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13 octobre 2015 2 13 /10 /octobre /2015 16:55
Le Salon Milipol Paris - 17-20 Nov. 2015


source : Rémi Thuau, Préfet, Président des salons Milipol


Milipol Paris, inscrit dans la lignée des 18 éditions précédentes, s'affirmera une nouvelle fois en 2015 comme le premier salon mondial de la sécurité intérieure.


Fort d'un rayonnement encore accru en 2013 avec une augmentation sensible du nombre d'exposants et de visiteurs étrangers, Milipol Paris 2015 accueillera tous les acteurs clé. Donneurs d'ordre, fournisseurs et experts seront présents pour échanger autour des nouvelles problématiques de sécurité et découvrir les nouvelles technologies.

Les préoccupations des pouvoirs publics seront abordées : lutte contre le terrorisme, protection des citoyens, sûreté urbaine, sécurité de proximité et défense contre les risques majeurs seront au cœur du débat.

Les entreprises les plus performantes du secteur y présenteront leurs produits et leurs innovations ; parmi les équipements présentés, les nouveaux systèmes d'information, d'observation et de surveillance, de prévention et d'alerte tiendront une place privilégiée.

L'équipe de Milipol donnera à nouveau le meilleur d'elle-même pour vous accueillir et faire de l'édition 2015 une réussite.



Milipol Paris, le salon international de la sécurité intérieure des Etats est réalisé sous l’égide du Ministère français de l’Intérieur, en partenariat avec la Police Nationale, la Gendarmerie Nationale, la Direction Générale de Sécurité civile et de la Gestion des Crises, le Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances avec la Direction Générale des Douanes, la Police Municipale


Les secteurs du salon Milipol Paris

Protection des données - Systèmes d'Information et de Communication / Intelligence Économique - Veille Industrielle / Intégrateur de systèmes / Analyse et Gestion des Risques / NRBC / Sécurité Civile / Police technique et scientifique / Maintien de l'ordre / Lutte anti-terroriste - Forces spéciales / Protection des sites industriels et sensibles / Lutte contre le trafic organisé / Sécurité des lieux publics - Sécurité urbaine / Sécurité des transports / Sécurité portuaire et aéroportuaire - Contrôle des frontières / Sécurité routière / Sécurité bancaire et fiduciaire / Secteur pénitentiaire / Secteur pétrole et gaz

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7 octobre 2015 3 07 /10 /octobre /2015 16:45
ASF conference raises questions on ACIRC


07 October 2015 by defenceWeb


The 2015 conference on the "African Standby Force (ASF): Beyond 2015" stems from a co-operation MoU between the Faculty of the Royal Danish Defence College and the Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University.

The 2013 conference in Dar es Salaam, the third one in the series, featured maritime security off Africa with a post-piracy theme.


This year the conference theme coincided with expectations and decisions on the readiness of the ASF and thus the "Beyond 2015" theme, said Professor Francois Vrey of the Military Science Faculty. The expectations of readiness and the emergence of ACIRC (African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises) also underpins dynamics necessitating the beyond 2015 focus of the event.


Day One saw an overview of the Peace and Security Architecture of the African Union (AU) including the domains of civilian participation, the rise of maritime security, costs and burden-sharing as well as the viability of the state as a dominant organising concept for all.


Keynote speaker from Warwick University (UK) Dr David Anderson emphasised the Peace and Security Architecture of the AU, including the ASF, entailed costs and responsibilities with no avenue to avoid these two matters.


The Day Two keynote speaker, Dr Jakkie Cilliers of ISS South Africa, covered the rise of violence and terrorism in Africa from a statistical perspective after which follow-on speakers dealt with each of the five regional entities and their standby arrangements.


Of interest was the work done by ECCAS (Economic Community of Central African States) (FOMAC – La Force Multinationale de l’Afrique Centrale) and the NARC (North Africa Regional Capability) in North Africa, two regions not often the focus of discussion. In ECCAS the progress with maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea also caught the attention - a matter generally neglected when regional standby matters are addressed, Vrey pointed out.


