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4 novembre 2015 3 04 /11 /novembre /2015 17:20
KATFISH (Kraken Active Tow FISH) sonar system

KATFISH (Kraken Active Tow FISH) sonar system


ST. JOHN'S, NL--(Marketwired - November 02, 2015) - Kraken Sonar Inc.


Kraken Sonar Inc. ("Kraken") (TSX VENTURE: PNG) is pleased to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Kraken Sonar Systems Inc. has received a $1.5 million contract from a major international defence contractor for a KATFISH sonar system. Along with spare parts and support, the initial order could exceed $2 million. Due to the sensitivity of its business, the client's name cannot be disclosed.

The agreement includes multiple stages, starting with a first phase for the manufacture and supply of Kraken's KATFISH system. The customer will make an advance payment on the contract in 2015. Approximately 75% of the contract revenue is expected be realized in 2016. Subject to contract options, the next phases will position Kraken as a primary sonar supplier to the Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS) market.

Karl Kenny, President and CEO of Kraken said, "This is a very significant award for us and demonstrates that KATFISH is a key objective in delivering on our "sensors-to-systems" strategy. This contract further establishes Kraken's underwater technologies in the Unmanned Maritime Systems industry and positions us for future contracts on UMS platforms."



Kraken's KATFISH is an actively controlled, intelligent towfish platform used to generate real-time, ultra-high resolution seabed imagery and maps for a variety of military and commercial applications. The system's primary sensors are based on Kraken's Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar technology, real-time Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) processing algorithms and acoustic velocity sensors.

Conventional side scan systems are limited in that they only provide high resolution imagery at short range. KATFISH produces ultra-high resolution seabed imagery with constant resolution to very long range. The additional information provided by the KATFISH system delivers a detection and classification capability that cannot be achieved with a conventional sidescan sonar. The entire system is designed to be quickly installed and removed from craft of opportunity platforms and is packaged for easy transportation.

Kraken's sonar and underwater systems are targeted to the rapidly growing Unmanned Maritime Systems drone market which is primarily comprised of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) and Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs).



The future of naval warfare continues to evolve toward smaller vessels, littoral operations and underwater intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. Advanced sonar technologies, such as the SAS produced by Kraken, have matured to support solutions that can economically survey and detect small objects hidden on the seabed and can enter into confined spaces where underwater explosives are likely to be hidden.

The underwater defence market is evolving rapidly; responding to changing threats, tensions in the Middle East and Asia, economic and budgetary pressures and a growing eagerness by modern navies and developing countries alike to procure and deploy ocean drones such as UUVs and USVs.

UUVs are a proven technology that have been used for many years, mostly for mine countermeasures, oceanographic research and oil & gas surveys. In contrast, USVs, the naval equivalent of unmanned aerial vehicles (air drones) have not been widely used. While the technology for USVs is in its infancy compared with the aerial drones, this situation is about to significantly change.

Unmanned vessels, like unmanned aerial vehicles, provide military forces with reach and capability without the risk of manned systems. They keep the dull, dirty and dangerous jobs away from human personnel.

USV technology is maturing rapidly, and a number of USVs are market-ready, signaling a coming sea change in the makeup of the overall Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS) market.

Industry analysts Market Info Group LLC estimate that the global Unmanned Maritime Systems market will reach US$11 Billion (cumulative) by 2020.

To view "Unmanned Maritime Systems Market Growth": http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/UnmannedMaritimeSystemsMarketGrowth.jpg


Kraken Sonar Inc. (TSX VENTURE: PNG) is an industrial technology company, founded in 2012, that is dedicated to the production and sale of software-centric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) sensors and systems. The Company's products are sold to leading defence contractors, commercial survey companies and research institutions for producing real-time, ultra high resolution imagery and bathymetry of the seabed. For more information, please visit www.krakensonar.com.

