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22 octobre 2015 4 22 /10 /octobre /2015 16:50
Vision d'artiste du concept de "Snail Charge Rocket Motor" développé par Roxeldg

Vision d'artiste du concept de "Snail Charge Rocket Motor" développé par Roxeldg


22 octobre, 2015 Nathan Gain (FOB)


Bonne nouvelle pour les nombreuses entreprises françaises impliquées dans la technologie des missiles : le 1er octobre dernier, les gouvernements britannique et français se sont mis d’accord pour prolonger le financement du « Materials & Components for Missiles Innovation & Technology Partnership » (MCM-ITP) jusqu’en 2018. Officialisé par l’entremise de la DGA et de son pendant britannique, le Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, ces fonds supplémentaires permettront de progresser dans la réalisation de 21 projets existant et de permettre à de nouveaux partenaires de soumettre leurs projets pour cette nouvelle étape, dont le démarrage est prévu pour septembre 2016.


« Nous sommes heureux de constater la prolongation de l’engagement des gouvernements français et britannique pour les deux prochaines années. L’appel pour de nouveaux projets est maintenant disponible sur le site web du MCM-ITP et sera clôturé le 30 novembre 2015. Cela offre la possibilité aux industries et institutions franco-britanniques d’accéder à ce financement, tous les projets approuvés démarreront en septembre 2016, » a déclaré le directeur du programme MCM-ITP, en marge d’une conférence ayant réuni, ces 21 et 22 octobre, l’ensemble des acteurs impliqués.

Lancé en 2007, ce partenariat stratégique vise à consolider les capacités du complexe industriel franco-britannique en matière d’armement, à renforcer la base technologique et à favoriser une meilleure compréhension des futurs besoins communs. Dans ce but, le MCM-ITP gère un portfolio d’une centaine de technologies de pointe actuellement développées en laboratoire.


Le programme MCM-ITP est financé à parts égales par les différents gouvernements et industriels concernés et rassemble un panel élargi de projets concernant des technologies exploratoires pour la production de futurs missiles. Doté d’un budget annuel de 12,5 millions d’euros, dont 30% sont destinés au petites et moyennes entreprises et aux universités, le MCM est depuis sa création devenu la pierre angulaire de l’ensemble des futurs programmes collaboratifs de recherche et de démonstration technologique pour les systèmes de missiles franco-britanniques.


Ce programme phare couvre tous les domaines relevant du développement de missiles (senseurs infrarouges et radars, systèmes de propulsion, ogives, systèmes de sécurité, électronique, … pour ne citer que les composantes principales). Bien que la direction de chacun de ces domaines de recherche soie confiée à MBDA ou l’un de ses partenaires (Nexter, QinetiQ, Roxel, Safran Microturbo, Selex ES et Thales), le MCM fait la part belle aux PME et universités, avec 76 partenaires de ce type sur les 121 impliqués dans ce programme.


Parmi ces nombreux partenaires, l’on retrouve logiquement l’un des spécialistes des systèmes de propulsion : Roxel Group. Les systèmes de propulsions actuelles répondent à deux contraintes techniques induites par le champ de bataille moderne: une accélération brève et intense du missile à partir de la plateforme de lancement (phase de propulsion), suivie d’une phase destinée à maintenir la vitesse sur la distance le séparant de sa cible. Les moteurs de missile actuels utilisent des caractéristiques géométriques particulières afin de commander chacune des deux phases de combustion. Cependant, cela entraîne des contraintes en matière de ratio longueur/diamètre du missile et réduit donc considérablement la flexibilité du missilier lorsqu’il doit envisager l’intégration du système sur sa plate-forme de lancement. Pour atténuer, voire contourner cette contrainte, Roxel étudie actuellement, dans le cadre du MCM-ITP, un concept inédit, le principe de « snail charge rocket motor ». L’idée est de créer un moteur ayant la capacité de retenir la fonction de lancement/maintien afin de maximiser la portée, tout en offrant plus de flexibilité en matière de ratio longueur/diamètre pour le moteur. La solution technique proposée par Roxel passerait par l’utilisation d’un combustible « escargot » capable de, littéralement, se replier à l’intérieur du propulseur. Cela permettrait de fournir une fenêtre de conception élargie aux missiliers afin de maximiser la portée d’engagement et les dimensions du missile en vue de son intégration sur plate-forme.


Et ce n’est qu’un exemple parmi tant d’autres du savoir-faire déployé dans le cadre du MCM-ITP.


Rendez-vous est donc pris, les 11-12 octobre 2017 à Lille, pour la prochaine conférence de présentation des résultats de ce partenariat majeur.

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12 octobre 2015 1 12 /10 /octobre /2015 16:50
Selex ES delivers air defense radars to Poland


ROME, Oct. 9 By Richard Tomkins   (UPI)


Radars to strengthen NATO air defense have been installed in Poland by Selex ES.


Three installed air defense fixed radar systems were officially delivered to Poland this week by Selex ES for use in NATO's air defense network. The RAT 31 DL radars are set up at three strategic locations in northeast and southeast Poland under a contract issued by the NATO Communications and Information Agency under NATO's Security Investment Program.

