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12 novembre 2015 4 12 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
F-35A with Canadian markings

F-35A with Canadian markings


November 8, 2015 David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen


Defence Watch has been running a back and forth debate on the F-35 between defence analyst Richard Shimooka and Alan Williams, the former ADM Materiel at DND, who signed the original MOU committing Canada to the research and development aspect of the F-35. On Sept. 24 Richard Shimooka had an opinion piece in the National Post arguing that the F-35 is still the best bet for Canada.

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9 novembre 2015 1 09 /11 /novembre /2015 12:50
EDA Defence Procurement Gateway: User Experience Survey


source IHS Global Ltd. (On behalf of EDA)


The European Defence Agency invites all users of its Procurement Gateway to participate in a user experience survey. The gateway features defence related business opportunities and information. It aims at providing easy access to defence related information for European government officials, as well as industry representatives and researchers.

The survey will allow the Agency to better understand the needs and expectations of gateway users. It only takes a couple of minutes to be completed and all data shared will be of course treated with complete confidentiality and anonymity.

Share you user feedback, help us improve!


Submit your response


For any questions regarding the study, please contact EDA stakeholders and / or Aman Pannu (Aman.Pannu@ihs.com) and Daniel Smith (Daniel.Smith@ihs.com).


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30 octobre 2015 5 30 /10 /octobre /2015 12:50
EDA is recruiting


Brussels - 29 October, 2015 European Defence Agency


The European Defence Agency (EDA) is currently looking for a Project Officer Airworthiness (TA, AD10), two Procurement and Contract Officers (TA, AD7), an Administrative Assistant (TA, AST4) and an IT Security Administrator (CA, FGIV). Candidates must apply via the EDA website by 23 November 2015.


The Agency is an “outward-facing” organisation, constantly interacting with its shareholders, the participating Member States, as well as with a wide range of stakeholders. It works in an integrated way, with multi-disciplinary teams representing all the Agency’s functional areas, to realise its objectives including its annual Work Programme and its rolling three-year Work Plan. Its business processes are flexible and oriented towards achieving results. Staff at all levels need to demonstrate the corresponding qualities of flexibility, innovation, and team-working; to work effectively with shareholders and stakeholder groups, formal and informal; and to operate without the need for detailed direction.


More information:

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30 octobre 2015 5 30 /10 /octobre /2015 08:30
Procurement: Iraq Prefers The More Expensive American Stuff


October 29, 2015: Strategy Page


Iraq is buying a lot more armored vehicles. While Russia offers cheaper prices and faster delivery the Iraqis prefer to buy American. Since mid-2014 Iraq has ordered 1,000 armored M1151A1 HMMWVs (hummers) from the United States. Even before ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) captured Mosul in June 2014 Iraq had ordered 200 M1151A1s at a cost of $505,000 each. This included a ring mounted 12.7mm (.50 caliber) machine-gun, maintenance equipment, training and warranties. The M1151 is a hummer built to handle the additional weight of armor protection. Thus one of the key changes in the M1151 is a stronger suspension and a larger engine (a 6.5 liter turbo-diesel). This allows the vehicle to easily handle an additional 680 kg (1,500 pounds) of armor. More importantly, the armor is easily installed, or taken off. This allows the hummers to operate more efficiently without the armor when the threat of attack is much reduced. The M1151 also has some armor underneath. This is not a lot of protection against mines and roadside bombs, but it is better than none. The M1151 is basically an armored car, with a crew of four and a payload of one ton (plus two tons that can be towed.) Top speed is 80 kilometers an hour and a max range (on one tank, on roads) of 480 kilometers. All the armored protection is good against 7.62mm machine-guns and rifles, bombs, landmines and nearby bursting shells of up to 155mm. The M1151 hummer also comes with Vehicle Emergency Escape (VEE) Windows. These are bulletproof windows with a latch system. It takes about five seconds to turn the latches and push the window forward. This enables troops to get out of vehicles that have rolled over, or gone into the water, and jammed the doors. If the vehicle catches fire, either from an accident or roadside bomb, the VEE has already proved to be a lifesaver since it was introduced in 2007. The M1151 was developed in 2005 based on experience in Iraq. The M1151A1 has become the preferred HMMWV model in areas where there is a lot of violence.


Iraq has also ordered 175 M1A1 tanks, 15 M88A2 tank recovery vehicles (that can tow disabled M1 tanks off the battlefield) and numerous accessories and support equipment and spare parts. When ISIL made its unexpected advance in 2014 the Iraqi Army had already equipped one of its armored divisions with M-1 tanks. In 2008 Iraq ordered 140 M1A1-SA tanks, along with over a hundred support vehicles (for maintenance and transportation, like 35 tank transporters). The request includes training and technical support, for a total contract cost of over $2 billion. The tanks were delivered by 2011. Since mid-2014 Iraq has lost about a third of their 140 M1s. Some were captured but most were abandoned when damaged or because they broke down and the Iraqis could not get them going again.


The M1A1-SA (Situational Awareness") is equipped with features that the U.S. Army developed in 2006. The M1A1-SA includes the latest thermal (FLIR, or heat sensing) sights, a special engine air filter system developed to deal the abundant sand and dust in Iraq, the telephone on the rear fender, which allows accompanying infantry to communicate with the crew, and numerous small improvements.


There are several items the Iraqi SA tanks will not get, that those used by American troops do have. These include no depleted uranium armor, no ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) on the absence of some other features meant to protect against anti-tank missiles. Also missing is Blue Force Tracker (a U.S. satellite tracking system that shows the location of all American vehicles and aircraft in the vicinity.)


Iraq is not the first Arab country to operate the M1 tank. Egypt, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia already operate over 1,600 of them, and Egypt has built hundreds of them (mainly using components imported from the U.S., but with some locally made parts). All the other Arab users have at least some of the latest model (M1A2 SEP).  The Arab users of the M1 have been very happy with their American tanks. This satisfaction increased when they saw how the M-1 performed in Iraq. While most Arabs deplored U.S. operations there, Arab tank officers and M-1 crewmen were quietly pleased that their tanks appeared invulnerable, and able to assist the infantry in any kind of fight. Iraqi army officers have spoken to fellow Arab officers who have used the M-1, and were told this was the way to go.


Despite the removal of some features, the Iraqis are glad to have their M-1s. Since 2003 Iraqis have been very impressed by the U.S. military. Although the U.S. initially advised the Iraqis to expand upon their use of Russian equipment (which they had been using for over three decades) the Iraqis insisted on adopting U.S. gear and tactics. Thus Iraqi troops wear similar uniforms, and use many identical weapons and items of equipment. Iraqi soldiers, especially the younger ones, imitate American moves to the point that, in the field, U.S. troops sometimes have to look closely to determine if the G.I. down the street is American or Iraqi.

