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17 juin 2015 3 17 /06 /juin /2015 16:20
Scorpion Jet photo Textron AirLand

Scorpion Jet photo Textron AirLand


June 17, 2015 thalesgroup.com


International Paris Airshow, 17 June, 2015 – Thales and Textron AirLand announced today at the International Paris Air Show 2015, that they have successfully jointly integrated Thales’ I-Master radar on to Textron AirLand’s Scorpion Jet(tm). The addition of the radar into the Scorpion’s mission system compliments the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) sensor suite which already includes a high end EO/IR capability.


Having integrated the multi-mode radar into Scorpion within just two weeks, the first flight trials took place in late May. Combined with an EO/IR camera, I-Master adds long range, wide area surveillance and target tracking. Both payloads are operated simultaneously by a single operator.


    “Thales is very pleased to have worked with Textron Airland to integrate the Thales I-Master radar onto the Scorpion jet. As a market leader, we are continuously striving to improve our offerings. This joint exercise shows how flexible the radar is and how easily it can be integrated onto a platform. The combination of I-Master and the Scorpion jet demonstrates a powerful ‘surveillance and strike’ capability.” said Eddie Awang, Thales’s Vice President in charge of Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance business


Textron AirLand’s Scorpion was introduced in 2013 and has completed more than 400 hours of flight testing with an exceptionally high mission availability score.  Scorpion is a highly affordable, multi-mission aircraft offering diverse capabilities including intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, advanced training and precision strike.


Aircraft features include twin-engine power, two-seat operation, large internal payload capacity, high-definition ISR cameras, wing-mounted weapons stations, and modern avionics within an all-composite structure.  With the ability to get to an escalating situation quickly – yet manoeuvring at much lower speeds, Scorpion brings the ability to see and exploit perishable intelligence and strike fleeting targets, bringing tactical advantage to demanding situations.


The Thales I-Master radar is a compact, lightweight, all-weather tactical surveillance radar, providing world-leading Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) performance and Maritime Moving Target Indication (MMTI) mode. I-MASTER provides high fidelity imagery for locating and classifying both moving and stationary targets at long stand-off ranges over land and sea.


The choice of modes in a single sensor, together with its small form factor and high-performance capability, makes I-Master ideally suited for a range of air surveillance missions such as maritime security, border protection, disaster/humanitarian relief and counter narcotics.


The Scorpion jet, fitted with I-Master, can be seen from June 15-18 at the International Paris Air Show, Textron Pavilion A-2, during the show hours from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily.

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20 janvier 2015 2 20 /01 /janvier /2015 12:20
Textron présentera le Scorpion au salon du Bourget

19.01.2015 par Aerobuzz.fr

Alors qu’il poursuit les essais en vol et la définition de son nouvel avion d’arme Scorpion, Textron AirLand annonce la présence au salon du Bourget, du 15 au 21 juin 2015, de son biréacteur « low cost ». Le constructeur américain espère avoir signé sa première commande, d’ici-là.


A ce stade du développement du programme, Textron AirLand estime être en mesure de livrer le premier Scorpion, deux ans après la signature du premier contrat. Dan Hinson, le chef-pilote d’essais affirme même que c’est encore jouable pour fin 2016. Le constructeur déclare avoir recueilli de nombreuses marques d’intérêt de plusieurs clients potentiels à la suite des présentations en vol réalisées au cours de l’année écoulée. 2014 a en effet été une année chargée de ce point de vue pour Textron AirLand, bien que le premier vol de ce surprenant biréacteur léger n’ait été réalisé qu’en décembre 2013.


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4 juillet 2014 5 04 /07 /juillet /2014 07:20
Textron’s new Scorpion light strike aircraft being prepared for first transatlantic flight


July 1, 2014 David Pugliese


Textron AirLand, LLC, a joint venture between Textron Inc. and AirLand Enterprises, LLC, has announced that its Scorpion aircraft is progressing on schedule toward a July departure from McConnell Air Force Base in Kansas to England, according to a news release from the companies.


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12 avril 2014 6 12 /04 /avril /2014 11:20
Scorpion completes first 50 hours of flight testing


Apr 10, 2013 by Richard Tomkins (UPI)


Wichita, Kan - A new light attack and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft under development by Textron AirLand LLC has completed 50 hours of flight testing.


