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28 octobre 2015 3 28 /10 /octobre /2015 08:20
Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR)

Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR)


Moorestown, N.J., Oct. 26, 2015 – by Lockheed Martin


The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) awarded a team, led by Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT), a contract to develop, build and test the Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR). The radar system will support a layered ballistic missile defense strategy to protect the U.S. homeland from ballistic missile attacks.

The nine-year contract, with options, will have the potential contract value of approximately $784 million. Work on the contract will be primarily performed in New Jersey, Alaska, Alabama, Florida, and New York.

LRDR is a high-powered S-Band radar incorporating solid-state gallium nitride (GaN) components and will be capable of discriminating threats at extreme distances. LRDR is a key component of the MDA’s Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) that will provide acquisition, tracking, and discrimination data to enable separate defense systems to lock on and engage ballistic missile threats, a capability that stems from Lockheed Martin’s decades of experience in creating ballistic missile defense systems for the U.S. and allied governments.

“The U.S. has a limited number of ground-based interceptors to detect threats, yet the number of potential missile threats - and countermeasures used to hide those threats - is growing,” said Carl Bannar, vice president of Lockheed Martin’s Integrated Warfare Systems and Sensors business. “Our offering meets the MDA’s vision for LRDR by pairing innovative radar discrimination capability with proven ballistic missile defense algorithms.”

This MDA selection builds upon the U.S. government’s long-term investment in S-Band radar, ground-based radar, and systems integration, as evident in such Lockheed Martin technologies as the Aegis Combat System, Space Fence, and Aegis Ashore. Since 2012, Lockheed Martin has offered solid state ground-based S-Band radar utilizing an Open GaN Foundry model that leverages relationships with strategic suppliers.

“Our mature, scalable, GaN-based S-Band technology was ideally suited for this high performance ballistic missile defense application,” Bannar said. “LRDR represents the latest evolution in ground-based radar and ballistic missile defense.”

When constructed, LRDR will consist of a solid-state, active electronically-scanned antenna, and the facility to house and operate this radar antenna. Lockheed Martin’s proposed LRDR system will be built on an aggressive timeline ready for operational testing in Clear Air Force Station, Alaska by 2020.

Lockheed Martin has developed a team of corporate partners to meet the challenges of the LRDR program, including deciBel research (Huntsville, AL), Amec Foster Wheeler (Alpharetta, GA), ASRC Federal (Barrow, AK), IERUS Technologies (Huntsville, AL), PENTA Research (Huntsville, AL), and Davidson Technologies (Huntsville, AL).

For additional information, visit our website:  www.lockheedmartin.com/lrdr


About Lockheed Martin
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 112,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s net sales for 2014 were $45.6 billion.

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26 octobre 2015 1 26 /10 /octobre /2015 17:50
Tir SAMP/T sur le site de DGA Essais de missiles à Biscarrosse

Tir SAMP/T sur le site de DGA Essais de missiles à Biscarrosse


16/10/2015 DGA


Dans le cadre de sa conférence multinationale annuelle sur la défense antimissile balistique, l’Agence américaine pour la défense antimissile (Missile Defense Agency), sur proposition du comité de programme international, a décerné le 6 octobre 2015 le « Technology Pioneer Award » aux équipes françaises et italiennes du système de défense aérienne élargie SAMP/T.


Ce prix récompense le succès du tir effectué le 6 mars 2013 par un missile Aster 30 Block 1 contre une cible représentative d’un missile balistique tactique de type SCUD, en interconnexion avec la chaîne de commandement de l’OTAN.


Ce tir avait pour objectif de montrer que la capacité de défense antimissile balistique du SAMP/T et son interopérabilité avec l’OTAN via l’utilisation de la liaison 16 lui permettent de s’intégrer dans une opération interarmées et interalliés.