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22 juin 2015 1 22 /06 /juin /2015 16:45
Djibouti: 6% de l'activité de la firme KBR effectués à Chabelley Airfield

22.06.2015 par Philippe Chapleau - Lignes de Défense


90+6+4= 100. Voici des chiffres sont très relatifs qui concernent les activités de KBR à Djibouti. La firme US vient de se voir notifier la prolongation d'une année de son contrat de facility management. La facture annuelle s'élève à près de 60 millions de dollars, ainsi que le précise l'avis du Pentagone ci-dessous.


Kellogg Brown and Root Services Inc., Houston, Texas, is being awarded a $59,654,219 modification under a previously awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract (N62470-13-D-3008) to exercise Option 2 for base operations support services at Camp Lemonier, Djibouti, and affiliated operational sites within the eastern Africa area of responsibility. The work to be performed provides for public safety (security operations, emergency management, and fire/emergency services), air operations, ordnance, supply operations, laundry services, morale welfare and recreation, galley (food services), housing (bachelor quarters), facility support (facilities investment, janitorial services, grounds maintenance, pest control, refuse collection, and roads), utilities (electrical generation, wastewater treatment, and water operations), base support vehicles equipment, and environmental services. After award of this option, the total cumulative contract value will be $166,830,480. Work will be performed at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (90 percent); Chabelley Airfield, Djibouti (6 percent); and Manda Bay, Kenya (4 percent), and work for this option is expected to be completed in June 2016. No funds will be obligated at time of award. Fiscal 2015 operation and maintenance, (Navy) contract funds in the amount of $59,654,219 for recurring work will be obligated on individual task orders issued during the option period. The Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity.


L'avis est intéressant parce qu'il détaille les trois sites où intervient KBR: Camp Lemonnier, Chabelley Airfield (près de Djibouti) et Manda Bay, au Kenya. Les autres avis (voir ici et ici) ne citaient que Djibouti (95%) et le Kenya (5%). Désormais Chabelley Airfield est spécifié. Je rappelle que cette piste accueille depuis 2013 les drones US (voir mon premier post sur ce sujet ici).

Sur ce site, KBR va donc effectuer 6% des prestations du marché. L'indication est ténue mais elle dénote une présence humaine marginale (sécurité incendie, restauration etc) qui n'est certainement à mettre en parallèle avec l'activité opérationnelle qui, elle, est certainement plus importante. Une photo du CNES de mars 2015 montre six drones sur le tarmac (trois Predator et trois Reaper visiblement).

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29 avril 2015 3 29 /04 /avril /2015 11:55
« Les achats de la Défense hors armement, quelles stratégies et quelles relations avec le monde de l’entreprise ? »

source Association des entreprises partenaires du ministère de la Défense

Mardi 19 mai 2015 : Soirée-débat avec le responsable ministériel des achats de la Défense et chef de la Mission Achats (SGA)


 « Les achats de la Défense hors armement, quelles stratégies et quelles relations avec le monde de l’entreprise ? »


Le ministère de la Défense est le premier acheteur de l’Etat. Ses achats s’élèvent à environ 17 Md€ par an, dont 4 Md€ hors armement (infrastructures, maintenance aéronautique et navale, formation, habillement, santé, informatique…).

L’Association des entreprises partenaires de la Défense organise le mardi 19 mai de 18 heures 30 à 20 heures 30 à l’Ecole militaire à Paris une soirée-débat avec Jean Bouverot, responsable ministériel des achats (RMA) de la Défense et chef de la Mission Achats (SGA).

Stratégies d’achats, achats responsables, performance économique, attentes vis à vis des entreprises, etc… un rendez-vous exceptionnel pour le monde de l’entreprise, de la TPE au grand groupe international.

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31 mars 2015 2 31 /03 /mars /2015 11:45
photo EMA

photo EMA


30/03/2015 Sources : État-major des armées


Dans le cadre de l’opération Barkhane, la cellule achats-marché du détachement Air de Niamey permet d’assurer le renouvellement et l’achat de matériels nécessaires à l’ensemble des unités et du personnel militaire présents au Niger.


Directement rattachée à l’antenne de la Direction du Commissariat (DIRCOM) située au Niger, la cellule achats-marchés est composée de quatre sous-officiers (dont trois aviateurs et un maréchal des logis). Elle s’organise autour de deux pôles d’activités : les achats courants auprès du secteur économique local, et le suivi et la rédaction des marchés. Elle gère ainsi l’approvisionnement du quotidien et les prestations de service pour le détachement Air mais aussi pour les sites isolés de Madama et Dirkou.


Suite aux différentes demandes des unités opérationnelles concernant diverses fournitures, outillages ou matériels, les membres de la cellule se rendent sur Niamey pour effectuer leurs achats. La cellule peut être amenée à traiter près de 200 demandes par mois. En outre, elle initie de nombreux partenariats avec les entreprises locales, tels que la location de véhicules, le pressing, le matériel de couchages ou encore la collecte de déchets.


Ce rôle indispensable qu’assure la cellule achats-marchés permet le maintien opérationnel constant des sites militaires de la force Barkhane  au Niger.


L’opération Barkhane regroupe 3 000 militaires dont la mission, en partenariat avec les pays du G5 Sahel, consiste à lutter contre les groupes armés terroristes pouvant agir dans la BSS.

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26 mars 2015 4 26 /03 /mars /2015 12:50
MOD announces appointment of the Chief Executive for Defence Equipment and Support


25 March 2015 Ministry of Defence


The MOD is pleased to announce the appointment of Tony Douglas as the Chief Executive of Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S).


Mr Douglas, who is currently Chief Executive Officer at Abu Dhabi Airports, was appointed by the Prime Minister, in consultation with the Deputy Prime Minister and the Defence Secretary, under the new arrangements announced by the Civil Service Commission in October last year.

Bernard Gray will continue to lead DE&S in his role of Chief of Defence Materiel until he and Mr Douglas have completed their handover towards the end of 2015.

As well as being responsible for the procurement and maintenance of our Armed Forces’ equipment, Mr Douglas will also lead DE&S through the transformation needed for it to become a world class acquisition organisation. He will be an Accounting Officer accountable to Parliament for DE&S’s annual running costs of around £1.3 billion and will report to the DE&S Board which was established in 2014.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said:

I am delighted to welcome Tony Douglas into the role. He brings a wealth of international experience and expertise in project and programme management, organisational leadership and business strategy, which will prove invaluable for the future of DE&S and defence as a whole.

