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18 septembre 2014 4 18 /09 /septembre /2014 15:50
EURAC 2014 : réunion de haut vol en Suisse



18/09/2014 Armée de l'air


Du 4 au 6 septembre 2014, le général Denis Mercier, chef d’état-major de l’armée de l’air (CEMAA), a participé à l’European Air Chiefs Conference (EURAC - conférence des chefs d’état-major des armées de l’air européennes), à Brunnen en Suisse.


Lors de l’édition 2014 de l’EURAC, 24 chefs d’état-major des armées de l’air se sont réunis à l’initiative du général Aldo C. Schellenberg, commandant les forces aériennes suisses.


Ce forum unique permet aux chefs d’état-major d’échanger sur des problématiques communes et d’élaborer ensemble des solutions. La formation figurait par exemple au menu des rencontres de cette session de travail.


Le 6 septembre 2014, pour clôturer cette rencontre au sommet, les délégations ont rejoint la base aérienne de Payerne, où s’est déroulé le meeting « Air14 Payerne » célébrant notamment le centenaire de l’aviation militaire suisse. Parmi les nombreux shows aériens, le capitaine Benoît Planche, aux commandes d’un Rafale portant la livrée NATO Tiger Meet2014, a réalisé une démonstration en vol unanimement saluée.

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3 septembre 2014 3 03 /09 /septembre /2014 11:50
Les Forces aériennes continuent leur ascension (Suisse)


Berne, 02.09.2014 - admin.ch


Le Commandant de corps Aldo C. Schellenberg, Commandant des Forces aériennes prépare ses troupes aux développements des années à venir. Il veut renforcer le management de projets d’achat d’avions et de systèmes de défense contre avions.


La décision démocratique contre l’acquisition du Saab Gripen du 18 mai est naturellement respectée par l’Armée suisse, dit Schellenberg durant son rapport d’information à Payerne VD, qui a eu lieu dans le cadre de l’air show AIR14 et du 100ème anniversaire des Forces aériennes. Les 54 F-5 Tiger des Forces aériennes seront mis hors service d’ici 2016, tel que communiqué lors de la votation sur le Gripen par le Conseil fédéral.
« S’en écarter pourrait compromettre une future acquisition d’avion de combat », dit Schellenberg. Une revalorisation de la flotte de Tiger ou de parties de celle-ci n’est pas possible pour des raisons opérationnelles et financières. Les F-5 ne se laisseraient pas adapter aux nécessités modernes que ce soit pour le radar ou l’armement.
Le chef du DDPS, le Conseiller fédéral Ueli Maurer, planifie avec le budget actuel une armée de 100'000 hommes, comme il l’a annoncé durant son message d’accueil au rapport d’information. Il veut une armée qui corresponde aux idéaux d’un «équilibre politique». Maurer renonce à une armée trop grande, orientée à des besoins antérieurs. Il lutte de même contre un rétrécissement additionnel considérable des troupes.


Service prolongé du F/A-18 examiné

Les Forces aériennes examinent suite au «non» du peuple au Gripen une prolongation de vie modérée pour les 32 F/A-18 jusqu’à 2025, explique le Commandant de corps Schellenberg. Il faut tout de même prévoir une relève à temps : l’argument principal reste la capacité à durer en temps de crise. Le service de police aérienne ne doit pas être la seule raison pour un nouvel avion de combat multi-rôle.
Schellenberg a également insisté sur un concept pour une prompte acquisition de nouveaux systèmes de défense contre avions. Il y a un besoin pour une défense aérienne intégrée, avec des avions de combats et des systèmes de défense contre avions basés au sol.
En situation normale, les Forces aériennes sécuriseront, dès 2020, l’espace aérien sur un cycle de 24 heures par jour et ce durant toute l’année, avec des moyens d’intervention. Les Forces aériennes seront engagées dans le cadre de situations exceptionnelles, comme en cas de crise ou dans le cadre d’un soutien aux autorités civiles. De plus, les Forces aériennes devraient acquérir la possibilité de créer une souveraineté aérienne réduite, de manière à pouvoir protéger nos propres troupes. Le transport aérien et l’acquisition de renseignements pour la conduite politique et militaire continueront à faire partie des missions des Forces aériennes.


