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13 juillet 2012 5 13 /07 /juillet /2012 07:50



2012-07-12 xinhua


Le vice-président de la Commission militaire centrale de Chine, Xu Caihou, s'est entretenu mercredi à Minsk avec le chef de l'armée biélorusse au sujet de la coopération entre les armées des deux pays.


Lors de son entretien avec le ministre biélorusse de la Défense Youri Zhadobin, le responsable militaire chinois a indiqué que la Chine et la Biélorussie avaient toujours entretenu une profonde amitié, et que leurs relations s'étaient toujours développées avec stabilité.


Ces dernières années, les relations bilatérales ont atteint leur plein developpement, entrant dans une phase de véritable coopération stratégique, a-t-il fait remarquer. En outre, la confiance politique mutuelle n'a cessé de s'approfondir, la coopération économique et commerciale s'est avérée fructeuse, et les échanges culturels se sont multipliés d'année en année, a-t-il ajouté.


La coordination étroite que les deux parties ont su entretenir dans les affaires internationales a permis aux deux pays de sauvegarder leurs intérêts communs et d'apporter une contribution positive à la promotion de la sécurité et de la stabilité dans la région et dans le monde, s'est félicité Xu Caihou.


Il a souligné que les relations interarmées s'étaient également renforcées ces dernières années, en particulier en matière d'entraînement et de formation.


La Chine a toujours considéré la Biélorussie comme un ami sincère et un partenaire fiable, et est déterminée à travailler avec elle pour continuer à approfondir la confiance stratégique mutuelle et à renforcer leur coopération, a affirmé le haut gradé chinois.


M. Zhadobin a déclaré partager le point de vue de son interlocuteur, indiquant que la coopération billatérale s'était avérée aussi pragmatique que fructueuse dans différents secteurs, dont celui de la défense.


La Biélorussie et la Chine ont maintenu une étroite coordination dans les affaires régionales et internationales d'importance, et ont su se soutenir mutuellement sur les questions touchant à leurs intérêts fondamentaux, a-t-il relevé.


Il a ajouté que la Biélorussie souhaitait travailler de concert avec la Chine pour faire franchir une nouvelle étape aux relations entre les deux pays et entre les deux armées.


Mercredi toujours, Xu Caihou a rencontré le président biélorusse Alexander Lukashenko.


A cette occasion, M. Lukashenko a déclaré que son pays adhérerait toujours au principe politique d'une seule Chine.


Le président biélorusse a également loué le soutien que la Chine avait toujours accordé au développement de son pays et de ses forces armées.

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12 juillet 2012 4 12 /07 /juillet /2012 12:20

Tajikistan map


MOSCOW, July 12 (RIA Novosti)


Tajikistan wants Moscow to pay at least $250 million a year for the Russian military base deployed in the Central Asian state, Kommersant business daily reported on Thursday citing an unnamed Tajik source.


The Russian military base in Tajikistan was opened in 2004 and is the largest Russia’s base for ground forces abroad with up to 7,000 military servicemen stationed there. The base’s presence in Tajikistan expires in 2014, according to existing agreements.


The source said that in a new draft agreement on the prolongation of the base’s presence Tajikistan included 20 provisions, which are “unclear and unacceptable for Russia.”


The Russian Defense Ministry neither confirmed nor rejected this information saying that it still did not receive the draft agreement from Tajikistan, the daily added.


Under the current agreements Russia does not pay Tajikistan for its military base, but renders the country military and technical assistance. However, this form of assistance is not officially stated as a form of the payment.

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12 juillet 2012 4 12 /07 /juillet /2012 07:40



TCHOLPON-ATA, 11 juillet - RIA Novosti


Le Kirghizstan entend augmenter le loyer de trois des quatre bases militaires russes déployées sur son territoire à partir de 2014, a annoncé mercredi à Tcholpon-Ata, une station balnéaire de la province d'Issyk Koul, le ministre kirghiz de la Défense Taalaïbek Omouraliev.


"Nous avons l'intention de proposer à la Russie de payer davantage pour ses bases après l'expiration du bail en 2014, en fonction du taux d'inflation", a indiqué le ministre.


Il s'agit d'un centre d'essai de matériels sous-marins de Karakol (situé au bord du lac d'Issyk Koul), du centre de liaison de la Marine russe de Kara-Balta (58 km à l'ouest de Bichkek) et du laboratoire radio-sismologique de Maïli-Suu (région de Djalalabad, sud).


En mars dernier, le ministère russe de la Défense a remboursé une dette de 15,5 millions de dollars au Kirghizstan pour l'exploitation de sites militaires, selon le service de presse du ministère kirghiz de la Défense.


