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25 juin 2012 1 25 /06 /juin /2012 12:55

de-grasse photo Marine Nationale


25 juin 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Les exercices FRUKUS-2012 se dérouleront en mer Baltique du 24 juin au 1er juillet, avec la participation de 4 bâtiments représentant 4 marines.


Les participants sont la frégate russe Yaroslav Mudry, le destroyer britannique HMS York, le croiseur américain USS Normandy, et la frégate française De Grasse.


Les exercices FRUKUS-2012 se dérouleront en 3 phases. La première comprendra des travaux d’état-major, à la base navale de Baltiysk (Russie).


La deuxième sera menée pendant le transit entre Baltiysk et St. Petersburg. Les navires devront subir des attaques simulées de petites embarcations et d’avions, ils devront effectuer des tirs à arme réelle, des visites de navires, des opérations de sauvetage et d’assistance à un navire en détresse.


Lors de la dernière phase, à l’arrivée à St. Pétersbourg, se dérouleront les activités protocolaires et les commandants se réuniront pour tirer les enseignements de FRUKUS-2012.


Les marins des 4 navires participeront à des activités sportives et culturelles.


Référence : RusNavy (Russie)

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25 juin 2012 1 25 /06 /juin /2012 11:40

Naval Ensign of Russia.svg


25 juin 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Le directeur du consortium des constructions navales russes OSK a annoncé que la Russie prévoit de mettre sur cale en 2016 un destroyer de nouvelle génération.


Référence : RusNav Intelligence

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25 juin 2012 1 25 /06 /juin /2012 11:30



MOSCOU, 25 juin - RIA Novosti


Une équipe conjointe d'inspecteurs français et allemands survolera le territoire russe et biélorusse  à bord d'un avion français C-130H dans le cadre du Traité international Ciel ouvert, rapporte lundi le service de presse du ministère russe de la Défense dans un communiqué.


"Lors d'une mission qui se déroulera du 25 au 30 juin, une équipe conjointe d'inspecteurs français et allemands survolera, à bord d'un avion de transport militaire français C-130H, les territoires de la Russie et de la Biélorussie, qui sont des Etats-membres du Traité international Ciel ouvert", indique le communiqué.


"L'avion et l'équipement embarqué ont été homologués par des spécialistes internationaux, russes y compris", affirme le communiqué.

Selon le ministère, durant le vol, les inspecteurs contrôleront l'utilisation des moyens techniques de surveillance et le respect des ententes conclues.


Signé le 24 mars 1992 à Helsinki, le Traité Ciel ouvert est appliqué depuis le 1er janvier 2002. Le document vise à accroître la transparence et la confiance entre les Etats signataires dans le domaine des activités militaires et du contrôle des armements. Il instaure un régime de libre survol des territoires des différents Etats parties au Traité.


L'accord a été signé par 34 Etats d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord, membres de l'Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE). La Russie a ratifié le Traité le 26 mai 2001.

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25 juin 2012 1 25 /06 /juin /2012 05:43



25/06/2012 MER et MARINE


Trois hélicoptères MI-25 réparés en Russie et destinés au régime syrien, auquel ils appartiennent : la cargaison du cargo Alead a provoqué des remous. Alors que le navire, parti de Russie, faisait route vers la Syrie, il a été contraint de faire demi-tour devant l'Ecosse. Son assureur britannique, faisant valoir que le transport d'armes n'était pas couvert par la police, a résilié le contrat, empêchant le navire de continuer son route. L'Alead est reparti vers Mourmansk. Le gouvernement russe , furieux, a laissé sous-entendre que l'assureur agissait sur ordre du gouvernement britannique. Il a également précisé que le navire allait passer sous pavillon russe, réappareiller et livrer à la Syrie les hélicoptères, dont la maintenance a été assurée dans le cadre d'un contrat signé entre Damas et Moscou en 2008.


Cet incident intervient alors que les massacres de la population civile, perpétrés par l'armée fidèle à Bachar Al-Assad, se poursuivent et que même les émissaires de l'ONU ont dû quitter le pays tant leur mission était devenue dangereuse. La tension est également montée d'un cran entre Damas et Ankara après qu'un avion de chasse Phantom de l'armée de l'air turque ait été abattu vendredi par les forces syriennes. L'appareil, qui a peut-être pénétré un moment dans l'espace aérien syrien, a été intercepté au dessus des eaux internationales, ce qu'a dénoncé la Turquie. Alors que les recherches se poursuivaient hier pour retrouver les deux pilotes du Phantom, Ankara a demandé une réunion des membres de l'OTAN, qui se déroulera demain.