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11 août 2015 2 11 /08 /août /2015 16:20
Artist rendition of ECA Robotics (ECA Group) A18D AUV shown fitted with Kraken’s AquaPix® Miniature Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar

Artist rendition of ECA Robotics (ECA Group) A18D AUV shown fitted with Kraken’s AquaPix® Miniature Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar


ST. JOHN'S, NL--(Marketwired - August 11, 2015) - Kraken Sonar Inc.


Kraken Sonar Inc. (TSX VENTURE: PNG) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a contract valued at over US$325,000 by ECA Robotics (ECA Group -- France). Kraken will supply and help integrate its AquaPix® Miniature Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar and Embedded Real-Time SAS Signal Processor on ECA Robotics' (ECA Group) newest A18D Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) (http://www.ecagroup.com/en/solutions/a18d).

"AquaPix® is a game changer for seabed survey," said Kraken President and Chief Executive Officer Karl Kenny. "We are delighted with this contract award by ECA Robotics (ECA Group). Demand for our AquaPix® sonar by some of the most influential companies in the unmanned maritime vehicle industry continues to validate the technology and open new market opportunities."



ABOUT AquaPix®

Kraken's AquaPix® is an industry leading sonar system providing military grade technology that provides superior 3D seabed imaging, faster data processing and a lower cost than conventional sonars.  AquaPix® is designed for operation on AUVs, manned and unmanned surface vessels and towed bodies. The modular system uses the latest electronics, transducer arrays and signal processing software optimized for the demanding size, weight, power and cost constraints of unmanned maritime vehicles.

AquaPix® generates highly accurate bathymetry data (25cm along-track x 25cm across-track x 5cm height) co-registered and geo-referenced to the same pixel grid co-ordinates as the imagery. Operators can produce crisp seabed imagery and detailed 3D digital terrain maps of seafloor topography that exceed IHO SP-44 survey standards. The capability of generating centimeter-scale resolution in all three spatial domains also provides significant performance improvements in the detection, classification and identification of small seabed objects.

Conventional side scan systems are limited in that they only provide high-resolution imagery at short ranges. AquaPix® produces ultra high resolution seabed imagery (3cm along-track x 1.5cm across-track) with constant resolution to full range and high signal to noise ratio. The additional information provided by AquaPix® delivers detection and identification capabilities that cannot be achieved with conventional sidescan sonar. AquaPix® also achieves an area coverage rate that is significantly higher than that of the sidescan in a like for like comparison.



ECA Robotics (ECA Group) has a full range of AUVs (http://www.ecagroup.com/en/find-your-eca-solutions/auv). They all share the same IT architecture, autonomous software and supervision interface. The new A18 range represents ECA Robotics (ECA Group)'s new mid-range AUVs. They can be deployed from smaller vessels, using a variety of launching and recovery systems also offered by ECA Robotics (ECA Group)'s. Depending on system configurations, the price of A18 AUVs ranges from EUR1.5 million to EUR5 million.

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles are ideal sonar platforms and provide an extremely stable platform for acoustic and optical imaging in a variety of water depths. The A18D robot is able to travel underwater for more than 24 hours and up to 3,000 metres in depth. Equipped with next-generation sensors such as Kraken's AquaPix® and with the latest software technology in terms of missions, the robot is ideal for hydrographic surveys, oceanographic research, exploitation of seabed resources and search and rescue operations.



Kraken Sonar Inc. (TSX VENTURE: PNG) is an industrial technology company, founded in 2012, that is dedicated to the production and sale of software-centric Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) technology. The Company's products have been sold to leading defence contractors, commercial survey companies and research institutions for producing real-time, ultra high resolution imagery and bathymetry of the seabed. Marine Technology Reporter has three times named Kraken to their MTR100 -- a list of the 100 most influential companies in the international marine technology marketplace. For more information, please visit www.krakensonar.com.

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8 mars 2015 7 08 /03 /mars /2015 12:30
Thales Sonar & Underwater Solutions at NAVDEX 2015 Naval Exhibition in Abu Dhabi, UAE

5 mars 2015 Thales Group


At NAVDEX 2015 naval defense exhibition currently held in Abu Dhabi, Thales is showcasing its latest sonar solutions:
- The SeeMapper, a turnkey system providing continuous, high-resolution mapping of the sea-bed using a towed synthetic aperture sonar.
- The BlueWatcher hull-mounted sonar and its associated towed array sonar, the Captas-1, represent a new range of compact sonars for surface combatants and patrol vessels displacing 300 tonnes or more.

