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19 mars 2015 4 19 /03 /mars /2015 17:45



16/03/2015 EUFOR-RCA


A mission of the United Nations Security Council visited EUFOR last week in order to assess the situation in the Central African Republic.


Representatives of the 15 members of the organization currently chaired by France arrived in Bangui for a 48 hours stay, and attended meetings with transition authorities and the international community.


The group was welcomed in camp UCATEX by General Philippe Pontiès, Operational Commander of EUFOR RCA, and was briefed on the work and the results obtained by European soldiers.


According to the French ambassador to the United Nations, François Delattre, the visit aims in supporting efforts to end the crisis and move towards stability after more than a year of hostilities between former Séléka rebels and anti-Balaka militia.


Meanwhile, US Ambassador, Samantha Power assessed that security conditions have improved, although thousands of people remain displaced.

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17 mars 2015 2 17 /03 /mars /2015 12:30
Syrie: les enquêteurs de l'ONU vont partager des noms de criminels avec des Etats


17 mars 2015 Romandie.com (AFP)


Genève - Les enquêteurs de l'ONU sur la Syrie ont déclaré mardi qu'ils allaient partager avec la justice de certains Etats des noms et des informations relatives à des auteurs de crimes de guerre afin qu'ils soient jugés.

Depuis qu'ils ont commencé à dresser des listes confidentielles d'auteurs et organisations responsables de crimes de guerre, les enquêteurs de l'ONU, en place depuis septembre 2011, avaient toujours indiqué qu'ils voulaient les garder confidentielles, réservant ces informations pour la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) une fois saisie.

Présentant son dernier rapport devant le Conseil des droits de l'Homme, le président de la commission d'enquête, le Brésilien Paulo Pinheiro, a expliqué mardi que les enquêteurs avaient décidé de divulguer une liste de noms et d'informations sur ces criminels, mais de façon ciblée.

Nous n'allons pas rendre publique aujourd'hui la liste des noms. (...) Nous allons partager des noms et des informations relatives à certains auteurs présumés de crimes de guerre avec les autorités judiciaires des Etats qui se préparent à les juger, a-t-il dit. Nous encourageons ces autorités à nous contacter avec des demandes d'informations, a ajouté M. Pinheiro.

Faute d'une saisie de la CPI, bloquée notamment par la Russie au Conseil de Sécurité, la commission avait menacé de rendre publiques les données collectées. Mais les diplomates, y compris des pays soutenant l'opposition syrienne, les avaient mis en garde sur une démarche jugée contraire au droit international, explique-t-on de source diplomatique à Genève.

L'ambassadeur syrien auprès du Conseil, Hussam Edin Aala, a fustigé pour sa part mardi les propos de M. Pinheiro, estimant que les enquêteurs ne respectaient pas le principe d'indépendance.

De son côté, l'ambassadeur français Nicolas Niemtchinow a déploré une fois de plus l'absence de saisine de la CPI et a affirmé que nous devons ensemble trouver des pistes pour que justice soit rendue au peuple syrien.

Les listes élaborées par les enquêteurs et gardées dans un coffre-fort de Genève comprennent des noms de commandants d'unités et de leaders de groupes armés, qui ont été identifiés comme étant responsables de crimes de guerre. Les enquêteurs ont cependant refusé de dire si le président Bachar al-Assad ou ses proches figurent sur les listes.


- Del Ponte prête à se rendre en Syrie -

Les quatre membres de la commission d'enquête de l'ONU n'ont jamais pu entrer en Syrie mais ils ont recueilli des milliers de témoignages de victimes, de documents et de photos satellites pour établir leurs rapports.

Une des enquêtrices, la Suissesse Carla del Ponte, a été invitée à plusieurs reprises à se rendre à Damas, mais la commission s'y est toujours refusée jugeant que les quatre enquêteurs devaient se rendre sur place ensemble. Mais lundi soir, Mme del Ponte a affirmé dans un entretien à la télévision suisse RTS que les choses ont changé (...) tant et si bien que maintenant on a décidé que je peux y aller.

Elle a par ailleurs affirmé que la solution de négociation est la seule possible et peut se faire seulement si Bachar Al-Assad reste au pouvoir car le régime syrien a encore le contrôle sur 60% de la population syrienne.

La Syrie est déchirée depuis quatre ans par une guerre civile qui a fait plus de 215.000 morts et a jeté des millions de Syriens à la rue ou sur les routes de l'exil.