This Government has transformed how we equip our Armed Forces. The key to our success has been matching our equipment programme to the funding available and giving DE&S the capacity, capability and freedom to deliver the equipment they need. I look forward to Tony building on this and creating a world class acquisition organisation.

Commenting on his new role, Tony said:

I am absolutely delighted to have the privilege of serving my country and supporting Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. Delivering their requirements with the utmost service quality and providing best value to the taxpayer is a responsibility that I take with real pride.

Paul Skinner, Chair of the DE&S Board, and a member of the appointment panel, said:

I am delighted that we have been able to attract someone of Tony’s calibre to this vitally important role in the national Defence structure. Together with my Board colleagues I look forward to working with him in building on recent performance improvements under Bernard’s leadership and transforming DE&S into a genuinely world class organisation.

Tony Douglas - Chief Executive Officer - photo Abu Dhabi Airports

Tony Douglas - Chief Executive Officer - photo Abu Dhabi Airports

source Abu Dhabi Airports


Tony Douglas joined Abu Dhabi Airports as Chief Executive Officer on 1st March 2013 to spearhead the development of the airports’ infrastructure in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, including its crowning jewel, the iconic 700,000 sqm Midfield Terminal Building (MTB).

Tony joins Abu Dhabi Airports after completing his latest mega project, Khalifa Port and Industrial Zone (KPIZ) on schedule and below budget, as the CEO of Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC) since 2010.

Prior to his landing in the UAE, Tony was the Chief Operating Officer and the Group Chief Executive designate for Laing O’Rourke, where he had abroad executive remit covering strategic business development and operational management across the Group’s three geographic hubs: Europe;
Middle East and South Asia; and Australasia. As a member of the Group Executive Board, he led accountability for the Group’s largest and most complex project delivery activities.

Before joining Laing O’Rourke, he held a number of senior executive positions with BAA, the UK’s leading airport infrastructure operator and a FTSE40 company, culminating in his appointment as Chief Executive in charge of Heathrow, one of the world’s premier airports. He was an executive
member of the BAA Group Board and an active participant in the £16.3bn takeover of BAA by Grupo Ferrovial.

Tony was previously Heathrow Terminal 5 Managing Director, with overall executive responsibility for the delivery of the £4.3bn Terminal 5 build programme. Prior to this he was BAA’s Group Technical Director with responsibility for technical functions, including development, design, group supply chain, construction and maintenance of new and improved airport facilities. He has also held the position of BAA’s Group Supply Chain Director, accountable for £1bn annual expenditure for construction and related products and services.

Earlier in his career, Tony worked for the Kenwood Group as Manufacturing and Global Logistics Director. This was his first role on the board of a major internationally-focused PLC. A mechanical engineer by training, his career began in 1979 at General Motors, where he joined as an apprentice industrial engineer. In 1990 he moved to British Aircraft Engineering (BAE), where he rose to become Product Manufacturing Director in its regional aircraft division.

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22 mars 2015 7 22 /03 /mars /2015 12:55
La fonction achats de la DIRISI à l’honneur


20/03/2015 Sources : Etat-major des armées


La 7e édition des Trophées « Décision Achats » qui s’est déroulée à Paris le 16 mars dernier, a vu la DIRISI récompensée d’un trophée de bronze dans la catégorie « Achats responsables ».


Les trophées « Décision Achats » sont une manifestation professionnelle organisée par la rédaction du magazine Décision Achats. L’objectif est de mettre en lumière les initiatives et les acteurs les plus remarquables de la fonction achats, dans le privé comme dans le public.


Devant près de 400 professionnels, la DIRISI a été distinguée dans la catégorie « achats responsables » pour son approche globale dans la gestion des déchets d'équipements électriques et électroniques.


Le trophée de bronze obtenu récompense une démarche collective innovante, tant du point de vue de la définition des besoins et de l’articulation de la gestion des déchets dans le cadre du projet COBALT (Combinaison Optimale de Bureautique, d'Assistance des usagers, de Logistique et de Télé-administration), que de celui des achats.


En instituant un partenariat sur 4 ans avec l’éco-organisme EcoLogic, une PME spécialisée pour assurer la collecte et le retraitement des déchets, et en intégrant des obligations sociales fortes en direction des catégories de publics les plus éloignés de l’emploi, la DIRISI démontre son exemplarité en matière de protection de l’environnement et de développement de l’économie sociale et solidaire.


De plus, la convention à coût zéro signée avec la société EcoLogic permet à la DIRISI de réaliser une économie 1,8 M€ sur la période.


Pour cette 7ème édition, la DIRISI est le seul service de l’Etat à avoir obtenu un prix.

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20 mars 2015 5 20 /03 /mars /2015 08:20
Pentagon Prepares to Unveil Better Buying Power 3.0


WASHINGTON, March 19, 2015 – By Nick Simeone DoD News


Pentagon officials are preparing to unveil the latest version of Better Buying Power, a multibillion-dollar equipment and service-buying program aimed at improving the acquisition process while maintaining the nation’s significant technological edge on the battlefield, the department’s chief acquisition officer said here yesterday.

Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, told a defense conference that Better Buying Power 3.0 will be largely about innovation, excellence and maintaining technological superiority -- “the things we can do that will make a substantial difference and give us a significant edge for a decade or more on future battlefields.”


More Capability, More Value

The Defense Department introduced Better Buying Power in 2010 to extract more capability for the warfighter and more value for the taxpayer. “This is largely about efficiency and productivity,” Kendall said.

The new version, which will roll out in the weeks ahead, will bring the intelligence community further into the acquisition process, Kendall said. It also will be more responsive and agile to threats while taking full advantage of quickly advancing technologies, including countering what he said is a growing threat of anti-satellite technology posed by Russia and China.

 “We are starting to do something about this, but we really haven’t made a great deal of progress yet,” he said. “We rely on a small number of very capable and very expensive satellites that are increasingly at risk, and that trend is going to continue to get worse.”

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17 mars 2015 2 17 /03 /mars /2015 08:50
Nordic defence ministers have signed an updated agreement concerning Cooperation in the Defence Materiel Area


10 March 2015 Sweden Ministry of Defence


The Nordic ministers have signed an updated agreement between the Governments of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden concerning Cooperation in the Defence Materiel Area.


The agreement has been updated with an adaptation to the defence directives of the EU (Defence and Security Procurement Directive and the Transfer Directive).


It has also been enhanced in order to make it possible to cooperate in additional areas. The agreement is now more flexible so the various parties can enter into agreements that support cooperation in various configurations.


- It is satisfying that we now have updated the agreement, which is an important milestone. The next step will be to develop an appendix, which includes more detailed contractual regulations, such as procurement, security of supply and export control, says Minister for Defence, and Chairman of Nordefco, Peter Hultqvist.