Les autorités kirghizes ont annoncé à maintes reprises leur intention d'augmenter le loyer des sites militaires russes basés sur son territoire.

La décision d'augmenter le loyer ne concerne pas la base aérienne de Kant située près de Bichkek, qui fonctionne pour le compte de l'Organisation du Traité de sécurité collective (OTSC: Arménie, Biélorussie, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Ouzbékistan, Russie et Tadjikistan), selon lui. "Le Kirghizstan paie lui-même les charges locatives, il s'agit d'une somme de plus de 300 millions de soms (près de 5,2 M EUR) par an", a ajouté le ministre.


En vertu des accords signés dans le cadre de l'OTSC, le Kirghizstan ne peut pas prélever de loyer sur des sites militaires utilisés par cette organisation que certains analystes qualifient d'"OTAN russe".

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 17:25

S-400 Triumph air defense system source Ria Novisti


CHOLPON-ATA, July 11 (RIA Novosti)


Russia hopes to complete talks soon with Kazakhstan on establishing a joint air defense network by 2013, Deputy Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Pavel Kurachenko said on Wednesday.


“We will discuss the relevant agreement with our Kazakh colleagues at a session of CIS Air Defense Coordinating Committee which opened in Cholpon-ata [on Wednesday],” Kurachenko said, adding he hoped the agreemen could be signed either by the end of 2012 or the beginning of 2013.


Russia has long been leading the efforts to build a joint air defense shield for the CIS, a loose association of former Soviet republics.


An integrated air defense network was set up by 10 CIS-member countries in 1995 and currently comprises some air defense units and elements from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.


However, negotiations on a fully-fledged joint air defense network in Central Asia have been suspended due to serious disagreements with Uzbekistan, and Russia has opted to gradually set up joint air defense networks with individual CIS states.


So far, Russia has an agreement on the joint protection of common airspace and the creation of a joint regional air defense network with Belarus, which was signed in 2009.


An agreement with Kazakhstan would be followed by similar pacts with Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Kurachenko said.


Russia's air defenses will be strengthened by the delivery of a fifth regiment of cutting-edge S-400 Triumf air defense systems by the end of 2012.

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 17:20

Finmeccanica logo.svg


FARNBOROUGH, July 11 (RIA Novosti)


Russia and Italy are to jointly build and modernize maritime patrol aircraft, after signing a cooperation agreement at the Farnborough Air Show in Britain.


The deal was signed by Alexander Mikheyev, deputy chief of Russian arms corporation Rosoboronexport  and the heads of Finmeccanica’s Selex, Galileo, and Selex Elsag companies.


The new plane will be developed on the basis of Russian-made unspecified aircraft, but fitted with Italian-made navigation, communications and IFF systems and weapons, including lightweight torpedoes from WASS, a Finmeccanica group company.


“This is an agreement on the promotion of products for third countries. Italian equipment will be installed on Russian-made patrol and special-purpose aircraft,” Mikheyev said.


“It took three years to prepare the agreement. We hope that this product will be adapted to enterprises affiliated with the Rostekhnologii state corporation,” he said, adding that the document also envisions future upgrades of aircraft earlier supplied to foreign customers.


It may take up to two years to decide which aircraft could be used as a base platform for the new patrol plane, Mikheyev said.


Finmeccanica hopes to strike a deal to modernize Russia’s Beriev Be-200 amphibian aircraft, Selex Galileo’s Executive Director Fabrizio Giuliani said.


“If we get the chance, it would be a unique aircraft. We are discussing modern navigation equipment in the plane,” he said.


The Italians are carrying out market research to study demand for the aircraft, he said.


“We hope that in ten years this sector will be one of the fastest developing in aviation. Today it’s hard to gauge the market for these aircraft, but I think there are great possibilities,” he added.


Mikheyev said most of the aircraft would remain in its original specification. “We are just talking about navigation systems,” he said.


The Be-200 is the world’s only production jet-powered amphibian aircraft. The main variant is a firefighting air-tanker aircraft, which can also be adapted for passenger or cargo transport, or search and rescue operations.

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 17:05

Rosoboronexport logo


FARNBOROUGH, 11 juillet - RIA Novosti


L'exportateur d'armes russe Rosoboronexport et trois entreprises faisant partie du groupe italien Finmeccanica ont signé mercredi un accord prévoyant la conception conjointe d'un avion de patrouille maritime.


L'accord a été signé dans le cadre du salon aéronautique de Farnborough.


