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16 septembre 2016 5 16 /09 /septembre /2016 10:50
Evolution of the British Tank over 100 years

15 sept. 2016 by British Army


The tank is 100 years old. Watch this timeline of the most famous British tanks throughout the last century, from the Mark 1 to the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank.

Find out more: www.army.mod.uk/tank100

Archive footage courtesy of The Tank Museum, Bovington:

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15 septembre 2016 4 15 /09 /septembre /2016 10:55
French AMX-10RC reconnaissance vehicles (Op Desert Shield) - photo US DoD

French AMX-10RC reconnaissance vehicles (Op Desert Shield) - photo US DoD

15.09.2016 source SHD


15 septembre 1798 : reddition française (Irlande). Le général Humbert à la tête de 1000 Français (débarqués le 22 aout) et de 5000 rebelles irlandais se rend aux Britanniques. La tentative française d’appuyer l’insurrection irlandaise échoue malgré quelques victoires (Killala, Ballina et Castlebar).


15 septembre 1812 : incendie de Moscou. Napoléon Ier étant entré dans la ville la veille, le gouverneur général de Moscou, le comte Rostopchine (père de la comtesse de Ségur), ordonne de mettre le feu à la capitale. Le Tsar a ainsi sapé la gloire de Napoléon :  la population moscovite s’est enfuie, la ville est en cendres et n’offre aucune possibilité de ravitaillement. L’hiver s’annonce. A lire Il neigeait de Patrick Rambaud.


15 septembre 1916 : premier engagement des « Tanks » britanniques (Secteur de Bapaume). Piétinant depuis deux mois dans leur offensive sur la Somme, les britanniques engagent pour la première fois des chars (nom de code : tanks = réservoirs) dans la région de Flers et Courcelette.  Ces engins blindés, montés sur chenille (une innovation apparue en 1905 dans le milieu agricole), se montrent capables de franchir tous les obstacles y compris les rideaux de barbelés qui protègent les tranchées. La surprise des Allemands n'est malheureusement pas exploitée. En Angleterre, les chars d'assaut sont promus par le lieutenant-colonel Ernest Swinton, qui rallie à son idée le premier Lord de l'Amirauté, Winston Churchill. En France, le promoteur des chars d'assaut est le général d'artillerie Jean-Baptiste Estienne (1860-1934), qui a été aussi parmi les premiers à comprendre l'intérêt militaire de l'aviation. Mais les résistances du ministère de l'Armement ne permettront de mettre en ligne les premiers chars français que le 16 avril 1917, dans des conditions au demeurant décevantes. Les Allemands attendront la fin de la guerre pour se laisser convaincre par cette nouvelle technique. Une cérémonie commémore aujourd’hui ce premier engagement au Mémorial national néo-zélandais de Longueval.


15 septembre 1918 : offensive de rupture du front de Macédoine. « L’offensive du groupe d’armées alliées d’Orient (général Franchet d’Espérey) est commencée par une attaque de rupture menée par les 1ère et 2ème armées serbes renforcées de deux divisions françaises (11ème DIC et 122ème DI), appuyées par une artillerie française considérable déployée loin à l’avant et en altitude, contre les positions bulgares du massif de la Moglena, dans le triangle de montagnes formé entre les cours du Vardar et de la Crna Reka (littéralement la « rivière noire »). L’attaque piétine jusqu’au milieu de journée mais la saisie par hasard et par la 3ème Cie du 54ème RIC (Cne Cazeille), du piton de Kravica qui commande toutes les crêtes et toutes les liaisons de la position bulgare, permet aux Serbes de la Choumadia de déboucher, faisant tomber toutes les positions entre le Sokol et les Vetreniks, permettant aux divisions serbes de 2ème échelon de passer les lignes dès le soir et de lancer une poursuite qui ne s’arrêtera qu’à Belgrade (600 kilomètres plus loin) le 3 novembre, provoquant par ricochet la demande d’armistice du 11 novembre ». COL Christophe de L. (EMS)


15 septembre 1950 : débarquement à Inchon des troupes de l’ONU (Corée).


15 septembre 1958 : « achèvement » de la ligne Morice (frontière algéro-tunisienne). Pour empêcher les intrusions du FLN en Algérie, les bataillons du génie réalisent 300 km de barrage électrifié. Jusqu’à la fin des opérations en 1962, le barrage est sans cesse amélioré, le tracé linéaire initial de 1957 faisant peu à peu place à un dispositif en profondeur, la « nasse » comprenant plusieurs réseaux d’alerte, de freinage et d’arrêt reliés par un maillage de pistes. Il aura pleinement rempli son rôle de rendre étanche la frontière, et, partant, d’asphyxier progressivement les « rebelles » de l’intérieur, laminés par ailleurs par les grandes opérations du « Plan Challe ». A partir des grandes opérations du printemps 1958, la « rébellion » ne tentera plus de grands passages. Seuls des passages individuels ou de petites unités seront tentés. LCL Claude F. (CDEF).


A noter la présence, de 1958 à 1961, de l’ UDSM (unité de détection au sol de la marine) sur la ligne Morice. Equipée de radars anti-mortiers efficaces jusqu’à 25km contre un piéton, l’UDSM intervient en coordination avec des pièces de 105 mm. Le secteur affecté aux 200 hommes de l’Unité de détection au sol de la marine s’étend sur 15km environ de part et d’autre des postes de Soukies et de Ben Moussa. Les missions consistent à assurer une veille optique permanente de jour et une veille radar nocturne, à prendre à partie les échos suspects, à alerter les postes de la « herse mobile » et à guider sur zone les troupes d’intervention. Merci au CF Benjamin C. (SIRPA-M).


