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6 septembre 2013 5 06 /09 /septembre /2013 07:50
Le système Mamba, équipé de missiles Aster 30, en service au sein de l’armée de l’Air française.

Le système Mamba, équipé de missiles Aster 30, en service au sein de l’armée de l’Air française.

05.09.2013 Par Frédéric Lert (FOB)


MSPO, le salon polonais de la défense qui se termine aujourd’hui à Kielce, aura été l’occasion de remettre au premier plan l’implication des industriels français (ou considérés comme tel) : figurent en bonne place Eurocopter qui propose son EC725 et MBDA dans le cadre de la défense aérienne. Deux projets considérés comme suffisamment prioritaires pour échapper aux coupes récentes du budget polonais de la défense.


Dans le cas de MBDA, la Pologne représente un enjeu conséquent, avec l’opportunité de placer le VL Mica et surtout son Aster déjà vendu à la France et à l’Italie, tout en élargissant la base industrielle de ce système de défense aérienne à moyenne portée. L’Aster est traditionnellement opposé à la compétition russe (S-300), américaine (Patriot) ou même chinoise… La Pologne souhaitant dans cette affaire se prémunir contre une menace venant de l’est, on peut toutefois considérer que le S-300 ne figurera pas parmi les favoris de Varsovie… Preuve de l’importance du dossier, Antoine Bouvier, PDG de MBDA, avait fait pour la première fois le déplacement à Kielce.


Le besoin polonais porterait sur huit batteries comprenant chacune deux unités de tir à deux lanceurs chacune (soit 32 lanceurs au total) et le coût total estimé pour le programme serait de 3 à 4 milliards de dollars, en comptant les couches inférieures de la défense aérienne pour lesquelles concourt le VL Mica. Comme d’habitude dans ce genre d’affaire, l’enjeu est au moins autant industriel que militaire. Depuis trois ans, MBDA s’est investi dans cette opération en se rapprochant des industriels polonais représentés par le consortium PHO (anciennement Buma). Un premier accord signé dès 2009 prévoyait de faire une large place à l’industrie locale en lui laissant la responsabilité des radars, des systèmes de communication et de commandement et accessoirement des véhicules porteurs. Selon ce schéma, MBDA aurait apporté les missiles et les lanceurs. Cet accord fut étendu en 2011 au missilier polonais Mesko, qui fabrique aujourd’hui le Spike israélien sous licence. Un scénario envisagé par MBDA, qui ne cache pas son désir de mettre en place une coopération industrielle très poussée, serait de confier à Mesko l’intégration des missiles Aster et VL Mica. MBDA aurait même proposé à son interlocuteur polonais d’entrer dans le programme Block 1NT pour préparer le futur de l’Aster.


On explique chez MBDA en être actuellement au stade d’un « dialogue technique ». Un choix polonais d’ici la fin de l’année, comme parfois annoncé, paraît peu probable. Il faudra sans doute attendre 2014 pour savoir dans quelle voie s’engageront les Polonais, qui se sont vu offrir depuis peu une autre opportunité offerte par le gouvernement italien : rejoindre le consortium MEADS, où ils pourraient remplacer la participation américaine défaillante. Opter pour l’Aster ou le MEADS représenterait pour la Pologne une très belle opportunité de prendre en marche le train de l’Europe de la défense à un niveau technologique élevé.

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6 septembre 2013 5 06 /09 /septembre /2013 07:20
US Sailors prepare to load a Tomahawk cruise missile onto the guided-missile submarine Michigan. (US Navy)

US Sailors prepare to load a Tomahawk cruise missile onto the guided-missile submarine Michigan. (US Navy)

06/09 LesEchos.fr (Reuters)


Le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel a déclaré à des élus du Congrès qu'une intervention militaire limitée pour dissuader la Syrie d'utiliser des armes chimiques à l'avenir coûterait des dizaines de millions of dollars, mais l'expérience des opérations passées montre que ce montant pourrait être nettement plus élevé.


Les missiles de croisière Tomahawk que pourraient utiliser les Etats-Unis contre la Syrie pour la "punir" d'avoir mené une attaque au gaz neurotoxique le 21 août dernier près de Damas coûtent 1,2 à 1,5 million de dollars pièce (autour d'un million d'euros).


Quant aux bombardiers furtifs B-2 qui larguent les bombes, il leur faut 18 heures pour quitter leur base et autant y revenir à un coût de 60.000 dollars l'heure.


Todd Harrison, spécialisé dans l'analyse du budget de la défense pour le Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, se dit surpris d'avoir entendu Chuck Hagel parler mercredi de dizaines de millions de dollars, un chiffre trop faible selon lui. Il estime que le chef du Pentagone a sans doute voulu parler de ce qui resterait à dépenser sur l'année fiscale 2013 qui prend fin le 30 septembre.


L'essentiel du coût d'une action en Syrie consistera à remplacer les munitions utilisées. Selon Todd Harrison, le Pentagone paiera sans doute les munitions via un budget spécial qui sera demandé au Congrès et qui de ce fait ne serait pas soumis à plafonnement.


"Si l'on tient compte du coût de remplacement des munitions cela (une opération en Syrie) pourrait coûter un demi-milliard, voire un milliard de dollars, en fonction du nombre de cibles recherchées", estime l'analyste.


La Navy a largué 221 Tomahawks contre la Libye de Mouammar Kadhafi en 2011, dont près de la moitié, soit 110, dans une salve d'ouverture contre 22 objectifs militaires libyens.