The inclusion of the AIMS 2050 theme on Day One questioned the general understanding of ASF readiness beyond 2015. Although each region appears to be on its way, but with different modes and at different tempos, to bring the expected standby arrangements to fruition remains complex, particularly the process to move from military standby pledges and readiness towards political authorities and decisions to effect deployment.


The morning of Day Three covered ACIRC with a lively exchange of ideas including opinions on its intrusion into the ASF and the violation of the co-operative and consensus culture sought by the AU to that of a viable option to keep in step with rapidly unfolding of violent threats on the continent.


It was clear from discussions the matter of ACIRC did not reflect a mature consensus among the speakers and other delegates, Vrey said. While the operational readiness of ACIRC is being pushed forward rather quickly, it appears its deployment principles and political backing remain uncertain.


South Africa is a driver behind the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crises (ACIRC), a precursor to the ASF, which will apparently be established by the beginning of 2016, resulting in no further need for the stopgap ACIRC. Between June and December South Africa will be leading whatever contingent is required to deploy as part of the ACIRC. The final strength of the ACIRC contribution from South Africa will be 1 800 personnel when they finally deploy.


Between October 19 and November 7 some 5 000 troops will descend on Lohathla for exercise Amani Africa II. The South African Army said that all AU members from East and West Africa will take part in the exercise while all countries with the exception of the Central African Republic will take part from Central Africa. Members from North Africa will only send staff officers.


The envisaged 25 000-strong ASF operating through five regional brigades is expected to be the backbone of the continent’s new peace and security architecture.

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26 mars 2015 4 26 /03 /mars /2015 08:45
Indian Ocean Rim Association to host blue economy workshop in Durban


25 March 2015 by defenceWeb


In six weeks’ time the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), of which South Africa is a member, will, along with the Human Sciences Research Council, host a blue economy workshop in Durban, to which the South African Navy will be paying close attention.


Titled “Promoting Fisheries, Aquaculture, Maritime Safety and Security Co-operation in the Indian Ocean region” it dovetails neatly with the maritime component of the South African government’s Operation Phakisa.


Late last year Rear Admiral Sagaren Pillay, Director Maritime Strategy at Navy headquarters in Pretoria, told defenceWeb “from a mandate perspective, the Navy remains responsible for the protection of South Africa’s territorial integrity and sovereignty with the maritime border being the Navy’s responsibility”. After Phakisa was announced, the Navy began looking at the implications of direct future force employment missions resulting from the Operation.


Phakisa comes from the “Big Fast Results” methodology employed by Malaysia and it is seen as being a launch platform for delivery of priorities set out in the National Development Plan. “Phakisa” means “hurry up” in Sesotho.


Speaking in Durban last June where he officially put the first implementation phase of Phakisa into operation, President Jacob Zuma said it would be led by the Department of Environment Affairs and would have four priorities. These are marine transport and manufacturing; offshore oil and gas exploration; aquaculture and marine protection services.


“South Africa is bordered by the ocean on three sides. With the inclusion of Prince Edward and Marion islands in the Southern Ocean, the coastline is over 3,900 kilometres long,” Zuma said, adding the full economic potential of this marine space remained largely untapped.


The President sees it as having the potential to contribute up to R177 billion to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while creating up to a million new jobs by 2033. By comparison, the ocean economy generated R54 billion and served 316 000 jobs in 2010.


One item on the Phakisa ocean agenda of particular interest to the maritime arm of the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) is marine protection services. This will include improving protection of South Africa’s oceans, particularly around critically endangered ecosystems.


Ahead of the May 4 and 5 blue economy core group workshop, IORA notes the Indian Ocean rim region is home to nearly a third of the world’s population.


“Additionally the region possesses a variety of resources vital for the well-being of its inhabitants. As such, IORA has placed more emphasis on growing the blue economy in the region,” the Association said.