15 septembre 1990 : décision présidentielle de l’opération Daguet. François Mitterrand décide d’envoyer un corps expéditionnaire aux côtés des Américains en réponse à l’invasion du Koweït par l’Irak (02 aout 1990) et au saccage de l’ambassade de France à Koweït City (14 septembre 1990). La division Daguet comptera jusqu’à 12 000 hommes.

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18 septembre 2015 5 18 /09 /septembre /2015 22:35
Attack Copters Wipe Out Chinese Tanks in Simulated Battle


September 18, 2015 by Robert Beckhusen - War is boring


War game underlines armor's weakness


Recently, a Chinese tank company with the Nanjing Military Region went on the attack. The mission — punch through an enemy defense, press forward and eliminate any resistance along the way.

This was, of course, an exercise. And the exercise was going well. The armored beasts busted through their objective … when two enemy helicopters armed with anti-tank missiles arrived.

Within moments, the helicopters effectively “destroyed” the whole company, according to a July 25 article in the Chinese military newspaper Jiefangjun Bao Online. The paper noted the helicopter counter-attack “set off an uproar in the brigade.”

The U.S. Army’s Foreign Military Studies Office took note of the exercise in its monthly journal OE Watch. “It was … apparent that commanders were not staying abreast of recent changes in warfare,” the journal stated.


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15 septembre 2015 2 15 /09 /septembre /2015 10:55
French AMX-10RC reconnaissance vehicles move across the desert as part of a display of Allied armor during Operation Desert Shield. - photo US DoD

French AMX-10RC reconnaissance vehicles move across the desert as part of a display of Allied armor during Operation Desert Shield. - photo US DoD

15.09.2015 source SHD

15 septembre 1798 : reddition française (Irlande). Le général Humbert à la tête de 1000 Français (débarqués le 22 aout) et de 5000 rebelles irlandais se rend aux Britanniques. La tentative française d’appuyer l’insurrection irlandaise échoue malgré quelques victoires (Killala, Ballina et Castlebar).


15 septembre 1812 : incendie de Moscou. Napoléon Ier étant entré dans la ville la veille, le gouverneur général de Moscou, le comte Rostopchine (père de la comtesse de Ségur), ordonne de mettre le feu à la capitale. Le Tsar a ainsi sapé la gloire de Napoléon :  la population moscovite s’est enfuie, la ville est en cendres et n’offre aucune possibilité de ravitaillement. L’hiver s’annonce. A lire Il neigeait de Patrick Rambaud.


15 septembre 1916 : premier engagement des « Tanks » britanniques. Piétinant depuis deux mois dans leur offensive sur la Somme, les britanniques engagent pour la première fois des chars (nom de code : tanks = réservoirs) dans la région de Flers et Courcelette.  Ces engins blindés, montés sur chenille (une innovation apparue en 1905 dans le milieu agricole), se montrent capables de franchir tous les obstacles y compris les rideaux de barbelés qui protègent les tranchées. La surprise des Allemands n'est malheureusement pas exploitée. En Angleterre, les chars d'assaut sont promus par le lieutenant-colonel Ernest Swinton, qui rallie à son idée le premier Lord de l'Amirauté, Winston Churchill. En France, le promoteur des chars d'assaut est le général d'artillerie Jean-Baptiste Estienne (1860-1934), qui a été aussi parmi les premiers à comprendre l'intérêt militaire de l'aviation. Mais les résistances du ministère de l'Armement ne permettront de mettre en ligne les premiers chars français que le 16 avril 1917, dans des conditions au demeurant décevantes. Les Allemands attendront la fin de la guerre pour se laisser convaincre par cette nouvelle technique.

Note Rp Defense: voir Utilisation des premiers chars à Pozières pendant la bataille de la Somme


15 septembre 1950 : débarquement à Inchon des troupes de l’ONU (Corée).


15 septembre 1958 : achèvement de la ligne Morice (frontière algéro-tunisienne). Pour empêcher les intrusions du FLN en Algérie, les bataillons du génie réalisent 300 km de barrage électrifié.


15 septembre 1990 : décision présidentielle de l’opération Daguet. François Mitterrand décide d’envoyer un corps expéditionnaire aux côtés des Américains en réponse à l’invasion du Koweït par l’Irak (02 aout 1990) et au saccage de l’ambassade de France à Koweït City (14 septembre 1990). La division Daguet comptera jusqu’à 12 000 hommes.

Note RP Defense:

voir Opération Daguet, 20 ans après - Site Daguet

voir La guerre du golfe: opération «Daguet»(1991).

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11 février 2015 3 11 /02 /février /2015 08:20
Army Asks for More Money to Upgrade Abrams Tanks


, February 9th, 2015 By Michael Hoffman - dodbuzz.com


Army leaders have thus far taken up a losing battle against Congress to temporarily halt funding for its Abrams tanks. However, that changed in its latest budget proposal as the service has reversed course and asked for 50 percent more funding for the M1 Abrams tank over last year.


Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno told Congress in 2o12 that the Army wanted to spend money on other modernization priorities. Congress pushed back saying it was a mistake to shut down the production line of the M1 tank, which is located in Lima, Ohio, even if it’s a temporary shut down. The Army would risk losing the skilled workers at the plants and spend more on training when they needed to reopen the production line for the Abrams upgrades the Army had said it needed in 2017.