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24 juin 2012 7 24 /06 /juin /2012 11:58



24 juin 2012 marine-oceans.com (AFP)


MOSCOU - Le cargo MV Alaed qui a du faire demi-tour au large de l'Ecosse sans avoir pu livrer des hélicoptères militaires russes destinés à la Syrie a accosté dimanche dans le port de Mourmansk, dans le nord-ouest de la Russie.


"Il est arrivé au port de Severomorsk (à Mourmansk) où il restera ancré", selon l'agence Interfax citant un porte-parole de la flotte russe du nord.


L'autorité portuaire de Mourmansk a précisé que le MV Alaed n'accosterait pas pour décharger pendant qu'il change de pavillon.


Le bateau navigait sous pavillon de l'île de Curaçao (Antilles néerlandaises) mais, selon une source diplomatique russe anonyme citée auparavant par Interfax, il devrait prochainement retenter de gagner la Syrie avec sa cargaison controversée, cette fois sous pavillon russe et escorté par un navire civil.


Le changement de pavillon semble être dû à la volonté d'éviter les inspections lorsque le bateau vogue sous le pavillon d'un pays tiers.


Selon la Russie, les trois hélicoptères Mi-25 datant de l'époque soviétique doivent repartir vers la Syrie selon un contrat signé en 2008 et qui doit être respecté. Ils ont été remis en état dans une usine de Kaliningrad.


Le MV Alaed a été forcé de faire demi-tour mardi au large de l'Ecosse après des révélations sur sa mission.


Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov a reconnu jeudi que le bateau transportait des moyens de défense anti-aérienne et trois hélicoptères Mi-25.


Le Mi-25 est la version d'exportation du Mi-24, un appareil d'attaque utilisé notamment en Afghanistan (1979-89) et pendant les deux conflits en Tchétchénie.


Des appareils de ce type ont été utilisés dans la répression des insurgés syriens par le régime de Damas ces derniers mois.


Moscou maintient ne rien livrer qui puisse être utilisé contre les manifestants et n'enfreindre aucune règle ni embargo international.


Sergueï Lavrov a déclaré vendredi que la Russie n'avait "pas l'intention de se justifier" auprès des Etats-Unis pour ces livraisons d'armes.


M. Lavrov rencontrera dans les prochains jours la Secrétaire d'Etat Hillary Clinton à Saint Petersburg pour discuter de cette cargaison.

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24 juin 2012 7 24 /06 /juin /2012 11:47



23 juin 2012 marine-oceans.com (AFP)


MOSCOU - Le cargo MV Alaed, forcé de faire demi-tour mardi au large de l'Ecosse alors qu'il transportait des hélicoptères russes pour la Syrie, est rentré dans les eaux territoriales russes, a indiqué samedi un responsable maritime.


Le cargo est attendu dans le golfe de Kola, d'où il rejoindra ensuite le port de Mourmansk (nord-ouest), à "06h00 heure de Moscou (02h00 GMT)", a déclaré un responsable du contrôle de la navigation maritime à l'agence Interfax.


Après son arrivée à Mourmansk, le navire --dont le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov a reconnu jeudi qu'il transportait des moyens de défense anti-aérienne et trois hélicoptères Mi-25 de fabrication soviétique appartenant à la Syrie-- devrait repartir vers la Syrie sous pavillon russe et sous escorte.


La secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton s'était alarmée au début du mois du transport présumé vers la Syrie d'hélicoptères en provenance de Russie.


Moscou maintient ne rien livrer qui puisse être utilisé dans la répression des manifestations "pacifiques" en Syrie, et n'enfreindre aucune règle ni embargo international.

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24 juin 2012 7 24 /06 /juin /2012 11:13

Yaroslav Mudry Neustrashimy-class ship


The Yaroslav Mudry is a Neustrashimy-class multi-purpose sea- and ocean-going ship intended to engage surface and sub-surface targets




Russia's Yaroslav Mudry frigate will join the FRUKUS international naval drills that will kick off in the Baltic Sea on Sunday, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.


The annual naval drills, which traditionally involve France, Russia, Britain and the United States, practice interoperability for future joint operations.


Britain’s York destroyer, the United States’ USS Normandy (CG-60) guided-missile cruiser and France’s destroyer De Grasse will take part in the FRUKUS 2012 exercises.


The drills will consist of several stages including joint maneuvering, repelling airstrikes and attacks of fast-speed boats, artillery practice and ship rescue exercises.


Previously called RUKUS, the exercises were launched in 1988 to promote dialogue between the Soviet Union, Britain, and the United States. The name was changed to FRUKUS in 2003, when France formally joined the group.


The Yaroslav Mudry is a Neustrashimy-class multi-purpose sea- and ocean-going ship intended to engage surface and sub-surface targets. It is equipped with powerful air defenses and is capable of rendering artillery support to ground troops.