The jet-powered Scorpion is 43.6 feet long, has a maximum speed of 513 miles per hour and a service ceiling of 45,000 feet. It was first flown last December.


Flight testing so far has gathered data about Scorpion's performance at different speeds and altitudes and the responsiveness of its avionics, flight controls and landing system.


"The aircraft systems have performed well within the expected parameters, with very few issues," said Scorpion's chief engineer, Dale Tutt. "This is a significant benefit of using mature, non-developmental systems: In addition to reducing the overall development time of the prototype aircraft, the systems have proven to be very reliable."


Textron AirLand said Scorpion testing this year encompasses 300-400 test hours, which will require about 150 flights. Included will be international flights.


Textron AirLand is a joint venture between Textron Inc. and AirLand Enterprises LLC.

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17 février 2014 1 17 /02 /février /2014 12:20
Textron AirLand's Scorpion Completes Additional Test Flights



Feb 14, 2014 ASDNews Source : Textron Inc


Textron AirLand, LLC, a joint venture between Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) and AirLand Enterprises, LLC, today announced that the Scorpion Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)/Strike aircraft completed additional test flights in January and February. The most recent test flight occurred on February 13.


The Scorpion team is planning to conduct several hundred hours of additional flight tests in 2014, each flight targeting specific objectives pushing the aircraft’s airspeed, altitude, and performance envelope. “Overall, we’ve had very positive results through the initial test flights. In these early flights, we have evaluated the aircraft performance and tested a wide range of mechanical and electronic systems. The Scorpion is a very agile platform and I’m confident in the airframe as we continue through the test and evaluation phase,” commented Dan Hinson, chief test pilot for the Scorpion team and 23-year veteran Navy pilot.


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14 décembre 2013 6 14 /12 /décembre /2013 12:20
Le Scorpion de Textron prend son envol


13.12.2013 Helen Chachaty journal-aviation.com


Le biréacteur léger Scorpion a effectué son vol inaugural hier, jeudi 12 décembre. Il a décollé depuis la base aérienne McConnell de l’US Air Force, dans le Kansas, et est resté un peu plus d’une heure dans les airs. Selon le CEO de Textron Scott Donnelly et les deux pilotes à bord, le vol s’est déroulé comme prévu et les performances de l’avion ont été satisfaisantes.


Développé et conçu par Textron AirLand, une co-entreprise entre Textron et AirLand, le Scorpion est présenté comme un avion capable d’effectuer toute une variété de missions, allant des missions ISR aux missions de surveillance maritime, de lutte contre le narcotrafic ou encore de sécurité intérieure. Selon le constructeur, sa capacité externe d’emport d’armement peut également en faire un avion d’attaque et sa conception biplace un avion d’entraînement.


Présenté en septembre dernier, le Scorpion se démarquerait par ses coûts d’acquisition et d’exploitation réduits et pourrait même concourir dans l’appel d’offres du programme T-X de l’US Air Force, sans qu’aucune annonce n’ait toutefois été faite en ce sens.

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13 décembre 2013 5 13 /12 /décembre /2013 08:20
Textron AirLand's Scorpion in first flight


WICHITA, Kan., Dec. 12 (UPI)


A new jet aircraft for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions by Textron AirLand LLC has successfully completed its first flight.


The aircraft, called the Scorpion, took off from McConnell Air Force Base in Wichita, Kan., and conducted a range of handling maneuvers for about 1.4 hours, the company said Thursday.


"Today's first flight is a major milestone for the Scorpion as the program transitions into the flight test phase," said Textron chief executive officer Scott Donnelly. "When the design phase began less than two years ago, we were confident that we would deliver a uniquely affordable, versatile tactical aircraft by taking advantage of commercial aviation technologies and best practices.


"Today's flight met all expectations, and keeps us on track towards certification and production."


Textron AirLand is a joint venture between Textron Inc. and AirLand Enterprises LLC.


The Scorpion, which can also perform combat strike operations, was announced in September as a demonstration aircraft designed to accommodate the budget constraints and shifting mission requirements of the U.S. Department of Defense. It is powered by twin turbofan engines, has a cruising speed of as much as 517 mph, and a ferry range of 2,400 nautical miles.


The aircraft carries an internal payload of up to 3,000 pounds and wing-mounted munitions.

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