Le tir a été réalisé au centre DGA Essais de missiles de Biscarrosse, conjointement par le quatrième régiment d’artillerie de Mantoue (Italie) et le Centre d’expertise aérienne militaire (CEAM) de Mont-de-Marsan. Il a mobilisé des moyens importants de plusieurs centres de la DGA et de l’OTAN, ainsi qu’une frégate Aegis américaine.


Les principaux atouts du SAMP/T sont notamment la défense de zone sur 360° ainsi que sa capacité à traiter simultanément tout type de cibles aériennes conventionnelles et balistiques de courte portée. Développé et produit par Thales et MBDA à travers le consortium Eurosam, en coopération entre la France et l’Italie, le système SAMP/T est en service dans ces deux pays qui l’apportent comme contribution au programme OTAN de défense antimissile balistique.

06.10.2015 Le  Technology Pioneer Award remis aux équipes françaises et italiennes du système de défense aérienne élargie SAMPT - DGACOMM - Paco Ben Amar

06.10.2015 Le Technology Pioneer Award remis aux équipes françaises et italiennes du système de défense aérienne élargie SAMPT - DGACOMM - Paco Ben Amar

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18 décembre 2014 4 18 /12 /décembre /2014 08:30
Un missile Arrow 3 missile lancé en test (photo U.S. Missile Defense Agency)

Un missile Arrow 3 missile lancé en test (photo U.S. Missile Defense Agency)


17 décembre 2014 timesofisrael.com (AFP)


Le nouveau système de défense antimissile, Arrow 3 a été testé mardi, mais il n’a pas pu être testé en condition réelle


Israël a procédé mardi au test d’un nouveau système de défense antimissiles, Arrow 3, mais a dû renoncer à expérimenter dans des conditions réelles ses capacités à intercepter un engin supposé hostile, selon un responsable du ministère de la Défense cité dans la presse.


Israël avait prévu d’intercepter pour la première fois avec Arrow 3, un système israélo-américain, un missile factice tiré au-dessus de la Méditerranée.


Mais « les conditions n’ayant pas été réunies et en fonction de nos critères, nous avons décidé de ne pas lancer l’intercepteur Arrow 3″, a dit Yaïr Ramati, haut responsable du ministère cité sur le site internet du quotidien Jerusalem Post.


« Une panne est survenue au cours du test du missile ennemi qui devait servir de cible, pour des raisons inconnues », a rapporté le site d’information Wallaafpa, citant des experts de l’industrie militaire.


Le ministère de la Défense a simplement indiqué, dans un communiqué, qu’un missile d’interception avait « été lancé avec succès et suivi par le système Arrow dans le cadre du programme de tests menés avec l’Agence américaine de défense antimissiles ».


Le lancement du projet Arrow remonte à 1988, dans le cadre du programme antibalistique américain connu sous le nom de « Star Wars ». Il a été accéléré après le bombardement du territoire israélien par des missiles Scud irakiens durant la première guerre du Golfe, en 1991.


Le Arrow et ses différentes versions sont l’une des quatre composantes du projet « Homa » (« muraille » en hébreu) qui vise à protéger Israël des attaques de missiles et roquettes. Israël cherche en particulier à se protéger d’une menace iranienne.


Le programme Arrow, en partie financé par les Etats-Unis, a été conçu et réalisé par Israel Aerospace Indutries avec Boeing, et les entreprises israéliennes Elta et Elbit-Elisra.

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4 avril 2014 5 04 /04 /avril /2014 07:20
Missile Defense Programs Still High-Risk: GAO


April 3, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: US Government Accountability Office; issued April 2, 2014)


Missile Defense: Mixed Progress in Achieving Acquisition Goals and Improving Accountability

Testimony by Cristina T. Chaplain, director, acquisition and sourcing management, before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, Senate Committee on Armed Services.