Le nouvel avion sera développé sur la base d'appareils russes. Il sera équipé de systèmes de télécommunications, de navigation et d'identification friend or foe (IFF) fournis par des sociétés italiennes. Il est également prévu de le doter de torpilles légères produites par l'italien WASS (filiale de Finmeccanica).

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 16:59

Yak-130 aircraft source Ria Novisti


11 July 2012 by Craig Hoyle - FG


Farnborough - The Irkut-built Yakovlev Yak-130 trainer almost failed to get off the ground for its Farnborough debut because of a misunderstanding with air traffic authorities, vice-president Konstantin Popovich has revealed.


During a media presentation intended to highlight the capabilities of the advanced jet and combat trainer, he said one of the type's innovative design features had caused more than a bit of confusion.


"We had problems on the first day at the show. We were told that we couldn't take off because our air intakes were closed," said Popovich, who is also head of the Yakovlev engineering centre.


Irkut officials had to swiftly explain that the Yak-130 is equipped with fly-by-wire system-controlled engine-intake blanking doors, which are intended to prevent the aircraft's engines from sustaining foreign object damage when operating on unprepared runways or grass strips.


While conceding that this is perhaps a "peculiar feature", Popovich said the company was surprised by the concerned reaction. "The tower still asked if we were sure the aircraft can take off like this," he added.

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 12:00



CHOLPON-ATA, July 11 (RIA Novosti)


Kyrgyzstan plans to raise rental fees Russia has to pay for three of its military bases in the Central Asian country, Kyrgyz Defense Minister Maj. Gen. Taalaibek Omuraliyev said on Wednesday.


“We intend to ask Russia to increase payments with account for inflation from 2014, when the lease term for the bases ends,” Omuraliyev said, adding that he did not mean the Kant base.


Kyrgyzstan currently hosts four Russian military bases. The Kant airbase works in the interests of the Collective Security Treaty Organization - a regional security body.

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 11:45

S-400 Triumph air defense system source Ria Novisti


TCHOLPON-ATA (Kirghizstan), 11 juillet - RIA Novosti


L'armée russe sera dotée, d'ici fin de l'année, d'un cinquième régiment équipé du système de missiles sol-air S-400, a annoncé mercredi à RIA Novosti le chef-adjoint de l'Armée de l'air, le général Pavel Kouratchenko.

"L'industrie a confirmé qu'elle était prête à livrer, d'ici fin de l'année, un cinquième lot de missiles S-400 destiné à équiper un régiment", a indiqué le général.

Actuellement, l'armée russe dispose de quatre régiments de S-400 dont deux sont déployés aux environs de Moscou, un au sein de la flotte de la mer Baltique et le quatrième à Nakhodka (Extrême-Orient).

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 11:30

S300 source defenseWeb


TCHOLPON-ATA (Kirghizstan), 11 juillet - RIA Novosti


Le Kazakhstan espère équiper en 2013 son armée de systèmes de missiles sol-air S-300, a annoncé mercredi aux journalistes le chef des Troupes de DCA du pays Nourjan Moukanov.


"Le travail sur les questions liées aux systèmes S-300 se poursuit, nous espérons des suites positives d'ici 2013", a déclaré M. Moukanov à l'issue d'une réunion du Conseil de coordination de la CEI pour la DCA, tenue au Kirghizstan.


Les missiles sol-air S-300 russes sont destinés à la protection des sites industriels et administratifs, des bases militaires et des postes de commandement contre les attaques aériennes et spatiales. Les S-300 sont capables de détruire les missiles balistiques et de croisière, ainsi que d'abattre les avions à une distance de 150 km et à une altitude allant jusqu'à 27 km.

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 07:45

MiG-29K source Ria novisti


July 10, 2012 by Craig Hoyle – FG


London - Russia's RAC MiG will mark the 35th anniversary of the then Mikoyan MiG-29 fighter's first flight in early October, but with the company actively pursuing fresh orders for its latest-generation versions of the design, the event will not be a nostalgic one.


The MiG-29's success since entering service with the Russian air force in 1983 is underscored by its widespread use today. Almost 800 of the lightweight combat aircraft remain in the inventories of 24 nations in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, according to Flightglobal's MiliCAS database. It ranked fifth in our World Air Forces directory's top 10 combat aircraft types for 2011-12 and accounted for 5% of the global fleet.


And deliveries are continuing, with roughly 75 more on order under three recently-signed deals. These include 53 carrier-based MiG-29K fighters and two-seat KUB-model trainers to be delivered to the Indian and Russian navies, and a second batch of air force examples currently being fielded by Myanmar.