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17 septembre 2015 4 17 /09 /septembre /2015 16:50
EOTS Electro-Optical Targeting System - photo Lockheed Martin

EOTS Electro-Optical Targeting System - photo Lockheed Martin


Sept 16, 2015 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Selex ES; issued Sept 15, 2015)


Finmeccanica – Selex ES has been awarded a contract by prime contractor Lockheed Martin to supply 165 advanced targeting lasers for the F-35 Lightning II’s Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS). The contract forms part of the Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP) programme phase.


The laser, integrated into the EOTS, allows fighter aircraft crews to perform precision ranging and targeting functions. The award follows on from existing orders for lasers for the F-35 programme.


Selex ES has developed a strong relationship with Lockheed Martin, successfully delivering tactical lasers on the F-35 EOTS, the Apache helicopter’s targeting and pilotage system, M-TADS/PNVS, and the Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod.


This latest order for the F-35 EOTS programme is critical to sustaining and strengthening this relationship going forward and further expands Selex ES’s highly successful lasers business in Edinburgh.


Selex ES is also working closely with Lockheed Martin to meet the aggressive cost reduction challenges of the F-35 programme, whilst at the same time enhancing the laser product. F-35 production is expected to ramp to full rate in 2018 with deliveries forecasted for the next 30 years of more than 3,000 aircraft.


The Selex ES laser business has been hugely successful in exporting the products generated by the company’s world-class laser development and manufacturing capabilities. In addition to a number of contracts with US prime contractors, advanced ground-based laser systems were also sold to customers in Europe and the Middle East in 2014.

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25 février 2015 3 25 /02 /février /2015 13:50
photo  Piaggio Aerospace

photo Piaggio Aerospace


24.02.2015 Aerobuzz.fr

Piaggio Aerospace vient d’annoncer que son drone P.1HH HammerHead avait effectué son premier vol en décembre 2014 sur la base aérienne italienne de Trapani Birgi. Cette étape marque l’ouverture du dossier de certification de ce MALE (Medium Altitude Long Endurance) dérivé du biturbopropulseur d’affaires Avanti. Il est développé avec Finmeccanica-Selex ES et est destiné à la surveillance et à la sûreté. Le P.1HH HammerHead a été dévoilé au salon du Bourget 2013 par Piaggio Aerospace. Le constructeur d’origine italienne est aujourd’hui détenu à hauteur de 98,05% par Mubadala Development Company d’Abu Dhabi.

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4 octobre 2014 6 04 /10 /octobre /2014 20:30
IAF Inaugurates Flight Training Center for the "Lavi" Trainer Aircraft


29/9/2014 IsraelDefense


The Center includes two Full Mission Simulators and two Operational Flight Simulators, offering the experience of real flight. The Center was developed by Elbit Systems together with Alenia Aermacchi, CAE and Selex ES


The Israel Air Force (IAF) inaugurated the new Flight Training Center for the "Lavi" – M346 Trainer at Hatzerim Air Force Base.


Elbit Systems, the prime contractor, developed and delivered the new "Lavi" Ground Based Training System (GBTS) center together with Alenia Aermacchi (Finmeccanica Group), CAE and Sellex ES (Finmeccanica Group), following a selection by "TOR - Advanced Flight Training", which is responsible to the IAF for the operation of the trainer aircraft. Elbit Systems will provide the GBTS center with logistics services for twenty years.


With the introduction of the M346 trainer, more emphasis is being given to ground-based training in the IAF flight school's advanced training phases, for both fighter pilots and Weapon Systems Operators (WSO's). The GBTS consists of two Full Mission Simulators (FMS) and two Operational Flight Simulators (OFS), all linked together, offering an experience which is almost identical to real flight. Both pilots and WSOs will undergo training ranging from basic familiarity with the aircraft to the highest level of combat flight competence. This training will be performed based upon a new innovative concept where a high percentage of the syllabus is being practiced at the GBTS, with the trainees visiting the GTBS on a daily basis. The GBTS, which serves as the training “Center of Excellence”, is based on Elbit’s SkyBreaker concept and technology, previously known as the Mission Training Center (MTC), and will enable flight school cadets, as well as graduate pilots and WSOs, to practice unusual and in-flight emergency procedures, and at a more advanced level, to simulate complex combat scenarios in single aircraft or as part of a formation.


This comprehensive training solution was selected by the IAF, so the pilots and WSOs will be ready and qualified to progress directly to 4th and 5th generation fighter aircraft (F-16, F-15, F-35).


Parallel to training in the Flight Training Center, the cadets, young pilots and WSOs will proceed to airborne training, using Elbit’s Embedded Virtual Avionics (EVA) onboard training system, integrated by Alenia Aeromacchi into M-346 trainer, which transforms the aircraft into a virtual advanced fighter and allows the trainees to achieve an essential experience in operating advanced systems, such as virtual Radar, Optical sensors and Electronic Warfare systems, as well as virtual Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground weapons.

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16 juillet 2014 3 16 /07 /juillet /2014 17:50
nEuron (Dassault) – Taranis (BAE System)

nEuron (Dassault) – Taranis (BAE System)

July 15, 2014 Thales Group

Thales and Finmeccanica – Selex ES welcome the signature of the FCAS Arrangement between the United Kingdom and France. Within the UK-French framework, the two companies will cooperate for the development of the multifunction sensor suite and the communication sub-system of the future Anglo-French Unmanned Combat Air System (UCAS).