The Department of Defense's (DOD) Missile Defense Agency (MDA) made progress in its goals to improve acquisition management, and accountability and transparency. The agency gained important knowledge for its Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) by successfully conducting several important tests, including the first missile defense system-level operational flight test. Additionally, key programs successfully conducted developmental flight tests that demonstrated key capabilities and modifications made to resolve prior issues. MDA also made some improvements to transparency and accountability. For example, MDA improved the management of its acquisition-related efforts to deploy a missile defense system in Europe and MDA continued to improve the clarity of its resource and schedule baselines, which are reported to Congress for oversight.

Although some progress has been made, MDA acquisitions are still high risk, due to inherent technical and integration challenges, tight timeframes, strategies that overlap development and production activities, and incomplete management tools. More specifically:

MDA faces challenges stemming from higher-risk acquisition strategies that overlap production activities with development activities. While some concurrency is understandable, committing to production and fielding before development is complete often results in performance shortfalls, unexpected cost increases, schedule delays, and test problems. GAO found that the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense SM-3 Block IB and Ground-based Midcourse Defense programs, which have already produced some of their assets before completing testing, discovered issues during testing that have affected or continue to affect production.

Testing continues to fall short of goals. For example, the first ever system-level operational flight test failed to demonstrate true integration. MDA also combined, delayed, and deleted some tests, and eliminated test objectives in other tests. These challenges reduced the knowledge they had planned to obtain in order to understand the capabilities and limitations of the BMDS.

MDA has not yet fully developed or implemented a complete management strategy for synchronizing its efforts to deploy missile defense in Europe. As a result, it remains unclear how different European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) efforts are aligned together and what constitutes success in delivering capabilities in Europe.

Issues with the content and presentation of resource and schedule baselines continue to limit their usefulness as management tools. For the fourth year, GAO has found that MDA's cost estimates are unreliable for some BMDS elements and do not include certain costs for military services which may significantly understate total costs. Recently, Congress took steps to require that improvements be made to MDA's cost estimates, so GAO did not make any new cost recommendations. MDA's schedule baselines continue to be presented in a way that makes it difficult to assess progress. For instance, MDA's schedule baselines identify numerous events, but provide little information on the events and why they are important.

Why GAO Did This Study

In order to meet its mission, MDA is developing a diverse group of BMDS components including (1) land-, sea-, and space-based sensors; (2) interceptors; and (3) a battle management system. These systems can be integrated in different ways to provide protection in various regions of the world. Since its inception in 2002, MDA has been given flexibility in executing the development and fielding of the ballistic missile defense system. This statement addresses recent MDA progress and the challenges it faces with its acquisition management. It is based on GAO's March and April 2014 reports and prior reports on missile defense.

What GAO Recommends

In April 2014, GAO recommended that MDA verify any changes needed for the SM-3 Block IB missile through flight testing before approving full production; retest the fielded GMD interceptor to demonstrate performance and the effectiveness of changes; and take actions to improve the clarity of its schedule baselines.

DOD partially concurred with the recommendation on the SM-3, stating that MDA will verify the efficacy of any modifications by testing and that the production decision will be vetted through the DOD process. DOD did not agree with the recommendation on GMD, stating that the decision to flight test the interceptor will be made by the Director, MDA, based on the judgment of other stakeholders.

GAO previously made recommendations on EPAA and testing. DOD generally concurred with them. GAO continues to believe all recommendations are valid.

Click here for the full testimony (19 PDF pages) on the GAO website.

Click here for the related report (49 PDF pages) on the GAO website.

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3 avril 2014 4 03 /04 /avril /2014 19:20
Défense antimissile américaine : échecs et retards


03/04/2014 par Duncan Macrae – Air & Cosmos


L’agence américaine responsable du développement et du déploiement des systèmes de défense antimissile (MDA, pour Missile Defense Agency) en prend pour son grade. Dans un nouveau rapport qui fait le bilan des activités de la MDA pour l’année 2013, le GAO (équivalent américain de la Cour des Comptes) critique le manque de progrès dans la mise à niveau de certains composants du "bouclier" antimissile américain, notamment les système d’interception Aegis et GMD.