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13 mars 2015 5 13 /03 /mars /2015 08:45
UN report accuses foreign governments of arming both sides in Libyan civil war


12 March 2015 by Oscar Nkala - defenceWeb


A new United Nations Panel of Experts report on the Libyan arms embargo has singled out the Sudanese and Egyptian governments as being among the top foreign arms suppliers accused of fuelling the Libyan civil war through the transfer and sale of small arms, ammunition and aircraft to the government and rebel militias.


In a comprehensive report released on February 23, experts said companies from the Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Jordan, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Qatar and Turkey are arming different factions in Libyan in violation of a United Nations arms embargo imposed in 2011.


It says although the UN allows the sale of weapons to Libya subject to approval by the Security Council, an analysis of transfers done between 2011 and August 2014 shows that most deals violated the arms embargo as the parties never sought UN permission for sales.


"Analysis of all such notifications shows that large quantities of materiel were subject to the notification process, including more than 60 000 handguns, 65 000 assault rifles, 15 000 sub-machine guns and 4 000 machine guns of various calibres, as well as more than 60 million rounds of ammunition for small arms and machine guns (9x19 mm to 14.5 mm).


"However, in the absence of any post-delivery notification system until recently, it is difficult to assess how much notified materiel has actually been transferred to Libya," the report says.


The report notes that neighbours Sudan and Egypt have escalated the supply of military equipment to opposing sides since the outbreak of full-scale civil war in May last year: "Interviews with Libyan officials, representatives of intelligence services and diplomats indicate that Egypt has been supporting the House of Representatives in Tobruk, including through the transfer of military materiel to Karama (militias) and/or the Libyan army. In addition, the Panel noted a statement by a Pentagon spokesperson and media reports regarding the involvement of Egypt in airstrikes operated in Libya in August 2014," reads part of the report.


The panel said confidential sources in Libya also confirmed the offloading of a large quantities of Egyptian-sourced small arms, ammunition and light weapons by an Egyptian vessel which docked in the military section of the port of Tobruk sometime in October last year.


Another convoy of Egyptian military supplies is reported to have entered Libya by road in the third week of September 2014. The panel said despite denials from the government in Cairo, it has evidence which proves that the Egyptian Air Force has transferred at least two Mi-8 helicopters and some refurbished MiG-21 fighter jets to the Tobruk-based Libyan government faction.


"A number of new aircraft are in use in the Libyan air force, including some whose features appear to be consistent with aircraft used by the Egyptian air force, such as some MiG-21MF aeroplanes and a Mi-8 helicopter. For example, the identity features of the Mi-8 helicopter were obviously concealed on purpose and painted over, but the locations of these exactly match those of Egyptian aircraft.


"The Panel wrote to Egypt asking whether Egypt had ever transferred the Mi-8 helicopter to Libya. In its response, Egypt stated that it had not provided Libya with any Mi-8 helicopters nor any MiG-21MF aeroplanes. However, the Panel concludes from the analysis above that this Mi-8 helicopter is originally from the Egyptian fleet," the report says.


The UN said Sudan remains the principal supplier of military materials and weapons to the Fajr Libya militant group, a pro-government militia which has controlled Mitiga airport since the revolution.


"Since the outbreak of the conflict in 2014, the Sudan has been transferring military materiel to Libya in violation of the arms embargo. Interviews with knowledgeable Libyan and foreign sources indicate that the Sudan has been supporting armed groups aligned with Fajr Libya, including through the transfer of military materiel by air to Mitiga airport. The arrival of a Sudanese Air Force C-130 aircraft was reported on several occasions on social media platforms during the past six months (June to December 2014)," the report said.


Libyan air force aircraft are alleged to have made numerous trips to from Sudan to the Mitiga airport carrying military supplies. In addition, Sudan is also accused of transferring an unknown number of Mi-24 helicopters to the Libyan Air Force. The report also accused the Qatari government of heavy involvement in the Libyan civil war through the provision of weapons, financial and logistical support to anti-government militias.


The panel said it is presently investigating allegations that a military aircraft from the Middle Eastern nation delivered an unknown consignment of goods in late 2014 but the lack of government co-operation is stalling investigations. The report also accuses Turkey of supplying arms, ammunition and financing to anti-government armed groups.


Other shady weapons transfers to Libya include the sale of 3 000 tonnes of ammunition to the Ministry of Defence by Belarus. The order included 10 million rounds of 7.62x39 mm ammunition, 15 million rounds of 7.62x54 mm ammunition, 7.2 million rounds of 12.7x108 mm ammunition, 4.25 million rounds of 14.5x114 mm ammunition and 3 million rounds of 23 mm ammunition.