Under a recent effort to extend the product's sales life, RAC MiG is now drawing down deliveries of its "classic" aircraft and is instead offering potential buyers variants from a so-called "unified" range of MiG-29s. In addition to the carrier-based versions, this family also includes the single-seat MiG-29M and two-seat M2 as well as the thrust-vectoring MiG-35, which was unsuccessfully pitched for the Indian air force's medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) contest.


Despite the age of the MiG-29's basic design, the unified aircraft differs significantly from its predecessors, with more powerful engines, an increased combat load, additional fuel, fly-by-wire controls and open architecture avionics. Also with improved defensive aids equipment, the new models offer a service life of up to 6,000 flight hours and have a claimed 2.5 times reduction in per-hour operating costs versus legacy examples.


The aircraft received two major boosts since last year. First, the Indian defence ministry signed an order for 29 MiG-29K/KUBs as a follow-on from its receipt of 16 of the type between 2009 and 2011. Then, in February 2012, Moscow approved a major deal for the Russian navy, which is scheduled to take delivery of 20 deck-based fighters and four two-seat MiG-29KUB trainers between next year and 2015. The service will employ them from its current lone carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, which is currently used to operate Sukhoi Su-33 naval fighters.


Although the number of nations with aircraft carriers is small and represents only a limited market, "it is possible that there will be new orders for these multi-role fighters, which feature outstanding performance and cost ratio", says RAC MiG general director Sergei Korotkov.


"The production, sale and improvement of the unified aircraft family are the major programmes of our company over the mid-term prospect," he says. "We see several niches in which our products are in demand. It is primarily a niche of multi-role fighters in the light/middle class, where we are represented by the unified family of MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29M/M2. By efficiency, they are not inferior to other modern fighters of the '4++' generation."


With India and Russia having already ordered carrier-borne fighters under the unified model, the market response to land-based types has also been encouraging. "The first demonstration of the serial MiG-29M2 took place at the arms exhibition in Kazakhstan in the beginning of May 2012 and we received positive feedback from the experts. There is great interest in the market for the aircraft, supported by detailed negotiations and contracts," Korotkov says.


"The second niche is the upgraded lightweight fighters which combine the classic MiG-29 version with new avionics," he says. One example of such activity is the MiG-29SMT modernisation package acquired by the Russian air force and other nations. "The most advanced is the MiG-29UPG, implemented in India in collaboration with local industry," he adds.


"Finally, we continue supplying earlier versions of the MiG-29, which attract some customers by the performance/price ratio." Myanmar's follow-on order for the type is one example of such business.


As with many contemporary manufactures, RAC MiG is not content with merely selling aircraft to export nations and is increasingly looking to ink deals related to the through-life support of its products. "In the structure of our incomes, after-sales service is taking a growing position," Korotkov says. "In some countries, we are shifting previously supplied MiG-29s to on-condition maintenance."


Such enhancements in support, combined with separate modernisation efforts being pursued by some users, mean that many MiG-29s will remain in use for years to come. A Polish upgrade contracted earlier this year should, for example, enable half of the nation's current 32 aircraft - 13 A-model interceptors and three UB trainers - to remain in use until at least 2030.


Despite the disappointment of seeing its design eliminated from the Indian air force's MMRCA contest before New Delhi selected the Dassault Rafale as the lowest-priced compliant bidder, RAC MiG remains confident of selling the MiG-35 as a further development of its unified aircraft family.


Noting that it offers users "fifth-generation" capabilities such as a Phazotron Zhuk-AE active electronically scanned array radar, advanced optronics equipment and further enhancements in self-defence systems, Korotkov says: "We believe that this fighter is sure to find its customers."


Another of the company's products that has yet to win an order is the MiG-AT advanced jet trainer, first flown in prototype form in 1996.


"The development of technical facilities for pilot training is one of the most promising directions of the MiG Corporation," Korotkov says, pointing to its work in developing a claimed unique simulator with a motion system to train pilots for operations from the deck of an aircraft carrier. "The MiG-AT at the time was developed as a component of the pilot training system. We have got a lot of experience, which I believe will be in demand. The MiG-AT also found application in some tentative programmes."


While it will not be bringing any of its aircraft to the show this year, Farnborough remains an important event for RAC MiG. "We will present information on the entire product line, including new planes and upgrade programmes of previously-supplied aircraft," its senior executive says. "We have also planned a series of meetings with partners and customers."

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11 juillet 2012 3 11 /07 /juillet /2012 07:10

Naval Ensign of Russia.svg


10 juil 2012 marine-oceans.com (AFP)


ATHENES, - Quatre navires de guerre russes sont entrés en Mer Egée mardi au sortir de la mer Noire, en route vers le sud, a indiqué une source militaire grecque, après l'annonce par l'agence russe Interfax du départ d'une flotte pour le port syrien de Tartous.


