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1 octobre 2013 2 01 /10 /octobre /2013 19:55
Un salon pour toutes les simulations ! (vidéo)

01/10/2013 C. Bobbera - Economie et technologie


Le 8emondial de la simulation s’est déroulé du 27 au 29 septembre 2013 au musée de l’Air et de l’Espace du Bourget. A cette occasion, l’aviation légère de l’armée de Terre (ALAT) a présenté au public  son simulateur EDITH (entraineur didactique interactif tactique hélicoptère), sur lequel s’entrainent et se forment les chefs de bord, les chefs de patrouille et les commandants d’unité.

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6 septembre 2013 5 06 /09 /septembre /2013 07:45
Navy focuses on advancing simulation training

05 September 2013 by Dean Wing - defenceWeb


The South African Navy (SAN) is developing a master plan for the use of simulators, with the SAN Simulation Workgroup hosting a Navy/industry symposium in Simon’s town on Tuesday.


Simulation-based training has long been used by the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) to reduce the cost of training and increase user skills and experience. While the S A Army and Air Force already have substantial experience in battlefield and training simulation, the SAN has not been lax either, with submariners leading the way.


Opening the symposium, Rear Admiral Hanno Teuteberg, Chief Director Maritime Strategy, noted “the enemy often has better equipment and intelligence than us, but the difference is in our training. We should give our kids the unfair advantage of being excellently trained”.


While gaining real-life experience traditionally took 20 to 30 years, Teuteberg expressed the view there is a need to compress training to gain the necessary knowledge and experience in a far shorter time.


Captain (SAN) Chris Manig, a member of the SAN Simulation Workgroup, noted the use of simulators was gaining increased importance within the Navy, “where running costs are going up and budgets are going down”.


The Workgroup has been tasked with formulating a policy for the use of simulators in the Navy, including the development of a Master Plan. The end result will be the effective use of simulation to achieve and maintain operational capability at the highest level in a reduced time.


The Navy realises they have very few experts in the service with experience in simulation architecture and programing, thus the need for industry involvement. In addition to these benefits, Captain (Navy) Andre de Wet observed the Navy cannot make use of commercial maritime simulators as they lacked the capabilities and equipment specific to naval vessels, such as warfare, replenishment at sea, close manoeuvring and weapon specific systems.


The submarine flotilla already use of various simulators, such as the Engineering Test Bed (incorporating the Periscope Simulator) provided by Cybicom Atlas Defence; Submarine Control Simulator; the Mobile Combat Information Centre Simulator; the Submarine Escape Training Tower; a Torpedo Counter-Measure Launcher simulator as well as computer based training and scale models.


The Warfare School also makes use of the frigate Combat Team Trainer, the Wildcat tactical trainer, the Radsim radar trainer, the Land Based Training System and various firearm, fire fighting and damage control trainers.


Demonstrating the value the Navy is deriving from its simulators, de Wet said the Submarine Control Simulator was at the heart of submarine training in the SAN. This simulator was running two shifts a day until 10pm every night.


A thorough needs analysis is being conducted, detailing urgent and further needs requirements. Included in the urgent requirement are Ship’s Bridge and Flight Deck simulators, for which Cybicom has also built and demonstrated prototypes.


Both local and international speakers spoke of the benefits of simulator training and provided an overview of products and future developments. A common theme among speakers was the need to link and network the various sub-system simulators to provide total platform training.


A new development is the incorporation of first-person shooter engines from the gaming industry, allowing for accurate 3D representation of the ship with detailed walk-through and work-flow.


Simulators are not only used for training, but also for acquisition support, forecasting, planning, etc.


As noted by presenters, the provision of advanced, networked simulators is not dependent on technology, but based on what the organisation requires.


While the Navy has clearly identified the need for and the will to acquire advanced simulators, the final implementation will be dependent on budgetary constraints.

