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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 07:30


22.09.2013 par RFI


Ce dimanche 22 septembre, comme tous les ans, les forces armées iraniennes ont paradé. Trente missiles balistiques d'une portée de 2 000 km ont été présentés. Mais le président Rohani se veut rassurant : « Au cours des 200 dernières années, l'Iran n'a jamais agressé un autre pays », a-t-il déclaré. « Le régime ne commencera jamais une agression mais résistera toujours aux agresseurs ».


Avec notre correspondant à Téhéran, Siavosh Ghazi


L’Iran a montré les muscles, en faisant défiler pour la première fois trente missiles balistiques d’une portée de 2 000 kilomètres, capables d’atteindre théoriquement Israël et les bases américaines situées dans la région.

De plus, les missiles Ghadr et Sejil utilisent du combustible solide, ce qui permet de les déplacer plus rapidement et de les lancer sans délai. Par ailleurs, le commandant de la marine des Gardiens de la révolution a déclaré que l’Iran avait la capacité de détruire les porte-avions américains dans le golfe Persique.

Cette démonstration de force a lieu alors que le président Rohani doit se rendre à New York pour participer à l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies, où le programme nucléaire de l’Iran sera au centre des discussions. Il doit notamment s’entretenir avec le président français François Hollande.


(RÉ)ÉCOUTER SUR RFI : Décryptage, « Ouverture diplomatique en Iran ?


Pour sa part, le chef de la diplomatie iranienne, Mohammad Javad Zarif, doit rencontrer la chef de la diplomatie européenne, Catherine Ashton, pour relancer les négociations nucléaires entre Téhéran et les grandes puissances.

Mais le président Rohani a profité du défilé militaire pour demander à l’Occident d’accepter le droit, pour l’Iran, de procéder à des enrichissements d’uranium sur son sol. Une déclaration qui pourrait compliquer les négociations pour sortir de l’impasse actuelle.


 (RÉ)ÉCOUTER SUR RFI : La marche du monde, « Au nom du Guide suprême »

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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
SM-3 Block 1B Missile Defense Test

9/21/2013 Strategy Page


PACIFIC OCEAN (Sept. 18, 2013) An SM-3 Block 1B interceptor is launched from the guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG 70) during a Missile Defense Agency test and successfully intercepted a complex short-range ballistic missile target off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii. (U.S. Department of Defense photo)

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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 06:30
IRGC-ASF Ghadir-H medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM)

IRGC-ASF Ghadir-H medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM)

Sep. 22, 2013 – Defense News (AFP)


TEHRAN — Iran paraded 30 missiles with a nominal range of 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) Sunday, the first time it had displayed so many with the theoretical capacity to hit Israeli targets.


Iran displayed 12 Sejil and 18 Ghadr missiles at the annual parade marking the anniversary of the outbreak of the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war.


The stated range of both missiles would put not only Israel but also US bases in the Gulf within reach.


But in his speech at the parade, President Hassan Rowhani insisted the weaponry on show was for defensive purposes only.


“In the past 200 years, Iran has never attacked another country,” he said.


“Today too, the armed forces of the Islamic Republic and its leadership will never launch any aggressive action in the region.


“But they will always resist aggressors determinedly until victory.”


The Sejil was first tested in November 2008 and the Ghadr in September of the following year.


Both are two-stage missiles that use solid fuel that allows them to be moved around and launched rapidly.


The naval chief of the elite Revolutionary Guards was meanwhile quoted as saying that Iran has the capability to strike US warships in the Gulf.


“We have the necessary equipment to destroy American aircraft carries and warplanes in the Gulf,” the ISNA news agency quoted Admiral Ali Fadavi as saying.


Bahrain, a strategic archipelago just across the Gulf from Iran, is the home base of the US Fifth Fleet.


The elite Revolutionary Guards is in charge of protecting the strategic Strait of Hormuz, at the entrance to the Gulf, a key gateway for the world’s oil supplies.


Over the past year, the United States has gradually strengthened its naval forces in the Gulf region, particularly after Iran at one point threatened to block the strait.

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22 septembre 2013 7 22 /09 /septembre /2013 11:20
First-Time SM-3 Block 1B Pairs Launch Successful

19/09/2013 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


The US Navy has carried out a first-time paired SM-3 Block 1B missile launch against a short-range ballistic missile in a test conducted in September 2013.


The Standard Missile-3s were launched one after the other from the USS Lake Erie Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser. Conforming to pre-mission requirements, the first missile took out the airborne target. It wasn't planned that the second missile would engage with the target but, as anticipated, the launch yielded valuable data on multiple weapons deployments.


The trial represented the 25th time that Standard Missiles-3s have been launched and the fourth consecutive launch involving the new-generation SM-3 Block 1B version.


Standard Missile-3 Block 1B


The Standard Missile-3 Block 1B is an upgrade of the SM-3 Block 1A, which is in widespread military service. It boasts an augmented dual-colour infrared seeker and another new feature - the Throttleable Divert and Attitude Control System.


Between them, the US Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force are equipped with over 155 SM-3 missiles. The SM-3 Block 1B follow-up is both land and sea-deployable and initial system deliveries will take place in 2015, according to current scheduling.


The missile is produced by Raytheon, which employs more than 68,000 people and, last year, achieved a sales total of $24 billion.


SM-3 Block 1B Test Launch


"Confidence in the SM-3 Block IB's defensive capability continues to grow with each flight test", Raytheon Missile Systems president, Doctor Taylor Lawrence, explained in the firm's SM-3 Block 1B test launch press release. "When this weapon deploys in 2015, the US and our allies will have a tremendously reliable, capable defensive asset on their side."


"We're gaining a tremendous amount of information about what this missile can do, and in many instances it is far surpassing design requirements", added Raytheon Missile Systems' SM-3 programme director, Doctor Mitch Stevison. "The SM-3 Block IB is proving it can take on increasingly sophisticated scenarios, and that kind of confidence sets the stage for a production decision."