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22 juin 2012 5 22 /06 /juin /2012 14:59



NOVOROSSIISK, June 22 (RIA Novosti)


A Russian warship which some media reports claimed was carrying arms destined for Syria has arrived at the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiysk on Friday, a spokesman said.


The Nikolai Filchenkov, an amphibious ship, was en route from the Crimean port of Sevastopol, Black Sea Fleet spokesman Vyacheslav Trukhachev told RIA Novosti.


"The military hardware, which the vessel delivered, will undergo planned repairs," Trukhachev said, adding that the ship will return to Sevastopol after it is unloaded next week.


Western media reports last week asserted the Nikolai Filchenkov and another amphibious ship, the Caesar Kunikov, were heading to Syria, where Russia has its only naval base outside the former Soviet Union.


The Russian military denied the reports.


Pro-democracy protesters in Syria are fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a 15-month-old uprising which the UN says has claimed more than 12,000 lives.

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22 juin 2012 5 22 /06 /juin /2012 11:40

IAI Searcher Mk 2


June 22, 2012 by Arie Egozi - FG


Tel Aviv -  Israel and Russia plan to jointly develop at least one type of unmanned air system that will meet the operational requirements of the latter's armed forces.


Two years ago, Moscow signed a roughly $400 million contract to purchase UAS made by Israel Aerospace Industries.


Deliveries of the company's BirdEye 400 and Searcher 2 systems are under way, while Russia has also built a new assembly/production line under the terms of the deal.


Russian deputy prime minister Dmitry Rogozin recently expressed his satisfaction with the Israeli/Russian cooperation on unmanned systems, which sources say is part of a larger "strategic understanding" between the nations. This has also influenced Moscow's decision not to sell surface-to-air missiles to Iran, they add.


The joint development of a new UAS optimised for Russian needs will involve the transfer of technologies from Israel, and the adaptation of aircraft to meet operational conditions in Russia.

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21 juin 2012 4 21 /06 /juin /2012 12:15



ST. PETERSBURG, June 21 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Foundation for Advanced Research Projects in the Defense Industry will finance high-risk projects, a deputy prime minister said on Thursday.


“I believe that the foundation will take on all high-risk and fundamental research projects in the military-industrial complex,” said Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense related sectors of industry.


President Vladimir Putin has submitted to parliament a bill on the foundation’s establishment, which is expected to become Russia’s answer to the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).


The foundation will be tasked with informing the country’s leadership on projects that can ensure Russian superiority in defense technology.


It will also analyze the risks of any Russian technological backwardness and technological dependence on other powers.

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21 juin 2012 4 21 /06 /juin /2012 12:14



21 juin 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


L’équipage du navire “Gueorgui Titov” de la Flotte russe du Nord a effectué lundi, dans la province de Mourmansk, un exercice de sauvetage de sous-marins en détresse, ont indiqué des sources du ministère russe de la défense.


Selon un porte-parole, l’exercice a été effectué dans le cadre des préparatifs de la participation aux exercices “Blod Monarch” 2012, organisé par l’OTAN en mer de Norvège à la fin juillet.


Ainsi, l’équipage du “Gueorgui Titov” a testé l’évacuation d’un sous-marin en détresse à l’aide du submersible de sauvetage en eaux profondes AC-34.


Le 21 juin, un autre exercice de sauvetage était prévu en mer de Barents.


Référence : RIA Novosti (Russie)

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21 juin 2012 4 21 /06 /juin /2012 08:00



21/06/2012 MER et MARINE


Le chantier russe Baltic Plant Shipbuilding de Saint-Pétersbourg devrait débuter en août la construction de blocs destinés aux deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement destinés à la Russie. Commandés en juin 2011 par Rosoboronexport au groupe français DCNS, ces BPC seront, en effet, partiellement réalisés en Russie, au travers d'un contrat de transfert de technologie. L'objectif est de profiter de ce programme pour moderniser l'outil de production et les méthodes de travail des chantiers russes. Ces derniers vont, ainsi, se rôder à la construction de navires en blocs pré-équipés, avec le soutien des équipes françaises, notamment de STX France. Si DCNS est le concepteur des BPC, ce sont en effet les chantiers de Saint-Nazaire qui les réalisent. Après l'achèvement à l'été dernier du Dixumude, troisième BPC de la Marine nationale, STX a débuté fin 2011 l'usinage des tôles du premier bâtiment russe, les travaux ayant débuté quelques semaines plus tard sur son sistership.