Other IORA members include Australia, India, Malaysia as well as SADC countries Kenya, Mozambique and Seychelles.


The May workshop will concentrate on maritime safety and security as well as fisheries and aquaculture. One of the planned outcomes is improved knowledge on member states’ capacities, requirements, priorities and weaknesses in the area of maritime safety and security.


The workshop will also be looking into funding and regional co-operation for the important issues of safety and security as a precursor to oil and gas exploration and exploitation. Indications from government are the South African EEZ (exclusive economic zone) is home to nine billion barrels of oil and 11 billion barrels’ equivalent of natural gas. These reserves are equal to 40 years of South African oil consumption and 375 years of gas consumption.


The SA Navy is internationally accepted as a small one but it has a clear blue water capability in the form of four Valour Class Frigates and three Heroine Class Type 209 submarines. The fleet currently includes three revamped strikecraft serving as offshore patrol vessels. This number will be augmented by another three in the next three to four years as well as three dedicated inshore patrol vessels.


At this stage there is no indication from government on what role, if any, the SA Air Force (SAAF) will have in the maritime security sector of the ocean phase of Operation Phakisa. The defence force’s airborne arm is dependent of ageing C-47TP aircraft, operated by 35 Squadron out of AFB Ysterplaat. The SAAF is seeking to acquire maritime surveillance/patrol aircraft to replace these vintage aircraft.

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25 mars 2015 3 25 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
Kabul's Security Advisor

24 mars 2015 NATO


Around twelve thousand foreign troops will remain in Afghanistan this year to continue to support the Afghan forces. Kabul’s security advisor Col John Graham shows us what NATO’s new Afghan mission Resolute Support looks like in action.

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18 mars 2015 3 18 /03 /mars /2015 17:45
Denel moving into civil security sector


18 March 2015 by defenceWeb


An indication Denel is moving into areas other than pure defence comes with the announcement of a partnership with Aviation Co-ordination Services (ACS) to provide secure hold baggage screening services at African airports.


A memorandum of understanding signed this week will see Denel, through its recently established Denel Integrated Systems and Maritime (DSIM) division work and co-operate with ACS at airports outside South Africa.


“We are combining the experience, reputation and resources of Denel with the specialist technology and expertise offered by ACS to provide safe, secure and cost effective operational services to airlines operating at African airports,” said Ismail Dockrat, DISM chief executive.


DISM is the newest addition in the Denel stable and was created primarily to partner with other companies in the defence and security sectors where design, management, integration and through-life support of security systems is a priority.


“The agreement with ACS is an opportunity for us to start playing a role in the security arena on the African continent,” Dockrat said, adding it would see what he termed the “implementation of security measures needed at African airports to enable compliance with international standards”.


Hold baggage screening technology is a critical requirement for airlines operating internationally. The African Union has, according to DISM, been keeping pace with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) and various national civil aviation authorities’ screening requirements.


Juan van Rensburg, ACS chief executive, said the company has more than 17 years of experience in screening hold baggage on behalf of airlines operating to and in South Africa.


“We look forward to exploring possibilities with Denel and rolling out similar services in other parts of Africa. This alliance is the first foray for Denel into the international civil security sector.”


The DISM division housed at Denel Kempton Park campus will manage implementation of the memorandum on Denel’s behalf and together with ACS commence initial assessments in targeted key African markets.

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18 mars 2015 3 18 /03 /mars /2015 14:55
photo Morpho

photo Morpho



Paris, March 18, 2015 by Morpho (Safran)


Anne Bouverot has been appointed Chair and CEO of Morpho (Safran), effective August 1, 2015. She will replace Philippe Petitcolin, who is expected to be appointed Chief Executive Officer of Safran.