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24 juillet 2013 3 24 /07 /juillet /2013 12:45
British Army tests deployable simulation system in Kenya source army-guide.com

British Army tests deployable simulation system in Kenya source army-guide.com

19 July 2013 by Guy Martin - defenceWeb


Saab yesterday gave a live demonstration of its Deployable Tactical Engagement Simulation (DTES) system, which is used by the British Army for training is soldiers in Kenya and which is being promoted to the South African military.


The DTES system was designed to train a battlegroup with an opposing force (OPFOR) and a civilian population, Saab said. Each soldier carries simulation equipment, including a Personnel Detection Device (PDD) consisting of a laser-detector vest, GPS, communications with a tracking system and a link to a laser small arms transmitter (SAT). Each soldier’s weapon carries a laser sight that activates when the soldier fires a round (such as a blank training round). If another soldier gets hit by a laser shot, his PDD will indicate that he has been killed.


The entire training scenario is tracked via a computer in real time and data is sent to a command post, allowing for comprehensive after-action play-by-play review.


Saab demonstrated its DTES system at the Murrayhill Special Forces training facility outside Pretoria, as part of the Land Forces Africa conference this week. During the simulation, nearly a dozen South African National Defence Force (SANDF) soldiers approached a building in two Mamba armoured vehicles, before a simulated IED knocked out one of the Mambas (also fitted with a simulation system that marked it inoperable). The troops then dismounted and, moving through tall grass, approached the building. Firing hundreds of rounds at the enemy, they proceeded to capture their objective.


Saab is hopeful that the SANDF will order the DTES training system, which is attracting “considerable” interest from other nations. It is already in service with the British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK), which has been using it for combined training since August 2009. In April 2012 Saab was awarded a two year contract extension to continue offering the training service to the British Army.


As part of the agreements with the UK, Saab will provide the DTES service for five training periods each year with an option for two additional ones, with 98% availability. Brian Drummond, the manager of the Saab base site in Nanyuki, Kenya, who is responsible for all logistic support and maintenance, said they have achieved an average 99.7% availability rate by maintaining a buffer stock of equipment at the base site, having forward-deployed technicians from Saab in Sweden and Saab Grintek Defence in South Africa.


Saab also demonstrated some of its other technology at Murrayhill, including a throwable unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and a hexacopter UAV. Also on display was the company’s Chaka command and control system.


“By lending technological support to the British Army in Kenya or providing logistics and infrastructure to the SANDF, we are extremely pleased, as Saab South Africa, that our contribution is assisting defence forces fulfil their mandates,” stated Magnus Lewis-Olsson, CEO of Saab Grintek Defence.


He was referring to Saab’s involvement in Operation Corona, the SANDF’s border patrol initiative, which necessitates army training camps along the northern and eastern border between South Africa and Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Saab is currently engaged in upgrading operational base facilities for the SANDF, following the re-launch late in 2012 of the upgraded and expanded Operational Base Madimbo. This base, east of Musina near the Zimbabwe border, is the first of a number to be modernised and improved since the SANDF assumed responsibility for border security.


Operational Base Madimbo includes a command centre, airstrip, a parade ground, water purification facilities, and new medical and two way radio battery charging facilities. Roads, the electrical supply, and sewerage systems, and a vehicle wash bay with oil and water separators were upgraded, while new messes with enlarged kitchen, laundry and recreation facilities were installed. The base also includes a new military police facility.


Saab has camp building experience on peacekeeping operations, having assisted the African Union and the United Nations on the continent. One mission has seen Saab setting up a complete turn-key camp solution in the horn of Africa. In the same multilateral environments, Saab said it has successfully provides explosive ordance disposal products in East and West Africa for training of and for safe unexploded ordance and IED (Improvised Explosive Device) destruction purposes. The company has also provided maintenance, repair and overhaul activities for vehicles, generators, water purification plants, air-conditioning units and patrol boats.


