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L'Indonésie recale le Rafale et choisit le Sukhoi Su-35
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27 novembre 2013 3 27 /11 /novembre /2013 08:35
How China Plans to Use the Su-35


November 27, 2013 By Peter Wood- thediplomat.com


Acquisition of the advanced Su-35 fighter would give China some significant new capabilities.


A senior executive at Russia’s state arms export company, Rosoboronexport, has said that Russia will sign a contract to sell the advanced Su-35 jet to China in 2014, while confirming that the deal is not on track to be finished in 2013. This is unlikely to be the last word on the matter – the negotiations have dragged on since 2010, and have been the subject of premature and contradictory announcements before – but it is a strong indication that Russia remains interested in the sale. For the time being, China’s interest in the new-generation fighter is worth examining for what it reveals about the progress of homegrown military technology and China’s strategy for managing territorial disputes in the South China Sea. If successful, the acquisition could have an immediate impact on these disputes. In addition to strengthening China’s hand in a hypothetical conflict, the Su-35’s range and fuel capacity would allow the People’s Liberation Army Naval Air Force (PLANAF) to undertake extended patrols of the disputed areas, following the model it has used to pressure Japan over the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands.

The Su-35 is not the first Sukoi to pique the interest of the Chinese military. As previously reported in The Diplomat, the Sukoi-30MKK, and the Chinese version, the J-16, have been touted by the Chinese military as allowing it to project power into the South China Sea.

Previous reports in Chinese and Russian media in June of this year pointed toward a deal having been reached over a sale of Su-35 multi-role jets, but were not viewed as official, given more than a year’s worth of contradictory reports in Chinese and Russian media. At one point, Russian sources claimed that the sale had gone through, only to be categorically refuted by the Chinese Ministry of Defense. Nevertheless, in January both governments paved the way for an eventual sale by signing an agreement in principle that Russia would provide the Su-35 to China.

A big question remaining is the number of aircraft that China will purchase. China’s Global Times reported this summer that a group of Chinese representatives were in Moscow evaluating the Su-35, and would begin acquiring a “considerable number” of the advanced jets. Whether that means that China will purchase more than 48, as mentioned in press statements a year ago, is unclear. Evidence of continued negotiation for the jets indicates a strong desire within the Chinese military to acquire the Sukhoi fighters.

Chinese aviation is still reliant in many ways on Russia. Media attention has focused on China’s domestic development programs, including stealth fighter-bombers and helicopters. The advance of Chinese aviation capabilities is by now a common theme, with every month seeming to bring new revelations about its programs. While the ability to manufacture and perform design work on these projects represents significant progress, “under the hood” these aircraft often feature Russian engines. China continues to try to copy or steal Russian engine technology because of a strong preference for building systems itself. In fact, purchasing the Su-35 does not reflect a shift in the preferences of the Chinese military leadership. Buying the Su-35 reflects the delicate position China now finds itself in, as both a large purchaser and producer of primarily Russian-style weapons. Though self-reliance has always been important to China, it has been superseded by the strategic need to acquire cutting-edge weapons systems quickly. According to data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), beginning in 1991, China began purchasing the Su-27 long-range fighter jet (an older relative of the Su-35). The data is searchable here.

Russia understandably became upset when its star export appeared as an indigenously produced J-11 in China – without a licensing agreement. Russian media was previously reporting that Russia had chosen not to sell the jet over fears that it would be copied in turn and become yet another export item for China, further undercutting Russia’s own economically vital arms business. It appears that now Russia is trying to balance its fear of being undercut by Chinese copying with its desire (or need) to sell weapons.

Viewing the purchase of the Su-35 through the lens of China’s strategic needs and events, like the recent territorial spats with its neighbors, provides a useful perspective on just why China is so eager to acquire the Sukhoi jet.

Simply put, the Su-35 is the best non-stealth fighter in the world today. Though stealth has come to dominate Western aircraft design, in terms of China’s needs, other factors take precedence. Even more surprisingly, superiority in air-to-air combat is not the Su-35’s key selling point. while the Su-35 gives the Chinese military a leg up versus the F-15s and other aircraft fielded by neighbors like Japan, the advanced Russian jet does not add significant new capabilities to conflict areas like the Taiwan Strait. Large numbers of interceptors and multi-role jets like the J-10 could easily be deployed over the Strait, or to areas near Japan like the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands. The advantage of the Su-35 rather lies in its speed and ample fuel tanks. Like the Su-27, the Su-35 was created to patrol Russia’s enormous airspace and to be able to meet incoming threats far away from Russia’s main urban areas. The People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) faces similar problems.

