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2 juin 2012 6 02 /06 /juin /2012 17:00

Vladimir Poutine - source Ria Novisti


PARIS, June 2 (RIA Novosti)


Russia will hold partner-like dialogue on missile defense with Western countries if it has guarantees that the missile shield is not directed against it, President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.


“We are constantly being told that the missile defense system is not directed against Russia. We would like to receive military and technological guarantees fixed in legally binding documents,” Putin told journalists after talks with his French counterpart Francois Hollande in Paris.


“Only then will we be able to feel safe and hold normal partner-like dialogue,” he said.


“Statements like ‘don’t be afraid, we promise that nothing will happen’ are clearly insufficient in the modern world. This is childish. We need guarantees and serious agreements in the security sphere,” Putin said.


He added that he hopes constructive dialogue with France and other NATO members is possible.


Russia and NATO agreed to cooperate on the so-called European missile defense system at the Lisbon summit in November 2010. NATO insists there should be two independent systems that exchange information, while Russia favors a joint system with full-scale interoperability.


Russia’s military and political leaders have repeatedly warned their western partners that if talks fail, Moscow may take a series of measures including deployment of Iskander short-range nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in the Kaliningrad exclave.

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1 juin 2012 5 01 /06 /juin /2012 12:44



Garde au drapeau de l'Escadrille Normandie-Niémen

en répétition à Moscou


01/06/2012 "Guerre et Paix" par Jean-Dominique Merchet *


C’est l’ironie de l’histoire des relations militaires franco-russes : le deuxième porte-hélicoptères (BPC Mistral) que la France livrera à la Russie en 2015 s’appellera le Sébastopol (1). Or, s’il existe à Paris un grand boulevard portant le nom de cette ville de Crimée, c’est en souvenir des combats bien oubliés qui y opposèrent, en 1854 et 1855, les armées françaises et russes. L’affaire fît plusieurs dizaines de milliers de victimes…




A l’heure de la visite du président Vladimir Poutine à Paris, ce vendredi 1er juin, il y a là matière à réflexion sur les relations compliquées qu’entretiennent nos deux pays au plan militaire. La France est aujourd’hui le seul pays membre de l’Alliance atlantique qui  accepte de vendre un équipement important à la Russie, suscitant la colère de nombreux pays de l’Otan, notamment en Europe de l’Est, mais aussi des milieux néo-conservateurs des deux rives de l’Atlantique.  Le contrat, qui bénéficie à l’industrie française (DCNS, STX), ne sera pas remis en cause par le nouveau pouvoir socialiste.


L’année 2012 est celle d’un double anniversaire. C’est d’abord le bicentenaire de 1812 – c’est-à-dire de la grande guerre franco-russe déclenchée par Napoléon 1er.  Personne, en France, n’a très envie de la commémorer, car il n’y a vraiment pas de quoi être fier!  Un conflit déclenché par la seule hubris - ce sentiment de toute puissance que dénonçaient les anciens grecs - d’un homme, fût-il Empereur. Cette guerre se termina, deux ans plus tard, lorsque les Cosaques vinrent camper sur les Champs-Elysées !


Mais 2012 est également le soixante-dixième anniversaire de 1942, la date de la création du groupe de chasse Normandie, qui deviendra le glorieux régiment de chasse Normandie-Niémen. Son grand historien, Yves Courrière, vient de mourir, mais le 25 juin, cette unité de l’armée de l’air (qui avait été mise en sommeil dans le cadre des récentes restructurations) sera officiellement réactivée sur la base de Mont-de-Marsan (Landes). Le Neu-Neu, comme le surnomme affectueusement les aviateurs, volera sur le fer de lance des ailes françaises, le Rafale.


Histoire longue et tumultueuse : n’oublions pas ces dizaines de milliers de Russes qui vinrent, au sein de deux brigades, combattre dans les tranchées françaises en 1916.  Des soldats, qui se mutinèrent, en 1917, dans le camp de La Courtine (Creuse), écrivant ainsi une modeste page de l’histoire de la Révolution russe dans les collines du Limousin !  S’ils étaient là, c’est parce que nos deux pays étaient alliés depuis 1892. Dans une Europe déchirée par les rivalités nationalistes, la Russie fût même le premier allié d’une France diplomatiquement isolée, douze ans avant que Paris et Londres ne signe à leur tour leur « Entente cordiale ».


Etranges va-et-vient  de notre histoire militaire : en 1920, le capitaine Charles De Gaulle est à Varsovie, pour aider la nouvelle armée polonaise à combattre l’Armée rouge. Face à lui, un noble devenu communiste, Mikhaïl Toukhatchevski. Les deux hommes, qui connurent des destins extraordinaires, avaient été, ensemble, prisonniers de guerre des Allemands dans le camp d’Inglostadt.


