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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 12:30
Flying in a Missile-Threatened Area


10.03.2015 Vered Talala & Eilon Tohar – Israel Air Force


Aircrew members from various combat squadrons participated in a first-of-its-kind training exercise, during which they faced Surface-to-Air missile batteries launched from unknown locations


Combat Squadrons took part this week in a unique workshop during which they simulating sudden ambushes of Surface-to-Air missiles (SAM). The aircrew members dealt with SAM's launched from unknown locations and practiced intense combat against other squadrons standing in as the "red enemy". "One of the goals of the workshop is to create a new instructional platform for training squadrons in dangerous zones", said Major Shai from the "First Combat" squadron who led the workshop. "We created a special platform which we want to use in the future".

"This is a type of training never experienced before in the IAF", added Major Shai. "We gave the aircrew members a free reign, from flying low altitudes to ascending to 50,000 feet. The aircrew members were instructed to do whatever they think is right in order to deal with SAM's. That was never done before".

Among the participating squadrons was the "Red Dragon" squadron which simulated the enemy force for the duration of the drill. "The advantage of the high number of squadrons is the variety of platforms available, each with its own advantage", he said. "When we have F-16Is, F-15Is and F-16C/Ds it gives us different ways of dealing with the threats".


Uncertainties Resolved

Uncertainty is a challenge for the aircrew members from the different platforms of the IAF. "Unlike normal training, we didn't know where the SAM's are exactly", explained Major Shai. "For example yesterday, as part of the exercise, I flew in a relatively safe area and out of nowhere a missile was fired toward me. This is how you learn to deal with such situations and find solutions".

Flying in a dangerous zone also requires the aircrew members to deal with severs mental pressure. "It demands a high mental readiness", said Major Shai. "The workshop approached both aircrew members and other soldiers in the squadron. "We can safely say that our air crews are significantly more prepared for a case of warfare in the Northern region".

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18 juillet 2014 5 18 /07 /juillet /2014 16:40
Le Buk dans la généalogie des SAM soviéto-russe


Par Joseph Henrotin et Philippe Langloit. Technologie & Armement n°4, février-mars 2007.


Utilisé massivement par l’Égypte durant la guerre du Kippour, le SA-6 Gainful (Kub) sera à l’origine de la perte de nombreux appareils israéliens, de sorte que la prise de quelques systèmes, incluant celle de radars Straight Fush, a rapidement été considérée comme un objectif prioritaire par les forces israéliennes. Envoyés aux États-Unis, ces systèmes allaient permettre de concevoir des contre-mesures adaptées, au bénéfice tant d’Israël que des forces de l’OTAN, le SA-6 étant alors déployé sur le théâtre centre-européen dans des unités du niveau bataillon. Aussi, considérant dès 1970 que l’efficacité du SA-6 serait, à terme, remise en question, le ministère soviétique de la défense ordonnera la conception d’un nouveau système, qu’il appellera Buk. En réalité, toutefois, les efforts soviétiques en matière de défense aérienne étaient continus et NIIP Thikomirov, déjà à l’origine du SA-6, travaillera également sur ce qui deviendra le complex 9K37, plus connu sous sa désignation OTAN de  SA-11.


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17 mars 2014 1 17 /03 /mars /2014 17:35
Akash Project DRDO

Akash Project DRDO


February 24, 2014 by Shiv Aroor - Livefist


DRDO Statement: Akash, the indigenously designed developed and produced surface to air missile for the Indian Army was once again successfully flight tested today at the Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur. These were part of a series of trials being conducted in various engagement modes from the first of the production model system being produced to equip two regiments of the Indian Army. Both, today’s flight destroying a target in receding ting mode, as well as the one conducted on 21st Feb 2014 (video) destroying an approaching target, fully met mission objectives. A few more trials are planned in different engagement modes.


The multi target, multi directional, all weather air-defence system consisting of surveillance and tracking radars, control centres and ground support systems mounted on high mobility vehicles for the Army version of Akash is designed to enable integration with other air defence command and control networks through secure communication links. Developed by DRDO, the Army version of Akash is being produced by Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) as the nodal production agency with the involvement of Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and a large number of other industries. The total production value of Akash air defence systems cleared for induction by Indian Army and Indian Air force is more than Rs 23,000 crore.

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9 octobre 2013 3 09 /10 /octobre /2013 16:45
The Denel Umkhonoto surface to air missile

The Denel Umkhonoto surface to air missile



09 October 2013 by defenceWeb


Denel has successfully tested the land-based version of its Umkhonto surface-to-air (SAM) missile at the Denel Overberg Test Range, where the weapon destroyed targets at a range of 20 km.


The live fire exercises, carried out between October 1 and 3, were the first with the land-based version of Denel Dynamics’ naval Umkhonto SAM. Denel said that observers from nine countries joined officials from the Ministry of Defence, Armscor and the SANDF to witness the firing.


During the demonstration three missiles successfully destroyed low-cost aerial target systems (LOCATS – provided by the South African Army), two at 15 km range and one at 20 km. The targets were launched from Denel’s range at the southern tip of Africa and flew out to sea before turning inshore on an elliptical track. The successful ground-based firing tests proved that the range of the Umkhonto has now been extended to 20 km while the physical dimensions of the missile remain unchanged, Denel said.


The targets were engaged by the Umkhonto missiles in their lock-on-after-launch mode. The Reutech Radar Systems new RSR-320 dual-band 3D radar provided mid-course guidance updates to get the missiles within range of their infrared seekers.


The Umkhonto SAM system was developed by Denel Dynamics for the SA Navy’s Meko A200 class frigates, and is in service in both Block 1 and Block 2 versions. The Block 2, with a range of 15 km, is also used by the Finnish Navy aboard its Hamina class corvettes and Hämeenmaa class mine layers. The Block 2 variant features a 3 km greater range and a seeker aimed at processing cluttered environments, especially in look-down mode. The Umkhonto has reportedly been selected by Algeria for use on its Meko frigates.


Denel said the newly-developed ground-based launcher now provides an alternative that can also be used by the SA Army for Phase 2 of its Ground-based Air Defence System (GBADS) – a project that is also managed by Denel, the company said. The RSR-320 radar could also be used for GBADS Phase 2.


The RSR-320 radar was developed from the 2D Thutlwa ESR 220 radar, currently in service with the South African Army, and designed as a missile guidance radar, according to IHS Janes.


Riaz Saloojee, the Group Chief Executive Officer of Denel said the successful testing of the recently modified Umkhonto missile demonstrated the company’s global leadership in the development and manufacturing of guided weapons. This was the first time an integrated air defence system developed entirely in South Africa was demonstrated.


“Our local defence industry can develop products that are comparable and better than what is available in the rest of the world,” said Saloojee. “This contributes to the strategic capabilities of the SANDF and strengthens the high-technology proficiencies of the defence sector.”


Denel Dynamics is developing a longer range Umkhonto variant with a range exceeding 20 km, as well as a radar-guided version.


In collaboration with Brazilian partners Denel is also developing and testing its new generation air-to-air missile, the A-Darter.

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