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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 16:30
Britain’s fire power

Strikes could be carried out by Tornado jets, armed with Storm Shadow cruise missiles, and helicopter carrier HMS Illustrious is already deployed in the Mediterranean as part of long-planned exercise Cougar 13


29 Aug 2013 telegraph.co.uk


With the possibility of intervention in Syria on the horizon, an arsenal of military might is available for use by defence chiefs.


The Royal Navy's Response Force

Britain’s fire power

The Royal Navy's Response Force Task Group is already deployed in the Mediterranean as part of long-planned exercise Cougar 13. The force includes helicopter carrier HMS Illustrious, type-23 frigates HMS Westminster and HMS Montrose, amphibious warship HMS Bulwark and six Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships.



Type 23 frigate HMS Lancaster – photo LA(Phot) Gary Weatherston, MOD 2012

Type 23 frigate HMS Lancaster – photo LA(Phot) Gary Weatherston, MOD 2012

Type-23, or Duke-class, frigates are said to be the core of the frontline fleet. Carrying 185 personnel, they are 133m long, have a range of 7,800 nautical miles and a top speed of 28 knots. They carry Sea Wolf surface-to-air missile systems, the main line of defence against attacking aircraft and missiles, as well as a Harpoon anti-ship missile system and guns.


Nuclear submarines

HMS Trafalgar, pictured during Tomahawk missile trials - photo US DoD

HMS Trafalgar, pictured during Tomahawk missile trials - photo US DoD

Trafalgar-class nuclear submarine HMS Tireless is also believed to be in the area, after being spotted at the weekend in Gibraltar. The Trafalgar-class is a class of nuclear-powered fleet submarines and form the backbone of the Royal Navy's nuclear-powered "hunter-killer" submarine force. HMS Torbay, Trenchant, Talent, and Triumph are fitted with the Sonar 2076 system, described by the Navy as the most advanced sonar in service with any navy in the world and carry Tomahawk cruise missiles.


Tomahawk cruise missile

HMS Astute Fires a Tomahawk Cruise Missile (TLAM) During Testing Near the USA photo UK MoD

HMS Astute Fires a Tomahawk Cruise Missile (TLAM) During Testing Near the USA photo UK MoD

The Tomahawk IV, known in the Navy as TLAM (Tomahawk land attack cruise missile), allows submarines to strike at ground targets hundreds of miles inland with "pinpoint accuracy".


The 5.5 metre-long cruise missile, which weighs 1,300kg and has a range of more than 1,000 miles, is fitted to all Trafalgar and Astute-class submarines. It has been in use with the Submarine Service since the late 1990s and has been used in the Kosovo conflict and, more recently, in campaigns against the Taliban and Saddam Hussein.


After it is fired from a boat's torpedo tubes and reaches the surface, a booster rocket propels the missile skywards and it heads for its target at around 550mph, delivering a 1,000lb explosive warhead.


Tornado jets armed with cruise missiles

RAF Tornado of 617 Squadron – Picture RAF MOD 2012

RAF Tornado of 617 Squadron – Picture RAF MOD 2012

Strikes could also be carried out by Tornado jets armed with Storm Shadow cruise missiles.


Previously used in areas such as Iraq, Kosovo, Afghanistan and, most recently, Libya, the Tornado GR4 is a two-seat, day or night, all-weather attack aircraft which can fire a variety of weapons.


Powered by two Rolls-Royce RB 199 Mk 103 turbofan engines, it can fly automatically at low level when poor weather prevents visual flight and is equipped with infrared and night vision so it can be used at night in all weather.


All Tornado GR4s can carry the air launched anti-radiation missile (Alarm), which homes on to the emitted radiation of enemy radar systems and it's own defences have been upgraded to include state-of-the-art Asraam short range air-to-air missile. It is also equipped with a 27mm Mauser cannon which can fire 1,700 rounds per minute.


The GR4 typically carries up to a maximum of five Paveway IV laser-guided bombs, or two Storm Shadow cruise missiles, but can be configured with various weapons, targeting pods and reconnaissance pods.


Storm Shadow missiles

Tornado GR4 - Storm Shadow

Tornado GR4 - Storm Shadow

The Storm Shadow is a long-range, air-launched and conventionally armed missile.


It allows the Tornado to make "precision strikes" in poor weather with a greatly increased stand-off range from the target area.


Equipped with a powerful warhead, it is designed to attack important hardened targets and infrastructure such as buried and protected command centres.


Mission data, including target details, is loaded into the missile's main computer before the aircraft leaves. Then, after it is fired, its wings deploy and the missile navigates its way to the target at low level.


On its final approach it climbs, discards its nose cone and uses an advanced infrared seeker to match the target area with stored imagery. This process is repeated as the missile dives onto the target, using higher-resolution imagery, to ensure the maximum accuracy.



Typhoon Jet Taking Off from RAF Coningsby photo UK MoD

Typhoon Jet Taking Off from RAF Coningsby photo UK MoD

Britain has also deployed various aircraft to Cyprus to protect Sovereign Base Areas in the overseas territory.


Six RAF Typhoons have been sent to RAF Akrotiri in a "defensive counter air" role.


The RAF's four frontline Typhoon Squadrons are based at RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire and RAF Leuchars in Fife, and each squadron operates up to 15 aircraft.


Typhoons have two Eurojet EJ200 turbojets. They can reach a maximum speed of 1.8 Mach and an altitude of 55,000ft.


The jets sent to Cyprus are armed with advanced, medium range air-to-air missiles (Amraam), Asraam and a Mauser cannon for close combat.


Air-to-air missiles

Eurofighter test firing the AMRAAM air-to-air missile.

Eurofighter test firing the AMRAAM air-to-air missile.

The Amraam, which can be used in all weather, is launched from a range of 20 to 30 nautical miles then guided by its own navigation system, while receiving command-guidance updates from the launch aircraft . It is equipped with a radar proximity fuse which detonates the high-explosive fragmentation warhead at a pre-set distance from the target.


In short-range mode, it can be launched "active-off-the-rail" when the missile's radar detects the target immediately after launch.




The Asraam is a high-speed, highly manoeuvrable, heat-seeking air-to-air missile designed as a "fire-and-forget" weapon which can counter things like infrared countermeasures.


Typically, it is slaved to a target either visually or by the launch aircraft's onboard sensors. After its release, the missile accelerates to speeds faster than Mach 3 whilst being guided to the target using its infrared seeker. Detonation of the high-explosive fragmentation warhead is achieved by either a laser proximity fuse or an impact fuse.


Britain’s fire power

The Mauser BK-27 is a 27mm cannon fitted to Tornado jets for air-to-air or air-to-ground firing. The cannon is a single-barrel, high-performance breech-cylinder gun and can fire at a rate of 1000 or 1700 rounds per minute.


Airbones surveillance


RAF E-3D Sentry photo UK MoD

RAF E-3D Sentry photo UK MoD

The RAF operates seven E-3D Sentry aircraft in the airborne surveillance and command-and-control role.


Based at RAF Waddington, they are operated by Nos 8 and 23 Squadrons as the UK's contribution to the Nato Airborne Early Warning and Control Force.


The Sentry's roles are air and sea surveillance, airborne command and control, and weapons control, and it can also operate as an extensive communications platform.


