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25 mai 2012 5 25 /05 /mai /2012 07:05

Bouclier missile source RiaNovisti


MOSCOU, 24 mai - RIA Novosti


Un système de défense antimissile unifié Russie-Otan serait plus efficace que le bouclier déployé par l'Alliance en Europe, a déclaré jeudi Alexandre Loukachevitch, porte-parole du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.


"Un système de défense antimissile unifié serait plus efficace. Si l'on emprunte cette voie, une nouvelle page pourra s'ouvrir dans les relations avec les Etats-Unis et l'Otan", a indiqué le diplomate lors d'une conférence de presse à Moscou.


Et de prévenir qu'avec le temps qui passait, les chances de compromis diminuaient.


Lors du sommet de l'Otan à Lisbonne en 2010, Moscou et Washington ont convenu de coopérer dans le domaine de la défense antimissile européenne. Toutefois, les parties n'arrivent toujours pas à s'entendre sur l'architecture du futur bouclier. Par ailleurs, le partenariat reste lettre morte, les Etats-Unis refusant de garantir que le futur bouclier ne menacera pas le potentiel nucléaire russe.


L'Alliance atlantique insiste sur la mise en place de deux systèmes de défense antimissile indépendants, mais coordonnés: l'un russe, l'autre otanien. Moscou propose pour sa part de créer un système indivisible intégrant les dispositifs des deux parties.

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24 mai 2012 4 24 /05 /mai /2012 17:30



23/5/2012 Arie Egozi - israeldefense.com


Russia announced that it has successfully launched a new ballistic missile with stealth capabilities


Does the ballistic missile that Russia launched actually possess "stealth" capabilities, as Moscow is claiming?


The long-range ballistic missile was successfully launched from the Plesetsk space base. Russia announced the success of the launch and added that the missile can evade detection by NATO’s radar systems. This statement is generating considerable doubts among experts, as rendering a ballistic missile invisible to radar systems is an exceedingly complicated matter, even bordering on the impossible.


Experts explain that just as Russia can presently detect the US F-35 stealth aircraft through the use of old low-frequency radars, a ballistic missile can be detected in the same way. There are many measures today that could detect the missile launch, which creates a brown “spot” at the launch site, as well as detect the missile while in flight. The methods are varied, say the experts, and are based on the combination of measures such as radars, an optic tracking layout and a layout that can detect the acoustic signature of the rapidly-flying missile.


However, the experts say Russia may have developed a method to produce missile parts from special substances that are also painted in colors that prevent the reflection of some of the radar radiation directed towards the missile. Another possibility is that the missile is equipped with electronic countermeasure systems that jam the detection systems, and even give them numerous false targets.

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24 mai 2012 4 24 /05 /mai /2012 17:10

Budget armée russe source LeFigaro.fr

source LeFigaro.fr


MOSCOW, May 24 (RIA Novosti)


Russia's Defense Ministry plans to cut the number of its civilian personnel by a third


Russia's Defense Ministry plans to cut the number of its civilian personnel by a third, a ministry source said on Thursday.


"Following orders from [Defense Minister] Anatoly Serdyukov, a draft decree has been drawn up to cut the ministry's civil personnel numbers by as much as 30 percent," the source, who spoke on condition on anonymity, told RIA Novosti. "Most of the layoffs will come this year."


There are 886,000 workplaces designated for civilian employees at the ministry, with at least 15 percent of those vacant, the source said.


Some of those who are to lose their jobs will be moved to other organizations affiliated with the ministry, he added.


Military personnel have also been faced with marching orders after Russia's military numbers shrank to 1 million this year.

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24 mai 2012 4 24 /05 /mai /2012 12:06

Défense antimissile


Russia’s Defense Ministry is disappointed by the lack of progress in talks with Azerbaijan over extending the lease of the missile defense radar station


MOSCOW, May 24 (RIA Novosti)


Russia’s Defense Ministry is disappointed by the lack of progress in talks with Azerbaijan over extending the lease of the missile defense radar station in Azeri town of Gabala, a source in the ministry said on Thursday.


“The Russian military is disappointed by the non-constructive approach from the Azerbaijani side concerning the talks on extending the lease of the Gabala missile radar,” the source said, adding that Moscow would likely leave Gabala if the talks did not move ahead.


Russia has been negotiated with Azerbaijan to extend the lease of the Soviet-era radar, which it has operated under a 2002 agreement due to expire on December 24 this year.


The Russian Kommersant business daily reported in late February that Azerbaijan had demanded Russia pay $300 million instead of the previously agreed $7 million for the lease, which Russia is seeking to extend until 2025.