The South China Sea is just such a problem. A vast area of 1.4 million square miles (2.25 million square kilometers), China’s claims, as demarcated by the famous “nine-dashed line,” pose challenges for the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) current fighters. Currently, land-based PLANAF fighters, can conduct limited patrols of the sea’s southern areas, but their fuel capacity severely restricts the time they can spend on patrol. Enforcing claims far from the mainland in times of crisis requires the type of range and speed that the Su-35 possesses. The Su-35 is likely meant to help enforce China’s territorial claims, further deter regional claimants, and provide additional layers of protection in the case of escalation. The key to this is fuel.

One important improvement of the Su-35 over the Su-27/J-11B is the ability to carry external fuel tanks, be a major factor limiting the Su-27, which does not have aerial refueling capability. This is in addition to a 20 percent increase in fuel capacity over the Su-27 and air refueling capability. This later capability is another important part of China’s strategy of increasing loiter times and distances. “Loiter time” is the time an aircraft can spend in the vicinity of a target, as opposed to reaching the area and returning to base. Generally there are three ways to increase loiter time. Smaller, slower aircraft like the U.S. Predator or global hawk drones can stay aloft for many hours at a time because of their long wings and lack of a pilot. The other two options are larger fuel tanks or refueling capability. China’s nascent aerial refueling program is not yet fully proven and does not currently involve any naval planes, and is estimated at becoming operationally effective between 2015-2020 in Chinese Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles.

The Su-35, even on internal fuel only, offers significant advantages over the Su-27, which is limited to only quick fly-overs of trouble spots such as the Reed Bank (lile tan) or Scarborough Shoal (huangyan dao). The extra time the Su-35 can spend on station is essential to China’s desire to deter action by the Philippines or other regional actors. Such long-range aircraft would be able to “show the flag” for longer, or quickly intercept Philippine aircraft in the region. In the case of the Su-35, it would likely be able to outfly and outshoot any Philippine or Vietnamese aircraft (or surface vessel for that matter) largely rendering competing territorial claims irrelevant.

This is the sort of fait accompli situation that China has sought to create, for example with the “eviction” of the Philippine presence from the Scarborough Shoal and repeated fly-bys of the disputed area in the East China Sea: an overwhelming Chinese presence around territorial claims, leaving the contender with the options of significantly ratcheting up tensions and likely losing any skirmish or accepting a regular Chinese military presence. With the ability to make extended flights over a larger portion of the South China Sea, the PLANAF is likely to increase air patrols. This could lead to more frequent encounters in more places, creating more opportunities for minor crises and allowing China to create new “facts on the ground,” which may serve as the starting point for negotiations in a peaceful settlement. This capability, combined with China’s already significant ballistic missile forces and other anti-access weapons, provides China with a significant trump card and thus acts as a deterrent to military challenges. This gives China the ability to project military power over a larger portion of Southeast Asia and indeed, most of the ASEAN nations.

Beyond deterrence, a jet with a longer-range purchases more than just loiter time. Areas like Hainan are more vulnerable to attack by cruise missile or carrier-borne elements than those behind the prickly hedge of China’s air defense systems. Overlapping radars, shorter ranged interceptors and powerful surface-to-air missile systems make deploying aircraft to the mainland an attractive option. With its extended range however, the Su-35 should have little trouble flying from behind coastal areas to a large portion of the South China Sea.

Land-based, long-range patrolling Su-35s are one of the best ways to ensure that China retains the ability to restrict other contestant nations’ access to these areas. This has become even more urgent now that the U.S. has announced plans to deploy the F-35 into the region, likely to important bases in Korea and Japan.

In the meantime, while the U.S. and its allies face a potential gap in capabilities between aging airframes and delivery of the F-35, China is rapidly phasing out older platforms, upgrading legacy systems and trying to acquire newer aircraft. The Su-35 is a major step in this direction.