Nouvel épisode, avec la guerre froide (1947-1991). Nos deux pays étaient alors ennemis : les missiles stratégiques français étaient tournés vers les grandes villes soviétiques : Moscou, Leningrad et Kiev. Dans les camps de manœuvre, dont celui de la Courtine, l’armée de terre s’entrainait à combatte les « carmins » - on ne disait pas « rouges » afin de ne pas froisser l’ambassade soviétique. Sur les bases aériennes, on craignait l’arrivée des Spestnaz… oubliant que les premiers parachutistes français avaient été formés en URSS dès 1935, autour du capitaine Geille !  Pourtant, dans le même temps, le général De Gaulle annonçait, en 1966, que la France quittait l’organisation militaire intégrée de l’Alliance atlantique et exigeait la fermeture des bases américaines en France. Sous les protestations des socialistes et les applaudissements des communistes … Le monde est parfois compliqué.


S’il y a une leçon à tirer de ce passé commun, c’est que, tout est possible entre la France et la Russie. Le pire comme le meilleur.


Sur le plan militaire et stratégique, quelle est la situation d’aujourd’hui ?  Les aspects positifs prévalent assurément. Les plus jeunes ne doivent pas l’oublier, mais l’essentiel est d’abord la paix. Un quart de siècle en arrière, nous nous préparions encore les uns et les autres à nous faire la guerre. Ce que la France et l’Allemagne ont réussi, cette réconciliation qui fait que l’on franchit le Rhin sans s’arrêter à la douane, nous pouvons le parachever avec la Russie.


Au sein de l’Otan, la posture prudente, voire réservée, de Paris, vis-à-vis du bouclier antimissile, ne peut que satisfaire Moscou. Le départ annoncé des troupes françaises d’Afghanistan pourrait se faire via l’Asie centrale et la Russie, une route plus sûre que le Pakistan et moins couteuse que la location d’avions gros porteurs à des sociétés privées ukrainiennes ou… russes !  En matière spatiale, les fusées Soyouz sont désormais lancées depuis un département français d’Amérique, la Guyane.  Voilà qui rapprochent les deux Etats.


Il y a, certes, des zones d’ombre. La visite du président Poutine sera évidemment dominée par la question syrienne.  Le nouveau président François Hollande a répété qu’une option militaire ne pouvait pas être exclue contre le régime du président Assad, mais personne - et surtout pas les militaires -  n’a envie de s’embarquer dans une telle aventure. Non sans hypocrisie, la menace d’un veto russe au Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies arrange beaucoup de monde à Paris comme ailleurs.


(1) Le premier sera le Vladivostok et le nom des troisième et quatrième, qui seront construits en Russie, n’a pas encore été fixé par la marine russe.


* Jean-Dominique Merchet, journaliste spécialisé dans les affaires de Défense. Auteur du blog français le plus lu sur ces questions, créé en 2007. Ancien de l’Institut des hautes études de défense nationale. Auteur de nombreux ouvrages dont : « Mourir pour l’Afghanistan » (2008), « Défense européenne : la grande illusion » (2009), « Une histoire des forces spéciales » (2010), « La mort de Ben Laden » (2012).

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1 juin 2012 5 01 /06 /juin /2012 12:35



MOSCOW, June 1 (RIA Novosti)


Russia's mobile ballistic missile launchers are to be fitted with a new camouflage system that will cover their tracks on the ground, making it harder to detect them, Defense Ministry spokesman Vadim Koval said on Friday.


The new equipment not only effectively camouflages missile launchers when deployed, but can also promptly erase tracks on the ground to cover the movements of missile vehicles, as well as creating false trails to mislead enemy surveillance, Koval said.


The new equipment will cut the time required to camouflage the launchers many times over, he added.


The Teikovo ballistic missile site in Russia’s Ivanovo Region will become the first missile unit to be equipped with new advanced camouflage at the end of the year, Koval said.




The unit, based 280 kilometers from Moscow, consists of Topol-M (SS-27 Sickle B) and Yars (RS-24) intercontinental ballistic missile systems.


Other Strategic Missile Forces detachments, including the Irkutsk and Novosibirsk units in Siberia, will also get similar equipment in the future.