The source in the Russian Defense Ministry also said that size of the price increase was unreasonable, since the radar needed a full renovation and the sum Baku was demanding for the lease was comparable to the cost of constructing a new radar.


In 2007 Russian President Vladimir Putin suggested sharing Gabal radar station with the United States, instead of deploying the NATO missile defense shield in Czech Republic.


In early April, Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said that Yerevan was ready to provide a site on its territory for construction of a new Russian radar station if Moscow failed to agree on extending the Gabala with Azerbaijan.


On Wednesday Russia placed its new Voronezh-M long-range missile warning radar on duty in the Irkutsk region of Siberia, marking a major increase in its missile early warning system capability.


The new Voronezh-M station can detect ballistic targets up to 6000 kilometers and cover an arc from India to the United States.


Moscow has been concerned by U.S. plans to expand missile the defense shield in Europe, and announced in early May that it could introduce its massive Don-2NP radar system near Moscow as part of an agreement with NATO on a European missile defense plan to counter medium and long-range missiles.


The Don-2 radar, known to U.S. arms control negotiators in the 1980's as the "pyramid" and to NATO as Pill Box, was put into operation around 1989, and was the centerpiece of the USSR's anti-missile defense system. The 100-meter square, 45 meter high phased-array radar, with 360 degree coverage, could detect small objects in space, and was linked to interceptor missiles.

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24 mai 2012 4 24 /05 /mai /2012 07:50

Yars ICBM launch.photo RIA Novosti


23/05/2012 lexpress.fr (AFP)


MOSCOU - La Russie a procédé avec succès mercredi au tir d'un nouveau missile intercontinental dont l'objectif est de déjouer des systèmes antimissiles, notamment le bouclier élaboré par l'Otan, a annoncé un porte-parole du ministère russe de la Défense, Vadim Koval.


"L'ogive testée a atteint la zone ciblée sur le polygone de Koura" au Kamtchatka, une péninsule de l'Extrême-Orient russe, qui s'avance dans l'océan Pacifique, a ajouté M. Koval, cité par l'agence Interfax.


"Les objectifs de ce lancement ont été atteints", a-t-il souligné.


Le lancement a été effectué depuis un pas de tir mobile au cosmodrome de Plessetsk, dans le Nord de la Russie, a-t-il ajouté.


Une source militaire a précisé à l'agence qu'il s'agissait du deuxième tir d'essai de ce missile, le premier test s'étant soldé par un échec le 27 septembre 2011.


Le lendemain, des sources militaires et au sein de l'industrie des missiles avaient indiqué que le premier tir d'essai d'un nouveau missile stratégique russe, un missile sol-sol, une version perfectionnée du missile intercontinental Topol-M d'une portée de plus de 10.000 km, s'était soldé par un échec, l'engin étant retombé au sol peu après son décollage.


Mercredi, plusieurs sources ont par ailleurs indiqué à Interfax que le missile testé avait pour but de déjouer le bouclier antimissile développé par l'Otan en Europe, dont la première phase a été déclarée opérationnelle dimanche lors du sommet de l'Alliance à Chicago (nord-est des Etats-Unis).


"C'est une des mesures militaro-technique élaborée par les autorités politico-militaires de Russie en réponse au déploiement d'un système global de défense antimissile par les Américains", a ainsi déclaré le général Viktor Essine, un ancien directeur des troupes des missiles stratégiques.


Le missile "utilise un nouveau type de carburant qui lui permet de réduire le temps nécessaire pour opérer les propulseurs dans la phase active de la trajectoire" du missile, a renchéri une source militaire à Interfax.


"En conséquence, les capacités d'un tel missile d'éliminer un système de défense antimissile seront augmentées", a-t-elle ajouté.


La Russie dénonce depuis longtemps le projet de déploiement du bouclier antimissile de l'Otan en Europe de l'Est, présenté par l'Occident comme une initiative conçue pour faire face à des menaces venant de pays comme l'Iran.


Lancé en 2010, ce projet est devenu l'un des principaux sujets de discorde entre l'Alliance atlantique et la Russie, qui le considère comme une menace pour sa sécurité.


Moscou le considère en effet comme une menace pour sa sécurité et exige d'être associé au système ou, à défaut, de recevoir des garanties que celui-ci ne vise pas sa capacité de dissuasion. Mais l'alliance occidentale refuse catégoriquement, soucieuse de garder sa marge de manoeuvre stratégique.

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24 mai 2012 4 24 /05 /mai /2012 07:30

Bouclier missile source Ria Novisti


CHISINAU, 23 mai - RIA Novosti


La Moldavie pourrait devenir un partenaire indirect de la mise en place du bouclier antimissile américain en Roumanie et bénéficier des données des radars dans ce pays voisin, a estimé mercredi le ministre moldave de la Défense Vitalie Marinuta.