The panel noted that most of the material was seized on arrival at Tripoli International Airport by militia brigades while some of the deliveries appear to have been made directly to autonomous armed groups. Belarus is also accused of delivering part of the consignment directly to the Zintan brigades militia on February 6, 2014.


The report also notes the November 2014 seizure of a Ukrainian cargo vessel in Greece after it was found to be loaded with more than 32 million rounds of ammunition for assault rifles and machine guns for delivery to the government forces in Tripoli.


According to the report, EU Border Assistance Mission to Libya (EUBAM) lost 70 handguns, 23 assault rifles and more than 42 000 rounds of ammunition when militias ransacked its headquarters at Tripoli International Airport in April last year.


The report said most of the weapons which were delivered to Libya have made their way to Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria and parts of the Maghreb where they have considerably increased the military capabilities of militant groups.


Among other recommendations, the panel said the UN Security Council should consider setting up a special maritime taskforce to operate on Libyan waters if the implementation of the arms embargo is to succeed.  

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10 mars 2015 2 10 /03 /mars /2015 17:45
U.N. delays approval of Libya request for weapons, jets


10 March 2015 defenceWeb (Reuters)


.At least eight United Nations Security Council members delayed approval on Monday of a request by Libya to import weapons, tanks, jets and helicopters to take on Islamic State militants and monitor its borders, diplomats said.


Spain - supported by Lithuania, Chile, New Zealand, Britain, France, Angola and the United States - placed a so-called "hold" on the request to the Security Council committee that oversees an arms embargo imposed on the North African state in 2011, said council diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity.


"Spain would appreciate further information on the point of origin of the weapons requested and the arrangements established for transportation," the Spanish U.N. mission wrote to the chair of the committee in a note seen by Reuters.


Libya wants to import 150 tanks, two dozen fighter jets, seven attack helicopters, tens of thousands of assault rifles and grenade launchers and millions of rounds of ammunition from Ukraine, Serbia and Czech Republic.


If agreement is not reached to lift the hold, it could leave the request in limbo indefinitely. The 15-member committee works on the basis of consensus.


The internationally recognised government is allowed to import arms with approval of the committee. Libya said it needs the weapons and equipment to take on Islamist militants and to control borders.


"Without strengthening the air force we cannot do anything about it," Libya's U.N. Ambassador Ibrahim Dabbashi told Reuters, adding that he was disappointed by the delay.


U.N. sanctions monitors say they are concerned that if the committee approves the request, then some of the weapons and equipment could be diverted to militia groups.


"Spain is also deeply concerned about the major threat to international peace and security posed by the proliferation of weapons in the region," the Spanish U.N. mission said.


Libya's internationally recognised government has operated out of the east since a rival armed faction called Libya Dawn took over Tripoli in fighting last year and set up its own administration.


The rival governments are battling for control of Libya four years after Muammar Gaddafi was ousted. The chaos has allowed Islamic State and Ansar al-Sharia militants to strengthen their foothold in Libya, an OPEC member.


Libya has called for the arms embargo on the government to be lifted entirely. The council committee has long urged Libya to improve monitoring of its weapons over concerns that arms were being diverted to militant groups

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30 juin 2014 1 30 /06 /juin /2014 18:35
Statement by the Spokesperson of EU High Representative on the DPRK’s ballistic missile launches


Brussels, 30 June 2014 Ref EEAS 140630/01


" We are deeply concerned about the launch of short range ballistic missiles by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on 29 June 2014. The firing of ballistic missiles constitutes a clear violation of the DPRK’s international obligations as set out in particular under UN Security Council Resolutions 1718 and 1874.


We call upon the DPRK to comply fully, unconditionally and without delay with all its obligations under the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions. We also urge the DPRK to refrain from any action that could further increase regional tensions."

Note RP Defense : that Spokesperson is "deeply" concerned by a north-korean missile. But,she/he had nor a thought nor a word for a Foreign Legion NCO who died in Mali for Europe safety. Strange world ....

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3 mars 2014 1 03 /03 /mars /2014 07:40
NATO wants international observers sent to Ukraine


March 02, 2014 - Spacewar.com  (AFP)


Brussels - NATO allies on Sunday urged the deployment of international observers to Ukraine and said the alliance sought "to engage" with Moscow at NATO-Russia talks.