While not on par with the U.S. F-22, the small numbers of that platform and risks of deployment make the Su-35 likely superior to anything readily deployed in the region for some time. Moreover, though the Su-35 is much more agile than the Su-27, similarity between the Su-35 and earlier Sukhoi platforms should mean less effort expended building a new logistics tail and retraining, leading to faster operational status and deployment. There are no clear indications whether the PLAAF or PLANAF would use the Su-35s, but deployment to the PLAAF Air Base in Suixi, Guangdong (Yuexi Airport) part of the 2nd Division in Zhanjiang, Guangdong (Unit 95357) would complement the other Su-27s already stationed there. The PLA Naval Aviation base at Lingshui, Hainan province (famous for being the airport where a U.S. EP-3 surveillance plane performed an emergency landing in 2001) is another useful option for basing. The Su-35s could replace the rapidly aging J-8Bs and Ds currently based there.

While the Su-35’s technologies will benefit Chinese aviation, its larger contribution lies in enforcement and deterrence in the South China Sea. China’s currently deployed forces in the South China Sea and contested areas could already do significant damage to possible adversaries like the Philippines. Without a combat-capable air force and naval forces largely comprising aging 1960s-era former U.S. Coast Guard cutters, the Philippines cannot effectively challenge China’s territorial claims. The Sukhoi jets’ larger fuel capacity and in-flight refueling capability mean that Chinese jets could remain on station for longer, enforcing their claims by conducting patrols and interceptions in a more consistent way. Going forward, the combination of the Su-35, China’s extant shorter-range fighters, advanced surface-to-air missiles, and long-range ballistic and cruise missiles could provide strength-in-depth, multi-layered capabilities to protect China’s claims and make others less eager to intervene if China chose to pursue conflict with its neighbors.

Peter Wood is an independent researcher focusing on the Chinese military. A longer version of this article appeared in the October 10, 2013 issue of the Jamestown Foundation’s China Brief.

Aircraft Ranges
Aircraft Estimated Range (mi, km)
Su-27/J-11B Internal fuel: 1,700/2,800
Su-35 Internal fuel: 2,237/3,600With two drop tanks: 2,800/4,500
Example Distances between key Chinese airbases and areas of interest
Chinese Base Target Area Approximate Distance (mi/km)All distance estimates from Google Earth
Lingshui PLA Naval Aviation base, Hainan province Reed Bank, South China Sea 660/1,070
  Scarborough Shoal, South China Sea 560/900
  Basa Philippine Air Force Air Defense Wing Base, Luzon, Philippines 730/1,180
Suixi PLAAF base, Guangdong province Reed Bank, South China Sea 815/1,312
  Scarborough Shoal, South China Sea 650/1,050
  Basa Philippine Air Force Air Defense Wing Base [Note 1] 800/1,300


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19 novembre 2013 2 19 /11 /novembre /2013 19:35
Why Would Russia Sell China Su-35 Fighter Jets?


November 19, 2013 By Harry Kazianis - thediplomat.com


Given China’s history of stealing Russian defense technology, Moscow’s thinking is hard to understand.


Truthfully, the state of Russia-China ties gives me a headache.

First, I understand the rationale for both sides to develop large agreements for natural resource sales—it’s clearly in both of their national interests. China needs them (having a majority of the imported resource that powers your economy, namely oil, go through narrow straits that could be blockaded is probably not a good plan), Russia wants to sell them (what else does Russia have to sell these days). However, military sales of Moscow’s best equipment, even as a report from the Want China Times suggests is still being negotiated makes little sense, well…at least for Russia that is.

As I have stated on several occasions, Russia has a number of reasons to hold off selling even one of its most capable jets to China. Readers of Flashpoints are familiar with the tale of Russia’s last large jet sale to China, the SU-27. When Russia’s defense industry was on its back in 1992 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, China purchased US$1 billion worth of the then-advanced fighter. Plans were laid for an expansion of the agreement for up to 200 jets to be sold, with large quantities to be assembled in China.  The deal then fell apart after the first 100 or so jets were delivered when Moscow accused Beijing of essentially replicating the jet and prepping it for resale under the renamed J-11 and J-11B. China has allegedly copied at least one other fighter jet of Russian origin, the SU-33, renamed the J-15.

For their part, Chinese officials denied such allegations. According to a piece in the Wall Street Journal back in 2010, Zhang Xinguo, deputy president of AVIC, tried to claim the jets were not a copy.

“You cannot say it’s just a copy,” Zhang declared. “Mobile phones all look similar. But technology is developing very quickly. Even if it looks the same, everything inside cannot be the same.”