It cruises at 30,000ft and 400 knots and its high-performance radar, housed in the black radome, can separate airborne and maritime targets from ground and sea clutter.


One Sentry flying at 30,000ft can scan at distances of over 300 nautical miles, can detect low-flying targets or maritime surface contacts within 215 nautical miles and can detect medium-level airborne targets at ranges beyond 280 nautical miles.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 15:55
Missile Scalp-EG sur son berceau de chargement, devant un Mirage 2000D du CEAM.

Missile Scalp-EG sur son berceau de chargement, devant un Mirage 2000D du CEAM.

29.08.2013 Par Frédéric Lert (FOB)


Pour deviner ce qui peut se passer sur la Syrie, rien de tel qu’un coup d’oeil dans le rétroviseur de l’Histoire. Direction 2011 et la Libye… Dès le premier soir de leur intervention contre le colonel Kadhafi, réputé armé jusqu’aux dents, les Occidentaux font un large usage de missiles de croisière. La Royal Air Force britannique lance un raid de quatre Tornado GR4 armés chacun de deux missiles Storm Shadow (version britannique du Scalp-EG français, l’un comme l’autre étant signés MBDA). Quelques heures plus tard, pas moins de 124 missiles Tomahawk sont tirés depuis les navires de surface de l’US Navy mais aussi depuis un sous-marin britannique en maraude au large des côtes libyennes. Il aurait alors été logique que la France utilise également ses propres missiles de croisière, qui n’avaient alors jamais servi en opération. Ce ne sera pas le cas, du moins dans l’immédiat. Et c’est ainsi que dans le cadre de l’opération Harmattan, l’armée de l’Air entra en première dans l’espace aérien libyen (dont les défenses anti-aériennes n’avaient pas encore été neutralisées) pour stopper à la bombe guidée une colonne blindée menaçant Benghazi. Tout se termina bien pour les ailes françaises, mais la prise de risque avait été considérable et il semble hors de question aujourd’hui de la renouveler au-dessus de la Syrie. Celle-ci fait figure d’adversaire autrement plus coriace que la Libye : les Américains en 1983 (deux appareils abattus au-dessus du Liban par l’armée syrienne) puis les Turcs l’an dernier (un appareil abattu après être venu renifler les défenses syriennes) ont pu en faire l’enrichissante expérience.


Après quelques jours de retard sur ses Alliés, la France a finalement tiré 15 missiles de croisière Scalp-EG pendant l’opération Harmattan en 2011. Dix ont été tirés par les Rafale de l’armée de l’Air, quatre par ceux de la Marine et un seul par un Mirage 2000D de l’armée de l’Air. Petits bras les Français et sans doute près de leurs sous, parce que dans le même temps les Italiens en tiraient une trentaine et les Britanniques une soixantaine ! Reste que cette volonté louable de faire des économies pourrait bien tomber à plat dans la guerre qui se prépare. D’abord parce qu’on l’a dit, l’adversaire semble être plus coriace que précédemment. Ensuite parce que si les avions sont dans l’impossibilité d’utiliser des bombes guidées dans une guerre punitive qui promet d’être limitée, l’engagement des uns et des autres ne pourra se faire qu’en comptant le nombre de missiles de croisière tirés. Il faudra faire bonne figure…


Mais les missiles sont comme les hamsters, ils ont une durée de vie inférieure à celle de l’être humain. Après dix ou douze ans de stockage (le Scalp est entré en service en 2004 en France), le temps viendra rapidement de leur redonner du potentiel, mais cette opération exigera des sous… Or comme chacun le sait les temps sont durs. La loi de programmation militaire ne prévoit à ce jour que la rénovation d’une centaine de missiles de croisière air-sol pour les années à venir sur les 500 livrés. Cela signifie-t-il que les 385 autres encore en stock devront être consommés avant d’être démantelés ? Ce qui ouvrirait des horizons nouveaux aux armées, pour peu qu’elles disposent encore des avions pour les porter…

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 11:40
MAKS-2013: la Russie possède déjà un missile hypersonique

JOUKOVSKI (région de Moscou), 28 août - RIA Novosti


La Russie a déjà créé un missile hypersonique, mais pour le moment, ce dernier ne peut voler que plusieurs secondes, a annoncé mercredi Boris Obnossov, directeur général du consortium russe "Missiles tactiques" au Salon aérospatial international MAKS-2013.


"Nous savons déjà voler à une vitesse hypersonique, nos missiles volent à une vitesse hypersonique à Mach 4,5. Mais nous n'avons pas besoin d'un vol de brève durée. Nos missiles doivent être capables à voler longtemps en régime hypersonique dans l'atmosphère", a indiqué M.Obnossov devant les journalistes.


Selon lui, un vol hypersonique commence à partir de Mach 4,5 et la Russie souhaite créer des missiles volant à Mach 6, Mach 10 et Mach 14. "Ces étapes sont absolument différentes du point de vue de la recherche scientifique, mais il faut les passer", a conclu le responsable.


En septembre 2012, le vice-premier ministre russe Dmitri Rogozine a annoncé que Moscou mettrait en place un "superholding" chargé de maîtriser les technologies hypersoniques sur la base des groupes "Missiles tactiques" (KTRV) et "Constructions mécaniques" (NPO Machinostroenie). NPO Machinostroenie a des partenaires indiens dans le cadre du projet bilatéral BrahMos qui porte sur la création de missiles de croisière supersoniques.


M.Obnossov a déclaré au printemps dernier que son consortium "Missiles tactiques" avait formé un groupe de travail spécial consacré aux techniques hypersoniques qui devait élaborer un programme de conception d'une arme hypersonique en été 2013.


La possibilité d'effectuer un vol prolongé à des vitesses hypersoniques (cinq à six fois la vitesse du son) permettrait de créer des armes aux propriétés inédites. La Russie a lancé les recherches dans le domaine de l'arme hypersonique dans les années 1960, mais les a interrompues avec la "perestroïka". Ces travaux n'ont repris qu'en 2009. En mai 2012, M.Rogozine a déploré le retard que la Russie accusait sur les Etats-Unis dans ce secteur.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 07:50
HMS Vigilant fires an unarmed Trident II ballistic missile photo UK MoD

HMS Vigilant fires an unarmed Trident II ballistic missile photo UK MoD

08/28/2013  Steve Coltman - defenceiq.com


Recently the MoD published its long-awaited Review of Alternatives to Trident, written at the behest of the Liberal Democrats. It says that cruise missiles might have been a viable alternative but for two things – the existing Trident warheads are not suitable for use in cruise missiles and that it would take 24 years to develop a new warhead.


This is such a long timescale that the Vanguard-class subs would have been retired before the new system was available, necessitating the purchase of two new Trident SSNBNs as a stop-gap and therefore wiping out any cost-savings. 


I find the point about it taking 24 years to develop a new warhead to be particularly astonishing, but reading between the lines of the report perhaps one might  wonder if the UK hasn’t lost the ability to design new warheads altogether.


So far as the suitability of existing warheads to go in cruise missiles is concerned, the case rests on two points.

  1. In the case of horizontally-launched missiles, these would have to be stored in the torpedo room in close proximity to the crew, and this would necessitate the development of a low-radiation warhead. I don’t suppose we can argue with that point. Developing a low-radiation warhead would take even longer than 24 years.
  2. The report also says that the existing Trident warheads are too delicate and would not stand up to the manhandling that cruise-missiles are subjected to. One can imagine that horizontally-launched cruise-missiles manhandled down into the torpedo room might be subject to a few knocks but in the case of vertically-launched cruise missiles, why should the handling of the warheads be any different to what they experience in vertically-launched Trident missiles?