"We urge both parties to immediately seek a peaceful resolution through dialogue, through the dispatch of international observers under the auspices of the United Nations Security Council or the OSCE," said a statement issued after almost eight hours of talks between NATO's 28 ambassadors.


NATO condemned Russia's military escalation in Crimea and expressed "grave concern" about the Russian parliament's authorisation to deploy armed forces in Ukraine.


Any such action would be "a breach of international law" and would contravene the principles of the NATO-Russia Council and NATO's Partnership for Peace, it said.


The allies also said the NATO-Ukraine Commission had met at Kiev's request, adding, "we intend to engage with Russia in the NATO-Russia Council."


Asked to elaborate, NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said many members had asked for a meeting with Russia and that there would be one, but he gave no timing.


The statement called on Russia to "honour all its international commitments, to withdraw its forces to its bases, and to refrain from any interference elsewhere in Ukraine.


"We urge both parties to immediately seek a peaceful resolution through dialogue, through the dispatch of international observers under the auspices of the United Nations Security Council or the OSCE," the allies added.


They called also for "an inclusive political process in Ukraine based on democratic values, respect for human rights, minorities and the rule of law, which fulfils the democratic aspirations of the entire Ukrainian people."

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30 octobre 2013 3 30 /10 /octobre /2013 12:45
Centrafrique: le Conseil de sécurité approuve l’envoi de 250 soldats

30/10/2013 45eNord.ca (AFP)


Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies a approuvé mardi l’envoi de 250 militaires pour protéger le personnel et les installations de l’ONU en République centrafricaine (RCA), ont annoncé des diplomates.

Le secrétaire général de l’ONU Ban Ki-Moon avait proposé la semaine dernière un déploiement rapide de soldats pour tenter de rétablir l’ordre en RCA, l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde, livré à l’anarchie depuis le renversement en mars du président François Bozizé par les rebelles de la coalition Séléka.

Les 15 pays membres du Conseil de sécurité ont accédé mardi à la demande de M. Ban, ont affirmé des diplomates. Une réunion informelle du Conseil sur la situation en Centrafrique, organisée par la France, doit en outre avoir lieu vendredi.

Dans un premier temps, 250 soldats, qui ne seront pas des Casques bleus, seront déployés à Bangui. Au total, quelque 560 soldats pourraient être déployés, avec l’envoi d’autres hommes dans d’autres parties du pays.

Cette unité de protection était prévue dans la résolution sur la RCA adoptée le 8 octobre par le Conseil de sécurité mais le Conseil attendait des recommandations de M. Ban sur sa composition et ses effectifs. La résolution a ouvert la voie à la mise en place d’une mission de maintien de la paix pour tenter de rétablir l’ordre en RCA.



Le Conseil de sécurité avait décidé début octobre de renforcer la MISCA (Mission internationale de soutien en Centrafrique), une force de l’Union africaine (UA) censée sécuriser le pays, avec pour perspective de la transformer éventuellement en mission de maintien de la paix.

La France a déployé 450 hommes sur place pour sécuriser l’aéroport et protéger ses ressortissants, et a laissé entendre qu’elle pourrait porter, si nécessaire, cet effectif à 750 soldats.

Une quarantaine de personnes ont été tuées le week-end dernier dans des affrontements entre des milices paysannes d’auto-défense et des ex-rebelles désormais au pouvoir. La situation humanitaire se dégrade avec plus de la moitié de la population (4,6 millions) dans un état critique, selon l’Unicef. La famine touche 500.000 personnes.

John Ging, directeur des opérations du Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU, a affirmé mardi que la protection des civils était la priorité.

Les violences inter-religieuses ont chassé de leurs maisons environ 400.000 personnes et beaucoup cherchent refuge dans les églises, les mosquées ou se cachent dans la brousse. «Des atrocités indescriptibles sont commises contre les civils par des groupes armés créant un climat de peur incroyable», a-t-il affirmé lors d’une conférence de presse.

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18 octobre 2013 5 18 /10 /octobre /2013 11:30
L'Arabie Saoudite refuse d'entrer au Conseil de sécurité

18 octobre 2013 Liberation.fr (AFP)


Ryad dénonce un système inégalitaire et réclame une réforme de cette structure onusienne composée de cinq membres permanents et dix non-permanents.


L’Arabie saoudite a refusé vendredi d’entrer au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, pour protester contre «l’impuissance» de cette instance et son échec à régler les conflits au Proche-Orient, en particulier la crise syrienne.