"Je pense que le bouclier pourrait aussi couvrir le territoire de la Moldavie, tout dépendra de notre implication dans la coopération avec l'Otan", a déclaré M.Marinuta sur les ondes de la Radio Europe Libre/Radio Liberté.


Et de rappeler que la Moldavie n'était que partenaire de l'Otan et ne menait pas de coopération active avec l'Alliance, "l'idée n'étant pas soutenue par la population".


"Cela ressort entre autres des derniers sondages d'opinion. Nous devons mener un énergique travail d'explication, en parlant à la population de l'Otan, de ses objectifs et des critères de la sécurité européenne selon l'Alliance. La population est encore sous l'emprise de vieux stéréotypes concernant ce bloc", a indiqué le ministre.


Selon M.Marinuta, la Moldavie ne pourra adhérer à l'Otan pendant les deux ou trois ans à venir.


"Tout d'abord, la Constitution de notre pays ne nous permet pas de faire partie de blocs militaires, la Moldavie ayant le statut d'un pays neutre. Et ensuite, (…) moins de 10% des Moldaves y sont favorables", a résumé le ministre.


Les relations entre l'Otan et la Moldavie remontent à 1992, lorsque le pays est devenu membre du Conseil de coopération nord-atlantique (CCNA). Signé le 19 mai 2006, le Plan d'action individuel pour le Partenariat (IPAP) de la Moldavie définit la nature de sa coopération avec l'Otan.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 17:32





Tous les nouveaux radars du système russe de défense antimissile seront déployés sur le sol russe, a annoncé mercredi à Komsomolsk-sur-l'Amour le commandant des Troupes de défense aérospatiale de Russie Oleg Ostapenko.


"Nous nous tenons au concept selon lequel les stations radars seront avant tout implantées sur notre territoire", a indiqué le général à la question de savoir si Moscou installerait des radars d'alerte aux attaques de missiles dans des pays voisins.


Il a ajouté qu'il n'était pas question d'installer de nouveaux radars à l'étranger.


La Russie mène actuellement des négociations avec l'Azerbaïdjan sur le prolongement du bail du radar de Gabala. Elle exploite en outre les radars de Baranovitchi (Biélorussie) et de Balkhach (Kazakhstan).


Un radar de nouvelle génération de type Voronej-M, destiné à avertir en cas d'attaques de missiles, est entré mercredi en service opérationnel à Irkoutsk (Sibérie).

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 16:35


An-30. Photo Gartenfreuden


WARSAW, May 23 (RIA Novosti)


At least nineteen people were injured, most of them seriously, when a Russian military Antonov An-30 aircraft crash-landed and caught fire at the Caslav military aerodrome in the Czech Republic on Wednesday , Czech information agency ChTK reported.


Previously, it was reported that six people were injured in the crash.


The aircraft had 23 people on board, including 14 Russians and nine Czechs, the agency said, quoting the Czech general staff's press secretary Jan Ruzicka.


The twin-engine turbopropaircraft, which was conducting an Open Skies surveillance flight, crashed after its nosewheel collapsed on landing, according to a Russian military source.


“The nosewheel collapsed on landing, putting the aircraft on its nose, after which it rolled off the runway and caught fire,” he said.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 16:30

Bouclier missile source Ria Novisti


CHISINAU, May 23 (RIA Novosti)


Moldova may become an indirect partner in construction of a European missile shield and receive missile warning data from radars deployed in neighboring Romania, Moldovan Defense Minister Vitalie Marinuta said on Wednesday.


“I think that it [the European missile network] could cover Moldova, but whether we will benefit from this [radar] data or not would depend on our involvement in cooperation with the NATO,” Marinuta said in an interview with Radio Free Europe.


Whilst being a NATO partner, Moldova is not seeking closer cooperation with the alliance as the population does not actively support the authorities on this issue, Marinuta said.


“The population still lives with old stereotypes about this bloc,” he said, adding the authorities should step up efforts to educate Moldovans on the nature of NATO and its goals.


Official NATO-Moldovan relations began in 1992 when Moldova joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. The Individual Partnership Action Plan between NATO and Moldova was signed on May 19, 2006.


However, the Moldovan authorities have declined so far to take any action toward gaining NATO membership as the country’s Constitution enshrines neutrality. Only 10 percent of the population supports the idea of NATO membership.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 12:50



Yars ICBM launch. The new secret missile improves its design. RIA Novosti


23 May, 2012, RT.com


The Russian military have successfully launched a top secret advanced intercontinental ballistic missile. It is designed to counter the American antimissile shield currently being deployed in several regions.