The Army apparently listened to the critique, as service officials requested $368 million for upgrades to the M1 tank. Last year, the Army asked for $237 million.


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4 février 2015 3 04 /02 /février /2015 08:35
Armor: New Chinese Light Tank


January 26, 2015: Strategy Page


The Chinese like to develop a lot of specialized armored vehicles, in part to deal with the very different climates and geography found throughout their vast country. Thus they have a lot of amphibious armored vehicles as well as models equipped to handle marshy ground or deep snow. The latest specialized vehicle is a light tank designed to be more effective in Tibet and nearby provinces with a lot of rough, mountainous terrain. This would include the mountainous jungles on Vietnamese border.


The new tank (nicknamed the ZTQ) replaces the 21 ton Type 62 (WZ131Type 62 (WZ131) that entered service in the 1960s and some are still used as a light reconnaissance tank. The Type 62 looked like a scaled down Russian T-55 (or Chinese clone the Type 59) with much thinner armor (35mm/1.4 inches in the front). This provided protection from most artillery fragments as well as most machine-guns. The Type 62 had a four man crew and an 85mm gun. Over 1,500 were built before production ceased in 1989. There were stories in Chinese media during 2013 indicating that the Type 62 was being retired and some officers were not happy with that.


First seen in 2010, it is believed that the ZTQ entered service in 2014. The tank appears to have a 105mm or 125mm gun, improved armor protection and running gear that is more efficient and easier to maintain. The ZTQ is probably heavier, as in 30 tons or more. Armor design has advanced greatly since the 1960s as have artillery and heavy machine-guns. A closer examination of the ZTQ would probably reveal an armored vehicle with modern armor and other protection. So far China has released very little data on the new light tank. The vehicle is known because cell phone photos have been taken as many of them were shipped to Tibet on railroad flat cars or moved around on tank transporters for tests in different parts of the country. The turrets were often covered with netting to conceal details, although a few other photos have appeared with a clear (but not as detailed) view of the turret. It is of modern design and appears to be equipped with sensors. There appears to be modular armor (reactive or other lightweight types) for parts of the vehicle. Overall the vehicle is most definitely a modern design and the Chinese will probably eventually offer it for export. At that point the details will be revealed.


In 2006 it was believed that the recently introduced ZBD 97 amphibious tank would replace the Type 62. The ZBD 97 is armed with a 30mm autocannon and a 100mm gun/missile launcher in a small turret, plus several 7.62mm machine-guns. The fire control system includes a night sight. The crew of three is accompanied by seven infantrymen (or additional fuel and ammo) in the rear. While the ZBD 97 could replace the Type 62 in some respects, it was basically a scaled up IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle.) The ZBD 97 used license built components of the Russian BMP 3 in a Chinese designed amphibious infantry fighting vehicle chassis.  ZBD 97 was popular with the Chinese marines, but the army wanted a new light tanks. Now they have one.

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30 septembre 2014 2 30 /09 /septembre /2014 14:30
Turkey sends tanks to border as IS advances in Syria


30 September 2014 army-technology.com


Turkey has deployed tanks and armoured vehicles to reinforce its border with Syria after Islamic State (IS) militants advanced on Syria's Kurdish-controlled town of Kobani.


Nearly 30 Turkish tanks and armoured vehicles, some with their guns pointed towards Syrian territory, were moved to a military base located north-west of Kobani, after two shells and a stray fire from IS landed on Turkish soil, Reuters reported.


Turkish interior minister Efkan Ala said: "We have taken the border under full control. We have ramped up our security measures in the Suruc region."


Also known as Ayn al-Arab, Kobani was besieged by IS from three sides last week, forcing more than 150,000 Kurds to flee into Turkey.


Syrian Observatory for Human Rights founder Rami Abdulrahman said the IS fighters had advanced to within 5km of the town, and launched nearly 15 mortar rounds yesterday, killing at least one civilian.


The Turkish military reportedly fired back on 28 September after two mortar bombs crossed the border.


Having earlier refused to join a US-led anti-IS coalition, Turkey is set to submit motions to its parliament seeking approval to join the ongoing fight in Iraq and Syria against the terrorist group..


Turkish Parliamentary speaker Cemil Cicek was quoted by NTV television as saying: "The motions have not yet been sent to parliament. They may come tomorrow (Tuesday)."


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: "We will hold discussions with our relevant institutions this week.


"We will definitely be where we need to be. We cannot stay out of this."


According to Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, the motions are expected to be debated on 2 October.


Ankara has also indicated that Turkish soldiers could be used to help set up a secure zone in Syria, if an international agreement to establish such a haven for refugees fleeing IS is signed.


The US and its Arab allies are continuing air strikes against IS in Syria, with the latest raids targeting the towns of Dayr ar Zawr, Ar Raqqah and Aleppo, as well as an area adjacent to an IS-held grain storage facility near Manbij, and Koniko Gas Plant located near the town of Khasham.


The air strikes reportedly destroyed IS vehicles and training camps, and injured some militants.