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21 septembre 2013 6 21 /09 /septembre /2013 16:20
Commande de 4 milliards de dollars du Pentagone à Lockheed

21/09 LesEchos.fr (Reuters)


Le département américain de la Défense a annoncé vendredi la conclusion d'un contrat de quatre milliards de dollars avec Lockheed Martin portant sur la fourniture aux Etats-Unis et aux Emirats arabes unis de composants du système de défense antimissile Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).


La transaction faisait l'objet de négociations depuis plusieurs années. Elle porte sur 192 missiles intercepteurs destinés aux Emirats et sur 110 pour l'armée américaine.


La mise en commun de ces commandes a permis une économie de 10% environ, a expliqué Mat Joyce, directeur du programme THAAD.


Les Etats-Unis sont en discussions avec le Qatar pour une transaction similaire. L'Arabie saoudite, le Japon et la Corée du Sud ont par ailleurs manifesté leur intérêt, a ajouté Mat Joyce.


L'agence américaine chargée de la défense antimissile a procédé la semaine dernière au premier test opérationnel du système THAAD et a la vérification de sa compatibilité le système de combat Aegis. leur association a permis de détruire deux missiles à moyenne portée tirés quasi-simultanément.

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20 septembre 2013 5 20 /09 /septembre /2013 11:40
Russian Missile Forces to Adopt New Command System in 2016

MOSCOW, September 19 (RIA Novosti)


Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces will use a new-generation automated command and control system from 2016, the Defense Ministry said Thursday.


The new system, based on the digital transmission of operations orders bypassing intermediary levels straight to the launch pad, allows the prompt targeting and retargeting of missiles and ensures the effective command and control of all units and subunits, Defense Ministry spokesman Dmitry Andreyev said.


The fifth-generation system will use wire, radio and satellite communication channels that are well protected from jamming and other forms of interference, he added.


The system is compact and reliable and boasts low energy consumption, secure information transmission and imperviousness to external impacts, the spokesman said.

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19 septembre 2013 4 19 /09 /septembre /2013 17:20
US Navy launches two Raytheon-made SM-3 missiles against single ballistic missile target

Scenario designed to test ship's ability to launch SM-3s




In a Missile Defense Agency test, the U.S. Navy launched two Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN)-made Standard Missile-3 Block IBs from the USS Lake Erie against a complex, separating short-range ballistic missile target. The first guided missile successfully destroyed the target using the sheer kinetic force of a massive collision in space.

The SM-3 is a defensive weapon used by the U.S. and Japan to defend against short- to intermediate-range ballistic missiles.  

"Confidence in the SM-3 Block IB's defensive capability continues to grow with each flight test," said Dr. Taylor Lawrence, Raytheon Missile Systems president. "When this weapon deploys in 2015, the U.S. and our allies will have a tremendously reliable, capable defensive asset on their side."

During the test, two SM-3 interceptors were launched at a single target consecutively. The first SM-3 eliminated the target. The second SM-3 was designed to test the ship weapons system's ability to launch multiple missiles at one time against a threat. An intercept for the second SM-3 was not part of the test scenario.

"We're gaining a tremendous amount of information about what this missile can do, and in many instances it is far surpassing design requirements," said Dr. Mitch Stevison, Raytheon Missile Systems' SM-3 program director. "The SM-3 Block IB is proving it can take on increasingly sophisticated scenarios, and that kind of confidence sets the stage for a production decision."

The test was the 25th successful flight test for the SM-3 program and the fourth back-to-back successful test of the next-generation SM-3 Block IB variant. Based on the highly successful SM-3 Block IA currently deployed around the world today, the SM-3 Block IB incorporates an enhanced two-color infrared seeker and the Throttleable Divert and Attitude Control System, a mechanism that propels the missile toward incoming targets.

For more specifics on the test scenario, visit www.mda.mil.

About the Standard Missile-3

SM-3s destroy incoming ballistic missile threats by colliding with them, a concept sometimes described as "hitting a bullet with a bullet." The impact is the equivalent of a 10-ton truck traveling at 600 mph.

  • More than 155 SM-3s have been delivered to the U.S. and Japanese navies.
  • Raytheon is on track to deliver the next-generation SM-3 Block IB in 2015.
  • SM-3 Block IB will be deployed in both sea-based and land-based modes.

About Raytheon

Raytheon Company, with 2012 sales of $24 billion and 68,000 employees worldwide, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, security and civil markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 91 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems; as well as a broad range of mission support services. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass. For more about Raytheon, visit us at www.raytheon.com and follow us on Twitter @Raytheon.

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18 septembre 2013 3 18 /09 /septembre /2013 17:30
Promis, juré: pas de postes de tir Milan pour les insurgés syriens!

18.09.2013 par P. CHAPLEAU Lignes de Défense


On ne trouvera (presque) personne, dans les armées, pour affirmer que des postes de tir de missiles Milan (standard F1, c'est important) ont été "réquisitionnés" dans différentes unités. Au mieux, sera confirmée l'existence d'une note de service précisant que des postes de tir (une dizaine au moins) devaient être rassemblés et destinés aux troupes françaises en opex.


Que ces armes aient pu prendre une route tortueuse et atterrir en Syrie sera donc ausii catégoriquement qu'officiellement démenti.


Pourtant, les rebelles syriens qui ont capturé des missiles Milan (88, par exemple, en avril, dans une caserne d'Alep) mais pas leurs postes de tirs, auraient bien besoin de ce coup de pouce. Ils disposent certes déjà de quelques postes de tir (des F1 pris sur l'armée du régime et des F2 livrés par le Qatar, que l'on ne peut pas confondre avec le système chinois HJ-8), mais pas en nombre suffisant.


Dommage que l'on ait donc envoyé vers le Mali et l'Afghanistan des matériels anciens destinés à nos troupes dont l'activité opérationnelle nécessite de moins en moins l'usage de telles armes.