What the report did not say was that the warheads are too big to fit inside a 21” diameter cruise missile. Considering 12 warheads plus decoys have to fit inside a Trident, I suppose it is reasonable to assume the warheads are not that large. Had the Trident warheads been too large for a cruise missile I am sure the report would have said so.


Comparing vertically-launched cruise-missiles with Trident, the only difference in what shocks the warhead would experience post-launch, when the cruise-missile cants over to follow a horizontal course to its target while the Trident missile continues onwards, upwards and then downwards on a ballistic trajectory. The report is quite adamant that the Trident warhead would not be suitable for cruise-missile use, but how do we know that? If Aldermaston has lost the people who can design warheads, they might also lack the people who can make an informed judgement on this issue too. It should be easy enough to put some sensors in a Tomahawk and measure the acceleration, g-forces and shocks that a cruise-missile warhead might be subject to in a real launch, then take an existing warhead and subject it to the same (or worse) shocks to see what, if anything, breaks? Has the MoD ever done this? If not, how can it be so sure the Trident warhead would not be suitable?


Let us suppose that Trident warheads are indeed suitable for use in vertically-launched cruise missiles – what then? The main capital cost of the like-for-like replacement of Trident is in the four big submarines, with a quoted coast of £11-14 billion. At an guesstimate, we would have to reserve around £2-3 billion to develop a new indigenous cruise missile, which would still leave us with £10 billion.


Here are some important points to consider:

  • How many of the seven planned Astute-class boats can be fitted with vertical launch tubes, and why were they not part of the original design anyway? The keel has already been laid for the sixth boat so it may now be too late to change its design and incorporate vertical tubes. The worst case scenario is that only the seventh boat onwards could have vertical tubes fitted and I presume it is too much to contemplate chopping existing subs in two and inserting a new section – although the Spanish are contemplating something similar for their new subs.
  • We will need more Astutes beyond the planned seven, which may need to be supplemented by cheaper conventional boats. Astutes currently cost £1.2 billion each, while the biggest and best conventional boats are about £500 million each. So, three extra Astutes, with the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth having vertical tubes, would be £3.6 billion.
  • Half a dozen big conventional boats, which would also be fitted with vertical tubes, at £500 million each is £3 billion. We now have a submarine fleet of 16 boats, much better than at present.
  • A dozen frigate-sized OPV / patrol frigates, like the French ‘Floreal’ class or the Dutch ‘Holland’ class – would be about £1.5 billion. This would quickly and dramatically ease the Navy’s surface ship numbers problem.
  • And what about two more Type 45s? Six isn’t very many as only two are on operations at any given time. At £700 million each, that’s another £1.4 billion.
  • With the remaining £500 million, perhaps we could buy another big amphibious ship? Or more MARS replenishment ships?


This is just the author’s preference of course. Many other shopping lists are possible but it is clear from this ‘fantasy navy’ exercise that the opportunity cost of Trident is pretty high. And the case for the like-for-like replacement of Trident rests on the assertion that Trident warheads are too delicate to be used in cruise missiles, and that it would take 24 years to develop a warhead suitable for cruise missiles (despite France and Israel already having such warheads). It is very difficult for politicians to argue with such assertions, however sceptical we may be.


Finally - do we really need a deterrent in this day and age anyway? A good question, but probably a redundant one, I doubt if anyone could get unilateral disarmament through parliament before 2016.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 07:30
La Syrie utilisera tout son potentiel militaire en cas d'agression (diplomate)

MOSCOU, 28 août - RIA Novosti


La Syrie prendra toutes les mesures pour se défendre en cas d'intervention militaire de l'Occident, mais la stratégie américaine est vouée à l'échec, a déclaré mercredi à RIA Novosti l'ambassadeur syrien à Moscou Riyad Haddad.


"Nous nous défendrons avec tous les moyens dont nous disposons", a affirmé l'ambassadeur, ajoutant que la Syrie "ne se rendrait pas".


Le diplomate a évité de donner une réponse concrète à la question de savoir si Damas utiliserait les systèmes antiaériens S-300 qu'il devait avoir reçu de Russie, mais a déclaré que "la Syrie ne manquait pas de moyens de défense".


M. Haddad a qualifié d'inconsistantes les allégations occidentales concernant l'utilisation d'armes chimiques par les autorités syriennes.


"Ce sont des terroristes armés et des groupes terroristes qui ont lancé une attaque chimique dans la région de Damas. Il s'agit bien d'une action projetée à l'avance, d'autant plus qu'elle a été commise au moment où les experts de l'ONU se trouvaient en Syrie. Il n'existe aucune preuve confirmant l'implication du gouvernement et des forces armées de la Syrie. Les accusations occidentales sont politiquement motivées", a constaté l'ambassadeur syrien.


Il a ajouté que "la stratégie américaine au Proche-Orient finirait par échouer".


Le vice-ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères Fayçal Mekdad a annoncé mercredi  que la Syrie avait fourni aux inspecteurs de l'ONU des preuves attestant que Damas n'avait pas utilisé de substances toxiques.



Le Conseil de l'Otan réuni à Bruxelles au niveau des ambassadeurs des 28 pays de l'Alliance a pour sa part affirmé que l'implication des autorités syriennes dans l'usage d'armes chimiques était confirmée par des preuves provenant de différentes sources.


Certains pays occidentaux, dont les Etats-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne et la France, ont profité des informations faisant état de l'attaque chimique présumée pour appeler ouvertement à une intervention militaire en Syrie sans aval du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU.

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 07:20
Analysts: Spurred by Syria Talk, Raytheon's Stock Price to Remain High

US Sailors prepare to load a Tomahawk cruise missile onto the guided-missile submarine Michigan. (US Navy)


Aug. 28, 2013 - By JOHN T. BENNETT – Defense News


Defense Giant's Tomahawk Missile Poised for Leading Role


WASHINGTON — Analysts say US defense giant Raytheon’s recent stock price uptick should continue for some time, with its Tomahawk cruise missile poised to star in America’s next likely military operation.


The Raytheon-made cruise missile is loaded on US Navy ships positioned within striking distance of Syrian military targets. The White House is reportedly readying plans for limited military strikes to punish Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad for a deadly Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack.


Raytheon’s stock was trading well over $75 per share as of mid-afternoon on Wednesday, up from $71 per share just a few weeks ago.


What changed?


US President Barack Obama and his national security aides decided Assad’s latest alleged use of chemical arms violated the “red line” he established last summer. Once it became clear Obama opposes inserting ground troops and prefers pounding Syrian targets from afar to punish Assad, the Tomahawk and its manufacturer became the darling of Wall Street.


Obama’s shift from the Syrian sidelines to readying to strike sent Raytheon’s stock to a 52-week high of $77.93 this week. The price fell to around $75.25 near Tuesday’s closing bell, before climbing again on Wednesday.


Those prices are well above the stock’s six-month (just under $55 a share) and 12-month ($52.24) lows. The price fluctuated between $55 and $60 from March to late April, climbing to nearly $65 by late May. It hovered around $65.50 during June and for much of July, then began a slow climb toward current levels.