A two-year feasibility study, expected to be formally contracted before the end of 2014, will see the two companies work collaboratively in a 50/50 split to lay the groundwork for all the sensing systems required for a future UCAS.

In the airborne sensors domain, Thales and Finmeccanica – Selex ES are partners of choice of Ministries of Defence in the UK and France. The agreement will therefore create an unmatched European force in defence electronics, with a broad width of expertise and experience in Manned and Unmanned Aerial Systems technology.

The indisputable European leadership of the two partner companies in this domain is a guarantee that they will provide a fully integrated sensor suite able to meet the emerging customers’ requirements either for Unmanned or for Combat platforms.

The collaboration between the two national champions is articulated in two main streams:


Exclusive agreement for UK-French FCAS sensor cooperation: During the two year Feasibility Phase, the two companies will exclusively collaborate on all sensor requirements for the UK-French Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme. The two companies will lead the sensor and communication definition package for FCAS, involving other UK and French industry as appropriate. The cooperation also includes joint technology maturation

activities to inform the design activities.


‘‘PERFECTA” Project for the joint development of a digital backbone for the multifunction sensor: Thales and Finmeccanica – Selex ES will also jointly execute a contract from the French Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) and the UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) to develop the digital backbone (flexible multifunction sensor suite management and processing) for future advanced sensor systems.

By bringing together the sheer wealth of defence electronic expertise of the two respective companies, Britain and France will be able to operate UCAS effectively in a high threat environment. By providing innovative sensor solutions, the companies will also be sustaining and developing sovereign technologies and a critical skills base in the UK and France.


Norman Bone, Finmeccanica – Selex ES Managing Director, Airborne and Space Systems Division said “I am confident that this new collaborative programme, together with our partner Thales, will help to shape the future of the next generation of Combat Aircraft in Europe.”

Pierre-Eric Pommellet, Thales SVP, Defence Mission Systems noted that “The future of combat aircraft in Europe cannot be envisioned without strong cooperation between the key players. In this respect, this cooperation between the two European leaders in Airborne Systems is the insurance for the UK and French governments that this project will develop the sensors standards of the next decade by generating competitive and innovating solutions.”


Finmeccanica- Selex ES is a global technology provider delivering innovative systems, products and solutions to answer the growing demand for enhanced capabilities in the national security and military domains as well as in complex civil infrastructure management. Finmeccanica - Selex ES has a workforce of 17,000 people, main operations in Italy and the UK and a strong industrial and commercial footprint in the US, Germany, Turkey, Romania, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and India.


Thales is a global technology leader in the Aerospace, Transportation and Defence & Security & markets. In 2013, the company generated revenues of €14.2 billion with 65,000 employees in 56 countries. With its 25,000 engineers and researchers, Thales has a unique capability to design, develop and deploy equipment, systems and services that meet the most complex security requirements. Thales has an exceptional international footprint, with operations around the world working with customers and local partners.

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14 avril 2014 1 14 /04 /avril /2014 17:50
Premières commandes pour le « Soldato del Futuro » italien



14 avril, 2014 Guillaume Belan (FOB)


La société de défense italienne Selex ES (groupe Finmeccanica) vient d’être notifiée de deux contrats distincts dans le cadre du programme « Soldato del Futuro », version italienne du système Felin français. Le premier porte sur la fourniture d’un premier lot de 2726 radios individuels Software Defined Radio (SDR) SWave et le second sur celle d’un nombre équivalent de viseurs nocturnes TM-NVG (Tactical Mobility-Night Vision Goggle). La valeur totale des deux contrats s’élève à 60 millions d’euros.


Le système « Soldato del Futuro » italien a été lancé fin des années 90.  Tout comme son jumeau français, son objectif est d’accroître l’efficacité opérationnelle du combattant en améliorant ses capacités en termes de létalité, de protection, de communication, de mobilité et d’autonomie. Selex ES (groupe Finmeccanica) est le maître d’œuvre de cet ambitieux programme.


Trois versions sont prévues: une pour le fusilier, l’autre pour le grenadier et une dernière pour le chef de groupe. D’architecture ouverte, l’ensemble des soldats d’un groupe de combat sera équipé des mêmes systèmes, avec des fonctions supplémentaires pour le chef de groupe et le grenadier.


Le programme s’étale sur trois phases: la première a abouti au développement d’un démonstrateur technologique, la seconde a vu la réalisation de trois prototypes, qui ont été testés par l’Ecole d’Infanterie de Cesano et de l’USD (Unità Esperimentale per la Digitalizzazione), une unité expérimentale spécifiquement constituée pour ce programme au sein du 31ème régiment blindé de la Brigade Pinerolo. Ces deux étapes validées, Rome va bientôt pouvoir passer à la troisième, à savoir la livraison des premiers 92 systèmes de présérie en configuration « Fanteria 2010 ». Cela devrait être chose faite entre la fin de cette année et le début 2015. Les contrats qui viennent d’être passés prouvent que le programme est maintenant mature et que les livraisons sont planifiées.