In a piece for the People’s Daily, Chinese officials would also defend the J-15, the alleged copy of the SU-33.

Geng Yansheng, a spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense, explained, “The world military affairs have an objective law of development. Many weapons have the same design principle and some command and protection methods are also similar. Therefore, it at least is non-professional to conclude that China copied the aircraft carrier technology of other countries only by simply comparison.”

The deal that is being considered now, at least according to the report mentioned above, sounds similar to the SU-27 sale.  According to WCT, “Beijing sought a promise from Moscow to set up a maintenance center in China as part of the contract” and that “Chinese experts must be able to maintain and repair Su-35 fighters with training provided by Russian advisers.”

Effectively, Russia would be giving up a tremendous amount of technical knowledge and knowhow to China with very little safeguards to stop a repeat of the SU-27 incident. While Russia would gain a large sale for its arms industry, thinking long-term – and recalling the fact that Russia-China relations historically have not exactly been a model of peace and prosperity – Moscow might want to think twice about such an agreement.

For China, there are a number of reasons such a deal would be attractive. China has documented issues producing fighter jet engines, and even the ability to take apart and dissect Russia’s latest military wares would be of use. And for all the talk of 5th generation fighters, America is the only nation so far to deploy such a craft, with various well-documented glitches along the way. A more traditional craft could be of great value to Beijing while it perfects a stealthier fighter for the future. Also, considering the long range of the SU-35, such a plane would be of great value to loiter over disputed territories in the East and South China Sea for extended periods of time. Indeed, if Beijing buys into all the talk about Air-Sea Battle (ASB) being all about deep strikes on the Chinese mainland, an advanced fighter jet to defend the homeland does not seem like a bad investment in the long term.

For Russia, the risks seem obvious. Competing against your own technology in the lucrative arms trade is never a good thing. While a deal today might be profitable, the loss of multiple future deals to cheaper Chinese copies could be a disaster tomorrow.  Also, today’s friendships could give way to tomorrow’s geostrategic challenges. Russia and China’s interests might not always align so closely. It would be a pity if Russia someday were forced to consider squaring off against military technology it sold to Beijing, either directly or against Chinese sales to some future adversary.

There is however one possibility that Russia could be banking on for China to behave this go around: it has the option of cutting off oil supplies if Beijing does not play nice. The question is, considering the fact that a large amount of Russia’s overall budget is backed by oil revenue, even if China decided to make the same choice and again play copycat, would Russia be in a position to make such a move?

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11 septembre 2013 3 11 /09 /septembre /2013 06:35
Chasseurs Su-35 pour la Chine: un contrat sera signé en 2014

MOSCOU, 7 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie et la Chine signeront un contrat sur la livraison de 24 chasseurs Sukhoi Su-35 à Pékin dès 2014, a annoncé samedi à Moscou le directeur général adjoint de l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport) Victor Komardine.


"Les négociations sont en cours, mais il est peu probable qu'un contrat soit signé avant la fin de l'année. Sa signature aura lieu en 2014. Les négociateurs chinois discutent des performances techniques de l'avion", a indiqué M.Komardine.


Selon M.Komardine, Pékin et Moscou mènent également des discussions sur les armements à installer à bord des Su-35 chinois. Mais cela doit faire l'objet d'un contrat spécial.


Le directeur général de Rosoboronexport Anatoli Issaïkine a annoncé en août dernier que la Chine se doterait de chasseurs Su-35 après un spectacle présenté par un groupe de voltige aérienne chinois au Salon aérospatial international MAKS-2013 dans la région de Moscou.


Le Sukhoi Su-35 est un chasseur polyvalent hautement manœuvrable de génération 4++. Sa vitesse maximale atteint 1.400 km/h près du sol et 2.400 km/h en altitude. L'appareil est capable de détecter des cibles volantes à plus de 400 km de distance.

