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29 février 2012 3 29 /02 /février /2012 13:10
Russia Signs Contract for Navy MiG-29K Fighter


The Russian Defense Ministry has signed a contract with aircraft maker MiG for the delivery of 20 MiG-29K and four MiG-29KUB carrier-based fighter aircraft


MOSCOW, February 29 (RIA Novosti)


The Russian Defense Ministry has signed a contract with aircraft maker MiG for the delivery of 20 MiG-29K and four MiG-29KUB carrier-based fighter aircraft, MiG said on Wednesday.


"Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and MiG General Director Sergei Korotkov have signed the contract for the delivery of MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB carrier-based fighters," MiG said in a statement.


MiG wil deliver the aircraft from 2013-2015. The aircraft will operate from Russia's single serving carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, with the Northern Fleet based in Murmansk. The value of the deal has not been disclosed.


"The signature of this contract for delivery of these fighters is a real step in fulfilling our program for rearming the forces. The Naval Air Forces will get a modern combat aircraft as good as any in the world," Serdyukov was quoted as saying by his press service.


The contract will guarantee MiG a steady level of work in the medium term, Korotkov said.


The MiG-29K is a navalized variant of the MiG-29 land-based fighter, and has folding wings, an arrester tail-hook, strengthened airframe and multirole capability. It can be armed with a wide variety of air-to-air and air-to-surface weaponry. So far, the aircraft has only been exported to India for use on a refitted Russian-built carrier which is to be delivered at the end of this year.


The Admiral Kuznetsov currently operates Sukhoi Su-33 naval fighter aircraft.


Russia Signs Contract for Navy MiG-29K Fighter
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28 février 2012 2 28 /02 /février /2012 19:30



MOSCOW, February 28 (RIA Novosti)


The crew of a Su-30 fighter that crashed earlier on Tuesday in Russia’s Far East reported an engine fire before the crash, a spokesman for the Main Military Investigative Directorate said.


The Su-30MK2 fighter jet crashed 130 km northeast of Komsomolsk-na-Amure during a post-construction test flight. Both pilots ejected safely, although one of them was hurt on landing.


“While executing acceleration to a maximum speed, the first pilot reported a fire in the right engine,” the spokesman said. “The flight controller immediately ordered the crew to eject.”


“The investigators are taking all necessary steps to establish the cause of the crash,” the official said.


The aircraft belonged to the Komsomolsk-na-Amure factory where Su-30s are manufactured.


The Russian military earlier said that the plane had been built for export.


Su-family fighters constitute the bulk of Russia's arms exports.


Variants of Su-30 Flanker fighters are in service with air forces in several foreign countries, including India, Indonesia, China, Algeria, Vietnam and Venezuela.

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28 février 2012 2 28 /02 /février /2012 13:35
Su-30 Fighter Jet Crashes, Crew Ejects Safely

Two crew members ejected safely after their Su-30 fighter jet crashed 130 km northeast of Komsomolsk-na-Amur during a test flight


MOSCOW, February 28 (RIA Novosti)


Two crew members ejected safely after their Su-30 fighter jet crashed 130 km northeast of Komsomolsk-on-Amur during a test flight on Tuesday, according to sources in the regional administration.


"Both crew members ejected safely but one was hurt on landing," a regional administration source said.


The aircraft belonged to the Komsomolsk-on-Amur factory where Su-30s are manufactured.


The crash took place at 10:20 AM Moscow time.


The Su-30, a multirole combat aircraft, is operated by India, China and Russia.

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23 février 2012 4 23 /02 /février /2012 19:11
Russia holds negotiations with several countries on sale of Pantsir-S1 surface-to-air missile system.


February 23, 2012 worldwide-defence


Azerbaijan and Russia hold negotiations on “Pantsir-S1” surface-to-air missile system


APA (Azerbaijan Press Agency) reports that Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are among the countries showing interest to the missile complex code-named by NATO as SA-22 Greyhound Pantsir-S1. Russia is reportedly holding negotiations with those countries.


APA (Azerbaijan Press Agency) reports that Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are among the countries showing interest to the missile complex code-named by NATO as SA-22 Greyhound Pantsir-S1. Russia is reportedly holding negotiations with those countries.


The orders were received from Algeria and Morocco for “Pantsir-S1” which is included to the arsenal of armed forces of Russia, Syria, Iran, UAE and Oman.

The “Pantsir-S1”, which is designed for air defense of military facilities at short range, can open fire at the targets in 20-km distance. The complex also includes radar system. The “Pantsir-S1”, which has different modifications, replaces Tunguska complex of the Russian army.

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17 février 2012 5 17 /02 /février /2012 13:20
New Russian Tank to Appear in 2013

MOSCOW, February 17 (RIA Novosti)


Russia will complete the first prototype of the new Armata main battle tank by 2013 and begin production and deliveries to the Russian Armed Forces in 2015, Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and the CEO of tank manufacturer Uralvagonzavod Oleg Sienko told Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, the Lenta.ru news portal reported.


Uralvagonzavod and the military are testing the main components of the new tank. No other details were reported. Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry has signed a contract worth six billion rubles with Uralvagonzavod to upgrade 170 T-72 main battle tanks, to be carried out at a specially prepared facility in Omsk, Lenta.ru said.


“The Russian armed forces will have a new main tank with fundamentally new characteristics, fully automated loading and separate crew compartment by 2015,” Lieutenant-General Yuri Kovalenko, former First Deputy Head of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Automotive Armor Directorate said last April.


Kovalenko said work from other projects, including Object 195 and Black Eagle, will be incorporated in Armata's design.

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1 février 2012 3 01 /02 /février /2012 18:15
Russia counting on Syria to keep arms exports high - report

01 February 2012 defenseWeb (Reuters)

Russia is counting on President Bashar al-Assad keeping his grip on power to see through potential arms contracts worth up to $6 billion (3 billion pounds) (3 billion pounds) and help Moscow reach a record defence export year, according to the CAST defence and security think-tank.