En ce qui concerne les intercepteurs SM-3 déployés sur les frégates Aegis pour contrer les missiles à courte et moyenne portée, le GAO s’interpelle quant au lancement de la production en série de la variante Block 1B, actuellement prévu en 2015. Le GAO souligne que, sur les trois tirs d’essai réalisés en 2013, il y a eu un échec dont les causes restent à déterminer. Et il rappelle que les responsables du programme évoquent un éventuel problème de conception du moteur du troisième étage, un moteur partagé avec la version SM-3 Block 1A déjà déployée.


Quant au système GMD (conçu pour intercepter des missiles balistiques à longue portée, actuellement déployé sur deux sites américains), le rapport note que ce programme affiche actuellement un retard de sept ans dans la réalisation d’un premier tir de la version amélioréé, CE-II ,avec interception rélle. Ce tir est actuellement programmé pour le troisième trimestre de l’année fiscale 2014. Le GAO note aussi l’échec, au mois de juillet 2013, d’un essai en vol du missile tel qu’il est déployé actuellement, pour des raisons qui restent à déterminer.


Le rapport fait état d’un certain nombre de tirs d’essai réussis au cours de l’année, notamment le premier essai opérationnel « régional » avec tirs simultanés de missiles Aegis et THAAD. Mais le bilan global est mitigé, et la facture est salée — un total de 100 Md$ investis dans la défense antimissile depuis 2004.

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5 mars 2014 3 05 /03 /mars /2014 17:20
Missile Defense Agency FY15 Budget Overview

March 5, 2014 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Missile Defense Agency; issued March 4, 2014)


Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Overview

The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is requesting $7.459 billion in FY 2015 to develop and deploy interceptors, sensors, and command and control, battle management and communications (C2BMC) systems that constitute the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) to provide U.S. homeland defense and regional missile defense for deployed forces, allies, and friends.

The Agency is requesting a total of $37.575 billion from FY 2015 to FY 2019, the period of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP).

The budget protects previously established homeland and regional defense priorities. For Homeland Defense, in response to recent threat developments, the Department increased the planned number of fielded Ground Based Interceptors (GBIs) by 14. MDA will maintain our commitment to build out homeland defenses to 44 GBIs by 2017. In addition we will execute a return to intercept flight test in the third quarter 2014. The focus of the test will be on Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system reliability and GBI performance.

Last year MDA began refurbishment of Missile Field 1 at Fort Greely, Alaska (FGA) to develop silo capacity to support emplacement of additional GBIs. We continue to emplace GBIs in Missile Field 2 (MF2), conduct GBI component testing, and refurbish currently deployed GBIs to test and improve their reliability.

MDA will continue to acquire GBIs to support GMD operations, testing, and spares and emplace GBIs in MF2 as we progress towards 44 by the end of 2017. MDA continues to fund operations and sustainment of the GMD weapon system with Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide funds.

MDA will take additional steps to keep pace with the threats to the U.S. homeland. We have requested $99.5 million to initiate the redesign of the Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) for GMD. The redesigned EKV will be built with a modular, open architecture and designed with common interfaces and standards, making upgrades easier and broadening our vendor and supplier base.

The redesigned EKV will increase performance to address the evolving threat; improve reliability, availability, maintainability, testability and producibility; and increase in-flight communications to improve usage of off-board sensors information and situational awareness to combatant commanders for enabling new tactics such as shoot-assess-shoot.

The budget also requests $79.5 million to begin development of a Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR). The new LRDR is a mid-course tracking radar that will provide persistent sensor coverage and improve discrimination capabilities against threats to the homeland from the Pacific theater. This new radar also will give the Sea-Based X-band (SBX) radar more geographic deployment flexibility for contingency and test use.