AIR14 comme signal de départ

Il sera néanmoins nécessaire de renforcer le management de projet, ce qui inclut également la communication : « Si la population comprend précisément ce que nous faisons, alors elle nous soutiendra. Nous avons raté cela le 18 mai. Cela ne doit pas nous arriver une seconde fois ».
Le succès d’AIR14 à Payerne comme évènement de toute l’Armée doit être compris comme un signal de départ pour les prochaines votations. Schellenberg se montre optimiste: « Les Forces aériennes continuent leur ascension».

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2 septembre 2014 2 02 /09 /septembre /2014 16:50
Sweden to go ahead with Gripen acquisition after Swiss No vote


09/01/2014 Defence IQ Press


When Switzerland voted No in the referendum to sanction the acquisition of Saab’s Gripen as its next generation fighter jet, it posed a problem for Sweden.


The two countries had agreed a co-financing deal to buy the JAS 39 Gripen E to share development costs but when the Swiss public voted against the proposed spending of public money, Sweden needed to decide if it would go ahead.


According to defence minister Karin Enström, Sweden will continue with its plan to procure the latest version of the Gripen as a result of heightened regional tension and political instability.


"Global developments and Russian action in Ukraine, with troops in the country, underline the importance of us pursuing the acquisition of the next generation fighter aircraft," Enström told public broadcaster SVT.


"This is also about our security and defence capability in the future," she added.


The 60 Gripen jets – of which Switzerland were meant to buy 22 – are due for delivery in 2018 according to reports.

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10 juin 2014 2 10 /06 /juin /2014 06:50
Switzerland selects Hermes 900 as Ranger replacement


5 Jun 2014 By Craig Hoyle - FG


Switzerland’s Armasuisse procurement agency has selected Elbit Systems’ Hermes 900 to meet the nation’s future unmanned air system requirement. The design had been in competition with Israel Aerospace Industries’ Super Heron TP to replace Ruag Ranger unmanned air vehicles currently in service with the Swiss armed forces.


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15 avril 2014 2 15 /04 /avril /2014 06:50
Swiss voters set to sink Swedish jet fighter deal: poll



Geneva April 11, 2014 Spacewar.com (AFP)


Swiss voters are set to sink a massive defence deal with Swedish firm Saab to buy 22 fighter planes, an opinion poll showed Friday ahead of a referendum next month.

The survey by the gfs.bern polling institute showed that 52 percent of voters opposed the plan, while 42 percent were in favour.

With just six percent of voters still to make up their minds, a turnaround by supporters of the fighter purchase appeared unlikely, the polling institute said.

Approved by the government in 2011 and backed by parliament last September, the fighter deal cannot be blocked as such in the May 18 referendum.

But opponents have been able to contest legislation that allowed the purchase to be funded by tapping an annual 300 million Swiss francs (246 million euros, $342 million) from the neutral country's military budget over 10 years.

The Swiss defence ministry has said that in the event the people reject the financing legislation, the decision will be respected, and that there is no back-up funding plan.

Switzerland opted for Saab's Gripen jets over the Rafale made by French company Dassault and the Eurofighter of pan-European firm EADS.

Supporters underline that in exchange for the sale, Saab and its engine supplier are contractually bound to sign business deals with Swiss firms worth 2.5 billion francs over the next decade.

Opponents dismiss that, and say that the 3.1-billion-franc price tag for the jets could end up tripling because of operating and maintenance costs as well as future upgrades.

The anti-deal coalition is steered by the left-leaning Socialists and Greens, plus anti-militarists who last year lost in a referendum in which voters bucked a European trend and kept their conscript army.

The Gripen's adversaries also include economic liberals opposed to the price.

Referendums form the cornerstone of Switzerland's system of direct democracy, and the campaigners forced a plebiscite by mustering more than 65,000 signatures from voters.

The Gripens are meant to replace Switzerland's three-decade-old fleet of 54 F-5 Tigers, built by US group Northrop.

The Swiss air force also has 32 F/A 18 Super Hornets built by US company McDonnell Douglas, purchased in 1996.

The military notes that with a combined fleet of 54 Gripens and Super Hornets, Switzerland's fleet would lag far behind the 300 jets in service in the early 1990s.