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8 mars 2015 7 08 /03 /mars /2015 12:30
Procurement: Sudan Can Get You Whatever You Need


March 6, 2015: Strategy Page


Over the last decade a growing number of weapons used by African rebels, warlords and nations under arms embargoes have been traced to Sudan. A lot of ammunition (especially grenades and bullets for AK-47s) has been made in Sudanese factories and shipped all over Africa, to anyone who could pay or whose goals coincided with those of Sudan. Many more weapons were from China and Iran but shipped via Sudan. A lot of this stuff ended up in Gaza. Some of this stuff made headlines when Israel intercepted shiploads of it being smuggled into Gaza and put the captured material on display for the world to sea. Sudan denies everything but has become notable as the only nation on the planet run by a man who is an indicted war criminal.


Sudan was also found to be the source of weapons purchased by Qatar and delivered by Sudan to rebels in Syria. This gives Sudan the distinction of being an ally and arms distributor for Iran as well as some Arab nations on the other side of the Persian Gulf who are threatened by Iranian aggression.


Israel always saw this Sudanese effort as a direct threat and has attacked Sudan several times in an effort to stop or slow down the arms smuggling going through Sudan. Thus in late 2012 Sudan reported that one of their ammunition factories blew up and blamed an Israeli air raid. Many Sudanese believe the bombed factory actually belonged to Iran. Sudan says they have proof it was an Israeli attack, in the form of fragments of Israeli missiles. Israeli officials refused to comment. Earlier in 2012 a local businessman in Port Sudan, Sudan died when his vehicle exploded. The dead man turned out to be a major arms smuggler (to Egypt and eventually Gaza) and the Sudanese government blamed his death on Israel. Sudan denies that it allows weapons to be smuggled into Egypt, but the Egyptian government believes otherwise. Israel denied any involvement with the Port Sudan explosion, as well as with similar events in the past. Egypt has since made it more difficult for Sudanese weapons to travel through Egypt.


Israel has been attacking the Iranian weapons pipeline via Sudan since at least 2008. The 2012 attack was documented by subsequent satellite photos showing large craters, like those made by large (one ton and half ton) bombs. The Israelis were apparently aiming for specific targets, like a number of shipping containers that had recently arrived from Iran. Two buildings in the factory compound were destroyed and 21 structures damaged. Not only are the Israelis bombing Sudan, but they are getting good information about what is where and when. This sort of thing has been going on for some time.


For example, in January 2009, Israel sent warplanes down the Red Sea to attack a convoy of trucks, near the Egyptian border in Sudan, carrying Iranian long range rockets destined for Gaza. Iran brings the rockets (and other weapons) in through Port Sudan, and then trucks them to Egypt. Sudan does not interfere. Egypt is not a friend of Iran but the border police can be bribed. The 2009 attack destroyed 17 truckloads of weapons and killed the 39 drivers. Since then the smugglers resorted to individual trucks and the use of small boats moving up the Red Sea coast.


In a 2011 incident a car travelling north, from Sudan towards Egypt, exploded. One of the dead was a Hamas official. Sudan blamed Israel for this, claiming that an Israeli aircraft must have fired a missile. No proof was offered, other than fragments from a Hellfire missile. But these could have been obtained from any number of Islamic terror groups who have lost members to Hellfire attacks. The Sudanese claimed that a U.S. AH-64 Apache helicopter gunship was used for the attack. The helicopter was said to have flown in from the sea.


In November and December 2011, Israeli aircraft bombed truck convoys carrying weapons from Sudan to Egypt. The Sudanese military refused to admit that Israeli aircraft were operating over northern Sudan but the Sudanese don't really have the means to prevent it.


In 2012 Israel and the newly independent South Sudan became allies, an arrangement sealed by a visit by the South Sudan president to Israel. For years Israel quietly aided the South Sudan rebels, who are largely Christians or animists. In 2011 South Sudan became a separate state, and Israeli aid, via Kenya, increased as a result. Israeli has long been on good terms with Kenya and most non-Moslem African nations. Israel and non-Moslem African nations have a common enemy in Islam, and especially radical Islam. As Islamic radicals have become more active in the past four decades, these alliances with Israel have become more popular in Africa.


Sudanese weapons and ammunition were recently found in use by Moslem rebels in the Central African Republic and by Moslem rebels in other nations all the way to the Atlantic coast. Islamic terrorists in Somalia have often been caught using Sudanese made ammunition. Libyans complain of Sudanese aircraft flying in with tons of munitions on a regular basis. These transports have been seen all over Africa for years and the cargo was often weapons or ammunition. While the Israeli attacks on Sudanese weapons movements gets a lot of attention, all these other Sundanese weapons smuggling activities do not. Overall Sudan has become a major source of weapons for terrorists and others who mean to do bad things to a lot of people. Sudan, as always, denies all and if the evidence is too compelling blames that on Israel.

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3 mars 2015 2 03 /03 /mars /2015 11:50
photo EDA

photo EDA


Mar 02, 2015 by Guillaume STEUER - European Defence Agency


EDA Chief Executive Jorge Domecq and Athena Administrator Hans-Werner Grenzhäuser signed an arrangement establishing the framework for future cooperation between EDA and Athena.


This arrangement builds upon a successful pilot case conducted in 2014 in which the European Defence Agency (EDA) supported the acquisition of Air to Ground Surveillance and Reconnaissance Services for Operation EUFOR Althea.

Procurement of contracted solutions has become increasingly relevant for EU military operations not only to fill capability gaps in the force generation process, but also as a general planned support for ongoing operations.

This broader arrangement opens the option for the Athena Administrator or any Operation/Mission Commanders as Contracting Authorities to call upon EDA to provide, upon its expertise and available means and capabilities, technical and overall administrative support for procurement of infrastructure works, as well as a variety of services or supplies, through direct contracts or pre-mission solutions, e.g. through framework contracts.


Greater flexibility

Speaking about the cooperation, Hans-Werner Grenzhäuser said:  I am convinced that our cooperation would be of huge benefit for supporting EU-led military operations. The European Defence Agency can play a significant role. It holds a considerable knowledge of the industry, as well as in-house technical expertise and experience in contracting. The cooperation with EDA will therefore increase flexibility, optimise procurement procedures and save scarce resources by providing contractor support solutions to operations and Athena central.”  

Talking about the arrangement, Jorge Domecq added: “The ultimate goal of any EDA project is to support operations. Today’s arrangement allows us to do this by providing a procurement service directly to the Administrator or an EU mission. I am sure this will prove particularly useful to develop upstream more ready-to-use solutions available from the shelf at the start of an operation in fields such as medical services, real-life support, satellite communication or strategic transport.”