Russia has been Assad's main defender as Western and Arab countries push for a U.N. Security Council resolution which would call for him to step down.

A veto-wielding permanent member, Russia has already criticised the resolution saying it will lead to civil war, Reuters reports.

Having lost tens of billions of dollars in arms contracts with Libya after leader Muammar Gaddafi was ousted last year, Moscow is looking to Damascus to maintain a foothold, both politically and economically, in the region.

At stake for Russia, the world's no. 2 arms exporter, is billions of dollars in potential and current arms contracts with ally Syria, including deliveries on an order of 24 MiG-29M2 fighter jets signed in 2007.

Syria, where Russia maintains a naval base, is also the only ally Russia has left in the Middle East.

"(If Assad goes) Russia will lose everything," CAST Director Ruslan Pukhov said.

"Syria is one of Russia's top five clients. Russia already concluded with Syria contracts for $4 billion and has $2 billion more potential contracts on the way," Pukhov said.

Moscow-based CAST is Russia's most respected defence and security think-tank. Although it has good relations with the government it is independent.

Tests for the jet fighters began in December of last year, CAST said in a report obtained by Reuters before publication. Damascus was also likely to receive deliveries of Buk anti-aircraft missiles this year, it said.

Russia delivered a record $12 billion in weapons in 2011, CAST said in an annual report released before official data, boosted by sales to embattled Arab leaders and Asian countries eyeing China's rising military might.

Pukhov said while the funds are crucial for Russia's defence industry, which Putin built up during his 2000-08 presidency and lacks enough domestic orders to keep it profitable, they have little bearing on Russia's $1.85 trillion economy.

CAST said Damascus received eight percent of Russia's 2011 deliveries or nearly $960 million in jet fighter upgrades and anti-ship missile systems.


Western U.N. envoys who support the plan calling for Assad's removal have already condemned arms sales to Damascus, where the United Nations says more than 5,000 civilians have been killed in a 10-month-old crackdown on opposition to Assad's rule.

In addition to upgrades and repairs to Syria's MiG-23 and MiG-29 fighter jets last year, it also received three different missile systems, including Bastion anti-ship missile units and another anti-aircraft missile system.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said Moscow's arms exports to Syria need no explanation. While European Union and U.S. embargoes prevent selling arms with Assad's government, no international treaty with Russia is in place.

Russia has seen several years of record-breaking arms delivery growth, despite criticism that it is failing to deliver the technological benefits of Western suppliers or the low costs of emerging weapons exporter China.

Despite having signed $3.69 billion in new arms contracts in 2011, the total portfolio of Russia's arms exporting monopoly Rosoboronexport shrank to $35 billion from a size of $38.5 billion in 2010.

"We expect that results of 2012 will show that Russian export of arms will exceed the mark of $14 billion. Looking at the current portfolio...that level of export may be supported for at least another three years," the report said.

Rosoboronexport makes up around 80 percent of all arms exports in a given year, while nearly 20 independent firms make up the difference with sales of spare parts and upgrades.

Last year the top customer for Russian arms was India, whose arms ties extend to Soviet times and which received $2.5 billion worth of tanks and fighter jets as New Delhi ramps up its defences against China's growing martial might.

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21 janvier 2012 6 21 /01 /janvier /2012 12:40
L'Inde, premier importateur d'armes russes en 2012 (centre d'analyse)

MOSCOU, 20 janvier - RIA Novosti


En 2012, la Russie fournira à l'Inde des armes et du matériel de guerre pour un montant d'environ 7,7 milliards de dollars, a annoncé vendredi un communiqué du Centre russe d'analyse du commerce mondial d'armes (TSAMTO).

"Cette année, la Russie livrera à l'Inde des armes et du matériel de guerre pour un montant d'environ 7,7 milliards de dollars, ce qui constitue plus de 60% des exportations russes et 80% des importations indiennes d'armements", lit-on dans le communiqué mis en ligne sur le site du TSAMTO.

Selon le centre d'analyse, ce résultat impressionnant sera assuré par la livraison de trois commandes importantes.

La commande la plus onéreuse est celle du porte-avions Vikramaditya qui sera livré aux forces navales indiennes en décembre 2012. Mis à l'eau en 1982 sous le nom d'Admiral Gorshkov, ce navire a subi une modernisation dont le coût a changé à plusieurs reprises pour atteindre 2,34 milliards de dollars. La deuxième livraison importante sera celle de deux frégates d'un montant total d'environ un milliard de dollars. Le troisième contrat d'envergure prévoit la location par la Marine indienne du sous-marin nucléaire Nerpa. Selon les dernières informations, le prix du contrat s'élève à 920 millions de dollars.

La Russie projette en outre de livrer à l'Inde près de 40 hélicoptères MI-17V-5, 33 chasseurs Su-30MKI et neuf chasseurs embarqués MiG-29K/KUB.

En 2012, la Russie poursuivra également la modernisation de chasseurs, de drones et d'hélicoptères pour l'armée indienne.

D'après le centre TSAMTO, de 2002 à 2011, les importations indiennes d'armements ont atteint 25,65 milliards de dollars. Les experts estiment qu'elles doubleront entre 2012 et 2016.

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12 janvier 2012 4 12 /01 /janvier /2012 08:50
La Russie vend 6 chasseurs à l’Indonésie pour 500 millions de dollars

11 janvier 2012 par Edouard Maire / info-aviation

En décembre 2011, la Russie a conclu avec l’Indonésie un contrat portant sur la livraison de six chasseurs Su-30MK2. Un pied de nez aux américains qui sont liés par l’embargo sur les ventes d’armes imposé à Jakarta.