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18 septembre 2013 3 18 /09 /septembre /2013 12:40
Russia’s Troubled Bulava Missiles Returned to Maker – Official

MOSCOW, September 16 (RIA Novosti)


All Bulava missiles from the same batch as the one that failed on September 6 will undergo additional tests by their manufacturer, a senior defense industry official told RIA Novosti Monday.

Oleg Bochkarev, deputy head of the government’s Military-Industrial Commission, said the extent of the examination will be determined after the cause of the Sept. 6 launch failure has been identified.

The tests will be carried out by the Votkinsk plant that makes Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) and Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missiles, and could take place on-site at storage facilities, Bochkarev said.

There will also be additional launches using Bulava missiles from the same batch as the one that malfunctioned on Sept. 6, he said.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered five additional launches of Bulava missiles following the failed launch of Sept.6, when a missile fired during state trials of the Alexander Nevsky nuclear-powered submarine in the White Sea malfunctioned.

Including this latest failure, eight out of 19 or 20 test launches of the troubled Bulava have been officially declared unsuccessful.

The Russian military has repeatedly stated that there is no alternative to the Bulava.

The three-stage Bulava carries up to 10 MIRV warheads, has a range of over 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles) and is designed for deployment on Borey-class nuclear submarines.

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18 septembre 2013 3 18 /09 /septembre /2013 12:20
ATK Delivers 100th AARGM Production Missile

Sep 17, 2013 ASDNews Source : Alliant Tech Systems, Inc


In August, ATK’s Defense Electronic Systems hosted a ceremony commemorating the delivery of the 100th production AARGM missile to the U.S. Navy. The event was held in ATK’s Ridgecrest, CA facility and was attended by approximately 70 distinguished guests including elected officials, community leaders, employees and industry partners, with Gordon Turner, Vice President Strike Weapons, emceeing the event.


Speakers included Bill Kasting, Vice President and General Manager of DES, Scott O’Neil, Naval Air Warfare Center-Weapons Division Executive Director,  Rear Admiral Mathias Winter, Program Executive Officer for Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons, and 23rd Congressional District U.S. Representative Kevin McCarthy, the House Majority Whip.


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18 septembre 2013 3 18 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
India can produce 10,000 km range ballistic missiles: DRDO

Sep 17, 2013 brahmand.com


NEW DELHI (PTI): Inter-continental ballistic missile Agni-5, which can cover entire China and reach Europe with its range of 5,000 km, will be ready for induction in the armed forces in two years, amid assertion by DRDO that it can produce a weapon system with a range of 10,000 km.


Addressing a press conference on a seminar to be held on Monday, DRDO Chief Avinash Chander said all the ballistic missiles in country's arsenal would be canistered to reduce the reaction time, in case of a nuclear attack.


He said by the end of this year or the beginning of the next year, the country's first indigenously-developed nuclear submarine INS Arihant would be carrying out weapon trials as part of its tests towards its induction in the Navy.


"Yes... actually range is least problematic part of the missile. We have full capability to go to any range. If we need a particular range, we can achieve that in two or two-and-a-half years. The issue today is more with the accuracy of the missiles," Chander said.


The DRDO chief was asked if the premier research organisation would be able to provide 10,000 km range missiles if government gives a go ahead to it.


Commenting on the Agni-5 missile, which was successfully test-fired on Sunday for the second time, he said, "The missile would be ready for induction in armed forces in the next couple of years after three to four more successful test-firings from canisters."


He said the Agni-5 along with all other ballistic missiles would be canistered which will help in reducing the response time in case of a nuclear attack.


"It (the response time) will be in order of few minutes from stop to launch and it will be very short. I cannot give you the exact time," Chander said.


India has a 'no-first use' policy for nuclear weapons which means that it needs to have a strong and quick response capability to reply in case of a strike by an adversary.


Asked if there was a need for having missiles with higher ranges than the Agni-5, Chander said, "As on date, we don't think we need those ranges but if needed, it can be done."


On why was India now willing to categorise the Agni-5 as an ICBM whereas earlier it was hesitant to do so, the DRDO chief said world-over missiles with ranges of 5,000 to 5,500 km were termed as ICBMs.


"I do not see why we should be diffident about our strengths and capabilities. Agni-5 is able to go trans-continental and is capable to go these ranges. It is definitely an ICBM. I don't think there is any negative or positive connotation of this term," he said.


Asked if there were any problems with the telemetry and systems of the Agni-5 before its Sunday trial, he said there were issues regarding this but the organisation went ahead with the test as they were not associated with the performance of the weapon system.


On INS Arihant's weapon firing trials including the 700-km K-15 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile, Chander said it is ready for integration with the indigenous submarine and there no issues on it.


Talking about the weapon and the sea trials of Arihant, whose nuclear reactor was activated recently, the DRDO chief said, "They have a full plan of various activities which will include firing of missiles and validation of other systems on board it.


"Arihant has achieved criticality. It is going through of cycle of trials and that is on. That has to be done in a certain time-line and we are on time."


Reacting to queries, Chander said there was no programme such as Agni-6 at the moment.


On the 1,500 km range Nirbhay cruise missile, he said the second test-firing of the weapon system would be conducted by the end of this year.


Chander said a number of changes have been made in DRDO structure as seven clusters have been created with primary objective of enhancing efficiency and performance of the laboratories while reducing the delays in the projects.


He said the trials of the Arjun MkII tank programme were going on and 79 modifications have been validated.

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17 septembre 2013 2 17 /09 /septembre /2013 17:20
Raytheon awarded $14 million for HARM Control Section Modification Lot 2 contract

TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 17, 2013 /PRNewswire


The U.S. Air Force awarded Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) a $14 million Lot 2 contract to continue full rate production of High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) Control Section Modification (HCSM) upgrade units.