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20 mars 2014 4 20 /03 /mars /2014 13:20
photo Ruag Aviation

photo Ruag Aviation


17 Mar 2014 By: Craig Hoyle - FG


London- Operators of Boeing’s legacy F/A-18 could benefit from a collaboration agreement between two European firms currently responsible for providing national support for the type.


Signed by Finland’s Patria ­Aviation and Switzerland’s Ruag Aviation, the pact will “study the impacts of the worldwide F/A-18 ‘sundown’ programmes”, the companies say.


Combined, their home air ­forces operate 94 of the aircraft – approximately 25% of the global fleet of A- to D-model Hornets, excluding US Navy and Marine Corps examples – and plan to keep them operational until 2030 to 2035.


“It’s definitely the right point in time to bring the industries together,” says Daniel Brunner, Ruag Aviation’s general manager for jets and missiles.


“This agreement allows Patria and Ruag to start working on similar issues. Instead of each nation trying to solve a problem individually, we can co-operate and share,” he says.


Reaching the signature phase took around two years, following a suggestion by the nations’ ­defence ministries.


“The co-operation between ­Patria and Ruag casts a strong foundation to secure the sustainment of the ageing F/A-18 fleets, and will utilise both companies’ resources to the maximum ­benefit of our customers,” says Lassi Matikainen, president of Patria Aviation.


Practical near-term examples include the exchange of personnel, which Brunner says will enable the companies to respond to periods of over- or under-capacity, and sharing lessons learned through their provision of technical and logistics support. “We have identified a number of opportunities,” he adds.


The non-exclusive agreement also defines the parties’ roles and responsibilities with regard to pursuing additional business ­opportunities.


“It would be easy to co-operate with other air forces,” says Brunner, who notes that the initiative is being advanced following intensive discussions between the partners and Boeing. “We need to, and we want to, work with the OEM [original equipment manufacturer],” he stresses.


Flightglobal’s MiliCAS database records 381 A- to D-model F-18s as being in operation with the air forces of Australia, Canada, Finland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Spain and Switzerland. This total includes 61 F-18C/Ds flown by the Finnish air force and 32 of the same mark operated by its Swiss counterpart.


“All could benefit” from the currently bilateral effort to reduce through-life support costs on the type, says Brunner.

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9 décembre 2013 1 09 /12 /décembre /2013 17:20
Switzerland, Kuwait request F/A-18 follow-on support from US

Swiss Air Force's FA 18 Hornet during its flight. Photo Peter Gronemann


9 December 2013 airforce-technology.com


The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of two potential foreign military sales (FMS) of F/A-18 Hornet aircraft follow-on support and associated equipment to Switzerland and Kuwait.


Under the first estimated $200m sale, Switzerland has requested a possible sale of follow-on support for F/A-18 Hornet upgrade programme, including participation in the aircraft's engine component improvement program (CIP), spare and repair parts, system integration and testing, flight testing, support and test equipment, transportation, personnel training and training equipment, in addition to other related elements of logistics support.


The second estimated $150m FMS involves the continuation of contractor engineering technical services, contractor maintenance services, hush house support services, and liaison office support for the Kuwait Air Force's F/A-18 C/D programme.


Specific services include supply of spare and repair parts, US Government and contractor technical support services and other related elements of logistics support, to help the Kuwait Air Force ensure the reliability and performance of its F/A-18 C/D fleet.


Expected to support the current Switzerland F/A-18 Hornet Upgrade 25 and future upgrade programmes, the defence articles and services will enable the national air force to extend the aircraft's useful life and enhance their survivability, and also keep pace with technology advances in sensors, weaponry and communications.


Both sales contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the US by improving the security of Switzerland and Kuwait, which serve as an important force for political stability and economic progress in Europe and in the Middle East.


The prime contractors for the first sale include Excelis, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems, Boeing, General Electric Aircraft Engines, General Dynamics Information Technology, Wyle Laboratories, MacKee and Zenetex.


Kay and Associates Incorporated, Boeing, Industrial Acoustics and General Electric will serve as prime contractors for the second FMS programme.

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3 décembre 2013 2 03 /12 /décembre /2013 17:45
Israeli-Russian businessman arrested in Switzerland over Angolagate arms scandal

A lineup of artillery - defenceWeb


02 December 2013 by Oscar Nkala - defenceWeb


Russian-Israeli billionaire businessman Arkady Gaydamak who is wanted in France to serve a six-year sentence for his role in the Angolagate arms sale scandal, has been detained in the Swiss capital Zurich.