«L’Arabie saoudite (...) n’a pas d’autre option que de refuser de devenir membre du Conseil de sécurité jusqu’à ce que ce dernier soit réformé et qu’on lui donne les moyens d’accomplir son devoir et d’assumer ses responsabilités pour préserver la paix et la sécurité dans le monde», a annoncé le ministère saoudien des Affaires étrangères dans un communiqué.


Le poids lourd pétrolier avait été élu jeudi, pour la première fois, membre non permanent du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, en même temps que le Tchad, le Chili, le Nigeria et la Lituanie. Leur mandat de deux ans doit débuter le 1er janvier 2014.


Le ministère saoudien estime que le fait «de permettre au régime en place en Syrie de tuer son peuple et de le brûler à l’arme chimique au vu et au su du monde entier sans sanctions dissuasives est une preuve claire de l’impuissance du Conseil de sécurité à accomplir son devoir et à assumer ses responsabilités».


Le communiqué dénonce «la politique de deux poids, deux mesures» du Conseil de sécurité et souligne que «la question palestinienne demeure depuis 65 ans sans règlement» et que le Conseil a échoué à débarrasser le Proche-Orient des armes de destruction massive.

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11 octobre 2013 5 11 /10 /octobre /2013 16:45
U.N. Security Council asks for Central African peacekeeping options

11 October 2013 defenceWeb (Reuters)


The Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on Thursday urging the United Nations to consider establishing a full-fledged peacekeeping force in virtually lawless Central African Republic.


The landlocked, mineral-rich Central African Republic, or CAR, has slipped into chaos since northern Seleka rebels seized the capital, Bangui, and ousted President Francois Bozize in March. U.N. officials and rights groups say both sides may have committed war crimes.


"Your vote provides a glimmer of hope for the 4.6 million men, women and children in the CAR," CAR's U.N. Ambassador Charles Armel Doubane told the council after the vote.


Last month French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius warned that CAR risked becoming a new Somalia if it did not get immediate support.


The resolution adopted by the 15-member council calls on U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to submit a report within 30 days that would outline possible international support to a planned African Union peacekeeping mission to CAR known as MISCA.


The resolution says Ban's report should include "detailed options for international support to MISCA, including the possible option of a transformation of MISCA into a United Nations peacekeeping operation, subject to appropriate conditions on the ground."


"Obviously the challenges are well beyond their means," French U.N. Ambassador Gerard Araud told reporters. "So the idea is the African force will be to provide robust support to the efforts of the central government to re-establish the authority of the state."


The council voiced serious concern at "violations of international humanitarian law and the widespread human rights violations and abuses, notably by Seleka elements," and demanded "that the Seleka elements and all other armed groups lay down their arms immediately."


France, which intervened this year to oust Islamist rebels from another of its former colonies, Mali, has been reluctant to get directly involved in the crisis. It has urged African nations and the African Union to do their utmost to resolve the crisis among themselves.


But while the African Union plans to deploy the 3,600-strong MISCA peacekeeping mission in the country, incorporating a regional force of 1,100 soldiers already on the ground, it is unlikely to be operational before 2014.




A report by Human Rights Watch in New York describes what it says was Seleka's deliberate killing of civilians, including women and children, between March and June of this year and its deliberate destruction of more than 1,000 homes.


Some Western diplomats say the situation in CAR is too fragile to permit the deployment of a U.N. peacekeeping force in the foreseeable future.


U.N. officials and diplomats say the crisis in CAR has failed to generate much international interest, having been overshadowed by other conflicts such as the Syrian civil war.


The African Union had asked for financial, logistical and technical support from the United Nations, and senior U.N. officials have recommended that the Security Council approve this request.


The council resolution also called for increased support for the U.N. Integrated Peacebuilding Office, or BINUCA, allowing it to go beyond Bangui and providing it with rights observers to investigate and report on human rights violations, including sexual violence against women and children.


It suggests the possibility of taking "appropriate measures" - diplomatic code for sanctions - against those who undermine stability and security in the country.


France has a small force in Bangui securing the airport and its local interests. French diplomatic sources have said Paris would be ready to provide logistical support and increase its troop numbers to between 700 and 750 if needed.


French Foreign Minister Fabius will travel to Bangui on Sunday to assess the situation, a French diplomatic source said on Tuesday.


Michel Djotodia, who swept to power at the head of CAR's rebellion, was officially sworn in as the country's president this year. But he has failed to contain waves of looting and killing by gunmen.