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4 juillet 2013 4 04 /07 /juillet /2013 17:55
Un battlelab à l'Onera. Avec R. Cuisinier, expert simulation de défense

03.07.2013 Podcasts ONERA


Pour s'assurer qu'un système de défense sera efficace sur les théâtres d'opérations, il existe une solution: le battlelab. C'est un moyen informatique capable de simuler le champ de bataille avec le réalisme le plus poussé qu'on puisse imaginer.


à écouter ICI


Conception et évaluation des performances des systèmes - DCPS

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1 juillet 2013 1 01 /07 /juillet /2013 16:45
Kolskoot showcasing laser firearm simulation

01 July 2013 by Guy Martin - defenceWeb


South African company Kolskoot Dimension Software Engineering is bringing laser technology to the forefront of firearms training with its software and hardware simulating everything from skeet shooting to hunting.


Kolskoot uses an infrared camera to detect where a laser hits a target. This target can be on any surface, whether it is projected onto a wall or displayed on a TV set. The system can also be added to an iPhone. Using an iPhone app, a user is able to set up shooting parameters, from wind to bullet calibre. The iPhone’s camera does the rest, detecting and recording where the laser hit the target. All that’s needed for this slimmed down version is the R399 app and a laser adapter.


The base system, with two shooting lanes, costs R25 000 and comprises of the software and camera, but can be upgraded to allow four people to shoot at once. The lasers cost R500, and can convert any airsoft weapon (pistol, assault rifle, hunting rifle, shotgun) into a laser simulator weapon. It is also possible to convert one’s own handgun or hunting rifle into a simulator weapon.


Kolskoot Dimension Software Engineering also makes use of a laser cartridge that is manufactured by Red-I-Laser. It looks like a real cartridge but emits a short laser flash when the firing pin strikes it. These cartridges cost R2 000 each and are available in a wide variety of calibres.


Johan Hammes, co-owner of Kolskoot, told defenceWeb that his company has done a lot of work to create a truly portable system that comprises a laptop, lasers and projector. A USB video camera is plugged in to the laptop to see where each laser ‘bullet’ strikes. The Windows-based software is used to set up the shooting environment and alters everything from ammunition loading to sight height. A variety of training programmes can be used that teach everything from the basics of handgun training to simulated combat and skeet shooting and hunting.


Kolskoot Dimension’s offering is aimed at the commercial and private sectors and is more cost effective than military-spec simulators. Various training modules are available for different users, including sport shooting, clay targets, hunting, bird hunting, assault rifle and handgun training.


Fully working firearms can be used with a compatible short flash laser, or airsoft weapons can be used following conversion. Piston kits are available for certain weapons, giving simulated recoil when the weapons are fired. However, it’s not just firearms that can be simulated – Kolskoot Dimension Software Engineering has also developed mortar simulators and, using simulation software, such as Earthworks, can replicate real world environments that people can train in.


Kolskoot first came onto the market at the Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) exhibition in September 2012, but under a different name. Since then, “the response has been very good,” Hammes said.


Kolskoot has two main markets in South Africa: the security industry and private companies like Transnet. The South African Army also uses the system to a limited degree, for basic weapons handling training. Internationally, Kolskoot does better in the home entertainment sector, and in countries where simulated hunting is more accessible than the real thing. Kolskoot is also popular in the Far East where firearms are restricted. A number of enquiries have come from Turkey, Japan and the Phillippines.

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2 juin 2013 7 02 /06 /juin /2013 09:50
L'UE s'offre son premier «war game»

01.06.2013, lematin.ch (AFP Newsnet)


L'Union européenne organise la semaine prochaine son premier «war game», durant lequel des experts civils et militaires examineront des scénarios d'éventuels conflits afin de définir les besoins des armées européennes dans vingt à trente ans.


Les 25 experts, représentant les pays de l'UE (à l'exception du Danemark), se projetteront du 4 au 6 juin à La Haye «dans le monde de 2025», a indiqué l'Agence européenne de la Défense (AED), organisatrice de cet exercice intitulé ECAPAG («European CAPabilities Assessement Game»).