Analysts say there are many reasons the stock is suddenly more popular on “The Street.”


“Tomahawk is once again proving to be the ideal weapon for a measured response to aggression,” said Loren Thompson, a defense industry analyst and consultant.


“But the Navy needs to greatly increase the number of cruise missiles in its inventory so it can cope with protracted contingencies,” the Lexington Institute COO said on Wednesday. “That raised the prospect of new sales for Raytheon.”


Lawrence Korb, a former Pentagon official now with the Center for American Progress, said Raytheon’s stock price began to climb “once people began saying, ‘We weren’t going to send in ground troops but we are going to do something.’ ”


“It became pretty clear that meant cruise missile strikes,” Korb said. “That means the Tomahawk. And if you’re going to shoot a whole bunch of them, you’re going to have to buy more.”

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 20:13
Technologies hypersoniques: Moscou coopère avec Pékin, Paris et New Delhi

JOUKOVSKI (région de Moscou), 28 août - RIA Novosti


La Russie collabore déjà avec la France et la Chine et compte poursuivre sa coopération avec l'Inde dans la mise au point de technologies hypersoniques, a annoncé mercredi Boris Obnossov, directeur général de la société russe "Missiles tactiques", lors du Salon aérospatial international MAKS-2013.


"Nous coopérons avec la France sur les technologies hypersoniques, avec la Chine sur la création d'un moteur et nous sommes prêts à coopérer avec l'Inde. Un seul pays a du mal à concevoir de tels systèmes à lui seul", a indiqué M.Obnossov devant les journalistes.


Celui qui aura le contrôle des technologies hypersoniques, sera le maître du monde, selon M.Obnossov. "Mais il faut être cohérents. Commencer par concevoir un missile avant de s'attaquer à la création d'un engin capable de transporter des humains et de mettre une charge utile en orbite", a conclu le responsable.


En septembre 2012, le vice-premier ministre russe Dmitri Rogozine a annoncé que Moscou mettrait en place un "superholding" chargé de maîtriser les technologies hypersoniques sur la base des groupes "Missiles tactiques" (KTRV) et "Constructions mécaniques" (NPO Machinostroenie). NPO Machinostroenie a des partenaires indiens dans le cadre du projet bilatéral BrahMos qui porte sur la création de missiles de croisière supersoniques.


M.Obnossov a déclaré au printemps dernier que son consortium "Missiles tactiques" avait formé un groupe de travail spécial consacré aux techniques hypersoniques qui devait élaborer un programme de conception d'une arme hypersonique en été 2013.


La possibilité d'effectuer un vol prolongé à des vitesses hypersoniques (cinq à six fois la vitesse du son) permettrait de créer des armes aux propriétés inédites. La Russie a lancé les recherches dans le domaine de l'arme hypersonique dans les années 1960, mais les a interrompues avec la "perestroïka". Ces travaux n'ont repris qu'en 2009. En mai 2012, M.Rogozine a déploré le retard que la Russie accusait sur les Etats-Unis dans ce secteur.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 19:14
photo Livefist

photo Livefist

JOUKOVSKI (région de Moscou), 28 août - RIA Novosti


L'Inde entend équiper ses futurs chasseurs Rafale de missiles russes, a annoncé mercredi Boris Obnossov, directeur général du groupe russe "Armements balistiques tactiques", lors du Salon aérospatial international MAKS-2013 à Joukovski, dans la région de Moscou.


"L'Inde manifeste de l'intérêt pour l'adaptation de nos missiles pour les Rafale" qui seront fournis par la France, a indiqué M.Obnossov devant les journalistes.


Selon lui, le groupe, qui a perdu l'appel d'offres indien pour la production de 126 chasseurs polyvalents en 2011, est prêt à adapter ses missiles pour les chasseurs français Rafale (Dassault Aviation) retenus par l'Inde.


Le Salon aérospatial international MAKS-2013 se déroule du 27 août au 1er septembre sur l'aérodrome de l'Institut de recherche sur les vols Gromov à Joukovski, dans la région de Moscou.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 11:35
Photo DPR Defence DRDO

Photo DPR Defence DRDO

25 August 2013 by nayeem sheikh - Indian Defence Goal


Working at a fast pace towards production and induction of Agni-V missile into the forces, Defence Research and Development Organisation is reportedly planning its second test fire next month. The maiden test fire of Agni-V, the first intercontinental ballistic missile of India, was carried out in April 2012. The successful trial catapulted the country into the exclusive ICBM club comprising six elite countries, United States of America, Russia, China, France and United Kingdom.


Dr V G Sekaran, chief controller R&D (Missiles & Strategic Systems) and programme director, Agni, said that while no date has been fixed for the test as of now, it will be conducted in September. “This test shall be aimed at repeatability of the previous test for stabilizing the performance of sub-systems,” he said, adding that DRDO is working at starting the production and delivery phase by 2015 for Agni-5. Dr Sekaran further revealed that the forthcoming test fire is a part of development trials (usually 2-3, if successful) and the user trials will start after this.


Meanwhile, DRDO is leaving no stone unturned for kick starting the canisterization process for Agni V by this year end. Simultaneous qualification tests will be conducted for the same as well. Canister launch of the missile will enable higher flexibility in launching speedy firing from any location on a road.


The indigenously developed 50-tonne long range surface-to-surface ballistic missile Agni-V, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead weighing more than a tonne, has a 5,000 km range as per DRDO officials, who confirmed that preparations are at full swing at Wheeler Island off the Odisha coast for a September launch. Once inducted, India’s range with respect to missile reach would include the entire Asia as well as parts of other continents. Agni V will be inducted into the force equipped with Multiple Independently Targetable Re-Entry Vehicles (MIRVs) for shooting multiple warheads at the same time.


RCI to celebrate silver jubilee

Research Centre Imarat, DRDO, Hyderabad, is celebrating its silver jubilee on August 26, 2013. Governor ESL Narasimhan, former president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, minister of state for defence Jitendra Singh will be present at the celebration. RCI is the premier DRDO Laboratory spearheading the design, development and delivery of state-of-the-art avionics systems for the entire Indian missile development programmes.

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28 août 2013 3 28 /08 /août /2013 07:40
Almaz-Antey Unveils S-350E Vityaz Air Defense System

The S-350E Vityaz launcher carries 12 missiles in vertical-launch pods. These launchers can carry a variant of the 9M96 active radar homing missile, as well as shorter range missile is likely to be a variant of the 9M100 enabling the system to effectively engage air-breathing or ballistic missile targets at ranges of 30-120 kilometers. Photo: Bill Sweetman, Aviation Week


August 27, 2013 defense-update.com


The Russian company Almaz Antey introduced today the newest air defense system from Russia, the S-350E . The new system was displayed today for the first time in public at the MAKS 2013 airshow. The photos on this page were posted by Bill Sweetman of Aviation Week. “S-350 Vityaz is a highly mobile system, smaller than the S-400, but using that system’s 9M96E2 missile” sweetman posted in the Ares blog. The system is carried in three modules – the 50K6E command post, the 50N6E radar (photo below) and the 12-round 50P6E launcher (shown above). A single command post can control two radars and up to eight launchers, and engage up to 16 aircraft or 12 missiles at a time.