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17 septembre 2014 3 17 /09 /septembre /2014 14:50
Les chars, un héritage intempestif ?


par Antoine d'EVRY Focus stratégique, n° 53, septembre 2014


Arme révolutionnaire au début du 20ème siècle, le char souffre aujourd’hui d’un déficit de légitimité en Europe : en près de 20 ans, les Etats ont pour la plupart drastiquement réduit leurs parcs, quand certains ne l’ont pas rayé purement et simplement de leurs arsenaux. Or, cette érosion capacitaire du segment lourd des forces terrestres européennes est préoccupante, à l’heure où les adversaires non-étatiques tendent à bénéficier d’une puissance de feu accrue et quand le reste du monde réarme. Les réalités du contexte géopolitique actuel, la sensibilité politique aux pertes, les conditions tactiques prévisibles des combats terrestres de demain, ainsi que les limites inhérentes de la puissance aérienne, tendent à relativiser l’obsolescence supposée du char. La prudence incite à ne plus sacrifier nos forces blindées, mais plutôt à les adapter aux circonstances actuelles et prévisibles. Loin d’être obsolètes, les chars représentent une capacité résiliente, à même de participer à la réassurance de l’Europe.


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16 septembre 2014 2 16 /09 /septembre /2014 11:20
An M1 Abrams tank maneuvers through the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, CA, while an AH-64 Apache helicopter provides air support. (Spc. Randis Monroe)

An M1 Abrams tank maneuvers through the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, CA, while an AH-64 Apache helicopter provides air support. (Spc. Randis Monroe)


September 8, 2014  By BG Leopoldo Quintas and CPT Nicholas Simpson, U.S. Army Armor School - tacticaldefensemedia.com


Leaders from the U.S. Army Armor School, Fort Benning, GA, explain why armored vehicles are anything but obsolete.


Recently, critics have argued that the tank is a relic of the Cold War era made obsolete by advanced aircraft and unmanned systems. This argument ignores the unique and necessary capabilities provided by mobile protected firepower. Even in a fiscally constrained environment, the main battle tank continues to play a critical role in maintaining peace and winning conflicts. As an integral member of the combined arms team, the tank serves as a component of the Army’s ability to gain, sustain, and exploit control over land, resources, and people. The tank’s enduring qualities of mobility, protection, and firepower provide versatility and tactical agility in both combined arms maneuver and wide area security environments.


The Army’s main battle tank, M1A2SEP, which has undergone significant technological advances over its lifetime, provides decisive overmatch against a variety of threats, from dismounted infantry to heavy armored vehicles, and serves as a deterrent to would be adversaries. As the U.S. shifts its focus to the Asia-Pacific region, where armies collectively possess some 50,000 armored fighting vehicles, the tank will remain a vital element of America’s power on the world stage.


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14 août 2014 4 14 /08 /août /2014 07:30
Turkey Selects Local Firm in Tank Engine Program


Aug. 12, 2014 - By BURAK EGE BEKDIL – Defense News


ANKARA, TURKEY — Turkey’s top procurement panel selected a local tractor and diesel engine manufacturer to design and develop an engine for the country’s first indigenous new generation main battle tank, the Altay.


The Defense Industry Executive Committee said that it decided to launch contract negotiations with Tumosan in connection with the engine program for the Altay.


Kurtulus Ogun, Tumosan’s general director, told reporters Aug. 12 that the contract involved development of a diesel engine and transmission system for the planned tank.


“This program will increase Turkey’s self-sufficiency in defense industry and end its dependency on foreign suppliers (of diesel engines),” he said.


Turkey’s procurement authorities are preparing to officially launch a multi-billion-dollar competition for an eventual batch of 1,000 Altays.


The race for the serial production will involve an initial batch of 250 tanks, followed by three additional orders each comprising 250 more tanks, officials said.


The Altay program has faced hurdles and delays, as the most problematic development feature concerned its engine. Turkey’s months-long negotiations with Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for joint development and production of an engine for the Altay failed earlier this year.

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10 août 2014 7 10 /08 /août /2014 12:55
The French Army's Tank Force and Armoured Warfare in the Great War: The Artillerie Speciale, by Tim Gale


Source Strategy Page


Farnham, Surrey, Eng. / Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2013. Pp. xvi, 260. Illus., maps, appends., notes, biblio., index. $124.95. ISBN: 1409466612.


The French Role in the Introduction of the Tank


English-language literature has extensive coverage of the British contributions to the development of the tank during World War I, but until now has been almost silent on the important French side of the subject.  In this work, British historian Gale does an excellent job of covering the French side of the story.


Gale opens with a look at the conception and early experimentation of French tanks.  He is primarily concerned with how the French reconciled the new and initially very fragile technology into their existing organization, tactics, and employment.  Gale demonstrates how the French used an iterative approach, learning from experience through the interactions of tanks with existing doctrine and techniques to further the development of the tank force.  He also addresses some of the controversies that arose because of the new weapon system.  This is particularly useful because as the war went on the Artillerie Spéciale played an increasing role in a surprisingly large number of actions, which are almost totally ignored in most accounts of the origins of the tank.


This volume in the series “Ashgate Studies in First World War History” will prove a  valuable read for anyone having an interest in the tank, the evolution of Allied tactics in the Great War, or the history of the French Army.


Note: This work is also available as an ePub, ISBN 978-1-4094-6663-5 or in PDF format, ISBN 978-1-4094-6662-8

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3 avril 2014 4 03 /04 /avril /2014 07:50
La Pologne développe un tank furtif


02/04/2014 Par Julien Bergounhoux - industrie-techno.com


Les équipements militaires évoluent en permanence, et si l'aéronautique est souvent sur le devant de la scène, les moyens terrestres ne sont pas en reste. En témoigne le projet PL-01 sur lequel travaille la Pologne avec BAE Systems, qui s'attelle au développement d'un char de combat furtif.

