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14 décembre 2013 6 14 /12 /décembre /2013 12:50
EXPAL Develops a New, Safer Initiation System


December 11, 2013 by EXPAL


The new S-402, as this initiation system is called, incorporates an innovative technology that significantly increases security during its use.


The S-402 is a safe initiation system, developed to minimise involuntary initiation due to static, stray or induced currents. Its technology is innovative in the defence realm: the exploder and detonators have been upgraded with digital electronics in order to substantially increase operative use safety.


The new system has also reduced the long safety protocols required by conventional initiators, which increases the deployment and use speed. Other features worth mentioning are its use flexibility, prompt start by elimination of cable-connection times, and reduced weight and volume.


The S-402 consists of an ES-402 exploder, and DS-402 detonators. The ES-402 exploder has the capacity to check and initiate up to ten electric DS-402 detonators. This system can be used in a radio-environment / Electronic Counter Measures or static currents.


It presents a sturdy configuration and safe use features, while maintaining a light weight and volume. The system is incorporated to the operator's equipment, and is carried on a belt. It is ideal for the use of engineers, special operations units, EOD specialists, police or rescue teams in explosive disposal missions, or intervention and people rescue in catastrophes.


EXPAL has extended experience in the design, development and manufacturing of initiation systems, demolition charges and EOD. These products can be found among the equipment used by the Spanish Armed Forces, and the armies of other countries.

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