The Vityaz (50R6) system developed by Almaz-Antey is expected to replace the earliest variants of the S-300 family, namely S-300PS and PMU PS-1A to be phased out of service by 2015. Early deployment of Vityraz systems could begin next year, if testing proceeds as planned. The S-350 was unveiled in June 2013 at the company’s Obukhov State Plant in St. Petersburg and. According to Almaz Antey president, Vladislav Menshikov, the new system is expected to be ready for testing in the fall of 2013.

The system boasts advanced all-aspect phased array radar, a new mobile command post and a launcher carrying 12 vertical-launch missiles, which will use a variant of the 9M96 active radar homing missile. Similar missiles are used by the S-400, the newer generation of the S-300, which is currently being deployed in Russia and offered for export.

A unique feature introduced with Vityaz launchers is the capability fire short-range missiles, in addition to the medium-long range capability of the 9M96. The shorter range missile is likely to be a variant of the 9M100. According to some analysts, the range of the new system will likely be 30-120km. According to these analysts, the system would evolve to offer air defense with some limited tactical anti-missile capabilities. Moscow aims to create a multi-layered grid to cover Russia’s airspace, defending against threats ranging from drones, to conventional manned aircraft, to cruise and ballistic missiles. Such system could employ S-500, S-400, S-300E, as well as the shorter-range Pantsir systems.

The S-350E is based partially on the design of the South Korean KM-SAM Chun Koong system which Almaz-Antey helped designed. The Russian company developed three radar units for the KM-SAM, and is also believed to have helped the Korean missile manufacturer design the MK-SAM effectors. The Russian military closely followed the Korean development and in 2007 decided to back the development of a Russian derivative that eventually evolved into the Vityraz system.

The Russian MOD plans to buy at least 30 Vityaz systems before 2020, following the completion of the developmental testing.

Almaz-Antey Unveils S-350E Vityaz Air Defense System

The mobile 50N6E radar is part of the S-350E Vityaz air defense system. The S-350E is based partially on the design of the South Korean KM-SAM Chun Koong. Photo: Bill Sweetman, Aviation Week

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:55
La zone de recherches et d’interdiction de pêche Juillet 2013 - source Marine Nationale

La zone de recherches et d’interdiction de pêche Juillet 2013 - source Marine Nationale

26 août 2013    Catherine Merrer avec Martine Troadec – LeTelegramme.fr


Mandatés pour récupérer des pièces du missile M51, à la suite de l'échec de son lancement, en mai, des côtiers du Guilvinec (29) ont participé aux recherches moyennant rémunération. Mais la pêche n'a pas été bonne pour tous.


Un vent de fronde souffle sur les quais du Guilvinec. En cause, selon certains, «l'inégalité de traitement» des patrons pêcheurs côtiers mandatés par la Marine nationale pour la récupération de pièces du missile M51, qui s'est abîmé en mer, le 5 mai, au large de Penmarc'h (29). Rappelons qu'à la suite de l'échec de ce lancement, une partie de la zone a été fermée à la pêche, puis progressivement rouverte totalement.


L'un des patrons pêcheurs concerné a poussé un coup de gueule, vendredi soir, à la débarque, devant «le manque de transparence de l'opération classée secret défense». Un pléonasme... À l'heure où les cours et les volumes de pêche sont en baisse, l'un d'eux, préférant garder l'anonymat, tonne : «On se sucre sur le dos des copains».


2.800 € par jour et par bateau


Durant deux semaines, sur la deuxième quinzaine de juillet, dix côtiers pour la première, quinze pour la seconde, auraient appuyé les recherches de la Royale, sous son contrôle, moyennant 2.800 € par jour et par bateau, 300 € par relief récupéré, au nom de dégâts probables sur les chaluts.


Cependant, les patrons pêcheurs concernés avaient aussi la possibilité de chaluter et de vendre la pêche tirée d'une zone restée protégée du fait de l'événement, également zone de langoustines. Donc bien riche du fait de l'interdiction de pêche durant plusieurs semaines, en pleine saison.


«Pour certains, belle pêche de ferraille et belle pêche de langoustines», livre notre témoin qui fait état de «privilèges». Et de s'interroger : «Pourquoi les bateaux n'ont-ils pas tous été informés, pourquoi certains ont-ils été évités, pourquoi tous les côtiers n'ont-ils pas été invités à la réunion sous criée avant le lancement de l'opération ?».


Préfecture maritime : des critères techniques


Des questions sans réponse pour ce témoin et une pilule qui semble difficile à avaler pour les côtiers écartés du dispositif. Pourtant, selon la préfecture maritime, «il n'y a eu aucune différence de traitement, tout a été fait du mieux qu'on a pu», évoquant, notamment, la réunion sous criée du mois de juin. Celle-ci a cependant apporté samedi une explication : «Au départ, il y avait 19 patrons pêcheurs volontaires, puis 26. Au final, 22 ont participé aux recherches. Les bateaux ont été choisis en fonction de leurs capacités techniques sur une zone spécifique de grands fonds. Nous avons donné nos desiderata, c'est le comité départemental des pêches qui a tranché».

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:35
Chinese helo successfully launches air-to-air missiles

Aug 26, 2013 brahmand.com


BEIJING (PTI): The Chinese military on Monday said the first ingenuously developed military attack helicopter WZ-10 has launched its first air-to-air missile successfully, intercepting low-altitude targets.


The WZ-10, meaning "armed helicopter", carried out the launch during a live-fire drill involving army aviation troops of the People's Liberation Army in the eastern waters off south China's Guangdong Province last week, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.


The drill, which was also the largest-scale activity held to study combat methods since the building up of the aviation troops, conducted six operations, covering fire, close fire support, special assaults, air landing at the wing side, fire interception and move by leapfrogging.


The WZ-10 is designed primarily for anti-tank missions and was first seen in public at the 9th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in the southern city of Zhuhai at Guangdong in 2012.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 16:30
HMS Astute Fires a Tomahawk Cruise Missile (TLAM) During Testing Near the USA photo UK MoD

HMS Astute Fires a Tomahawk Cruise Missile (TLAM) During Testing Near the USA photo UK MoD

27 Aug 2013 By Ben Farmer, Defence Correspondent


The Armed Forces are drawing up contingency plans for action after a weekend of briefing from Downing Street that military intervention action may be imminent against Bashar al-Assad’s government. The most likely course of action according to most observers is a barrage of Tomahawk cruise missiles from warships in the Mediterranean, possibly with added air strikes from warplanes


In reality, plans for possible action against Bashar al-Assad’s regime have been drawn up for weeks, if not months at Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood, according to military sources.


What those plans need to include will depend on the extent and objective of the action to be taken, neither of which are yet clear. They must include not only what Britain, France and America will do, but also how Syria might respond.


The most likely course of action according to most observers is a barrage of Tomahawk cruise missiles from warships in the Mediterranean, possibly with added air strikes from warplanes.


These punitive, but largely symbolic strikes would be designed to show the Syrian government it cannot gas its own people with impunity, but would do little to change the overall picture in Syria.


Such a strike would need little planning. Both the Royal Navy and America are believed to have submarines in the area and the Mediterranean-based US Sixth Fleet also has four destroyers capable of firing missiles. Military sources said these are already armed and “good to go”.


Only last minute details would need to be clarified, including where the vessels would fire from in the Mediterranean’s congested waters and whose airspace the missiles would fly through.