The Athena Mechanism

Athena is the mechanism established to administer the financing of the common costs of European Union operations having military or defence implications governed by Council Decision 2011/871/CFSP. The Council Decision allows for arrangements to be signed with Union bodies to facilitate procurement in operations in the most cost-effective manner.

More information about the Athena Mechanism is available here.

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9 février 2015 1 09 /02 /février /2015 14:35
Achat d'armes : l'Inde est-il un pays fiable ?

Armement - Le Premier ministre indien Narendra Modi va-t-il faire entrer l'Inde dans une ère moderne en matière d'acquisition d'armes?


09/02/2015 Michel Cabirol – LaTribune.fr


Contrats cassés, négociations qui traînent, appels d'offre annulés, exigences extravagantes... L'Inde ne ne comporte vraiment pas en pays responsable en matière d'achats d'armements.


Industriels cardiaques s'abstenir... Pour se lancer dans un appel d'offre en Inde dans le domaine de l'armement, il faut d'abord s'armer de beaucoup, beaucoup de patience. Mais pas que... Car l'industriel qui a gagné après une longue, très longue procédure, peut encore tout perdre. En Inde, le jeu "Qui perd gagne" en matière d'achats d'armements est très en vogue. Les groupes français ont malheureusement beaucoup subi de décisions en leur défaveur ces dernières années. En dépit de nombreux déboires, ils ont courbé l'échine face aux enjeux colossaux d'équipements en matière militaire de l'Inde, considéré comme un eldorado par les industriels de l'armement du monde entier.

Peut-être François Hollande en touchera-t-il deux mot au Premier ministre indien Narendra Modi qui se rendra en avril en France pour son premier déplacement en Europe. Les deux hommes d'État devraient discuter du renforcement du partenariat stratégique entre les deux pays et de leur coopération économique. Cette visite de deux jours se déroulera pour partie en province, a précisé Laurent Fabius à quelques journalistes après un entretien avec le Premier ministre indien à New Delhi. En attendant cette visite, tous les industriels de la planète se donnent rendez-vous au salon aéronautique Aero India 2015 (18-22 février) à Bangalore.


La demande extravagante de New Delhi

Le méga-contrat pour la vente de 126 avions de combat Rafale à l'Inde, en discussion depuis janvier 2012, devrait figurer en bonne place dans les discussions. Trois ans que Dassault Aviation et ses partenaires et le ministère de la Défense indien sont en négociations exclusives. En décembre dernier, un porte-parole du ministère indien de la Défense avait expliqué que sur le Rafale, "il a été décidé que tout désaccord serait résolu de manière accélérée". La France pouvait être donc rassurée...

Sauf qu'aujourd'hui les négociations sont bel et bien bloquées. Les Indiens souhaitent que les industriels français, Dassault Aviation en tête, garantissent les Rafale qui sortent des usines de HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited), l'industriel étatique indien (délais, dommages...). Et à juste titre, l'avionneur refuse cette demande extravagante. Un désaccord majeur qui pourrait faire le jeu des Russes et des Britanniques, qui n'ont eu de cesse de rappeler en outre à New Delhi combien les Français ne sont pas fiables en termes de livraison. Ils font expressément référence au deux porte-hélicoptères de la classe Mistral fabriqués par DCNS pour le compte de la marine russe. Deux bâtiments dont la livraisons est bloquée par Paris en raison du conflit ukrainien.

En Inde, "tous les interlocuteurs russes des Indiens disent de nous que nous ne sommes pas fiables. Les Anglais également", expliquait en 2014 aux sénateurs un des plus hauts responsables du ministère de la Défense, le délégué général pour l'armement, Laurent Collet-Billon.


Des hélicoptères Fennec au système de défense aérienne SR-SAM

Des déboires, l'industrie d'armement française en a connu un certain nombre en Inde. A commencer par Dassault Aviation. Charles Edelstenne, alors Le PDG, a gardé en travers de la gorge un appel d'offre lancé par New Delhi pour des avions d'entraînement sur lequel le groupe français, qui proposait ses Alpha Jet, avait négocié... pendant vingt-deux ans, avant de jeter l'éponge. Plus récemment, l'Inde a annulé en 2007 un appel d'offres pour l'achat de 197 hélicoptères qui avait été gagné avec son modèle Fennec par Airbus Helicopter (Airbus Group). Ce contrat de 400 millions d'euros pour 197 machines pouvait monter à 1,5 milliard avec l'achat au total de 600 machines.

En 2010, New Delhi a annulé une commande portant sur l'acquisition de six avions ravitailleurs MRTT (Multi-Role Tanker Transport) d'Airbus Group en raison de de son prix élevé, contre les recommandations de l'Indian Air Force (IAF). Mais trois ans plus tard, l'Inde a à nouveau sélectionné cet appareil. Le contrat reste encore à signer. Enfin, trois ans après terminé les négociations et signé en décembre 2011, MBDA attend toujours la mise en vigueur du programme du système de défense aérien, SR-SAM (Short Range Surface to Air Missile), qui est pourtant un programme en coopération.


Faut-il débrancher le SR-SAM?

Ce missile sol-air de nouvelle génération doit être co-développé avec la DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) et coproduit en Inde avec Bharat Dynamics Limited, estimé à 4,5 milliards d'euros, dont 1,8 milliard d'euros pour MBDA), est sur la sellette, faute de financement. Pourtant, en février 2013 à l'issue de la visite de François Hollande en Inde, un communiqué de l'ancien Premier ministre indien, Dr Manmohan Singh's avait annoncé avoir conclu avec les industriels les négociations sur le missile SR-SAM.

New Delhi a promulgué en juin 2013 de nouvelles procédures de passation des marchés de défense en plus des 30 % d'offset que les Indiens exigent pour accorder des contrats aux industriels étrangers. Des exigences qui visent notamment à développer une industrie de défense indienne robuste. Clairement, New Delhi a donné une impulsion à "l'indigénisation" des achats d'armements en donnant une plus grande préférence aux entreprises indiennes.

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17 janvier 2015 6 17 /01 /janvier /2015 12:20
Crédits MDN Canada

Crédits MDN Canada


14 janvier 2015 par Jacques N. Godbout – 45eNord.ca


Les délais et le manque de capacité conduisent à des niveaux jamais vus de fonds d’acquisition non dépensés et menacent les capacités militaires, affirme David Perry, analyste principal de l’Institut de la Conférence des associations de la défense.


«Il est irréaliste de s’attendre à ce que le processus d’acquisition de la défense du Canada puisse être ‘réparé’», va même jusqu’à dire David Perry dans le 21e numéro des Cahiers Vimy de l’Institut intitulé «Remettre le mot ‘armé’ dans les Forces armées canadiennes: améliorer l’acquisition de l’équipement de défense au Canada».