Les résultats seront communiqués à l'automne, avant le sommet européen sur la défense qui doit réunir les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement des 27 en décembre à Bruxelles. Le «jeu de guerre» est basé sur quatre scénarios imaginant différentes évolutions du monde dans 25 ans.


Définir les besoins pour répondre aux menaces


L'un d'eux prévoit que son équilibre restera globalement le même, sous la domination d'une super-puissance, actuellement les Etats-Unis; un autre envisage un monde multi-polaire où différents Etats forts rivalisent pour l'influence régionale et les ressources, tandis que, dans le troisième scénario, un nombre croissant de pays en déliquescence («failed states») provoquent des crises régionales.


Le dernier prévoit la multiplication de «conflits non-conventionnels» impliquant des groupes terroristes ou radicaux. «L'objectif est de se placer dans les différentes situations le plus concrètement possible, afin de déterminer quels seront nos besoins pour répondre à telle ou telle menace»«, a expliqué Axel Buternschön, expert de l'AED.


Prévoir 20 ans à l'avance


«Il est important de prévoir loin en amont compte tenu des délais très longs -de l'ordre de 20 ans- des programmes de capacités militaires«, a ajouté le directeur des capacités de l'AED, Peter Round.


Ce type d'exercices a déjà été mené par différents pays, «mais jamais au niveau européen», précise l'AED, une agence créée pour faciliter les coopérations entre pays européens au niveau des capacités militaires.Malgré des déclarations d'intention, l'Europe de la défense peine à se concrétiser dans les actes, les projets lancés ces dernières années restant très modestes.

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24 avril 2013 3 24 /04 /avril /2013 17:20
MH-60R TOFT cockpit

MH-60R TOFT cockpit

April 24, 2013. David Pugliese - Defence Watch


News release from CAE:


TAMPA, FLORIDA–(Marketwired – April 24, 2013) – (NYSE:CAE)(TSX:CAE) – CAE USA today announced that the United States Navy has declared an updated MH-60S “Sierra” operational flight trainer (OFT) as ready-for-training at Naval Air Station (NAS) North Island near San Diego, California.


This MH-60S OFT, originally manufactured by Lockheed Martin, was completely upgraded by CAE to add new technologies and ensure concurrency with other MH-60S training devices as well as the operational MH-60S helicopters.


“We were able to complete this major technology refresh on the original MH-60S operational flight trainer on-schedule while working closely with the Navy to ensure minimal training downtime,” said John Lenyo, President and General Manager, CAE USA. “CAE is very proud of the partnership we have established with the Navy on both the MH-60S and MH-60R training programs, and will continue to leverage our experience and world-class simulation technologies to help the Navy lower risk, reduce costs and most importantly, prepare helicopter aircrews for mission success.”


The technology refresh and updates to the fixed-based MH-60S OFT included the addition of motion seats, upgraded image generator visual system, and a new Barco CD2260 visual display system. CAE also performed significant engineering updates to re-architect the hardware and software computing designs to bring this MH-60S OFT to a common architecture with the Navy’s suite of CAE-built MH-60S training devices.


CAE is currently the prime contractor responsible for the design and manufacture of MH-60S OFTs and weapons tactics trainers (WTTs), as well as MH-60R tactical operational flight trainers (TOFTs), for the U.S. Navy. CAE began work on the MH-60S training program in June 2004. At that time, CAE won a competitive procurement to design and manufacture MH-60S OFTs and WTTs. Prior to CAE’s involvement on the MH-60S training program, the Navy had already procured two MH-60S OFTs, including the first MH-60S OFT that CAE has now updated. Since June 2004, CAE has designed and manufactured seven additional MH-60S OFTs as well as five MH-60S WTTs for the U.S. Navy.


