et d'un système d'affichage avec un champ de vision de 200 degrés sur 70 degrés alimenté par le générateur d'images CAE Medallion-6000 de la prochaine génération, qui plonge les pilotes dans un environnement d'entraînement synthétique haute fidélité. Le FTD UH-72A de l'armée américaine a aussi été mis en service avec la base de données commune (CDB) développée par CAE, qui permet à l'armée américaine de tirer parti des bases de données existantes appartenant au gouvernement américain, afin de répondre aux exigences d'entraînement de leurs pilotes d'hélicoptères.


Client dont l'identité demeure confidentielle

CAE a remporté un contrat visant à fournir deux simulateurs de missions à un client dont l'identité demeure confidentielle dans la région de l'Europe/Moyen-Orient/Afrique.


À propos de CAE

CAE est un chef de file mondial en prestation de formation dans les domaines de l'aviation civile, de la défense et sécurité, et des soins de santé. Nous concevons et intégrons les solutions de formation les plus complètes de l'industrie, grâce aux connaissances et au savoir-faire de nos 8 000 employés, de nos technologies de simulation de renommée mondiale et de notre réputation en matière de service et d'innovation technologique s'échelonnant sur sept décennies. Notre présence mondiale est la plus vaste de l'industrie, avec 160 établissements et centres de formation situés dans 35 pays, y compris les activités de nos coentreprises, et le plus important parc de simulateurs de vol au monde. Chaque année, nous formons plus de 120 000 membres d'équipage civils et militaires, ainsi que des milliers de professionnels de la santé. www.cae.com

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 07:20
Sea Hawk Lift-Off


8/9/2014 Strategy Page


SOUTH CHINA SEA (Aug. 6, 2014) An MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter lifts off from the guided-missile destroyer USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108) for a torpedo training exercise during Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) 2014. In its 20th year, CARAT is a bilateral exercise series between the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps and the armed forces of nine partner nations. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Kimberly R. Stephens)

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13 avril 2014 7 13 /04 /avril /2014 11:20
MH-60R Seahawk photo US Navy

MH-60R Seahawk photo US Navy


11 Apr 2014 By: Jon Hemmerdinger - FG


Washington DC - The US military's budget request for fiscal year 2015 includes cuts to a number of aircraft programmes, but Sikorsky and analysts call one item unique – the proposed cancellation of orders for 29 MH-60R Seahawks under a multi-year contract.


If approved by Congress, such a move would raise broad concerns about the surety of other contractors’ multi-year procurement deals, and affect orders for UH-60 Black Hawks from the US Army and some foreign partners under the same contract.


"I don’t believe a multi-year contract has ever been cancelled early,” says Tim Healy, Sikorsky's director of maritime programmes. “It’s a big deal for the country.”


"An actual [multi-year procurement] cancellation would be unprecedented," says Richard Aboulafia, vice president of Teal Group.


Healy says Sikorsky is "very concerned" about the US Navy's intentions, noting that multi-year contracts allow companies to reduce costs by investing in infrastructure, processes and staff with confidence in being paid over many years. Sikorsky sells Black Hawks ordered through multi-year deals at a 10% discount over those in single-year contracts, he notes.


A cancellation would reduce “the confidence industry has to invest in cost-reduction,” Healy says. That could result in higher industry costs, which would be passed on to taxpayers, he adds. Cancellations are allowed under the contract terms, but result in termination penalties.


Aboulafia says those penalties tend to make "cancellation prohibitively expensive. That way, all the contractors involved feel confident that they can invest in the future, and keep costs down."


The contract in question calls for the USN, US Army and foreign partners to acquire roughly 650 Black Hawks and Seahawks between fiscal years 2012 and 2016. In its FY2015 budget request, the navy proposes cancelling the last 29 aircraft to be purchased in FY2016.


The move results largely from broad military spending cuts.


USN H-60 programme manager Capt James Glass says it also reflects proposals to retire the aircraft carrier USS George Washington and an ongoing study of the navy's littoral mission.