British warplanes could reach Syria from the UK at a stretch, but sources said it would be “challenging” and they would need refuelling in mid-air. If needed, they would more likely be forward deployed to a base in the region such as RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. Again this could be done quickly. Tornado or Typhoon jets are not currently in the region, but could be in Cyprus in hours.


More difficult to plan for would be the reaction of the Syrian regime. Commanders and politicians will want to make sure they are ready for possible retaliation. Syria has access to missiles and also links, through Iran, to militant groups capable of striking throughout the region. Security may be tightened and forces in the region put on higher alert.


If military intervention is more ambitious in scale, then the contingency plans become far more extensive. Then commanders must plan for sustaining military action, for feeding, fuelling and equipping a mission over a longer time.

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27 août 2013 2 27 /08 /août /2013 11:50
HMS Vigilant fires an unarmed Trident II ballistic missile photo UK MoD

HMS Vigilant fires an unarmed Trident II ballistic missile photo UK MoD

Aug. 23, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: House of Commons Library; published August 13, 2013)


Update on the Trident Successor Programme - Commons Library Standard Note

The programme to replace the UK’s nuclear deterrent from 2028 onwards continues apace. In December 2012 the Government published its first update report to Parliament on the progress of the Trident renewal programme and in July 2013 published the Trident Alternatives Review. That review was commissioned in 2011 in order to assist the Liberal Democrats in making a case for potential alternatives to the like-for-like replacement of Trident, as stipulated in the 2010 Coalition Agreement.

This note briefly examines the progress that has been made since Initial Gate on the programme was passed in May 2011, including the contracts that have been placed to date and the estimated costs of the replacement programme.

It also looks at wider issues such as the Trident Alternatives Review and the potential impact of the Scottish referendum on independence which is expected in autumn 2014.

Click here for the full report (20 PDF pages) on the UK Parliament website.

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26 août 2013 1 26 /08 /août /2013 16:50
A 17 Squadron Typhoon aircraft with Meteor missiles attached

A 17 Squadron Typhoon aircraft with Meteor missiles attached



August 24, 2013 by Think Defence


RAF Typhoon aircraft will be armed with Meteor missiles from later this decade after an agreement was signed by industry and the four Eurofighter nations.


During a short ceremony at the Paris Air Show, Defence Ministers from the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain witnessed a contract being signed between Eurofighter and NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency (NETMA) that will see the missile system integrated onto the aircraft.


The Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air to Air missile, manufactured by MBDA, is a state of the art long range weapon that can be used against a range of targets. The missile will complement the missile systems already in use on the aircraft, giving pilots a greater choice of weapons depending on their mission objectives.

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26 août 2013 1 26 /08 /août /2013 16:20
Raytheon's SM-6 engages 1st over-the-horizon targets at sea

Aug 23, 2013 ASDNews Source : Raytheon Corporation


    Test further verifies missile's role in extended range fleet defense


The U.S. Navy fired two Raytheon Company Standard Missile-6 interceptors from the USS Chancellorsville, successfully engaging two cruise missile targets (BQM-74 drones) in the missile's first over-the-horizon test scenario at sea.


The SM-6 will provide U.S. Navy sailors and their vessels extended range protection against fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles as part of the Naval Integrated Fire Control - Counter Air (NIFC-CA) mission area.


"The SM-6's ability to engage threats at significantly greater ranges than other missiles in its class is a game changer for the U.S. Navy," said Jim Normoyle, Raytheon Missile Systems' SM-6 program director. "We verified the weapon's new processor earlier this month, and we're preparing for the USS Chancellorsville's Combat Systems Ship Qualification Trials in November."


In February, Raytheon delivered the first SM-6 from its new $75 million, 70,000 square-foot SM-6 and Standard Missile-3 all-up-round production facility at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Ala. In May, a Defense Acquisition Board approved full-rate production of the SM-6 missile.


"SM-6 combines the best of our SM-2, SM-3 and AMRAAM missiles, providing an enhanced anti-air warfare and over-the-horizon capability at a reduced cost," said Mike Campisi, Raytheon Missile Systems' senior director of Standard Missile-1, -2, and -6 programs. "We have delivered more than 50 missiles ahead of schedule and under cost, and we remain on track to reach initial operating capability in 2013."


About the Standard Missile-6

SM-6 delivers a proven over-the-horizon air defense capability by leveraging the time-tested advantages of the Standard Missile's airframe and propulsion.

    The SM-6 uses both active and semiactive guidance modes and advanced fuzing techniques.

    It incorporates the advanced signal processing and guidance control capabilities from Raytheon's Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile.

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23 août 2013 5 23 /08 /août /2013 16:20
USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) fires a standard missile - photo US Navy

USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) fires a standard missile - photo US Navy

Aug 23, 2013 ASDNews Source : The Lockheed Martin


The Lockheed Martin and U.S. Navy team's (NYSE: LMT) Aegis Combat System successfully completed the first live firing test that proves the system can defend beyond its line of sight by integrating data from a remote sensor to intercept a target.


The latest Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air (NIFC-CA) test marks the first test at sea, and the second consecutive time this year, where Aegis used remote data to successfully intercept a target. Using the Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) to interpret data from remote sources, Aegis launched a Standard Missile-6 (SM-6) missile from the USS Chancellorsville (CG-62) to intercept the target.


"The latest NIFC-CA test demonstrated how the Aegis Combat System has taken a significant step forward in increasing interoperability with remote systems to extend the distance that we can detect, analyze and intercept targets," said Jim Sheridan, director of U.S. Navy Aegis programs for Lockheed Martin. "We continue to use our advanced solutions to provide the Navy with the robust and reliable capabilities needed to defend our nation from sophisticated threats."


As a result of the successful NIFC-CA test, Aegis proved once again that it can transform and adapt to threats and address a changing defense landscape. The U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin are committed to modernization programs for the Aegis Combat System on cruisers and destroyers to extend service life and provide new technologies to the ships and their crews. Ships receiving Aegis system upgrades will field Open Architecture and Commercial Off-the-Shelf technologies that will reduce total ownership costs and ensure military readiness for ongoing missile defense needs.


Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 116,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration, and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services. The Corporation's net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.

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23 août 2013 5 23 /08 /août /2013 07:35
India Defense Ministry Signs Contract for T-90 Missiles

August 22nd, 2013 defencetalk.com  ( RIA Novosti)


India’s Defense Ministry has signed a contract with Bharat Dynamics Limited for delivery of T-90 tank missiles manufactured under Russian license to the Indian army, The Hindu daily newspaper reported Tuesday.


Under the contract, estimated at $470 million, the deliveries of the Invar missiles, to be put on T-90 tanks, are to be completed within the next five years.


Invar is a laser-guided antitank missile with a range of five kilometers (three miles) and capability of penetrating explosive reactive armor.


Bharat Dynamics has been manufacturing the missiles in collaboration with Russia’s state arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, the newspaper said.


According to media reports, India is planning to procure 25,000 Invar missiles for its T-90 tanks, including 10,000 to be bought directly from Russia and 15,000 to be manufactured domestically under Russian license.

