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News of the News
EDA Study on the Impact of REACH & CLP European Chemical Regulations on the Defence Sector: the study concluded that considering the complexity of defence supply chains and long lifecycles of military equipment, REACH (and associated CLP) regulation, as they stand now, may impact the actual operability of Member States’ Armed Forces. Review the EDA webnews and download the full report here!!
EDA just released the executive summary of a late 2016 study on Response strategies to the cost escalation of defence equipment. Four interesting recommendations to EDA and Member States are formulated.
Places to be
EDA and European Space Agency (ESA) are pleased to announce a joint Workshop on Space and CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) threats on 7 March 2017, at ESTEC in Noordwijk (The Netherlands). You can register through the dedicated webpage.
EDA is organizing a workshop on “European opportunities for Defence-related clusters” on 28 March 2017, at EDA premises. Further to a plenary session focusing on current and forthcoming European opportunities for defence-related clusters, there will be a dedicated Cluster2Cluster session. You can register by sending an e-mail to esi@eda.europa.eu.
The European Commission published its 2017 “Sector Skills Alliances” call for proposals, with a new Lot 3 dedicated to six pilot sectors: defence, automobile, maritime technology, space, textile and tourism. Falling under the EU’s Erasmus+ instrument, the call is the first Commission action to implement the Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills, part of the wider initiative known as the “New Skills Agenda for Europe”, adopted in June 2016. The call is available following this link ! A Sector Skills Alliances Infoday will be organized on 16 February 2017.
Hot Spot
European Defence Matters, Magazine issue 12: The latest European Defence Matters magazine is now available with a special focus on the European Defence Action Plan (EDAP) presented by the European Commission in November 2016. Check it out HERE.
Southampton, 4-5 April 2017, organised by Marine South East, UK and the European Commission: This workshop will promote SME engagement in the Solent region’s dual use strategy, while stimulating consortium-building and investment in dual-use innovation. It will focus on two technology themes: marine autonomous systems and satellite surveillance & data analytics. Register now !
High industry attendance at Vienna seminar on EU funding for defence R&T projects: EDA’s Deputy Chief Executive, addressed on 24 January 2017 Austrian security and defence stakeholders at a seminar in Vienna on EU funding opportunities for defence research (R&T) projects. The event was jointly organised by the EDA, the Austrian Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) with the support of the Austrian Defence & Security Industry (ASW).
EDA organises the next Test and Evaluation Community Days Conference (TECD) 2017 in Vienna. TECD 2017 will focus on T&E requirements in support of CDP Priority Actions, in the wider context of the implementation of the EU Global Strategy (EUGS). The conference addresses T&E Experts, Industry working with government and decision makers of EU Defence Test centres. Download conference flyer here ; Link to registration page
With the exception of Poland, all EDA participating Member States as well as Norway have decided to subscribe to and therefore participate in the implementation of the Code of Conduct on REACH Defence Exemptions which was adopted in March 2015.
This new milestone highlights the importance of harmonising national defence exemption procedures. Poland is still conducting an internal analysis towards a final decision regarding its subscription to the Code of Conduct.
A harmonised approach towards national REACH defence exemptions will contribute to a level playing field for European defence industries, reducing their administrative burden and related costs. It will also support the creation of an open and transparent European Defence Equipment Market and a capable and capability-driven European Defence Technological and Industrial Base, providing armed forces with the right defence equipment to meet their operational requirements.
In coming years the EDA will act as a facilitator to support national implementation and application of the CoC in practice, by the Member States.
To further harmonise national practices, a voluntary Code of Conduct (CoC) on REACH Defence Exemptions was adopted last month by EDA Member States, as well as an associated technical Framework for Applying for a Defence Exemption from a Requirement of REACH. The Code of Conduct is now open for subscription to EDA participating Member States as well as third states having an Administrative Arrangement with the Agency.
The REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation was adopted by the European Union in 2006 to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals, while enhancing the competitiveness of the EU chemicals industry. The Code of Conduct on REACH defence exemptions adopted last month sets as a common goal that Member States will fully support the objectives of REACH and provide for the highest safety and traceability standards possible when granting REACH defence exemptions.
