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29 mars 2012 4 29 /03 /mars /2012 07:00

Nato Russia source natomission.ru


BRUXELLES, 28 mars - RIA Novosti


Le ministère russe de la Défense invite le secrétaire général de l'Otan, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, à la conférence de Moscou sur la défense antimissile (3-4 mai), a annoncé mercredi Sergueï Kochelev, chef de la direction pour la coopération internationale du ministère.


"L'invitation du ministre russe de la Défense à cette conférence internationale sera remise aujourd'hui au secrétaire général de l'Alliance, Anders Fogh Rasmussen", a indiqué M.Kochelev.


Et d'ajouter qu'il restait encore du temps pour arriver à un compromis sur le bouclier antimissile.


"Notre objectif consiste à exposer nos préoccupations, faits et chiffres à l'appui, et à faire en sorte que nos partenaires en tiennent dûment compte", a dit le responsable.


Les 3 et 4 mai prochains, Moscou accueillera une conférence internationale sur la défense antimissile lors de laquelle le ministère de la Défense présentera des preuves du danger que représente le bouclier antimissile européen pour le potentiel nucléaire russe.


Moscou et Washington avaient convenu lors du sommet de l'Otan à Lisbonne en 2010 de coopérer dans le domaine de la défense antimissile européenne. Toutefois, les parties n'arrivent pas à s'entendre sur l'architecture du futur bouclier. Par ailleurs, le partenariat reste lettre morte, les Etats-Unis refusant de garantir que le futur bouclier ne menacera pas le potentiel nucléaire russe.

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27 mars 2012 2 27 /03 /mars /2012 17:25
New Russian Tank to Have Remotely Controlled Gun

MOSCOW, March 26 (RIA Novosti)


Russia’s future main battle tank (MBT) will be equipped with a remotely controlled gun, the Izvestia newspaper said on Monday citing a defense industry source.


The gun will be digitally controlled by a crewmember located in a separate compartment, which would be made from composite materials and protected by multi-layered armor. The crew compartment will be also isolated from the motor compartment to increase survivability on the battlefield.


The secret project, dubbed Armata, has been approved by the Russian Defense Ministry. It is being implemented by the tank manufacturer Uralvagonzavod in Russia’s Urals region.


Work from other projects, including Object 195 and Black Eagle, will be incorporated in Armata's design.


The prototype of Armata MBT is expected to be ready by 2013. The first deliveries to the Russian Armed Forces are scheduled for 2015.


Russian experts believe that the appearance of the remotely controlled gun would eventually lead to the development of a fully robotic tank which could be deployed as part of a spearhead in the offensive.

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26 mars 2012 1 26 /03 /mars /2012 12:00



SEOUL, March 26 (RIA Novosti)


Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama are meeting on the sidelines of the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, which opens on Monday, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported.


The two-day summit in the South Korean capital will focus on international measures to protect nuclear materials and facilities from terrorism threats. The heads of 40 countries are expected to attend.


Medvedev and Obama are expected to discuss missile defense issues, other aspects of bilateral cooperation and the situation in Syria. The meeting is expected to last two hours.


Negotiations between Russia and NATO member states on the U.S.-led missile defense project have deadlocked over the West's reluctance to give Moscow legally binding guarantees that the shield will not be used against it.


The United States says the shield is designed to protect against “rogue states” such as Iran and North Korea, but Russia is concerned it could eventually be used to neutralize its own nuclear deterrent.


Last month, Russia and China vetoed a UN resolution on Syria, sparking international condemnation. Russia said the document was "unbalanced," and China said it would not help end the violence. More than 8,000 people have been killed in Syria since protests against President Bashar al-Assad began a year ago.

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26 mars 2012 1 26 /03 /mars /2012 11:55

Flag of Sweden.svg


MOSCOW, March 26 (RIA Novosti)


A deputy Russian defense minister will discuss military cooperation issues with his Swedish counterpart during a visit to the Scandinavian country that starts on Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.


“Deputy Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov is starting his three-day working visit to Sweden on March 26,” the ministry said.


“The visit agenda envisions his talks with State Secretary for Defense Hakan Jevrell, during which they are expected to discuss the state and prospects of bilateral military cooperation and exchange opinions on urgent international security issues,” it said.


Antonov will also meet with Supreme Commander of Sweden’s Armed Forces Gen. Sverker Goranson.


A Defense Ministry spokesman earlier told RIA Novosti that Russia and Sweden often participate in various international naval drills, including Open Spirit, Baltops, Bold Monarch and Barents Rescue.


In the summer of 2012, the two countries are to hold joint exercises to rescue the crew of a submarine in distress.