India Defense Ministry Signs Contract for T-90 Missiles
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22 août 2013 4 22 /08 /août /2013 16:35
Astra missile source Livefist

Astra missile source Livefist

August 22, 2013 idrw.org (SP’s Special Correspondent)


The indigenous Astra beyond visual-range air-to-air missile has been captive flight tested again on the Su-30MKI, following successful tests in April this year as earlier reported bySP’s. The IAF is watching keenly as the ambitious weapon system proves itself on the air dominance platform, and is hoping for a test firing from the Su-30MKI this year.


According to HAL, captive flight test for the Astra missile on the Su-30MKI aircraft was planned in three phases: Phase-1, to carry out aero-structural and mechanical integrity for carriage of Astra under steady and manoeuvering conditions, Phase-2 to carry out validation of weapon control system and its electrical and avionic interfaces with Astra missile and in Phase-3, to check the performance of missile system in transmitting and receiving mode of missile seeker with designated target under different flight conditions and the live firing of the Astra missile from the aircraft. As first reported by SP’s, while the base version Astra Mk.1 will have an intercept range of 44-km, it will be the Astra Mk.2 that will be a true force multiplier weapon, with an intercept range in excess of 100-km.

SU-30MKI_India photo USAF

SU-30MKI_India photo USAF

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22 août 2013 4 22 /08 /août /2013 16:30
La France donne des équipements à l’armée libanaise - cérémonie à la base aérienne de Beyrouth.

13 août 2013 Ambassade de France à Beyrouth


Dans le cadre de sa coopération bilatérale avec le Liban, la France contribue au renforcement des capacités opérationnelles de l’armée libanaise. Un soutien accru a été annoncé par le Président François Hollande, lors de sa visite au Liban en novembre 2012, puis réitéré à l’occasion du déplacement officiel à Paris du commandant en chef, le général Jean Kahwaji, en début d’année 2013. Ce soutien s’est concrétisé dernièrement par une cession gracieuse d’équipements militaires à l’armée libanaise.


Ce don, qui comprend des gilets pare-balles, du matériel optique et des missiles HOT, a donné lieu à une cérémonie de remise officielle, le 13 août 2013, à la base aérienne de Beyrouth. Le général Abou Haidar, sous-chef équipements de l’état-major de l’armée libanaise et représentant du commandant en chef, le général Jean Kahwaji, et le Chargé d’affaires a.i. de l’ambassade de France, M. Jérôme Cauchard, représentant l’Ambassadeur Patrice Paoli, ont présidé cette cérémonie. Le général Chahine, commandant des forces aériennes libanaises ainsi que l’attaché de défense adjoint, le Capitaine de Corvette Trouche, et divers officiers libanais ont également participé à cette cérémonie.


Le soutien ancien de la France à l’armée libanaise, prend la forme d’une coopération militaire bilatérale riche et diversifiée. Outre des cessions d’équipements, cette coopération passe principalement par des actions de formation au profit des personnels de l’armée libanaise. Chaque année, environ quatre-vingt stagiaires libanais sont ainsi envoyés en formation dans les écoles militaires françaises, tandis que des détachements français se rendent régulièrement au Liban pour y dispenser des instructions, notamment dans les domaines du déminage ou du combat en montagne.


De même, le contingent français de la FINUL effectue des activités régulières de coopération opérationnelle avec les brigades de l’armée libanaise implantées au Sud Liban, par le biais de patrouilles communes, ainsi que d’exercices et d’entraînements mutuels dans les domaines tactique et logistique.


Lors de son discours, M. Cauchard a rappelé que « cette action de coopération concrétise l’engagement politique de la France aux côtés du Liban, aux côtés de l’armée libanaise, pour aider à l’accomplissement de leur difficile et noble mission au service de la stabilité et de la paix du Liban ».

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19 août 2013 1 19 /08 /août /2013 07:55
Premier tir de développement du MdCN à la DGA (crédit DGA Essais de missiles)

Premier tir de développement du MdCN à la DGA (crédit DGA Essais de missiles)

01/08/2013 Economie et technologie


La direction générale de l’armement (DGA) a réalisé avec succès le premier tir de qualification du missile de croisière naval (MDCN), le 1er juillet 2013. Ce tir, effectué sur le site de Biscarrosse (Landes) du centre DGA Essais de missiles, est représentatif d’un tir à partir d’une frégate.


Le thème de tir retenu était particulièrement exigeant puisque, outre les objectifs de portée, il a contribué à valider les performances de navigation autonome et de guidage terminal par reconnaissance infrarouge. Cette réussite est le fruit d’un travail intense et coordonné de nombreux acteurs étatiques (les centres d’expertise et d’essais de la DGA, le service de la qualité de la DGA et la Marine Nationale notamment) et industriels (MBDA France).


Le MDCN équipera à terme les frégates multi-missions (FREMM) et les sous-marins Barracuda.


Doté d’une portée de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres, le MdCN est destiné à frapper des objectifs situés dans la profondeur du territoire adverse. Il est complémentaire du missile de croisière aéroporté Scalp dont il est dérivé. Embarqué sur des bâtiments de combat positionnés, de façon prolongée, à distance de sécurité dans les eaux internationales, ostensiblement (frégates) ou discrètement (sous-marins), le MdCN est adapté à des missions de destruction d’infrastructures de haute valeur stratégique.


La DGA a notifié le marché MDCN à la société MBDA fin 2006.

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26 juillet 2013 5 26 /07 /juillet /2013 11:35
Vers une première patrouille de SNLE chinois en 2014 ?

25 juillet 2013 Portail des Sous-Marins


La marine chinoise pourrait commencer à conduire en 2014 de premières patrouilles de dissuasion nucléaire avec une nouvelle classe de sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d’engins. Pour les responsables américains, cette nouvelle, si elle est confirmée, met en lumière une nouvelle et grandissante menace pour la sécurité des Etats-Unis.


« Nous estimons que des patrouilles opérationnelles de sous-marins équipés du nouveau missile nucléaire balistique JL-2 commenceront l’an prochain, » a expliqué un responsable ayant connaissance des plus récentes évaluations de la force sous-marine chinoise par les services de renseignement.


La force nucléaire stratégique chinoise comprend actuellement 3 SNLE Type 094, chacun équipé de 12 tubes lance-missiles. Les sous-marins sont aussi appelés classe Jin par le Pentagone.


Si les patrouilles de dissuasion avaient effectivement lieu en 2014, ce serait la toute première fois que la Chine mènerait des opérations sous-marines avec des missiles à tête nucléaire, aussi loin des côtes chinoises. La Chine a pourtant mis son premier SNLE en service à la fin des années 80.


Référence : The Washington Free Beacon (Etats-Unis)

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26 juillet 2013 5 26 /07 /juillet /2013 11:35
Hyunmoo III Cruise Missile

Hyunmoo III Cruise Missile

July 26, 2013 By  Zachary Keck - Flashpoints


South Korea’s Defense of Ministry submitted a budget to Parliament on Wednesday asking for 214.5 trillion won (US$192.6 billion) for the fiscal years between 2014 and 2018, Yonhap News Agency reported.

That breaks down to a yearly average of US$38.52 billion; according to Yonhap, South Korea spent US$29 billion on defense last year, although the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) put the figure at US$31.7 billion. Parliament has approved around 34.5 trillion won (US$31.05 billion) for FY 2013.