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23 décembre 2014 2 23 /12 /décembre /2014 14:55
La marine nationale et la lutte contre les mines

Pétardement d’une mine par le chasseur de mines tripartite (CMT) Lyre au large de Hyères. (2 juin 2010) - Photo Lisa Bessodes - ECPAD collection CPAR de Toulon


23.12.2014 ECPAD


Héritage des conflits passés sur les côtes françaises et arme de combat naval actuelle, utilisée encore récemment en Libye, la mine sous-marine représente une réelle menace, pouvant toucher sans distinction les navires militaires et civils. Son usage en mer est autorisé et codifié par les textes internationaux. Les mines devenant de plus en plus furtives, l’enjeu pour la force de guerre des mines, composante de la marine nationale, est de connaître parfaitement les menaces et de développer constamment les moyens de lutte pour les contrer. La complémentarité homme-robot est au cœur de la réflexion de modernisation.

Ce dossier propose un aperçu de l’action de la marine nationale dans la lutte contre les mines à travers une sélection d’images produites par la marine et conservées à l’ECPAD.


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Réalisée par la marine nationale, la vidéo accompagnant le dossier thématique de ce mois présente de manière synthétique l’une des principales composantes de la flotte de guerre des mines : les chasseurs de mines tripartites (CMT). À la veille de la modernisation des CMT, le film présenté insiste sur la nécessité d’une grande connaissance des menaces, d’un perfectionnement constant des moyens de lutte et de la maîtrise technique en matière d’identification et de neutralisation des mines. Les différentes phases de la chasse aux mines y sont illustrées et explicitées : identification et classification des échos sous-marins, intervention et destruction par poisson autopropulsé ou par plongeurs-démineurs, élaboration d’une cartographie des fonds marins assurée par le centre de données de la guerre des mines.

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3 novembre 2014 1 03 /11 /novembre /2014 11:55
Thales expands sonar offering to equip small surface combatants and patrol vessels

31 oct. 2014 Thales


At Euronaval 2014, Thales is announcing the launch of a new range of compact sonars for surface combatants and patrol vessels displacing 300 tonnes or more. Easy to install and operate, the new products include a hull-mounted sonar, the Thales BlueWatcher, and an associated towed array sonar, the Captas-1.

Faced with an increasing number of crisis and territorial conflicts, nations are expanding their fleets of patrol vessels and corvettes to defend their sovereign interests in territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zones. This is driving demand for the systems these smaller vessels require to detect and deter underwater threats.

Until now, the only ships equipped with sonars have tended to be front-line warships deployed as part of a larger naval or carrier group on anti-submarine warfare missions. Today, Thales has developed a new range of sonars that are more compact, modular and ready to deploy on low-intensity missions to provide an initial, high added-value ASW[1] capability with high levels of performance and dependability at lower cost.


The new range of sonars includes:

  • Thales BlueWatcher, a compact hull-mounted sonar that is easy to install (plug & play) and delivers excellent performance: this new sonar is based on the same technology as the FLASH dipping sonar for helicopters, which is internationally acclaimed for its operational performance and is in service with the US Navy, the UK Royal Navy and the French Navy.
  • Captas-1, the latest addition to the Captas family: this single ceramic ring configuration uses the same technological building blocks as the Captas-2 and Captas-4, which are in service with several NATO countries and have made this product family the worldwide benchmark in low-frequency variable-depth sonars. With its all-electric reeling system, the compact, lightweight Captas-1 array is easy to deploy from a smaller vessel.