Alors que la fabrication des blocs se poursuit à Saint-Nazaire, où des équipes russes sont venues pour se former aux méthodes de travail des chantiers français, les livraisons du Vladivostok et du Sébastopol sont prévues en 2014 et 2015. Le premier BPC devrait être réalisé à 80% par STX, qui en assurera l'achèvement et les essais. Sur ce bateau, Baltic Plant devrait fournir des blocs de la partie arrière, pour environ 20% de la coque. Le chantier russe doit ensuite monter en puissance sur le deuxième BPC, pour lequel sa participation devrait doubler si l'on s'en réfère aux déclarations faites au moment de la signature du contrat. Alors que les deux premiers BPC seront assemblés à Saint-Nazaire, les négociations se poursuivent en vue de réaliser deux bâtiments supplémentaires, qui seraient alors construits en Russie.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 18:00

Bulava launch - Photo Northern Fleet press service


Jun. 20, 2012 – Defense news (AFP)


ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — Russia on June 20 sentenced two professors from an engineering university to 12½ and 12 years for handing over information about a new intercontinental missile to China, an official said.


“Yevgeny Afanasyev was sentenced to 12½ years for treason, and Svyatoslav Bobyshev to 12 years in a high-security penal colony for complicity in treason,” a court official said.


The men, both professors at the Voyenmekh Baltic State Technical University in St. Petersburg, were arrested in March 2010 on charges of high treason and espionage.


The men were accused of handing over the information on the Bulava, Russia’s latest submarine-launched ballistic missile, to Chinese intelligence.


The intercontinental nuclear-capable missile was developed to replace Russia’s Soviet-era stock. The project suffered numerous failed launches over the past decade but was approved late last year after several successful test firings.


In May, a worker from a Russian weapons plant in the Urals was sentenced to eight years in jail for handing over information on the Bulava project to foreign intelligence.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 12:40

Vladimir Poutine source Ria Novisti


LOS CABOS (Mexico), June 20 (RIA Novosti)


The missile defense dispute between Russia and the United States will not be resolved regardless of whether President Barack Obama will be re-elected in November, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.


“The United States has been following the path of creating its own missile defense for more than one year, and I do not see anything that could change its approach,” Putin told journalists following the G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico.


Putin said the situation would change only if the United States agreed to build the missile defense system jointly with Russia and the European Union.


“This means all three participants would jointly be building that system, and would be able to jointly assess threats, manage that system and make decisions on its use,” he said.


“But this does not mean we are unable to agree on some fragments of that joint work. I think it is possible,” Putin said.

Russia and NATO agreed to cooperate on the so-called European missile defense system at the Lisbon summit in November 2010. NATO insists there should be two independent systems that exchange information, while Russia favors a joint system with full-scale interoperability.


Russia has retained staunch opposition to the planned deployment of U.S. missile defense systems near its borders, claiming they would be a security threat. NATO and the United States insist that the shield would defend NATO members against missiles from North Korea and Iran and would not be directed at Russia.


Moscow insists it should receive legal guarantees from Washington that its European missile defense shield will not target Russia's strategic nuclear forces.


Russia’s military and political leaders have repeatedly warned their western partners that if talks fail, Moscow may take a series of measures including deployment of Iskander short-range nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in the Kaliningrad exclave.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 07:45

Sukhoi T-50 (PAK-FA) source Ria Novisti


The Russian Air Force hopes to acquire 60 T-50 stealth fighters. Photo: courtesy of Maxim Maksimov/russianplanes.net


19 June 2012 airforce-technology.com


T-50 PAK FA Russia is planning to start the testing and development of its fourth Sukhoi T-50 stealth fighter later this year.


Russia United Aircraft Corporation president Mikhail Pogosyan confirmed the deployment on 14 June.


"We are now testing three aircraft," he said. "A fourth will be brought in this year."


The Sukhoi T-50 stealth fighter, developed under the PAK Future Aviation programme, is Russia's first new major warplane designed since the fall of the Soviet Union and has been billed as the successor to Russia's fleet of MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft.


Since making its first flight in January 2010, three prototypes of the T-50 have undergone flight tests and Russian Air Force colonel general Alexander Zelin told RIA Novosti in May 2012 that the Russian Air Force would receive the first batch of prototypes in 2013.


Zelin had previously revealed that the number of fifth generation T-50 aircraft included in testing would reach 14 by 2015, prior to a planned entry into service in the same year.


The Russian Air Force plans to acquire 60 of the aircraft, with India also set to acquire an advanced fighter aircraft based on the T-50.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 07:45



19 juin 2012 marine-oceans.com (AFP)


LONDRES, Un assureur britannique a annoncé mardi qu'il avait annulé l'assurance couvrant un cargo russe en raison d'informations selon lesquelles ce navire transporterait des hélicoptères d'attaque à destination de la Syrie, en violation d'un embargo européen.