We are also requesting $122 million for Discrimination Improvements for Homeland Defense (DIHD). This investment will develop and field an integrated set of Element capabilities to improve BMDS engagement reliability, lethality, and discrimination. The combined effects of these investments will be a deployed BMDS architecture more capable of discriminating and killing a reentry vehicle with a high degree of confidence that will dramatically improve BMD System capability and Warfighter shot doctrine while preserving inventory.

For Regional Missile Defense, MDA will continue to focus on threats from Asia-Pacific and the Middle East as we continue to support the European Phased Adaptive Approach (EPAA) to protect our European NATO allies and deployed forces from ballistic missile attacks. The Department met its objectives for EPAA Phase 1 by deploying Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) ships in the Mediterranean Sea, a land-based radar in Turkey, and Command, Control, Battle Management, and Communications system node at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany in 2011.

The next two EPAA phases (Phases 2 and 3) include additional Aegis BMD ships (2014-2015) and Aegis Ashore in Romania in 2015 and in Poland in 2018. Aegis Ashore will be capable of launching Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IA, IB, and IIA (delivery in 2018) variants.

Our goal in EPAA Phase 2 is to provide robust capability against Short Range Ballistic Missiles (SRBMs) and Medium Range Ballistic Missiles (MRBMs) by ensuring the system provides multiple opportunities to engage each threat missile in flight. The architecture includes the deployment of the Aegis BMD 4.0 and 5.0 weapon systems with SM-3 Block IBs at sea and at an Aegis Ashore site in Romania. The Romania site is on schedule to be available in 2015.

In support of EPAA Phase 3, the SM-3 Block IIA, which we are co-developing with the Japanese government, and an upgraded version of the Aegis Weapons System are on schedule for deployment in 2018 at the Aegis Ashore sites in Poland and Romania and at sea. The upgraded Aegis Weapons System combined with the faster, longer reaching SM-3 IIA will provide capability to counter more sophisticated threats when compared to the SM-3 IA and IB and will extend coverage to NATO allies in Europe threatened by longer range ballistic missiles.

The MDA is requesting $435 million to procure 30 Aegis SM-3 Block IB missiles in FY 2015, for a total of 332 SM-3 Block IB missiles. MDA requests $68.9 million for advance procurement for four long lead items associated with the FY 2016 SM-3 Block IB missile buy to ensure timely delivery to the Combatant Commander. These items include: 1) MK 104 Dual Thrust Rocket Motor, 2) MK 72 Boosters, 3) Integrated Dewar Assemblies and 4) Circuit Card assemblies.

For FY 2015, the MDA is requesting $464 million for THAAD procurement, which includes the purchase of 31 THAAD interceptors. This puts us on a path for an additional THAAD battery, based on warfighter demand and operational need. We will continue to enhance THAAD’s ability to operate through post-intercept debris, enable launch of THAAD’s interceptors using sensor data provided by other BMDS sensors, and maintain capability against current and evolving threats.

We will also deploy a second forward-based X-band AN/TPY-2 radar in Japan, improving homeland and regional defense capabilities and increasing our global operational AN/TPY-2 radar posture, and we will build and improve the C2BMC infrastructure at fielded sites.

In addition to continuing the enhancement of global BMD survivable communications and support for operations and sustainment of C2BMC at fielded sites, in FY 2015 we will integrate Overhead Persistent Infrared data into C2BMC to support cueing of BMD sensors worldwide. We will also improve sensor data integration and battle management in C2BMC to support Aegis BMD cueing and launch-on and engage-on remote capability.

We are developing fiscally sustainable advanced BMD technologies that can be integrated into the BMDS to adapt to threat changes. Our investments are focused on technology that brings upgradeable capability to the warfighter. Our advanced technology investments are determined by systems engineering, which permits us to evaluate and determine which emerging technical solutions will best address gaps in the BMDS and enhance overall BMDS capability and performance. The goals of our investments are to deploy a future BMDS architecture more capable of discriminating and intercepting the reentry vehicle with a high degree of confidence, and to allow warfighters to dramatically improve their shot doctrine.