Thales has developed this high-performance sonar suite specifically for small surface combatants and patrol vessels, demonstrating the company's ability to provide innovative, cost-effective ways for naval forces all over the world to better protect their nations' sovereign interests and achieve an operational advantage over underwater threats. With Thales's expanded offering of high added-value sonar suites, all vessel types can now be equipped with sonar systems that are tailored to their missions and deliver outstanding performance under all weather conditions and in all sea states.

[1] ASW: Anti-Submarine Warfare

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28 octobre 2014 2 28 /10 /octobre /2014 19:55
Sonar : La DGA inspirée par Muse


28/10/2014 DGA


Le prototype du sonar 3D Muse, appelé également FLS60, est le couteau suisse des sonars à haute fréquence. Capable de mesurer la vitesse d’un bateau, il peut  explorer le fond sous-marin tout en détectant des obstacles. Développé en coopération par la société française iXBlue et l’ENSTA Bretagne dans le cadre d’un dispositif de subvention Rapid, Muse (multi usage sonar element),  il est présenté au salon Euronaval 2014 du 27 au 31 octobre au Bourget.


On pourrait l’appeler le « tout en un »... Muse est un sonar 3D de navigation multi-usages, capable à la fois de mesurer la vitesse d’un bateau, d’explorer le fond sous-marin et son relief et de réaliser de la détection d’obstacles. « Quand le projet a été présenté à la DGA par la société iXBlue en janvier 2012, nous avons tout de suite été séduits par la modularité et la compacité de ce sonar multi-faisceaux. Nous avons donc accordé une subvention d’1,6 million d’euros sur 3 ans dans le cadre du dispositif de subvention Rapid  », explique Stéphane Jespers, expert pour le système sonar actif et chef de département de la lutte sous-marine à la DGA Techniques navales.


Un sonar qui représente l’environnement en 3D…


Traditionnellement, les sonars militaires scrutent l’environnement en distance et en gisement, autrement dit, dans un plan horizontal. « Muse  ajoute une troisième dimension, il est capable non seulement de savoir à quelle distance se trouve une cible mais aussi  quelle est l’élévation de celle-ci par rapport à un plan horizontal ». En d’autres termes, il balaie le volume des eaux en 3D et en temps réel ! Muse a la forme d’un T inversé dans lequel tout est intégré dans un seul espace de moins d’1 mètre de hauteur composé de 2 barres de capteurs perpendiculaires de 80 cm. Doté d’une grande flexibilité, le « T » peut être intégré à l’avant, à l’arrière ou sous un bateau dans des configurations géométriques différentes.


… pour des applications civiles et militaires


Résultat final d’un dispositif de subvention Rapid, Muse peut être utilisé à la fois dans le domaine militaire et civil par tout type de bateau (cargos, pêche, sous-marins, navires militaires…) pour détecter des obstacles tels que des mines, des objets dérivants ou encore des mammifères marins. Pour évoluer sans risque, les bateaux ont toujours besoin de savoir ce qui se présente devant eux soit à la surface soit sous la mer. « Jusqu’à présent, nous pouvions repérer l’obstacle mais nous n’étions pas en mesure de savoir si le navire ou sous-marin pouvait passer sans encombres, c’est désormais possible avec Muse », précise Stéphane Jespers. Ce sonar peut servir également pour exécuter des relevés hydrographiques  et compléter des cartes marines. Enfin, il a la capacité de mesurer de manière très précise la vitesse d’un sous-marin par rapport au fond. « La phase de tests est prévue à partir du mois de janvier. Et dès l’été 2015, le système pourrait être évalué sur un navire de la marine nationale ».

Sonar : La DGA inspirée par Muse
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12 avril 2014 6 12 /04 /avril /2014 05:55
Thales underwater warfare systems

9 avr. 2014 Thales underwater warfare systems


Building on 50 years of experience in undersea warfare, Thales is now a global leader in underwater systems and the world's top exporter of sonars and related systems for navies and air forces.

Thales designs and delivers acoustic and communication systems and subsystems for anti-submarine warfare and anti-mine warfare.
The solutions and related services are suitable for all types of platforms: submarines, surface ships, helicopters, maritime patrol aircrafts and unmanned naval systems.