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26 mars 2012 1 26 /03 /mars /2012 07:45



25.03.2012 Source: xinhua


La Russie est convaincue que le dossier du nucléaire iranien peut être résolu par la négociation, et non pas par le déploiement d'installations de défense balistiques américaines, a déclaré vendredi le vice-ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Riabkov.


« Il vaut mieux résoudre ces problèmes par la négociation et par des moyens politiques, plutôt que de tenter de se protéger d'une menace avec un bouclier quelconque, même s'il est basé sur une technologie de pointe », a déclaré M. Riabkov lors d'une conférence scientifique.


« Je ne pense pas que l'Iran, sous le coup de sanctions si sévères et alors que tous les services de renseignement du monde sont concentrés sur lui, puisse créer des armes atomiques en secret et les utiliser », a déclaré le diplomate.


Les pays occidentaux pensent qu'il n'y a pas d'autre moyen de se protéger de telles armes que de construire un système de défense antimissiles, a-t-il dit.


La Russie doit être préparée au pire, a déclaré M. Riabkov, ajoutant que Moscou continuerait de rechercher un nouvel accord avec les États-Unis.


Le vice-ministre russe de la Défense Anatoli Antonov a déclaré jeudi que la Russie ne considérait pas l'Iran comme un ennemi, mais s'opposer à toute tentative de la République islamique de développer des armes nucléaires.


Les États-Unis et leurs alliés occidentaux suspectent l'Iran de vouloir développer l'arme atomique par son programme nucléaire controversé, dont Téhéran insiste qu'il ne vise qu'un usage civil.

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26 mars 2012 1 26 /03 /mars /2012 07:40



25.03.2012 Voix de la Russie


L'adjoint du ministère des Affaires étrangères russe Sergueï Riabkov a discuté à Bruxelles des problèmes sur le système de défense antimissile avec le représentant spécial des Etats-Unis sur les questions de la stabilité stratégique Ellen Tauscher. C'est ce qu'a été indiqué par le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.


Ils ont pris part à une table ronde spéciale en vertu de la tribune de Bruxelles consacrée aux questions de la défense antimissile. Sergueï Riabkov a également rencontré le secrétaire d'Etat adjoint américain Robert Hormats. Les questions de relations économiques et commerciales entre les deux pays, l'amélioration du cadre juridique ont été discutées. Un échange de vues sur les perspectives du groupe de travail sur l'innovation de la Commission russo-américain présidentielle a eu lieu.

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25 mars 2012 7 25 /03 /mars /2012 12:07



24 mars 2012 rusnavyintelligence.com


Le site internet des marchés publics russes a mis en ligne le 22 mars dernier un appel d'offre pour un contrat concernant la maintenace des torpilles de 533mm "Physik-1" produites par les bureaux "NII Morteplotekhniki". Le contrat porte également sur la préparation des torpilles en vue de tests, y compris, selon l'odre 160, le préparation pour les essais concernant le K-329 Severodvinsk, navire tête de série du Projet 885. Les résultats de ces tests doivent permettre de conclure la procédure d'admission des torpilles "Physik-1" comme unique système de torpilles pour les unités du Projet 885. Le montant du contrat s'élève à 96 millions de roubles (environ €2,5 millions), et sa signature doit intervenir d'ici le 25 novembre 2012.

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24 mars 2012 6 24 /03 /mars /2012 12:44



March 24, 2012: STRATEGY PAGE


Ukraine has become a major exporter of armored vehicles. Ukraine offers locally made Russian designs that have better features, and quality control, than the Russian originals, as well as lower prices and after-sale support.


For example, in the last five years, Thailand has become a major customer, ordering 121 BTR-3E1 8x8 wheeled armored vehicles and 200 T-84 tanks. Thailand got a few of each at first, and increased its orders as satisfaction with the vehicles increased.


The BTR-3EI is a 17 ton vehicle armed with a 30mm autocannon, a 7.62mm machine-gun, and a 30mm grenade launcher. It also has smoke grenade launchers. There is a three man crew, and space for six troops or passengers in the back. There are firing ports and bullet-proof windows in the passenger department. The BTR-3EI was developed 12 years ago. Thailand pays $1.3 million for each of the vehicles, which will be used for counter-terror operations in the south. The BTR-3EI is air conditioned and amphibious, but further changes were made to adapt the vehicle to operations in the tropics. Armored vehicles are needed because the Islamic terrorists down south are increasingly using roadside bombs and ambushes against army patrols. The terrorists don't use many RPGs, however, so the BTR-3 won't need slat armor added on.


The T-84 is a Ukrainian modification of the Russian T-80 (a failed design that Ukrainian engineers managed to salvage). The latest version, the T-84 Oplot-M, is a 46 ton vehicle with a "western" style turret (as opposed to a Russian style one). The T-84 relies on a lot of reactive armor and modern electronics for protection and combat capability. It's armed with a 125mm gun and two machine-guns. The three man crew uses an auto-loader.