Le Centre polonais de recherche et développement pour les appareils mécaniques, l'OBRUM, développe en partenariat avec BAE Systems un tank nouvelle génération. Baptisé PL-01, ce "véhicule de soutien direct" est conçu comme le blindé du futur : furtif, modulaire, et bardé d'électronique.

Le PL-01 est basé sur le chassis du Combat Vehicle 90, un design suédois fabriqué par BAE Systems AB. Il embarque trois hommes, le conducteur situé à l'avant et le commandant et le tireur au coeur du véhicule. Il peut de plus transporter jusqu'à quatre soldats à l'arrière. Modulaire, il sera décliné en trois versions distinctes : un centre de commandement, un véhicule blindé de réparation et un véhicule démineur. Cela permettra à une colonne de chars utilisant les mêmes pièces et équipements d'accomplir des missions variées.



Mais son principal attrait se trouve dans ses technologies avancées de camouflage. En effet, ce "concept-char" s'inspire des technologies de furtivité utilisées en aéronautique pour éliminer au maximum sa signature radar. Pour ce faire, il combine un design angulaire qui réduit les échos radar et une peinture absorbante qui accentue cet effet, une combinaison qui n'est pas sans rappeler le F-117 Nighthawk, chasseur furtif mythique de l'armée de l'air américaine.


La vraie star est cependant son système de camouflage thermique. Basé sur la technologie ADAPTIV de BAE Systems, il lui permet de se rendre invisible aux yeux des capteurs infrarouge de détection et de ciblage majoritairement utilisés sur le champ de bataille. Il y parvient grâce à l'utilisation de plaques hexagonales dont la température est contrôlée et qui recouvrent son extérieur. Combinées à des dissipateurs de châleur pour son moteur diesel de 940 ch, elles le rendent indétectable en évaluant son environnement à l'aide de petits capteurs infrarouge et en reproduisant dynamiquement un motif similaire pour qu'il s'y confonde.


Mais ce n'est pas tout. Grâce à la structure alvéolée des plaques du système ADAPTIV, comparable à des pixels sur un écran, il est possible au PL-01 de se déguiser en un autre typique d'appareil comme une voiture ou un autre objet anodin. Il peut également afficher des messages visibles uniquement par infrarouge, indiquant par exemple à des alliés distants qu'il est de leur côté. Pour parfaire le tout et faire face à des dangers dans le spectre visuel, il est équipé de lanceurs de grenades fumigènes intégrés tout autour de sa tourelle.



Son armure est composée d'une coque en céramique-aramide compatible avec l'accord de normalisation 4569 de l'Otan. Côté armement, il est équipé d'un canon principal soit de 105 mm soit de 120 mm suivant la version, commandé depuis le coeur du char, la tourelle étant automatisée. Il pourra tirer des projectiles conventionnels ou des roquettes antichar guidées à un rythme de 6 tirs par minute grâce à une baie de chargement automatisée. Le PL-01 transportera 40 obus, dont 16 à l'intérieur de la tourelle, prêts à être tirés. En arme secondaire il possède une mitrilleuse coaxiale UKM-2000C (fabrication polonaise) de 7,62 mm qui dispose de 1000 cartouches.


Il pourra également être équipé en supplément d'une mitrailleuse indépendante de calibre 7,62 mm ou 12,7 mm alimentée par 750 cartouches, plus 400 grenades de 40 mm. Enfin, il aura à sa disposition un système de défense antimissile utilisant une antenne réseau à commande de phase qui sera capable d'intercepter un missile en vol avant qu'il ne percute le char. Tous les équipements seront stabilisés électroniquement et guidés par laser. L'équipage bénéficiera de plus de systèmes d'imagerie et de ciblage dernier cri, notamment infrarouge pour la vision de nuit, ainsi que d'une navigation par satellite, d'un système anti-incendie et même de sièges conçus pour minimiser l'impact d'explosions.


D'un poids allant de 30 à 35 tonnes suivant son degré de protection, le PL-01 mesure 7 m de long par 3,8 m de large et 2,8 m de haut. Il possède une autonomie de 500 km et atteint des vitesses variant de 70 km/h sur route à 50 km/h sur terrain abîmé, avec une capacité de dépassement d'obstacle jusqu'à 2,6 m de large pour des fossés, 1,5 m de profondeur pour des plans d'eau, et 30° d'inclinaison pour des pentes.


Le prototype devrait être prêt courant 2016, et si le projet est approuvé la production pourrait commencer dès 2018.


La vidéo de présentation officielle du PL-01


Unlike traditional camouflage systems which rely on paint or nets to hide vehicles, ADAPTIV can instantly blend a vehicle into its background. The system can also be used on ships and fixed installations, allowing them to stay undetected by enemy surveillance units

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30 mars 2014 7 30 /03 /mars /2014 07:50
PL-01 photo Polish Ministry of National Defence

PL-01 photo Polish Ministry of National Defence


27/03/2014 by Paul Fiddian - Armed Forces International's Lead Reporter


A new stealth tank design is in development for the Polish Land Forces via a partnership between BAE Systems and Poland's OBRUM (Ośrodek Badawczo - Rozwojowy Urządzeń Mechanicznych) defence group.


The PL-01 currently exists as a low-observability battlefield concept demonstrator, which had its public debut in September 2013. Now, work is progressing on the PL-01 stealth tank prototype, with completion scheduled for 2016, followed by full-rate production and entry-into-service two years later.