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1 juin 2012 5 01 /06 /juin /2012 12:34

Ivan Gren landing ship


June 1, 2012: STRATEGY PAGE


Eight years after construction began the first of a new Russian class of amphibious ships was launched last month. It will now be fitted out and delivered in 2014, a decade after construction began. Called the Ivan Gren class, after its lead ship, these vessels each displace 6,000 tons, have a crew of one hundred and can carry 13 tanks, or 36 infantry fighting vehicles or 300 infantry. Top speed is 33 kilometers per hour and max range is 6,500 kilometers (cruising at 30 kilometers an hour). Armament consists of two 18 cell, 140mm rocket launchers and two 30mm automatic cannon for missile defense


Four more Grens are to be built, if the first one performs well. The first one will cost about $160 million. The Grens appear to be updates of the Alligator class LSTs, fourteen of which were built in the 1960s and 70s. Four of these 4,700 ton ships are still in service, but just barely.


The Russian government has been unhappy with the performance of Russian shipyards, and is buying amphibious ships from France, in part to get some French shipbuilding technology, and an opportunity to show Russian shipbuilders how it should be done.

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1 juin 2012 5 01 /06 /juin /2012 12:00



BALTOPS is an annual military exercise held in the Baltic Sea


MOSCOW, June 1 (RIA Novosti)


The Kaliningrad amphibious assault landing ship from Russia’s Baltic Fleet has set sail for the Baltic Sea to take part in the BALTOPS 2012 naval drills on June 1-16, the press service of the Western military district said.


The Kaliningrad left its home base in Baltiisk in Russia’s exclave of Kaliningrad on Thursday to join over 20 surface ships and some 20 aircraft from NATO countries in a variety of training missions, including anti-submarine warfare, sea rescue and counter-terrorism.


BALTOPS is an annual military exercise held in the Baltic Sea and surrounding regions since 1971. Since 1993 it has been a major contributor to the NATO program Partnership for Peace.


Warships from Russia’s Baltic Fleet previously took part in BALTOPS exercises 19 times.


The Kaliningrad vessel entered service in December 1984 and has carried out a number of training missions in the Baltic, North and Mediterranean seas, as well as in the Atlantic Ocean.


Kaliningrad class ships are capable of carrying up to 500 tons of cargo, 13 tanks and more than 200 naval infantry.

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1 juin 2012 5 01 /06 /juin /2012 07:20



MOSCOW, June 1 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Armed Forces will conduct over 1,000 command-and-staff and tactical exercises during the summer training period from June to November this year, the Defense Ministry said.


The summer training will focus on improving interoperability of all branches of the Armed Forces and efficient use of automated battlefield management systems, the ministry said in a statement on Thursday.


The training will be carried out on average 2-3 times a week with the emphasis on weapons proficiency and driving skills.

The training period will culminate with the Kavkaz-2012 large-scale strategic exercises in southern Russia and North Caucasus, which would also involve Abkhaz and South Ossetian military units.


In addition, Russia will hold about 50 joint military exercises with foreign countries, including the Slavic Commonwealth – 2012 with Ukraine and Belarus, the INDRA-2012 with India and the Selenga with Mongolia.


The Russian Navy will traditionally take part in RIMPAC, FRUKUS, Northern Eagle and Blackseafor international naval drills.

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31 mai 2012 4 31 /05 /mai /2012 17:55



MOSCOW, May 31 (RIA Novosti)


An employee at a rocket engine factory in the central Russia city of Voronezh has been charged with making, storing and trafficking firearms, the Lifenews.ru portal reported on Thursday.


The 38-year old worker made pistols and rifles at his workplace, secretly removed them from the factory premises, and then sold them, police said.


Police acted on a tip-off but it took them at least a year to catch the suspect red handed.


The Voronezh Mechanical Plant has manufactured engines for the Energia-Buran, Vostok, Soyuz, Proton and other space systems.


It also makes aircraft engines, as well as parts and components for rail and motor transport systems.

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31 mai 2012 4 31 /05 /mai /2012 17:35

Su-30MKI (Flanker-H) multirole fighter infographie Ria Novi


May 30, 2012: Strategy Page


Nine years after being rejected by India for quality issues, Russia is still trying to sell a tainted (by the rejection) batch of 18 Su-30MK fighters. These aircraft did not have all the maneuverability features the Indians wanted, and India refused to accept them. Since India was planning to buy over a hundred Su-30s from Russia, and build more under license, the Russians took back the 18 rejected Su-30s. Since then, these aircraft have just sat around, but now Russia is offering to upgrade them if the price is right.


Since the late 1990s Russia has been exporting the Su-30MK, then the latest version of the Su/27/30 line of aircraft. Russia claims this is the most lethal air superiority fighter in service. This is part of a marketing effort to sell even more of an already popular aircraft. The Russians point out that the Su-30MK can fly as fast as the F-22, and is more maneuverable. What the Russians play down is the fact that the F-22 can go very fast far longer (because of its "supercruise" engines) than the Su-30MK, and does not depend on acrobatic maneuverability for combat superiority. High maneuverability comes in handy for a close range dogfight, but the F-22 was designed to avoid that. The F-22 is harder to detect on radar than the Su-30MK, and has a superior radar (and electronics in general) as well, which enables the F-22 to spot the enemy first, and remain undetected long enough to fire missiles.