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19 février 2014 3 19 /02 /février /2014 08:35
SGPV Littoral Combat Ship (image : Azim09 MyMil)

SGPV Littoral Combat Ship (image : Azim09 MyMil)


18 Feb 2014 Defense Studies

Thales announces that it has signed a Letter of Award with Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn. Bhd. to supply six SMART-S Mk2 naval surveillance radar systems, as well as six CAPTAS-2 towed sonar systems for the Royal Malaysian Navy’s Second Generation Patrol Vessel (SGPV) Littoral Combat Ships (LCS).

The six SMART-S Mk2 radars will be installed on the Malaysian Littoral Combat Ships that are currently being built by Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd in Malaysia. The first SMART-S Mk2 is expected to be delivered within the next few years. Thales in Hengelo (The Netherlands) will build and test the first two radars; the other four systems will be assembled and tested by Contraves in Malaysia, using Thales components and know-how.

The Royal Malaysian Navy has also selected the CAPTAS-2 which is part of the CAPTAS[1]  family of active Variable Depth Sonar (VDS). CAPTAS-2 is designed to perform against quiet submarines, enabling surface platforms to carry out all Anti-Submarine Warfare missions such as escort, prosecution, area sanitisation and own force protection.

The CAPTAS-2 Variable Depth Sonar comprises state-of-the-art innovative technologies that provides a high source level in a compact array. Furthermore, Thales’s unique towed triplet receive array
provides instant left/right ambiguity resolution, and is ideally suited for torpedo defence.

Thales is the European leader in naval radars and number one internationally for sonars and underwater systems. This new success confirms the position of the Group as a trusted partner to Navies worldwide.


This contract raises the number of SMART-S Mk2 radar systems sold to well over 50. With the first system under contract in 2003 and operational in 2006, this radar is the world’s market leader in naval medium to long range 3D surveillance radars.

SMART-S Mk2 is a medium to long range air and surface surveillance radar that operates in E/F band (S-band), has full 3D coverage, up to 70 degrees in elevation and two operational modes with 250/150 kilometre range respectively. The system is optimised to provide medium to long range situational awareness and target designation in complex environments such as the littoral. The SMART-S Mk2 range performance is matched with the operational capabilities of modern AAW defence missiles systems. Its dedicated helicopter and short-range capabilities also make this radar the ideal sensor for helicopter-carrying amphibious ships, LPDs or small aircraft carriers.

SMART-S Mk2 has been designed for minimal support and easy installation. Maintenance-free mission capability is ensured by the use of solid-state transmitter technology and parallel processes. This, and more, make SMART-S Mk2 the 3D naval radar system of choice for littoral operations.


About CAPTAS-2
Thanks to substantial investments into the development of the CAPTAS family, CAPTAS-2 has benefitted from the on-going evolution of Thales’s sea proven technologies, ranging from acoustic components to the most state-of-the-art software processing,.

Within the last 20 years, more than €250M of Research & Development investment has allowed Thales to build an unprecedented expertise in very low frequency active towed sonars. Thales’s leading position in many fields such as wideband free-flooded ring transducers and triplet receive arrays, has enabled the company to develop the best Anti-Submarine Warfare tactical assets with the CAPTAS sonars.

Operational at sea in major navies, the CAPTAS family is de-facto the world’s lowest frequency VDS standard with the largest installed base. It is also the only low frequency VDS  servicing NATO countries and in service with multiple navies including the Norwegian Navy, the Royal Saudi Navy, the UK Royal Navy, the French Navy, the Italian Navy, the Royal Moroccan Navy and the UAE Navy. Furthermore, CAPTAS has been selected by the US Navy for an Advanced Demonstration Model (ADM).


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19 décembre 2013 4 19 /12 /décembre /2013 08:35
Atlas Elektronik building sonar for Thai frigate


ULM, Germany, Dec. 18 (UPI)


Sonar systems for a new frigate being built for Thailand by South Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering are being supplied by Atlas Elektronik GmbH.


