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19 décembre 2014 5 19 /12 /décembre /2014 07:20
GPS III and OCX Successfully Demo Key Satellite Command and Control Capabilities



Dec 18, 2014 ASDNews Source : Lockheed Martin Corporation


Successful demo of new automation and information assurance capabilities clears way for the final launch and early orbit exercise


Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Company successfully completed the fourth of five planned launch and early orbit exercises to demonstrate new automation capabilities, information assurance and launch readiness of the world’s most powerful and accurate Global Positioning System (GPS), the U.S. Air Force’s next generation GPS III satellite and Operational Control System (OCX). 


Successful completion of Exercise 4 on Oct. 3 represents a key milestone demonstrating the end-to-end capability to automatically transfer data between Raytheon’s OCX and Lockheed Martin’s GPS III satellite. One additional readiness exercise, five launch rehearsals and a mission dress rehearsal are planned prior to launch of the first GPS III satellite with OCX.


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