Le navire concerné, le MV Alaed, propriété, selon le Daily Telegraph, de l'armateur russe Femco, et venant du port russe de Kaliningrad dans la Baltique, a stoppé ses machines au large de l'Ecosse après avoir été prévenu du retrait de son assurance par l'assureur britannique Standard Club.


"Nous avons été informés que l'Alaed transportait des munitions destinées à la Syrie", a indiqué l'assureur dans un communiqué transmis à l'AFP.


"Nous avons déjà informé le propriétaire du navire que leur couverture d'assurance prenait fin avec effet immédiat du fait de la nature de leur périple", a-t-elle ajouté.


Des responsables britanniques cités par le Daily Telegraph ont fait savoir à Standard Club que fournir une assurance à la cargaison supposée de l'Alaed contreviendrait aux sanctions édictées par l'Union européenne interdisant toute fourniture d'armes à la Syrie, où la répression d'une rebellion a fait en un an plus de 14.000 morts selon des ONG.


Les Etats-Unis ont notifié la semaine dernière au gouvernement britannique que le navire russe était assuré par une société britannique, avait indiqué ce week-end l'édition dominicale du même journal, le Sunday Telegraph.


L'Alaed transporterait des hélicoptères Mi-25 de fabrication russe, vendus à la Syrie du temps de l'URSS, et que Damas avait renvoyés en Russie pour les remettre en état de marche, selon le même journal.


De tels appareils servent à la répression des insurgés syriens et Washington, par la bouche de la secrétaire d'Etat Hillary Clinton, s'est alarmé publiquement le 12 juin du fait que ces hélicoptères étaient en cours d'acheminement.


Le général Robert Mood, chef des observateurs de l'ONU en Syrie, a annoncé samedi la suspension de leurs opérations en raison de l'intensification des violences dans ce pays.


La Russie avait rétorqué qu'elle ne livrait aucun nouvel appareil au régime de Bachar al-Assad et qu'il ne s'agissait que de réparations d'hélicoptères déjà vendus il y a longtemps à Damas.


A Moscou, le départ de deux navires de guerre russes pour la base navale de Tartous, sur la côté syrienne, a été annoncé lundi.


Aucun commentaire officiel sur cette affaire n'avait pu être obtenu mardi matin de source gouvernementale britannique.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 07:25



Le MV Alaed fait partie de la flotte de l'armateur russe FEMCO (Crédit: FEMCO)


juin 19, 2012 Mieszko Dusautoy (Bruxelles2)


Les Etats-Unis, qui ont accusé la semaine dernière les russes de fournir le régime syrien en armes, ont demandé la semaine dernière aux britanniques de stopper un bateau russe (le MV Alaed) alors qu’il naviguait en mer du Nord, à 50km au Nord Est des côtes de l’Ecosse, comme l’a révélé le Sunday Telegraph ce week-end. Se dirigeant vers le Sud, ce bateau russe transporterait des hélicoptères Mi25 à destination de la Syrie, selon les renseignements américains. Or, le MV Alaed vogue sous une assurance britannique. Le gouvernement britannique a donc informé la compagnie d’assurance Standard Club qu’assurer un tel convoi allait à l’encontre des sanctions décidées par l’UE contre la Syrie, puisqu’elles interdisent non seulement l’exportation d’armes vers le pays mais aussi la fourniture de « services » liés à l’exportation. L’assureur a alors immédiatement rompu le contrat d’assurance. Le bateau, désormais non assuré, a été vu la nuit dernière (18 juin) au large de l’Ecosse.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 07:25

radar de type Voronej photo2 source Ria Novist


Voronezh-DM class anti-missile radar


ARMAVIR, June 19 (RIA Novosti)


A new-generation Voronezh-DM class anti-missile radar will enter combat duty near the town of Armavir in Russia’s southern Krasnodar region around the end of the year, the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces commander, Oleg Ostapenko, said on Tuesday.


“The [radar] station is in the final stage of preparations for entering combat duty,” Ostapenko told journalists at the radar site. “We are planning to almost wrap up the work on the station approximately by the end of the year.”


He added that the station may enter combat duty “ahead of the approved schedule.”


The anti-missile radar near Armavir is one of the four new-generation Voronezh-class radars that have been put into operation in Russia in recent years.


Two Voronezh-M radars have been deployed in Lekhtusi near St. Petersburg and near the town of Usolye-Sibirskoe in Siberia’s Irkutsk Region.


Another Voronezh-DM class radar stationed in the westernmost exclave of Kaliningrad was put on combat duty in November last year in what then-President Dmitry Medvedev said was part of Russia’s response to U.S. and NATO European missile defense shield plans.


Voronezh-DM class radars have a range of 6,000 kilometers. They can be more quickly deployed to a new site and require a smaller crew to operate it compared to previous generation stations.