Ukraine is still the source of a lot of illegal arms exports, even to terrorist groups. In the 1990s, over $30 billion were of Soviet era arms and equipment went missing. Many Ukrainian officials and gunrunners got rich off this deal, and no one was prosecuted. Most, but not all, of these gunrunners are out of business, but bribable Ukrainian officials still look the other way when it comes to smuggling and counterfeiting. Legal Ukrainian arms exports are over $1 billion a year. It's unclear how large the illegal exports are.

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24 mars 2012 6 24 /03 /mars /2012 12:40


Photo Credit: SUKHOI


Mar 23, 2012 By Carlo Kopp, Bill Sweetman - aviation week and space technology


Melbourne, Australia, Washington - Russia’s technological strategy for post-2010 airpower, mapped out in considerable detail during the late 1990s, is reflected in emerging prototype and early production systems for both aircraft and air-defense weapons.


Unlike many nations that have followed ad hoc strategies for defining future weapon systems—often influenced by industrial base and existing force structure concerns—Russian defense planning has been systematic and disciplined in its approach, intended to symmetrically challenge U.S. strengths and asymmetrically challenge U.S. weaknesses. The strategic intent is to enhance Russia’s political freedom of action in a U.S.-dominated post-Cold War world, while using arms export revenues to relieve the pressure on limited defense resources.


Russian choices have been guided by a consistent Western tactical air defense plan that has been centered on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Delays in the JSF program have now given Russia more than 20 years to prepare for its initial operational capability date.


For aircraft, Russian defense planners have chosen quality over numbers, with the future force being based on three 30-ton-plus fighter-strike aircraft from Sukhoi, two of them direct developments of the Su-27 “Flanker” family. The smaller MiG-29/35 has been developed and offered for export only.


The most mature of the three is the Su-34 strike fighter/medium bomber. The first batch of six production-standard Su-34s, out of an initial order of 32 aircraft, has been delivered to a tactics development unit at Lipetsk, and 10 more are due to arrive this year; an order for another 92 aircraft was announced on March 1, to be delivered by 2020. Under development since the late 1980s, the Su-34 replaces the Su-24 “Fencer” in land and maritime strike, suppression/destruction of enemy air defenses and other missions, while having the speed and agility to defend itself.


The third production-standard example of the Su-35S air superiority fighter started its flight tests on Jan. 17. At that point, according to Sukhoi, two Su-35 prototypes (one was lost in a runway overrun early on) had performed 400 flight tests, and formal state acceptance trials started in August 2011, along with the first production aircraft.


The Su-35S is a substantially refined development of the original “Flanker.” Thrust vectoring is effective in yaw, pitch and roll, and fully integrated with the aerodynamic flight controls. This has permitted the elimination of the canard surfaces on the Su-30MKI and similar versions, which restricted maximum Mach to 1.8, along with a separate airbrake, saving weight and adding fuel capacity. As well as providing the fighter with exceptional maneuverability, the integrated flight and propulsion control is considered a safety benefit, making the fighter departure-resistant even in asymmetrical conditions.


The 117S engines increase available thrust by up to 16%, but new materials and refined structure keep weight close to that of the original aircraft. Radar cross-section (RCS) has been reduced, using 1990s technology developed by ITAE, and the new avionics suite includes a wide-field-of-regard radar, which combines a passive, electronically scanned array with a mechanical gimbal.


Taken together, the new features of the Su-35S point to an effort to reduce the effective range of any hostile anti-aircraft missile: lower RCS and better jamming to complicate tracking, better agility to stress the missile’s kinematic performance, combined with a radar that can maintain situational awareness or guide a counter-attack through an evasive maneuver. It was the vulnerability of the U.S. Air Force’s Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile to such countermeasures that originally inspired development of the MBDA Meteor.


Photos and videos of flight testing have underlined the radical nature of the third Sukhoi type, the T-50, the third prototype of which—with provision for radar and other sensors—flew in late November, just after the program notched its 100th test flight. Building on the foundation of the earlier designs, with the broad inner “centroplane,” vectored thrust and widely separated engines, the T-50 adds new control surfaces on the leading edge of the centroplane. These surfaces can operate differentially over a wide range of motion. The widely separated nozzles have their vectoring axis aimed outward and upward, about 30 deg. from the vertical, so that they can produce pitch, roll and yaw moments. The small vertical stabilizers are all-moving.


One question that has no official answer is whether the current T-50 represents the definitive configuration. Today’s round nozzles and the curvature of the aft nacelles are not at first glance stealth-optimized, and the engine is not fully masked head-on by the inlet duct.