« Ce contrat de 500 millions de dollars est important, parce qu’il renforce la position de la Russie sur le marché indonésien des armements tant convoité par les Américains qui proposent leurs anciens chasseurs F-16 aux Indonésiens », a déclaré le 10 janvier à Moscou le directeur du Centre d’analyse des stratégies et technologies Rouslan Poukhov.

Le contrat jette en outre les bases de la coopération russo-indonésienne dans la construction d’avions civils, notamment de l’avion MS-21, a ajouté M.Poukhov. En 2012, la Russie doit commencer la livraison de nouveaux moyens-courriers Sukhoi SuperJet-100 à l’Indonésie.

La Russie avait déjà signé un contrat de vente de trois avions de combat Su-30MK2 et de Su-27SKM en 2007. En 2003, la Russie a également signé un contrat de vente de deux avions Su-27SKM et deux avions de combat SU-30MK.

Le Ministre de la Défense de l’Indonésie Purnomo Yusgiantoro avait déclaré en octobre 2010 que son pays avait besoin d’un escadron complet d’avions de combat composé de 16 avions de type Sukhoï, ainsi que de Su-30MK2 pour sa Marine.

Depuis l’embargo des États-Unis sur l’achat d’armes à l’Indonésie en sanction contre les violations des droits de l’Homme (Timor oriental), l’Indonésie se tourne vers la Russie et la Chine pour se procurer des avions de combat et d’entraînement. Au total, la Russie a déjà fourni dix chasseurs Sukhoi, dix hélicoptères Mi-35, 14 hélicoptères Mi-17, 17 blindés de transport de troupes TMP-3F, 48 blindés BTR-80A et 9.000 fusils d’assaut Kalachnikov AK-102 à l’Indonésie. Quant à la Chine, elle a proposé d’exporter ses avions de combat légers FTC-2000 à Jakarta.

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4 janvier 2012 3 04 /01 /janvier /2012 13:30
Su-27 Survives On Upgrades


January 4, 2012: STRATEGY PAGE


Despite being in service for 25 years, the Su-27 continues to appear in updated models. The most recent one is the Su-27SM(3). The Russian Air Force received a dozen of these in 2011. The SM(3) version has more powerful and durable AL-31M1 engines and a reinforced airframe that enables the aircraft to take off with three more tons of fuel or weapons. There were also updated electronics and a "glass" (full of touch screens) cockpit. Russia considers the Su-27SM(3) twice as capable as the original model, the Su-27S, in air-to-air combat and three times as effective in ground attack.


Things are not doing so well with existing Su-27s. Last year, Russia grounded all of its Su-27s. This necessary until it could be determined what caused one to crash on January 14th, 30 kilometers from its airbase at Dzemga (in the Far East). The pilot died in the crash, but the flight recorder was recovered. A year earlier, two Su-27s crashed. The Su-27 entered service in the 1980s and some of them are showing their age. It's still a first line fighter, but only as long as updated models can be developed and built. Russia's Sukhoi aircraft company has sold over a billion dollars' worth of these aircraft (plus components and technical services for them) a year for the last few years. Sukhoi mainly supplies Su-27/30 jet fighters to India, China, Malaysia, Venezuela and Algeria. The 33 ton Su-27 is similar to the U.S. F-15, but costs over a third less.


Developed near the end of the Cold War, the aircraft is one of the best fighters Russia has ever produced. The government helped keep Sukhoi alive during the 1990s, and even supplied money for development of an improved version of the Su-27 (the Su-30). This proved to be an outstanding aircraft, and is the main one Sukhoi produces. There are now several Su-30 variants, and major upgrades. While only about 700 Su-27s were produced (mostly between 1984, when it entered service, and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991), adding Su-30 production and you have over 1,000 aircraft (including license built ones in China and India).

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2 janvier 2012 1 02 /01 /janvier /2012 13:05


Su-30 of the Vietnam People Air Force (photo : Jetphotos)




Interfax-AVN - Russia successfully carried out a contract to supply Vietnam 12 multifunctional fighters Su-30MK2.

"In accordance with the timetable agreed with the customer next four Su-30MK2 posted on Friday from Komsomolsk-on-Amur in Vietnam," - said a source in the military-industrial complex.


He recalled that the delivery of the first four aircraft were delivered in June this year.



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2 janvier 2012 1 02 /01 /janvier /2012 12:30
The Russo-Jordanian Super RPG

photo Bandaly


December 31, 2011: STRATEGY PAGE


A factory in Jordan has begun production of a new, Russian designed, portable anti-tank weapon called the RPG-32. The design was paid for by Jordan so the new weapon could be produced in Jordan. The RPG-32 will also be produced in Mexico, Argentina, and Russia. The RPG-32 has two components. One is the non-disposable sight and sleeve for insertion of the rocket launcher container. The sight module weighs three kg (6.6 pounds) while the 105mm rocket (stored in and fired from its cylindrical container) weighs seven kg (15.4 pounds). This rocket has a max range of 700 meters and can penetrate 750mm (30 inches) of armor. The old RPG-7 launcher weighed 8.2 kg (18 pounds) and each 85mm rocket propelled warhead weighed 2.3 kg (5 pounds). With a range of 200 meters the warhead could penetrate 300mm of armor. An improved (and slightly heavier) tandem warhead for the RPG-7 could penetrate 600mm of armor.


The design of the RPG-32 was based on the earlier Russian RPG-29. This was a late 1980s design that consisted of a 4.55 kg (ten pound) launcher that fired a 105mm 6.7 kg (14.7 pound) rocket out to 500 meters. The warhead could penetrate 700mm of armor. The launchers cost about $500 each and the rockets $300 each.