Atlas Elektronik, headquartered in Germany said the contract from Daewoo is for the supply and integration of a bow sonar and a low-frequency active towed array sonar system.


The two will be delivered in early 2016. The monetary value of the contract, however, was not disclosed.


"Together, the two systems offer active and passive sonars for the detection, tracking and classification of underwater vehicles, such as submarines, torpedoes and unmanned underwater vehicles," the company said. "In addition, these sonars are able to detect and classify small speedboats, divers or floating obstacles, e.g. containers or tethered mines."


The bow sonar to be supplied provides a surveillance radius of up to nine miles, while the towed array sonar operates in the low-frequency range from about 2 kHz and permits observation of the sea space at ranges of more than 37 miles, the company said.

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28 mai 2013 2 28 /05 /mai /2013 12:50
Thales awarded milestone Royal Navy services contract

28 May 2013 Thales UK


Thales UK has today signed a 10-year contract with the Ministry of Defence (MOD), worth up to £600M, for the in-service support of the Royal Navy’s major sensor systems.


The new Sensors Support Optimisation Project (SSOP) builds on the proven success of Thales’s Contractor Logistics Support contract, originally signed in 2003, which has provided support to the Royal Navy’s sonar and electronic warfare systems for the past 10 years.


Under the terms of SSOP, the in-service support contract has now been extended to include all of the Royal Navy’s submarine visual systems, including periscopes for the Vanguard and Trafalgar Class submarines and the non-hull-penetrating optronic masts for the Astute Class submarines, previously supported under separate contract arrangements with Thales UK’s optronics business in Glasgow.


This means Thales is now providing significant in-service support to the ‘eyes and ears’ of the submarine fleet, as well as across the major surface sonar and electronic warfare systems.


The contract will be run through the Equipment Support Delivery Team, which is a joint MOD/Thales UK team based in Abbey Wood, Bristol. This team is augmented by several Thales and J+S Ltd waterfront engineers in the Royal Navy’s three naval bases (Portsmouth, Plymouth and Faslane), who together ensure that specialist technical advice and support is delivered whenever it is needed to ensure the continued availability of the sensor systems, both at home and overseas.


Philip Dunne, Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology, signed the contract during a visit to Thales’s facility in Crawley today.  He said: “This contract is good news for the Ministry of Defence and UK industry. Not only will it secure a number of jobs across the UK whilst delivering savings but will also provide essential support for the combat equipment that helps give the Royal Navy’s fleet of ships and submarines a vital technological edge wherever they are based in the world.”


Victor Chavez, CEO of Thales UK, said: “This contract recognises the value that can be achieved and the savings that can be delivered through a long-term services agreement. It also reflects the successful way in which Thales UK has delivered the required outputs over the past ten years. This project refines that approach to optimise performance over the next ten years, and reinforces our positive well-established relationship with the Royal Navy.”


During the previous support contract, the levels of equipment availability have improved significantly and substantial overall savings in the cost of support have been achieved. The new SSOP contract builds on this experience and success, from the outset delivering further savings to the MOD whilst continuing to deliver high levels of available and serviceable equipment.


The new contract secures employment for 230 Thales employees and a further 300 people within the extended supply chain across the UK.


Major suppliers to Thales include J+S Ltd (Barnstaple, Devon), MacTaggart Scott (Loanhead, Scotland), Atlas Elektronik UK (Newport, South Wales and Winfrith, Dorset), Parkburn Ltd (Telford, Shropshire), AB Precision (Poole) Ltd (Dorset), and Defence Support Group (Sealand, Flintshire).


Thales UK will support the project from its sites in Templecombe, Cheadle Heath, Glasgow and Crawley, where ongoing development of these important systems will enable yet further improvements to be made in the levels of capability and availability.