The Su-35S and T-50 programs are related insofar as some Su-35S features, such as the big-screen cockpit displays and integrated flight/propulsion control, will provide experience for the T-50 developers. The Saturn 117S engine used on the Su-35S is a precursor to the 117 used on the T-50.


The asymmetric dimension to future Russian air warfare programs entails the development of counter very-low-observable (CVLO) radar technologies and long-range, high-speed surface-to-air missile (SAM) designs, complemented by a new generation of short-range point defense weapons intended to destroy incoming guided weapons, especially anti-radiation missiles, cruise missiles and guided bombs. All systems are built for high mobility, typically with 5-min. “shoot and scoot” times to permit “scooting” inside of the targeting and engagement cycles of most guided munitions.


The focus in Russian CVLO radar has been in the 1-meter VHF band. Stealth shaping in fighters is largely ineffective in VHF because components such as stabilizers and wingtips have dimensions close to the radar wavelength. Radar-absorbent treatments developed for S-band and above are ineffective in VHF due to both electrical behavior and thickness.


The flagship product is the NNIIRT/Almaz-Antey 55Zh6M Nebo M 3-D radar system, of which 100 were recently ordered to re-equip Russian air defense forces. The Nebo M is uniquely a “multi-band” design, comprising three radars and a central data fusion and command post module, all carried on separate high-mobility 8 x 8 24-ton vehicles.


The RLM-M VHF-band, RLM-D L-band and RLM-S C/X-band radars all feed tracking data to the command van’s data fusion system—which resembles the U.S. Navy’s Cooperative Engagement Capability system—using high-speed narrow-beam digital data links in the microwave band. All radars appear to be solid-state active, electronically scanned array (AESA) designs. The intent of the Nebo M design is for the RLM-M to detect stealth targets, and cue the RLM-D and -S components to produce exact tracking data, bypassing the initial acquisition problems otherwise seen in mid/upper-band radars with VLO targets. Range performance has not been disclosed but the RLM-M is expected to better the earlier Nebo- SVU by at least 40%.


The earlier NNIIRT 1L119E Nebo-SVU VHF AESA does not appear to have been built in large numbers, and used a less mobile semi-trailer configuration. The Nebo-SVU was credited with space-time adaptive processing technology similar to that or the Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeye, and in 2002 NNIIRT’s Igor Krylov said “We can see the stealth [F-117A] as clearly as any other plane”.


The push into CVLO radar is paralleled by investment in highly mobile long-range SAM designs with high speed and short flight times. The intent is twofold—to deny airspace to standoff and penetrating intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance and electronic attack platforms, while permitting SAMs to close with stealth targets before they can retreat from tracking range.


Russia’s future integrated air defense system will be constructed around the S-400 Triumf (SA-21 “Growler”) strategic SAM, and the S-500 Triumfator M or SA-X-NN SAM and missile defense system. The S-400 is now deployed with air defense regiments at Dubrovka, Elektrostal and Vladivostok.


The S-400 is a direct evolution of the S-300PMU2 (SA‑20B “Gargoyle”), retaining the space feed X-band engagement radar, tubular launch containers and basic missile airframe. The digital multimode 92N6E Grave Stone uses Sparc digital processing, and directional microwave data links to missile transporter erector launchers (TELs) and acquisition radars, such as the heavily revised 91N6E battle management radar that is based on the 5N64/64N6E/E2 Big Bird series. New semi-trailer 5P85TE2 and 8 X 8 self-propelled 5P90S/SE TELs), based on the BAZ-6909, replace earlier designs.


The baseline 48N6E3/DM missile is an enhanced “Gargoyle” with a cited range of 250 km (155 mi.). It is soon to be supplemented by the yet-to-be-seen new 40N6 missile credited with a range of 400 km. Belarus will be the first export client.


In a parallel development, army air defense units are receiving the S-300V4 upgrade to the legacy “Sprint-like” S-300V (SA-12 “Giant”/”Gladiator”) SAM/ABM, involving tracked TEL upgrades and the new 9M82M and 9M83M missiles developed for the Antey-2500 or SA-X-23, credited with 200-250 km and 120-130 km ranges, respectively. Russia has yet to disclose whether the 9S32 Grill Pan radars are to be replaced by the larger 9S32M Grill Screen in the S-300V4 program.


The upper tier of the future Russian SAM network is the S-500, currently in advanced development. Disclosures have been limited, but material released in mid-2010 suggests a missile derived from the 9M82M is likely, with a range of 500-600 km and ABM capability. The radar suite is to comprise the Big Bird-derived 91N6A(M) acquisition and battle management radar, the revised 96L6-TsP acquisition radar, and the new 76T6 multimode engagement and 77T6 ABM engagement radars.