­The new weapon is an advanced version of the Topol-M and Yars missiles, already deployed by the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. The experiment was boosted off from the Plesetsk launch site in north-western Russia’s Arkhangelsk region on Wednesday. It delivered its test block to the Kura target range in Kamchatka Peninsula in the Far East.


The main purpose of the launch was to confirm feasibility of the design approaches incorporated into the missile, spokesman for the Forces Colonel Vadim Koval told journalists.


The successful test comes after a failed launch of the prototype on September 27, 2011. At the time the missile’s first-stage engine reportedly failed, which resulted in it dropping some 10 kilometers from the launch pad.


The medium-weight ICBM is “one of the military-technical measures, which Russia’s military-political leadership is taking in response to the deployment of a global antimissile defense system by the Americans,” says retired Col.-General Viktor Yesin.


The new missile may be ready for service “soon” and would boost Russia’s nuclear deterrence “in the uncertain situation”, the former head the Strategic Missile Forces’ General Staff told Interfax news agency.


According to military sources, the upgraded design behind the new weapon focused on its fuel formula. The solid propellant has been improved and allows for a faster boost, shortening the initial phase of the flight. During the boosting phase the missile is relatively slow and predictable, which makes it more vulnerable to anti-missiles.


Little detail about the new ICBM has been revealed. Unofficially dubbed Avangard, it is expected to have a MIRV-ed warhead with improved maneuvering and targeting capabilities of the vehicles. Some reports say that rather than having a traditional “bus” delivering each warhead to its target, designers chose to equip them with individual engines. This would allow active maneuvering on the descent phase.


Silo-based and mobile launcher-mounted versions of the missile are currently in development.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 12:30



23 mai 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


La conférence préparatoire finale de l’exercice FRUKUS-2012, qui se déroulera en juin prochain, s’est tenue au Musée Naval Central de St-Pétersbourg (Russie). Les commandants des bâtiments participants — venant de Russie, France, Grande-Bretagne et Etats-Unis — ont participé à cette conférence.


La marine russe enverra la frégate Yaroslav Mudry de la flotte de la Baltique. La Grande-Bretagne envoie un destroyer, la France envoie la frégate De Grasse et les Etats-Unis seront représentés par un croiseur.


L’exercice FRUKUS se déroulera en mer Baltique, près des eaux territoriales russes. Le quartier-général sera situé au Musée Naval Central de St-Pétersbourg, et accueillera des représentants des 4 pays.


L’exercice FRUKUS-2012 comprendra des phases au port et en mer. La phase au port se déroulera à la base navale de Baltiysk. La phase maritime sera effectuée dans les zones d’exercices de la flotte de la Baltique et sur le chemin, entre Baltiysk et Kronshtadt.


Pendant l’exercice, les bâtiments participants devront repousser les attaques de cibles aériennes et de petites embarcations, s’entraîneront à la navigation au sein d’un groupe de bâtiments, effectueront des opérations de recherche, assisteront un navire en détresse et s’entraineront au tir au canon.


Référence : RusNavy (Russie)

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 12:15



22/05/2012 Par la rédaction - francebtp.com


Les véhicules blindés Iveco LMV ont défilé sur la Place Rouge de Moscou lors de la parade militaire célébrant les 67 ans de la victoire russe sur l’Allemagne. C’était la première fois que des véhicules étrangers étaient ainsi mis à l'honneur sur la fameuse place moscovite.


La participation des véhicules légers multi-applications (LMV) du constructeur Iveco est le fruit de l'accord signé au mois de juin dernier par Iveco Defence Vehicles pour le développement d'une joint-venture industrielle en Russie avec Oboronservis. Cet accord entre la société italienne et l'entreprise contrôlée par le ministère de la défense russe doit permettre de localiser progressivement la production d'une version spéciale de LMV, développée spécifiquement pour ce marché russe. Actuellement, s'achève la production des 100 premiers véhicules, avec l'objectif de porter la production entre 300 et 500 véhicules par an.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 11:55



Russia placed its new Voronezh-M long-range missile warning radar on duty in the Irkutsk region of Siberia




Russia placed its new Voronezh-M long-range missile warning radar on duty in the Irkutsk region of Siberia on Wednesday, marking a major increase in its missile early warning system capability..


"At 10:15 a.m. (5:15 a.m. Moscow time) on May 23, it was put on duty," said Lt. Gen. Oleg Ostapenko, the commander of Russia's Aerospace Defense Forces at the site.