Les compressions budgétaires qui ont commencé en 1989 ont mené à une décennie d’approvisionnements de défense limités, rappelle le rapport.

En février 2014, le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé une Stratégie d’approvisionnement en matière de défense du Canada (SAMD) conçue pour réformer la façon dont le Canada s’approvisionne en équipement militaire.

Le système canadien a connu des problèmes particuliers dans le passé et la situation restera probablement la même, alors que le temps de faire l’acquisition d’équipement militaire en est rendu à des «niveaux records», souligne-t-il.

«Bien que la SAMD soit une initiative louable, elle ne va pas régler d’elle-même les problèmes actuels», conclut David Perry.

Il note que que le ministère de la Défense fait face à une difficulté sans précédent à dépenser l’argent alloué aux approvisionnements. Depuis 2007/2008, une moyenne de 23% de l’argent disponible, soit un total de 7,2 milliards $, n’a pas été dépensée, écrit l’analyse.

La stratégie de défense Le Canada d’abord promettait le programme de recapitalisation le plus important depuis la Guerre de Corée, mais cette recapitalisation est gravement retardée, ce qui cause une érosion du pouvoir d’achat du programme d’immobilisation du ministère de la Défense, note le chercheur.

Des projets sont réduits ou annulés à cause de délais ou de la perte de pouvoir d’achat et la capacité et les ressources actuelles sont impuissantes à répondre aux demandes accrues, observe-t-il.

«Notre système d’approvisionnement n’est tout simplement pas assez robuste pour réussir», déclare David Perry. «D’ici à ce que soit articulée une nouvelle politique de défense, que les achats soient organisés en un système de priorités, et que des ressources adéquates soient appliquées, les militaires vont continuer à perdre de leur capacité», prévient-il.


Les recommandations

Tout en affirmant qu’il ne sera pas facile de «réparer» le système d’approvisionnement système auquel il colle l’étiquette de «cassé», le chercheur y va de 10 recommandations qui devraient permettre d’atteindre le but dont parlent constamment les militaires: fournir le bon équipement aux forces de combat en temps opportun.

  1. Terminer l’examen de la Stratégie de défense Le Canada d’abord et, dans le cadre de cet examen:
    – mettre en place priorités géostratégiques qui peuvent orienter les acquisitions futures;
    – résoudre l’inadéquation entre le financement et les capacités;
    – prioriser des acquisitions de défense prévus;
  2. Augmenter la taille du personnel travaillant aux acquisitions
  3. Accroître les compétences du personnel travaillant aux acquisition en améliorant l’accès à la formation, en réduisant le cycle d’affectation des fonctionnaires et des militaires affectés aux acquisitions, en reliant les rotations de personnel aux étapes clés des projets; et en créant un «cheminement de carrière» pour les spécialistes des achats militaires.
  4. Accroître les récents efforts déployés par la Défense nationale pour familiariser les autres agences et fonctionnaires avec le programme de la défense;
  5. Continuer à impliquer l’industrie dans le processus;
  6. Améliorer la communication sur les marchés de la défense, à la fois au sein du gouvernement et entre le gouvernement et le public. Accroître l’utilisation des séances d’information technique sur les fichiers-clés;
  7. Développer une base commune pour le cycle de vie des coûts qui est basée sur les meilleures pratiques et l’instituer au sein du gouvernement. Cela devrait inclure l’attribution de contingences de projet appropriées à la nature de chaque projet et au système d’approvisionnement canadien et veiller à ce les budgets des projets comprennent une protection contre la perte de pouvoir d’achat;
  8. Renforcer la flexibilité dans le plan d’investissement du ministère de la Défense pour tenir compte de l’escalade des coûts, des délais et des nouvelles priorités;
  9. Tenir compte des changements dans les budgets des projets actuels et futurs des coûts d’approvisionnement créés par la Stratégie de défense de l’approvisionnement
  10. Et, finalement, mettre en œuvre les changements de stratégie de défense de l’approvisionnement comme un ensemble complet, plutôt que des initiatives individuelles, et produire des rapports d’étape annuels sur la mise en oeuvre de la nouvelle stratégie.


En octobre 2014, du côté de la Marine royale canadienne le Chef – Service d’examen lançait lui-même un cri d’alarme.

Son rapport d’évaluation révélait que, bien qu’elle ait toujours, jusqu’ici, répondu aux attentes et aux demandes du gouvernement du Canada et du ministère de la Défense en ce qui a trait à la conduite des opérations, la Marine royale canadienne éprouvait «des difficultés à satisfaire certaines de ses exigences relatives à l’état de préparation».

Force était de constater alors qu’il devient de plus en plus difficile à la Marine royale canadienne d’être «là, toujours prête» à défendre les intérêts du Canada à l’échelle nationale et internationale.

Mais aujourd’hui, à moins de réparer rapidement le système d’approvisionnement militaire «cassé», c’est toute l’armée qui risque d’être «Forte, Fière, mais pas Prête»…

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18 décembre 2014 4 18 /12 /décembre /2014 17:35
Combat boat with missile (image : Militaryphotos)

Combat boat with missile (image : Militaryphotos)


18.12.2014 Defense Studies

MANILA (PNA) -- In a bid to improve its territorial sea interdiction capabilities, the Philippine Navy (PN) announced that it will be acquiring missile-armed MPACs (multi-purpose assault craft) to beef up its patrol force.

This was announced by PN vice commander Rear Admiral Caesar C. Taccad during Tuesday's briefing on modernization.

"It will be armed with stabilized weapon system with fire control complemented with a short to medium range missile system," he added.

The MPACs will be designed for territorial sea interdiction operations with maritime situational awareness and limited credible deterrence in the protection of the country's interest at the West Philippine Sea, Taccad stated

"And it may also be used for internal security operations and humanitarian assistance disaster response operations," he stressed.

The Department of National Defense (DND) earlier announced that it is allocating Php270 million to acquire three missile-armed MPACs.

The money will be sourced from the AFP Modernization Act Trust Fund of 2000.

The contract includes mission essential equipment.

Mission essential equipment includes day/night electronic navigation systems, communication suites, safety-of-life-at-sea, propulsion system and seamanship and ship-handling gears.

The PN currently operates a force of six MPACs.

Three of the PN's MPACs are sourced from Taiwan while the remaining three were ordered from Filipino shipbuilder Propmech Corporation, which is based in Subic Bay, Zambales.

These ships are 16.5 meters long, 4.76 meters wide and has a draft of one meter and a top speed of 45 knots.