The PL-01 battlefield tank's key features include an angular structure, aimed at deflecting radar. Reactive panelling is also present, able to adjust the PL-01's surface temperature so it matches local environmental conditions. This capability will help the PL-01 avoid thermal imaging scans while hi-tech camouflage will also serve to lower its visual profile.


Polish Stealth Tank


The Polish stealth tank might be designed to operate under a cloak of concealment, rendering it virtually invisible, but it also boasts considerable firepower. Its armament includes an unmanned turret, smoke grenade launchers and a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun.


For the operator, an array of integrated cameras supply an almost 360 degree field of view and the design can accommodate three Polish Land Forces personnel in total. Top speed will be 70 kilometres per hour on flat surfaces, dropping to 50 kilometres per hour on rough terrain, while the PL-01 will have a maximum range of 500 kilometres.


PL-01: Poland


First and foremost, Poland's PL-01 will serve as a battlefield tank but modular features will also allow it to serve in the command, mine clearance or armoured vehicle repair roles.


The modern-day Polish Land Forces has been active since 1918. Its equipment includes some 900 tanks, 1,500 infantry fighting vehicles and 900 helicopters. Upgraded Soviet-era technology leads the way but a modernisation programme is in motion, of which the PL-01 forms part.


The Polish Land Forces' recent operational engagements have included deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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26 mars 2014 3 26 /03 /mars /2014 08:30
Elbit Systems to Upgrade Tanks for a Customer in the Asia-Pacific Region Under $290 Million Contract



21.03.2014 Elbit Systems - army-guide.com


Haifa, Israel -- Elbit Systems Ltd. (“Elbit Systems”) announced today, that it was awarded a contract by a customer in the Asia-Pacific region to perform a tank upgrade program. The contract, valued at approximately $290 million, will be performed over a three-year period.


The upgrade program will provide the tanks with night operation capabilities by the supply of a variety of advanced systems, such as gunner sights and fire control systems.


Elbit Systems President and CEO, Bezhalel (Butzi) Machlis, said: “We are very pleased to be awarded this significant contract, demonstrating our unique capabilities and experience in upgrading main battle tanks. Asia-Pacific is one of Elbit Systems’ key markets and we are very glad to announce yet another success in this region”.

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12 novembre 2013 2 12 /11 /novembre /2013 12:30
Altay tank nov 2012

Altay tank nov 2012


12.11.2013 Le Monde.fr (AFP)


Le Japon et la Turquie, à travers leurs entreprises d'industries lourdes, vont codévelopper des équipements et technologies de défense, a affirmé mardi 12 novembre le quotidien économique japonais Nikkei.


Selon ce journal, le groupe nippon Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) a commencé d'étudier la création en Turquie d'une coentreprise avec un partenaire local que doit lui soumettre le gouvernement turc, afin de développer et produire un moteur de char.


Les coopérations techniques avec le Japon dans le domaine militaire étaient encore très difficiles jusqu'à récemment du fait de lois japonaises restrictives, mais les contraintes ont été assouplies en 2011 sous le précédent gouvernement de centre gauche, de sorte qu'elles sont désormais possibles si ces technologies sont destinées à contribuer au maintien de la paix dans le monde ou à renforcer la sécurité nationale. De fait, d'autres coopérations, avec la Grande-Bretagne et la France, pourraient déboucher, en plus de celles existant avec l'allié américain.




L'idée d'un codéveloppement de moteur de char avec la Turquie serait née de discussions entre le premier ministre de droite japonais, Shinzo Abe, et son homologue turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, en mai dernier, lors d'un déplacement dans la région du chef du gouvernement nippon. Si le projet de coentreprise de codéveloppement d'équipements militaires est réalisé, il s'agira du premier cas en la matière.


Toutefois, le Japon aurait fait part de ses craintes quant à un risque de fuites technologiques vers d'autres pays, dont la Chine, avec lequel il n'est pas en bons termes. La Turquie se serait engagée à mettre en place une stricte protection, mais les deux pays devraient fixer un accord très précis sur ce plan d'ici à la fin de l'année, engagement qui préciserait notamment que toute exportation du matériel produit exigera au préalable l'autorisation de la partie japonaise.


Le Japon et la Turquie entretiennent de bonnes relations, notamment économiques, et un éventuel partenariat dans le domaine de la défense a peu de risques de froisser les Américains, a jugé le gouvernement japonais, selon le Nikkei. Du fait de la diplomatie très active de M. Abe, plusieurs pays se seraient montrés intéressés par des coopérations technologiques militaires, selon un responsable du ministère de la défense cité par le quotidien.

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25 septembre 2013 3 25 /09 /septembre /2013 17:40
Chars: la Russie occupera 50% du marché mondial d'ici 2016 (expert)

MOSCOU, 25 septembre - RIA Novosti


La Russie occupera d'ici 2016 près de 50% du marché mondial des chars de combat principaux neufs, a déclaré mercredi à Moscou Igor Korottchenko, directeur du Centre russe d'analyse de commerce mondial d'armes (TsAMTO).


"Les ventes de chars de combat principaux (MBT) neufs atteindront 1.552 unités pendant la période de 2013 à 2016. Elles se chiffreront à 8,98 milliards de dollars en cas de réalisation des contrats déjà signés et en cours de discussion. La Russie représentera 48,8% (758 unités) du total", a indiqué M.Korottchenko.


Ceci sera possible si la Russie et l'Inde poursuivent la réalisation de leur programme conjoint de production des chars T-90S après l'assemblage du premier lot de 300 chars. Au total, la licence prévoit la production de 1.000 chars T-90S.