Two sections of the Armavir radar that have been put into operation have allowed monitoring the area from France and Spain in the west, to Algeria in the southwest, Sudan in the south, and Iran, Afghanistan and parts of India and Pakistan in the southeast, its crew said.


Ostapenko also said on Tuesday the Aerospace Defense Forces plan to complete the entire Voronezh radar deployment program before the 2020 deadline.


“We are doing everything we can to narrow this timeframe,” he said.


Aerospace Defense Forces spokesman Alexei Zolotukhin has previously said Voronezh-class radars were planned to be deployed near the town of Pechora in Russia’s Komi Republic, the Siberian cities of Barnaul and Yeniseisk.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 07:20



June 19, 2012 By Robert Beckhusen - wired.com/dangerroom


A transport ship the U.S. believes is carrying attack helicopters to Syria is now heading back to Russia. Ostensibly, the MV Alaed turned around after its insurance coverage was pulled. But the ship’s return coincides with a meeting between Obama and Vladimir Putin — a sign the two leaders may be starting to cooperate on what to do about Syria’s deadly war.


According to press reports, the Alaed, with its load of Mi-25 attack helos, had its insurance yanked by its British insurer, Standard Club, on Monday. The insurer had been reportedly approached by British security services and informed that providing insurance to the Alaed, which is owned by Russian cargo line Femco, violated European Union sanctions prohibiting arms sales to Syria. The insurer pulled its coverage, and the ship then turned back toward the Russian port of Kaliningrad. The ship had earlier stopped about 50 miles off Scotland’s northwest coast.


“The foreign secretary made clear to Russian foreign minister [Sergey] Lavrov when they met on 14 June that all defence shipments to Syria must stop,” a British Foreign Office statement read. The Foreign Office added that it is “working closely with international partners” to “stop the Syrian regime’s ability to slaughter civilians being reinforced through assistance from other countries.”


But it’s not clear if the ship was also ordered to return to port by Russian authorities. EU sanctions, for one, do not have jurisdiction over Russian ships. If Russia really wanted the ship to continue to Syria, and remained complicit in the slaughter of civilians, then it’s unlikely anyone could have stopped them. But letting the ship continue on its way would also contradict statements made by Vladimir Putin on Monday during the G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico. During the leaders’ two-hour meeting, which is the first time the two have met as presidents, Putin and Obama agreed to a “peaceful” resolution to Syria’s bloodshed.



“In order to stop the bloodshed in Syria, we call for an immediate cessation of the violence and we pledged to work with other international actors, including the United Nations, Kofi Annan, including the movement towards a political transition to a democratic, pluralistic political system, which would be exercised by the Syrians in the framework of the sovereignty, independence, unity and the territorial integrity of Syria,” a joint statement issued by the two presidents read.

But there was no agreement on what to do about Bashar Assad. Russia won’t go so far as to throw one of its oldest allies out of power. Nor was there even a peep about endorsing any kind of military intervention to stop the massacres, which would entail overthrowing Assad like NATO overthrew Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi. On the other hand, Moscow has agreed in the past on some (limited) steps: telling Assad to withdraw artillery and other heavy weapons from urban areas, and endorsing a cease fire.


Meanwhile, Putin’s reception to NATO’s missile interceptors in Europe was frosty. Putin asked for a legal guarantee from Obama that the interceptors will not target Russia’s own nuclear forces (the missile “shield” is ostensibly directed at Iran). Despite disagreements, a joint statement read, the United States and Russia agree “to continue joint search for ways to resolve controversial issues in the area of missile defense.” The two leaders also agreed to strictly implement the new START treaty, which limits deployment of nuclear weapons in Europe.


The timing also coincides Tuesday with more denials from the Russian Defense Ministry that amphibious landing ships loaded with marines were headed to the Syrian port of Tartus, where Russia maintains its only warm water port outside of the former Soviet Union. A Defense Ministry spokesman told RIA Novosti that the ship, the Kaliningrad (not to be confused with the port of the same name), “is currently taking part in the Celtic Week [festival] and will soon return to its home port,” the spokesman said. Another landing ship, the Caesar Kunikov, was also rumored to be heading to Syria. Russian officials said it’s really participating in a routine exercise.


If only the two leaders could see eye-to-eye on Assad. But sending attack gunships like the Hind back to port, well, that’s a start.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 07:20


Tu-95 MS bomber


MOSCOW, June 19 (RIA Novosti)


Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Tuesday he was in favor of development of the PAK DA long-range bomber for the country's air force, just hours after saying the project was unnecessary, in apparent contravention of  President Putin's call last week for domestic aerospace industry to develop just such an aircraft.