Tout comme le système Felin français, l’architecture de cette future tenue du combattant moderne est un véritable système d’arme élaborée, qui fait passer le soldat à une autre dimension en termes de capacités. Le « Soldato del Futuro » bénéficie de capacités de communication avancées permettant le partage des informations des différents capteurs. Une capacité rendue possible grâce au système UNC  (Unità Nodo Comunicazioni), qui fait du fantassin un des nodules de ce réseau. Le Sodato del Futuro est équipé d’un système WPC  (Weareable Personal Computer), soit un ordinateur à peine plus grand qu’un paquet de cigarettes, équipé d’un écran de 4 pouces de type touch screen. Le WPC est relié à un clavier de commande, contenu dans une des poches de la veste de combat, qui permet d’insérer les données dans le système. A l’instar d’autres composants, le WPC est équipé d’un dispositif de transmission de type bluetooth, qui crée autour du fantassin un petit réseau local, appelé PAN (Personal Area Network), à l’intérieur duquel sont échangées les informations.


La transmission des données est assurée par une radio individuelle IPR (Individual Pocket Radio), dotée d’une portée de 1 300 m. Le système radio est constitué d’un casque, avec écouteurs et micro incorporés, qui intègre un senseur physiologique. Ce senseur permet de surveiller l’état physique du fantassin, notamment ses battements cardiaques.


La vision jour/nuit est assurée par une caméra TV à haute définition et à haute sensibilité, placée latéralement sur le casque, à laquelle est associé un viseur monoculaire  HMD (Helmet Mounted Display), le tout pesant moins de 500 g. Le chef de groupe dispose, lui, de jumelles multifonction UAB  (Unità Acquisizione Bersagli), permettant l’observation jour/nuit tout temps, la désignation des cibles et la transmission des données.


Chaque tenue comprend également un GPS ainsi que des batteries, nécessaires pour le fonctionnement du système, avec une autonomie affichée entre 24 et 72 heures (rechargeables à bord des véhicule blindés Freccia de l’Infanterie).


L’arme du “Soldato Futuro” est le nouveau fusil d’assaut en 5,56 mm OTAN Beretta ARX-160. Fonctionnant par emprunt de gaz, avec verrouillage rotatif de la culasse, l’arme pèse 3 kg environ en version standard, pour une longueur totale de 1 000 mm. Il est équipé, comme pour le Famas félinisé d’une capacité de tir déporté.


Les premiers systèmes complets de ce « Soldato Futuro »  seront livrés aux unités appartenant aux BMD (Brigade légère blindées digitalisées) sur VBM Freccia, qui seront articulées sur des sections de combat de 40 éléments, subdivisés en groupes de huit fantassins ;  alors qu’au sein des unités mécanisées sur VCI chenillés Dardo  l’articulation se fera sur des groupes de 6 éléments et des sections de 32 fantassins.

Premières commandes pour le « Soldato del Futuro » italien
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11 avril 2014 5 11 /04 /avril /2014 16:50
Evaluation réussie pour le système de brouillage laser Miysis



11.04.2014 Helen Chachaty journal-aviation.com


Nom de code : Miysis. Une « boîte » carrée d’une quinzaine de kilos au nom d’un dieu guerrier égyptien, embarquée à bord d’un CASA C212 banc d’essais de la DGA lors de l’exercice OTAN EMBOW XIV qui s’est tenu dans les Landes au mois de mars.


Fonction : DIRCM, pour Directional infrared counter measure. Soit un système de brouillage laser qui devrait à terme être utilisé en complémentarité du leurrage.


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7 avril 2014 1 07 /04 /avril /2014 11:50
Selex ES Miysis DIRCM sees success in NATO Trial



Apr 7, 2014 ASDNews Source : Selex ES


The Miysis Directed Infrared Countermeasure (DIRCM) system developed Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, was successfully demonstrated in March 2014 as part of NATO Trial EMBOW XIV.


During the flight trial, witnessed by 100 multi-national VIPs, the Miysis DIRCM system autonomously acquired, tracked and jammed the trial test equipment on the ground. Initial assessment of the results indicates that the Miysis DIRCM has the capability to jam Generation 1, 2 and 3 Man Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS) using NATO jam codes. Trial EMBOW XIV was conducted at Biscarrosse in France and the Miysis was installed on a French Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) CASA-212 aircraft. The DIRCM trial was assisted by Airbus D&S, the Royal Canadian Air Force and the UK MoD. Prior to and during EMBOW XIV, the UK MoD worked closely with Selex ES and provided them with substantial support.


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5 avril 2014 6 05 /04 /avril /2014 21:50
photo Saab

photo Saab



April 4, 2014 by Craig Hoyle – FG


London - Saab has successfully test flown a key passive detection capability for its in-development Gripen E fighter, using dedicated test aircraft 39-7.


Developed by Selex ES’s Airborne & Space Systems division, the Skyward-G infrared search and track (IRST) sensor will give the combat aircraft a long-range means of detecting and identifying potential airborne threats, without the need to first switch on its active electronically scanned array radar. Secondary applications include the ability to act as a navigation and landing aid during darkness.


“The first flight in the Gripen E test aircraft with IRST has been performed with very good results,” says Hans Einerth, wing commander flying at Saab’s Linköping production and test site in Sweden. “Multiple targets were detected, tracked and identified, and the system works perfectly.”


Skyward-G comprises a sensor head unit installed in front of the fighter’s cockpit, and an associated processor unit box, which is stowed in the nose avionics bay. The entire system weighs less than 40kg (88lb), says Selex.