Gaydamak has since filed an application for bail but the French government has reportedly made contact with Switzerland seeking his immediate extradition so that he can serve his pending jail term in France.


Angolagate, also known as the Mitterrand-Pasqua affair, involved the illegal shipment of arms from Europe worth $790 million to Angola in the 1990s. Through the deals, military equipment which included warships, helicopters, tanks, artillery shells and landmines were sold to the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) despite an international arms embargo which was in place because the force was at war with Jonas Savimbi's National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) rebel movement.


Luxembourg news site PaperJam reported that Swiss police acting on an arrest warrant issued in Luxembourg arrested Gaydamak in Zurich while he was meeting his lawyers to discuss another probe in connection with the controversial acquisition of a $50 million phosphate factory in Kazakhstan by a shell company suspected to have been fronting for him.


However, AFP reported that Gaydamak’s arrest was ordered because he had not paid 400 000 euros to an Israeli football club he once owned.


In October 2009, a French magistrate court tried Gaydamak in absentia and sentenced him to six years in prison for illegal arms sales, abuse of public assets, bribery, fraud, tax evasion and money laundering in connection with the Angolan arms. The court found that together with French businessman Pierre Falcone, Gaydamak acted as a conduit for the payment of 'lobbying fees', to former French interior minister Charles Pasqua by Angolan officials.


The court found that sales of Soviet made weaponry, including 420 tanks, 150,000 shells, 170,000 anti-personnel mines, 12 helicopters and six warships, began when Mitterrand's father Francois was in office in 1993 and continued until 1998.


In April 2011 a French appeals court reduced Gaydamak’s jail term to three years, for money laundering and tax fraud.


Pasqua is alleged to have used his influence to help Angola secure the arms despite official disapproval of the deal by the French government and the UN arms embargo on Angola at the time. A warrant for his arrest was issued immediately afterwards and Gaydamak has been on the run since then. Following a successful appeal in April 2011, Gaydamak's sentence was reduced to three years.


Angolagate involved 36 politically connected French citizens who included Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, the son of former president Francois Mitterrand. However, top Angolan government officials and members of the political-business elite linked to President Dos Santos who were implicated in the case by French prosecutors have not been arrested to date.

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19 novembre 2013 2 19 /11 /novembre /2013 17:50
Sweden hopes to avoid Swiss referendum on Gripen E


Nov. 18, 2013 by Craig Hoyle – FG


London - Sweden expects to know by no later than the fourth quarter of 2014 whether the Swiss government will be able to move ahead with its planned acquisition of 22 Saab Gripen E fighters, with its timetable to be driven by a potential public referendum.


Opponents to the proposed deal have until January to secure the 50,000 signatures needed to call a referendum that would question the need to replace the Swiss air force’s Northrop F-5 interceptors. “We would expect a referendum in either May or September 2014” should they succeed, says Lt Col Klas Petersson, head of international relations for the Swedish air force’s Air Component Command.


“We are planning for a positive outcome, but fully respect their decision process,” Petersson told IQPC’s International Fighter conference in London on 14 November. “At the moment there is no ‘Plan B’,” he adds, noting: “we are inter-dependent on each other.”


Sweden’s parliament has approved its own national purchase of 60 new-generation Gripen Es, on the condition that the development is advanced in cooperation with an export customer.


Switzerland selected the developmental Gripen E to replace its aged F-5s following a competition with the Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon, with Boeing’s F/A-18E/F Super Hornet also having previously been on offer. If approved, the purchase will lead to the introduction of a new fleet of the Swedish-built type from 2018, following the interim use of surplus Gripen C/Ds starting in 2016.


Saab is on schedule to fly its first of three Gripen E test aircraft during 2015, with current development activities being supported using an adapted B-model demonstrator (above). To enter use in 2018 in the MS21 operating standard, the new version boasts increased range and supercruise performance, plus the ability to carry a wider range and volume of air-launched weapons

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 07:50
Czechs, Swiss Boost Hopes for Sweden’s Gripen

Aug 28, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: The Local; published Aug 28, 2013)


Czechs and Swiss Boost Hope for Swedish Gripen


The interim Czech government said it plans to renew its lease of JAS Gripen fighter jets, while a parliamentary committee in Switzerland said yes to a proposed 23 billion kronor ($3.5 billion) purchase of the Swedish-made warplanes.