"This unique station has massive capabilities and is a key link in carring out our strategic tasks given to us by the high command. It plays a key role in the missile early warning chain," he said at the opening ceremony for the Voronezh-M radar station.


"Once a second Voronezh-M is built, we will no longer have to rely on the Dnepr missile early warning system radars" he added.


The Dnepr system was the Soviet Union's first generation phased-array anti-missile radar system. It was deployed at a number of peripheral sites in the USSR including Latvia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. Russia lost use of these facilities when the Soviet Union collapsed, causing a loss of surveillance capability.


With the introduction of a second Voronezh-M station, the system will have its coverage doubled to 240 degrees, covering an arc from India to the United States.


The new Voronezh-M station can also be more quickly deployed to a new site and requires a smaller crew to operate it compared to previous generation stations. The radar station also uses 40 percent less energy.


Former Strategic Missile Forces Chief of Staff Col. Gen. Viktor Yesin said the new Voronezh-M radar station covers the northeast of the U.S. and China.


It can detect ballistic targets up to 6000 kilometers, while the older Dnepr radar can only detect them at up to 2500 kilometers, Yesin said.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 11:44



Russia's Strategic Missile Forces test-fired a new prototype ballistic missile from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome


MOSCOW, May 23 (RIA Novosti)


Russia's Strategic Missile Forces test-fired a new prototype ballistic missile from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Arkhangelsk Region on Wednesday, Defense Ministry spokesman Vadim Koval said, but did not name the new weapon.


"The training round landed in the western region of the Kamchatka peninsula, hitting its target" he said.


The launch took place at 10.15 a.m. from a mobile launcher, he said.


"The new intercontinental ballistic missile is intended to strengthen the capabilities of Russia's Strategic Missile Forces, including its capabilities for overcoming anti-missile defenses," he said.


"The missile was built with maximum use of existing components with new elements and technologies developed during the production of fifth-generation missile systems, in order to shorten its development time," he said.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 07:55

radar de type Voronej source Ria Novist


OUSSOLIE-SIBIRSKOÏE (région d'Irkoutsk), 22 mai - RIA Novosti


Un radar de nouvelle génération de type "Voronej-M", destiné à avertir en cas d'attaques de missiles, sera opérationnel le 29 mai à Irkoutsk (Sibérie), a annoncé mardi à Moscou le porte-parole du ministère russe de la Défense Alexeï Zolotoukhine.


"Il s'agit du quatrième radar de nouvelle génération mis en service en Russie. Le radar utilisera les ondes métriques (d'où la lettre M dans son nom, ndlr.) et contrôlera les attaques de missiles venant de l'Est", a indiqué le colonel Zolotoukhine devant les journalistes.


Il s'agit du quatrième radar "préfabriqué" Voronej mis en service en Russie, les trois autres stations de ce type étant déployées près de Saint-Pétersbourg, à Armavir (territoire de Krasnodar) et dans la région de Kaliningrad (enclavée entre la Lituanie et la Pologne). Le radar de Saint-Pétersbourg est de type Voronej-M et les deux autres s'appellent Voronej-DM et utilisent les ondes décimétriques.


Le terme "radar préfabriqué" signifie que l'usine produit le radar sous forme de modules préfabriqués (23 pièces d'équipements), ce qui permet un montage relativement rapide (de 12 à 16 mois) sur son site aménagé. Les radars soviétiques plus anciens se présentaient sous forme de grands bâtiments en béton où l'on installait des éléments radiotechniques (jusqu'à 4.000 unités d'équipements), ce qui demandait parfois plus de 5 ans pour la mise en service de la station.


Le ministère russe de la Défense envisage de remplacer d'ici 2020 tous les radars datant de l'époque soviétique par ces nouvelles stations. "D'autres radars "préfabriqués" pourraient être installés dans les villes de Petchora, de Barnaoul et d'Enisseïsk. La création d'un réseau de nouveaux radars permettra de contrôler en permanence tous les secteurs potentiellement dangereux depuis le sol russe", a ajouté le colonel.

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 07:40

Sukhoi T-50 (PAK-FA) source Ria Novisti


May 22, 2012: STRATEGY PAGE


The Russian answer to the American F-22, the T-50 (or PAK-FA), has been delayed two years. It will now, barring more delays, be ready for mass production in 2019. This is according to India, which is collaborating with Russia in the development of this Russian designed fighter. The delay worries India because they are picking up half the $6 billion dollar development cost. A two year delay means rising costs, and the Russians have not announced any budget changes yet. Moreover, the $6 billion only covers work on the basic aircraft. All the avionics will be extra, and India is unclear of how much extra. India has had serious (and expensive) problems with Russian development cost projections before. Undeterred, India planned to buy 250 (now reduced to 200) of the new T-50s, for about $100 million each. An increasing number of Indians now see the T-50 possibly following the same cost trajectory as the F-22.