“The [IRST] integration and development work is progressing according to schedule,” says Saab. The company is producing three dedicated E-model test aircraft, with its current 39-7 asset being a modified D-model Gripen. The new-generation version should enter use in 2018, with operators expected to include Sweden, plus export customers Brazil and Switzerland; both have yet to finalise planned orders.

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5 décembre 2013 4 05 /12 /décembre /2013 17:50
Selex delivers additional GRIFO radar to Brazilian Air Force

More than 450 GRIFO radars have been sold by Selex to five air forces worldwide. Photo: © 2013 Selex ES S.p.A - A Finmeccanica Company


5 December 2013 airforce-technology.com


The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has taken delivery of an additional GRIFO fire control radar from Selex ES during a ceremony at the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, in Milan, Italy.


Wholly designed, developed and manufactured at the Selex ES facility in Nerviano, near Milan, the avionic combat radar represents the overall 400th GRIFO to have been delivered to date to FAB.


The radar is used for the modernisation of FAB's Northrop Grumman-built F-5 light supersonic fighter aircraft fleet.


Weighing less than 100kg, the GRIFO is a fourth-generation, X-band coherent, pulse-Doppler multimode-multirole fire-control radar designed to provide advanced performance to both new and upgraded aircraft.


Fitted with a powerful avionic radar air cooler transmitter, the modular radar can be easily integrated with modern avionic suites, and fully interfaced through a hands on throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) command, for a cost-effective solution.


Selex ES chief executive officer Fabrizio Giulianini said the success of the GRIFO radar demonstrates the critical importance of continual investment in sustaining company products.


''Thanks to this commitment, GRIFO has today begun an evolving technological roadmap for electronic scanning which will guarantee the system's success for many other years to come,'' Giulianini said.


Designed for installation in a range of combat aircraft, the GRIFO radar can operate in several modes, including an air-to-air mode and air-to-surface mode to effectively support multi-role missions.


In addition to this, the radar features modes for supporting navigation, a flight-proven suite of functions to combat electronic threats and modes for the search and identification of targets with high resolution imaging capability.


Apart from Brazil, the radars are also used by the air forces of Singapore, Czech Republic, Pakistan and South Korea, in seven different types of aircraft.

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3 décembre 2013 2 03 /12 /décembre /2013 17:45
DRC drones take to the sky for the first time



03 December 2013 defenceWeb


Another component of the UN’s ongoing efforts to bring peace to the troubled DRC came into play today when UAVs were launched in Goma for the first time as an additional surveillance tool.


Herve Ladsous, head of peacekeeping for the world body, was in the eastern DRC city to witness the latest addition to the peacekeeping arsenal take to the skies.


MONUSCO, the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is on record as saying the UAVs are an “important new tool to assist in fulfilling its mandate to protect civilians”.


Ladsous said the UAVs are high technology systems that will allow better knowledge of what is happening on the ground. “This, in turn, will allow forces on the ground to do a better job,” he said.


MONUSCO brigade commander General Carlos Alberto Dos Santos Cruz said in October he expected to UAVs to be providing 24 hour surveillance by March next year.


He told Agence France Presse the UAVs would be based at Goma for at least five months and use of them would then be increased.


This is the first time the UN is using UAVs and, if trial surveillance use by peacekeepers in eastern DRC is successful, officials and diplomats are cautiously optimistic the unmanned platforms could be put in service by UN missions in South Sudan and the Ivory Coast.


The unarmed Falco medium altitude, medium endurance UAVs have been sourced from Italian company Selex ES following the signing of a commercial contract with the UN in July.


Expectations are the UAVs will make a major difference in surveillance in the eastern DRC where thick forests, rugged terrain and a scarcity of roads combine to make it difficult for ground-based troops to mount accurate observation.


Speaking ahead of today’s first UAV launch, Ladsous said there had been progress in creating a situation where civilians were at less risk than when particularly M23 rebels had been active.


The arrival of three South African Rooivalk combat support helicopters to augment the Force Intervention Brigade (FIB) has been termed by some military commentators as the decisive intervention which forced M23 to retreat from its fortified positions on high ground outside Goma.


Ladsous sees the UAVs as further bolstering the Mission’s ability to protect civilians.


UN estimates are that at least 100 000 people have been displaced by fighting this year alone with 2.6 million people in total displaced by fighting between DRC forces and various rebels elements over the year.

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16 septembre 2013 1 16 /09 /septembre /2013 16:50
DSEI: Selex marks mini and micro UAV success

13 Sep 2013 by Dan Thisdell – FG


London - Finmeccanica's Selex ES has marked a successful week for its unmanned air systems business, achieving Italian air force certification for micro and mini systems developed by its technical centre at Ronchi dei Legionari, near Trieste.


Selex chief executive Fabrizio Giulianini is especially pleased to have passed this particular milestone for the ducted-fan hovering Asio and fixed-wing Crex systems, as the Italian version of the NATO standard was written after the aircraft were in advanced stages of development.


Speaking exclusively to Flightglobal at the DSEI show in London on 11 September, Giulianini said he was delighted to have been faced with the challenge of adjusting the programmes to meet that NATO standard.