"I have concern [a Seahawk cancellation] will impact industry long-term," Glass said during the Navy League's Sea-Air-Space Exposition near Washington, DC. "We are still trying to quantify that impact."


A Seahawk cancellation could also affect about 60 US Army Black Hawks and at least two MH-60Rs ordered by Denmark under the same contract, Healy says. “You cannot cancel one service's part of the contract," he says, adding that Sikorsky is in continuing discussions with the military and that the ultimate impact is unknown.


The army confirms that without the 29 navy aircraft the contract with Sikorsky would not have "sufficient quantities in FY2016 to meet a contract minimum buy requirement". The result, it adds, would be "a contract termination with Sikorsky."


The issue is now largely in the hands of Congress, which must approve the navy's plans.


Aboulafia calls USN's proposal a "game of chicken", and "a plea to Congress to insert the cash." But if Congress doesn't blink, "the navy might well need to either re-instate the contract or pay high cancellation fees," he says.

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28 mars 2014 5 28 /03 /mars /2014 08:35
Australia develops support infrastructure for MH-60Rs


27 Mar. 2014 by Andrew McLaughlin – FG


Sydney - Work on the Royal Australian Navy’s Lockheed Martin MH-60R Romeo helicopter support facilities is well underway at HMAS Albatross near Nowra on the New South Wales south coast.


Construction of the squadron and training facilities for the new helicopters commenced in late 2013, and on 26 March the Maritime Helicopter Support Company (MHSCo) commenced work on its contractor support facilities. MHSCo is a joint venture company of Sikorsky and Lockheed Martin.


One of the new buildings will be an 8,300 square metre deep maintenance workshop and hangar with space for five machines, a ramp, and direct access to the flight line, and will be equipped with a paint booth and wash bay, a structures and composite shop, an avionics shop, a hydraulic test facility, an NDT facility, and offices and training rooms. The other is a 3,100 square metre spares and logistics warehouse.


It is projected that 120 Team Romeo staff from the US Navy, Lockheed Martin, Sikorsky, and General Electric will be based at the facilities and will operate under a through life support arrangement with MHSCo as part of the Project Air 9000 Phase 8 naval combat helicopter programme.


“Excavation and construction of these TLS buildings begin an important chapter for the long-term readiness of Australia’s most sophisticated maritime helicopter,” says MHSCo president Rod Scotty. “Our company’s experience supplying repaired parts for more than 500 US Navy H-60 maritime helicopters around the world will directly carry over to a larger business model specially-configured for Australia’s maritime helicopter needs, and carried out by skilled Australian technicians and administrators inside a modern, dedicated space.”


Work on the contractor support facilities is being overseen by local Sikorsky subsidiary Sikorsky-Helitech, and is due to be completed in early 2015.


Training by ‘NUSQN725’ pilots, aviation warfare officers (AVWOs) and maintainers is well underway with embedded elements at the US Navy’s NAS Jacksonville in Florida. The unit has received four MH-60Rs from Lockheed Martin to date, and is scheduled to return to Australia in December to be formally commissioned as 725SQN.


The MH-60R was selected in early 2011 ahead of the competing NH Industries NFH 90 to replace the RAN’s 16 ageing S-70B-9 Seahawks of 816SQN, and the 11 SH-2G(A) Seasprites which never entered operational service and were cancelled in 2008 due to airworthiness concerns. The RAN Romeo acquisition covers 24 aircraft in total in a military off-the-shelf FMS arrangement through the US Navy, and the aircraft are identical to US Navy machines.


As part of the contract the RAN has also bought a ‘Bromeo’ training aid which was delivered to Jacksonville in February. The Bromeo is essentially a mothballed non-flying SH-60B Seahawk which has been taken out of storage and modified with MH-60R avionics and dynamic components for maintenance training.