This budget continues MDA’s longstanding commitment in support of Israeli defensive efforts to include the development of the David’s Sling Weapon System (DSWS), Upper Tier Interceptor (UTI), Arrow Weapon System Improvements, and procurement of the Iron Dome Weapon System (IDWS). MDA is working with the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) on these programs to include the delivery of Iron Dome batteries and interceptors and long lead item procurements for (DSWS) and (UTI).

Working collaboratively with independent testers and the Services, MDA follows an Integrated Master Test Plan and continues a flight test program using operationally realistic conditions to demonstrate BMD capabilities against current and emerging threats. Robust testing demonstrates BMDS capability while further enhancing war fighter confidence in the performance of the BMDS.

The FY 2015 budget balances capabilities and risks to: deter aggression, protect the interests of the United States and its allies, respond to warfighter requirements, and pursue cost- and operationally-effective capabilities against future threats. To advance the Administration’s missile defense priorities, the FY 2015 MDA’s request for BMD programs is $7.459 billion.

Click here for the FY2015 Appropriations Summary (1 PDF page)

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28 novembre 2013 4 28 /11 /novembre /2013 08:20
US Missile Defense Stumbles Toward Uncertain Threats

Third Interceptor Site: Possible East Coast locations for an additional ground-based interceptor site are being examined by the Missile Defense Agency. (US Missile Defense Agency)


Nov. 26, 2013  By PAUL McLEARY – Defense news


WASHINGTON — While the debate continues over how soon Iran or North Korea might be able to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that could strike the US mainland, the US government is forging ahead with controversial plans to beef up its domestic missile defense capabilities well before any threat has materialized.


In September, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) announced that in addition to the two ground-based interceptor (GBI) sites it operates in Alaska and California, it has started looking at five potential locations to house a third site in the eastern US.


Inspecting a variety of sites will allow the Pentagon to begin environmental assessments if a skeptical Congress eventually reaches agreement on the project and finds the necessary funding.


The prospective sites at Fort Drum, N.Y.; Camp Ethan Allen Training Site, Vt.; Naval Air Station Portsmouth, Maine; Camp Ravenna, Ohio; and the Fort Custer Training Center, Mich., are all on federal land. The existing GBI sites at Fort Greely, Alaska, and Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., house a total of 30 missiles, with another 14 to be added at Fort Greely by 2017 at a cost of about $1 billion.


The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that expanding the ground-based midcourse defense system to the East Coast would cost about $3.5 billion over the next five years.


Boeing acts as the prime contractor that manages the Pentagon’s program to defeat long-range missile threats, while Raytheon and Orbital Sciences have teamed to build both the interceptors and rockets.


The issue of an additional GBI site on the East Cost sparked controversy on Capitol Hill this summer, as Senate Democrats pushed back against congressional Republicans who again included money for the site in their 2013 defense budget markup. The Republicans also attempted to fund the third site in the 2012 budget, but Senate Democrats defeated the measure.


In June, the the Raytheon-made GBI system failed another MDA test, making it the fourth failed test of the capability — each costing about $70 million — since 2010, but the Pentagon insists that it will keep trying.


While the interceptor sites remain embroiled in controversy, several long-term missile tracking and interceptor technologies are ensnared in Pentagon red tape.


Since the late 1990s, the Army has been working on a variety of tethered aerostats that would be capable of tracking incoming missiles. After years of testing, Raytheon won the bid to actually design and build the Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System (JLENS) in 2005.


JLENS can reach an altitude of 10,000 feet and stay aloft for 30 days, and its 360-degree sensor package can scan the air, land and sea for up to 340 miles.


But budget pressures and long development times caused the Pentagon to radically scale back the program — which has completed its recent battery of tests — in the fiscal 2013 defense budget. The Army said it would build just two JLENS orbits instead of the 16 it originally wanted, saving the service an estimated $1.75 billion over the next half decade.