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8 décembre 2011 4 08 /12 /décembre /2011 08:30
BPC russes : La phase de réalisation lancée

Le BPC Dixmude quittant Saint-Nazaire, en juillet dernier



08/12/2011 MER et MARINE


La phase de réalisation du programme des bâtiments de projection et de commandement commandés par la Russie a débuté. C'est ce qu'annonce DCNS, maître d'oeuvre du programme, qui sous-traite à STX France la construction des deux navires, qui seront livrés par les chantiers de Saint-Nazaire en 2014 et 2015. DCNS et STX travaillent sur les études de conception visant à adapter le design de ces bâtiments, dérivés des BPC français du type Mistral, aux besoins de la marine russe. « Si ces deux BPC restent en grande partie identiques aux BPC français de type Mistral, quelques adaptations sont à l'étude pour répondre aux besoins du client. Les navires seront aménagés pour permettre l'accueil des hélicoptères à double rotors de Kamov. Les deux bâtiments seront équipés de systèmes spécifiques, tels que le dégivrage partiel du pont d'envol, pour affronter les conditions climatiques très froides. Enfin, les systèmes électriques seront adaptés pour répondre aux normes russes », explique DCNS.

Côté construction, après la découpe des premières tôles à Saint-Nazaire, la réalisation des blocs constituant les futurs navires (M33 et N33 selon la terminologie nazairienne) commencera début 2012.

Le Dixmude en construction, en 2010 (© : STX FRANCE - BERNARD BIGER)

Un Kamov Ka-52 (© : MARINE NATIONALE)

Soutenir la modernisation des chantiers russes

En dehors des seuls BPC, ce contrat vise également à mettre à niveau l'industrie navale russe, qui souhaite se moderniser. Pour se faire, les Français travaillent avec le groupe russe OSK. Les chantiers de l'Amirauté, à Saint-Pétersbourg, sont associés à la phase de réalisation dès le premier bâtiment. Ils réaliseront environ 20% de la coque, sous forme de blocs destinés à la partie arrière, qui seront acheminés à Saint-Nazaire pour être assemblés au reste de la coque. Les Russes doivent ensuite fournir environ 40% des blocs du second BPC, avec un niveau d'armement plus important. Là encore, les structures fabriquées en Russie seront transférées en France. Pour mener à bien ce transfert de technologie, des personnels russes sont attendus dans l'estuaire de la Loire pour se familiariser avec les méthodes de production de STX, qui enverra également une équipe à Saint-Pétersbourg pour superviser les travaux réalisés aux chantiers de l'Amirauté. Suivant le projet négocié entre Paris et Moscou, il est ensuite prévu que la Russie commande deux BPC supplémentaires, qui seraient achevés à Saint-Pétersbourg. En dehors de sa fonction de maître d'oeuvre, DCNS réalisera l'intégration du système de direction des opérations du navire et du système de communications.

Longs de 199 mètres pour un déplacement de 22.000 tonnes en charge, les futurs BPC russes pourront, comme leurs homologues français, déployer des hélicoptères, ainsi que des troupes et des véhicules via des engins de débarquement. Pour mémoire, les Mistral (2006), Tonnerre (2007) et Dixmude (2012) de la Marine nationale, armés par un équipage de 170 hommes, peuvent embarquer 16 hélicoptères lourds, ainsi que 450 soldats, 70 véhicules et deux engins de débarquement amphibie rapides (EDA-R). Ils disposent également d'importantes infrastructures de commandement et d'installations hospitalières très développées.

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6 décembre 2011 2 06 /12 /décembre /2011 12:45



MOSCOU, 6 décembre - RIA Novosti


L'agence russe d'exportation d'armements Rosoboronexport présentera des modèles d'armements russes ultrasophistiqués lors du Salon maritime et aérospatial LIMA-2011 qui se déroulera du 6 au 10 décembre à Langkawi (Malaisie), a annoncé mardi le service de presse de l'agence dans un communiqué.

"Il s'agit d'un marché très important à nos yeux, car une part importante des ventes de Rosoboronexport est réalisée en Asie du Sud-Est. Malgré une concurrence croissante, nous avons l'intention d'élargir notre coopération avec les pays de la région", a déclaré le vice-président de l'agence, Viktor Kamardine, cité dans le communiqué.

L'agence russe devrait présenter lors du Salon un avion d'entraînement et de combat Iak-130, un hélicoptère polyvalent Ka-226T, un système de missiles sol-air Buk-M-2E, un système antiaérien Pantsir-S-1, un sous-marin Amour-1650 ainsi qu'une frégate polyvalente Gepard 3.9 (projet 11661).

"Le ministère malaisien de la Défense devrait prochainement annoncer un appel d'offres pour l'achat de chasseurs polyvalents. Je suis sûr que nos chasseurs Sukhoi-30 ont des chances de succès", a indiqué le responsable russe.

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29 novembre 2011 2 29 /11 /novembre /2011 12:55
Le Yak-130 découle du démonstrateur Yak-AEM-346, développé au milieu des années 90, par Yakovlev. Photo Irkut Corp

Le Yak-130 découle du démonstrateur Yak-AEM-346, développé au milieu des années 90, par Yakovlev. Photo Irkut Corp


28 novembre 2011 par Rédaction - Aerobuzz


Irkut Corp a exposé pour la première fois au salon aéronautique de Dubaï (13-17 novembre 2011) son biplace d’entrainement Yak-130 qui doit entrer en service, en Algérie, avant fin 2011.


D’ici à la fin de l’année, les forces aériennes algériennes intègreront leur premier Yak-130. Ce biplace d’entraînement militaire sera utilisé pour la formation des futurs pilotes de Su-30 MKI. Les deux avions sont construits par Irkut Corp. Pour l’heure, la Russie est le seul pays à utiliser le Yak-130, en service depuis avril 2011. Ses besoins sont estimés entre 250 et 300 appareils à terme.

Le Yak-130 peut également être armé de bombes guidées de 500 kg et de missiles R-73 à courte portée. © Irkut Corp.