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24 mars 2012 6 24 /03 /mars /2012 08:15



MOSCOW, March 23 (UPI)


Within the next eight years Russia's Caspian Flotilla will receive 16 new vessels, the navy said.


Later this year the Caspian Flotilla is to receive two new ships -- the Project 11661k Missile Ship Dagestan and the Project 21630 Volgodonsk small artillery ship.


The Zelenodolsk Development and Design Bureau in Tatarstan designed the ships.


Both vessels incorporate stealth technologies. The Dagestan is the Russian navy's first warship equipped with the Kalibr-NK missile system that is able to use several types of high-precision missiles against surface and shore targets at ranges of up to 190 miles.


The Volgodonsk light artillery support ship, with a draft of less than 7 feet, combined with its high maneuverability, is intended to perform a wide variety of missions in the Caspian Sea's littoral zones, in rivers and estuaries, as well as in other constricted waterways, Krasnaia Zvezda reported.


The next two warships scheduled for delivery to the Caspian Flotilla are Project 21631 small missile ships, the Uglich and the Grad Sviyazhsk, which will also be equipped with the Kalibr-NK missile system.

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 17:35



MOSCOW, March 23 (RIA Novosti)


Outmoded tanks and armored vehicles will be scrapped in a "massive" scheme launched by the defense ministry last year, a senior military official said on Friday.


"From 2011 onward, in accordance with a government decree the Defense Ministry has begun taking outdated automobiles and armored vehicles out of service and getting rid of them," Gen Maj Alexander Shevchenko told reporters in Moscow.




The scheme involves T-80, T-64, T-55, tanks as well as a number of army trucks.


Shevchenko did not disclose the exact number of vehicles to be destroyed, but the Soviet Union produced thousands of these types of tanks from the 1950's to the 1990's and stored many of them.


The ministry could not be reached for comment.

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 17:30

Dimitri Rogozine credits Kremlin


MOSCOU, 23 mars - RIA Novosti


Les systèmes de missiles stratégiques développés par l'Institut des technologies thermiques de Moscou (MIT) sont en mesure de surmonter n'importe quel système de défense antimissile, a annoncé vendredi à Moscou le vice-premier ministre russe Dmitri Rogozine.


"Les technologies utilisées dans les systèmes de missiles russes leurs permettent de franchir tous les systèmes antimissiles existants ou en projet", a déclaré M.Rogozine aux journalistes lors d'une visite à l'Institut.


"Je peux dire que les progrès atteints par le MIT dans ce domaine seront sans aucun doute utilisés dans les programmes nationaux d'armement", a-t-il poursuivi.


"Cela permettra à la Russie de se sentir en sécurité absolue même si le système de défense antimissile est déployé au niveau mondial, en portant atteinte à nos intérêts", a souligné le vice-premier ministre en charge du complexe militaro-industriel russe.


L'Institut MIT développe et fabrique les systèmes de missiles stratégiques Topol-M et les missiles balistiques intercontinentaux Boulava.


Lors du sommet de l'Otan à Lisbonne en 2010, Moscou et Washington avaient convenu de coopérer dans le domaine de la défense antimissile européenne. Toutefois, les parties n'arrivent pas à s'entendre sur l'architecture du futur bouclier. Par ailleurs, le partenariat reste lettre morte, les Etats-Unis refusant de garantir que le futur bouclier ne sera dirigé contre les forces stratégiques russes.


Les 3 et 4 mai prochains, Moscou accueillera une conférence internationale sur la défense antimissile lors de laquelle le ministère de la Défense devrait présenter des preuves du danger que représente le bouclier antimissile européen pour le potentiel nucléaire russe.

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 13:25



22 mars 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


La construction des sous-marins nucléaires du projet 949A Anteï sera achevée et les submersibles seront modernisés, a déclaré le commandant en chef de la marine russe Vladimir Vyssotski, sans entrer dans les détails du projet. Mais les experts sont convaincus que les sous-marins seront dotés de nouveaux missiles de croisière d’une portée de 1.500 km. Les industriels laissent entendre que les ces appareils du projet Anteï seront transformés en éclaireurs sous-marins, écrit jeudi 22 mars le quotidien Izvestia.


Référence : RIA Novosti (Russie)

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 13:20


Le Zaporozhie, seul et unique sous-marin ukrainien


22 mars 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Le seul sous-marin de la marine ukrainienne, le Zaporozhie, a repris la mer pour la première fois depuis plus de 20 ans, annonce le ministère de la défense ukrainien.


« Le sous-marin a quitté mardi le chantier naval n°13 de la Flotte russe de la mer Noire, et il se trouve actuellement dans la baie de Sébastopol, se préparant pour des essais de navigation, » indique le communiqué.