The modification adds a GPS receiver and an improved inertial measurement unit (IMU) for precision navigation to the existing HARM. HCSM also features a digital flight computer that merges targeting solutions from navigation and seeker systems.


"HCSM upgrades to the HARM allow the enhanced weapon to precisely engage the target set," said Jack Roosa, HARM program director for Raytheon Missile Systems. "These upgrades negate many counter tactics of sophisticated radar-directed defenses and add a stand-off, high-speed strike capability against time critical targets of known location."


Raytheon began modification of existing HARMs early this year. Delivery of HCSM units is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2013. Raytheon has teamed with Honeywell, Rockwell Collins and others for the HCSM program.


The contract was awarded in Raytheon's second quarter of 2013.


About HARM and HCSM

The AGM-88 High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile is a key battlespace element to suppress or destroy surface-to-air missile radars, early warning radars and radar-directed air defense artillery systems. HARMs have made hostile airspaces worldwide safer for U.S. and allied warfighters. The missile resides in the inventories of eight countries.


    More than 4,000 HARMs have been employed in combat.

    HCSM adds GPS/IMU navigation accuracy, giving HARM the ability to engage time-critical targets.

    HCSM has new features that degrade counter-HARM tactics, while reducing the risk of fratricide or collateral damage.


About Raytheon

Raytheon Company, with 2012 sales of $24 billion and 68,000 employees worldwide, is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, security and civil markets throughout the world. With a history of innovation spanning 91 years, Raytheon provides state-of-the-art electronics, mission systems integration and other capabilities in the areas of sensing; effects; and command, control, communications and intelligence systems; as well as a broad range of mission support services. Raytheon is headquartered in Waltham, Mass. For more about Raytheon, visit us at www.raytheon.com and follow us on Twitter @Raytheon.

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17 septembre 2013 2 17 /09 /septembre /2013 12:35
ASTER 30-SAMP T firing in 2008. MBDA

ASTER 30-SAMP T firing in 2008. MBDA

16/09/2013, Michel Cabirol – La Tribune.fr


Singapour va prochainement investir dans des missiles Aster 30 de MBDA pour remplacer son actuel équipement américain vieillissant.


C'est une bonne nouvelle pour le missilier européen MBDA en mal de commandes à l'export cette année. Singapour, un client référent, va prochainement investir dans des missiles Aster 30 pour remplacer son actuel équipement américain vieillissant, a annoncé ce lundi le ministre de la Défense singapourien, Dr Ng Eng Hen. Il a déclaré que ce missile de défense aérienne permettra à la cité-état de contrer de multiples menaces pouvant venir d'avions de chasse, d'hélicoptères, de drones ou de missiles balistiques. Le système Aster viendra en complément des quatre appareils d'alerte précoce, le Gulfstream 550 (G550-AEW).


"Les Aster 30 sont bien plus puissants que les I-Hawk que nous utilisons actuellement pour notre système de défense aérienne", a-t-il annoncé au Parlement. Il n'a révélé ni le coût du système, ni le nombre de missiles, ni la date précise à laquelle Singapour fera cet investissement.


Des Aster 30 en France et en Italie


Le système Aster 30, utilisé par la France et l'Italie, devrait permettre à Singapour de bénéficier d'un rayon de protection aérienne de plus de 70 kilomètres, a précisé le ministre de la Défense. Le système américain actuel fournissait une protection sur un rayon de 40 kilomètres seulement. La petite république insulaire, qui fait 42 kilomètres de longueur et 23 kilomètres de largeur, possède également un système de défense "Spyder" utilisé sur un rayon de 15 kilomètres.


Dr Ng Eng Hena également précisé que Singapour cherchait à moderniser sa flotte d'avions de chasse F-16 pour étendre sa durée de vie. Le ministère de la Défense évalue toujours la possibilité d'acheter des F-35 pour remplacer les avions actuels, a-t-il ajouté. Singapour possède également une flotte d'avions de chasse F-15.


Le plus gros budget de défense de toute l'Asie du Sud-Est


La cité-état possède le plus gros budget de défense de toute l'Asie du Sud-Est, grâce à sa phénoménale croissance économique. En 2013, il a atteint 12,34 milliards de dollars singapouriens (7,3 milliards d'euros), en hausse par rapport à l'an dernier où il s'élevait à 11,83 milliards de dollars singapouriens (7 milliards d'euros), selon des chiffres officiels.


Entouré par des pays bien plus grands que lui, Singapour a développé cette robuste stratégie de défense en 1965 après un conflit avec la Malaisie. Tous les hommes singapouriens doivent ainsi faire un service militaire après leurs 18 ans, fournissant une main d'oeuvre supplémentaire aux 20.000 militaires de l'armée régulière.


Un contrat en Grande-Bretagne pour MBDA


MBDA traverse une bonne période. Après avoir vu la confirmation cet été dans le cadre de la loi de programmation militaire du programme du missile Anti-navire léger (ANL) par la France, le missilier européen a annoncé la semaine dernière avoir remporté auprès du ministère de la Défense britannique un contrat de 250 millions de livres (296 millions d'euros) pour la production du nouveau missile surface-air destiné à la Royal Navy. Le nouveau missile, baptisé Sea Ceptor, doit être opérationnel sur les frégates de Type 23 à partir de 2016 en remplacement du Seawolf, avait précisé MBDA dans un communiqué. Sea Ceptor sera également intégré aux frégates de Type 26.

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17 septembre 2013 2 17 /09 /septembre /2013 12:20
Northrop Unveils F-35 Missile Protection System

ThNDR and Lightning: Northrop's ThNDR system is designed to protect the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter from enemy missiles. (Northrop)


Sep. 16, 2013 - By AARON MEHTA – Defense News


WASHINGTON — Northrop Grumman on Thursday unveiled a new anti-missile laser protection system designed for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter in Washington.


The Threat Nullification Defensive Resource — ThNDR for short, to compliment the F-35’s “Lightning” designation — is a progression from Northrop’s directional infrared countermeasures (DIRCM) family of systems.