Le Yak-130 peut également être armé de bombes guidées de 500 kg et de missiles R-73 à courte portée. © Irkut Corp.

L’avion d’entraînement Yak-130 destiné à la formation des pilotes de combat © Irkut Corp.

L’avion d’entraînement Yak-130 destiné à la formation des pilotes de combat © Irkut Corp.

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21 novembre 2011 1 21 /11 /novembre /2011 13:10



21 novembre 2011 par Valerie Cheron / INFO-AVIATION


Exhibé avec fierté par la Russie lors du salon aéronautique de Dubaï, le Yak-130 doit devenir un best-seller à l’exportation sur le marché des avions d’entraînement.


La Russie a pris de l’avance sur le vaste marché de l’avion subsonique d’entraînement au combat*. Ce secteur connait une forte croissance qui s’explique par le fait que la génération précédente (comme le Hawk britannique) accuse un retard considérable depuis que les avions de combat de 4ème et 5ème génération sont présents dans les armées.


Les pays clients attendent en effet des avions d’entraînement à la hauteur des performances des nouvelles générations d’avions de chasse qui offrent une meilleure maniabilité, un rapport poussée/poids plus élevé, une capacité de vol à angle d’attaque élevé, et des logiciels de bord sophistiqués.


Aujourd’hui, le Yak-130 semble pouvoir répondre à ces besoins. Le Yak-130 a été fabriqué sur la base du démonstrateur Yak-AEM-346, qui lui-même été développé au milieu des années 90 par Yakovlev DB (aujourd’hui Yakovlev Engineering Center de IRKUT Corp) avec la participation de spécialistes italiens.




Cockpit d'un Yak-130.


Il peut recevoir des bombes guidées de 500 kg, des bombes aériennes et des roquettes. Pour engager des cibles aériennes, le Yak-130 peut être armé de missiles à courte-portée R-73 pouvant être guidés jusqu’à 20 km de portée. De nouvelles options d’armes sont à l’étude pour compléter l’armement du Yak-130 utilisant l’imagerie thermique et le laser. Les capacités de combat des Yak-130 pourrait être également renforcées par l’installation d’un système de ravitaillement en vol.


Qu’en est-il des ventes ? Depuis avril 2011, les Yak-130 sont utilisés par la Russie pour la formation de ses pilotes de chasse. Les pilotes russes apprécient sa grande maniabilité et sa stabilité en vol. L’armée russe souhaite en acquérir 250 unités. Le contrat devrait être conclu d’ici la fin de 2011.


L’Algérie a commandé des Yak-130 afin de dispenser une formation de haute qualité pour ses futurs pilotes de Su-30MKI. Les livraisons devraient avoir lieues d’ici la fin de l’année 2011. Les Yak-130 sont fabriqués dans les installations de production d’Irkut et les pilotes algériens ont déjà terminé leur formation en Russie pour bientôt piloter leurs nouveaux avions.


Concernant la Libye, la guerre civile a changé la donne. La Russie était un gros vendeur d’armes pour Kadhafi mais la France occupe désormais le terrain suite à son rôle déterminant dans la chute du régime.


Certains experts estiment que le Yak-130 se caractérise par un prix élevé, des performances de combat plus modérés et qu’il intègre de nombreux composants de fabrication américaine.


Les experts en matériel de défense pensent néanmoins que les avions de combat légers ont un bel avenir devant eux. La demande pour ce type d’avion est en hausse en raison des conflits de faible intensité et des opérations anti-terroristes qui se multiplient dans le monde entier.


Avec leurs nouveaux équipements, ces avions « d’entraînement » seront assez efficaces pour lutter contre des avions de transport, des hélicoptères, et des drones.


* Le Yak-130 est en concurrence avec le T-50 de KAI (Corée du Sud), le M-346 d’Alenia Aermacchi (Italie), le Hawk de BAE (UK), le A-4 Skyhawk (USA) et à l’Aero L-159 Alca (République tchèque).

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12 octobre 2011 3 12 /10 /octobre /2011 17:20


source RT.com


12 October, 2011, RT.com


Russia is to continue supplying advanced defensive weaponry to the Southern Kuril Islands, which have long been the subject of a territorial dispute between Moscow and Tokyo.


So far, the Russian troops deployed on the group of Pacific Ocean islands have received air defense missile systems, heavy weaponry and communications technology. The defenses are now to receive a further upgrade, reports Interfax.


"Buk-M1 surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems, modern communications systems and heavy armor, including a battalion of T-80 tanks, have already been delivered to the Kurils," a high-ranking official at the Defense Ministry told Interfax on Wednesday."The provision of modern weapons and hardware for the troops in the Kurils will continue."


In particular, the source did not rule out that Pantsir-S1 mobile missile antiaircraft weapon systems will be deployed in the region, while Buk-M1 systems will be replaced by a new version – Buk-M2.


Meanwhile, new military towns complete with all necessary infrastructure are being built on Kunashir and Iturup islands.

Russia's chief of army staff, Nikolai Makarov, previously said the Kremlin was committed to fielding its latest military technologies on the Kuril Islands.


Earlier, Russia’s chief of army staff Nikolay Makarov said that Moscow planned to equip the Kurils with weaponry that would “guarantee security for the Russian territory from sea, air and land.” In particular, the mobile coastal missile system (MCMS) Bastion with anti-ship missiles Yakhont is due to be supplied for the troops deployed on the islands.


"By 2014, at the latest 2015, the grouping in the Kurils will have an absolutely new look with modern weapons and military hardware," Makarov told Interfax.


The personnel will not be increased though. However, its potential will grow significantly, the Army chief pointed out.

In February, President Dmitry Medvedev ordered that sufficient weaponry be deployed on the Kuril Islands to guarantee the security of the disputed territory.


