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6 février 2014 4 06 /02 /février /2014 21:55
Un pod de désignation laser de nouvelle génération (PDL NG) sous un Rafale

Un pod de désignation laser de nouvelle génération (PDL NG) sous un Rafale


06/02/2014 Economie et technologie


La direction générale de l'armement (DGA) a notifié le 30 décembre 2013 pour un montant de 119 M€ les travaux de développement du pod de désignation laser de nouvelle génération (PDL NG) dont la qualification est attendue mi-2018 en cohérence avec celle du nouveau standard F3-R du Rafale.


Développé par Thales Optronique, ce nouvel équipement vise à disposer des moyens adaptés pour la recherche et l’identification de cibles de petite taille et permettant des frappes air-sol de grande précision.


Ce programme, prévu au titre de la Loi de programmation militaire (LPM) 2014-2019, permet de soutenir la filière optronique française. La LPM prévoit la commande de 20 PDL NG dont 16 seront livrés en 2018-2019.

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14 janvier 2014 2 14 /01 /janvier /2014 08:55
Thales begins development of New Generation Laser Designation Pod


Fri, 10/01/2014 thalesgroup.com


The French defence procurement agency DGA has awarded Thales with the contract to develop the New Generation Laser Designation Pod (PDL NG). This latest milestone is a follow on from the riskreduction phase led throughout 2013 and series production is expected to begin in 2018.


Thales will develop the PDL NG that will provide the French air forces with new day/night imaging and engagement capabilities in complex theatres of operations. The PDL NG will be designed to integrate with both the Rafale and Mirage 2000D fighter aircraft.


The risk-reduction phase, the first step in the development of any programme, confirmed the system’s architecture, its high level of functional integration, reliability and the development schedule.


The awarding of this development contract confirms the importance of optronics in future air combat systems and acknowledges the technical and operational expertise that Thales has acquired on laser reconnaissance and designation systems over the past 40 years.

“Thales is proud of the confidence that the DGA and the French air force have shown in choosing us to develop this new system. The PDL NG is the result of close and constructive collaboration between specifiers, users and Thales. It will provide air forces an effective and competitive system. The award of the development contract confirms the government’s support for France’s airborne optronics sector and its engineering and industrial capabilities.”

Gil Michielin, Vice-President of Thales’s optronics business

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