Le Zaporozhie a été construit en 1970 et il n’avait pas navigué depuis 22 ans. Les spécialistes ukrainiens n’avaient pas réussi à le remettre en service et ont dû demander l’aide de la Russie.


Le sous-marin a été réparé par le chantier naval n°13 à Sebastopol. En 2011, les marins ukrainiens se sont entrainés à bord de l’Alrosa de la Flotte russe de la mer Noire.


Le Zaporozhie restera plusieurs jours dans la baie de Sébastopol, puis rentrera au chantier naval. Les essais de navigation devraient commencer le 17 avril.


Référence : RIA Novosti (Russie)

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 12:40



BRATISLAVA, Slovakia, March 22 (UPI)


The Slovak army's new Mokys communications system doesn't work, Bratislava's Sme newspaper reported.


Jiri Hedenec, director of the Vyvoj Martin firm and member of the Mokys project council, said: "Two things remain unresolved: radio transceivers and container carriers. There is an official record of this."


The state initially ordered transceivers for the Mokys communications system from BAE Systems, but they were later mothballed and put into storage in a depository at the Military Repairs Plant in Trencin. New transceivers ordered from Israel for the Mokys communications system are not compatible with NATO devices and cannot be used.


The Slovak army also reported problems with radio units and weak carriages in the Mokys system.


"We documented it several times during military tests and it is now being dealt with," said Lubomir Bulik, until recently the chief of the General Staff, Bratislava's Sme newspaper reported on Wednesday.


Accordingly, last month Prime Minister Iveta Radicova filed a criminal complaint over the Mokys contract and police have launched an investigation.

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 12:35

Vladimir Poutine - source Ria Novisti


MOSCOW, March 22 (RIA Novosti)


Defense industry enterprises that are not part of the new rearmament program should not be neglected, Prime Minister and president-elect Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.


The program for the development of the Russian defense industry, prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, does not envision the modernization of industrial plants, which have not been given defense orders under the state arms procurement program until 2020.


“Make sure that these plants are not neglected and left without defense orders or modernization plans,” Putin said at a meeting with government officials on the implementation of tasks set out in his program published during the recent presidential election campaign.


“We cannot do this to the workers at these plants,” he said.


Putin asked Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry, and officials from with the Economic Development Ministry and the Health Ministry to help with the management of such plants, to resolve any social problems that may arise, supply the enterprises with alternative orders and retrain their personnel.


“We cannot just abandon them,” Putin said.


Putin has made social issues and the improvement of living conditions of the Russian citizens, especially the working class, a priority of his election campaign.

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23 mars 2012 5 23 /03 /mars /2012 08:15



20 mars 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Le sous-marin nucléaire lanceur d’engins russe Verkhoturye, Projet 667BDRM, va quitter le 24 mars la cale sèche couverte du chantier naval Zvezdochka.


Les travaux de modernisation et de prolongation de vie du sous-marin ont commencé à l’automne 2010. Depuis lors, le chantier a réparé la coque, les équipements extérieurs, les ballasts, les mécanismes des barres de plongée et de direction, et de l’hélice, et d’autres systèmes embarqués. Le sous-marin doit être remis à l’eau à la mi-avril puis ensuite les travaux seront terminés à flot.


Le chantier Zvezdochka doit effectuer les essais au mouillage, puis à la mer, durant l’été et l’automne. Selon le calendrier prévu, le Verkhoturye doit reprendre du service opérationnel à la fin novembre 2012.


Référence : RusNavy (Russie)

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22 mars 2012 4 22 /03 /mars /2012 18:40



MOSCOW, March 22 (RIA Novosti)


Proposals for the development of weaponry based on futuristic concepts will be ready by December this year to be included in the next state arms procurement program, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Thursday.


“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020,” Serdyukov said at a meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.


“We will draft the proposals for the next program by December 2012,” he said.


The Russian government has already prepared a draft bill on the establishment of an advanced military research agency, similar to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the United States, and would submit it to the parliament in the near future.


Serdyukov also said on Thursday that in line with goals set in Putin’s program articles published during the election campaign the Defense Ministry would draft proposals on the development of a system of assessment and forecast of national security threats for 30-50 years ahead.


“The plan on the development of the Russian Armed Forces until 2015 has been adopted and by January 2016 we will prepare a draft plan for the next five years,” he added.

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22 mars 2012 4 22 /03 /mars /2012 18:40



MOSCOW, March 22 (RIA Novosti)


Proposals for the development of weaponry based on futuristic concepts will be ready by December this year to be included in the next state arms procurement program, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Thursday.