The door is now open for military sales in Italy and abroad and, he stresses, both systems are in a strong position to bid for sales as soon as regulators in North America and Europe establish flight standards to open civil airspace to unmanned aircraft.


"We look forward to the rules of flying in unsegregated airspace," says Giulianini.


The next challenge, he adds, will be to push battery performance to extend the backpackable systems' endurance in battlefield use.


Asio offers endurance of more than 30min in flight and hovering mode, and of over 4h in silent (perching) mode, as well as a datalink range of up to 12km (6.5nm) in line-of-sight and an ability to provide stabilised, high-resolution imagery.


Crex enables "over the hill" and "around the corner" intelligence missions to gather real-time information "in a stealthy way", tracking stationary and moving targets.

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14 septembre 2013 6 14 /09 /septembre /2013 11:50
Royal Navy Type 23 Frigate HMS Argyll

Royal Navy Type 23 Frigate HMS Argyll

Sep 12, 2013 ASDNews Source : Selex ES


Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, has been awarded a €14.1M (£12.2M) contract by the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) to provide in-service support for the Royal Navy’s GSA8/GPEOD gunfire control system used on Type 23 frigates. The contract, which will last for 10 years, will see Selex ES providing a managed support arrangement for the GSA8/GPEOD which includes background support activities, a number of repairs and the administration of obsolescence issues.


“Over the past few years, the team here at Selex ES in Basildon has been successful in delivering difficult repairs and innovative system improvements for the GSA8/GPEOD” said Norman Bone, UK Managing Director at Selex ES. “We’re pleased that the MoD has recognised our team’s dedication and chosen Selex ES to support this equipment going forward”.


The GSA8/GPEOD is the gunfire control system for the 4.5” Mk8 Gun fitted to the Royal Navy’s Type 23 frigates. The system calculates a ballistic solution (where a shell will land) and moves the gun to the appropriate angle for an accurate shot. The General Purpose Electro-Optics Director (GPEOD) is the main optical sensor for naval gunfire support and anti-surface warfare and also provides a general surveillance capability for the frigates.

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13 septembre 2013 5 13 /09 /septembre /2013 16:50
Selex ES reveals UNIMAST, an innovative approach to integrated naval mast design

Sep 12, 2013 ASDNews Source : Selex ES


Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, has revealed UNIMAST, its new integrated multi-sensor naval mast at DSEi 2013. UNIMAST brings together air and surface target detection and tracking, communications, IFF and electronic warfare capabilities housed in a single, low-radar cross section profile structure featuring a single management system. The latter integrates the operations of multifunctional 3D AESA radars, phased array IFF operating at Mode 5 and below, optronic systems, communication suites (including tactical data links) and EW systems.


UNIMAST offers significant operational effectiveness benefits over the conventional approach of adding and replacing separate mast sub-systems over time, with the risks of sub-optimal performance and mutual interference. Every sensor has an unobstructed field of view, and systems can operate simultaneously without conflicting. All systems can be operated from a common System Manager, which acts as the “brain” of the integrated mast.


“The UNIMAST will make a huge difference to a vessel’s operational capability. Historically, Navies installed and qualified multiple sub-systems, and then struggled to operate them simultaneously to their optimum performance - those days are over.” said Lorenzo Mariani, Managing Director of Selex ES’s Land & Naval division, adding; “Our expertise goes from large systems integration through to best-of-breed enabling-sensors and communications, so we’re able to combine systems into a single structure and ensure they operate seamlessly together.”


The UNIMAST is a modular system which will be reconfigured depending on the vessel mission.

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13 septembre 2013 5 13 /09 /septembre /2013 11:50
Selex ES and Ultra CCS chosen for British Army Warrior situational awareness

Sep 12, 2013 ASDNews Source : Selex ES


Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, and partner Ultra Electronics Command & Control Systems have been awarded a contract by prime contractor Lockheed Martin UK – Ampthill for the supply of driver’s and local situational awareness cameras for the Demonstration phase of the British Army’s Warrior vehicle upgrades.


As part of the £1 billion Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme (WCSP) to upgrade the Warrior vehicle, the new driver’s and local situational awareness cameras will provide the Warrior’s crew with an under armour capability to see 360 degrees around the vehicle and drive by indirect view under both day and night conditions.


The camera solution consists of a combination of the Selex ES Driver’s Night Vision System 4 (DNVS4) sensor and the Ultra CCS HUBE cameras fitted around the vehicle. The capability of the DNVS4 ensures that the vehicle can be safely and effectively manoeuvred during both day and night while the small and robust HUBE cameras provide full 360 degree peripheral coverage, improving the situational awareness of the driver and crew. Ongoing production programmes associated with both products has enabled Selex ES and Ultra CCS to meet the tight schedule requirements associated with the Demonstration phase.


Compliance of the Selex ES DNVS4 with the UK’s Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) ensures that the solution is future proofed against any further capability enhancements that may be required for the vehicle through its life.


Initially, the camera solution will be supplied for up to 13 Warrior vehicles. Following a successful Demonstration phase, a manufacturing contract is expected in 2016 which will see the camera system fitted to several hundred Warrior vehicles.