Les quatre bateaux doivent traverser la mer Egée du nord au sud, dans les eaux internationales de la Méditerranée orientale, jusqu'à mercredi, selon une note d'information communiquée par les autorités russes à la Grèce, a précisé la même source à l'AFP.


Cette notice ne précise toutefois pas la destination finale des bateaux, qui venaient juste d'émerger en début d'après-midi des détroits des Dardanelles, sous contrôle turc, selon la même source.


Il s'agit des deux transporteurs de troupe Caesar Kunikov et Nikolai Filchnekov, et de deux autres bâtiments, le Shakhtar et l'Okhtensky.


L'agence de presse russe Interfax a annoncé dans la matinée le départ d'un groupe de navires de guerre menés par l'Admiral Tchabanenko, un bâtiment de lutte anti-sous-marine, de Severomorsk, près de Mourmansk (nord-ouest), pour Tartous, seule base navale russe en Méditerranée.


Selon l'agence, ils doivent être rejoints par deux autres bâtiments au cours de leur périple.


Interfax a cité une source militaro-diplomatique selon laquelle cette flotte doit rallier Tartous "où se trouvent des installations pour l'entretien des navires de la Marine de guerre" russe. Cette opération "n'est pas liée à l'aggravation de la situation en Syrie", a affirmé la même source citée par Interfax.

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10 juillet 2012 2 10 /07 /juillet /2012 17:15

Naval Ensign of Russia.svg


MOSCOW, July 10 (RIA Novosti)


A Russian naval task force will perform combat training missions in the Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, the Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.


The task force comprises warships from Russia’s Northern, Baltic and Black Sea Fleets, a ministry official told RIA Novosti.


“The ships are headed toward the northern Atlantic,” he said.


The task force is comprised of the Admiral Chabanenko Udaloy II class destroyer, the Alexander Otrakovsky, Georgy Pobedonosets and Kondopoga large amphibious assault ships, as well as the Nikolai Chiker and Sergei Osipov support vessels.


The force will be joined in the northern Atlantic by a group of Baltic Fleet ships, including the Yaroslav Mudry frigate and the Lena tanker, he added.

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10 juillet 2012 2 10 /07 /juillet /2012 17:10

Nikolai Makarov source RIA Novosti


WASHINGTON, 10 juillet - RIA Novosti


Les armées russe et américaine mèneront une série d'exercices conjoints en vue de perfectionner l'interaction des unités terrestres et navales participant aux opérations de maintien de la paix de l'Onu, a déclaré mardi à Washington le chef d'état-major général des forces armées russes Nikolaï Makarov.


"Avant fin juillet, nous mènerons les préparatifs des manœuvres "Atlas Vision" prévues pour 2013. L'objectif de ces exercices consiste à améliorer l'interaction entre les unités des forces terrestres russes et américaines participant aux opérations de maintien de la paix sous l'égide des Nations unies", a fait savoir M.Makarov qui effectue une visite aux Etats-Unis.


"Nous prévoyons en outre d'organiser une série d'exercices impliquant les forces navales des deux pays", a indiqué le général russe.


"Des exercices militaires russo-américains se déroulent presque annuellement. Ainsi, en août prochain, nous envisageons de mener les manœuvres Vigilant Eagle, destinées à améliorer l'interaction des forces aériennes en cas de détournement d'un avion par des terroristes", a annoncé M.Makarov.


Il a également rappelé que les forces spéciales russes et américaines avaient mené en mai dernier leurs premiers exercices communs sur le territoire de la base militaire de Fort Carson, dans l'Etat du Colorado. A présent, les bâtiments de guerre russes et les navires de la marine américaine prennent part aux grandes manœuvres internationales RIMPAC-2012 au large des îles d'Hawaï.

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10 juillet 2012 2 10 /07 /juillet /2012 12:52

Russian ground forces.svg


MOSCOW, July 10 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Ground Forces expect to receive an advanced grenade launcher soon, force chief commander Col. Gen. Vladimir Chirkin said on Tuesday.


The Grok grenade launcher/flamethrower is currently in development at the Bazalt defense firm.


Grok features include higher accuracy, a longer range and it weighs only a quarter that of the RPG-7V standard-issue grenade launcher.


It also costs less than antitank rocket systems and is just as effective even at a long range.