“The development of weaponry based on new physics principles; direct-energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc., is part of the state arms procurement program for 2011-2020,” Serdyukov said at a meeting with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.


“We will draft the proposals for the next program by December 2012,” he said.


The Russian government has already prepared a draft bill on the establishment of an advanced military research agency, similar to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the United States, and would submit it to the parliament in the near future.


Serdyukov also said on Thursday that in line with goals set in Putin’s program articles published during the election campaign the Defense Ministry would draft proposals on the development of a system of assessment and forecast of national security threats for 30-50 years ahead.


“The plan on the development of the Russian Armed Forces until 2015 has been adopted and by January 2016 we will prepare a draft plan for the next five years,” he added.

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22 mars 2012 4 22 /03 /mars /2012 13:47



MOSCOW, March 20 (RIA Novosti, Alexander Stelliferovsky)


A new cruise missile has entered service with the Russian Air Force’s strategic long-range arms division, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Tuesday.


He did not provide any details, only saying it was an air-launched long range missile.


AF chief Col Gen Alexander Zelin previously said the new cruise missile was developed by the Taktitcheskoye Raketnoye Vooruzhenie (Tactical Missile) defense corporation and that its specifications were secret. He said the new missiles would also be installed in fifth-generation fighters.


Douglas Barrie, an air warfare analyst at the London-based International Institute of Strategic Studies, said the new weapon was likely to be “either the Kh-555 or Kh-101/102.”


The Kh-555 is a new conventionally-armed variant of the Kh-55 nuclear-armed cruise missile, which has been in service since the 1984 on Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers.


Kh-101 is a stealthy nuclear armed cruise-missile under development by the Raduga design bureau, along with a conventionally-armed variant (Kh-102). Globalsecurity.org claims the weapon was test-fired in October 1998. Some reports claim the weapon is itself a derivative of Kh-555.


Serdyukov also said Russia’s fleet of Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers will be modernized.


Defense Ministry spokesman Vladimir Drik earlier said the AF’s strategic long-range arms division will receive more than 10 modernized Tu-160M Blackjack bombers by 2020.


The new bombers will be adapted to carry advanced cruise missiles and bombs.


Zelin said in January the AF will soon deploy an advanced tactical air-to-air missile that will greatly enhance its operational effectiveness. The missile will be carried by MiG-31BM Foxhound supersonic interceptors/fighters and will subsequently be used by other warplanes.


Zelin did not identify the missile but experts believe it could be the K-37M, also known as RVV-BD, or AA-X-13 Arrow as it is known to NATO.


The K-prefix denotes a weapon in development while the M indicates a modification. An export variant of the weapon, known as RVV-BD, was shown at MAKS 2011. The BD suffix may stand for the Russian words bolshoi dalnosti, or long range.

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22 mars 2012 4 22 /03 /mars /2012 12:51

Arms of the Russian Federation.svg


22.03.2012, Voix de la Russie


L’état des entreprises du complexe militaro-industriel russe de Sibérie ne répond pas aux exigences de la sécurité nationale du pays, a déclaré le secrétaire du Conseil de sécurité de Russie Nikolaï Patrouchev. Le taux de l’équipement industriel en désuétude des entreprises d’armements en Sibérie a atteint 60 %.

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22 mars 2012 4 22 /03 /mars /2012 12:45

sous-marin nucléaire Iouri Dolgorouki (classe Boreï) sour


22 mars 2012 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


Le ministère russe de la défense et United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) ne sont pas parvenu pour l’instant à un accord sur les engagements contractuels et le financement du projet. Au départ, il était prévu que la cérémonie de début de la construction du SNLE Boréi n°4 ait lieu à la veille de la journée des sous-mariniers, célébrée traditionnellement le 19 mars. le commandant en chef de la marine russe, l’amiral Vladimir Vysotsky, avait aussi évoqué précédemment cette date.


Selon une source industrielle russe, USC et le ministère de la défense travaillent toujours sur les responsabilités contractuelles.


La construction du 3è sous-marin de la série — le Vladimir Monomakh — se déroule comme prévu, et tout est prêt pour lancer la construction du 4è, indique le service de presse du chantier naval Sevmash, qui a construit les 2 premiers Boréi.


« Le chantier est prêt à commencer la construction, mais c’est le client qui fixe la date de la cérémonie. Même le nom du sous-marin — Svyatitel Nikolai — n’est pas définitif. Il sera approuvé lors de la cérémonie, » a indiqué Anastasiya Nikitinskaya.


Selon des représentants d’USC, le retard n’est pas lié à des différences profondes entre le ministère et la compagnie.