Si l'armée de l'air américaine utilise un nombre similaire de missiles pour frapper les objectifs liés aux armes chimiques en Syrie, le coût dépasserait 100 millions de dollars.


Selon l'amiral Jonathan Greenert, le chef des opérations navales américaines, les préparatifs n'ont pas nécessité pour l'instant de dépenses imprévues. Tous les navires de guerre américains dans la région le sont dans le cadre d'opérations régulières.


La Navy dispose de quatre frégates en Méditerranée orientale d'où pourront être lancées les frappes ainsi que du porte-avions USS Nimitz et ses navires satellites en mer Rouge.

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6 septembre 2013 5 06 /09 /septembre /2013 06:30
Russia suspends Syria S-300 missile deliveries: Putin

September 6th, 2013 defencetalk.com (AFP)


President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday revealed Russia had suspended deliveries of sophisticated S-300 missile systems to Syria even though some components had already been handed over.


Western governments have repeatedly condemned Russia for signing a contract to supply President Bashar al-Assad’s regime with the S-300 air-defence systems which are among Russia’s most prized military exports.


Russia has repeatedly insisted that the contract is being implemented but in an interview with Channel One state television Putin said deliveries had now been suspended, without making clear why.


“We have delivered separate components but the whole delivery has not been completed and for the moment we have suspended it,” Putin said.


The announcement appears aimed at reassuring Russia’s Western partners ahead of this week’s G20 summit in Saint Petersburg, which is taking place against a background of huge diplomatic strains over the Syria conflict.


Putin had in June said the contract had not been “realised”, saying Moscow did not want “to upset the balance in the region”.


The West and Israel argued that delivery of the sophisticated weaponry by Moscow would hand Damascus the firepower to hit back at possible air attacks.


Putin acknowledged that the S-300 systems were not Russia’s most modern weaponry but also could not resist opining that they are a “bit better than the (US) Patriots, for example”.


The S-300 surface-to-air missile systems were first developed under the Soviet Union but new versions also appeared after the collapse of the USSR.


A military source told the state RIA Novosti news agency Wednesday that the components delivered by Moscow to Damascus were thus far not enough to mount a single complete S-300 missile system and could not be used as a weapon.


“Rosoboronexport (Russia’s arms export agency) has not completely implemented the contract with the S-300 systems. Deliveries started but have not been completed. They cannot be used as a single defence unit,” the source told the news agency.


The Vedomosti daily, citing sources in the arms industry, reported in August that several of the S-300s destined for Damascus had already been built.


Syria has paid a deposit of several hundred million dollars, the sources told the newspaper.


But Damascus is not expected to push for a quicker delivery of the systems or to demand its deposit back due to Assad’s need for Russian support, it added.


According to Russian media reports, the contract with Damascus is for between three to six missile system units and worth $1 billion.


The suspension of deliveries to Damascus comes after Russia in 2010 cancelled a contract to sell Iran S-300 systems in a deal that was estimated to have been worth some $800 million.


Russia came under strong US and Israeli pressure not to go ahead with the sale of the weapons systems to Tehran which would have impeded any Western military action against the Iranian nuclear drive.


Tehran expressed fury but the director of the Russian weapons manufacturer Almaz-Antey which makes the S-300s said last month that the systems destined for Tehran had been dismantled, with some elements used elsewhere and other parts destroyed.


“The hardware that was destined for Iran no longer exists,” said general director of Almaz-Antey, Vladislav Menshchikov, quoted by the Interfax news agency.

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6 septembre 2013 5 06 /09 /septembre /2013 06:30
Israel deploys Iron Dome defence system: Netanyahu

September 5th, 2013 defencetalk.com (AFP)


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday said Israel deployed its Iron Dome missile defence system to bolster its security as the West weighed military strikes on neighbouring Syria.


But he echoed President Shimon Peres in insisting that Israel is not involved in Syria’s civil war but will respond with all its might if attacked.


“We have decided to deploy Iron Dome and other interceptors,” Netanyahu said, in a statement released by his office, ahead of holding security talks at the defence ministry.


“We are not involved in the war in Syria. But I repeat: if anyone tries to harm Israeli citizens, Tsahal (the Israeli army) will respond with force,” Netanyahu said in other remarks broadcast by Israeli television.


His comments come as Britain and the United States laid out their case for punitive strikes on Syria over an alleged chemical attack last week that rights groups say killed hundreds.


Earlier Peres said Israel will hit back if its security is at stake.


“Israel was not, and is not, involved in the Syrian fighting but if anyone tries to harm us we will respond with all our might,” Peres was quoted as saying in a statement from his office.


“Israel has a strong army, modern and powerful, and a more advanced defence system than ever before,” he added.


Army chief of staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz said his forces were “ready for all scenarios,” but added: “I hope we will not have to send them into action.”


Peres said the situation in Syria, where a civil war that erupted in March 2011 has killed more than 100,000 people, “is not a local incident but a crime against humanity.”


Israeli media and officials sought to calm the public on Thursday, as queues for gas masks lengthened.


There are fears that it the United States and its allies launch military strikes on Syria, forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could retaliate against Israel, Washington’s key ally in the region.


“Keep calm and carry on” was the title of a front-page analysis in the Jerusalem Post, echoing a slogan designed by the British government in World War II.


“With (Israeli) military intelligence keeping more eyes and ears open to enemy activity than ever before, the combination of Israel’s firepower and accurate intelligence would spell very bad news for the Assad regime should it choose to target Israel in response to an attack on Syria by the United States,” the Post wrote.