Anne Bouverot, 48, is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, with a telecommunications engineering degree, and holds a PhD in computer science (1991). She started her career as an IT project manager for Telmex in Mexico, moving to Global One in the United States in 1996. She was named Vice President, IT services business unit at Equant in 2002. Two years later she became Chief of Staff to the Orange CEO in the UK, then Executive Vice President, Mobile Services for France Telecom Orange. In 2011, she was named Director General and a member of the Board of Directors of GSMA, the global association of mobile operators. In addition, she is a member of the Boards of Directors of CapGemini and Edenred.


"Anne Bouverot brings to Morpho her very solid experience in the very dynamic and selective field of information technologies," said Philippe Petitcolin.


In line with the governance principle approved during its meeting on December 5, 2014, Safran's Board of Directors, meeting after the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on April 23, 2015, is expected to name Philippe Petitcolin as Chief Executive Officer of the Group.

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12 mars 2015 4 12 /03 /mars /2015 13:50
The Eastern Partnership after Five Years: Time for Deep Rethinking - SEDE
The first five years of the Eastern Partnership have witnessed the most challenging period of relations between the EU and its eastern neighbours since the fall of communism in 1991. The year 2014 was a pivotal one, marked by the signing of Association Agreements with the European Union by three partners countries – Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, and Georgia – but also by Russian military intervention in Ukraine, including the annexation of Crimea. The continued aggression of a revanchist and intransigent Russia has altered the political and social landscape, and the original concept of the Eastern Partnership, however well-intentioned and suitable for a previous era, is not adequate to meet the challenges of 2015 and beyond. Therefore, there is a need for the EU to rethink its policy towards the Eastern Partnership countries and Russia, and build new approaches to suit the new reality. More than ever, the EU needs to focus its attention on relations with those Eastern Partner countries that are willing to cooperate more closely and who truly wish to integrate with the Union, politically, economically and socially. Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, and Georgia should be perceived as more than partners, and the ‘more for more’ approach should be strengthened. Such an approach would send a clear political signal to all parties involved, and make for a better use of limited resources.


Study - The Eastern Partnership after Five Years: Time for Deep Rethinking - PE 536.438

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8 mars 2015 7 08 /03 /mars /2015 16:50
8 March International Women’s Day: NATO celebrates women in defence and security

7 mars 2015 by NATO


Short video clip highlighting the essential role of women in defence and security from high level decision making to serving in the armed forces

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3 mars 2015 2 03 /03 /mars /2015 17:35
A spotlight on security in Kabul

3 mars 2015 by NATO


General Rahimi is put to the test in his first few months as police chief of Kabul, having to secure a fast growing city with high crime rates and insurgency threats.

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12 février 2015 4 12 /02 /février /2015 17:55
19th International Conference on Economics and Security, Grenoble (France), 25-27th June 2015


source defense-realms.com

ENSTA Bretagne (Brest), University Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble) and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Grenoble are pleased to announce that the 19th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security will be held in Grenoble, France, on 25-27 June 2015. The conference is co-organized with Economists for Peace and Security.


Proposed topics include:

  • Economics of conflict and war
  • Post-conflict reconstruction
  • Economics of the arms trade
  • Procurement and offsets
  • Economics of security
  • Globalisation and the restructuring of the MIC
  • Security sector reform
  • Arms races and alliances
  • Peace economics and peace science
  • Economics of terrorism, etc.

View & download the Call for papers



Further information will come soon

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15 janvier 2015 4 15 /01 /janvier /2015 17:50
Security in the Black Sea and Arctic - SEDE

15.01.2015 SEDE


SEDE will hold a first exchange of views on the draft report on the Strategic military situation in the Black Sea Basin following the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia (Rapporteur: Ioan Mircea PASCU, S&D). It will also exchange views with experts on Emerging security challenges in the Arctic.


When: 21 January 2015


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18 décembre 2014 4 18 /12 /décembre /2014 08:50
Sweden's arms export agency not closing after all


12/17/2014 Defence IQ Press


The Swedish Defence and Security Export Agency (FXM), which announced it would close in October following negotiations between the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Green Party when forming the new government, is to “remain” according to a statement.