In parallel, Member States agree to establish on a voluntary basis suitable measures to acknowledge other Member States' exemption decisions in accordance with national law, as well as to make information on national procedures publicly available. The technical Framework aims to standardise, as far as reasonably practicable, national defence exemption procedures and provide an agreed set of minimum standards in order to guarantee a safety equivalent with the REACH requirements.
Harmonised approach
A harmonised approach towards national REACH defence exemptions will level the playing field for European defence industries by reducing their administrative burden and related costs. It will support the creation of an open and transparent European Defence Equipment Market and a capable European Defence Technological and Industrial Base, providing Armed Forces with the right defence equipment to meet their operational requirements.
REACh est le règlement européen n°1907/2006 sur l’enregistrement, l’évaluation, l’autorisation et les restrictions des substances chimiques.
REACh rationalise et améliore l’ancien cadre règlementaire de l’Union européenne sur les produits chimiques. La base industrielle et technologique de défense (BITD) est particulièrement touchée par ce règlement qui vise un nombre toujours plus important de substances dangereuses.
Les principaux objectifs de REACh sont d’assurer un niveau élevé de protection de la santé humaine et de l’environnement contre les risques liés aux substances chimiques, de promouvoir des méthodes d’essais alternatives et de renforcer la compétitivité et l’innovation en incitant à rechercher de nouvelles substances moins nocives pour la santé et l’environnement.
Les principales obligations prévues par REACh sont :
- La procédure d’enregistrement pour les fabricants et importateurs.
- La procédure d’évaluation.
- La procédure d’autorisation.
- La procédure de restriction.
- La transmission d’information tout au long de la chaine d’approvisionnement.
24 juin 2024 Safran Safran annonce être entré en discussions exclusives en vue d’acquérir 100 % du capital de Preligens, l’un des leaders de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) dédiée aux industries de l’aérospatial et de la défense, pour une valeur d’entreprise...
Paris, le 18 juin 2024 À l’occasion du salon Eurosatory 2024, Safran Electronics & Defense a annoncé le lancement de sa solution de lutte anti-drones Skyjacker. Ce système répond à la menace croissante des drones, aussi bien sur le champ de bataille qu’à...
Paris, le 19 juin 2024 À l’occasion du salon Eurosatory 2024, Safran Electronics & Defense lance l’intelligence artificielle ACE, pour « Advanced Cognitive Engine ». Son objectif est d’intégrer des capacités IA dans l’ensemble des produits de Safran Electronics...
photo Thales
07/06/2024 Thales Group Sous l’égide du ministère des Armées français, le ministère de la Défense ukrainien a signé un contrat pour la fourniture d’un second système complet de défense aérienne Thales pour protéger l’Ukraine. Ce système de...
Depuis 27 éditions, le salon Eurosatory accompagne les mutations mondiales du secteur de la Défense et de la Sécurité. Notre décennie est marquée par une accélération de l’histoire et l’instauration progressive d’un nouvel ordre mondial. Ainsi, dans un...
22.06.2020 source DCSSA À l'occasion de la fête nationale, qui aura lieu le mardi 14 juillet 2020, une collecte de sang exceptionnelle en soutien aux armées sera organisée, à Paris, Hôtel national des Invalides Paris 7e, de 10h à 17h30. Rendez-vous annuel,...
source: FED Manifestation biennale créée en 1989 à l’initiative conjointe de la CCI Val-d’Oise/ Yvelines et de la DCMAT (Direction Centrale du Matériel de l’Armée de Terre) devenue en 2010 la SIMMT (Structure Intégrée du Maintien en condition opérationnelle...
18.06.2019 Ministère des Armées A l’occasion de la 53ème édition du Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, nous vous proposons de découvrir la maquette grandeur réelle du futur hélicoptère interarmées léger, exposée sur le stand du ministère...
photo Thales
17 juin 2019 CP Thales Thales lance IVEN, la première plateforme digitale assurant la mise en relation entre industriels de l’aéronautique et de la défense et fournisseurs de pièces détachées. Avec IVEN, l’acheteur bénéficie d’un tiers de...
Spy’Ranger 550 photoThales
18 juin 2019 CP Thales Thales présente le Spy’Ranger 550, son nouveau système de mini drones tactiques de surveillance et de renseignement. Il complète la gamme de systèmes de mini drones proposée par Thales. Déployable en vingt...