“Doing so would likely sign his regime’s death certificate.”


On Wednesday, Netanyahu’s security cabinet authorised a limited call-up of reservists, but the premier said members of the public had “no reason to change their routines.”


Haaretz daily said those to be called up numbered “a few hundred” personnel considered vital, including members of missile defence, air force, intelligence and civil defence units.


“We need to make preparations but also to go about our daily lives,” Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Wednesday.


News website Ynet reported on Thursday that “hundreds” of people were waiting outside a gas mask distribution centre in central Tel Aviv before it opened, and public radio said “thousands” were queueing at a distribution site in the northern city of Haifa.


Maariv said a centre in Jerusalem was forced to close on Wednesday after anxious residents grabbed all the mask kits on the premises.


Nevertheless, Maariv reported, “security officials said that the situation assessment was that the likelihood of an attack on Israel was low.”


The kits were first distributed during the 1991 Gulf War over Kuwait when Saddam Hussein’s Iraq fired Scud missiles at Israel as the US-led coalition launched Operation Desert Storm.


The kits also contain syringes of the anti-nerve gas agent atropine for self-injection.


Yediot Aharonot diplomatic writer Shimon Shiffer recalled the 1991 attacks, which did not deliver non-conventional warheads and caused few casualties.


“Yesterday, against the backdrop of pictures of panicked civilians crowding the distribution centres for gas mask kits, I remembered something I said back then: ‘There are no chemical weapons, and there will be no chemical weapon attack,’” Shiffer wrote in the top-selling daily.


“It seems to me that what was correct then, is correct today too. I dare to say that no chemical weapon attack is expected on Israeli targets. We can relax.”

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6 septembre 2013 5 06 /09 /septembre /2013 06:30
Launch of a Tomahawk Land Attack Missile missile. (Photo Lockheed Martin)

Launch of a Tomahawk Land Attack Missile missile. (Photo Lockheed Martin)

WASHINGTON, 05 sept 2013 marine-oceans.com (AFP)


Le coût de possibles frappes militaires en Syrie ne devrait "pas être extraordinaire", a estimé jeudi le chef de la Marine américaine, qui a toutefois rappelé qu'un seul missile de croisière Tomahawk coûtait "1,5 million de dollars".


"Les chiffres ne sont pas extraordinaires à ce stade", a déclaré l'amiral Jonathan Greenert, chef d'état-major de l'US Navy, lors d'une intervention devant l'American Enterprise Institute, un groupe de réflexion conservateur de Washington.


Interrogé la veille lors d'une audition devant la Chambre des représentants américaine, le secrétaire à la Défense Chuck Hagel avait évoqué un coût de "plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars".


La plupart des navires lance-missiles dans la zone "étaient là-bas de toute façon" dans le cadre de leur déploiement habituel, a expliqué l'amiral Greenert, mettant à part le cas du porte-avions Nimitz et des trois destroyers et du croiseur qui constituent son escorte.


Ce groupe aéronaval, qui devait rentrer aux Etats-Unis à l'issue d'un déploiement dans la région du Golfe, a été redirigé vers la mer Rouge.


Le coût hebdomadaire d'un destroyer en déploiement est de deux (BIEN deux) millions de dollars, celui d'un groupe aérien (les quelque 80 appareils que compte un porte-avions) de 25 millions de dollars pour des "opérations de routine", et de 40 millions en cas d'opérations soutenues.


Hormis l'éventuel recours à des frappes effectuées à l'aide de bombardiers furtifs B-2, le coût de frappes devrait donc essentiellement dépendre du nombre de missiles Tomahawk tirés par l'US Navy.


Ces missiles ont déjà été payés, il faudrait en revanche que la Marine les remplace à l'avenir s'ils étaient lancés.


Pour le seul premier jour de l'intervention en Libye, 110 Tomahawks avaient été tirés. La participation américaine à l'opération avait coûté au total un milliard de dollars.


Gordon Adams, spécialiste du budget de la défense, estime pour sa part dans Foreign Policy que le "surcoût" lié à des frappes en Syrie, notamment les primes pour les militaires impliqués ou la consommation de carburant, serait au maximum de "100 à 200 millions de dollars".


Ces chiffres ne prennent toutefois pas en compte le coût de remplacement des Tomahawks tirés.

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5 septembre 2013 4 05 /09 /septembre /2013 11:30
How Russia Defies Syria Sanctions

September 5, 2013: Strategy Page


Russia has shipped a billion dollars’ worth of weapons to Syria since the civil war there began in 2011. Russia insists that this is not in violation of arms embargoes against Syria and are simply deliveries of weapons ordered before 2011. In the last year Syria has delivered over $200 million in cash to Russian banks to keep these weapons coming (mainly S-300 anti-aircraft systems and anti-ship missiles) and their warranties operational. These purchases are being paid for by Iran, which flies in the cash to a Syrian financial operation in Moscow. The cash is then delivered to Russian government accounts via a Moscow bank. The Syrian Moscow operation is run by an uncle of Syrian dictator Basher Assad.


These Russian shipments are not challenged by the international community because they are, technically, defensive weapons and cannot be used to attack the rebels. Another problem that is less clear is whether the weapons are being sent to Iran. That is illegal but without any clear evidence of such transfers there’s nothing anyone can do. The cash transfers are also illegal, since Iran is banned from the international banking system for anything involving weapons, oil sales and military equipment in general. But no one is going to shut down air traffic between Iran and Russia.