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11 décembre 2013 3 11 /12 /décembre /2013 08:35
Australia accepts first MH-60R helicopters


Dec. 10, 2013 by Craig Hoyle – FG


London - Australia has accepted its first pair of Sikorsky/Lockheed Martin MH-60R shipborne helicopters, under a 24-unit Foreign Military Sales deal signed via the US government in mid-2011. The lead aircraft were received from the US Navy during a ceremony at Lockheed’s Owego modification site in New York on 10 December.


To replace the Royal Australian Navy’s existing Sikorsky S-70 Seahawks, the “Romeo” fleet is being acquired under a project worth more than A$3 billion ($2.7 billion).


“The entire fleet will be delivered incrementally by the end of 2016,” with roles to include anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, search and rescue and vertical replenishment, says Lockheed.


Describing the new model as “a potent maritime combat helicopter,” Rear Adm Tony Dalton, head of the Australian Defence Materiel Organisation’s helicopter systems division, says: “We look forward to sharing in the US Navy’s ongoing technology upgrades and continuing to build upon the proven capabilities” of the new type.


Australia’s first MH-60R made its debut flight at Sikorsky’s Stratford site in Connecticut in June 2013 (below), before being transferred to Owego for mission system integration work.


Canberra’s current maritime rotorcraft inventory includes 16 S-70Bs built between 1987 and 1989, as recorded by Flightglobal’s Ascend Online Fleets database.

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3 juillet 2013 3 03 /07 /juillet /2013 12:35
Le premier MH-60R australien dans les airs – photo Australian MOD

Le premier MH-60R australien dans les airs – photo Australian MOD

03.07.2013 Helen Chachaty - journal-aviation.com


Le premier hélicoptère MH-60R Seahawk Romeo de la Royal Australian Navy a effectué son premier vol d’essai à l’usine de Sikorsky, dans le Connecticut, le 26 juin dernier. L’appareil, immatriculé N48-001, est resté une heure et vingt minutes dans les airs, pour effectuer toute une série de tests tels que la performance des moteurs, l’analyse des vibrations et la navigation.


L’hélicoptère multimissions va à présent être transféré à l’usine de Lockheed Martin d’Owego, afin de procéder à l’intégration de ses systèmes de mission et de ses capteurs. Les deux premiers MH-60R devraient être livrés à la marine australienne en décembre 2013 et seront notamment déployés pour des missions de lutte anti-sous-marine et de lutte anti-surface.


L’Australie s’était décidée pour les MH-60R de Sikorsky en juin 2011, au détriment du NH90 NFH. Le contrat initial portait sur 24 exemplaires, destinés à remplacer les S-70B Seahawk. La vente à l’Australie est la première exportation de l’hélicoptère multimissions. La nouvelle flotte devrait être équipée de torpilles MK54 (Raytheon), de missiles AGM-14 Hellfire (Lockheed Martin) et de mitrailleuses.

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27 mai 2013 1 27 /05 /mai /2013 05:35
First batch of RAN personnel recently completed their MH-60R NATOPS Evaluations at NAS Mayport, Florida.(all photos : RAN)

First batch of RAN personnel recently completed their MH-60R NATOPS Evaluations at NAS Mayport, Florida.(all photos : RAN)

27 May 2013 Defense Studies

Another DMO MH-60R milestone

A milestone has been achieved by the AIR 9000 Phase 8 Project Office, with members of the Integrated Test Team (ITT) being the first Australians to complete their initial MH-60R (Romeo) qualifications.

LCDR Simon Lam (Aerosystems Qualified AvWO and MH-60R T&E Manager), LCDR Joshua Carey (USNTPS Qualified Test Pilot and MH-60R Test Pilot) and LEUT Timothy Clerke (Flight Test Engineer) form the MH-60R test team embedded into the DMO to support the introduction of the MH-60R. LCDR Lam and LCDR Carey recently completed their MH-60R NATOPS Evaluations with HSM 40 at Naval Air Station (NAS) Mayport, Florida.