Each one costs around Php90 million. It has a range 300 nautical miles. The hull is made of high-quality aluminum and is crewed by one officer and four enlisted personnel. It is capable of carrying 16 fully-equipped troopers or two tons of cargo.

The MPAC is capable of operating in territorial waters up to "Sea State 3" (slight waves) without any system degradation. It is armed with one .50 caliber and two 7.62mm machine guns. 


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5 novembre 2014 3 05 /11 /novembre /2014 17:50
Polish Ministry of Defence Presents the Procurement Plans. UCAV’s and Reconnaissance UAV’s to Be Purchased Soon


Nov 05, 2014  defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Defence24.com Poland; published Nov 05, 2014)

(Edited for style)

Agreements regarding procurement of the JASSM missiles and the NSM rocket system for the 2nd Coastal Missile Squadron will be signed in December next year, the Polish MoD Secretary of State, Czesław Mroczek, said during a Nov 4 conference updating the Armed Forces’ 2013-2022 modernisation program.

The price of the JASSM missile package, comprising the missiles and the related F-16 modernisation, will cost at most half as much as the 500 million US dollars indicated in the FMS notification, Mroczek said.

The meeting was also attended by the Chief of Polish Army’s General Staff, General Mieczysław Gocuł, the head of the Armament Inspectorate, Brig. General Sławomir Szczepaniak, the director of the Arms Policy Department, Brig. Gen. Włodzimierz Nowak, and the chief of the P8 Planning Board, Brig. Gen. Sławomir Pączek.

Deputy Minister Czesław Mroczek reported on this year’s equipment deliveries, including inter alia new Rosomak wheeled APCs, Leopard 2 tanks and new trucks. He also addressed the implementation of modernisation scheduled for 2014 – PLN 8 billion have been allocated to that purpose, and PLN 6.5 billion had been spent by the end of October.

MoD plans assume that negotiations regarding Konsberg NSM missiles will be completed in the coming months. The system will be supplied to the 2nd Coastal Missile Squadron. The JASSM missiles contract is to be signed in December, and the missiles will be used by F-16 fighters. Along with Homar land-based missiles and submarine-launched cruise missiles, these weapons will create Poland’s conventional deterrent.

When it comes to the controversial multi-purpose helicopter deal, the Deputy Minister of Defence clearly stated that neither the deadline nor the conditions will be changed. Offers will be accepted until 28th November and MoD hopes to receive three compliant bids to choose from, according to the requirements specified in the tender.

Among the programmes to be finalised in the near future, the officials listed:

- Procurement of the multi-purpose helicopters and realisation of the technical dialogue regarding the “Kruk” assault helicopter programme;

- Delivery of mini-UAVs called “Wizjer” and short range “Orlik” tactical UAVs;

- Acquisition of new type of submarines within the “Orka” programme, along with “Czapla” patrol minehunters and “Miecznik” coastal defence vessels;

- Procurement of Wisła medium range anti-aircraft missiles and technical dialogue regarding the “Narew” short range system.

Deputy Minister Mroczek said that when it comes to anti-aircraft systems, due to production capabilities, delivery of the planned quantity of the “Wisła” batteries may be difficult. It is one of the issues which is part of negotiation process.

Mroczek also denied that the Mistral deal that France concluded with Russia might have an impact on the chances of the French offers in the air-defence and multi-purpose helicopter competitions.

“Mistrals are an element of the NATO and EU stance related to the sanctions against Russia. This should not be treated as a problematic issue in our bilateral relationship with France. Poland of course is not in favor of selling Mistrals to the Russian due to the situation in our region of Europe. Nevertheless, Mistrals are not the key issue in Poland’s relationship with France,” Deputy Minister Czesław Mroczek said.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Four companies have so far expressed interest in the “Kruk” competition to supply 30 attack helicopters, Reuters reported Nov 4 from Warsaw. They are Airbus Helicopters (teamed with Heli Invest Services), Turkish Aerospace Industries, Bell Helicopter and Polish company BIT SA. As the list of potential bidders is still open, other bidders such as Boeing could still join the competition.)

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1 octobre 2014 3 01 /10 /octobre /2014 11:50
Bernard Gray is chief of defense materiel for the UK Defence Ministry. (Harland Quarrington / UK Ministry of Defence)

Bernard Gray is chief of defense materiel for the UK Defence Ministry. (Harland Quarrington / UK Ministry of Defence)


Sep. 29, 2014 – Defense News


Bernard Gray’s scorchingly critical 2009 report on Britain’s defense procurement performance sparked a chain of events that eventually resulted in the Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) organization being reformed into a bespoke government trading entity starting in April. An arm’s-length body of the Ministry of Defence, DE&S now has the freedom to break through civil service pay constraints and compete for the engineers, project managers and other top skills required to keep budgets and project schedules on target.


Gray was an independent businessman when he wrote the report, but in 2011 was appointed by the government to push through the improvements he recommended.

Controversy followed with a radical plan to turn Britain’s defense procurement into a government-owned, contractor-operated organization. That plan collapsed at the last moment, causing the MoD to turn to the trading entity approach. DE&S is negotiating with private-sector companies to inject skills into the organization across project management, human resources and eventually IT and finance.


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14 août 2014 4 14 /08 /août /2014 07:35
India - Diversifying Arms Purchases


India should increase its military imports from the U.S., particularly drones.
India needs to diversify its arms imports. Although it is one of the world’s largest arms importers, most of India’s weapons come from Russia. Over the last five years, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Russia accounted for about $15 billion of the $20 billion in arms that India imported, or about three-quarters. That level of dependence is unhealthy: One of the reasons why India bought the Jaguar Bomber from a European consortium in the 1970s was the concern that India was becoming dependent on Soviet weapons.
India began diversifying when it awarded a contract for advanced air force fighters to France, though negotiations for the Rafale have dragged on interminably and have yet to be completed. India also buys some significant quantities of Israeli weapons.
But New Delhi has not sufficiently tapped the U.S., without question the country with the most advanced military technology in the world. Although the U.S. is India’s second largest source of weapons, it accounted for less than seven percent of India’s arms imports in value terms over the last five years. It is time that India diversified its arms sources by getting more of its weapons from the U.S., especially when cutting-edge technology is involved, as in advanced drones.
There are multiple advantages for India in making better use of U.S. weapons options. First, New Delhi could negotiate the development of state-of-the-art drone technologies, in which the U.S. has the most experience, with drones – or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – such as the MQ-8 Fire Scout and/or long-range drones such as the MQ-9 Reaper or even the older Predator B. This would add a new dimension to UAVs with persistent capabilities for India, and it would also help kick start investments in this sector. 
Read the full story at The Diplomat
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13 août 2014 3 13 /08 /août /2014 16:20
SBIRS GEO-1 satellite. (Lockheed Martin)

SBIRS GEO-1 satellite. (Lockheed Martin)


Aug. 13, 2014 - By MARCUS WEISGERBER – Defense News


HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA — The Pentagon needs to fundamentally change the way it buys satellites in an effort to lower costs as US defense spending contracts, a top Air Force general said.