Moscow’s stance is clear: it does want to maintain good relations with the neighbors, but Russia’s sovereignty over the islands is irrefutable – they are an integral part of the country.


The Southern Kurils – comprising the islands Kunashir, Shikotan, the Khabomai Rocks and Iturup – fell underSoviet control after WW2 and have since been considered Russian territory. Tokyo, however, insists that the four islands of the archipelago – known as the Northern Territories by the Japanese – belong to them.


The dispute has been going on for years now with the sides repeatedly exchanging heated comments. The status of the territory was a major stumbling block in the signing of the Moscow-Tokyo peace agreement following WW2. Tensions intensified even further at the end of last year when several high-ranking Russian officials, including President Medvedev, visited the Kurils.


In July, Moscow and Tokyo created a historical commission to study thorny issues in bilateral relations and discuss the peace treaty in “a more favorable atmosphere.”


In September, in his first telephone conversation with Dmitry Medvedev, Japan's new Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda expressed his willingness to resolve the territorial dispute and sign a peace treaty, reported Japan’s Kiodo agency.


However, when several days later Russian security chief Nikolay Patrushev arrived on a working visit to the Kurils, the usual barbed exchange of diplomatic comments followed. Japan’s government expressed its regret over the visit and called it “unacceptable.” The Russian Foreign Ministry hit back saying that visits by Russian officials to the islands were “an internal matter for our country” and any outside assessment was inappropriate.

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5 octobre 2011 3 05 /10 /octobre /2011 07:25
The new upgrade of Russian T-90 main battle tank unveils at Russian Expo Arms 2011.


New T-90S at Russian Expo Arms 2011


October 2, 2011, armyrecognition.com


At the Defence Exhibition of Nizhny Tagil, REA 2011 (Russian Expo Arms 2011 ), which held from the 8 to 11 September 2011, Russian defence industry unveils a new upgrade version of the T-90 main battle tank, the T-90S.






The T-90S can fire anti-tank guided missile. The system is intended to engage tanks fitted with ERA (explosive reactive armour) as well as low-flying air targets such as helicopters, at a range of up to 5km. For explosion and fire safety reasons some ammunition allowance is stowed in a special hull rear section.


The T-90S is motorized with a new V-92S2F engine which reduces the fuel consumption, and he is also more powerful. The new T-90S can run at a maximum speed of 60 km/h on road.


To increase the protection of the tank, the T-90S is fitted with new armor plates to each side of the hull, to protect the suspension against anti-tank rockets. The rear side of the hull is equipped with wire cage armor, same as for the turret. A new three sets of armor are mounted at the front of the turret.


Actually a new Russian main tank is under development under the name of “Armata




Future view of Russian main battle tank Armata

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27 septembre 2011 2 27 /09 /septembre /2011 16:30
Colloque : Regards croisés franco-russes sur 30 ans d'intervention en Afghanistan

26 septembre 2011 mars-attaque.blogspot.com

Ce vendredi, le 30 septembre 2011, se tiendra un colloque dont la teneur s'annonce particulièrement instructive. Il étudiera la vision comparée française et russe des interventions successives en Afghanistan depuis 1979. Il se tiendra de 16h à 20h à l'Institut de la Démocratie et de la Coopération, 63bis rue de Varenne à Paris dans le 7ème arrondissement.
16H00 – 16H10 : Présentation du colloque par Romain BESSONNET, secrétaire général du Cercle Aristote.
16H10 – 16H30 : Introduction générale par Natalia NAROTCHNITSKAYA, présidente de l'IDC.
16H30 – 17H00 : Meriadec RAFFRAY, historien de formation, officier de réserve, journaliste, secrétaire général de l'Association des Journalistes de Défense.
17H00 – 17H30 : Omar Mohammad NESSAR, directeur du Centre pour l'Étude de l'Afghanistan Contemporaine de Moscou, rédacteur en chef du site www.afghanistan.ru.
17H30 – 18H00 : Natalia BURLINOVA, candidate en sciences politiques, experte de la fondation de la perspective historique.
18H00 – 18H30 : Vladimir TOZZI, ancien officier de la DRM, spécialiste du renseignement.
18H30 – 19H00 : Georges-Henri BRICET des VALLONS, chercheur en science politique et analyste Défense à l'Institut Choiseul.
19H00 – 19H30 : Alexandre Alekseïevitch KNYAZEV, docteur en sciences historiques, chercheur à l'académie des sciences de Russie, journaliste.
19H30 – 19H50 : questions de la salle.
19H50 – 20H00 : Conclusion générale par Natalia NAROTCHNITSKAYA, présidente de l'IDC.
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17 septembre 2011 6 17 /09 /septembre /2011 11:50
Armements: l'Inde lance un remake du Kalachnikov (journal)

NEW DELHI, 16 septembre - RIA Novosti


L'Inde envisage de lancer la production d'un fusil d'assaut imitant le célèbre Kalachnikov AK-47 dont il reprend les caractéristiques principales, a annoncé vendredi le quotidien Times of India, se référant à des sources au sein de l'industrie d'armements.


Selon le journal, l'entreprise Tiruchirapalli Ordnance Factory (basée dans l'Etat indien du Tamil Nadu) a mis au point un fusil d'assaut que les médias ont immédiatement baptisé "le cousin de l'AK-47".


Appelée Tiruchirapalli Assault Rifle (TAR), la nouvelle arme subit actuellement des tests en vue de sa prodiction en série. D'après le journal, elle équipera d'abord la police avant d'être mise à la disposition de l'armée.


Des sources proches du fabricant du fusil indien ont fait savoir que le TAR est en mesure de neutraliser les cibles à une distance de 400 mètres.


Le quotidien rappelle que les armuriers indiens avaient déjà tenté de mettre sur pied leur propre production de fusils d'assaut similaires à l'AK-47. Or, cette démarche avait alors provoqué les protestations de leurs collègues russes mécontents de cette violation des droits d'auteur.