The Su-30MK was designed for an earlier age, when the engine was the most complex and expensive component of the aircraft. Now it's electronics, and external components (that provide stealth and make the aircraft more difficult for radar to see). That's why the Su-30MK is considered a 4th generation fighter, while the F-22 and F-35 are fifth generation.


The only potential Su-30MK equipped U.S. opponent is China, which has several hundred of them. Many American commanders believe F-16Cs, F-15Cs or F-18s, with experienced pilots, could handle the Su-30MK. In the past, Russian fighters have always done poorly against U.S. aircraft, and the Russians have always blamed inexperienced pilots. So the big question remains, will any potential foe manage to obtain modern fighters, and well trained pilots (who are expensive to recruit, train and retain).

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31 mai 2012 4 31 /05 /mai /2012 16:30

Russian Military Special Forces source Ria Novisti


MOSCOW, May 31 (RIA Novosti)


The first joint anti-terror exercise, involving Russian and U.S. forces in Colorado, ended with the “neutralization” of a terrorist group, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said on Thursday.


The entire operation took not more than seven minutes, according to Col Alexander Kucherenko.


“The main trophy included important documents and a large sum of money designed to pay for terrorist activities, which were removed from the chief of the terrorist gang,” he said.


The first ever joint Russia-U.S. anti-terror military exercises on American soil, were held at Ft. Carson in Colorado, from Tuesday through Thursday. A special unit of Russian paratroopers worked alongside American land forces as part of the exercise.


The Russian and U.S. special units engaged in joint gun practice as well as mountain training, parachute exercises, and demolition techniques training.

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31 mai 2012 4 31 /05 /mai /2012 12:20


An-70 tactical transport aircraft


MOSCOW, May 31 (RIA Novosti)


Russia's Military Transport Aviation (VTA) is to receive 60 Antonov An-70 propfan tactical transport aircraft by 2020, the service's commander Lt. Gen. Viktor Kachalkin said on Thursday.


"From 2014, we will start to get the Ilyushin Il-76-MD90A (Il-476) and also the modernized Il-76MD. We are also counting on getting the new An-70," he said.


The VTA will also take delivery of 25 Antonov An-124 super-heavy transport aircraft of various modifications by 2020, he said.


Russian military transport aviation does not intend to buy any foreign made aircraft, he added.


"Purchases of foreign equipment do not interest us, as Russian equipment meets our requirements," he said.


The Ukrainian-designed An-70, which is being built together with Russia, has had a long-running and troubled gestation, with one prototype crashing in the 1990's in a collision and a second crashing in 2001 in a take-off accident in Omsk. The aircraft also had a history of snags with its propfan engines.


Russia pulled out of the project in 2006, with Russia Air Force commander Vladimir Mikhailov stating it did not need the aircraft and would prefer the modernized Il-76, but it later rejoined the program.

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31 mai 2012 4 31 /05 /mai /2012 12:10


Stoyky corvette


ST. PETERSBURG, May 30 (RIA Novosti)


St. Petersburg's Severnaya Verf shipyard floated out a new stealth corvette for the Russian Navy at an official ceremony on Wednesday.


The Stoyky is the fourth Project 20380 or Steregushchy class corvette designed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau. The ship is expected to join Russia’s Baltic Fleet in November 2013 after a series of sea trials.


The first Project 20380 corvette, the Steregushchy, was put into service with the Baltic Fleet in October 2008 and the second, the Soobrazitelny, joined the Russian Navy in October 2011.


The third ship of the same series, the Boyky, is undergoing sea trials to be commissioned in November 2012.


The Steregushchy class corvette is capable of engaging enemy surface ships, submarines and aircraft, and providing naval gunfire support for beach landings. Advanced stealth technology is used to reduce the ship's radar, acoustic, infrared, magnetic and visual signatures.


Russia plans to have up to 30 vessels of this class to ensure the protection of its coastal waters, as well as its oil and gas transportation routes, especially in the Black and the Baltic seas.


Each corvette has a displacement of 2,000 metric tons, maximum speed of 27 knots, and a crew of 100.


The ship's armament includes Kh-35 (SS-N-25 Switchblade) anti-ship cruise missiles, a 100-mm gun, a variety of air-defense and anti-submarine systems, and a Ka-27 Helix ASW helicopter.