The T-50 prototype first flew two years ago. Russians and Indians have been doing a lot of tinkering since then. While the T-50 is the stealthiest aircraft the Russians have, it is not nearly as stealthy as the F-22, or even the F-35 or B-2. The Russians are apparently going to emphasize maneuverability instead of stealth. India wants more stealth, and would prefer a two-seat aircraft. There are also problems perfecting the engines for the T-50, and the defensive electronics. This puts the T-50 at a big disadvantage against the F-22 or F-35, which try to detect enemy aircraft at long distance, without being spotted, and then fire a radar guided missile (like AMRAAM). These problems are apparently the main reason for the two year delay.


The Russians want to sell their "Fifth Generation Fighter" (the T-50, which they admit is not true 5th Gen) to China, India and other foreign customers. With the Indian participation, Russia now has the billions of dollars it will take to carry out the T-50 development program. India is not just contributing cash, but also technology and manufacturing capability.


The T-50 is a 34 ton fighter that is more maneuverable than the 33 ton, Su-27, has much better electronics and is stealthy. It can cruise at above the speed of sound. It also costs at least fifty percent more than the Su-27. That would be some $60 million (for a barebones model, at least 50 percent more with all the options), about what a top-of-the-line F-16 costs. The Su-27 was originally developed to match the F-15, which is larger than the single engine F-16.


Russia is promising a fighter with a life of 6,000 flight hours, and engines good for 4,000 hours. Russia promises world-class avionics, plus a very pilot-friendly cockpit. The use of many thrusters and fly-by-wire will produce an aircraft even more maneuverable than earlier Su-30s (which have been extremely agile).


The T-50 is not meant to be a direct rival for the F-22, because the Russian aircraft is not as stealthy. But if the maneuverability and advanced electronics live up to the promises, the aircraft would be more than a match for every fighter out there except the F-22. If such a T-50 was sold for well under $100 million each, there would be a lot of buyers. For the moment, the T-50 and the Chinese J-20 are the only potential competitors for the F-22 in development. Like the F-22, development expenses are increasing, and it looks like the T-50 will cost at least $120 million each (including a share of the development cost), but only if 500 or more are manufactured. Russia hopes to build as many as a thousand. Only 187 F-22s were built because of the high cost. American developers are now seeking to apply their stealth, and other, technologies, to the development of combat UAVs. Thus by the time the T-50 enters service, in 7-10 years, it may already be made obsolete by cheaper, unmanned, stealthy fighters.

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22 mai 2012 2 22 /05 /mai /2012 16:30

Site of SMF in Teikovsk

Missiles Iars


MOSCOU, 21 mai - RIA Novosti


Les Troupes de missiles stratégiques russes (RVSN) ont commencé à préparer le déploiement des nouveaux missiles Iars dans les unités de missiles d'Irkoutsk, de Novossibirsk (Sibérie) et de Kozelsk (ouest), a déclaré lundi le commandant en chef des RVSN, le général Sergueï Karakaïev.


"Les travaux préparatifs en vue de fournir des missiles Iars aux unités de missiles d'Irkoutsk, de Novossibirsk et de Kozelsk, ont débuté", a déclaré le général avant d'ajouter que plusieurs autres unités de missiles recevront prochainement les nouveaux armements.


Selon M.Karakaïev, les missiles fournis à l'unité de missiles de Kozelsk seront installés dans des silos.


Le missile balistique intercontinental RS-24 Iars est une version modernisée du missile RS-12M2 Topol-M. Il est doté d'ogives multiples de 150 à 300 kt à guidage individuel. A l'avenir, le RS-24 constituera, avec le Topol-M monobloc (RS-12M2), le noyau des forces nucléaires russes.

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22 mai 2012 2 22 /05 /mai /2012 12:51


Ansat helicopter


MOSCOW, May 22 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Air Force will take delivery of at least thirty Ansat trainer helicopters by 2020, the service's spokesman Col. Vladimir Drik said on Tuesday.


"The Sokol aerodrome at the Syzransky Flight Training School will get six Ansat- U helicopters this year, and over 30 by 2020," Drik said.


The base is already converting to the type and starting instructor training, he said.


The Ansat, produced by Kazan Helicopters, is designed as a utility and training helicopter to replace the ageing Mil Mi-2.


The U-variant is a dedicated trainer with full dual avionics and controls and seats for six students, who can take turns at flying with the instructor.