Meanwhile, at least 14 Russian cargo ships arrived in Syria since 2011, plus numerous air freight flights. Recently Russia has quietly approved new shipments of small arms, which is forbidden but can be flown in and join similar weapons Syria had before 2011. Russia appears to believe that no one will challenge this either.

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4 septembre 2013 3 04 /09 /septembre /2013 16:30
Pentagon Spokesman: Israeli Missile Test Help Was Long Planned

Sep 3, 2013 ASDNews Source : AFPS


Technical assistance and support from the Defense Department for an Israeli missile test over the Mediterranean Sea this morning was unrelated to U.S. consideration of military action in Syria, Pentagon Press Secretary George Little said.


“Early this morning, the United States Department of Defense provided technical assistance and support to the Israeli Missile Defense Organization flight test of a Sparrow target missile over the Mediterranean Sea,” Little said in a statement. “The test was long planned to help evaluate the Arrow Ballistic Missile Defense system's ability to detect, track, and communicate information about a simulated threat to Israel.”


The United States and Israel cooperate on a number of long-term ballistic missile defense development projects to address common challenges in the region, the press secretary said. “This test had nothing to do with United States consideration of military action to respond to Syria's chemical weapons attack,” he added.

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4 septembre 2013 3 04 /09 /septembre /2013 12:30
The RIM-7P Sea Sparrow missile is launched from American aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in 2007.

The RIM-7P Sea Sparrow missile is launched from American aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in 2007.

WASHINGTON, September 3 (RIA Novosti)


A joint US-Israeli missile test over the Mediterranean Sea was “long planned” and had “nothing to do” with a possible US military response to the chemical weapons attack on a Damascus suburb that Washington has blamed on the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

“Early this morning, the United States Department of Defense provided technical assistance and support to the Israeli Missile Defense Organization flight test of a Sparrow target missile over the Mediterranean Sea,” Pentagon spokesman George Little said in a statement.

“The test was long planned to help evaluate the Arrow Ballistic Missile Defense system's ability to detect, track, and communicate information about a simulated threat to Israel. This test had nothing to do with United States consideration of military action to respond to Syria's chemical weapons attack,” the statement added.

US President Barack Obama last week called for a “tailored” and limited US response to the apparent chemical weapons attack on a Damascus suburb on Aug. 21, which Washington says killed at least 1,429 Syrians, including 426 children.

He later said he would take the question of a US military response to Congress and allow lawmakers to decide if the United States should take military action against Syria.

Russia, which is vehemently against US intervention in the Syrian civil war, has argued that the Obama administration does not have sufficient proof that the Assad regime was behind the chemical weapons attack.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that allegations that the Syrian government was behind the chemical weapons attack were a “provocation” to drag other countries into the conflict. Assad has himself denied using chemical weapons against civilians.

Amid the sky-high tensions over Syria, the Russian Defense Ministry said earlier Tuesday that its ballistic missile early warning system had detected the launch of two "ballistic targets,” traveling eastward from the central Mediterranean region.

A diplomatic source in the Syrian capital, Damascus, told RIA Novosti that the targets fell into the sea.

The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel confirmed conducting a successful missile test with the US military “shortly after Russia said it detected missile launches at sea.”

An Israeli Defense Ministry representative told RIA Novosti that the two targets detected by the Russian military were part of “a test of the… target missile that is used for testing our missile defense system.”

The tests were conducted jointly with the United States and were successfully tracked by radars in Israel, the official said.

The Arrow weapon system was developed by US aerospace giant Boeing and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) for the Israel Ministry of Defense. The Sparrow is a target missile that simulates the trajectories of long-range ballistic missiles.

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4 septembre 2013 3 04 /09 /septembre /2013 12:30
A US Navy file image shows an RIM-7P Sea Sparrow missile being launched in the Pacific Ocean in 2007.

A US Navy file image shows an RIM-7P Sea Sparrow missile being launched in the Pacific Ocean in 2007.

MOSCOW, September 3 (RIA Novosti)


Hours after Israel admitted to firing “ballistic targets” that resembled missiles in the Mediterranean, a launch that the country did not priorly announce, Russia’s Defense Ministry spoke out against “playing with arms and missiles” in such a “volatile” region.

“Is there any other region more volatile and packed with weapons today?” Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov told journalists. “I don’t completely understand how someone could play with arms and missiles in that region today.”

Antonov called on those who launched the so-called missile-like targets to be more responsible for regional security and “not play with fire.”

“The Mediterranean is a powder keg,” he said. “A match is enough for fire to break out and possibly spread not only to neighboring states but to other world regions as well. I remind you that the Mediterranean is close to the borders of the Russian Federation.”

He recalled that a meteorological rocket launch by Norway in 1995 was mistaken as a possible rocket attack on Russia.

The two “ballistic targets,” detected by the Russian military on Tuesday, had been launched by the Israeli military as part of a joint US-Israeli test of the Middle Eastern nation’s missile-defense system, an official in Tel Aviv said.

Russia put its General Staff’s central command center on high alert after the launches, Antonov said.

The launch was detected at 10:16 a.m. Moscow time (6:16 a.m. GMT) by radar in the southern Russian city of Armavir, a Defense Ministry spokesman said. The objects’ trajectories ran from the central to the eastern Mediterranean, the spokesman said. A diplomatic source in the Syrian capital, Damascus, told RIA that the targets had fallen into the sea.