DIRCM works by sensing by intercepting an incoming missile with a laser that confuses the seeker head on the weapon, causing it to lose track of the aircraft. The system has been highly successful, with installation on over 50 different platforms, but had yet to be mounted on a fighter jet in large part due to the challenge of getting a system to work with the tight turns and high speeds that pilots would be required to make in a combat situation.


Although not yet part of the F-35 program, Northrop is confident the Pentagon wants to incorporate some form of missile-protection into its fifth-generation fighter.


“We know that requirement does exist and it is on its way,” said Jeffrey Palombo, Northrop’s sector vice president and general manager for the Land and Self-Protection Systems Division. In an attempt to get ahead of potential competition, the company self-funded the research and design of ThNDR.


ThNDR was designed to meet specific size limitations for the F-35. It will be nestled next to the distributed aperture system (DAS), also designed by Northrop, and tap into the cooling system already in the fighter. Each jet will get a pair of systems, one on the top of the plane and one on the bottom, to create 360-degree coverage against threats.


A major feature of the F-35 is its low-observable design, vital to its stealth capabilities. Anything sticking off the plane could threaten those stealth characteristics, so ThNDR will be installed inside the jet, with a window cut out to allow the lasers to operate.


The company expects the requirement for a missile defense system to be included in the Block 5 upgrade, in the 2017 time frame, and be available for all domestic and international customers. “There’s no reason at all that it can’t be retrofitted” into an already-produced F-35, Palombo said, although he declined to go into details on what that might look like.


The system still has a way to go before completion, with testing planned in Northrop’s laboratories before the end of the year. While no requirement has been issued, Carl Smith, vice president of Infrared Countermeasures, said the company is keeping in touch with the F-35 Joint Program Office.


“We go talk with them periodically,” Smith said. “We share what our progress is. There’s obviously dialogue with Lockheed Martin. We keep everybody abreast of where we are and what’s happening. “


While designed for the F-35, Palombo said the company expects other fighters, such as the F-15, to eventually include a requirement for a DIRCM system.


“It’s really a fast jet capability,” Palombo said. “Look at the fact there aren’t going to be many new starts for airplanes. We’re going to be flying F-22s, F-16s, F-15s for a very long time, and they’re going to have to be protected, as well.”


The system could be mounted into the bottom of the airplane, or reconfigured to fit into a self-contained pod that can be attached to the bottom of a jet. It would also have the option to be liquid or air-cooled.


“We believe [the F-35 is] probably the first actual requirement proposal that will be coming down the pike,” Palombo reiterated. “It is very likely there will be others, either in parallel with that or immediately following that.”


Northrop executives describe ThNDR as a “sixth-generation” system, and the company is keeping an eye on what a seventh-gen system might look like. Smith, at least, believes that would likely involve higher-powered lasers in the “tens of kilowatts of energy.”

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17 septembre 2013 2 17 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
Aster-30 missile launch photo MBDA  Michel Hans

Aster-30 missile launch photo MBDA Michel Hans

16/09/2013 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


The Republic of Singapore Air Force should soon be equipped with Aster-30 surface to air missile systems, according to Singapore's defence minister, Ng Eng Hen.


Addressing Singaporean MPs on 16 September 2013, Dr Ng described how the air arm is implementing a hi-tech air defence shield, comprised of several layers. This multilayered shield is intended to defend Singapore against all conceivable airborne threats.


Right now, Singaporean air defence is supplied by an arsenal of 12 MIM-23B I-Hawk launchers and circa 500 missiles. Now over 40 years old, this technology has since been superseded by more modern systems, such as the Aster-30.


Aster-30 Missile Systems


Equipped with Aster-30 missile systems, the Republic of Singapore Air Force would gain a simultaneous extended-range multi-target engagement capability.


In line with the Aster-30's introduction, the Republic of Singapore Air Force would also have its Lockheed Martin F-16C and -D Fighting Falcons upgraded, extending their service lives.


Developed during the 1960s, the MIM-23B I-Hawk missile boasts a 74 kilogram warhead and has a range of up to 40 kilometres.


Singaporean Air Defence


"Superior air defence and strike capabilities have been built up through prudent and steady investments of resources and land allocation for our defence needs", Dr Ng explained. "And over the years, we have acquired, adapted and developed advanced technologies and state-of-art platforms to provide more accurate and timely early warning and situational awareness of potential threats. We will continue to invest in these capabilities."


The Aster missile series was introduced in 2001. Vertically-launched, the Aster-15 and Aster-30 missiles take their name from Asterion - the 'ruler of the stars' in Greek mythology.


Produced by the MBDA-Thales Eurosam consortium, the Aster-30 has a maximum range of 120 kilometres, reaches flight altitudes of up to 30 kilometres and travels at Mach 4.5. Aster missiles presently equip the French Air Force and the French, Italian, Singaporean and Saudi Arabian navies, amongst other operators.

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16 septembre 2013 1 16 /09 /septembre /2013 11:20
THAAD and Aegis BMD

THAAD and Aegis BMD

Sep 13, 2013 ASDNews Source : US Navy


The Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Corona delivered its first quick-look analysis Sept. 13 of the Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) test earlier this week, kicking off the collaborative assessment process for the first operational test of the nation's Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).


The test, named Flight Test Operational-01 (FTO-01), took place near the Army Kwajalein Atoll/Reagan Test Site and surrounding areas in the western Pacific and marked the first time combatants in different regions defended against near-simultaneous ballistic missile launches.


During the test, MDA successfully integrated Navy destroyer USS Decatur (DDG 73) with the Army's Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system and a space-based infrared detection system.


"This was a great feat for our Navy and the nation as we move toward an operational ballistic missile defense system," said Capt. Eric Ver Hage, commanding officer of NSWC Corona, a Naval Sea Systems Command field activity based in Norco. His command served as the lead analysis and assessment agent of the Navy's system in the test - Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) - providing missile telemetry and combat system data collection.


