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8 mai 2013 3 08 /05 /mai /2013 11:20
Ospreys Delivered to Marine Presidential Helicopter Squadron

May 8th, 2013 By USMarines - defencetalk.com


The helicopter squadron responsible for carrying the President of the United States and his staff, Marine Helicopter Squadron One, received its first of 12 MV-22 Ospreys to be assigned to its fleet, April 5, at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia.


The Ospreys will conduct presidential support missions, which means these aircraft will carry presidential support staff and news media representatives traveling with the president. The Osprey mission at HMX-1 does not include carrying the President of the United States.


Flight operations at HMX-1 began April 26, but flights carrying presidential support staff and news media representatives in the Ospreys assigned to HMX-1 will not begin until later this year.

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