Following two days of discussions of the deal that would see the Swiss military purchase 22 JAS Gripen jets, the security and defence committee of the Swiss parliament voted 14-9 in favour of the deal. The deal now moves for a vote in front of the full parliament on September 11th.


The committee had previously given the deal a thumbs up in the spring, but some politicians expressed concerns, prompting the government to review and clarify the deal.


As the new Gripen E is still in development, there remains uncertainty as to whether Saab and Sweden can deliver what they've promised and that Switzerland may end up with what some called an "Ikea-plane" instead of a "Super-JAS".


Meanwhile, outgoing Czech prime minister Jiri Rusnok said this week that the government expects to renew its lease on 14 Swedish fighter jets beyond 2015.


"The negotiations are at an advanced stage. The ball is actually in our court. The Swedes are awaiting our final answer to their recent offer," he told reporters on Monday.


The new contract with Stockholm over the supersonic JAS-39 Gripen combat jets could be inked at the end of the year or in early 2014 by the new government, he added. Snap elections are scheduled for late October.


The Czech military paid nearly $1 billion to lease the Gripens for a decade starting 2005. The aircraft include 12 one-seater JAS-39 Cs and two two-seater training JAS-39 Ds.


In July of last year, former Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas said Stockholm was being "uncooperative" regarding the renewal. According to press reports, the Swedes had been refusing to lower the lease price.


Necas stepped down in June amid a spy and bribery scandal. The president appointed a new technocratic government led by Rusnok, but that cabinet lost a confidence vote this month.


"The next government will make the final decision on the Gripens, but this (Rusnok) cabinet will do its utmost to facilitate it," Defence Minister Vlastimil Picek said Monday. He added that the new contract will be a better deal for the Czech Republic and valid for "a period longer than ten years".

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2 juin 2013 7 02 /06 /juin /2013 07:50
Chief Test Pilot VBS armasuisse flies Gripen EF test aircraft Photo Stefan Kalm - saabgroup.com

Chief Test Pilot VBS armasuisse flies Gripen EF test aircraft Photo Stefan Kalm - saabgroup.com

LINKOPING, Sweden, May 30 (UPI)


Swedish defense company Saab is conducting meetings with Swiss firms to discuss potential business opportunities.


The talks are part of the company's effort to obtain a deal with the Swiss government for the procurement of 22 Gripen-E fighters.


The marketing/business opportunities tour involves industrialists in 10 regions of the country.


The decision to procure Gripen has not yet been taken by the Swiss government," Peter Kuratli, director of the St. Gallen Office for Economy and Labor said. "However, for any industrial cooperation to be long-term, work has to start early.


"I ... welcome the industry in the regions of St. Gallen, Thurgau and the Appenzell region to evaluate the subject and take the decisions that they feel appropriate."


Added Beat F. Brunner, member of the board of the industry association Swissmem: "To generate business for the Swiss industrial and technological base must happen in an effective way and as a long-term strategy. This is even more important when it comes to doing business with the defense and security industry."


If Switzerland decides to acquire the Swedish fighters, Saab would be required provide Swiss industry with business equal to the value of the Gripen contract.

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2 juin 2013 7 02 /06 /juin /2013 07:30
Saudi Arabian PC-21 – photo Stephan Widmer

Saudi Arabian PC-21 – photo Stephan Widmer

29 May 2013 By Craig Hoyle - FG


London - Saudi Arabia's first PC-21 trainer has emerged in its future service livery at Pilatus's Stans manufacturing facility in Switzerland.


Drawn from a 55-unit order signed in May 2012, Royal Saudi Air Force aircraft 901 has made its first ground engine runs, ahead of a flight debut that is likely to be performed within the next couple of months. Deliveries to the service will start during 2014, as part of a deal including 22 BAE Systems Hawk advanced jet trainers.


Pilatus's current order book for the PC-21 includes 24 examples to be manufactured for Qatar. The type is already in operational service with the air forces of Singapore, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates.

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