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24 juin 2013 1 24 /06 /juin /2013 15:40

24.06.2013 by Salon du Bourget

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11 juin 2013 2 11 /06 /juin /2013 16:40
Le SU-35 est l’ultime évolution du SU-27, il atteint la perfection en matière de polyvalence air-air et air-sol. Il vise la relève des SU-27 et MIG-29 exportés dans les années 90. Il représente aussi le renouveau des forces aériennes russes – photo JSC

Le SU-35 est l’ultime évolution du SU-27, il atteint la perfection en matière de polyvalence air-air et air-sol. Il vise la relève des SU-27 et MIG-29 exportés dans les années 90. Il représente aussi le renouveau des forces aériennes russes – photo JSC

10 juin 2013 Aerobuzz.fr


Sukhoi signe un retour remarqué au Salon du Bourget 2013 avec la présentation de l’ultime évolution du célèbre « Flanker ». Face au SU-35, les avions de quatrième génération, Rafale, F-15, F/A 18 Super Hornet et autres Eurofighter Typhoon sont prévenus : il y a un nouveau rival dans la place et il a les dents longues !


La nouvelle en réjouira plus d’un. Sukhoi est de retour avec un avion de combat.


Il faut dire que les démonstrations aériennes des pilotes russes réalisées par des virtuoses du pilotage sont époustouflantes.


Qui se souvient du Cobra de Pougatchev effectué par un SU-27 ? Et je passe sur la « cloche » réalisée par le MIG-35…


Cette année Sukhoi présente officiellement à Paris l’ultime évolution de la lignée du SU-27, le SU-35. Les études de cet appareil qui sera probablement piloté par Serguei Bogdan ont commencé dès les années 90 mais elles furent ralenties par des divergences de vues techniques et des problèmes de financement.


Selon Mikhail Pogosyan, le PDG de Sukhoi, le SU-35 est un avion de combat de la classe des 30 Tonnes de génération 4++.


Pour faire simple, il s’agit d’un SU-27 dans lequel les ingénieurs russes ont incorporé des technologies de cinquième génération. Les principales évolutions portent sur le système d’arme, les moteurs et la cellule. Bref seule la formule aérodynamique de base du célèbre chasseur russe a été conservée.


Au niveau du système d’arme, l’avion est une révolution. Ses principaux systèmes, capteurs et armements compris, sont gérés en permanence par un super calculateur, véritable cerveau électronique qui assure en plus l’interface avec le pilote.

Le SU-35 : Il se distingue par une cellule repensée, des matériaux antiradar, des tuyères à poussée vectorielle. Notez l’absence de canards et d’aérofrein dorsal - – photo JSC

Le SU-35 : Il se distingue par une cellule repensée, des matériaux antiradar, des tuyères à poussée vectorielle. Notez l’absence de canards et d’aérofrein dorsal - – photo JSC

Son nez abrite un radar Irbis-E capable de détecter des bombardiers ou des appareils imposants jusqu’à 350-400 km et ce, dans un cône de 120 degrés de part et d’autre de l’avion. Ce radar signé NIIP Tikhomirov est un dérivé de celui qui équipe les SU-30 MKI indiens, il dispose de modes air-air et air-sol très pointus. Sa protection contre le brouillage a fait l’objet d’un soin particulier explique un spécialiste russe du NIIP Le dard situé entre les deux tuyères abriterait un petit radar pour assurer la couverture en secteur arrière. Un point que nous ne manquerons pas de vérifier pendant le salon. Le nez de l’avion reçoit un nouveau détecteur infrarouge OLS (système de localisation optronique) de 80 km de portée pour effectuer des interceptions sans être détecté. Les données liées à la mission et à l’état de l’avion s’affichent sur de larges écrans multifonctions, les commandes de vol électriques redondantes de nouvelle génération assurent une meilleure précision et une plus grande sécurité de vol. Selon Sukhoi, l’appareil peut empêcher le pilote d’effectuer une manœuvre si il estime qu’elle met en péril l’avion et l’équipage.


Le système d’arme est conçu pour mettre en œuvre pratiquement tous les armements air-air et air –sol et air-mer en service en Russie, ainsi que ceux en gestation dans les laboratoires russes. En tout, ce sont pas moins de 8T de charges externes qui peuvent prendre place sous les 12 points d’emport du SU-35.


Jamais auparavant un avion russe n’avait atteint un tel degré de polyvalence.


Le Su-35 dispose en outre d’un nouveau système d’autoprotection intégré qui assure la détection et le brouillage de toutes les menaces connues. Le brouillage électronique étant assuré au niveau des ballonnets en extrémité de voilure et par les traditionnels lance leurres radar et infrarouges sur la cellule. En cas de besoin un brouilleur de plus forte puissance peut prendre place sous le fuselage.

