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2 juillet 2014 3 02 /07 /juillet /2014 07:50
EDA Launches Security of Information Portal


Brussels - 01 July, 2014 European Defence Agency


The EDA launched today a public web-portal containing information on participating Member States’ Security of Information (SoI) related agreements and arrangements, policies, practices, as well as on relevant European and other multinational agreements and arrangements.


Rules protecting classified information have to be adequately transparent and non-discriminative to enable suppliers from different European Member States to participate in defence procurement procedures across the European Union. Therefore, Security of Information is a precondition for a more open and transparent European Defence Equipment Market (EDEM) and underpins successful defence procurement and European collaboration.

The mapping and sharing of information on different national, international and institutional regulations, arrangements and agreements on processing, storing and circulating classified information, will contribute towards removing Security of Information barriers in defence procurement among Member States. The launch of the EDA SoI Portal is considered as a significant step in this process.


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