That hasn’t stopped the Army from preparing to send the JLENS to the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland in 2014 to begin three years of tests in the highly congested airspace, roadways and sea lanes of the National Capital Region.


But the inability of Congress to pass a federal budget is putting that testing program at risk. In written testimony Oct. 23 to the House Armed Services Committee, Army acquisition chief Heidi Shyu said that without a full defense budget in 2014, JLENS “cannot meet scheduled construction plans.”


While JLENS continues to exist in a state of suspended — but tethered — animation, the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) developed by the US, Italy and Germany for about US $3.4 billion — with more than $2 billion coming from the United States — continues to move forward. In early November, MEADS, a 360-degree radar and missile system designed to knock down missile threats, intercepted and destroyed two targets simultaneously at the White Sands Missile range in New Mexico.


The only hitch is that after spending billions to develop the technology, the US Army has said it will continue to modernize and upgrade its existing Patriot missile batteries instead of buying MEADS, and the November test was its last.


But the program isn’t completely dead. The Army is assessing potential technologies it might want to “harvest” from MEADS and has promised to submit a report to the Pentagon in the spring outlining what elements of the program it might be able to use.


While all of this work is being done in the face of perceived threats, some perhaps inconvenient geostrategic facts are emerging. In November, the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies released a report saying that Iran “is unlikely to have such a weapon before the end of the decade.”


Looking at efforts similar to Iran’s program to develop long-range ICBMs, the study concluded it’s “reasonable to conclude that Iran is unlikely to move on to producing an operational intermediate-range [missile], powered by a 20- to 25-ton first-stage motor within the next five years,” and “an ICBM powered by a first-stage motor in excess of 30 tons would likely require an additional five to 10 years, if not more.”

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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
SM-3 Block 1B Missile Defense Test

9/21/2013 Strategy Page


PACIFIC OCEAN (Sept. 18, 2013) An SM-3 Block 1B interceptor is launched from the guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG 70) during a Missile Defense Agency test and successfully intercepted a complex short-range ballistic missile target off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii. (U.S. Department of Defense photo)

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16 septembre 2013 1 16 /09 /septembre /2013 11:20
THAAD and Aegis BMD

THAAD and Aegis BMD

Sep 13, 2013 ASDNews Source : US Navy


The Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Corona delivered its first quick-look analysis Sept. 13 of the Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) test earlier this week, kicking off the collaborative assessment process for the first operational test of the nation's Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).


The test, named Flight Test Operational-01 (FTO-01), took place near the Army Kwajalein Atoll/Reagan Test Site and surrounding areas in the western Pacific and marked the first time combatants in different regions defended against near-simultaneous ballistic missile launches.


During the test, MDA successfully integrated Navy destroyer USS Decatur (DDG 73) with the Army's Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system and a space-based infrared detection system.


"This was a great feat for our Navy and the nation as we move toward an operational ballistic missile defense system," said Capt. Eric Ver Hage, commanding officer of NSWC Corona, a Naval Sea Systems Command field activity based in Norco. His command served as the lead analysis and assessment agent of the Navy's system in the test - Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) - providing missile telemetry and combat system data collection.


To conduct the test, MDA launched two medium-range ballistic missile targets in close sequence toward Kwajalein.


An Army-Navy/Transportable Radar Surveillance and Control (AN/TPY-2) radar detected the target and relayed track information to the Command and Control, Battle Management and Communications (C2BMC) system, which integrated, analyzed and synchronized combatants to formulate a real-time threat response among participating units.


The crew of Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Decatur provided the Navy's operational element, tracking and intercepting the first target missile with a missile of its own - a Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IA. Soldiers from the Alpha Battery, 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment provided the Army's operational element, using the THAAD system to intercept the second target.


Aboard Decatur, NSWC Port Hueneme's Aegis BMD personnel extracted data from the ship's system, which subsequently traveled on Corona's innovative mini-Ku band satellite back to shore. The mini-Ku system cuts data transmission time by more than 95 percent from earlier versions, sending all missile telemetry and Aegis combat system data to the warfare center's Joint Warfare Assessment Laboratory (JWAL) where analysts from gathered to provide live monitoring of test data.