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10 juillet 2012 2 10 /07 /juillet /2012 12:10

Sukhoi Su-35 multirole fighter- source RIA Novosti

Chasseur Sukhoï Su-35


FARNBOROUGH, 9 juillet - RIA Novosti


Les chasseurs Sukhoï (Su) arrivent en première position parmi les avions de chasse neufs qui seront vendus dans le monde entre 2008 et 2015, a annoncé lundi à RIA Novosti Igor Korotchenko, directeur du Centre d'analyse du commerce mondial d'armes.


A l'occasion du salon aéronautique qui s'est ouvert lundi à Farnborough (Grande-Bretagne), le Centre d'analyse a présenté un rapport portant sur les exportations mondiales de chasseurs neufs. Les auteurs du rapport ont établi un classement des ventes pour la période de 2008 à 2015.


"Les chasseurs Su fournis par les sociétés Irkout et Sukhoï figurent en tête du classement sur le plan quantitatif. Ainsi, 280 appareils seront vendus pendant cette période pour un montant total de 12,73 milliards de dollars", a indiqué M. Korotchenko.


Selon le rapport, l'américain Lockheed Martin devrait arriver en deuxième position avec 204 chasseurs vendus pour un montant de 15,15 milliards de dollars. La troisième place devrait revenir au chinois Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (179 avions d'un montant total de 3,37 milliards de dollars).


Un autre constructeur de chasseurs russe, MiG, envisage de vendre, entre 2012 et 2015, 59 appareils pour un montant de 2,67 milliards de dollars.

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10 juillet 2012 2 10 /07 /juillet /2012 07:50

Nikolai Makarov source RIA Novosti


MOSCOW, July 10 (RIA Novosti)


The chief of Russia's Armed Forces General Staff, Gen. Nikolai Makarov, will arrive on Tuesday to the United States on a three-day working visit focusing on U.S. missile defense plans, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

“Gen. Nikolai Makarov will pay a working visit to the United States on July 10-13,” a spokesman for the Defense Ministry said on Monday.


“He will hold talks with U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey,” the official said. “The talks will focus on the discussion of the U.S. missile defense plans.”


Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on July 6 that Gen. Makarov would “make yet another attempt to explain [Russia’s] stance on missile defense at least at a chief of staff level."


He warned that Russia would not ignore the deployment of the elements of the U.S. missile defense in Europe and would respond adequately to any threats to its security.


Russia has retained staunch opposition to the planned deployment of U.S. missile defense systems near its borders, claiming they would be a security threat. NATO and the United States insist that the shield would defend NATO members against missiles from North Korea and Iran and would not be directed at Russia.


Moscow insists it should receive legal guarantees from Washington that its European missile defense shield will not target Russia's strategic nuclear forces.


The agenda of the talks between Makarov and his U.S. counterpart will also include the discussion of bilateral military cooperation, and joint assessment of regional and global security.

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10 juillet 2012 2 10 /07 /juillet /2012 07:35



Jul. 9, 2012 - By Defense news (AFP)


MOSCOW — Russia will not supply new weapons to its Arab ally Syria while fighting there continues, Moscow arms export officials said on July 9, while stressing that old contracts would be fulfilled.


“Russia, like other countries, is concerned about the situation in Syria,” Russian agencies quoted Vyacheslav Dzirkaln, the deputy head of the Federal Service for Military Technical Cooperation, as saying.


“We are not talking about new deliveries of new weapons to this country,” the Russian official said at the Farnborough Airshow. “Until the situation stabilizes, no shipments of new weapons will be made.”


Russia has long argued it has only been fulfilling existing contracts with Syria and is not supplying any of its most modern equipment under deals signed since the conflict began in March 2011.


Some of Russia’s military enterprises are still conducting their own negotiations with Syria and strike deals that have, according to news reports, not been fulfilled up to this point.


In Washington, State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said: “Obviously, if it were true, it would be a good sign but we are still seeking further clarification from the Russians.”


“We have repeatedly raised our concerns with the Russian government at a variety of levels. We have expressed our belief that continued arms sales to the regime will only further throw flames on the fire,” he added.


U.N. spokesman Eduardo Del Buey said Secretary General Ban Ki-moon “has been very clear on the fact that all countries that have some influence on either side of the problem in Syria should exercise restraint in terms of arming.”


Dzirkaln was specifically referring to a shipment of new Yak-130 trainer fighters that were on display at the British air show when making his comments to reporters.


Russian media said several of the Yak jets had been recently agreed for sale to President Bashar al-Assad’s embattled Syrian regime. Dzirkaln said the fighters would not be delivered.


But the arms export agency’s director, Alexander Fomin, also stressed that Moscow intended to continue supplying Assad with weapons and other military equipment agreed for sale under old deals.