The pair commenced their training with other aircrew from NUSQN 725 in early March. After a significantly compressed 9 weeks of accelerated study, computer based learning, simulators and flights they completed their final NATOPS Evaluation on 15 May 2013. The NATOPS check consisted of an open and closed book examination, oral examination, a simulator evaluation and a flight evaluation. The examinations and evaluations focused on ensuring LCDR Lam and LCDR Carey had a comprehensive understanding of the aircraft systems, HSM-40 SOP’s, United States (US) Airways and all Emergency actions in event of an aircraft malfunction. The process was designed to ensure they met the standards required to safely operate the MH-60R and also operate within US airspace. This now means they are the first Australians qualified on MH-60R as part of AIR 9000 Phase 8.


Both LCDR Lam and LCDR Carey have a S-70B-2, (Bravo), flight test background and agree that whilst a derivative of Seahawk family, the MH-60R is a far cry from the Bravo they have previously flown.

For LCDR Lam, the highlight of training has been exposure to the MH-60R modern digital cockpit and the new advanced mission systems focused on the Battle space.

“New systems such as data fusion, ISAR radar and Link 16 will enhance aircrew and ultimately the ship’s Operations Room’s situational awareness. Significantly, the re-introduction of the dipping sonar to Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) operations will provide a new and improved capability to the RAN."

For LCDR Carey, the highlight of training has been the interaction with the United States Navy (USN) flying instructors and the opportunity to participate in USN flying training again.

“Every single US instructor has been 100% invested in achieving our aim of being qualified. As always, I have been impressed with the professionalism, dedication and pure aviation skill that I have witnessed throughout my training.”

Both Lam and Carey were impressed with the rate in which their training progressed. The pair had up to four simulator or flight events scheduled per week, with their simulator events scheduled anywhere from 0700 until midnight. This was as a result of the Squadron’s training program of seven days per week, from 7am through until midnight which resulted in up to 20 training flights being available per day.

With NATOPS behind them, the steep learning curve does not stop. The team have a few more weeks to absorb the aircraft’s mission and weapon systems before relocating to Patuxent River in Maryland, south of Washington DC, the heartland of the US Navy’s Test community. They will join USN Test Squadron HX 21 to support testing of the Australian configured MH-60R, with the unified aim to deliver the first Australian aircraft in December this year.

Their achievement of a NATOPs qualification is a significant milestone in the ultimate delivery of the MH-60R back to Australia and will go a long way to ensuring there is an integral systems and airframe knowledge at a Flight Test level embedded in the RAN.


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5 décembre 2012 3 05 /12 /décembre /2012 19:20

MH-60R Sikorsky


Dec 4, 2012 ASDNews Source : CAE


Today at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), CAE announced it has won a series of military contracts valued at more than C$70 million. They include a contract from the United States Navy to develop two MH-60R tactical operational flight trainers (TOFTs) for the Royal Australian Navy under a foreign military sale program, a contract from the Australian Defence Force to provide King Air 350 simulator services, and a contract from the Royal New Zealand Air Force to provide C-130 training.


"CAE has a long history of providing the Australian Defence Forces with world-class flight simulators and training services, and we are pleased our MH-60R training systems will play a role in preparing the aircrews who will operate Australia's next-generation multi-role naval helicopter," said Gene Colabatistto, Group President, Military Products, Training and Services, CAE. "Our strong position on programs that have long-service lives ahead of them, such as the MH-60R helicopter, will continue to drive opportunities for CAE's comprehensive portfolio of simulation-based products and services. In addition, our established presence in Asia and the Pacific will provide for growth opportunities as these regions become more important to defence customers worldwide."


US Navy/Royal Australian Navy

CAE was awarded a contract to develop two MH-60R tactical operational flight trainers (TOFTs) for the Royal Australian Navy under the United States foreign military sale (FMS) program. CAE USA will be the prime contractor responsible for the design and manufacture of two MH-60R TOFTs that will be delivered in 2015 to HMAS Albatross, located near Nowra in New South Wales and home of the Royal Australian Navy's Fleet Air Arm.