An Alliance Parties’ budget bill was passed earlier this month with the Committee on Defence releasing a report a short time after that emphasised the significance of FXM.

The report said “an important objective in setting up the Agency was, among other things, to promote greater transparency with regard to defence export activities and to make a distinction between these activities and the other activities of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and the Swedish Armed Forces. The Agency has achieved this objective.”

The Greens had opposed the need for a defence export agency – or a state arms export promotion agency as it called FXM – but further negotiations appear to have secured the future of FXM.

You can read an exclusive interview in the next issue of Defence Industry Bulletin with FXM’s Director-General Ulf Hammarström where he explains the importance of the export agency and how it works with other organisations such as FMV. He also discusses future prospects such as the deal with Switzerland for Sweden’s Gripen aircraft, which may still be alive despite a No vote in the referendum in May.

The next issue of Defence Industry Bulletin is due to be released in January 2015.

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15 décembre 2014 1 15 /12 /décembre /2014 17:55
LTE by Thales: Nexium Wireless


15 déc. 2014 Thales


Discover our video to know more about Nexium Wireless, the Thales’s mission-critical LTE Solution.

NEXIUM Wireless, the first and unique LTE solution which is adapted to civil and military security forces’ mission-critical applications. learn more : https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/worldw...

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11 décembre 2014 4 11 /12 /décembre /2014 07:50
  EDA signs Security Arrangement with OCCAR


Bonn - 09 December, 2014 European Defence Agency


European Defence Agency (EDA) Chief Executive Claude-France Arnould and Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'ARmement (OCCAR) Director Tim Rowntree have signed a Security Arrangement between their respective organisations on 8 December 2014. The event took place at OCCAR headquarters in Bonn, in the margins of the biannual meeting of the chiefs of the two partners organisations.


In 2012, EDA and OCCAR signed an administrative arrangement that established the framework of their partnership in the fied of European defence capabilities development and armaments cooperation.

The EDA-OCCAR Security Arrangement complements this Administrative Arrangement as well as the Security Agreement between the European Union and OCCAR. It details the protection and exchange of classified information. The overall aim is to facilitate and further develop cooperation opportunities between the two organizations.


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EDA and OCCAR build links, seeking efficiencies through cooperation

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8 décembre 2014 1 08 /12 /décembre /2014 12:50
From maritime security to European seapower

03.12.2014 by Luis Simon* - europeangeostrategy.org

Maritime security is the new buzz-phrase in Brussels policy circles. 2014 has witnessed the publication of the EU’s first maritime security strategy. This strategy is premised upon the assumption that maritime security is a comprehensive business that covers a wide range of issues, from harbour safety, biodiversity conservation and the control of illegal fishing, through to piracy, all the way up to the support of crisis management operations. This emphasis on comprehensiveness is hardly surprising. The comprehensive approach is part of the European Union’s (EU) DNA, and it permeates through pretty much every instance of the newly adopted maritime security strategy.

maritime security is a brainchild of the crisis management paradigm

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s (NATO) understanding of maritime security is quite similar to that of the EU. Admittedly, the Alliance lacks the kind of competencies the EU has in areas such as harbour safety, conservation or fishing. However, NATO’s Maritime Security Strategy places much emphasis on the fact that the sea’s status as a global common means that maritime security is a comprehensive business that can only be achieved through cooperation between military and civilian actors, between international organisations and partner nations.

As a concept, maritime security is a brainchild of the crisis management paradigm. This paradigm has been underpinned by Western global strategic and political supremacy, and has organised the way in which Americans and Europeans have thought about military power over the past twenty-five years. Crisis management has had a pervasive influence upon NATO debates since the end of the Cold War. And it has been central to the development of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), having come to organise the EU’s strategic culture, operational doctrine and approach to capability development for the better part of the last fifteen years.