To conduct the test, MDA launched two medium-range ballistic missile targets in close sequence toward Kwajalein.


An Army-Navy/Transportable Radar Surveillance and Control (AN/TPY-2) radar detected the target and relayed track information to the Command and Control, Battle Management and Communications (C2BMC) system, which integrated, analyzed and synchronized combatants to formulate a real-time threat response among participating units.


The crew of Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Decatur provided the Navy's operational element, tracking and intercepting the first target missile with a missile of its own - a Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) Block IA. Soldiers from the Alpha Battery, 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment provided the Army's operational element, using the THAAD system to intercept the second target.


Aboard Decatur, NSWC Port Hueneme's Aegis BMD personnel extracted data from the ship's system, which subsequently traveled on Corona's innovative mini-Ku band satellite back to shore. The mini-Ku system cuts data transmission time by more than 95 percent from earlier versions, sending all missile telemetry and Aegis combat system data to the warfare center's Joint Warfare Assessment Laboratory (JWAL) where analysts from gathered to provide live monitoring of test data.


Initial data indicated the test elements performed as designed, but MDA officials have ongoing evaluations using the test data, starting with Corona's quick-look analysis.


"NSWC Corona will collaborate with the MDA Joint Analysis Team and Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force to provide an overall assessment of the BMDS from both an engineering and an operational perspective," said Tony Jones, NSWC Corona's Aegis BMD assessment lead.


As a core mission for the Navy, Aegis BMD capability defeats short- to intermediate-range ballistic missile threats with SM-3, as well as short-range ballistic missiles in the terminal phase with the Standard Missile-2 (SM-2).


Since the 1970s, Corona's sister division at NSWC Dahlgren has been intimately involved in the development, test, certification and fielding of almost every new baseline of the Aegis Weapon System (AWS), providing an integrated system that supports warfare on several fronts - air, surface, subsurface and strike.


At sea, the Navy has 28 Aegis BMD combatants - five Ticonderoga Class Cruisers and 23 Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyers - with 16 assigned to the Pacific Fleet and 12 to the Atlantic Fleet. MDA and the Navy plan to increase the number of BMD-capable ships to 30 by the end of 2013.


"As a former ship's captain, I'm excited by the positive results we're seeing," Ver Hage said. "Corona has been providing independent assessment of guided missile systems for nearly 50 years, and the progress our military is making toward building a comprehensive ballistic missile defense system is truly remarkable. It's an awesome capability we absolutely need."


As part of the Navy's Science and Engineering Enterprise, NSWC Corona leads the Navy in independent assessment, measurement and calibration standards and range systems engineering. The warfare center is home to three premier laboratories and assessment centers - the JWAL, the Measurement Science and Technology Lab, and the Daugherty Memorial Assessment Center -and employs approximately 2,000 scientists, engineers, technicians, and support personnel at its headquarters in Norco and at its detachment at Seal Beach, Calif.

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16 septembre 2013 1 16 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
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16 septembre 2013 1 16 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
source Livefist

source Livefist

NEW DELHI, 15 septembre - RIA Novosti


L'Inde a mené dimanche matin un deuxième test réussi de son missile balistique Agni-V d'une portée de 5.000 km, rapporte la chaîne de télévision NDTV.


Le tir d'essai a été effectué à 4h13 UTC depuis  l'île de Wheeler, dans le golfe du Bengal, au large de l'Etat indien d'Orissa.


Le premier test de ce missile capable de porter une charge nucléaire a eu lieu en avril 2012.


La presse indienne souligne que le missile en question est capable d'atteindre Pékin, la Chine étant souvent considérée en Inde comme un ennemi militaire potentiel.


La conception du missile en question a débuté en 1983. Conçu pour emporter une ogive nucléaire de 1,5 tonne, Agni-V est un missile de trois étages de 17 mètres de long pesant près de 50 tonnes. 


Selon les sources auxquelles se réfère la chaîne NDTV, le missile doit subir encore plusieurs tests avant d'équiper l'armée indienne.


Les forces armées indiennes ont à l'heure actuelle à leur disposition des vecteurs terrestres (missiles de type Agni et Prithvi) et aériens (avions Dassault Mirage-2000 et SEPECAT Jaguar). New Delhi espère en outre acquérir la troisième composante de la triade nucléaire – posséder des sous-marins lanceurs  d'engins. En août dernier, le réacteur du sous-marin Arihant, le premier à avoir été construit en Inde, a été mis en service.  Les tests de ce dernier devraient prochainement débuter.

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16 septembre 2013 1 16 /09 /septembre /2013 07:35
India Tests >5,500-km Range Agni-V Ballistic Missile

September 15, 2013 by Shiv Aroor - Livefist


The Agni-V ballistic missile, capable of delivering a 1.5-ton nuclear warhead out to over 5,500-km was tested today from India's Integrated Test Range (ITR) in the Bay of Bengal. The launch at 8.52AM today was the missile's second after its debut test in April last year. The missile's systems underwent a degree of fine-tuning after the first test, purported to give the weapon system a far greater degree of accuracy. Details of today's test, videos and photos shortly.

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13 septembre 2013 5 13 /09 /septembre /2013 12:50
MBDA & LM co-operation achieves 1st missile launch from a MK 41 launcher using ExLS

Sep 13, 2013 ASDNews Source : MBDA


MBDA and Lockheed Martin demonstrated the first launch of a Common Anti-air Modular Missile (CAMM) from Lockheed Martin’s MK 41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) launcher using the host variant of the Extensible Launching System (ExLS).


This is the first test by MBDA and Lockheed Martin since the May 2013 announcement of cooperation between the two companies to offer MBDA missile systems for use with the MK 41 and ExLS family of launchers. The test used MBDA’s soft vertical launch technology to eject the CAMM from its canister and position the missile for main motor ignition. The trial is the first in a series to demonstrate that the CAMM can be installed using ExLS in vessels that use the MK 41 launcher or on the 3-cell stand-alone ExLS CAMM launcher.