The MH-60R TOFTs include both a full-motion operational flight trainer (OFT) that will be used to train Royal Australian Navy MH-60R pilots and co-pilots as well as a weapons tactics trainer (WTT) to be used for training rear-crew sensor operators in the MH-60R Seahawk helicopter. The MH-60R operational flight trainers for the Royal Australian Navy will include the CAE True electric motion system, motion seats, 220-degree by 60-degree Barco visual display, and the CAE Medallion-6000 image generator. The MH-60R OFT and WTT can be operated as standalone training devices, or networked to become an MH-60R tactical operational flight trainer to provide a total aircrew mission training system. The MH-60R TOFTs for the Royal Australian Navy are based on the MH-60R TOFTs that CAE is delivering to the U.S. Navy.


CAE Australia will support CAE USA in the development of the Royal Australian Navy's MH-60R TOFTs by customizing and leveraging Australian-specific common databases (CDB) already developed by CAE Australia for other programs in Australia.


The Commonwealth of Australia selected the U.S. Navy's MH-60R Seahawk helicopter as their new multi-role naval combat helicopter last year to fulfill the Australian Defence Force's AIR 9000 Phase 8 requirement. Australia is acquiring a fleet of 24 MH-60R Seahawk helicopters via the U.S. Government's FMS program. This is the first-ever procurement of the U.S. Navy's most advanced anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare helicopter outside the United States. The U.S. Navy is supported by Team Seahawk, which consists of MH-60R airframe manufacturer Sikorsky Aircraft, mission systems integrator Lockheed Martin, engine manufacturer GE, sensor supplier Raytheon Corp., and training supplier CAE.


Royal Australian Air Force

CAE has signed a contract with the Australian Defence Force (ADF) to provide Hawker Beechcraft King Air 350 training until 2018. CAE will deploy a CAE 5000 Series full-flight simulator (FFS) representing the King Air 350 with Proline II configuration to a training facility in Sale, Victoria. Under terms of the contract, CAE will provide simulator services for Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and Royal Australian Navy (RAN) King Air 350 aircrew who train on the aircraft for a range of missions, including tactical support, maritime surveillance and light transport.


"The simulator services provided by CAE will play a key role in the cost-effective training of RAAF pilots, air combat officers and RAN aviation warfare officers," said GPCAPT Gregory Hoffmann, Officer Commanding Training Aircraft Systems Program Office (TASPO).


The CAE 5000 Series King Air 350 FFS will be qualified to Level D, the highest certification for flight simulators, by Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). The King Air 350 simulator services will support the RAAF's No. 32 Squadron at RAAF Base East Sale, as well as the School of Aviation Warfare (SAW). This will be the second King Air 350 FFS that CAE has deployed in Australia, following the inauguration in July this year of a King Air 350 ProLine 21 FFS in Melbourne. CAE has commenced delivery of training services to the RAAF's No. 38 Squadron using this simulator.



CAE has signed an agreement with the Netherlands Ministry of Defence (NLMoD) to market and sell third-party training services on a CAE-built C-130 Level D full-mission simulator. The C-130 full-mission simulator, which CAE delivered for the Royal Netherlands Air Force (RNLAF) in 2010, is currently housed at CAE's Amsterdam Training Centre in Hoofdorp. In addition, CAE has signed a contract with the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) to provide comprehensive C-130 training. The RNZAF C-130 aircrews will receive simulator instruction from CAE at the Amsterdam Training Centre, including training on the RNLAF C-130 simulator that closely matches the configuration of the RNZAF's upgraded fleet of C-130H aircraft. The RNZAF also trains in-country on a CAE-built C-130H flight training device, which CAE delivered to the RNZAF base in Auckland under the C-130 Life Extension Program (LEP) and is currently upgrading for the RNZAF.

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