SU-35 : ses deux moteurs 117S de Saturn allient puissance et longévité – photo JSC

SU-35 : ses deux moteurs 117S de Saturn allient puissance et longévité – photo JSC

Les moteurs AL-31F du SU-27 cèdent la place à deux nouveaux 117S signés NPO Saturn de 14500 kg de poussée. Soit un gain de 16% par rapport à l’AL31F !


Ils peuvent suivant les besoins être complétés par des tuyères à poussée vectorielle. Mieux, la durée de vie de ces turboréacteurs, point faible des russes depuis toujours a été portée à 4000 heures….et l’intervalle entre deux révisions à 1500 heures.


La cellule du SU-35 a fait l’objet d’un soin tout particulier. Selon l’avionneur russe, elle est conçue pour une durée de 30 ans au minimum ou 6000 heures de vol. Désormais l’usage de matériaux composites et de Titane a été privilégié pour diminuer la masse et la signature radar de l’appareil, là encore un autre point faible des avions russes.


A défaut d’atteindre la qualité de fabrication des avions signés « Dassault » on note un très net progrès dans la réduction des interstices en secteur avant.


Selon Sukhoi les entrées d’air et certaines parties critiques de l’avion ont également été dotées de matériaux absorbant les ondes radar. On notera aussi l’absence d’aérofrein dorsal, et l’absence de plans canards. Autant de gain de masse et de place rendus possible par l’emploi de nouvelles lois de pilotage. Malgré cela les qualités de vol de ce super flanker sont largement supérieures à celles d’un SU-30 MKI assure Sukhoi. La place libérée permet de loger plus d’avionique et de carburant en interne.

photo JSC

photo JSC

Naturellement le SU-35 est ravitaillable en vol, il dispose pour cela d’une perche escamotable.


Côté performances, l’avion est au niveau des meilleures réalisations occidentales avec une vitesse maximale supérieure à Mach 2 en altitude et 1400 KM/H en mission de pénétration à basse altitude. Il affiche une endurance de 3500 km sans ravitaillement en vol.


Du point de vue technique et opérationnel Sukhoi estime que son dernier né peut dominer sans problème les meilleurs avions occidentaux F-16, JSF, F/A-18, Rafale, Typhoon, F15 et Gripen rien que ca !


Et dans certaines conditions le meilleur avion de combat du monde : le F-22 Raptor américain. L ‘appareil qui est en cours de production à l’usine KNAAPO de Komsomolsk sur Amour a été commandé par la Russie qui veut moderniser ses forces aériennes, mais aussi par un client export : la Chine.


Pékin qui souhaitait initialement commander un nombre réduit de SU-35 pour faire du « reverse engineering » pour ses besoins propres s’est vu opposé une fin de non recevoir. En effet, outré par les multiples copies de SU-27 et SU-33 « Made in China » le Kremlin a répliqué que ce temps là était révolu. Au final les réalités économiques des uns et des autres étant ce qu’elles sont, Pékin a été autorisé à commander 24 Su-35.


A suivre.

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8 juin 2013 6 08 /06 /juin /2013 11:40
Su-35’s Cobra – source combatace.com

Su-35’s Cobra – source combatace.com

MOSCOU, 7 juin - RIA Novosti


Le chasseur russe dernier cri Soukhoï Su-35, dont la présentation en Europe se tiendra dans le cadre du salon du Bourget-2013, décollera pour la France la semaine prochaine, rapporte vendredi le service de presse du groupe Soukhoï.


Selon le groupe, le programme de présentation du chasseur inclut plusieurs figures de voltige aérienne telles que des tonneaux, des renversements, des vrilles, ainsi que le célèbre Cobra de Pougatchev.


Le Soukhoï Su-35 est un chasseur polyvalent hautement manœuvrable de génération 4++. Sa vitesse maximale atteint 1.400 km/h près du sol et 2.400 km/h en altitude. Son plafond opérationnel est de 18.000 mètres. L'appareil est capable de détecter des cibles volantes à plus de 400 km. Ces caractéristiques permettent au Su-35 de résister efficacement aux chasseurs de génération 5 F-35 et F-22A.


Le Cobra de Pougatchev est considéré comme l'une des manœuvres les plus exigeantes et difficiles à effectuer durant les spectacles aériens.

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