"La Russie a détenu 52,7% du marché mondial des MBT neufs de 2009 à 2012 en termes de volume (806 unités) et 31% en termes de revenus (2,58 milliards de dollars)", a ajouté l'expert.


Au total, 1.527 chars neufs pour 8,32 milliards de dollars ont été exportés ou produits sous licence dans le monde de 2009 à 2012, selon lui.


Les Etats-Unis occupent le 2e rang sur le marché mondial des exportations avec 868 chars pour 5,9 milliards de dollars, l'Allemagne arrive en troisième position avec 394 chars pour 4,7 milliards de dollars et la Chine est troisième avec 112 chars pour 354,4 millions de dollars.

"Pékin a accédé au marché mondial des chars de combat principaux neufs grâce au projet de char MBT-2000 qu'il réalise conjointement avec le Pakistan. Ce char a également été livré au Bangladesh, au Maroc et au Myanmar (Birmanie)", a expliqué M.Korottchenko.

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23 septembre 2013 1 23 /09 /septembre /2013 07:30
Tank Development Halted

17/9/2013 IsraelDefense


Future tank development has been halted in the framework of the upcoming multi-year plan and the cuts to the defense budget. A special team will be in charge of examining alternatives


The Israeli defense establishment has decided not to pursue the development of the Merkava Mark V tank, and at this stage, the Merkava Mark IV will be the last tank that will be manufactured.


IsraelDefense revealed nearly a year ago that the Israeli Ministry of Defense decided to establish a team, headed by Brig. Gen. (Res.) Didi Ben Yoash, that would be responsible for developing the IDF's future tank. Senior officials from Israel's defense industries were also asked to provide their opinions on the form of the future tank, along with the IDF Ground Forces branch.


However, it has now been learned that a decision was made not to develop the advanced tank and to examine possible alternatives in the framework of the IDF's upcoming multi-year plan. In the meanwhile, the Merkava Mark IV tank will be the most advanced tank used by the IDF.

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9 septembre 2013 1 09 /09 /septembre /2013 07:40
Russian Armata Tank to Enter Testing in November

MOSCOW, September 7 (RIA Novosti)


The prototype of Russia’s next generation Armata main battle tank is ready for testing, which will begin by November, the head of the Russian Tank Forces said Saturday.


“The prototypes will be unveiled soon at an exhibit in Nizhny Tagil, and their tests will kick off within a month or two, I believe,” Lt. Gen. Alexander Shevchenko said on Echo Moskvy radio.


The biannual Russian Arms Expo will run in the Urals city in September 25-28 this year. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in July that the country’s leadership will get a sneak preview of the new tank during the arms fair.


An unmanned version of the Armata main battle tank is also on the cards, Shevchenko said.


Armata is a universal combat platform that is to be utilized for production of various armored vehicles. Shevchenko said on Friday that prototypes are already created for an Armada-based main battle tank, heavy infantry fighting vehicle and armored recovery vehicle.


The combat platform, named after a 14-century Russian cannon, is being designed since 2009 by the state-run corporation Uralvagonzavod, headquartered in Nizhny Tagil.


Armata-based vehicles will be a match for their existing NATO counterparts and even excel them in certain areas, Shevchenko said Friday, without elaborating.


Not much is known about the upcoming Armata battle tank, tentatively scheduled to enter military service in the Russian army in 2015. Media reports and military officials said earlier said that its turret would be unmanned, with three-man crew residing in the better protected chassis area, and that the main gun may utilize either shells or missiles.


Shevchenko also said Saturday that all standing alert units of the Russian army will switch to two types of main battle tanks – the T-72 and the T-90 – by early 2015. The move will complete the tank unification program in the Russian military, which utilized 40 models of 10 different battle tanks in 2008, he said.

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6 septembre 2013 5 06 /09 /septembre /2013 16:40
Russian Firm to Unveil BMPT-72 Tank

Sept. 6, 2013 defense-aerospace.com

(Source: Uralvagonzavod; web-posted Sept. 5, 2013)


RAE 2013: Terminator-2 World Premiere


A world premiere will take place on the first day of the 9th International Exhibition of Arms, Military Equipment and Ammunition - Russia Arms EXPO 2013 (RAE 2013) on September 25, 2013.


Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod will present its latest design - Tank Support Fighting Vehicle BMPT-72. BMPT-72 is a breakthrough modernization of the world-famous Uralvagonzavod T-72 tank. When designing BMPT-72, engineers relied on experience of creation and exploitation of BMPT, also known as Terminator for its gun power.


Just as its basic model, Terminator-2 is a multipurpose tank and infantry fire support vehicle that can operate in any combat mode, complicated geographic area, light conditions and against any enemy. Still, it has some new features: upgraded fire-control system and turret weapon station protection. The breakthrough vehicle is built on the platform of the most widely manufactured and used T-72 tank.


Given that, the key advantage that BMPT-72 gives to all the counties that operate T-72 tanks, is that they can promptly and at minimum cost upgrade their armies to ultra-modern level, enhance its capacity, mobility, protection and armament without purchasing new high cost machines.


Terminator-2 is to premiere in a multimedia lightshow at a 900 m2 presentation centre built especially for that purpose. Foreign visitors and official delegation are expected to attend the presentation.



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3 septembre 2013 2 03 /09 /septembre /2013 07:50
New Polish Tank Design Concept

2 sept. 2013 Nasze Kielce

Soon, serving in the Polish army tanks T-72, PT-91 Hard or Leopard tanks can replace future polish tank PL 01 CONCEPT presented at the International Defence Industry Exhibition 2013 International Defence Industry Exhibition Kielce.