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31 mai 2012 4 31 /05 /mai /2012 12:05




ST. PETERSBURG, May 30 (RIA Novosti)


Selected air units of Russia’s Western military district will start this year preparations to return to abandoned Arctic airfields, the commander of the district’s aviation Maj. Gen. Igor Makushev said on Wednesday.


Military airfields in the Arctic were used extensively in the Soviet era, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 they have been generally mothballed.


“We will start reopening airfields on Novaya Zemlya and in Naryan-Mar as early as this summer,” Makushev told a news conference in St. Petersburg.


Plans for next year include the reopening of a military airfield on Graham Bell Island, which is part of Franz Josef Land.


Russia has announced plans to deploy a combined-arms force to protect its political and economic interests in the Arctic region by 2020, including military, border and coastal guard units to guarantee Russia's military security in diverse military and political circumstances.


Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said in July 2011 that two arctic brigades would be stationed in “Murmansk or Arkhangelsk or some other place.”

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31 mai 2012 4 31 /05 /mai /2012 12:00

Arms of the Russian Federation.svg


MOSCOW, May 31 (RIA Novosti)


Russia wants to set up a military innovation hub in Moscow Region similar to the country’s ambitious hi-tech development project at Skolkovo, Izvestia daily reported on Thursday.


The idea of creating a military scientific research center was voiced by the League for Assistance to the Defense Industry, comprising the heads of Russia’s leading military corporations which lobbies in government for the sector, Izvestia said.


In an interview with the daily, the League’s head and lawmaker Vladimir Gutenev said the center will boast leading specialists in defense technology and could be just the first of many.


“If this project [military innovation hub] is implemented and bears fruits, similar centers will be created in Russian regions,” Gutenev told the paper.


The site could be located at Ramenskoye to the south-east of the capital, which is home to the Gromov Flight Research Center and the longest runway in Europe, said the League's deputy head, Zinovy Pak


Gutenev said Russia would first set up a defense research agency similar to the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and only then set up the new high-tech hub.


In late 2011, Russian Deputy Prime Minister and then NATO envoy, Dmitry Rogozin called for the creation of a defense research agency with its own budget that would oversee development of new military technology. Rogozin criticized Russia's lack of progress in hypersonic flight research last month and called for urgent funding for it.


Russian lawmaker Andrei Krasov, a member of the State Duma Defense Committee, welcomed the idea, saying “Russia urgently needs breakthrough weaponry” since the lack of technological progress is creating a threat to Russia’s security.


The Skolkovo high-tech development park is a key part of the Russian government’s drive to modernize Russia's commodity-dependent economy. The center is intended to be an ultra-modern science community for the development and commercialization of new technologies including energy, information technology, communications, bio-medical research and nuclear technology.

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31 mai 2012 4 31 /05 /mai /2012 11:55

Le croiseur nucléaire russe Petr Veliki

Croiseur nucléaire lance-missiles lourd Petr Veliki


MOSCOU, 29 mai - RIA Novosti


La Russie et la France mènent à Mourmansk (nord) des entretiens portant sur l'organisation d'exercices navals conjoints "Passex" en mer de Barents prévus en juin, a annoncé lundi le porte-parole de la flotte du Nord russe Evgueni Kirillov.

"Les représentants de la flotte du Nord et l'attaché de Défense française en Russie Eric Fournaud discuteront de du programme des manœuvres. Les parties se mettront d'accord sur l'approvisionnement de la frégate française "De Grasse" en eau douce et en vivres ainsi que sur l'organisation de manifestations culturelles pour l'équipage de la frégate à Severomorsk", a indiqué le capitaine de frégate Kirillov.


La frégate anti-sous-marine De Grasse fera une escale au port de Severomorsk, base navale centrale de la Flotte du Nord russe, du 11 au 15 juin prochains. Les exercices russo-français Passex marqueront la fin de sa visite. Ils se tiendront en mer de Barents et près de la sortie de la baie de Kola.


Les marins russes et français s'entraîneront notamment à échanger les données tactiques, à effectuer des manœuvres conjointes, à repousser les attaques de petits navires rapides.


La Russie et la France ont tenu les exercices Passex précédents en France, en 2010. La Russie y a dépêché le croiseur nucléaire lance-missiles lourd Petr Veliki, qui a fait une escale à Brest, base principale de la Marine française sur l'Atlantique.

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30 mai 2012 3 30 /05 /mai /2012 07:30

Borey Class Nuclear Submarine source Ria novisti


29 mai 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. Portail des Sous-marins


Le ministère de la Défense de Russie a signé des contrats avec les entreprises Sevmash et Rubin portant sur la livraison de cinq sous-marins nucléaires lanceurs d’engins modernisés de classe Boreï (Projet 955A).