Initial data indicated the test elements performed as designed, but MDA officials have ongoing evaluations using the test data, starting with Corona's quick-look analysis.


"NSWC Corona will collaborate with the MDA Joint Analysis Team and Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force to provide an overall assessment of the BMDS from both an engineering and an operational perspective," said Tony Jones, NSWC Corona's Aegis BMD assessment lead.


As a core mission for the Navy, Aegis BMD capability defeats short- to intermediate-range ballistic missile threats with SM-3, as well as short-range ballistic missiles in the terminal phase with the Standard Missile-2 (SM-2).


Since the 1970s, Corona's sister division at NSWC Dahlgren has been intimately involved in the development, test, certification and fielding of almost every new baseline of the Aegis Weapon System (AWS), providing an integrated system that supports warfare on several fronts - air, surface, subsurface and strike.


At sea, the Navy has 28 Aegis BMD combatants - five Ticonderoga Class Cruisers and 23 Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyers - with 16 assigned to the Pacific Fleet and 12 to the Atlantic Fleet. MDA and the Navy plan to increase the number of BMD-capable ships to 30 by the end of 2013.


"As a former ship's captain, I'm excited by the positive results we're seeing," Ver Hage said. "Corona has been providing independent assessment of guided missile systems for nearly 50 years, and the progress our military is making toward building a comprehensive ballistic missile defense system is truly remarkable. It's an awesome capability we absolutely need."


As part of the Navy's Science and Engineering Enterprise, NSWC Corona leads the Navy in independent assessment, measurement and calibration standards and range systems engineering. The warfare center is home to three premier laboratories and assessment centers - the JWAL, the Measurement Science and Technology Lab, and the Daugherty Memorial Assessment Center -and employs approximately 2,000 scientists, engineers, technicians, and support personnel at its headquarters in Norco and at its detachment at Seal Beach, Calif.

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14 mai 2013 2 14 /05 /mai /2013 16:20
Image US Missile Defense Agency

Image US Missile Defense Agency

14/05/2013 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


US defence/aerospace firm Lockheed Martin and the US Missile Defense Agency have carried out an initial air-launched ballistic missile target test, with positive results.


According to Lockheed Martin and the MDA, the eMRBM (Extended Medium-range Ballistic Missile) target was dropped from a USAF C-17 Globemaster III strategic transport aircraft, positioned over Arizona at an altitude of 25,000 feet. Once released, the Extended Medium-range Ballistic Missile prototype detached itself from the carriage extraction system and deployed parachutes as it descended to the ground.


In a press release, Targets and Countermeasures programme director, Patricia Dare, commented: "The eMRBM air-launch equipment and carriage extraction system performed nominally in this test, verifying system performance and preparing the launch team for future mission operations."


EMRBM Flight Test


The eMRBM flight test involved an unpowered pilot missile target and, so, the sortie took place to confirm that the system's support equipment performed as expected. Next, the missile target itself will be launched and that mission's scheduled to take place before the end of 2013.


"This new target is designed to provide the threat realism that is essential to ensuring that missile defense systems are developed against accurate representations of the systems they would likely encounter in an operational environment", added Lockheed Martin Missile Defense Systems' John Holly


Ballistic Missile Target


The air-launched Extended Medium-range Ballistic Missile target is being developed by Lockheed Martin as a strike platform for warfighters to practise-hit when they're being taught how to operate the Ballistic Missile Defense System, which would be activated in the event of ballistic missiles being directed towards the United States.


Lockheed Martin is presently working on no less than 17 missile target designs, in line with the Targets and Countermeasures Prime Contract awarded it a decade ago. According to Lockheed Martin literature released at the time, 'These target systems will enable the US to realistically, reliably and affordably test the full range of ballistic missile defense systems under development.'

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