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4 septembre 2013 3 04 /09 /septembre /2013 12:30
Syrie: tests de missiles en Méditerranée, Bachar Al-Assad met en garde

3 septembre 2013 RTBF.be


Malgré l'attente, il semble bien que la tension autour du conflit soit montée d'un cran. Une alerte d'une source militaro-gouvernementale russe faisait état de tirs de missiles en Mer Méditerranée, ce mardi. La présidence française espère convaincre en divulguant des "preuves" de l'utilisation d'armes chimiques par le régime syrien; qui nie, et met en garde contre une déstabilisation régionale.


    Israël annonce avoir mené mardi, conjointement avec les Etats-Unis, un test de missile en Méditerranée, détecté par la Russie. L'alerte a été donnée par des sources russes. Les deux missiles dont le lancement a été détecté sont tombés dans la mer, précisaient les informations russes.


    "Les missiles (...) auraient pu avoir été tirés d'un bateau américain dans la Méditerranée", avait indiqué une source militaro-diplomatique russe à l'agence Interfax, ajoutant qu'il s'agissait probablement de tirs visant à "affiner les relevés météorologiques".


    Après avoir nié une quelconque participation à un tir, ce mardi, le ministère israélien de la Défense déclarait avoir mené "avec succès" dans la matinée un tir de missile dans le cadre d'un exercice militaire israélo-américain. "Le ministère de la Défense et l'agence la MDA (Missile Defence Agency) américaine ont lancé mardi matin à 9h15 un missile radar de type Ankor", a déclaré le ministère dans un communiqué.


Suite de l’article

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4 septembre 2013 3 04 /09 /septembre /2013 06:30
Israel says missile tested in joint exercise with US

Sep 3, 2013 ASDNews (AFP)


Israel on Tuesday announced the successful launch of a missile in a joint exercise with the United States, which came as Washington mulls military intervention in Syria.


"The Israeli defence ministry and the American MDA (Missile Defence Agency) Tuesday morning at 9:15 (0615 GMT) successfully launched an Ankor-type radar missile," the defence ministry said in a statement.


"The test was launched from the Mediterranean and directed from an army base in the centre of Israel," it said.


Moscow's defence ministry, as cited by Russian news agencies, earlier said its early warning system had detected the launch of two ballistic missiles from the central part of the Mediterranean fired towards the Sea's eastern coastline on Tuesday morning.


The defence ministry statement mentioned only one missile.


The test involved a new version of the Ankor (Sparrow) missile "and was concluded at ... a test range over the Mediterranean Sea," a separate Israeli defence ministry statement said.


The missile was to test missile tracking capabilities, according to local media.


The Russian news agencies said Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu had reported to President Vladimir Putin about the event, which comes amid growing expectations of Western military action in Syria.


"The trajectory of the targets in question was from the central part of the Mediterranean Sea towards the eastern part of the Mediterranean coastline," the Interfax news agency quoted the defence ministry as saying.


Putin, a vocal critic of the West's policies on Syria, has expressed strong doubt that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was behind an alleged chemical attack on August 21 that has prompted calls for military action.


US President Barack Obama's decision on Saturday to ask Congress to authorise military action against Syria lifted the threat last week of immediate strikes on Assad's government.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that the Jewish state was prepared for "every possible scenario" in neighbouring Syria, but President Shimon Peres ruled out Israeli involvement in any intervention.


"It is not for Israel to decide on Syria, we are in a unique position, for varying reasons there is consensus against Israeli involvement. We did not create the Syrian situation," he said.

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4 septembre 2013 3 04 /09 /septembre /2013 05:40
Russie: deux nouveaux radars d'alerte précoce mis en service en 2014

MOSCOU, 3 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie mettra en service en 2014 deux nouveaux radars d'alerte précoce "Voronej", semblables à celui qui a détecté mardi le tir de missiles en Méditerranée, a annoncé mardi à Moscou le commandant des Troupes aérospatiales russes Alexandre Golovko.


"Nous construisons des radars de ce type à Kaliningrad et à Irkoutsk. Ils seront mis en service opérationnel en 2014", a indiqué le général Golovko.


La Russie compte quatre radars préfabriqués de type "Voronej". Deux radars Voronej-DM (ondes décimétriques) sont situés à Pionerski, dans la région de Kaliningrad, et à Armavir, dans le territoire de Krasnodar (sud). Deux radars Voronej-M (ondes métriques) sont déployés près de Saint-Pétersbourg et à Oussolie-Sibirskoïe, dans la région d'Irkoutsk (Sibérie orientale).


Le ministère russe de la Défense envisage de remplacer d'ici 2020 tous les radars datant de l'époque soviétique par ces nouvelles stations. D'autres radars "préfabriqués" pourraient être installés dans les villes de Petchora, de Barnaoul et d'Enisseïsk.

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3 septembre 2013 2 03 /09 /septembre /2013 12:30
Mediterranean 'Ballistic Targets' Were Part of Israeli Test – Defense Ministry

MOSCOW, September 3 (RIA Novosti)


Two “ballistic targets” detected Tuesday in the Mediterranean by the Russian military were launched by the Israeli military as part of a joint US-Israeli test of its missile defense system, an official in Tel Aviv said.

“The launches we’re talking about were a test of the Anchor target missile that is used for testing our missile defense system,” an Israeli Defense Ministry representative told RIA Novosti.

The launch was part of joint tests with the US military and were successfully tracked by radars in Israel, the official added.