Le programme « Armements 2020 » prévoit une augmentation des prix fixés dans les contrats si le coût des travaux ou des matériaux croît.


L’état-major de la marine de guerre de Russie a déclaré précédemment qu’à partir du quatrième submersible, Saint-Nicolas, les SNLE de classe Boreï seront armés de 20 missiles balistiques intercontinentaux Boulava au lieu de 16.


Les sous-marins de ce type seront équipés d’une cellule de sauvetage capable de prendre à bord la totalité de l’équipage. La longueur du sous-marin est de 170 m, son maître-bau est de 13,5 m, la profondeur atteint 450 m et l’équipage compte 107 personnes.


Référence : Voix de la Russie

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29 mai 2012 2 29 /05 /mai /2012 17:20



May 29, 2012: Strategy page


The Russian Air Force is upgrading seven of its 25 An-124 "Ruslan" transports to the An-124-100M standard. This upgrade includes strengthening the air frame, installing new electronics and increasing range to 5,400 kilometers. A new type of brakes enables the aircraft to reduce its landing distance by 30 percent. This makes more airfields able to handle the aircraft. Three An-124s have already completed their upgraded, and once all seven are done, another ten air force An-124s will be upgraded. The air force has also ordered ten new An-124-300s, which will be able to carry 30 tons more (for a total of 150 tons.) Three years ago, after three years of planning, production of the An-124 was resumed. At least 70 will be produced initially, and they will sell for about $200 million each.


Designed at the end of the Cold War, only sixty were built then. But the market for aircraft that can carry oversize cargo has grown twice as fast as the air cargo market in general. The An-124, and the U.S. Air Force C-5, are the only two transports that can handle oversize material. And the An-124 is the only "jumbo" available for charter. Six years ago, it was proposed that An-124 production be resumed. Another fifty, or more, aircraft were to be produced, starting in 2008. That was delayed because there were problems raising the required cash (at least half a billion dollars.) Now the government has come up with the money, and all the resources (suppliers of components) have been organized.


The An-124 is the world's largest production aircraft and can carry a payload of up to 150 tons. The An-124 cruises at a speed of around 800 to 850 kilometers per hour. It can carry a maximum payload around 4,500 kilometers, or carry ten tons of cargo, and more fuel, for up to 14,000 kilometers. There are around 28 An-124s doing commercial work, with another 25 in military service


 In the late 1980s, a modification of the An-124, the slightly larger An-225, was built. With two extra engines and a larger wing, the An-225 can carry over 250 tons. A second An-225 was being built when the Cold War ended. Construction was halted, but demand for An-124s has been so strong, that the second An-225 is 60 percent complete and waiting for more cash. New An-225s would cost cover $250 million each. These are a bargain compared to the $225 million cost of a new American C-17 cargo aircraft. The C-17 also only carries around 79 tons of cargo. If sales of the new An-124 take off, more An-225s may be available as well.

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29 mai 2012 2 29 /05 /mai /2012 12:32


ARS-600 two-seat submersible


MOSCOW, May 29 (RIA Novosti)


A Russian Navy search and rescue vessel will be equipped with two unique deepwater submersibles, a Defense Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday.


The Igor Belousov, currently under construction, will have two ARS-600 two-seat submersibles, designed to perform an array of functions, including search, rescue and salvage of submarines in distress.


The Russian Defense Ministry decided in 2011 to equip the ship with a deep-sea diving system produced by Scottish firm DIVEX, which will be delivered, installed, and tested by experts from a Russian company, Tetis Pro. At present, all Russian fleets have British-built Panther Plus and Tiger submersibles in service.


Construction of the Igor Belousov started in 2005 at the Admiralty Shipyards in St. Petersburg but has faced a series of setbacks.

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29 mai 2012 2 29 /05 /mai /2012 07:08

Borey class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Yur


MOSCOW, May 28 (RIA Novosti)


Russia’s Defense Ministry and United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) have signed a contract for the delivery of five new Borey class (Project 955) strategic nuclear submarines, USC spokesman Alexei Kravchenko said on Monday.


“I have information that the contract for five subs has been signed,” Kravchenko told RIA Novosti.


He did not specify when the contract was signed but said that the signing was confirmed on Monday.


On May 25, it was reported that the ministry and the USC failed again to agree final contract terms for Borey delivery, despite the intervention of President Vladimir Putin.


Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov told journalists on Friday after a meeting with Putin that his ministry and the submarine manufacturer would return to talks in the future to agree a final price for the Borey boats in 2015.