« Maintenant, nous avons assez d’argent et le ministère désire recevoir dès que possible de nouveaux bâtiments de surface et des sous-marins. L’époque où la construction de sous-marins pouvait durer des dizaines d’années par manque d’argent est révolue, » explique Alexei Kravchenko, chef du service de presse d’USC.


Le nouveau sous-marin sera différent des premiers de la série. Des changements seront apportés au système de soutien de la vie et aux communications intérieures. De plus, le 4è Boréi emportera 20 missiles Bulava, au lieu de 16.


Ce n’est pas la première fois que la modification du contrat et l’approbation de la documentation du projet, retarde le début de la construction du 4è sous-marin de la classe Boréi. Depuis décembre 2010, la date a été retardée à plusieurs reprises.


Référence : RusNavy (Russie)

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22 mars 2012 4 22 /03 /mars /2012 08:50

cyber warfare


MOSCOU, 21 mars - RIA Novosti


Les autorités russes envisagent de créer un cyber-commandement chargé de sécuriser l'information des forces armées, a annoncé mercredi à Moscou le vice-premier ministre russe Dmitri Rogozine.


"Nous étudions la possibilité de créer un cybercommandement pour garantir la sécurité de l'information des Forces armées et de l'infrastructure de notre Etat", a indiqué le vice-premier ministre chargé de l'industrie de défense russe.


"La Russie suit dans ce domaine l'exemple des Etats-Unis et de l'OTAN", qui dépense des fonds importants pour la sécurité de l'information, a-t-il ajouté.


La commission gouvernementale pour l'industrie de défense a élaboré un projet de loi sur la mise en place d'un Fonds russe de projets militaires prometteurs, analogue à l'agence de recherche américaine DARPA, selon M.Rogozine.


Ce document a été présenté au premier ministre russe Vladimir Poutine, qui devrait le remettre à l'administration présidentielle. Le président du pays devrait le soumettre à la Douma (chambre basse du parlement russe), a conclu le vice-premier ministre.

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22 mars 2012 4 22 /03 /mars /2012 08:40

Bulava launch - Photo Northern Fleet press service


MOSCOW, March 20 (RIA Novosti)


A series of test launches for the Bulava intercontinental missile are planned for the summer, a source at the Russian Navy said on Tuesday.


Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said earlier in the day the Bulava will enter service in October.


It was not immediately clear how many launches will be conducted or whether their outcome could affect the plans to adopt the missile.


Russian experts have questioned how wise it is to adopt the troubled Bulava missile for service, suggesting it would cause more security problems than it would solve.


Military analyst Viktor Baranets said it was a “reckless” and “dangerous” move since the missile was underdeveloped.


“In its current form the missile could be even more dangerous for the [Russian] navy than for an enemy navy,” he said.


President Dmitry Medvedev said in late December that the Bulava SLBM flight tests were completed and it will now be adopted for service with the Russian Navy.


Russia successfully test launched two Bulava missiles on December 23.


Only 11 of 18 or 19 test launches of the troubled Bulava have been officially declared successful.


However, some analysts suggest that in reality the number of failures is considerably higher. Russian military expert Pavel Felgenhauer said that of the Bulava's first 12 test launches, only one was entirely successful.


Despite several previous failures officially blamed on manufacturing faults, the Russian military has insisted that there is no alternative to the Bulava.


The Bulava (SS-NX-30) SLBM, developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology (since 1998), carries up to 10 MIRV warheads and has a range of over 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles). The three-stage ballistic missile is designed for deployment on Borey-class nuclear submarines.

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22 mars 2012 4 22 /03 /mars /2012 08:10



MOSCOU, 21 mars - RIA Novosti


La Russie a détruit plus de 24.000 tonnes de substances toxiques avant le 1er mars, cela représente 60,4% de ses stocks d'armes chimiques, a annoncé mercredi le ministère russe de l'Industrie et du commerce sur son site internet.


"Nous envisageons de détruire 100% de nos armes chimiques avant 2015. Deux usines ont déjà achevé leur programme de démantèlement", a indiqué le vice-ministre Gueorgui Kalamanov cité sur le site.


Au total, la Russie doit démanteler 40.000 tonnes de substances toxiques.


La Russie compte sept usines de destruction des armes chimiques construites par l'Agence fédérale des constructions spéciales de Russie (Spetsstroï). En 2012, un atelier de destruction des munitions complexes sera mis en service dans la région de Penza (environ 600 km au sud-est de Moscou).


La Convention multilatérale sur l'interdiction des armes chimiques a été signée le 13 janvier 1993 à Paris et ratifiée par Moscou en 1997. Il était initialement prévu de détruire tous les stocks d'armes chimiques avant 2012, mais la Russie et les Etats-Unis, qui n'arrivent pas à réaliser à temps leurs programmes de destruction, ont repoussé la date butoir.

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