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12 septembre 2011 1 12 /09 /septembre /2011 16:35



12 September 2011 by defenceWeb


Algerian pilots in have started solo flying on the Yak-130 trainer in Russia ahead of aircraft deliveries later this year. The Algerian air force has 16 Yak-130 advanced trainers/light attack aircraft on order.


Algerian pilots performed their first solo flights on the Yak-130 at Irkutsk Aviation Plant’s airfield on the first of this month. They first underwent a three month course covering flight theory and practical training, according to Irkut.


Algerian pilots along with the Irkut’s flight crew made more than 100 flights on the Yak-130 before going solo. In addition to pilots, a large number of Algerian engineers and technicians are attending the Yak-130 training course provided by Irkut.


In 2006 Irkut Corporation signed a contract for 16 Yak-130s for the Algerian Air Force. According to the ITAR-TASS news agency, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant will start delivering Algeria’s aircraft before the end of the year.


“About 30 fighters have already been assembled and are at the final stage of readiness,” said Irkut Aircraft Corporation President Alexei Fyodorov.


Algeria bought the Yak-130s as part of an arms package worth US$7.5 billion during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Algeria in March 2006. The deal included the purchase of 28 Sukhoi Su-30MKA and 34 MiG-29 multirole fighters (28 single-seat MiG-29SMTs and six two-seat MiG-29UBTs) as well as eight batteries of S-300PMU-2 air-defence missile systems and 24 Almaz-Antei 2S6M Tunguska 30 mm/SA-19 self-propelled air-defence systems. Deliveries of the MiG-29s was suspended and the 15 aircraft that had arrived returned to Russia following quality problems, but the Su-30s were accepted without issue.


The Yak-130 was designed to provide basic and advanced pilot training for Russian and foreign-made combat aircraft, including 4th+ and 5th generation fighters. The aircraft is fitted with an advanced glass cockpit and can carry 3 000 kg of weaponry.


The Yak-130 was chosen as the main aircraft for basic and advanced training of Russian Air Force pilots. Deliveries to the Russian Air Force, which expects to order an initial 72 aircraft, began in February last year.


Libya was the second export customer for the Yak-130 and ordered six. However, following the civil war there, deliveries have been frozen. “We do not know what will happen to it,” Fyodorov said about the Libyan contract. “But in any case, the planes that have been made for this country will be reoriented for another customer, first of all – for the Russian Air Force.”


Irkut estimates the market capacity for the Yak-130 is 250 aircraft between now and 2015.

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6 septembre 2011 2 06 /09 /septembre /2011 06:00



September 5, 2011 defpro.com


On September 1, 2011 at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant’s airfield – a subsidiary of JSC IRKUT Corporation, pilots of Algerian Air Force performed first solo flights on the Yak-130 combat trainer jet.


Three months course of theoretical and practical trainings preceded those flights. Algerian pilots along with the IRKUT’s flight crew made more than 100 flights on the Yak-130 combat trainer jet and were allowed to solo flights. Earlier a large number of Algerian engineers and technicians also attended the training course manual on the Yak-130 aircraft.


Yak-130 Combat Trainer, developed by the Yakovlev Design Bureau, was chosen as the main aircraft for basic and advanced training of Russian Air Force pilots. Yak-130 can provide top-class pilots training to handle Russian and foreign-made combat aircraft of the generations 4+ and 5. Yak-130 aircraft is the basic component of the training complex including integrated system of the objective control, educational computer classes, flight and specialized training apparatus.


Since February, 2010 Yak-130 are being supplied to the Russian Air Force.


IRKUT Corporation performs the contract signed in 2006 for the Yak-130 delivery to Algeria. Negotiations on Yak-130 delivery to other countries are underway. The Yak-130 market capacity is estimated at 250 aircraft until 2015.


Serial production of Yak-130 aircraft on the Irkutsk aviation plant (IAP) is conducted with complex use of modern digital technologies.

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3 septembre 2011 6 03 /09 /septembre /2011 08:15


source rusnavyintelligence.com


2 septembre 2011 Par Rédacteur en chef. PORTAIL DES SOUS-MARINS


La Marine russe a procédé aux premiers essais d’appontage du Ka-52 dans sa version navalisé. Ces hélicoptères doivent être embarqués sur les futurs Mistrals russes.


Référence : RusNavy Intelligence



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25 août 2011 4 25 /08 /août /2011 06:15
photo V.Kuzmin

photo V.Kuzmin


Aug 24, 2011 By Robert Wall aviation week and space technology


Moscow - Money alone cannot reinvigorate an air force after years of neglect—that is the painful lesson the Russian military is learning as it and the domestic industry work to modernize the country’s air force.


The influx of funding in the past two years has undoubtedly benefited industry, triggering a reversal of fortunes. But it also has brought to the forefront a raft of new problems, including how to meet the timetable for replenishing the air force fleet.


The size of the appetite for fighters was underscored by Russian air force chief Col. Gen. Alexander Zelin, who says the service is looking to field five squadrons of Su-34s, or around 120 aircraft. The fighter program languished in development for years; the first operational unit was only established recently, more than a decade late. Four of the aircraft were handed over last year and six are due to be delivered this year, with 12 to follow each year thereafter.


But Zelin is concerned about fielding plans for the Su-35, Russia’s latest fighter, which is seen as an important element in the fleet renewal plan and also as a capability gap-filler until the fifth-generation T-50 arrives. The Su-35 program has suffered development delays, in part because of a ground accident with the third prototype three years ago that destroyed the aircraft, but also due to concern in the service that the Su-35 will not meet the Russian air force’s specifications. The fighter was initially designed for the export market when Russia’s industry was unable to secure funding at home.