Photos from the fair at http://www.naszekielce.com/?q=targi_z...

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29 août 2013 4 29 /08 /août /2013 11:40
Russia Revives The Canadian Army Trophy

August 29, 2013: Strategy Page


In August 2013 the Russian Army held its first tank gunnery competition. Tank crews competed by performing actual tasks a tank crew would be called on to carry out in combat. The competition is held on a course that is 20 kilometers long and the winders are those who get through it the quickest. Each time a tank goes through it they are called on to halt when a target appears and fire one of their three weapons (main gun, machine-gun or long range missile fired from main gun barrel). Each time a tank misses a target it must hustle through a 500 meter penalty loop. Part of the course is an obstacle course where crews are graded on time and accuracy (not hitting certain obstacles). The crews are ranked according to their scores and those that do the best are rewarded in one way or another.


Such competitions are costly, especially when they involve all similar units in the army, navy or air force. But in the West such competitions were found to be worth the additional cost and effort. They are a big boost to morale as well because of the competitive element and this is especially true for the teams (and the unit they are from) who win overall. Russia has picked up on this and has made these elaborate and expensive training/testing methods part of their military reforms.


It’s unclear if Russia is seeking to revive a Cold War era tank competition held among NATO tank crews. From 1963 to 1991 Canadian forces in Europe sponsored a tank gunnery competition for NATO troops stationed in Europe. The completion ceased because the Cold War ended and Canadian forces withdrew from Europe in 1993. The most frequent competitors were Canada, Belgium, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, West Germany and the United States. The winner got to keep the Canadian Army Trophy until the next competition. The competition evolved over the years and its final format was very similar to the one the Russians are now using.


Russia has invited other nations to compete. This includes nations that used to be part of the Soviet Union as well as China and NATO countries. The U.S. was also invited to compete, but that would be expensive (moving American tanks to Russia for the competition) and in these times of shrinking military budgets, not likely to happen. This is a disappointment to tanks crews worldwide, who have a keen interest in knowing which nation does indeed have the most skilled crews. Then again the Russians might be tempted to cheat (using specially selected and trained “competition crews” instead of having all crews on active service competing to select the best ones for the international competition.)

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25 avril 2013 4 25 /04 /avril /2013 07:35
ZBL09 IFV (VN1 Export) 8x8

ZBL09 IFV (VN1 Export) 8x8


April 24, 2013: Strategy Page


Four years ago China revealed an assault gun version of its ZBL 09 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle. This version has a small turret containing a 105mm gun, for providing direct fire support for troops. There was already an artillery version, carrying a 122mm howitzer in a larger turret. There are several other versions, and apparently more on the way.


The Chinese Army has been recently referring to this vehicle as a wheeled light tank. It’s unclear if this means a new doctrine about how the ZBL 09/105mm is to be used, or if the vehicle remains assigned to infantry support work with some extra training for shooting up other armored vehicles. The 105mm gun carried is not powerful enough to destroy most modern tanks, but could knock out most other armored vehicles.


The basic ZBL 09 is a 21 ton vehicle that has a crew of three and carries seven passengers. The vehicle is 8 meters (25 feet) long, three meters (9.2 feet) wide and 2.1 meters (6.5 feet, to the hull roof) high. It's amphibious, and has a top water speed of 8 kilometers an hour. On roads, top speed is 100 kilometers an hour, and max road range on internal fuel is 800 kilometers. The infantry carrier version has a turret with a 30mm autocannon. There are also artillery versions carrying either a 105mm or 122mm howitzer.


The ZBL 09 entered service in 2009, and some combat brigades are being equipped with it, to operate somewhat like the American Stryker brigades. China has been developing new wheeled armored vehicles for over a decade. Until recently, these were all based on Russian designs. The ZBL 09, however, borrows more ideas from the West. Still, some of the more recent (five years ago) Russian type designs were interesting, and instructive.

WMZ551 of the Sri Lanka Army Mechanized Infantry Regiment

WMZ551 of the Sri Lanka Army Mechanized Infantry Regiment

Back then, for example, the 18 ton, 6x6 WMZ551A model was given a new turret. The vehicle has a crew of three and can carry nine more troops. Using technology and weapons obtained from Ukraine, the new vehicle has a 30mm autocannon, instead of 25mm. More importantly, the new turret has an improved fire control system (containing a laser range finder, and a vidcam that shows the vehicle commander what the gunner sees.) This is apparently related to earlier Chinese efforts to upgrade its BMP1 tracked infantry fighting vehicles, with BMP3 turrets from Russia. These also have the 30mm cannon. The main problem with all these upgrades was money. The government wanted Chinese-made weapons to be used, as they are cheaper, and supply is more assured. But the Chinese manufacturers didn't want to move up to the 30mm autocannon design just yet. Many Chinese generals believed that the Chinese 25mm autocannon was sufficient. All that has changed.

There was always agreement that an improved fire control system was a good thing. But there was not much space available inside a BMP. Some export models of the BMP3, when equipped with a thermal imager, had to mount some of that gear on the outside of the vehicle. There was also agreement that wheeled armored vehicles for the infantry might be a better investment.

The Chinese have been observing NATO success in Iraq with the Stryker and LAV wheeled combat vehicles. Chinese designers eventually concluded that the roomier internal layout of Western vehicles did serve a useful purpose, and the ZBL 09, and all the electronics installed in it, are an example of what the Chinese learned.

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