“Syria is our old friend, and we fulfill all our obligations before our friends,” Russian news agencies quoted Fomin as saying.


Russia defended last month’s attempt to ship several repaired attack helicopters and an air defense system to Syria by saying that the contract for those had been signed some years ago.


The shipments were forced to return to Russia after its British insurer learned of the cargo’s true content and withdrew cover.

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9 juillet 2012 1 09 /07 /juillet /2012 18:00
Northern Fleet Russian Navy infographie Ria Novisti

Northern Fleet Russian Navy infographie Ria Novisti

July 9, 2012 defpro.com


Kaliningrad, RF | The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation have agreed on liquidation of Russian indeptedness for use of the NITKA (Crimea) test range.


This decision was taken by Ukrainian and Russian Defense Ministers during the bilateral meeting within the 62nd Session of the CIS Council of Defense Ministers in Kaliningrad.


The defense ministers of Ukraine and Russia Dmytro Salamatin and Anatoliy Serdyukov have discussed a number of issues related to preparing and holding in Ukraine a session of the Subcommittee for Security of the Ukrainian-Russian Intergovernmental Commission to be held at the end of July.


Besides, they have considered the issues concerning bilateral defense cooperation. They have taken some decisions on disposal of ammunition and repair of Russian ships by the Ukrainian defense enterprises, etc.

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9 juillet 2012 1 09 /07 /juillet /2012 16:55

S-400 Triumph air defense system source Ria Novisti


MOSCOU, 9 juillet - RIA Novosti


Moscou n'exportera pas de systèmes antiaériens S-400 Triumph tant que les besoins de cette arme par l'armée russe ne seront pas satisfaits, a annoncé lundi à RIA Novosti un porte-parole de l'exportateur d'armes russe Rosoboronexport.


Ce dernier commentait les affirmations de certains médias russes selon lesquelles la Russie soumissionnait à un appel d'offres turc sur l'achat de systèmes S-400.


"Nous réalisons en effet des études de marché en vue d'évaluer les possibilités de livraison de S-400, mais la question de les fournir à l'étranger ne se pose pas actuellement", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.


Le S-400 Triumph (code Otan: SA-21 Growler) est un système de missiles sol-air de grande et moyenne portée destiné à abattre tout type de cible aérienne: avions, drones et missiles de croisière hypersoniques.

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9 juillet 2012 1 09 /07 /juillet /2012 16:40



9 July 2012 airforce-technology.com


Russia is preparing to test the first flying prototype of the Ilyushin Il-76MD-90A transport aircraft, Aviastar aircraft plant general director Sergei Dementyev has announced.


Dementyev told RIA Novosti: "The first one can only partly be called a plane - it is a testbed we sent to TsAGI (the central aerodynamics institute) in Moscow last year. Today, we completed the second.


"In addition we have also started building three production-standard aircraft. Assembly of the first of these three production planes will start in August."


The plant expects to build around 16 aircraft per year by 2016, with total production expected to reach to 190 aircraft, including potential exports to China, India and Israel.


The Russian Ministry of Defence has already placed orders, which is yet to be signed, with the plant to supply 90 of the modernised transport aircraft as part of its rearmament plan.


Chief designer Sergei Urasov has stated that the aircraft is completely new and different from its early version, on the basis of its systems.


Powered by a PS-90A turbofan in place of the older D-30 engine, the aircraft features new cockpit avionics and provides increased speed, range, and cargo capacity of up to 60t with spacing for a smaller flight crew.


Also known as the Il-476, the Il-76MD-90A aircraft is capable of landing on rough strips and is in use with many air forces worldwide for conducting missions such as air landing and paradropping of personnel, military equipment as well as different goods.


During the 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of early model Il-76s were produced by the Soviet Union at its Tashkent factory in Uzbekistan.

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9 juillet 2012 1 09 /07 /juillet /2012 11:45

Club-K missile system


4/7/2012 Arie Egozi - israeldefense.com


This newly revealed missile is an advanced variant of the SS-25 cruise missile, with an advanced guidance system. The missile can be launched from within a container placed onboard a cargo ship


Russia has unveiled a new and advanced variant of a cruise missile that can be fired from a standard naval container. Israel is concerned that the system will find its way into the hands of terror organizations.


IsraelDefense revealed the development of the system last year, but now the developer has presented a newer and more advanced version. The system is comprised of a launcher and an SS-25 cruise missile stored within a standard container, which can be loaded onboard any cargo ship. The launcher is operated within minutes and can then launch its missile towards a target.