At the end of Friday’s meeting, Serdyukov and Trade and Industry Minister Denis Manturov left to sign the deal with no journalists present, and it was unclear how the final agreement looked and whether it would be signed.


Manturov told journalists earlier on Friday after the meeting with Putin that the contract would be signed Friday. He also said then that the Borey contract would be implemented in full.


“There will be five submarines and a design contract,” he said on Friday. “The president made a considered decision that makes it possible to sign a contract with the Defense Ministry until 2020.”


The Russian Navy is to receive at least 10 new Borey class strategic nuclear submarines by 2020. The submarines, to be armed with Bulava ballistic missiles, are expected to constitute the core of Russia's strategic ballistic missile submarine force after 2018.


Then-prime minister Putin said last year that the procurement of new warships and submarines for the Navy would be a priority over the next decade. The Russian government has allocated five trillion rubles ($156 bln) or a quarter of the entire armament procurement budget until 2020 for this purpose.


The signing of a contract for delivery of the Borey submarines has been repeatedly postponed due to the pricing dispute between the Defense Ministry and defense industry enterprises.

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27 mai 2012 7 27 /05 /mai /2012 11:35

Yak-130 aircraft source Ria Novisti


May 25, 2012 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: A.S Yakovlev Design Bureau; issued May 24, 2012)


Irkut expects to receive new orders this year for the Yakovlev Yak-130 advanced jet trainer and light-attack aircraft, says company president Alexey Fedorov.

Russia's defence ministry late last year signed a production order for 55 of the twin-engined aircraft to equip the nation's air force. These will be delivered as a mix of training aircraft and armed combat trainers, Fedorov says.

In 2011, Irkut also delivered its first export examples of the type to Algeria, under a 16-unit order. "At the moment we are conducting pretty intensive talks and negotiations with more than 10 potential customers, and I believe that in the near future we are going to sign new export contracts," Fedorov says, while declining to identify any buyers.

Russia's Rosoboronexport arms agency is promoting the Yak-130 in the Philippines, and Bangladesh and Syria have also been named as potential future users. Irkut plans to fly a combat trainer version at the Royal International Air Tattoo and Farnborough air show in the UK during July

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25 mai 2012 5 25 /05 /mai /2012 16:35

Ukrainia source Ria Novisti


KIEV, 24 mai - RIA Novosti


La Rada suprême (parlement) de l'Ukraine a approuvé jeudi la décision du chef de l'Etat d'autoriser l'accès de militaires étrangers, notamment russes et américains, sur le territoire du pays pour participer à des exercices internationaux, rapporte le correspondant de RIA Novosti.


La décision du président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch a été soutenue par 238 parlementaires, le minimum nécessaire étant de 226 voix.


En vertu de la législation ukrainienne, le séjour de toute unité militaire non prévue par la loi est interdit sur le territoire du pays. Le déploiement des bases militaires étrangères est également interdit en Ukraine. Aussi l'accès de troupes étrangères sur le territoire ukrainien se fait-il chaque fois grâce à une loi spéciale présentée par le chef de l'Etat.


En 2009, les exercices américano-ukrainiens "Sea Breeze" ont été annulés, la Rada ayant interdit l'accès aux troupes étrangères.


Cette année, l'Ukraine doit accueillir sur son territoire les exercices américano-ukrainiens "Rapid Trident-2012", les exercices russo-ukrainiens "Farvater mira (Chenal de paix)-2012", les exercices biélorusso-ukrainiens "Communauté slave-2012" et les exercices américano-ukrainiens "Sea Breeze-2012".

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25 mai 2012 5 25 /05 /mai /2012 16:30

Arms of the Russian Federation.svg


MOSCOU, 24 mai - RIA Novosti


La Russie lance la production de quatre "kits" d'équipement destinés aux tireurs d'élite, a annoncé jeudi aux journalistes le vice-premier ministre Dmitri Rogozine lors d'un point de presse à Moscou.


"Nous aurons non seulement de nouveaux modèles d'armes individuelles, mais elles seront intégrées à un équipement de tireur d'élite. Cet équipement doit comprendre des systèmes de surveillance permettant de détecter l'adversaire, de le neutraliser, ainsi que des moyens de protection passive du tireur d'élite", a précisé le vice-premier ministre.


"J'en ai assez de voir nos services spéciaux se vêtir comme des groupes de résistants, ils achètent eux-mêmes des lunettes de visée, des viseurs infrarouges", a affirmé le responsable.


Selon lui, un groupe spécialisé composé d'instructeurs de tireurs d'élite a été crée dans le centre de recherches Totchmach (matériel de précision). Ces instructeurs seront chargés de définir les paramètres de futurs équipements.