The Ansat-U can also be configured with varying levels of control difficulty for training, and has an electronic engine management system to allow pilots to practice coping with engine failures.

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22 mai 2012 2 22 /05 /mai /2012 12:11


Site of SMF in Teikovsk


MOSCOW, May 21 (RIA Novosti)


U.S. military inspectors have conducted five inspections of Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces (SMF) arsenal over the last six months as part of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-3), SMF Commander Lt. Gen. Sergei Karakayev said on Monday.


“Starting December 2011 to the present, U.S. inspection teams conducted five inspections at the sites of SMF: in Yasnensk (Orenburg region), Yoshkar-Ola, Teikovsk (Ivanovo Region), and Irkutsk defense compounds as well as at the branch of the Peter the Great Military Academy on Strategic Missile Forces in Serpukhov,” Karakayev said.


According to the commander, Russia has the right to conduct 18 annual inspections in the U.S. in order to validate the accuracy of declared data on strategic offensive weapons, as well as to use its available national technical means of control. The U.S. has a similar right. According to the U.S. State Department, they have 1,004 ready to use launchers for land, sea and air-based missiles, and Russia has 881 launchers.


The new START treaty, which came into force on February 5, 2011, obliges Russia and the United States to reduce and limit the number of deployed and non-strategic offensive arms. Starting from April 6, 2011 Russia and the United States may hold inspections under the new agreement, with both exchanging information on the status of their strategic offensive arms on March 1 and September 1 of each year. The last exchange was in March 2012.

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22 mai 2012 2 22 /05 /mai /2012 12:08


Centauro B1 (photo Oto Melara)


23.05.2012 Par Frédéric Lert (FOB)


Selon des propos rapportés par l’agence de presse russe RIA Novosti, la Russie testerait le véhicule de combat à roues italien Centauro d’Oto Melara. Les deux véhicules déjà présents en Russie seraient rejoints dans les semaines à venir par deux autres, offrant aux Russes la possibilité de tester les différentes versions de ce blindé à roues 8×8 (reconnaissance, combat anti-char ou véhicule de combat d’infanterie). Les essais devraient durer toute l’année, avec en ligne de mire l’achat possible d’un petit lot de véhicules ou même d’une licence de fabrication, le nom de Kamaz étant cité dans ce dernier cas de figure pour une fabrication ou un assemblage local.


Il est vrai que cette annonce intervient quelques mois après la signature d’un accord industriel italo-russe et l’achat par Moscou, en décembre dernier, de 60 véhicules de reconnaissance blindé Lynx du même constructeur Iveco. Ces véhicules seront livrés en kit et assemblés directement en Russie. Il est vrai également que les Russes ont clairement annoncé la couleur, et la vente de navires de la classe Mistral l’a spectaculairement prouvé : ils n’auront dorénavant aucun scrupule à acheter à l’étranger les matériels ne pouvant pas être fournis par leur industrie nationale. Mais le Centauro entre-t-il vraiment dans cette catégorie ?


Non si l’on ne considère simplement la conception et la fabrication de véhicules blindés à roues. La série des BTR montre à l’envie que la Russie maitrise depuis longtemps cette technologie, le pays ayant même joué un rôle de pionnier en la matière. Mais la donne a changé ces dernières années, avec la protection contre les IED prenant une part déterminante dans la conception des matériels. Un domaine dans lequel la Russie manque clairement d’expérience et pour lequel l’achat de Centauro pourrait peut-être s’avérer utile. Dans ces affaires de vente d’un nombre limité de véhicules, le risque est grand pour le fournisseur d’ouvrir la boite de Pandore en basculant involontairement dans le transfert de technologie non autorisé. Autrement dit en prêtant le flanc au piratage technologique. Un problème que les Russes connaissent d’ailleurs très bien pour en avoir souvent été les victimes, après avoir vu les Chinois copier des gammes entières de leurs productions militaires au cours des décennies passées…

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21 mai 2012 1 21 /05 /mai /2012 11:35


Sergueï Tchemezov – PDG Rostekhnologuii


MOSCOU, 18 mai - RIA Novosti


Le carnet de commandes du fournisseur d'armes et de matériels de guerre russe Rostekhnologuii dépasse les 38 milliards de dollars, a annoncé le PDG de ce conglomérat public Sergueï Tchemezov lors d'une réunion présidée par le chef de l'Etat russe Vladimir Poutine.


"Si nos exportations s'élèvent actuellement à 10,7 milliards de dollars par an, notre carnet de commandes atteint déjà 38,1 milliards de dollars", a-t-il déclaré.


Selon M. Tchemezov, les ventes d'armes russes ne cessent de s'accroître.