Announcing the result of the trial, Paul Mead, Business Development Director for MBDA said, “This first CAMM trial is an example of how MBDA and Lockheed Martin are offering the global MK 41 customer base a real choice in which missile they use. The missile offers a wide range of benefits, not least its active seeker, as well as low impact of installation on-board due to the soft vertical launch method. This is the start of what we hope will be a wider range of MBDA missile systems available to Lockheed Martin vertical launcher users.”


“The multi-missile MK 41 VLS has fundamentally changed the way world navies think about sea-launched weapons by providing the flexibility to respond to numerous threats," said George Barton, vice president of business development of Ship & Aviation Systems for Lockheed Martin's Mission System and Training business. "Our partnership with MBDA allows us to grow the MK 41 multi-missile capability and offer our customers an outstanding VLS launcher alternative.”


Lockheed Martin, in collaboration with MBDA, is developing a 3-cell stand-alone ExLS CAMM launcher for those navies whose ships cannot accommodate the larger MK 41 VLS but desire the superior missile packing density, survivability and reliability that the 8-cell MK 41 launcher has been offering for over 30 years to 13 navies worldwide.


The trial was carried out on the 10th of September near Bedford, England, using a MK 41 launcher outfitted with a host ExLS.

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13 septembre 2013 5 13 /09 /septembre /2013 12:35
Séoul envisage de renforcer sa capacité de défense antimissile avec le PAC-3 et THAAD

2013/09/12 yonhapnews.co.kr


WASHINGTON/SEOUL, 11 sept. (Yonhap) -- L'armée sud-coréenne cherche apparemment à améliorer sa capacité de défense antimissile à celui de PAC-3 (Patriot Advanced Capability) avec un éventuel achat de systèmes de missiles antibalistiques THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense), ont fait savoir ce mercredi des hauts responsables de Lockheed Martin.


Si cette information est confirmée, elle contredira la déclaration du ministre de la Défense Kim Kwan-jin selon laquelle la Corée du Sud cherche seulement à construire une capacité balistique autonome avec le système KAMD ((Korea’s Air and Missile Defense).


En 2007, Séoul a acheté à l'Allemagne 48 PAC-2 d'occasion mais nombreux sont ceux qui restent sceptiques quant à sa capacité à intercepter les missiles balistiques à longue portée nord-coréens qui pourraient être équipés d'ogives chimiques ou nucléaires.


Dans le cadre de son plan visant à améliorer son système de défense antimissile, l'armée sud-coréenne vise dans un premier temps une mise à niveau aux systèmes PAC-3, selon Michael Trotsky, vice-président des systèmes aérien et de défense antimissile de Lockheed Martin.


«Après une mise à niveau du système PAC-3, ce que leur commandement militaire cherche, c'est un système de défense aérienne et antimissile capable de protéger des missiles balistiques à longue portée et compatible avec le système Patriot dont la Corée dispose déjà», a-t-il déclaré à l'agence de presse Yonhap.


Il a ajouté que le gouvernement de Séoul s’est montré «très intéressé» à voir le système THAAD produit par Lockheed, même s'il est toujours dans les premières étapes d’évaluation des divers systèmes potentiels.


Trotsky a indiqué que Lockheed pourrait être en lice avec le système de défense aérienne d'Israël dans le cadre du programme de Séoul visant à aiguiser sa défense antimissile. «Lockheed Martin va évidemment les aider à avoir toutes les données sur le système THAAD dont ils ont besoin pour qu’ils puissent prendre leur décision», a-t-il ajouté.


Orville Prins, vice-président de l'activité développement de la défense aérienne et antimissile de Lockheed Matrin, a affirmé qu'un «dialogue sérieux et intense» était en cours entre le gouvernement américain et l'Administration du programme d'acquisition de défense (DAPA) pour décider du niveau de la mise à jour du système PAC et du nombre de missiles.


«Il y a eu des discussions avec l'armée américaine sur les capacités du PAC-3 et THAAD et les discussions ont abordé les détails du contenu de l'éventuel programme», a noté Prins, en visite à Séoul pour participer à un forum international sur la défense. «Il y a eu une demande d'information sur les prix et cette information sera communiqué très prochainement, dans quelques semaines.»

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13 septembre 2013 5 13 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
THAAD and Aegis BMD Successfully Engage Multiple Targets During Integrated BMDS Test

Sep 12, 2013 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


Lockheed Martin’s [NYSE: LMT] Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Weapon System and the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) successfully conducted a complex missile defense flight test resulting in the intercept of two medium-range ballistic missile targets in an operationally realistic environment.


The test was conducted at U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll/Reagan Test Site and surrounding areas in the western Pacific. The test stressed the ability of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense and THAAD Weapon Systems to defeat a raid of two near-simultaneous medium-range ballistic missile targets. Preliminary data indicate all test objectives were achieved.


“Today’s successful intercepts proved once again that the capability and maturity of the Aegis and THAAD systems are unequaled,” said Mathew Joyce, vice president and program manager for THAAD at Lockheed Martin. “This test demonstrated the benefits of a layered, interoperable approach that can help protect nations from increasing global security threats.”


“The sailors and soldiers manning Aegis BMD and THAAD performed as they would in an operational or tactical scenario,” said Nick Bucci, director for Aegis BMD Programs at Lockheed Martin. “This test showed that sailors and soldiers can plan and execute a complex engagement against multiple targets in an integrated and layered defense architecture that mimics a regional missile defense operation.”


An Army-Navy/Transportable Radar Surveillance and Control (AN/TPY-2) radar in Forward Based Mode (FBM) detected the target and relayed track information to the Command Control Battle Management and Communications (C2BMC) system to cue defending BMDS assets.