The missile is a newly and advanced missile variant, which according to the Russian developer, possesses an advanced guidance system. The company has stated that the system is not in military use, but has confirmed that several countries have shown an interest in the new system. The cruise missile’s length is 3.8 meters, weighs 520 kg, has a maximum warhead weight of 145kg, and has a range of 130 km.


Israeli experts say that the concern is that Russia’s desire to market its systems will result in terror organizations getting ahold of the “container missile” system. In such a case, it would be possible for them to attack population centers from within cargo ships.

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7 juillet 2012 6 07 /07 /juillet /2012 16:35



MOSCOW, July 6 (RIA Novosti)


Moscow hopes to conclude an agreement with Tajikistan in October on the prolongation of the Russian military base’s presence in the Central Asian state, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Friday.


The Russian military base in Tajikistan was opened in 2004 and is the largest Russia’s base for ground forces abroad with up to 7,000 military servicemen stationed there. The base’s presence in Tajikistan expires in 2014, according to existing agreements.


“I hope that in October our Tajik colleagues will be ready to sign documents. I believe that the financial terms for the lease of the base will remain unchanged,” Serdyukov told journalists.


Under the current agreements Russia does not pay Tajikistan for its military base, but renders the country military and technical assistance. However, this form of assistance is not officially stated as a form of the payment.

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6 juillet 2012 5 06 /07 /juillet /2012 11:46



VDV have accepted into service the new Infauna electronic warfare vehicle


MOSCOW, July 6 (RIA Novosti)


Russia’s Airborne Forces (VDV) have accepted into service the new multirole Infauna electronic warfare vehicle capable of jamming radio-controlled mines and improvised explosive devices, the Defense Ministry said on Friday.


“The multirole Infauna system has undergone tests since the start of 2012 at a VDV base. It has been accepted into the service’s electronic countermeasures units,” said the VDV’s spokeswoman Major Irina Kruglova.


Infauna is designed to interfere with radio-controlled explosive devices and electronic fusing systems as well as jamming the enemy’s tactical communications systems. The service has taken delivery of the first four systems, Kruglova said.


The VDV also recently took delivery of the Judoist electronic warfare system based on the MKTK-1A vehicle, which is optimized for the electronic intelligence (ELINT) role, and locating enemy air defense radars.

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6 juillet 2012 5 06 /07 /juillet /2012 07:50

S300 source defenseWeb


05 July, 2012, RT.com


A new multi-billion dollar agency will develop cutting-edge Russian weapons, after the Russian Duma overwhelmingly voted to establish the Future Research Fund (FPI).


The FPI's budget has not been finalized, but media speculation has predicted that it could be given more than $100 billion between now and 2020, though the funding is expected to be ramped up in steps.


“After 20 years of stagnation it will be hard to catch up with the West’s weapons development the ordinary way,” Vice Premier Dmitry Rogozin told the deputies ahead of the vote.


“We need a radical organization ready to take risks and work in the most promising areas. A real predator.”


The final vote tally was 425 for, 25 against.


Rogozin claims the agency can begin working within months, and will initially employ a staff of no more than 150.


He promised that key research would initially be decided by need, and that his team would initially concentrate on “automating systems” and “hypersonic technologies.”


When FPI was first mooted, its obvious comparison was with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) set up by the United States in 1958. With a budget of over $3 billion, it controls tight teams of scientists working on research that provides spectacular results (GPS and stealth planes) and embarrassing results (spy telepathy and halfnium bombs).


It is currently working on a thought-controlled prosthetic arm, an exoskeleton and a flying armored car.


Proposed by President Vladimir Putin, whose United Russia party enjoys a majority in the Duma, the FPI law was expected to be rubber stamped without a hitch.


Still, some voiced concern.


Communist Vladimir Fedotkin noted that “in the past 20 years we have seen a lot of funds, and every time the money has simply been stolen.”


Andrey Rudenko, from moderate opposition party Fair Russia, expressed fears about voting for an “opaque” organization, whose budget, scope and structure have not been made clear even to the lawmakers themselves.


In response, Rogozin promised that FPI would face strict internal audits, and appealed to the parliamentarians’ sense of patriotism.


Rogozin, who is the mastermind behind FPI and is expected to take charge of the new organization, is a divisive figure in Russian politics.


A journalist by education, he was widely known as a firebrand nationalist, who was once barred from running in an election for his xenophobic views. Since then, he has made a stunning political comeback, first serving as Russia’s prickly ambassador to NATO, before becoming one of the country’s most influential politicians.


He has previously been outspoken in his criticism of Russia buying high-tech weaponry from abroad.

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