The Russian Defense Ministry said earlier Tuesday its ballistic missile early warning system had detected the launch of the two "ballistic targets" in the Mediterranean.

The launch was detected at 10:16 Moscow time (06:16 GMT) by a radar in the southern Russian city of Armavir, a Defense Ministry spokesman said. The targets’ trajectories ran from the central to the eastern Mediterranean, the spokesman said.

A diplomatic source in the Syrian capital, Damascus, told RIA Novosti that the targets fell in the sea.

The Russian Embassy in Damascus said it did not have any information about the launch. The streets and residents of the Syrian capital appeared calm, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported.

Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported the launch to President Vladimir Putin, the spokesman told Russian journalists.

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3 septembre 2013 2 03 /09 /septembre /2013 11:40
Bal missile system

Bal missile system

ST. PETERSBURG, September 2 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Navy’s Coast Guard Troops will receive about 20 new missile systems and over 70 aircraft and helicopters by 2020, Navy chief Admiral Viktor Chirkov said Monday.


Coast guard units will receive some 20 Bastion and Bal missile systems, 21 new aircraft and 54 helicopters, he said, adding that existing ones will be modernized and upgraded.


Chirkov said that the modernization of antisubmarine warfare planes is a particular priority.


The Navy will also procure advanced air patrol systems and a series of unmanned aerial vehicles for a variety of applications and ranges, Chirkov said.

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2 septembre 2013 1 02 /09 /septembre /2013 07:30
Moscou ne pourra livrer des armes à l'Iran qu'après le retrait des plaintes

VLADIVOSTOK (Extrême-Orient russe), 30 août - RIA Novosti


La Russie ne pourra négocier les livraisons d'armements défensifs analogues aux systèmes sol-air S-300 à l'Iran qu'après l'abandon de toutes les plaintes déposées par ce dernier contre Moscou, a déclaré vendredi aux journalistes le vice-premier ministre russe Dmitri Rogozine.

"Des négociations ne seront possibles que si les plaintes déposées contre la Russie sont retirées", a indiqué M. Rogozine.

Il a souligné que la Russie respectait toutes les normes du droit international.

"Nous agissons strictement dans le cadre de la liste qui limite les fournitures d'armements à différents pays, y compris à la République islamique d'Iran. Nous n'avons jamais outrepassé cette liste", a affirmé le vice-premier ministre, ajoutant que Moscou était prêt à engager une "coopération technico-militaire normale" avec Téhéran.

Conclu en 2007, le contrat de livraison de missiles sol-air S-300 à l'Iran engageait la Russie à fournir cinq batteries complètes de cet armement pour un montant d'environ 800 millions de dollars. Or, l'exécution du contrat a été suspendue en septembre 2010 par le président russe Dmitri Medvedev en application de la résolution 1929 du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, qui interdisait de fournir des missiles, des chars, des hélicoptères d'assaut, des avions de combat et des bâtiments de guerre à Téhéran.

L'Iran a intenté à la Russie un procès en arbitrage pour annulation du contrat. La République islamique réclame quatre milliards de dollars d'indemnités.

Le directeur général du consortium d'armement russe Almaz-Antei, Vladislav Menchtchikov, a fait savoir jeudi que les systèmes S-300 destinés à l'Iran avaient été démontés et partiellement recyclés.

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1 septembre 2013 7 01 /09 /septembre /2013 11:40
S-500 missile defense system source armyrecognition.com

S-500 missile defense system source armyrecognition.com

MOSCOU, 30 août - RIA Novosti


Le système de missiles anti-aériens S-500 pourrait être mis en service en Russie dès 2017, a fait savoir à RIA Novosti une source haut placée au sein du ministère russe de la Défense.


"Le système de missiles anti-aériens S-500 est en cours d'élaboration. Sa mise en service militaire est programmée pour 2017", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.


Selon lui, le futur système sera capable de détruire des cibles se trouvant dans l'espace.


Les missiles sol-air S-500 sont destinés à remplacer les S-400 Triumph, capables d'organiser la défense échelonnée des sites contre une attaque aérienne massive. Développés par le bureau d'études Almaz-Anteï, les S-500 sont en mesure de détruire 10 cibles simultanément volant à une vitesse de 7 km/sec à 200 km d'altitude, ainsi que les ogives de missiles de croisière hypersoniques.


D'après le commandant en chef des forces aériennes russes Viktor Bondarev, les capacités de combat du système S-500 seront supérieures non seulement à celles des S-400 mais aussi à celles des Patriot РАС-3 américains.

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30 août 2013 5 30 /08 /août /2013 16:40
Report: Russia To Deploy 'Star Wars' Missile System in 2017

Aug. 30, 2013 – Defense News (AFP)


MOSCOW — Russia’s defense ministry plans to deploy in 2017 a sophisticated new air missile defense system that can hit targets in space, a senior ministry source told Russian news agencies Friday.


“The promising S-500 air defense missile system is at the development stage. It’s planned to be deployed in 2017,” the source was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.


The long-range system will be able to destroy targets even if they are in space and cover the whole Russian territory, the source added.


Russia is developing more and more effective missile defense systems for use as a deterrent while opposing plans by the United States to build a missile defense shield in Europe.


Russia says its most advanced anti-aircraft and anti-missile system currently in use, the S-400 Triumph, has a range of 400 kilometers.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said last year that Russia’s armed forces would acquire around 28 S-400s over the following decade.


Russia has declined to cancel hugely controversial contracts to supply Syria with four of its powerful S-300 air defense missile systems, a deal that has sparked international concern.


