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5 juin 2013 3 05 /06 /juin /2013 11:50
photo Airbus Military

photo Airbus Military

2013-06-04 xinhua


L'Agence européenne de défense (EDA) a annoncé lundi à Bruxelles la concrétisation du partage des capacités de transport militaire pour 13 Etats membres, par le lancement d'un portail sur son website.


Cette initiative vise à simplifier la procédure concernant les opérations de transport aérien militaire entre Allemagne, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre, Grèce, Italie, Lituanie, Norvège, Pays- Bas, Roumanie, Slovaquie, Suède et Tchèque. A travers ce portail, les Etats membres pourront échanger facilement les informations sur les survols et les atterrissages, au lieu de recourir à l'autorisation diplomatique pour chaque vol.


Il s'agit d'un mécanisme pour la mise en place du ciel unique européen dans les années à venir. "Il permet des économies substantielles des ressources humaines et financières, tout en rendant les opérations de transport militaire plus rapides et efficaces", a commenté Peter Round, directeur des capacités de l'EDA. L'EDA prévoit que le nouveau mécanisme couvrira un maximum de 95% des missions de transport militaire exécutées chaque année au-dessus des territoires des pays signataires.


Le partenariat sur la flotte européenne de transport aérien, signé par 20 Etats en 2011 sous les auspices de l'EDA, se penche sur l'amélioration de la disponibilité du transport aérien militaire dans l'Union européenne (UE) et l'élaboration des solutions concrètes pour accroître son efficacité.


L'EDA a souligné, dans un communiqué, qu'elle continuerait à travailler dans le domaine de l'autorisation diplomatique, dont l'autorisation pour les avions de transport militaire de l'UE à l'extérieur de l'UE et l'autorisation pour les opérations de ravitaillement air-air en ciel européen. 

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3 juin 2013 1 03 /06 /juin /2013 16:50
Diplomatic Clearances for Military Transport Aircraft Officially Launched
Brussels | Jun 03, 2013 European Defence Agency

The European Defence Agency launched, using its website, a diplomatic clearances portal for military transport aircraft. The portal implements the technical arrangement signed by thirteen Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden and Norway) for common provisions and harmonised procedures for overflights and landings. The arrangement enables Member States to operate without the need to submit diplomatic clearances requests for each flight, including support to on-going operations and transportation of IATA/ICAO compliant dangerous goods. This simplified mechanism is a significant step forward to more flexible and effective military airlift operations in Europe. The portal allows Member States to easily exchange the necessary information.


Presented to defence ministers in November 2012, the agreement improves the freedom of movement of EU military registered transport aircraft transiting national boundaries within the EU. The existing disparate requirements to obtain diplomatic clearances to land or overfly an EU member state cause delays and hampers swift airlift operations. This legacy mechanism needed updating to 21st century’s requirements, especially with a view to the future implementation of the Single European Sky (SES) in the coming years, where a route driven system will evolve into a trajectory driven system.

“The new diplomatic clearances agreement radically changes the way Member States deal with the issue. It allows substantial human and financial resource savings whilst making military transport operations more swift and efficient”, says Peter Round, Capabilities Director of the European Defence Agency.

The technical arrangement was implemented on 1 June and is still open for signature for all other EU member states and Schengen area signatories. Six additional Member States (Estonia, Finland, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Spain) indicated their willingness to sign the technical arrangement soon.


Diplomatic clearances portal

The new mechanism provides annual diplomatic clearance numbers for up to 95% of the daily military transport missions executed above the territories of the signing countries. It also harmonises the requirements for requests and notifications of diplomatic clearances. Finally, a common diplomatic clearance form has been created.

The diplomatic clearances portal on EDA’s website (http://eda.europa.eu/DICPortal) is the backbone of the new arrangement. Its main purpose is to provide transparency on national policies and procedures for granting diplomatic clearances for transport aircraft. The portal will also list annual clearance numbers to be used as well as restrictions nations might have regarding certain areas or routings.


Background and way forward

The European Air Transport Fleet partnership signed by 20 Member States in 2011 under the auspices of the European Defence Agency is looking at improving the availability of military airlift in the EU and developing concrete solutions to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.

The EDA ad hoc working group for Diplomatic Clearances that developed this technical arrangement will continue to work on different diplomatic clearance issues, including harmonisation of clearances for EU military transport aircraft outside the EU and clearances for air-to-air refuelling (AAR) operations in the European sky.


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