CAR is rich in gold, diamonds and uranium, but decades of instability and the spillover from conflicts in its larger neighbors have left the country's 4.5 million people mired in cycles of crises.

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27 septembre 2013 5 27 /09 /septembre /2013 11:30
Syrie/résolution: le Conseil de sécurité pourrait voter le 27 septembre

NEW YORK (Nations unies), 27 septembre - RIA Novosti


Le Conseil de sécurité de l'Onu pourrait se prononcer sur le projet de résolution prévoyant la destruction d'armes chimiques syriennes vendredi 27 septembre, a fait savoir aux journalistes le délégué permanent russe auprès de l'Onu Vitali Tchourkine.

"Nous espérons que le Conseil exécutif de l'Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques prendra sa décision dans un délai de 24 heures. En ce cas (…), nous pourrons voter vendredi à 20h00 heure de New York", a expliqué le diplomate.

Le 14 septembre, les chefs de la diplomatie russe et américaine, Sergueï Lavrov et John Kerry, se sont mis d'accord à Genève sur les modalités de mise sous contrôle international des armes chimiques syriennes et de leur destruction d'ici le milieu de 2014.

L'initiative de placer sous contrôle international les arsenaux non conventionnels appartenant au régime d'Assad a été avancée le 9 septembre par Moscou dans le but de prévenir une intervention militaire étrangère en Syrie. Damas a immédiatement donné son feu vert.

Le 14 septembre, le secrétaire général de l'Onu, Ban Ki-moon, a reçu l'engagement du gouvernement syrien de rejoindre la Convention internationale sur l'interdiction des armes chimiques. Le 14 octobre prochain, la Syrie deviendra le 190e membre de l'Organisation pour l'interdiction des armes chimiques.

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26 septembre 2013 4 26 /09 /septembre /2013 00:30
UN Syria Resolution to Cite Military Option – Report

WASHINGTON, September 25 (RIA Novosti) –


 A United Nations Security Council resolution on eliminating Syria’s chemical weapons will refer to – but not automatically trigger – military action to enforce Syria’s compliance with a US-Russian deal to destroy its arsenal, The Associated Press (AP) cited a Russian diplomat as saying Wednesday.


Washington has pushed for a resolution based on Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which allows for military action to promote peace, though Russian officials have repeatedly called this unacceptable.


But Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said the text of the resolution would include a reference to Chapter 7, though noncompliance by Syria would not automatically trigger the use of force, The Associated Press (AP) reported.


An agreement on the text of the resolution is likely in the next two days, the AP cited Gatilov as saying.


His comments emerged almost simultaneously with conflicting reports from diplomats Wednesday about the state of the negotiations over the Security Council resolution.


Reuters cited two Western diplomats as saying that the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council had agreed on the core of a resolution.


The agreement came after the foreign ministers from the United States, Russia, France, China and Britain met Wednesday with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Reuters cited the diplomats as saying on condition of anonymity.


But the spokesman for Russia’s UN delegation told Reuters that this is “wishful thinking” by the Western diplomats.


“It is not the reality,” the news agency cited the spokesman as saying. “The work on the draft resolution is still going on.”


The draft resolution could be presented to the full 15-nation Security Council “soon,” Reuters cited the two Western diplomats as saying, adding that the five permanent members – who each hold veto power – would meet Friday for talks on possible peace negotiations in Geneva between the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad and rebel forces seeking to topple him.


Britain’s ambassador to the UN, Mark Lyall Grant, told the AP that he expects remaining differences over the text of the resolution to be resolved “in the next few days.”


The administration of US President Barack Obama has accused Assad’s government of responsibility for an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack outside Damascus that Washington claims left more than 1,400 dead.


Russian officials, including President Vladimir Putin, have repeatedly suggested in recent weeks that they have evidence showing the attack was likely carried out by Syrian rebels seeking to frame Assad in order to secure outside military intervention against government forces.


After weeks of intense diplomacy and an almost three-day-long marathon of talks in Geneva between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry, Moscow and Washington reached a breakthrough agreement earlier this month to place Syria’s chemical weapons under international control for eventual destruction.


The Obama administration has insisted that a Security Council resolution must include the option of military action against Syria should Assad’s government fail to abide by the deal. It has also said it reserves the right to conduct military strikes against Syria independent of the UN.


A US official told Reuters that negotiations were continuing. “We’re making progress but we’re not done yet,” Reuters cited the official as saying.

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