Insofar as maritime security is concerned, the crisis management paradigm has animated the idea that Europeans (and Americans) could use the sea freely in order to transit into out of area operational theatres, where they could engage in crisis management and stabilisation missions. A related assumption was that the main challenges at sea came in the form of piracy, illegal immigration, drug smuggling, terrorism and so on, and could be overcome through cooperation with other International Organisation’s and multiple partners.

the crisis management paradigm seems to be in crisis

The EU and NATO missions off the coast of Somalia represent the embodiment of ‘maritime security’. Those two operations amount to a coordinated anti-piracy effort involving multiple actors and organisations such as the EU, NATO, a number of Non-Governmental Organisations, private insurance companies as well as numerous non-EU, non-NATO countries like Australia, Saudi Arabia, India, Russia, Ukraine, China, Japan, South Korea or Indonesia.

International efforts to eradicate transnational challenges to maritime security are most welcome. However, it must not be forgotten that it is Western strategic supremacy at sea what provides the material and normative framework that allows these ‘crisis management’ initiatives to take hold. And the crisis management paradigm seems to be in crisis. The reasons behind this crisis are manifold, and include the return of great power competition (both in Europe and globally), intervention fatigue in the West, defence-budgetary pressures and the proliferation of Anti-Access Area Denial capabilities, which are being exported from China and Russia to countries like Pakistan, Iran, Syria or Algeria.

All these changes seem to be underpinning a recalibration in Western military strategy, as the intervention fever of the 1990s and 2000s draws down and greater attention is devoted to thinking about defence, deterrence, intelligence, prevention and military diplomacy. This does not mean that out of area operations are over. However, the kind of long-lasting and ambitious military and reconstruction efforts seen in the Western Balkans or Afghanistan will be generally avoided, and more ‘surgical’ forms of intervention will be prioritised.

Europeans should move from a ‘maritime security’ to a ‘seapower’ mindframe

Insofar as maritime security is a concern, the unfolding crisis of crisis management heralds a transition into a less hospitable maritime environment for Europe and for the West. This means Europeans should perhaps move away from the assumption of unhindered Western access and freedom of movement at sea and think harder about how to help preserve Western supremacy at sea, and how to use the sea to project power in an increasingly contested maritime environment.

In other words, Europeans should move from a ‘maritime security’ to a ‘seapower’ mindframe. This means they should spend less time thinking about those kind of capabilities that assume unhindered access to and from the sea – such as sealift or offshore surface patrol – and a little more time thinking about sea-combat, underwater capabilities or air and missile defence at sea. More broadly, it means Europeans should move away from the notion of indiscriminate partnerships with every possible country and international organisation and focus more on those partners who have a strong stake in underpinning a rules-based order at sea. That includes first and foremost the United States, but also countries like Australia, India, Japan, Turkey or Brazil.


* Prof. Luis Simón is co-founder and a Senior Editor of European Geostrategy. He is also a Research Professor at the Institute for European Studies at the Free University of Brussels. He writes here in a personal capacity.

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23 novembre 2014 7 23 /11 /novembre /2014 12:50
HR/VP to VP/HR? the next generation


With the formal entry into office of the new European Commission chaired by Jean-Claude Juncker, a new organisation of the college and its services, as well as a new modus operandi across all EU services will be put to test. This applies to the Commission as a whole – to the extent that it will probably shape its entire mandate and future legacy.

But it will be particularly relevant for the area of foreign policy and external action, in view of the foreseeable implications – and possibly the unintended consequences – of the new setup for the role of the multi-hatted high representative for foreign affairs and security policy and vice-president (HR/VP). Five years after Catherine Ashton took up the newly created function of HR/VP, Federica Mogherini is taking over in a significantly different institutional landscape.