Le PDG de Rostekhnologuii s'est par ailleurs dit opposé à l'idée d'accorder aux entreprises du complexe militaro-industriel le droit d'opérer sur le marché international des armements.

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21 mai 2012 1 21 /05 /mai /2012 07:16


Mil Mi-28NE Havoc (Night Hunter)


MOSCOW, May 17 (RIA Novosti)


The Mil Mi-28NE Havoc (Night Hunter) attack helicopter and 49 other military exhibits will be displayed by 14 Russian organizations at the 5th International Helicopter Industry Exhibition (HeliRussia 2012) in Moscow, the Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation reported.


The exhibition will be held on May 17-19 at the Crocus Expo exhibition center in the Russian capital’s northwest. Russia’s Industry and Trade Ministry is its organizer.


Russia’s state arms exporter Rosoboronexport, the Rostvertol and Kamov helicopter manufacturers and the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and other organizations will display products at the exposition.


Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin will attend the exhibition’s opening.


The event will also be attended by over 100 representatives from 56 countries, including Afghanistan, Brazil, India, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Turkmenistan, France and others.


Overall, 147 Russian organizations and 53 foreign companies from 17 countries will participate in the exhibition.

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21 mai 2012 1 21 /05 /mai /2012 07:15

An-124 source Ria Novisti



MOSCOW, May 17 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Air Force has received three modernized Antonov An-124-100 super-heavy transport aircraft as part of an update program for its transport fleet, Air Force spokesman Col. Vladimir Drik said on Thursday.


"The air force has got three modernized Ruslan An-124-100s and four more are being updated at the Ulyanovsk Aviastar factory," he said.


The main components of the modernization program for the An-124 are a new avionics suite and navigation system, increase the range by range 5,400 km, and a strengthened airframe. The aircraft will also get a new braking system allowing it to make 30 percent shorter landing runs. It will also get a new SRPPZ-2000 terrain warning awareness system.


"We plan to modernize another ten or so An-124s to An-124-100M standard," Drik said, adding the service will also get "up to ten new-build An-124-300 transports with an increase in payload of up to 150 tons."


The largest transport aircraft in military service in the world, the An-124 is Russia's main long-range heavy transport aircraft, and is capable of carrying outsize loads thanks to its large nose and tail doors. It is also capable of landing on rough airstrips.

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21 mai 2012 1 21 /05 /mai /2012 07:11

Su-25 source Ria Novisti

Su-25 attack aircraft


VORONEZH, May 17 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Air Force will start receiving new ground attack aircraft based on the Sukhoi Su-25SM Frogfoot combat jets by 2020, Col. Gen. Alexander Zelin said on Thursday.


“This new type of a ground attack aircraft has been included in the state arms procurement program,” Zelin, who is an aide to the defense minister, told a news conference in Voronezh (central Russia). “It will be put in service with the Air Force by 2020.”


The new aircraft will be capable of carrying of a wide range of tactical weaponry and advanced radar and navigation equipment.


It will feature elements of stealth technology and will be able to land on short runways.


The new combat jet will eventually replace the modernized Su-25SM attack aircraft now entering service.


Russia will continue to upgrade its outdated to the Su-25SM version, which has a significantly better survivability and combat effectiveness than earlier versions.


The Russian Air Force currently has over 30 Su-25SM planes in service and plans to modernize about 80 Su-25s by 2020.


Meanwhile, the Russian military has abandoned plans to develop a light attack plane based on Yak-130 combat trainer.


Zelin said the prototype, dubbed Yak-131, had not met the requirements for enhansed protection of pilots.



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21 mai 2012 1 21 /05 /mai /2012 07:08




MOSCOW, May 17 (RIA Novosti)


Russia's United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) plans to set up a standalone division to produce military transport aircraft, Acting Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin said on Thursday at the fifth Heli Russi international helicopter exhibition in Moscow.


“UAC will detach military and transport aviation into a separate segment which will be run by its general designer for all systems and in this respect we can ensure predictability until 2020 for the purchases of Il-476 aircraft and modifications...and also An-124 aircraft,” said Rogozin, who is in charge of the military-industrial complex.


“As for the Il-476 and An-124, we can speak not only about the purchases of dozens of aircraft. Considering the Il-476 aircraft, we can speak about the production of over a hundred of these planes,” Rogozin said .


The Russian government is also considering starting production in Russia of smaller transport aircraft, possibly with participation of Ukraine's Antonov design bureau, he said.


Russian military transport aviation has bright future, he said.


“Today our aircraft are used by the NATO forces for the conveyance of their cargoes. In particular, Volga-Dnepr company is engaged in this work and is doing well from these operations,” he said.

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