CAE is a global leader in modelling, simulation and training for civil aviation and defence. The company employs approximately 8,000 people at more than 100 sites and training locations in approximately 30 countries. CAE offers civil aviation, military and helicopter training services in more than 45 locations worldwide and trains approximately 100,000 crew members yearly. In addition, the CAE Oxford Aviation Academy offers training to aspiring pilot cadets in 11 CAE-operated flight schools. CAE’s business is diversified, ranging from the sale of simulation products to providing comprehensive services such as training and aviation services, integrated enterprise solutions, in-service support and crew sourcing. The company applies simulation expertise and operational experience to help customers enhance safety, improve efficiency, maintain readiness and solve challenging problems. CAE is now leveraging its simulation capabilities in new markets such as healthcare and mining. More information can be found at http://www.cae.com.

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24 avril 2013 3 24 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
The Land Motion Platform simulates the movement of military vehicles (photo : DSTO)

The Land Motion Platform simulates the movement of military vehicles (photo : DSTO)

24.04.2013 Defense Studies

Research driving a new fleet of Army vehicles

Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, Warren Snowdon, today joined the Member for Wakefield, Nick Champion to launch a new high-tech military vehicle simulator designed to replicate field conditions across different terrain.

The Land Motion Platform has been developed by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) to study the simulated movement of military vehicles.

Mr Snowdon said the primary function of the simulator would be to provide advice on how to best integrate technology with Army vehicles.

'This research represents a shift away from Army vehicles being viewed as just a means for transport and logistics – advances in technology will see our next fleet of Army vehicles operate as fully networked state-of-the-art technology hubs,' Mr Snowdon said.

The simulator will allow researchers to better understand human performance in a range of battle-like conditions, including a feature that can track the operator’s eye state.

'The DSTO research will provide answers on how our soldiers can operate effectively and safely in these unstable conditions while using sensitive electronic equipment,' Mr Snowdon added.

Mr Champion said the technology being developed by DSTO was world-class.

'We have an outstanding range of extremely talented men and women working hard here in South Australia to make sure our deployed Defence personnel are armed with the latest in technology,' Mr Champion said.

'This is about giving our troops the best technology possible to keep them safe and support them in doing their tough jobs.'


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17 avril 2013 3 17 /04 /avril /2013 12:27
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13 octobre 2011 4 13 /10 /octobre /2011 16:35
Bulgaria to Host South Eastern Europe Simulation Exercise SEESIM 12

October 13, 2011 defpro.com


A conference on the specifications of the computer-assisted exercise of the countries from South Eastern Europe SEESIM 12 is being held in the Boyana Residence. The forum enjoys the participation of over 90 Bulgarian and foreign military and civilian experts in the field of defence. The exercise will take place in Bulgaria in 2012.


Computer-assisted exercises SEESIM (South Eastern Europe Simulation) are part of the initiative of the Ministers of Defence of South Eastern Europe (the SEDM Initiative). They have a two-year preparation cycle, and so far, a total of five such exercises have been held. Bulgaria hosted SEESIM in 2008.


Deputy Minister of Defence Avgustina Tzvetkova delivered a welcoming address for the participants in the conference today, October 11th. She emphasized that the SEESIM exercises under the SEDM initiative are of key importance to the unification of standards in the participating countries with regard to combating humanitarian crises and delivering aid to population in distress in disaster and emergency situations.


The main purpose of SEESIM exercises is to establish and test a system of interrelations and procedures between countries from the region, aimed at facilitating and speeding up the process of requesting and delivering aid in case of natural calamities and other humanitarian disasters.


The countries participating in these exercises are the SEDM Member States, the USA, Sweden, and the observer countries Georgia and Moldova. Some additional structures will take part in the exercise in 2012, among which NATO structures, ACT, JWC, JFTC and NC3A; governmental agencies; and non-governmental organizations. The experiment part of the exercise envisages testing the capacity of the latest advancements in information technology for enhancement of the effectiveness of the training and preparation of civil and military structures from the region with regard to participation in operations on non-military crisis relief, as well as Bulgaria’s proposal for the establishment of a network for training and exercises in South Eastern Europe.


The leader of the group on the preparation and conduct of the exercise in Bulgaria is Brig. Gen. Marin Nachev, Director for Operations and Training.

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