“Selex ES has previously provided night vision and vehicle situational awareness cameras for a majority of British Army vehicles including Viking, Challenger II, Mastiff, Ridgback, Wolfhound and Warthog”, said Mike Gilbert, SVP Optronics UK at Selex ES, adding: “Building on this heritage, our collaboration with Ultra CCS brings the best of both companies together to provide an exceptional visual capability for the Warrior crews”.


”Ultra CCS is proud to be involved on the Warrior Programme”, said Mike Williams, Managing Director at Ultra CCS. “The collaboration between Selex ES and Ultra CCS is a great example of two British companies working together and using their combined knowledge and experience to provide the optimum camera solution”.

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13 septembre 2013 5 13 /09 /septembre /2013 07:45
Selex ES to deliver unmanned aerial surveillance to the United Nations for peace keeping

Sep 12, 2013 ASDNews Source : Selex ES


Selex ES a Finmeccanica company, was awarded, on 31 July, a service agreement by the United Nations for the provision of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for 3 years with 2 optional years, in support of the UN peacekeeping mission (MONUSCO) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) through the use of the UAS, consisting of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and associated enablers for information gathering/surveillance operations.


It is the first time that the UN has contracted with a civilian operator to provide UAV technology to aid in executing its unique humanitarian mandate.


Selex ES will be utilizing its proprietary FALCO UAV system composed of:

    Multiple remotely piloted aircraft

    Ground control stations

    Support equipment and



The FALCO is an unarmed mission-proven medium altitude, medium endurance UAV able to operate from semi-prepared airstrips with fully automated take off, landing and mission execution capability. It is employed by numerous nations around the world and has proven itself in a variety of environmental conditions.


Selex ES will deploy a highly experienced team of pilots, maintenance engineers and information analysts using the most sophisticated sensors and data exploitation tools available.

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11 septembre 2013 3 11 /09 /septembre /2013 07:50
Selex ES Sells Falco UAV to Middle Eastern Country

Sep. 10, 2013 - By TOM KINGTON – Defense News


ROME — -- Finmeccanica unit Selex ES has announced a deal worth over €40 million (US $52 million) to sell its Falco UAV to an unnamed Middle Eastern country.


The deal covers operational and maintenance support to the customer for 12 months, Selex said in a statement on Tuesday.


Last year, Finmeccanica said it was seeking to sell a second batch of Falcos to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has already reportedly purchased the tactical medium-altitude, medium-endurance UAV.


At the time the firm said it had sold the UAV to four customers, with Pakistan known to be on the client list alongside Saudi Arabia.


Last month, the UN said it was acquiring a Falco system to support peacekeeping operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the first time the UN has used UAVs.


On Tuesday, after the latest Middle East contract announcement, a Selex spokeswoman said the firm now has five customers for the Falco.


Last year, Finmeccanica said it saw opportunities to sell UAVs in Algeria, the UAE and Malaysia, countries that may be reluctant to do business with the Israeli UAV industry.


Fabrizio Giulianini, CEO of Selex ES, said the firm has also launched a flight campaign for its larger, Falco Evo UAV and won a launch customer for its platform-agnostic SkyISTAR mission system

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 07:40


BASILDON, England, Aug. 28 (UPI)


Britain's Selex ES has partnered with Russia's NIIDAR to promote surveillance systems produced in Russia and Italy.


The cooperative agreement between Selex ES, a subsidiary of Italy's Finmeccanica company, and NIIDAR (Scientific and Research Institute for Long-Distance Radio Communications), a Russian open joint stock company, was announced Tuesday.


The two companies have so far identified two products for international promotion: Selex ES's Lyra family and NIIDAR's Laguna over-the-horizon, integrated maritime surveillance system.


Selex ES said its Lyra radar line family is designed to meet requirements in the security domain, including integration into major systems for homeland protection, vessel traffic services and field deployment in a man-portable radar configuration.


NIIDAR's Laguna civil use radar is the second product. Its designed for law and order operations and for the surveillance of the exclusive economic zone of coastal states.


"The agreement will enhance the capabilities of both companies in their domestic markets as well as in the wider international marketplace," Selex ES said.

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12 juillet 2013 5 12 /07 /juillet /2013 16:50
Selex Cyber Team Receives Galileo PRS IOV Signal

July 11, 2013 Source: Selex ES


Selex ES Cyber Security Team Successfully Receives Galileo PRS IOV Signal


Selex ES has successfully proved itself able to work with the secure signal radiated by Galileo satellites. Just days after the European Space Agency (ESA) made available the keys to "open" the encrypted Galileo PRS (Public Regulated Service), the PRS receiver "Cartesio", fully developed by Selex ES, proved to work successfully.


Selex ES Cyber Security team achieved the first navigation solution using only the encrypted Galileo Public Regulated Service (PRS) signals, with a positioning accuracy compliant to the specification. The use of the PRS signal is restricted to EU and other authorized countries government agencies and critical infrastructures. Anti-spoofing and interference rejection capabilities are PRS main features, due to the very sophisticated signal processing and high-grade encryption techniques.


Selex ES is the first company to have developed the PRS know-how outside the ESA contracts and without the continuous support of the Galileo system architects. This was the roadmap of the Cartesio achievements:

-- Demonstration to Italian Authority representative in the Genoa Laboratory of the PRS signal acquisition and tracking on 19th July 2012;

-- Successful reception and processing of the PRS Signal-in-Space on 14th June 2013, two days after the IOV keys were made available by ESA;

-- Achieving the PRS-only navigation solution on 4th July 2013.