The USS Decatur detected and tracked the missile with its onboard AN/SPY-1 radar. The ship, equipped with the Aegis BMD weapon system, developed a fire control solution, launched a Standard Missile-3, Block IA missile and successfully intercepted the target.


The FBM radar acquired the target and sent tracking information to the C2BMC system. The THAAD system, using a second AN/TPY-2 radar, tracked the target. THAAD developed a fire control solution, launched a THAAD interceptor missile and successfully intercepted the medium-range ballistic missile. THAAD was operated by soldiers from the Alpha Battery, 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment.


Today’s event, designated Flight Test Operational-01, demonstrated integrated, layered, regional missile defense capabilities in a combined live-fire operational test. Soldiers, sailors and airmen from multiple Combatant Commands operated the systems and were provided a unique opportunity to refine operational doctrine and tactics while increasing confidence in the execution of integrated air and missile defense plans.


Ballistic Missile Defense System programs have completed 62 successful hit-to-kill intercepts in 78 flight test attempts since 2001.

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12 septembre 2013 4 12 /09 /septembre /2013 12:40
Le sous-marin russe Dmitry Donskoy effectuera le prochain lancement du missile Bulava

12 septembre 2013. Portail des Sous-Marins


C’est un sous-marin nucléaire lanceur d’engin du projet 941 qui effectuera le prochain essai du missile balistique Bulava, a déclaré une source proche du dossier.


« Le Dmitry Donskoy effectuera un tir de missile Bulava en plongée. Le missile doit être testé et ses caractéristiques techniques ont besoin d’être confirmées après l’échec du lancement depuis le sous-marin Alexander Nevsky. De plus, le nouveau système automatique de contrôle de lancement sera essayé dans un centre de commandement de l’Etat-Major général, » a expliqué la source.


Selon elle, le Dmitry Donskoy est le sous-marin le mieux préparé pour cet essai par rapport aux sous-marins de la classe Borei.


Le Dmitry Donskoy, un sous-marin de la classe Akula (nom de code OTAN "Typhoon") a été modifié pour la mise au point et le lancement des missiles Bulava. Il a déjà procédé à 14 tirs d’essai de missiles Bulava. 7 lancements ont été complètement ou partiellement réussis, et 7 ont donné lieu à un abandon de tir.


Il avait été décidé de conserver le Dmitry Donskoy jusqu’en 2017 en tant que sous-marin d’essai pour les missiles et d’autres matériels.


Référence : Russia Beyond The Headlines

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12 septembre 2013 4 12 /09 /septembre /2013 11:50
CWSP Compact Warfare System Package

CWSP Compact Warfare System Package

Sep 12, 2013 ASDNews Source : MBDA


In 2010, MBDA launched CWSP (Compact Warfare System Package) to provide fast patrol boats and logistics ships with an integrated combat system for both self-defence and the means to secure sensitive coastal zones. In this respect, CWSP’s common architecture has up to now incorporated MBDA’s automated, twin turret Mistral missile SIMBAD-RC air defence system and a twin launcher Marte Mk2/N missile system for the anti-ship role. However, in recognition of the growing complexity of operations in the littoral, MBDA is now offering CWSP with an additional capability, namely that provided by Brimstone to counter agile high speed craft operating in potentially large numbers often in well  co-ordinated formations. These Fast Inshore Attack Craft (FIAC), when operating together, can overwhelm the defences of well armed naval craft equipped with medium calibre gun systems.


MBDA adds Brimstone Anti-FIAC Capability to CWSP Naval Warfare Solution

In May 2013, MBDA successfully carried out a surface-to-surface, rapid salvo firing of three Brimstone missiles in a trial scenario representing just such a FIAC attack. Each of the missiles hit its intended target. This trial followed on from two previous Brimstone successes against FIAC targets. With its all-weather, fire-and-forget, single button push salvo firing capability, Brimstone is therefore both a logical and significant addition to the capability already offered by CWSP.


Brimstone, in its air launched version, has proven its unerring accuracy during UK RAF combat operations in Libya and Afghanistan. This level of accuracy is now being offered in a surface-to-surface version in which Brimstone is deployed within sealed canisters in a modular launcher (single to six pack configurations are possible) housed on a vessel’s weather deck. In its maritime version, Brimstone’s on-deck footprint is minimal making it suitable for installation on a wide range of craft.


CWSP, which has been self-funded by MBDA, benefits from the company’s extensive experience in air defence C2 systems as well as in air defence and anti-ship guided weapons. This experience has enabled MBDA to offer its customers a turnkey combat system solution providing the high fire power of missiles and guns combined within a modular architecture incorporating radar and EO sensors, user friendly C2 as well as air and surface engagement and mission planning modules.

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12 septembre 2013 4 12 /09 /septembre /2013 07:30
Turkey Launches Missile Warning System Competition

Sep. 11, 2013 - by BURAK EGE BEKDIL – Defense News


ANKARA — Turkey’s defense procurement office, the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) has launched a competition to acquire hundreds of missile warning systems (MWS) for the Turkish Air Force’s fixed-wing platforms.


SSM at the end of August issued a request for proposals in order to “gather general information on potential suppliers of the MWS in the market; have an idea of availability of the required MWS; investigate and clarify the system and sub-system based technical details and requirements; define logistics support requirements for the system as a part of the request for proposal preparation effort.


Only MWS manufacturers can receive the document until Sept. 16, SSM said. The responses to the request should be delivered to SSM on or before Oct. 11.


Procurement officials said if Turkey decided to outfit only its F-16 fleet with the MWS, it would mean business for more than 200 aircraft.


“An initial batch would probably be purchased off-the-shelf from a foreign manufacturer, but the rest could be produced locally under license,” the official said.


Military electronics manufacturer Aselsan, Turkey’s biggest defense firm, has produced missile warning systems under German license for Turkish helicopters.


Industry sources said SSM will seek imaging infrared sensor technology for the new program.

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