“I am for PAK DA but it should not be a copy of the B-2. We need to look at the horizon and develop hypersonic long-range aviation, civil and military,” Rogozin said on his Twitter blog on Tuesday afternoon. The B-2 is an American long-range stealth bomber developed by Northrop, which became the most expensive aircraft ever built and is in service with the U.S. Air Force in very small numbers.


Earlier on Tuesday, Rogozin, who has special responsibility for the military-industrial complex, insisted Russia has no need to develop a new long-range bomber to replace its existing fleet.


Rogozin was repeating a statement he made to Russian media reports earlier this month. He said then that he saw no need for PAK DA, an acronym for future long-range aircraft in Russian, to replace the air force's ageing Tu-95MS cruise-missile carriers and Tu-160 supersonic bombers.


“These aircraft will not get anywhere. Not ours, not theirs,” Rogozin said in an interview with Izvestia in June.

"I'm ready to insist on my point of view," Rogozin said on Tuesday on his Twitter blog. "With modern air defense systems, these targets will be destroyed on the way," he said.


In May, Rogozin called on Russia's defense industry to develop hypersonic air-breathing weapons as a future strike system. He picked out American development work in the X-51, Falcon, HiFire and HyFly programs as examples of what he described as the perspective threat posed by U.S. hypersonic development work.


"The undertaking of this work allows us to lay the basis for creation of a national competitor in hypersonic weapons," he said.


Development of such a weapon should be discussed at the highest levels of state, he said.


Last Thursday, President Vladimir Putin ordered initial development of the new long-range bomber for strategic aviation. Speaking during a conference on defense orders, Putin said: "We have to develop work on the new PAK DA long-range bomber aircraft for Long-Range Aviation. I know how expensive and complex this is. The task is not easy from a scientific-technical standpoint, but we need to start work," Putin said.


If Russia did not start work soon on the project, it could miss the boat, Putin said.


Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said previously that a new aircraft assembly line in Russia's Kazan plant (KAPO) would build PAK-DA and the new Antonov An-70 propfan transport aircraft. The same plant previously built the Tu-95MS and Tu-160.


The Defense Ministry is due to hold a meeting to discuss development of the new bomber later in June.

“The comments from Putin and Rogozin appear to reflect sharply differing opinions – unusually being aired in public -  as to the desirability of pursuing a bomber replacement for the Tu-160 and Tu-95 in the strategic strike role," said Douglas Barrie, air warfare analyst for the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies.


"In the long term the Russian Air Force’s role in the nuclear triad – beyond the Tu-160 and the Tu-95 – would seem to rest on the acquisition of the PAK DA, though the aircraft would also have utility in the tactical environment.  A programme such as PAK DA would be expensive, and whether this could be accommodated within available likely funding also remains in question,” he added.


Currently, only Russia and the United States operate intercontinental range bomber aircraft. Most other nuclear-capable nations rely solely on intercontinental ballistic missiles, based on submarines or in land-based silos, or cruise missiles. The United States has expressed an interest in successor systems to its B-1, B-2 and B-52H long-range bombers.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 07:05



18 Jun 2012 Rashad Suleymanov – APA


APA reports that the combat vehicle, which is being developed by the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense Industry, will be 100% locally produced.


Two types of the vehicle – reconnaissance and combat models will be developed at the first stage. Then the other vehicles will be developed.


These cars will have the advantages over Georgia-based “Didgori” and Armenia-based “Ayk” vehicles for its maneuver possibilities, ballistic protection, sustainability, as well as the other features.


Now Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense Industry jointly with “Paramount Group” company of the Republic of South Africa produces “Matador” and “Marauder” mine-protected armored vehicles.

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20 juin 2012 3 20 /06 /juin /2012 07:00

Rosoboronexport logo


June 19, 2012 defpro.com


At the Eurosatory 2012 international land defence and security exhibition Rosoboronexport, JSC has struck new agreements on cooperation with major arms manufacturers.


On the first day of the exhibition the company signed contracts with Thales Optronics for licence production, repairs and servicing of the Catherine XP new-generation thermal imagers at the facilities of the Vologda optical-mechanical plant.


During Eurosatory 2012 Rosoboronexport held talks with its traditional French business partners and defined priority projects that both sides are to start in the near time. Similar talks were held with a number of European and American companies.


"Summing up the exhibition's results I would like to underline that we have risen to a totally new level of cooperation with our Western counterparts. There has been cooperation before, but now one can speak of the beginning of a full-scale cooperation that embraces almost all types of armaments," said Igor Sevastyanov, deputy director general of Rosoboronexport and head of the joint delegation of the Russian Technologies State Corporation and Rosoboronexport at Eurosatory 2012.