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22 novembre 2014 6 22 /11 /novembre /2014 12:50
Security situation in the Baltic Sea - SEDE


21-11-2014 SEDE


On 20 November the Subcommittee exchanged views with Airis Rikveilis , Defence Counsellor to NATO and the EU, Latvia and Tomasz Szatkowski, President of the National Centre for Strategic Studies, Poland, on the security situation in the Baltic Sea basin.
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22 novembre 2014 6 22 /11 /novembre /2014 12:50
Climate change and EU security – When and how they intersect


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The potential security challenges linked to climate change can make for great headlines. While sensationalist claims about water wars, states collapsing in chaos or the forced migration of hundreds of millions cannot be completely discounted for the long term, intelligent mitigation and adaptation efforts can help avoid the worst of these – and manage the rest.

Planning these efforts, however, requires that the likelihood and time frame of climate change impacts are well understood (as much as they can be); that security challenges associated with these impacts are placed in their proper context; and that resilience mechanisms, including security and defence systems, are appropriately organised to withstand potential shocks. And while much analysis is necessarily focused on potential climate-related threats abroad – climactic stressors that can change the calculus of potential conflicts in far-off lands – climate change will also impact security and defence considerations closer to home.

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21 novembre 2014 5 21 /11 /novembre /2014 17:35
Afghanistan: charting a new path



Following a protracted dispute over election results, a national unity government headed by President Ashraf Ghani was sworn in in Kabul last September. This has injected some badly-needed momentum into Afghan politics after months of electoral deadlock and over a decade of Karzai rule increasingly marked by antagonism between the president and the West.

This new phase represents an opportunity also for the EU and its member states to tailor their respective approaches and commitments to a changing political and security environment that promises greater activism on the part of Afghanistan’s neighbours in the months and years to come.


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6 octobre 2014 1 06 /10 /octobre /2014 17:40
Mise en place du concept d'opérations de la Mission consultative de l'UE en Ukraine


source Fondation Robert Schuman


Le 1er octobre, le concept d'opérations de la Mission consultative de l'Union européenne pour la réforme du secteur de sécurité civile en Ukraine a été arrêté. En vertu de la politique de sécurité et de défense commune de l'Union européenne, cette mission civile est une nouvelle étape vers le début rapide des travaux de la mission d'appui des services de sécurité civile efficaces, fiables et contrôlés démocratiquement en Ukraine. Elle devra atteindre plusieurs objectifs dont encadrer les développements d'une stratégie de réforme du secteur de la sécurité civile ainsi que le respect des droits de l'homme, la lutte contre les problèmes de corruption et d'égalité de sexe. Cette mission assurera également la coordination et la cohérence avec les autres efforts de l'Union européenne ainsi qu'avec l'OSCE et d'autres partenaires internationaux.


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26 septembre 2014 5 26 /09 /septembre /2014 16:50
European Security and Defence CSDP basics


26 September 2014  EUISS


This leaflet, produced for the occasion of the EUISS annual conference 2014, goes back to basics on the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

Infographics and illustrations, as well as a glossary of terms and relevant actors, present facts and figures about European security – in an easily accessible manner.

With the aim of reaching a broad range of those interested in how the Union operates in this field, printed versions will be made widely available across the EU, and EU Delegations worldwide. 


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26 septembre 2014 5 26 /09 /septembre /2014 12:50
Call for Submissions: EDA-Egmont PhD Prize


Brussels - 24 September, 2014 European Defence Agency


The European Defence Agency (EDA) in partnership with Egmont Institute has the pleasure of inviting the best and the brightest European scholars to submit their candidacy for the EDA-Egmont PhD Prize in Defence, Security and Strategy.


If you have been awarded a PhD in the period between 1 January 2013 and 15 December 2014 and feel your findings stand out in terms of quality, innovation and impact on future EU policy, then you may have what we are looking for.

You need to be a citizen of an EDA Member State (all EU Member States except Denmark) and  you will need to have been awarded the PhD by an academic institution. You will also need to be available to deliver an intervention at EDA’s Annual Conference scheduled for 6 May 2015 in Brussels.