Selon M. Rogozine, le premier "kit" complet de tireur d'élite sera destiné aux tirs jusqu'a une distance jusqu'à 800m, le deuxième - pour les tirs à des distances supérieures à 1,5km (gros calibre), le troisième sera doté d'un fusil de précision destiné aux combats rapprochés en ville, et le quatrième équipement comprendra un 22 long rifle, destiné à l'entraînement des tireurs d'élite.

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25 mai 2012 5 25 /05 /mai /2012 12:45

Project 11661 k Missile Ship Dagestan


MOSCOW, May 24 (RIA Novosti)


Russia’s second Gepard class frigate has successfully test-fired missiles from the new Kalibr-NK missile system during the first stage of sea trials in the Black Sea, a spokesman for Russia’s Southern military district said on Thursday.


The Dagestan is the Russian Navy's first warship equipped with the Kalibr-NK missile system that is capable of using several types of high precision missiles against surface, underwater and coastal targets at ranges of up to 300 kilometers (190 miles).


The vessel uses elements of stealth technology, which lower its exposure to radars.


“The crew is preparing the warship to move to the Caspian Sea for the final stage of the trials,” Col. Igor Gorbul said. “It will be assigned to the Caspian Flotilla afterwards.”


The first Gepard class frigate in the Russian Navy, the Tatarstan, has been serving as the flagship of the Caspian Flotilla since 2002. The Tatarstan is armed with the SS-N-25 Switchblade anti-ship missiles.

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25 mai 2012 5 25 /05 /mai /2012 12:40


Admiral Chabanenko destroyer


MURMANSK, May 24 (RIA Novosti)


Russia, the United States, and Norway will hold maritime interdiction operations and search and rescue maneuvers during joint naval drills in the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea in August, Russia’s Northern Fleet said.


The timeline for the Northern Eagle-2012 exercises and composition of naval task forces from each country were approved during a joint meeting in Murmansk on Thursday.


The drills will involve Russia’s Admiral Chabanenko destroyer, a U.S. Arleigh Burke class destroyer and the Nordkapp coastguard frigate of the Norwegian Navy, as well as a host of naval aircraft and helicopters from the three navies.


“In line with an agreement reached in Murmansk, the active phase of the Northern Eagle-2012 exercises will include joint air defense drills, sea rescue missions, coordinated maneuvering and communication drills,” Russia's Northern Fleet spokesman Capt. 1st Rank Vadim Serga said.


The Northern Eagle exercises were previously held in the Arctic three times (in 2004, 2006, and 2008).

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25 mai 2012 5 25 /05 /mai /2012 12:00

Russia to Produce New Sets of Sniper Gear

New Sets of Sniper Gear


MOSCOW, May 24 (RIA Novosti)


Russia will soon start producing four new sets of sniper equipment, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Thursday.


“We will produce four sets for snipers,” Rogozin, who oversees Russia's defense industry, told reporters in Moscow.


“The weaponry is going to be a part of a set of equipment, which also includes surveillance and detection tools, means of suppression and passive protection for snipers,” Rogozin said.


The first set is designed for shooting at ranges of up to 800 meters, the second – for ranges of over 1,500 meters, the third – for snipers in urban police operations, and the fourth – for sniper training.


The sets are being developed by a special team at the Tochmash Research Institute. The team includes instructors from Russia’s special forces, who oversee the demands for weapons performance.


The Russian military is planning to deploy by 2016 at least 1,000 snipers to motorized rifle and tank brigades who would be capable of taking down the enemy at a distance of 1-2 kilometers.


Sharpshooters could also be deployed in the event of mass protests, riots, or an Arab Spring type uprising.


The next generation of snipers will be recruited from among contract servicemen and undergo long periods of training.

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25 mai 2012 5 25 /05 /mai /2012 07:20


Sea Breeze 2008. Archive


KIEV, May 24 (RIA Novosti)


The Ukrainian parliament on Thursday approved the participation of foreign troops, including U.S. and Russian, in a series of international drills later this year.


Ukrainian legislation prohibits the presence of any foreign troops or bases on the country’s territory so foreign servicemen may only participate in such exercises under a special law adopted on a one-off basis.


In 2009, the Ukrainian-U.S. Sea Breeze exercise was canceled because the Ukrainian parliament refused to grant its approval.


Later this year, Ukraine is to host the Ukrainian-U.S. Rapid Trident 2012, Ukrainian-Russian Farvater Mira 2012 (Fairway of Peace 2012), Ukrainian-Belarusian-Russian Slavic Commonwealth 2012, and Ukrainian-U.S. Sea Breeze 2012 exercises.

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