On the invitation of the US company General Dynamics the Russian delegation visited its stand at the exhibition. "We have familiarised ourselves with the presented wheeled armoured vehicles and discussed potential areas for effective cooperation. It concerns projects mainly in the interests of third countries," noted Igor Sevastyanov.


The US-Russian military technical cooperation was started after working together in the interests of the Afghan armed forces. At the present time Afghanistan is receiving Russian military transport helicopters, and issues related to the procurement of smalls arms and ammunition for the International Security Assistance Forces and local law enforcement units are under discussion.


"We welcome the positive approach taken by our American partners. It shows that we can be not only competitors in the world market but also reliable partners. It is all the more true when this kind of cooperation helps to upkeep stability and strengthen security in some regions," said Igor Sevastyanov.


Rosoboronexport noted special attention of foreign delegations to some defence equipment items showcased at the Russian exposition. A great deal of specialist attention was drawn to full-scale exhibits such as the modernized T-90S main battle tank, Kornet-EM antitank missile system mounted on the Tigr armoured car, BMPT tank support combat vehicle, new Ural hardened truck, small arms, high precision munitions.


"It is true that there are Russian defence products popular with Western armed forces, police and special-purpose units. In our opinion the era of the "iron curtain" in military technical area is over. Although there is still certain inertia and a degree of distrust remaining, we do our best to get rid of these vestiges," noted Igor Sevastyanov.

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19 juin 2012 2 19 /06 /juin /2012 17:44

S300 source defenseWeb


MOSCOW, June 19 (RIA Novosti)


Russia will double the number of contract personnel at its military base in Armenia, a senior official said on Tuesday.


"The number of contract servicemen at the Russian base at Gyumri will be doubled by the end of 2012," Col. Igor Gorbul, a spokesman for Russia's Southern Military District, told reporters in Moscow.


Permanent staff numbers, however, will remain at the current 5,000, Gorbul added.


Russia's parliament voted last year to extend the country's lease of the base through 2044.


The base, near Armenia's border with Turkey, is part of the post-Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States air defense system and is home to S-300 anti-aircraft missiles and Mikoyan MiG-29 fighters.

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19 juin 2012 2 19 /06 /juin /2012 16:03

Tu-160M source Ria Novisti


MOSCOU, 19 juin - RIA Novosti


La mise au point d'un bombardier russe de nouvelle génération destiné à remplacer les bombardiers stratégiques Tu-95MS et Tu-160 n'a pas beaucoup de sens, a déclaré mardi le vice-premier ministre russe Dmitri Rogozine sur son compte Twitter.


"Je suis prêt à défendre mon point de vue. Vu le niveau de perfectionnement actuel des armements antimissile et antiaériens, ces cibles (les bombardiers - ndlr) seraient détruites à l'approche", a écrit le vice-premier ministre.


Ce point de vue diverge de celui du président russe Vladimir Poutine qui, lors d'une réunion avec des responsables militaires russes jeudi dernier, a exigé de commencer à mettre au point un nouveau bombardier stratégique, "tant qu'il n'est pas trop tard".


Le ministre russe de la Défense Anatoli Serdioukov devrait convoquer d'ici fin juin une réunion consacrée à la mise au point du bombardier.


Le chef de l'Aviation de longue portée, le général Anatoli Jikharev a annoncé auparavant que le nouveau bombardier pourrait équiper l'armée russe en 2025.


Actuellement, l'aviation stratégique russe comprend 32 bombardiers Tu-95MS6, 31 Tu-95MS16 et 13 bombardiers Tu-160. Ils sont capables de porter plus de 850 missiles de croisière de longue portée.

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19 juin 2012 2 19 /06 /juin /2012 11:37



Russian military landing craft Ceasar Kunikov


MOSCOW, June 19 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian military landing craft Ceasar Kunikov left the Black Sea port of Sevastopol on Tuesday for a routine test at a training base, not for the Mediterranean, a Black Sea Fleet officer said.


The Fleet command earlier dismissed media reports that a large Russian amphibious ship carrying weapons and troops was en route to Syria.


Some Ukrainian media sources reported on Sunday, referring to CNN and other western media, that the Nikolai Filchenkov large amphibious ship from the Russian Black Sea Fleet was heading for the Syrian port of Tartus carrying weapons and marines to defend Russia’s naval facility.


Soon after the reports, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice lashed out at Russia over its alleged arms supplies to Syria. Moscow strongly rejected the claims, saying that Russia was not “delivering to Syria, or anywhere else, items that could be used against peaceful demonstrators.”


According to UN estimates, about 12,000 people have been killed in Syria since the beginning of a popular uprising against President Assad in March 2011, which started with peaceful protests but has since grown increasingly militarized.

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