Cartesio has been approved for use under IOV testing by the National Security Agency and the Italian Competent PRS Authority asked to make it available for the “PRS Participants Trial for IOV” (PPTI) framework, including both laboratory verifications and trials with governmental users.


The receiver is the first member of a product family but already integrates Galileo OS and GPS SPS capabilities, to extend the field testing windows.

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5 juillet 2013 5 05 /07 /juillet /2013 11:50
LAVOSAR: Workshop Results

Brussels | Jul 04, 2013 by Elisabeth.SCHOEFFMANN - European Defence Agency


The industry workshop on Open System Architecture Standardisation for Vehicle Mission Systems (LAVOSAR) successfully took place on 25 June 2013. Forty participants from ten countries and 35 organisations (industry and government) attended and discussed the presented approach to an Open System Architecture for military vehicle mission systems. The workshop was a deliverable of the LAVOSAR study funded by the EDA.


The LAVOSAR study team introduced the currently ongoing study which started in February 2013 and which will finish in November 2013. Intermediate work results on “Standardisation and Business Case”, “Technologies” and first results on the “Architecture” were presented and discussed. Extracts from the presentations can be downloaded below.


The topic generated substantial interest and is regarded as key for a comprehensive implementation of information technology in military vehicles resulting in drastic increase in performance and flexibility whilst, at the same time, achieving cost savings for procurement and especially for maintenance and logistics.


The lively and fruitful discussions provided important feedback to the LAVOSAR study and will be integrated into the ongoing work. The minutes of the workshop are accessible here below.


More information:

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8 juin 2013 6 08 /06 /juin /2013 11:50
Le Hammerhead (vue d'artiste) pourrait voler dès la fin de cette année. Crédit Piaggio

Le Hammerhead (vue d'artiste) pourrait voler dès la fin de cette année. Crédit Piaggio

07/06/2013 Par Guillaume Steuer - air-cosmos.com


Voici venu le nouveau Male italien. "A vrai dire, le Hammerhead se situe plutôt dans une catégorie intermédiaire, entre drones Male (moyenne altitude longue endurance) et Hale (haute altitude)", s'empresse de préciser Fabrizio Giulianini, pdg de Selex ES. L'électronicien italio-britannique est en effet partenaire de l'avionneur Piaggio sur ce nouveau projet d'avion sans pilote, le P.1HH Hammerhead. Un appareil dérivé du célèbre turboprop Piaggio Avanti et dont une maquette à l'échelle 1 sera présentée pour la première fois à l'occasion du salon du Bourget.


"Notre avantage principal par rapport à la concurrence est la rapidité à laquelle nous pouvons répondre à la demande du marché", explique le patron de Selex ES. Etant donné que la plateforme de base est déjà largement éprouvée, il est prévu un calendrier d'essais assez agressif. Un premier vol assez court doit être effectué en fin d'année 2013, et de premières livraisons pourraient avoir lieu dès 2015 si des clients se montrent séduits par la formule.


De son côté, Piaggio expliquait récemment que le Hammerhead devrait afficher une endurance d'environ 16h avec un plafond pratique de 45.000 pieds, en emmenant un total de 900 kg de charge utile. Selex ES pourrait notamment intégrer un radar issu de la gamme Seaspray, ainsi qu'un capteur optronique. En revanche, selon Selex ES, il n'est pas prévu d'en dériver une version "optionnellement piloté", l'espace gagné par le retrait du cockpit étant occupé par de l'équipement.


Dans le domaine des drones tactiques, Selex ES continue par ailleurs de commercialiser son Falco, qui a déjà été vendu à quatre clients différents. L'électronicien est également le seul à avoir déjà intégré et testé en vol un radar non américain (le Seaspray 7500E) sur un drone MQ-9 Reaper, ce qui le place naturellement en tête des candidats à une future "européanisation" de cet engin, en cas d'achat groupé par plusieurs pays occidentaux.

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31 mai 2013 5 31 /05 /mai /2013 14:50
LAVOSAR Land Vehicle with Open System Architecture

LAVOSAR Land Vehicle with Open System Architecture

  • Date of the Event: 25 June 2013 European Defence Agency
  • Registration Starts: 02 May 2013
  • Registration Ends: 14 June 2013

The EDA in cooperation with the LAVOSAR study contractor is organising an industrial workshop to collect industrial views on the development of Open System Architecture for Land Vehicle Mission Systems on 25 June 2013.


The workshop targets defence land vehicle manufactures, defence land vehicle mission system integrators, defence land vehicle mission systems suppliers and component suppliers for defence land vehicle mission systems.


This workshop is planned in the frame of the EDA study Land Vehicle with Open System Architecture (LAVOSAR). The project details are available here (LAVOSAR Information Paper).


Agenda and Objective

The agenda and workshop objective are available here (Workshop agenda and objective).


The workshop is open to industry and without any fee. Registration is necessary and only confirmed registrations will entitle a participant to attend the workshop (you will receive a confirmation via e-mail). To register complete the form here below. The deadline for registration is 14 June 2012, 11:59 AM.



In case of questions, please write to RandT-Secretariat@eda.europa.eu.

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