HMS Trafalgar, pictured during Tomahawk missile trials - photo US DoD

HMS Trafalgar, pictured during Tomahawk missile trials - photo US DoD

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3 février 2013 7 03 /02 /février /2013 08:20


Des techniciens sonar à bord de l’USS The Sullivans

(Photo: U.S. Navy photo)


02/02/2013 par Jacques N. Godbout - 45enord.ca


Le ministre de la Défense nationale, Peter McCay, a annoncé le vendredi 1er février l’attribution d’un de 6,6 millions$ Ultra Electronics Marine Systems pour l’entretien des systèmes sonar de la flotte de sous-marins canadiens.


Ultra Electronics Marine Systems, de Dartmouth, en Nouvelle-Écosse, qui emploie 147 personnes, est une division de de la société Ultra Electronics Group, basée à Middlesex au Royaume-Unie, qui oeuvre dans les secteurs de la du transport, de l’énergie, de la défense et de la sécurité, notamment ofrant une gamme complète de systèmes de sonar maritimes et aériens.


« Notre gouvernement continue d’ajouter à son solide bilan de réalisations visant à s’assurer que les hommes et femmes qui servent notre pays disposent de l’équipement dont ils ont besoin pour s’acquitter de leurs tâches, a déclaré à cete occasion le ministre MacKay. Nous continuons d’investir dans les technologies qui sont utiles aux Forces armées canadiennes, et nous continuons de veiller à ce que les industries canadiennes tirent profit de ces investissements majeurs. »


Ce contrat porte sur les travaux d’entretien des systèmes sonar à antenne remorquée intégrés à la flotte canadienne des quatre sous-marins de classe Victoria. Les travaux exécutés dans le cadre de ce contrat de trois ans, dit le communiqué qui accompagne cette annonce, permettront de s’assurer que ces sous-marins continuent de faire partie intégrante de la capacité canadienne en matière de défense et de sécurité.


Les sous-marins canadiens ont pour mission d’assurer la surveillance, le soutien de l’application de la loi maritime, le maintien des habiletés de la flotte, ainsi que les opérations nationales et internationales.


On se rappelle, bien sûr, la participation à l’exercice naval RIMOPAC 2012 où le sosu-marin canadien Victoria avait lancé une torpille qui a atteint son but et couler un navire (désaffecté) américain.


La flotte canadienne sera d’ailleurs pleinement opérationnelle en 2013, souligne le ministère de la Défense, lorsque la période de grande remise en état du NCSM Chicoutimi sera complétée. Ainsi, trois des quatre sous-marins canadiens seront disponibles pour des opérations. En tout temps et selon le principe de la rotation, il y aura un sous-marin en période de grand carénage.



RIMPAC 2012: visite du NCSM Victoria (source; Nicolas Laffont, 45enord.ca)


À lire aussi:

Des investissements dans une technologie sonar pour la Marine canadienne >>

Dans l’Arctique, sans sous-marins le Canada serait aveugle >>

Le Victoria prend part à un exercice international de guerre navale >>

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15 novembre 2012 4 15 /11 /novembre /2012 08:40

Australian Collins-class submarines, HMAS Dechaineux and HM


POTTS POINT, Australia, Nov. 14 (UPI)


The Australian military has contracted Thales Australia for a significant upgrade to sonar systems on its Collins class submarines.


The award, from the Defense Materiel Organization, is worth about $23 million. The update will be physically installed on the first of six submarines in 2014 following trials at sea.


"The Collins class submarines have a very capable sonar suite but time has moved on and we are now leveraging advances in technology to deliver an important update that will treat obsolescence and result in substantial space, power and weight savings," said Thales Australia Chief Executive Officer Chris Jenkins.


"We have invested over many years and built a significant level of submarine sonar expertise in Australia, starting on the Collins in the 1980s and then leveraging this on other naval platforms.


"This is deep technical expertise of international standing. Having this capability in country enables us to provide these kinds of updates economically, quickly and at low risk," he said.


The upgrade will enhance the ships' Scylla sonar by replacing existing equipment in the Scylla Signal Processing Cabinets with modern commercial-off-the-shelf components and also re-hosting the software.


Upgrade work will mainly be performed at the company's underwater systems facility in Rydalmere, New South Wales.

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