Putin in June praised the S-300s as the best such systems in the world and said Russia had not yet delivered the systems to Syria to avoid changing the balance of power in the region.


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Izvestia pro-Kremlin daily on Monday that all Syria’s contracts with Russia were being fulfilled.

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30 août 2013 5 30 /08 /août /2013 16:30
Kremlin Unaware of Syrian S-300 Missile Contract Payment - Aide

MOSCOW, August 30 (RIA Novosti)


Moscow has no knowledge of Syria having made payments for Russian-made S-300 surface-to-air missile systems, a Kremlin aide said Friday.


“We don’t know about that,” presidential aide Yury Ushakov said, when asked whether the Assad regime was making payments under a previously signed contract for Russian surface-to-air missile systems.


All previously signed military supply contracts with Damascus are being honored, he said, adding “this is common practice for any state” and is “not in conflict with any international rules.”


“There are no bans in place, and our collaboration in the military technology sphere is proceeding ahead,” Ushakov said.


Earlier in the day, Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport said Moscow has signed no new arms supply contracts with Damascus since the start of the civil war in Syria. Corporation Deputy CEO Viktor Komardin said his company is currently implementing contracts signed prior to 2011, which are “100 percent defensive.”


Syrian President Bashar Assad claimed in an interview with Izvestia published Monday that all the contracts Syria has previously signed with Russia were being implemented, despite pressure from the West, but did not clarify the status of a deal for Moscow to deliver advanced S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Damascus.


Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed in June a deal had been signed with Damascus for the S-300 system, but said Russia had not shipped the weapons for fear of disrupting “the balance of power in the region.” Russian media reports said Moscow and Damascus had signed a $1.1 billion deal for the S-300 systems.


The S-300 would be a largely useless weapon for use in the civil war that the Syrian government has been waging since 2011 because the Syrian rebels have no air force, but would be a huge obstacle to Western powers opposed to the Assad regime if they tried to carry out air strikes against Damascus, analysts have previously told RIA Novosti.


Russia is currently locked in commercial arbitration with Syria’s ally and neighbor Iran over a suspended contract for delivery of S-300 missiles.

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30 août 2013 5 30 /08 /août /2013 16:30
Iakhont, missile antinavire russe de 4e génération

Iakhont, missile antinavire russe de 4e génération

MOSCOU, 30 août- RIA Novosti


Ces deux dernières années, la Russie n'a signé aucun contrat de livraison d'armes à la Syrie, a déclaré vendredi à RIA Novosti le directeur général adjoint de l'agence russe d'exportation d'armements Rosoboronexport Viktor Komardine.


"Actuellement, la Russie s'acquitte des contrats signés avant 2011. Ces contrats portent à 100% un caractère défensif. Il s'agit de moyens de DCA et de défense maritime", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.


Il a précisé qu'il s'agissait de systèmes de DCA Tor et Bouk, ainsi que de systèmes de défense côtiers antinavires Bastion.

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30 août 2013 5 30 /08 /août /2013 07:35
Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) is fired from HMAS Perth photo RAN

Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) is fired from HMAS Perth photo RAN

30 August 2013 Pacific Sentinel


The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) and the Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) have recently completed the final Operational Acceptance Trial for the Australian-designed Phased Array Radar and Combat Management System upgrades to the ANZAC Class frigate Anti-Ship Missile Defence (ASMD) system.
The trial included a number of successful Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) firings from HMAS Perth at the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) in Hawaii. During the trials, the ASMD system was challenged by a number of demanding firing scenarios. These included successful missile engagements against multiple sea-skimming targets including, for the first time in the RAN, an engagement by an ESSM against one of the world’s most advanced supersonic targets.
Perth’s Commanding Officer, Captain Lee Goddard, said the firing clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of the upgraded ASMD system.
CEA Phased Array Radar (File Photo)
“The targets were detected by the Australian designed and built CEA Phased Array Radar and the missiles were successfully launched and controlled in flight by the ship’s ASMD systems, resulting in the destruction of the targets,” Captain Goddard said.
“This proves the accuracy and precision of the upgraded systems to guide the weapon in a complex warfighting scenario.”
Perth is the first of eight ANZAC Frigates to enter the ASMD upgrade to improve her weapons systems and sensor arrays.
The Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, said “The ASMD upgrade provides the ANZAC class with a significantly enhanced level of self and local area defence against modern anti-ship missiles. The complexity of the firing scenarios is unsurpassed in the RAN’s history, particularly the successful firings against supersonic targets. The results from this activity are a ringing endorsement of the capability flowing from the ASMD program.”
The RAN and DMO acknowledge that the success of the program has largely been due to the outstanding efforts and collaboration by Navy, the DMO, Canberra-based CEA Technologies, SAAB Systems and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation.
Imagery of the firing is available HERE
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30 août 2013 5 30 /08 /août /2013 07:30
Damas redéploye ses missiles Scud

MOSCOU, 30 août - RIA Novosti


Le commandement de l'armée syrienne a redéployé ses missiles tactiques Scud sur fond de menace croissante d'une intervention étrangère dans le pays, rapportent vendredi les agences occidentales citant des sources diplomatiques au Proche-Orient.


Selon les médias, plusieurs missiles Scud et des dizaines de rampes de lancement ont été transférés depuis une base militaire située à proximité de Damas dans des régions intérieures de la Syrie. Ces manœuvres seraient destinées à protéger les forces balistiques syriennes contre une éventuelle frappe visant les sites militaires du pays.