The budget proposal submitted on Thursday focuses heavily on beefing up South Korea’s missile defense, with such capabilities accounting 13.7 percent of the entire budget request. This in essence proposes funding the improved missile defense capabilities the Republic of Korea (ROK) has announced in rapid succession since North Korea’s latest missile and nuclear tests in December 2012 and February of this year.

Although it has continued to refuse to join the U.S.-led missile defense system, South Korea has gradually come around to fielding its own indigenous system. While it first considered missile defense capabilities during the late 1990s, progress really only began in the last few years of the Roh Moo-hyun administration (2003-2008), following North Korea’s first nuclear test in 2006.

Indeed, in 2006 South Korea announced its plan to build the Korean Air and Missile Defense (KAMD) system, initially intended to be made up solely of Patriot-2 (PAC-2) missile interceptors and radar. The SAM-X program reportedly appropriated US$1.2-1.6 billion toward this goal.

Then, in March of 2008, Raytheon announced it had started “preliminary planning efforts aimed at integrating Patriot air defense/ABM missiles into South Korea’s national command and control structure,” in the words of Defense Industry Daily.

After negotiations in 2006 and 2007, South Korea also received its first shipment of second-hand PAC-2 interceptors from Germany in late 2008. Although it initially expressed interest in purchasing 48 PAC-2 interceptors from Germany, in 2011 Finland temporarily seized a ship carrying 69 PAC-2s from Germany to South Korea. Berlin described this as the last of the sales.

In 2009, the U.S. announced that South Korea had officially requested the U.S. sell various types of SM-2 standard missiles. These would ultimately be used on South Korea’s three KDX-III Class Aegis Destroyers, the largest Aegis-equipped destroyers in the world, which were commissioned into the ROK Navy between 2008 and 2012.

KDX-III ships are also equipped with SPY-1D(V) radar  for early warning. Two of these were deployed in the crisis on the Korean Peninsula last spring, and the SPY-1D radar immediately picked up and tracked North Korea’s December 2012 launch of an Unha-3 long-range rocket.

Last year South Korea also purchased two Green Pine land-based radar systems from Israel. The Green Pine systems were jointly developed by the U.S. and Israel. Seoul also sought to purchase the Iron Dome from Israel, and proposed paying for part of this purchase by selling Israel other types of military equipment. Tel Aviv rebuffed South Korea on the military equipment although some reports have surfaced saying that Seoul is still pursuing the system.  

After years of South Korea insisting it was still considering joining the U.S.-led regional missile defense system, the U.S. more or less endorsed Seoul’s KAMD system at the ROK-U.S. 2+2 talks in June 2012. Although Seoul has claimed the KAMD system can be integrated into the existing U.S. system, some defense analysts have questioned how extensive this integration would actually be.

Following the endorsement in June, last October the two sides announced revisions to a treaty that restricted the range and payload sizes South Korea of missiles, giving Seoul the green light to ramp up its missile capabilities.

The ROK has hit the ground running ever since. In February of this year it vowed to speed up the completion of the KAMD system, which was initially expected to be in place in 2015. It also announced it is developing an indigenous ballistic missile capable of reaching all of North Korea. These would complement its existing domestically made cruise missiles that can already reach all of the North.

Following this announcement, South Korea said in April it would finally be opening its Air and Missile Defense Cell (AMD-Cell) in July. The AMD-Cell is a command and control center for the entire KAMD enterprise that was initially scheduled to be operational at the end of last year.

At the time of the April announcement, an unnamed ROK defense official told Yonhap that the AMD-Cell would analyze “information acquired from the U.S. early missile warning satellites and South Korea's radar system and sends it to Patriot missile units.”

Then, last month, South Korea announced it would be upgrading its KDX-III vessels with SM-6 surface-to-air missiles, which have a range of up to 400 km. The SM-6 systems are expected to be in place by 2016.

As expected, the budget unveiled this week proposed funding for the purchase of additional PAC-2 missile batteries, as well as PAC-3 upgrades to the existing systems. The PAC-3 upgrades appear to be a wise investment as South Korea's PAC-2s have had an intercept rate of 40 percent. Moreover, the PAC-3 can hit missiles at twice the altitude of its predecessor. 

What ties all these efforts together is the so-called “Kill Chain.” Seoul’s most ambitious program to date, the Kill Chain is a comprehensive set of indigenous satellites that South Korea hopes to have in place by 2021. These satellites would be integrated with the KAMD system with the goal of being able to detect North Korean missiles launches early enough to allow Seoul’s cruise and ballistic missiles to destroy them preemptively.

This will help the ROK military implement its new “active deterrence” doctrine, which was announced by Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin during the thick of the Korean Peninsula crisis in April.

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25 juillet 2013 4 25 /07 /juillet /2013 12:40
Vikhr anti-tank missiles installed on a Ka-50 Alligator helicopter. Photo Allocer.

Vikhr anti-tank missiles installed on a Ka-50 Alligator helicopter. Photo Allocer.

25 July 2013 airforce-technology.com


The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has awarded a contract to Izhmash for the delivery of antitank guided missiles to the national armed forces.


Under the RUB13bn ($401m) contract, the company will supply unspecified units of Vikhr-1 laser-guided anti-tank missile system to the Russian military.


Calling the contract to be the company's biggest state contract for delivery of high-precision weapons to the MoD, Izhmash director general Konstantin Busygin was quoted by ITAR-TASS as saying that the company has all the production facilities, qualified personnel and technologies required for effective fulfilment of the contract under the original schedule.


''We are taking this contract very seriously and will do our best to have it fulfilled completely in time,'' Busygin said.


The director general was also quoted by RIA Novosti as saying earlier that the Vikhr-1 contract is expected to enable the company to solve almost all of its financial problems.


Izhmash, the manufacturer of Kalashnikov assault rifle, or AK-47, currently has debts of up to RUB3bn ($92.7m), according to the news agency.


Manufactured by Konstruktorskoe Buro Priborostroeniya (KBP) bureau, the Vikhr is a long-range, air launched missile designed for engagement of vital ground targets, such as armoured targets equipped with built-in and add-on explosive reactive armour between 8-10km ranges during the day and 5km at night depending on the launch platform used.


Air-launched from the Ka-50, Ka-52 helicopters and Su-25T aircraft, the missile is also capable of engaging a range of low-speed air targets in conditions of air defence assets activity.


Vikhr missiles are currently operational with the Russian Air Force.


Deliveries under the contract are scheduled to be completed by 2015.

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24 juillet 2013 3 24 /07 /juillet /2013 10:08
Tir raté du Missile M51. Fin des recherches

23 juillet 2013 LeTelegramme.fr


La pêche au missile M51 qui a explosé en vol début mai lors d'un tir d'essai, est donc terminée. La Préfecture maritime par arrêté n°2013-098 a décidé de mettre fin aux opérations militaire concernant la recherche d'éléments du missile M51. La zone est donc réouverte à la pêche et à la navigation.

Ce ratage avait entrainé la colère des pêcheurs et l'indignation des écologistes.  Et les recherches avaient surtout fermé à la pêche une large zone maritime. 

Plus récemment, les tentatives pour retrouver les débris avaient également fait l'objet d'une parodie désopilante. Mais pas pour tout le monde car l'enjeu financier et militaire est d'importance.

Rien ne filtrera sur le résultat de la pêche aux débris : l'opération a été classée secret défense

Tous nos articles sur l'explosion et la perte de l'engin militaire

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