The military oftentimes spends between $3 billion and $5 billion to design, develop and test new satellites, Lt. Gen. John Hyten, vice commander of Air Force Space Command, said. Those so-called non-recurring engineering costs come before DoD buys an operational satellite.

"We should not have to spend billions of dollars in non-recurring engineering … to build these kinds of satellites," Hyten said Tuesday while speaking at the annual Space and Missile Defense Symposium.


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9 juillet 2014 3 09 /07 /juillet /2014 11:50
EDA signs a framework agreement to provide Carl-Gustaf ammunition for its Member States


Brussels - 08 July, 2014 European Defence Agzncy

The European Defence Agency (EDA) and Saab Dynamics AB have signed a multi-annual framework agreement for the provision of different types of ammunition for the ‘Carl-Gustaf’ recoilless anti-tank weapon. 


The framework agreement will last five years and includes a possible renewal of two more years, with an estimated value of up to € 50 million. The agreement was finalised on 30 June 2014.

The framework agreement comes under a procurement arrangement between EDA and Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and Poland, agreed on 23 April 2013. Under this arrangement EDA acts as the central purchasing body, taking the leading role in the procurement procedure for Carl-Gustaf ammunition in the framework of EDA’s Effective Procurement Methods (EPM) initiative. EDA will also be in charge of managing the framework contract to fully exploit the effects of pooling demand.

This case presents useful opportunities for pooling of demand due to the communalities of the ammunition. Common procurement was seen as the best option by contributing Member States to benefit from economies of scale, cost reductions, and efficiency in spending. This solution allows contributing Member States to purchase ammunition according to their national needs while coping with different budget cycles. The agreement also allows other EDA Member States to join the initiative at a later stage.


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2 juillet 2014 3 02 /07 /juillet /2014 07:50
EDA Launches Security of Information Portal


Brussels - 01 July, 2014 European Defence Agency


The EDA launched today a public web-portal containing information on participating Member States’ Security of Information (SoI) related agreements and arrangements, policies, practices, as well as on relevant European and other multinational agreements and arrangements.


Rules protecting classified information have to be adequately transparent and non-discriminative to enable suppliers from different European Member States to participate in defence procurement procedures across the European Union. Therefore, Security of Information is a precondition for a more open and transparent European Defence Equipment Market (EDEM) and underpins successful defence procurement and European collaboration.

The mapping and sharing of information on different national, international and institutional regulations, arrangements and agreements on processing, storing and circulating classified information, will contribute towards removing Security of Information barriers in defence procurement among Member States. The launch of the EDA SoI Portal is considered as a significant step in this process.


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30 juin 2014 1 30 /06 /juin /2014 16:50
European Defence Industry initiative : EDA Procurement Gateway


28 oct. 2013 European Defence Agency


The short video demonstration guides you through the main features of the EDA Procurement Gateway and its two main options: the business opportunities section on past and current calls for tender.


In the information section you have access to a wide range of facts, figures, supporting documents and business opportunities.


Access to the Procurement Gateway



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11 avril 2014 5 11 /04 /avril /2014 07:55
Achats de matières et de services : Thales se dote de l’outil Ivalua Buyer


10 avril 2014 par  Didier Girault - electroniques.biz


Ivalua Buyer est un outil d’achats collaboratif. Son utilisation devrait permettre une meilleure coopération entre les 1350 acheteurs du groupe ainsi qu'une optimisation des achats de celui-ci.


Les achats de Thales représentent 5,7 milliards d’euros par an. Ils sont réalisés par quelque 1350 professionnels. Et, dans le cadre d'un plan d’optimisation des achats lancé en 2010, les responsables de cette activité chez Thales viennent de choisir la solution d’achats Ivalua Buyer.


Grâce à cet outil logiciel, Thales compte mieux faire coopérer ses différents acheteurs disséminés partout dans le monde. « Nous souhaitions un outil nous permettant de développer une approche collaborative à l’intérieur de la communauté achats afin d’apporter le meilleur niveau de services à nos clients » annonce ainsi Renaud Larramendy, directeur des outils, process et méthodes achats chez Thales.


Dans la pratique, Thales a retenu pour son Ivalua Buyer, les modules fonctionnels suivants : SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) ou Référentiel fournisseurs – avec la gestion des coordonnées, des informations concernant les fournisseurs et les activités avec ceux-ci, des documents légaux et des risques - ; Tableau de bord des achats ; Evaluation de la performance achats (incluant l’élaboration de plans de progrès en liaison avec les fournisseurs, ainsi que la gestion des litiges) ; et E-sourcing (pour l’aide à la constitution des dossiers achats ainsi qu'à la sélection des fournisseurs).

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25 février 2014 2 25 /02 /février /2014 18:30
Critical Turk Procurement Meeting Put Off Amid Political Scandal



Feb. 25, 2014 - By BURAK EGE BEKDIL – Defense news


ANKARA — A critical Turkish meeting planned for today in which the government would discuss billions of dollars worth of programs and contracts has been put off amid new allegations of corruption against the government, officials said.


The meeting of the Defense Industry Executive Committee, Turkey’s ultimate decision-making body in procurement, has been postponed to an unknown date.


“We will have to wait for the prime minister’s word as to when a meeting should gather,” a procurement official said.


The committee is chaired by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Its other members are Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz; Gen. Necdet Ozel, chief of the military General Staff; and the country’s top procurement officer, Murad Bayar.


Topics would have included whether to proceed with Turkey’s indigenous fighter jet program, and a highly controversial decision to select a Chinese bidder for construction of the country’s first long-range air and anti-missile defense system.


Other agenda items were a possible joint venture with Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to develop an engine for what will become Turkey’s indigenous new-generation tank, a new logistical support ship and assault boats for the Navy.


Erdogan, who has been facing a slew of corruption allegations since December, got a fresh blow late on Feb. 24 when unidentified sources revealed wiretap recordings incriminating him on fresh charges. In a speech on Feb. 25, Erdogan denied the authenticity of those recordings.


The wiretap leaked into the Internet Feb. 24 and contained four phone conversations between Erdogan and his son dating back to Dec. 17, the day when massive graft raids were conducted by the police. In these recordings Erdogan is heard ordering his son to move all the cash stocks at his home to other locations.


The voice recordings have sent shockwaves through Turkish politics, prompting the Prime Minister’s Office to issue a statement denouncing a “manipulation” and calls from the opposition for resignation.

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