En décembre 2011, le secrétaire général de l'Otan Anders Fogh Rasmussen a annoncé que les forces fidèles au gouvernement de Damas utilisaient des missiles tactiques Scud contre l'opposition armée.


Le terme Scud désigne une série de missiles balistiques à courte portée développés dans les années 1950 par l'Union soviétique. Pour sa part, le ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères nie toute utilisation de missiles Scud par les troupes gouvernementales.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 17:00
US Sends 5th Destroyer To Eastern Med

Aug. 29, 2013 – Defense News


WASHINGTON — The US Navy has deployed a fifth destroyer to the eastern Mediterranean, a defense official told AFP on Thursday, as expectations grow of an imminent strike on Syria.


The Stout, a guided missile destroyer, is “in the Mediterranean, heading and moving east” to relieve the Mahan, said the official, who said both ships might remain in place for the time being.


Other destroyers in the region — the Ramage, the Barry and the Gravely — criss-cross the Mediterranean and could launch their Tomahawk missiles toward Syria if so directed by President Barack Obama.


The defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, did not say how long the Mahan would stay in the area before returning to its home port of Norfolk, Va., which it left in December.


It is normal for three destroyers to patrol the Mediterranean under the authority of the US Sixth Fleet, primarily in an anti-missile defense role.


The US Navy keeps as a closely guarded secret the number of Tomahawk missiles that each ship carries, but it is estimated to be 45.


Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday that US forces were ready to launch an attack, but Obama said he has not yet made a decision.


The US defense official also indicated that the aircraft carrier Nimitz and its escorts remain in the area of the US Fifth Fleet, which extends from the Red Sea to the Gulf and Arabian Sea.


The official added, however, that while the Nimitz is being held, “it is not linked to potential Syria options at this time.”

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 17:00
US Sends 5th Destroyer To Eastern Med

Aug. 29, 2013 – Defense News


WASHINGTON — The US Navy has deployed a fifth destroyer to the eastern Mediterranean, a defense official told AFP on Thursday, as expectations grow of an imminent strike on Syria.


The Stout, a guided missile destroyer, is “in the Mediterranean, heading and moving east” to relieve the Mahan, said the official, who said both ships might remain in place for the time being.


Other destroyers in the region — the Ramage, the Barry and the Gravely — criss-cross the Mediterranean and could launch their Tomahawk missiles toward Syria if so directed by President Barack Obama.


The defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, did not say how long the Mahan would stay in the area before returning to its home port of Norfolk, Va., which it left in December.


It is normal for three destroyers to patrol the Mediterranean under the authority of the US Sixth Fleet, primarily in an anti-missile defense role.


The US Navy keeps as a closely guarded secret the number of Tomahawk missiles that each ship carries, but it is estimated to be 45.


Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Wednesday that US forces were ready to launch an attack, but Obama said he has not yet made a decision.


The US defense official also indicated that the aircraft carrier Nimitz and its escorts remain in the area of the US Fifth Fleet, which extends from the Red Sea to the Gulf and Arabian Sea.


The official added, however, that while the Nimitz is being held, “it is not linked to potential Syria options at this time.”

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 16:35
Air-launch BrahMos to fly late this year

29 August 2013 by nayeem sheikh - Indian Defence Goal


The air-launched version of the Russian-Indian BrahMos supersonic cruise missile will have its first flight before the end of 2013, according to BrahMos Aerospace managing director A Sivathanu Pillai.

It will be carried by a SU-30MKI fighter that will conduct captive carry and drop tests before attempting the first powered test launch in mid-2014.


The basic surface- and submarine-launched missile has now completed 36 successful test flights, so the test programme for the new variant will be fast-paced. The system is due to enter Indian Air Force service in 2015.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 16:30
Les S-300 pour l'Iran démontés et recyclés (constructeur)

JOUKOVSKI (région de Moscou), 29 août - RIA Novosti


Les systèmes anti-aériens S-300 destinés à l'Iran ont été démontés et partiellement recyclés, a annoncé jeudi aux journalistes Vladislav Menchtchikov, directeur général du consortium d'armement russe Almaz-Antei.


"Le matériel destiné à l'Iran n'existe plus. Nous l'avons complètement désassemblé. Les éléments qui pouvaient encore servir ont été réutilisés, le reste a été recyclé", a déclaré M. Menchtchikov lors du salon aérospatial MAKS-2013, ajoutant qu'il s'agissait d'une "information tout à fait véridique".


Selon le directeur général, chaque contrat est réalisé compte tenu des désidératas d'un client concret et ne peut donc pas être modifié à l'intention d'un autre client.


"Pour ce faire, il faudrait changer des éléments et des sous-ensembles constitutifs, réviser le cahier des charges et modifier le logiciel", a précisé M. Menchtchikov.


Conclu en 2007, le contrat de livraison de missiles sol-air S-300 à l'Iran engageait la Russie à fournir cinq batteries complètes de cet armement pour un montant d'environ 800 millions de dollars. Or, l'exécution du contrat a été suspendue en septembre 2010 par le président russe Dmitri Medvedev en application de la résolution 1929 du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU, qui interdisait de fournir les missiles, les chars, les hélicoptères d'assaut, les avions de combat et les bâtiments de guerre à Téhéran. 


L'Iran a intenté à la Russie un procès d'arbitrage pour annulation du contrat. La République islamique réclame quatre milliards de dollars d'indemnités.

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