Pressure is mounting on the Su-35 program also because of the aggressive time line that has been set for the T-50, which Zelin describes as the service’s top fighter priority. Two aircraft are in flight trials and United Aircraft Corp. (UAC) President Mikhail Pogosyan promises two more will be delivered this year. Plans call for the first preproduction T-50 to be handed over in 2013, with the production standard aircraft to become available in 2014-15.


But behind the scenes, military officials worry that the T-50 development and production milestones cannot be met, and they feel the Su-35 needs to be fielded quickly to address immediate equipment concerns.


In many respects, the Su-35 also serves as a technology pathfinder for the T-50. Both use the same Article 117S engines and their radar technology shares a heritage. The Su-35’s Irbis-E has a 350-400-km (220-250-mi.) detection range for targets with a 3-sq.-meter (33-sq.-ft.) radar signature and is both electronically and mechanically scanned. It has the ability to track up to 30 targets simultaneously and engage eight at the same time.


The Su-35’s laser targeting pod in particular could act as a trailblazer for the T-50. Plans call for the stealth fighter to use the large Article 110KS pod developed by UOMZ, although it would compromise the aircraft’s low observability. The Su-35, on the other hand, will likely use an internally mounted system, with a low radar cross section, that could migrate to the T-50.


Also helping to bolster the arsenal in the near term is a pending order for additional Su-30s. The Russian air force is expected to buy 28 Su-30SMs, the Russian version of the Su-30MKI Irkut has sold to the Indian air force. The Su-30SM would retain Western equipment from companies such as Thales and Safran in a rare departure from Russia’s emphasis on using domestic suppliers, says an industry official. The yet-to-be-announced contract for Su-30SMs also is expected to include an option for 12 aircraft, potentially to meet a not fully defined requirement from Russia’s navy aviation arm.


The concerns about fielding time lines go beyond the combat aircraft realm. Zelin notes that the Il-476 transport is due to be in service in 2013 but says,“we would like to have it earlier.” The current development activity will not allow that.


The fleet replacement worries are further illustrated by the troubles with the Tu-22M bombers belonging to the Russian navy’s air arm, which now fall under control of the air force. Obsolescence of engine parts has created a maintenance nightmare for the fleet and prompted the military to restart parts production of critical powerplant components. Zelin sees progress on this front and says that once the situation is improved the aircraft may be reassigned to the navy.


But there are limits to Russia’s appetite for new equipment. Despite the hopes of industry players such as MiG that the Russian air force will buy into a light fifth-generation fighter program, that does not look promising. Zelin suggests that more likely would be the acquisition of MiG-35s, which were initially developed for India. However, he tempers the prospect by noting that the issue is secondary to the T-50.

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18 août 2011 4 18 /08 /août /2011 12:40



14 août 2011 par Daniel Favre INFO-AVIATION


La Russie livrera cinq chasseurs MiG-29K/KUB à l’Inde d’ici la fin de 2011, a déclaré le 12 août Sergueï Korotkov, directeur général du groupe de constructions aéronautiques MiG.


« Signé en 2004, le contrat sera honoré d’ici la fin de l’année en cours. A l’heure actuelle, onze avions sur seize ont déjà été livrés », a rappelé M.Korotkov.


« Quant aux nouveaux contrats avec des clients étrangers, nous y travaillons », a-t-il indiqué avant d’ajouter que la compagnie disposait de plus de 100 contrats avec 20 États. Il s’agit de réparation, de modernisation, de livraison de pièces de rechange et de service après-vente.


En mars 2010, la Russie et l’Inde ont conclu un contrat d’un montant de 1,5 milliard de dollars prévoyant la fourniture d’un nouveau lot de 29 chasseurs embarqués MiG-29K/KUB à New Delhi. Le début des livraisons de ce lot est prévu pour 2012.


Le MiG-29K est une version navalisée, dérivée du MiG-29M. Le MiG-29KUB est une version biplace du MiG-29K spécialement conçue pour l’Inde. Le premier vol de l’avion de série a eu lieu le 18 mars 2008 sur l’aérodrome de Loukhovitsy.


Une demande « stable » pour MiG


Le portefeuille de commandes de l’avionneur russe MiG a dépassé 4 milliards de dollars, selon Sergueï Korotkov.


« Je dois noter que nos produits bénéficient d’une demande stable. Le portefeuille de commandes du groupe dépasse 4 milliards de dollars », a t-il précisé devant les journalistes à Moscou le 12 août.


Le groupe MiG achève également ses négociations avec le ministère russe de la Défense sur la livraison de chasseurs embarqués MiG-29K/KUB à la Marine russe et envisage de lancer des versions terrestres des chasseurs de ce type.

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21 juillet 2011 4 21 /07 /juillet /2011 11:40


Photo Vladimir Karnozov


21/07/11 By Vladimir Karnozov SOURCE:Flight International


The Irkutsk Aircraft Plant (IAZ) is assembling two Sukhoi Su-30SM multirole fighters for the Russian air force, Alexey Fedorov, president of the controlling Irkut corporation, said. The pair will be completed and subjected to flight trials by the end of this year.


The new version of the twin-seat Su-30 represents the baseline Su-30MKI with thrust vectoring developed for the Indian air force, but with modifications to meet Russian air force specifications, Fedorov said.


The service is seeking to procure 30 such aircraft, with a contract still being finalised.


"Hopefully, in 2012 we will be able to finalise a contract for 18 Su-30SMs for the Russian air force, with an option for a further 18 for the Russian navy air arm," Fedorov said.


The delivery of the Su-30SM to the Russian armed forces will end a long pause in their acquisition of IAZ-built fighters, after its last Su-30K interceptors and Su-27UB twin-seat operational trainers were handed over in the early 1990s.


It is understood that the decision to procure the Su-30SM was inspired by the successful use of industry-owned Su-30MKI/MKM operational-standard prototypes during Russia's August 2008 conflict with Georgia.

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