Does this sound interesting? If so, please consult the attached documents for full details on eligibility and award criteria as well as for the practicalities on how to submit your application.

Deadline for submissions is 16 December 2014. The Award notice will be published on 1 March 2015.

We look forward to receiving your submission!


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10 septembre 2014 3 10 /09 /septembre /2014 13:50
EU ministers discuss security and defence


10 September 2014 Ministry of Defence and The Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP


The Defence Secretary has called on the EU to maintain momentum on investment and rapid reaction capability.


During a visit to Milan, Michael Fallon joined EU defence ministers for discussions about security, defence and the situations in Iraq and Ukraine.

At the informal meeting, the ministers focused on:

  • the development of a policy framework for long term defence co-operation
  • the financing of EU missions and operations
  • rapid response options available to members of the EU, beyond the EU battle groups

These latest discussions will support the development of European Council initiatives to strengthen the EU’s common security and defence policy during formal council talks taking place in November.

The ministers also focused their talks on the EU response to the crisis in Ukraine, building on the progress made at the NATO Summit in Wales last week.

During the summit, the UK announced a double commitment of headquarters staff and a battle group to a NATO spearhead rapid reaction force, and a commitment of up to 3,000 troops to a new Joint Expeditionary Force.

The Defence Secretary said:

We need to maintain the momentum that the 22 EU member states who are also NATO members established in committing to defence investment and a rapid reaction force.

With huge security challenges across the Middle East and eastern Europe, building structures that allow us to respond to threats quickly and effectively is integral to our collective security.

The informal meeting also saw the EU defence ministers exchange views on the security situation in Iraq, Syria and Libya, with an aim to strengthen the EU member states’ response.

Today, 10 September, there will be discussions around EU counter-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean and EU training and capacity-building missions in Mali and Somalia.

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8 septembre 2014 1 08 /09 /septembre /2014 15:50
EDA Symposium on Social Media in Security and Defence
Brussels - 21 August, 2014 European Defence Agency

On 16 and 17 July, the European Defence Agency (EDA) hosted a symposium to discuss the current and potential role for social media in security and defence.

Social Media is an increasingly pervasive part of global communication with increasing security and defence relevance.  However,  MoD staff and international organization are struggling to fully understand how social media can be used within the broad spectrum of security and defence activities.

The two day symposium hosted by EDA gathered experts Member States, industry, the European External Action Service (EEAS), and NATO, to discuss how analysing social media activities can help enhance situational awareness. This was based partially on the analysis of the results of an EDA study on social media for defence.


Enhancing situation awareness in operational circumstances

The symposium, as well as EDA’s other work on social media, contributed to the Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC), of which EDA is a participating member. MCDC is designed to develop and introduce new capabilities to enhance multinational and coalition operations. One strand of MCDC is on how social media can be used as a form of open source intelligence to help enhance armed forces’ situation awareness in operational circumstances.   

The conclusion of the symposium was that social media has great potential to increase the effectiveness of OSINT, Command and Control and StratCom/ Information Ops. However work is needed to manage the risk associated with using social media platforms and to demonstrate how it can effectively enhance information capabilities.

Another outcome of the symposium was demand for the reinvigoration of open source intelligence training,  something that was previously advocated and delivered by EDA.

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8 juillet 2014 2 08 /07 /juillet /2014 12:50
Sous-Commission Sécurité et défense (SEDE) du Parlement Européen


08-07-2014 REF. : 20140708IPR51811


Après l'élection du nouveau Président, des vice-présidents et des questeurs du Parlement européen à Strasbourg la semaine dernière, les commissions parlementaires se sont réunies lundi à Bruxelles pour élire leurs président et vice-présidents pour un mandat de deux ans et demi.


Le travail législatif du Parlement européen se fait dans vingt commissions permanentes et deux sous-commissions. Chaque commission élit un président et quatre vice-présidents.


Sécurité et défense (SEDE)





Michael GAHLER (PPE, DE)


Afzal KHAN (S&D, UK)



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